Why is it impossible to give a watch to loved ones? Watch as a gift. Is it possible to give or a bad omen? Advice

Some people still share the strange belief that watches should not be gifted. Analog or electronic clock - it doesn't matter. Let's try to understand the origins of this belief - how did this wonderful and useful accessory deserve a bad name as a gift?

Myth: giving a watch is a sign of separation.

A version of the same myth: sharp objects must not be gifted, and the clock has hands!

Truth: some have heard that giving a beloved or friend a watch is a sign of parting. Superstitious people will tell you that sharp objects can cut a relationship. Well, any opinion has a place to be, and yet we insist that such a statement is completely groundless, if only because it has already been refuted millions of times in real life.

However, perhaps, there is still some truth in this superstition: by giving a Chinese handicraft of a well-known brand, which will crumble in a week, if you do not destroy the relationship, then you will certainly make your friend or loved one doubt the sincerity of your feelings. On the other hand, a stylish exclusive model with precise movement made of quality materials will only strengthen mutual good feelings.

Myth (from China): to give a watch means to invite to a funeral.

Truth: it seems that in the XXI century "black marks", signs of the mafia and frightening symbols should have remained only in the cinema.

Perhaps today, in the world where visiting a website that predicts fate is considered nothing more than a joke that you forget about in a minute and a half, there is no room for such superstitions. If you are still susceptible to them, consider that the concepts of "time" and "eternity" are inextricably linked, and in a good way. Get distracted by reading a good popular science book about the nonlinearity of time or watching the series "The Client Is Always Dead." Healthy humor prolongs our life significantly, so let's translate a stupid belief into a joke. It is more likely that worries about what is not worth thinking about are able to shorten life.

Myth: having received a watch as a gift, you, together with it, acquire pain, emptiness, unhappiness.

Truth: the phrase written above should be pronounced on Halloween, having previously dressed up as a ghoul or a zombie.

Pain and emptiness can overtake people who are susceptible to excessive suspicion and unfounded fears. But this is already worth discussing with a specialist in medical topics. A watch as a gift can only bring satisfaction, the joy of using a functional gadget and the pleasure of wearing a stylish and elegant accessory, like a watch on a leather strap.

And, of course, if we are talking about pain: when choosing a gift, it is worth remembering the person to whom it is intended, and focusing on his tastes and needs, and not your ideas about beauty - they may differ for you. After all, a gift should please its recipient. And the better you get to know a person, the sooner you can bring happiness, joy and other good things into his life.

Myth: A watch cannot be given or received as a gift; you must pay for it with at least a symbolic amount, giving in return, say, a coin.

Truth: exchange in kind has never harmed anyone, so why not “pay” for a gift, as strange as it sounds.

Well, what can I say - the myth is quite harmless, albeit meaningless. Time cannot be bought or sold, although many characters in fiction have tried to manipulate it in one way or another. And if we go from philosophy and metaphysics to bare facts, then a wrist watch is, first of all, a beautiful accessory and functional device, it can be given in the same way as any other thing ever produced by a person. Even more than that: you need to give a watch! They still remain a non-trivial and status gift, and a huge selection today makes it easy to find the right model for every taste and occasion of life.

Nata Karlin April 24, 2018, 18:29

How many times has each of us wondered what to give to the hero of the occasion... After all, the present must meet several requirements:

  • to be beautiful, high-quality, necessary,
  • surprise and delight the recipient,
  • to give pleasure.

All of these epithets are great for watches, but from time immemorial people have a strong opinion that you cannot give them... Why is it not customary to give a watch? Superstition or truth, and how to present them in any way so that the recipient is not offended. Let's try to figure it out together.

History and legends of the East and West: a sign of giving a watch - what is it for?

Sharp arrows are classified as objects that can cut and prick.

Watches are considered unwanted gifts, as well as forks, knives, that is objects that can be cut or pricked... From the point of view of Western peoples, sharp clock hands fell into the category of such gifts. It was believed that along with the present, at the moment of donation, an unclean force is tied to the recipient. In addition, it is believed that sharp arrows are able to "cut warm feelings" that used to be between people.

According to the second version, which came from the East, and in particular from China, the watch is a kind of invitation to a funeral.

Strange, isn't it? But the mysterious East is generally difficult for a European to understand.

Over time, Chinese superstition has grown, and now there are several variations of it:

  1. The supposedly donated watch will count the seconds until the moment of parting. The hour they stop, the gap between you and your loved one will be inevitable.
  2. In another interpretation, the clock counts down the minutes until the death of the recipient of the presentation. That is, the background of the gift is the wish to the person of an early death.

The clock as a gift counts the seconds until parting

I must say, the sign is somewhat creepy from the point of view of logic.

The Slavic peoples, in particular the Old Believers, have their own explanation as to why giving a watch is a bad omen... In this case, it is generally accepted that by presenting such a present, you, together with it, give the person pain, devastation, bad weather and disappointment. Many are sure that together with the present we give part of our time, our life, bringing death closer.

Now it becomes a little clear why it is not customary to give a watch for any holiday.

However, is this really so, and is it worth taking into account such superstitions, considering them an omen of misfortune?

Why you can't give a watch to your soul mate, and a few more prohibitions

Superstitious people are always ready to tell a couple of scary stories about how a guy gave his girlfriend a beautiful wrist watch, and the mechanism suddenly stopped, and the couple immediately parted. And then the arrow at the clock broke off, and the lovers were reunited.

It sounds tragic and somewhat unrealistic, although it can be assumed that the watch just broke. But you never know how superstitious your girl is. Suddenly she decides that you hint to her in this way at parting? In general, it is believed that it is undesirable to give a watch to women, if only in order not to spoil the mood while thinking about all the signs that have been among the people for many centuries.

Antique clock

It is undesirable to give a watch on a birthday, especially for older people. At this age, most of them are no longer happy with the "holiday of childhood", allegedly bringing them closer to the tragic ending for a year. Therefore, you should not aggravate the state of melancholy and sentimentality. There is no need to give one more reason to dream about turning back time and understand that this is simply impossible.

To whom and when you shouldn't give a watch as a present: is it worth believing the myths?

Following everything that is said in the terrible myths and legends of mankind, you can not give a watch to anyone, never and under no circumstances.

And if it is sensible to consider the issue without going into mystical and occult explanations?

What is a watch? Wristwatches, wall-mounted, fighting, floor-standing, with a cuckoo and others - they are all instruments for counting our precious time. We live in it without noticing and spend as we see fit. So why do we superstitiously think that someone can take it away from us or influence the decision to love and be loved? From the point of view of modern psychology, these myths can be explained much more simply.

Giving a watch as a gift for a birthday, wedding, engagement and other holidays can be regarded as the fact that the recipient of the presentation is simply not punctual, although this is also a controversial statement. But is it worth it to focus on this little thing, especially for women? Again, observing some formalities, namely the refusal of such a present to a seriously ill or elderly person, we can say with confidence that there is nothing wrong with such a gift as a watch. Also, when it comes to gorgeous jewelery, Swiss illustrious or vintage antique watches. Anyone will be pleased to receive such a gift.

Sports men's watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price by link)

Who can you give a watch to?

To know for sure whether the gift will be a pleasant surprise, it is worth learning a little about the person himself and his attitude to myths, superstitions and legends. If the recipient of the gift is suspicious and can imagine the most terrible disasters for any reason, it is worth giving up the idea of ​​giving him a watch. And when a person simply does not believe in omens, then you can give this present without hesitation.

Another one hundred percent falling into the category of desirable presents - a gift of watches to a true collector

This is an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to give a watch to a man or a woman. In this case not just possible, but necessary... Most likely, he has already heard and knows everything about the omen, but from his own experience he was convinced that there is nothing wrong with this and cannot be.

The same applies to the answer to the question of whether it is possible to give a wrist, wall or other clock to a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, colleague. Think about brutal officer or impeccable Swiss watches... Will your husband or boyfriend refuse such an exquisite gift? And what about graceful jewelry bracelets or chains with small women's watches? Not a single real woman would even think that such a gift would be in trouble.

The joy of such a gift will eclipse all fears and superstitions. Especially if you make an engraving with memorable words or a love confession. But for those who still have doubts, there is one reliable way of how to give and receive a watch as a gift.

How to give and accept as a gift a watch bypassing signs and avoid trouble?

If we consider the situation from the point of view of the recipient of the presentation, then it is worth responding to such a gift adequately:

  • calm down;
  • discard superstition;
  • do not hold grudges against the donor.

You need to understand that a person simply may not know about the existence of such a sign or not pay special attention to it, since he is not superstitious at all

And the way out of the situation here is so simple that you shouldn't dwell on the problem. Need to take out a few coins from your own wallet and give them to the donor of the present. Thus, when a watch is presented, you need to give a coin in response. That is, you say that you have now paid tribute for the watch and "bought" it, so the omen loses all power from that moment on.

Ladies watch on metal bracelet, SL(price by link)

If you yourself are at the donor's place, at the time of presenting the gift, ask the hero of the occasion give you some money... It can be a trifle or a banknote of small denomination, the main thing is that the conventions will be observed, and the gift will simply delight its owner.

Superstitions, everything mystical and inexplicable, have firmly entered the life of almost every person. However, as practice shows, all signs are based on human fear and distrust of the new and the unusual. For example, the horror of the ancients that there is a mechanism that counts something invisible and intangible, became a legend.

For many centuries she frightened short-sighted and superstitious people, not allowing them to please their loved ones with beautiful things.

Today the clock is an ordinary device, which is more a necessary and stylish thing than a terrible omen of future troubles.

All about the signs concerning the gift in the form of a watch.

Human life is arranged in such a way that one event replaces another. A series of various emotional outbursts captures the human mind, and he tries to find an explanation and reason for what is happening. Not finding a reasonable explanation, a person turns to the interpretation of an event with the help of signs. Most often this happens when any problems arise.
There are a huge number of beliefs for deciphering almost all life situations that occur.
One of the most common is considered a donated watch.

Is it true that a watch is a gift for parting?

Mystical interpretation will take about the clock

  • According to Slavic belief, sharp clock hands are able to cut happiness, love and friendship.
  • Our ancestors treated all cutting and sharp objects very carefully.
  • It is believed that it is they who, at the moment of presenting the gift, attract evil spirits, which provoke a quarrel and further parting, people participating in this ritual.

Is it possible to give a wristwatch to a grandson, son: a sign

Be careful with gifts for loved ones

  • The Eastern version of the predictions interprets such a gift very categorically, and considers it a non-verbal invitation to a funeral. The point is that the countdown begins until a complete breakup.
  • According to another sign, the presented watch is life-threatening.
  • Not knowing will not save the gifted from negativity.
  • According to the Japanese mystical interpretation, it is believed that in the case of such a presentation, the donor deliberately wishes the death of the person.
  • It is better to refrain from such a gift for your family.

Is it possible to give a wrist watch to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband: a sign

Should you present your beloved with a watch?

  • A present consisting of watches for a male with whom there is a love or marital relationship is threatened with parting.
  • At the same time, the beloved becomes the initiator of such a situation.

Is it possible to give a wrist watch to a beloved girl, a woman: a sign

Will your chosen one be happy with a mystical present?

  • Superstitious ladies may get the impression that a loved one is giving such a gift in order to get rid of a boring relationship. Therefore, the most expensive and exclusive watches can bring resentment and disappointment.
  • Ask imperceptibly if your companion is superstitious, and only then decide whether to give her such a gift.
  • Suspicious women believe that a failure in the donated time chronometer leads to the end of strong love relationships.

Is it possible to give a watch for a birthday, New Year, wedding, just as a gift: a sign

Clockwork will be a pleasure for office workers

A negative interpretation of the omen about a donated watch creates a lot of negative emotions around such a presentation.

But still, if a gift in the form of a clock is intended not for a close or relative environment, and not on the name day, it has a right to exist.

For example, why not hand over:

  • For the new year- office hours in the office of a colleague or boss
  • Just a gift- to decorate the interior of a new office for a business partner or just an acquaintance
  • N and housewarming- a couple who have just joined their destiny by marriage

Is it possible to give a wall clock as a gift: a sign?

The clock fell from the wall, what do you mean?

  • The interpretations associated with wall clocks are shrouded in special mysticism.
  • The donated mechanism can quietly and peacefully count down the time for years, safely sitting on the wall, but at one moment it suddenly falls for no reason. This is a harbinger of great misfortune.
  • And the giver is considered the source of these troubles.

Who can and cannot give a watch to?

Ideal for rewarding: a personalized watch

  • Do not hand over the clockwork:

To old people. Over the years, a person becomes sentimental and often thoughts about the time allotted to him come. Hours will not bring joy to a person who has already spent more than half of his life. In this age category, it is inappropriate to present a gift that counts down the clock. And if the gifted person is also superstitious, if the mechanism stops, the present can lead to tremendous panic.

Not a pedantic type of people. The described item, in the form of a gift, may offend a non-punctual person. After all, a person can consider this a hint of his eternal delays.

People for whom this present will be useless. There is a category of people who do not need such a gift. For some reason, they do not like to wear watches, or do not watch the time at all.

Favorite people: guys and girls, man and woman, husband and wife. According to popular beliefs, it is forbidden to give this category of people any kind of watch - this will inevitably lead to separation. According to one version, the separation will occur regardless of whether the clock is running or stopped, according to the other, this can happen if the mechanism breaks down and stops working.

Birthday boy. The significance of belief is aggravated when the clock mechanism is handed over on a birthday. According to the sign, such a gift counts down the released life cycle of a person. This can upset a superstitious and suspicious birthday person.

  • It is not forbidden to hand over gift watches:
  1. At official events and receptions
  2. To a boss or colleague
  3. Collector
  4. Other people who are not related by close or family relationships

What if you got a watch?

Should you be upset if you were presented with a watch?

  • The belief about watches does not bode well for the recipient of such a gift.
  • But not all people believe in omens and know about their existence.
  • Perhaps the person wanted to present a presentable gift, not realizing the superstition of the person being gifted.
  • A little trick will help not to spoil the overall impression in this situation:
    Turn the watch into an item you are purchasing - give a few small coins in return to the donor. The meaning of the omen will crumble, and the general atmosphere will take on a playful character.

How to give a watch correctly and not part when a watch is presented, do you need to give a coin?

There are situations when it is necessary to hand over a watch, despite the knowledge that such a gift will be badly received. A coin will also help to deceive evil spirits, to prevent them from disturbing your happiness and well-being.

  • Present a gift to a dear person, asking for a few coins in return.
  • Evil charms will be deceived, and the omen will not come true - the watch was bought, not donated.

Despite various negative interpretations of omens, many happy couples wear a presented watch. Most of them say that this present did not in any way affect their attitude in a bad way. On the contrary, every time you look at it, this worthy gift evokes a storm of positive emotions and lifts your spirits. After all, this is the most expensive gift - a gift from a loved one.

Nevertheless, superstitious personalities, it is better to refuse such a presentation. So it will be calmer for you and the person dear to you.

Video: 5 signs about the clock. Which ones can ruin your life?

There is an opinion that, according to the Chinese popular belief, the clock that was presented to you begins to count down the time until the funeral. Whose and when, according to the legend, they should take place, is not specified. Just a watch and that's it.

By the way, many peoples of the world are wary of watches. This mechanism, which measures time, is attributed to magical and witchcraft properties. This is due to the fact that for many years the movement was considered the most complex and very expensive technical device. Back in the early twentieth century, pocket watches were out of reach for most people. In those years, they were a symbol of their owner's status, just like cell phones were in the early 90s. It goes without saying that poorly educated people attributed truly magical properties to watches.

It is also believed that a watch, presented to a dear person, promises an early separation. As if, if they stop, then love will stop. Someone is sure that the presented clock begins to count down until the early parting, and as soon as it stops, then you are never destined to meet with the owner of this mystical gift. On the Internet, you can find many stories that are associated with watches. It often happens that not only those to whom it was given, but also those who gave it, suffer from this "unwanted" gift. Suspicious people may even take such a gift as a hint that they thus want to break off relations with them in the near future.

You can be skeptical about such statements, but there is still some truth in them. Researchers of anomalous phenomena say that the clockwork is very sensitive to various radiation.

In Latvia, in the Pokaini forest, there is a famous place where clocks of any design begin to malfunction and often stop. In this extraordinary forest, anomalies are everywhere. Many tourists noted that time starts to go differently here.

The unusual behavior of the clock has been recorded more than once in Sicily. Many residents of this place note that their hours each day go ten minutes ahead.

Another well-known phenomenon that criminologists pay attention to. When, at the time of a person's death, his wristwatch stopped, it is officially accepted to record it in the protocol. There are many cases when not only the watch on the deceased's hand stopped, but also all the watches that were in the house.

There are cases when non-working hours, on the contrary, start to run. For example, in the home of a Missouri farmer in 1944, a clock that had been malfunctioning for many years suddenly started working, and a few days later the family learned of the death of their son in Germany.

So, no matter what the skeptics say, there is still a certain connection between a person's life and the clock.

It is clear that you should not give a watch to a superstitious person. Such a gift can plunge him into discouragement. It is best to play it safe and find out in advance how a person feels about signs and superstitions.

There is also that you can "buy off" an unwanted gift with money. In this case, you need to give a symbolic payment to the donor. It turns out that those who believe in the omen that it is impossible to give a watch, already receive it not as a gift, but acquire it for money.

You can safely give watches to those who collect them. You can be sure that the collector does not believe in such signs.

At first glance, a watch is a wonderful gift. A solid men's wristwatch or graceful women's jewelry watch is a memorable and useful accessory, and an interior table or wall clock is a great decoration for your home. But not everything is so simple - it turns out that time meters are not harmless. Signs of many peoples forbid giving them as a gift. Why is there so much controversy around a useful invention? Who can you give a watch and how to do it correctly?

Where did the belief come from?

Most likely, the ban on the gift of watches came from China. Superstitious Chinese are wary of a mechanism that can measure what is invisible to the eye. It is known that the Chinese character for death is similar to the sign for the clock. Eastern sages never give each other chronometers, trying to avoid situations when the recipient of the gift accepts a present with the thought that he was wished to die.

Other peoples were also wary of a mechanism that was incomprehensible to the consciousness of an illiterate person. It seemed to them that the watch had some kind of witchcraft power and mystical capabilities. Many people were afraid to keep time measuring devices in the house, fearing that they might stop it, and therefore it was not accepted to give them to each other.

Why you can't give a watch to your soul mate

A popular omen categorically prohibits giving a watch to your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, as well as to your wife and husband. It is believed that such a gift will definitely lead to separation. According to one of the statements, separation is inevitable even if the reliable mechanism never stops, and according to another, discord in the pair will happen immediately after the arrows stop moving.

Suspicious girls in general may think that with such a gift a young man wants to get rid of them. It seems to them that the beloved specifically ran to such a sophisticated way to end the relationship. As a result, even an expensive gold watch will be accepted with resentment and discontent.

Believe in this belief or not - everyone decides for himself. Millions of happy couples wear watches donated by their soul mates. Many of them claim that without any cataclysms they survived the breakdown of mechanisms, moreover, at these moments pleasant events happened in their lives. However, for those who believe in signs, it is better to choose something else for the presentation, so as not to disturb themselves and their loved one with the expectation of a sad event.

Should you give your watch to your friends?

Before choosing an elegant watch for a friend or buying a housewarming watch for friends in an antique store, it will not be superfluous to quietly find out how superstitious they are in this matter. Among suspicious people, there is an opinion that the stop of the presented watch becomes the reason for the end of a strong friendship.

If, during the presentation of a gift, a friend or girlfriend changes in person, you need to quickly find a way out of the situation. Modern clocks can not only show the time, but also perform many other functions. You can tell your friend that this is a calendar with the ability to display the time, and convince your friend that the gift box contains not a watch, but an elegant jewelry bracelet or pendant.

Why older people don't like to receive watches as gifts

Many older people do not like to accept meters of hours and minutes as gifts. It seems to them that the gift will mercilessly measure the time allotted to them for earthly life. Stopping arrows can cause frustration and panic. It is better to never buy a watch for superstitious elderly relatives. This is especially true for seriously ill people.

How to give a watch bypassing signs

Wise people have long figured out how to get around evil forces. So that the signs have no chance to interfere with happiness, a symbolic payment should be taken at the time of presenting the gift. A few coins or a small bill will turn a donation into a purchase, and the omen will have no chance.