Yarn pom poms quickly. How to make a pom-pom from threads. How to make a yarn pompom using a cardboard template

Do you know how to make yarn pom-poms? It's very simple!

The classic way to make pom-poms

In the classic version, you need to draw two identical cardboard circles with a compass. From the same central point, you need to measure a smaller circle, cut it out. It is the length of the remaining circle that will correspond to the radius of the ball.

How to quickly make a yarn pompom with a cardboard blank:

  • Between the circles, insert a long thread in a circle (closer to the center), crossing the edges at the base.
  • Hold the cardboard blanks firmly to prevent the thread from shifting.
  • Wrap the pattern with yarn so that the threads lie flat, tightly to each other. In this case, you can wind up with multi-colored sectors or layers.
  • At the ends of the thread, pull the scissors, cut along the outer edge of the circle, without touching the hidden edges.
  • Gently move the cardboard blanks a little bit, bandage the middle.
  • You remove the templates. Fluff the pompom, cut off the excess.

This method is disposable, since the cardboard circles are easily deformed. But in handicraft stores, detachable plastic devices of various diameters are already sold for making pompons.

"Multi-station" method of making pom-poms

To get a lot of balls in a short time for original scarves, making a Christmas tree or garland, a blanket, take a children's table, threads, scissors.

How to quickly make a lot of yarn pom poms:

  • turn the table upside down;
  • wrap two table legs with threads;
  • try to wind the thread in one circle;
  • you get two windings;
  • wrap strong threads around the leg several times, tie in a knot;
  • pull back a couple of centimeters, tie the strand again; do the procedure around the entire yarn; remove the tied strand;
  • cut the threads in the middle of two windings;
  • follow the procedure to the end; fluff the resulting lumps, trim.

Pay attention to the following little things. The thicker the table legs, the more convenient it is to draw the wrapped strand. The shorter the distance between the constrictions, the smaller the pom-poms. If you need elastic balls, then take thick threads, while tying the winding tightly.

How to make small yarn pom poms quickly on a fork

When you need miniature pom-poms for panels, crafts, New Year's wreaths, you will need forks. It is more convenient to make a ball on a large kitchen fork, since the middle is empty. In this case, balls with a diameter of three to four centimeters are obtained.

How to quickly make a yarn pompom on a table fork:

  • Step back from the edge of the thread ten to fifteen centimeters.
  • Wind the threads around the fork, being careful not to move the strand.
  • Cut the thread from the ball.
  • Next, cross the two ends of the winding, rewind tightly in the middle, tie into a knot.
  • Take a utility knife, cut a strand from the fork on the sides.
  • Fluff up the ball by rolling it in your palms.
  • Trim the edges with sharp scissors. If the pom-poms need to be tied, then do not cut the ends of the dressing.

For convenience, the middle teeth can be removed with pliers. To get pom-poms less than two centimeters, leave only three cloves on the fork, and wind on the next two.

How to quickly make a yarn pompom with your hands

The ball is obtained from a winding of thread, tied in the center and cut along the diameter of the circle. Consequently, the balls can be twisted on their fingers, paying particular attention to the pulling force of the center of the winding. The number of fingers on the left hand determines the diameter of the pompom. Therefore, with the help of your hand, you can make balls with a circumference of two to eight centimeters.

  • Leave the edge of the thread so that it is convenient to tug and tie a thick winding.
  • Wind the threads around the desired number of fingers.
  • Do not overtighten your fingers, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the winding.
  • Watch the amount of wrapping.
  • The more threads, the more magnificent and stiffer the ball, but the more difficult it is to fix the thread in the center (you can additionally sew the joint with a needle).
  • Count the number of revolutions to experimentally obtain the required density of the pompom.
  • Carefully remove the winding from your fingers, cross the ends of the thread, tie the middle.
  • Spread the winding around, cut along the edges.
  • Shape into a ball by trimming the ends.

Here are how many ways to make beautiful pom poms for your products!

Do not forget to share our experience and secrets on winding pompoms in the comments.

Sooner or later, any craftswoman faces the need to make a pom-pom from threads. Someone needs to decorate a hat, a scarf, a rug from bombs… They are used to decorate handbags, mittens and gloves, children's things. In shops for needlewomen, a special device for making buboes is sold. But not everyone has the opportunity to spend time on the trip, or the donation needs to be done urgently. Let's see how to make the right yarn pompom.

How to make a yarn pompom. 4 ways.

There are several ways to make bombon from yarn with your own hands at home. Using a template, using your hands, on a fork and on a stool. All options are simple. With a little practice, you can quickly make a neat pompom. Depending on what kind of pompom you need, choose the appropriate manufacturing method without special tools. It is most convenient to make a pom-pom from not very thin yarn for knitting. Mohair or fine
wool will be difficult to make a large pom-pom, only a small one. Threads of medium thickness are what you need.
I hope the following master classes and videos with step-by-step instructions will be clear to you.

How to make a beautiful pom-pom for a knitted hat correctly?

With this method, you can easily make both a loose and a large lush beautiful pompom.
You can also make a colored pompom. To do this, wind threads of different colors. Shape the color distribution as you like. Either evenly throughout the bomb, or focusing on one side.

The cardboard template is short-lived. You can make a blank from a plastic jar lid. It is more elastic, so it will be much easier for you to wind. And such a template will serve you for a long time.
Often knitters ask: how to sew a pom-pom to a hat... How do you prevent it from dangling from side to side? Very simple! The ends of the yarn with which you pulled the pompom, always leave them longer. Pull to the wrong side with a crochet, tie tightly. Then
pull them out again to the right side. Thread a needle into one of the threads, pierce the bubo again and pull it out to the wrong side again. If you do this, the pom-pom will firmly hold on to the cap. The double bartack will provide a nice position for the pompom.

Making a pom-pom with your own hands.

When there is no way to make a template, you can quickly make a pumpon from yarn with your own hands. It will turn out to be less neat, then you will have to cut the yarn a little. But sometimes there is no other way out. This is the easiest way.
So let's get started.
- With your thumb we pinch the tip of the knitting thread, start winding around your fingers. Winding on one, two, three or four fingers - depends on the width of the bomb. On average, a 3-finger winding is enough for a hat.
- After we have wound the required number of threads, cut the thread, make two turns across the winding.
- Pull and tie tightly with a knot.
- Cut on the outside.
- If necessary, trim the ends of the pompom.

Thread pom-poms on a fork.

This way you can make small pumpons. We take a fork. Holding the tip with your thumb, we begin to wind across the teeth. Cut the yarn, make two turns across the winding, tie a knot. Cut the loops and shake the pompom. It's that simple!

Once again, step by step:

- We take a fork with 4 teeth in hand.
- With your thumb, hold the tip of the thread, stretch the thread between the 2nd and 3rd teeth of the fork.
- We make many turns of the yarn across the teeth of the fork.
- We make two turns across the winding between 2 and 3 teeth.
- Pull and tie.
- Cut from the outside.
- Fluff and trim with scissors so that the threads in the pompom become the same length.

How to make DIY brushes?

Craftswomen often want to decorate their products with tassels. For example, a scarf, jacket, bag, hat ...

How to make a brush quickly and easily?
- We lay out several pieces of thread.
- We tie it in the middle with the same thread.
- We fold it in half and, stepping back 1-2 cm, make several turns, fix it firmly.
- We hide the tip inside the brush.

If you need to make a large brush, make many layers of thread. If you need a long brush, cut long sections of thread, short - small ones.
The second way is with cardboard:
- Place the thread across the template.
- Start winding perpendicular to the laid yarn.
- When you finish winding, tie the yarn with the thread that was laid across.
- Retreat 1-2cm and tighten tightly.
- If the tips are not straight, we trim them.

How easy and quick to make a lot of little pompoms?

- We turn over the stool or children's table;
- We wrap 2, 3 or 4 legs with yarn (depending on how many donuts are needed);
- With the same thread we pass through the whole flock, tying strong knots at equal distances.
- Remove the winding and cut in the middle of each segment.
The more you wind the yarn, the more magnificent the pumpon will turn out.

How to make a fur pom-pom for a hat?

Soft fluffy pom-poms can be used to decorate not only knitted warm hats, but also other wardrobe items. Many designers use these jewelry elements on some of their models. Not everyone will be able to harmoniously decorate clothes with pom-poms, but it is quite possible to make cute toys for their children or decorative elements for the interior out of them. The main point is to learn how to make the pom-poms themselves. This is very easy to accomplish. Let's take a look at several ways to form pom-poms from threads.

Thread pompom using a template

This is the most common way to make a pom-pom. The pile in this case turns out to be even, since the threads are wound on a specially prepared template. To implement the idea, you will need:

  • woolen threads;
  • a sewing needle with a wide eye;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • a round object (for example, a glass) or a compass.

Draw an even circle on the cardboard using a shape or compass. The size of the figure depends on the desired size of the pompom. In the center of the circle, draw another, but much smaller - this will be a hole for winding the threads. Now you need to cut out the shape, and also use a sharp knife to make a hole along the contour in the center of the circle. You will need two such blanks.

The templates are ready, now you can start forming the pompom. Align the templates and use a needle to wrap the prepared woolen threads around them. If the hole size allows, you can thread with your fingers.

Make sure that the threads lie flat, leaving no empty spaces. Wind up the thread until you have covered the entire pattern. The more layers of threads you make, the thicker and thicker your pompom will be. Therefore, you need a light pom-pom with sparse threads, then you can stop on one layer. For greater splendor, the second and subsequent layers can be performed not with one thread, but with several, folded together. Now take a sharp pair of scissors and very carefully cut the threads around the template. Then push the blanks apart and fasten the pompom in the center with the same thread, tightly tied in 2-3 knots.

Cut the blanks on one edge and carefully remove them. It remains only to fluff up the finished pompom.

A simplified method for making a pom-pom from threads

This option is simpler in execution, although the pile of the pompom will not be as smooth as in the first case. Here you do not have to prepare templates, but you can only use a thread and your own hands. So. Fold the index and middle fingers of one hand together, and with your right hand begin wrapping threads around them. The yarn should lie in an even layer, and the threads should be pressed against each other.

Wrap your fingers until you get a piece of the desired size. For larger pom poms, you can fold 3 or 4 fingers together. Now thread the thread between your fingers, grabbing the pom-pom on both sides, and tie a tight knot.

Remove the pom-pom from your fingers.

It remains to carefully cut the threads with sharp scissors.

The pompom is ready, fluff up the pile and you can use this decor element to decorate clothes or make toys.

In order to decorate your favorite item, you can use manual work. A pom-pom made of threads will perfectly complement any thing and will become an excellent decoration and design solution in the interior. The work will require the simplest materials at hand, and the beauty of the finished work will amaze with its unusualness.

DIY thread pompom: a step-by-step master class

This master class is quite simple to perform, it can be done by any novice craftswoman.

Materials and tools

  • Cardboard.
  • Compass.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Threads.

The process of making a pompom from threads with your own hands step by step

  • It is necessary to make a cardboard blank for the pompom. To do this, take a compass, apply it to a ruler and measure 1.5 cm.Further, a compass needle is placed on thick cardboard and a circle with a diameter of 3 cm is drawn. This circle is outlined with a red pencil so that it can be seen better.
  • To make a pom-pom with a diameter of 10 cm, you need to take a compass, attach it to the ruler, measure 5 cm, add 1.5 cm (the radius of the red circle). As a result, you get 6.5 cm.The compass needle is placed in the center of the red circle and a new circle with a diameter of 6.5 cm is drawn.If you measure with a ruler from the center to the pink line, you get 1.5 cm.And from the pink line to the edge of the circle - 5 cm.
  • Take a pencil and a ruler. The ruler is applied to the pink line of the circle and a perpendicular line is drawn to the outer border of the great circle. Parallel to this line, stepping back a few mm, draw another line.

  • Both parallel lines and the border of the outer circle are outlined with a blue pencil for clarity, after which this workpiece is cut out with scissors.
  • To create a pom-pom, two such blanks are required, therefore, using this scheme, a second blank is cut out of cardboard.
  • When both blanks are ready, they are laid one on top of the other, the threads are taken from which the pompom will be made, the tail of the thread is left and the yarn continues to be wound on the blank. A convenient way would be to count the number of windings so that the pompoms are the same if there are several of them.
  • The pom-pom can be made monochromatic. If you need to make it two-color, then one part of the blank is wound in one color, and the second part is wound in a different color. If you need to make a two-color pom-pom so that the colors of the threads are mixed, then the bottom layer of winding must be made in one color, and the top layer must be made in a different color. This winding procedure must be repeated several times.
  • A beautiful version of the pom-poms will turn out if you visually divide the blank into several segments. Each of them is wound in different colors. In this case, the finished pompom will look like bunches in different places in different colors.
  • In order for the pom-pom to turn out to be lush enough, the workpiece should be wound with threads until the diameter of the core is halved. To make the pompom very lush, the threads are wound around the workpiece in such a way until the center of the diameter becomes very small.

  • It should be borne in mind that the more windings are made on the workpiece, the heavier the pompom becomes.
  • If you need a small and light pompom, then a standard winding will suffice.
  • The best option for winding threads on a workpiece will be one where the diameter of the inner hole is 1.5 cm. In this case, the pompom will be both not heavy and voluminous.
  • After the workpiece has been wrapped with threads, the rest of the thread can be cut off. If the yarn from which the pompom is made is not slippery, then it must be used to fasten the center. This will require 60 cm of yarn.
  • If the yarn slips a little, then in order for the center of the pompom to hold well, you need to take another yarn, almost in the same tone as the previous one, which is completely non-slip. This yarn will not be visible as it will be hidden deep in the pompom.
  • One end of the auxiliary thread is placed between two blank cartons on one side, and the other end of the thread is placed between the blank cartons on the other side. With scissors, the wound threads are cut in half in a circle, holding the workpiece with the other hand and alternately threading the threads deep into the workpiece. The two ends of the auxiliary thread are tied together. The thread should be tightened very tightly, but make sure that it does not break.
  • Both blanks are turned so that the cuts do not coincide with each other, but are directed in different directions. Both ends of the sewing thread begin to wind around the base. One end is wound clockwise and the other end counterclockwise. After that, a strong knot is made again. After that, both cardboard blanks can be removed. The pom-pom can be attached to the product with the help of the pom-pom that was formed during fastening.

These pompons are perfect for a hat. Using a video, you can attach it to any product and recreate a pompom of any complexity. Thanks to this technique, you can make not only a pom-pom for a knitted thing, but also a wonderful decorative element.

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For many years, pompons made using threads have been an interesting and original decoration for knitted accessories: sweaters, scarves, hats, baby booties. In the modern creative world, needlewomen also decorate blankets, ottomans, children's toys with such fluffy elements. In the process of creating these interesting gizmos, the question becomes relevant: how to make a pom-pom from yarn for a hat or other thing? In this article, we will present helpful tips and a few master classes on making pom poms.

To make original and beautiful balls, you need to know the secrets of their manufacture. This will help you create curvy, neat pieces of the correct shape:

  • It is better to choose a denser, porous yarn - this will help you make the element more beautiful and fluffy.
  • The color can be chosen to match the product to be decorated, or in a contrasting shade.
  • Depending on the selected manufacturing option, you will need patterns in the form of a circle, a horseshoe or a square.
  • A must-have tool for making a pom-pom for a hat is a well-sharpened pair of scissors.
  • Each of the elements must be fixed with threads in order for it to keep its shape, and the product retains its original appearance for a long time.
  • If you want to create a multi-colored pom-pom or a product with a pattern, you should print a picture of the pattern in advance and be guided by it in the process of winding the yarn.

The process of making such a decor is uncomplicated and simple, but for needlewomen who first encountered this task, it will not seem like that. To make it easier and faster to make a yarn pom-pom for a hat, use the detailed instructions below.

The classic way to create a pompom

Many needlewomen know about the classic method of making fluffy balls, for which they use cardboard rings. To work, you need the following:

  • Yarn to match the main product or in a contrasting color.
  • Thick cardboard, which is needed to cut two circles.
  • Well-sharpened scissors to keep the cuts straight.


  • Prepare cardboard circles. Cut out the middle in each of them to create a kind of donut.

Important! The greater the difference in diameters on your circles, the more magnificent the product will turn out.

  • Join the two circles together and carefully wind the thread around the rings (you can use a needle for convenience).

Important! The more yarn you use, the fluffier your ball will be.

  • Slide the scissors between the cardboard rings and cut the yarn, but do this as carefully as possible so that the loops do not slide off the cardboard.
  • Pass the thread between the cardboard circles, tie a tight knot so that the ball holds well and does not fall apart.
  • Cut the cardboard circles, remove them.
  • Use scissors to trim the accessory into a round, even shape.

Bright pom-pom with a pattern

Sometimes, to decorate a thing, you need to make a pom-pom of yarn for a hat - it can be monochromatic, multi-colored or some kind of specific pattern. To make them, you need a drawing, a workpiece in the form of a horseshoe (2 pieces) and threads of bright colors.


  1. Prepare all tools and materials. Divide the drawing visually into two parts.
  2. On a double horseshoe, wind the threads of the color that will be in the center of the pattern, gradually moving towards the edges. In order to create a pattern, you should use colors that fit the scheme.
  3. When one half is ready, you should proceed to the second part, making it in the same way, observing the tightness of the tension, the density of the threads and the order of changing colors.
  4. Connect the two pieces with a stapler or stationery clamps, then cut the threads and straighten them.
  5. To secure the product, you need to tie the blanks with thread and tie them into a strong knot.
  6. At the next stage, you need to straighten the pompom, scissors to give it the desired shape and trim the edges.

Create a pom-pom using a cardboard square

In order to make a pom-pom from yarn on a hat with your own hands using a square made of cardboard, you should prepare:

  • Yarn.
  • Thick cardboard, which is needed for cutting out squares. The diameter of the finished ball will depend on its size.
  • Sharp scissors.


  1. Slightly cut the cardboard square on one side in the middle, pull the thread so that its ends hang down freely, and their length is long enough to fix the pompom with a knot.
  2. Wind the threads around the work piece until the desired size and volume is reached (for example, a medium-sized ball needs about one hundred turns and about 300-500 cm of yarn).
  3. Cut the thread and set the ball aside. Secure the future pompom by tying a tight knot to prevent the balloon from collapsing.
  4. Using scissors, cut all the loops on the sides, trim the edges and shape the garment as desired.

Pompom on a fork

In addition to the above methods, you can also make a pom-pom from yarn on a hat with your own hands without cardboard - on a fork. This option for creating a fluffy ball will not take much time, because there is no need to cut out blanks, and due to the simplicity of the process, even a novice needlewoman can cope with the task.

Important! Small products that are created as a result of such creativity are suitable for decorating baby booties and other things for babies.


  1. Prepare yarn, scissors, and fork.
  2. Wind the threads around the fork tines in the usual way.
  3. When enough thread has been wound, pull the thread halfway between the teeth.
  4. Remove the resulting bow and cut the side loops.
  5. Straighten the product and trim the edges with scissors.

Making pom-poms on the fingers

Many needlewomen, despite the many modern devices in order to make a pom-pom from yarn for a hat, choose the option of creating fluffy balls on their fingers. This is due to the following factors:

  • There is no need to look for the right materials for the job (forks, cardboard).
  • It is very easy to adjust the diameter of the pompom, for this you do not need to redo the workpieces - you just need to use a certain number of fingers (for example, four will make a large ball, and for a small one - two are enough).
  • Density and splendor is not limited by the diameter of the ring or any other factors, but depends only on the personal desire of the needlewoman.
  • The method is very simple and does not require any special skills and abilities.
