Congratulatory poster for the new year. School newspaper for the new year

The new year is approaching, which means that the time has come to think about how to decorate a kindergarten, school and home for the New Year holidays. Have you already decided how? There are many options, but it's best to do something yourself. The wall newspaper for the new year 2017 - the year of the rooster - is a great option for this idea. It is not difficult to do it, and if difficulties arise, the templates will help you fix everything. In order not to waste time, let's move on to a small lesson.

And so, let's start coming up with a wall newspaper. For this we need a white sheet of paper, pencils or paints, depending on what you are going to paint the wall newspaper with.
At the first stage, we make a beautiful inscription: Happy New Year! Further below, we sign the numbers: 2017.

We invent or find Happy New Year greetings on the Internet and write them under the congratulatory inscription. And on the sides we write New Year's poems in beautiful handwriting.

It's time to decorate the wall newspaper. First, let's decorate it on top. To do this, we will draw branches of a Christmas tree with cones, toys and tinsel. We did it this way, but you can do it your way, however you like.

Now we decorate the bottom of the wall newspaper. We decided to put New Year's characters there, because without them the holiday is not a holiday. So we draw down a Christmas tree, a Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. And to make it more fun, we add drawings of a snowman and the symbol of the year - a rooster.

Now our wall newspaper is ready! You can hang it on the wall and enjoy the holiday.
The following video will help you draw
poster for new year 2017:

Now that's it. Happy New Year!

Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without a wall newspaper. The New Year's wall newspaper allows you to congratulate a large number of people. Surprise with unexpected greetings, unique design and possibly small gifts. A do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 will delight all those who will consider and read it. Many will be able to see themselves on the wall newspaper, laugh at funny stories, and get a prediction from the future.

The question of how to make posters for the New Year will be asked by everyone who is going to have this event.

The wall newspaper for the new year will be appropriate in the following institutions:

Public organizations;
Government bodies;
Commercial organizations;
Educational establishments.

Materials and tools for creating a wall newspaper

In order to create a unique and interesting wall newspaper, you must:

Sheets of white paper;
Colored paper;
Quilling paper;
Colored and satin ribbons;
New Year's decorations, New Year's tinsel;
Colored pens;
Sweets (as gifts);
Papers with predictions (if the idea of ​​the newspaper requires it);
Ready-made newspaper templates.

New year posters to school

An original New Year poster for schoolchildren is a tricky task. Nowadays it is hard to surprise modern children. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren are busy playing games on the computer, and spend little time for real creativity. Therefore, creating a wall newspaper for the new year 2019 is a fun event that can rally the whole class.

Before making a wall newspaper, you need to decide on a general idea:

You can congratulate everyone with beautiful congratulations, decorating the wall newspaper with New Year's pictures;
You can congratulate specific people;
Describe interesting stories that happened to the class, complementing them with photographs;
Describe your class. Attach photos of students and teachers. Prepare funny greetings;
Write unique poems about teachers and their merits;
Introduce your class in the future. Substitute the pupils' heads to the patterns of famous people. Such a wall newspaper will be remembered for a very long time by the whole class, and maybe the whole school.

DIY poster for kindergarten

Very often in kindergarten, children congratulate their parents, and educators help children to create a congratulatory poster for the New Year 2019 with their own hands. On such a poster you can:
Place pictures of children with beautiful rhymes;
Post photos of parents with children;
Place photos of parents in childhood next to photos of children, for comparison. It is very interesting if the photos of parents, when they were young, and children will be from children's matinees, in order to preserve the New Year theme;
Pick up ready-made templates on the New Year theme from the available list.

Wall newspaper made in an adult institution

If a poster is being prepared for a commercial organization, government organization, or other body, it is necessary to select such templates, texts and topics so that they are interesting to an adult.

With a wall newspaper in the office, the wall will take on a more festive look. A voluminous poster will allow you to put a lot of information on it and make you stay longer near it.

For such a wall newspaper, you can choose a design containing:

Comic predictions for the new year;
Small gifts (maybe sweet) to all those who will read the newspaper. For example: (read a New Year's rhyme, get a candy for yourself from Santa Claus's bag);
Photos of employees' success over the year (birth of a child, marriage, professional development, etc.)
Beautiful personalized greetings, decorated in a comic style;
Templates where you can substitute heads for figures cut from magazines.
Whichever option is chosen, there is confidence that the person who will read the wall newspaper will enjoy the holiday, and if he has not yet realized that the holiday is rapidly approaching, he will understand it very quickly.
Step-by-step master class on creating a wall newspaper
Divide the wall newspaper into conditional blocks. This means that you need to think about where the name of the wall newspaper will be located, photos, texts, gifts, predictions and other planned information will be posted;

Decide on the drawings that will fill the wall newspaper. These can be symbols of the year (note the symbol of 2019 is the Yellow Pig), images of fairy-tale characters, including Santa Claus, deer, snowmen, and so on. Photos of certain persons;
Prepare additional paraphernalia that will decorate the wall newspaper: toys, tinsel, ribbons, sparkles, predictions, sweets, volumetric figures and so on;
Choose fonts, colors and methods of decorating and decorating the wall newspaper, as well as templates;
Pick up congratulatory, informative, comic, cognitive and other texts;
Treat the preparation of the wall newspaper with soul, leaving on it a piece of happiness, joy and positive emotions.

The main thing in the wall newspaper is a positive beginning, and after the start of work, the imagination will develop by itself, and beautiful pictures, original ideas and interesting congratulations will pop up in my head. And a large number of templates will reduce the time for preparing a wall newspaper.

A bright do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 (we think you have already picked up the templates) is a great gift for a large number of people, pleasant emotions and a sense of the holiday.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, preparation begins in educational and preschool institutions: decorating classes and areas for events, rehearsing matinees and festive performances. In addition, competitions for the best drawing or wall newspaper are organized. This is a chance for talented kids to show their abilities to a large audience. But what about those guys who want to take part, but do not have a good command of the drawing technique? There is an exit! You need to download a ready-made wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 (do it yourself), the templates of which will help you create a real masterpiece without fine art skills. But first, you need to find out how to properly compose a wall newspaper and what materials will be needed.

What to consider when creating a wall newspaper

  1. Remember that the content and theme of the wall newspaper should be unique, as the children remember well the themes of past issues.
  2. In addition to standard greetings, New Year images, the newspaper should be informative. Include some materials about school and extracurricular activities, helpful announcements, and a summary of the 2018 school year.
  3. Nobody canceled originality. Come up with something new and different. For example, the quest "Find a gift from Santa Claus" with clever, humorous tips.

What materials will be needed

There are no standard guidelines in this regard. It all depends on the technique that you will use in the design. It should be borne in mind that the design of a wall newspaper is not only drawings and photographs. You can use any elements of arts and crafts. For example, figurines in the style of origami, patchwork, quilling, applique, scrapbooking, etc. will look great. Eco-decor looks original - compositions of cones, spruce twigs, berries and leaves. It all depends on your imagination, so any materials can be suitable - from colored paper to leather and fur.

We advise you to first decide what types of decor you will use, then prepare all the necessary materials. Do not forget that most of them can be found at home, these are parts of old clothes, magazine clippings, foil, pieces of fabric, broken toys, cotton wool and much more.

How to properly arrange a wall newspaper

For a newspaper to be flawless, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule: correctly distribute the blocks with the content. To do this, make a plan for the future creation - decide which articles, drawings, photographs and design elements you exactly plan to place.

Take a simple pencil and ruler. Divide the Whatman paper into even cells, leaving more space in the center for the main New Year's composition. This will make it possible to evenly distribute the paper space. Don't forget to leave some space at the top for your main headline and congratulations. Conditionally sign all the blocks with a pencil so as not to forget the sequence of the content.

Wall newspaper example:

  1. Text. Alternatively, create a document with text in Photoshop, using handwritten fonts, and print on a printer, adjusting the width to fit the column of the wall newspaper. Then glue it onto whatman paper. You can also add a nice Christmas frame. Remember that your creation will be read by different people, so make the letters a little larger.
  2. Drawings. Pictures should reflect the topic of the articles and harmoniously fit into the overall composition. Mandatory characters for 2018 are the yellow earth Dog and the traditional Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Snowman.
  3. Collage. An entertaining element will be clippings from photographs of students, teachers and parents. Cut out the heads of people and glue them to the drawn figures in the form of human bodies. The collage can be arranged in the form of a round dance around the tree or playing snowballs, ice skating, sledding, skiing, etc.

    Advice! If your visual arts skills are lame, then we recommend downloading a coloring page of the desired topic, printing it on a printer and sketching the template using a carbon copy.

  4. Decor. Perhaps the most important detail in the design of the newspaper. Without a bright decoration, the product will look gloomy, boring and will not arouse much interest. To do this, you can use the most incredible arts and crafts techniques - from simple applique to paper curling or beading.

Additional ideas

It is very important to make your creation not only informative and colorful, but also interactive. Children will be happy to take part in the "Best New Year's Greetings" competition, if they place an envelope in one of the blocks of the newspaper, and put a table with felt-tip pens and pieces of paper next to it. Everyone can write a wish and put it in a pocket. The author of the most original congratulation will receive a prize.

Of course, our version of the wall newspaper, as well as ideas, may not please everyone, so your imagination and abilities will help create a real masterpiece that will remain in your memory for many years.

Free download templates

The symbol of 2018 is the dog

New year characters

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Christmas tree and toys

The New Year differs from other holidays in that they prepare for its arrival not only with gifts, but also with all kinds of decorations. Moreover, the most popular are those that are made with your own hands, and this is especially true if there are children in the house. Kids will be happy to take part in the process - after all, they do not yet have their own finances to buy gifts, but this does not mean that they do not want to make them. In addition to all kinds of garlands, calendars and toys, you can also make a poster for the New Year 2016. The topic of how to draw New Year's posters in stages is most relevant on the eve of the holiday.

It's time to make a choice, which poster can be drawn for the New Year 2016

Before you start, there are a few details that need to be figured out for sure.

  1. What can you draw? If artistic talent is present in full, then it is much easier to choose - do-it-yourself posters for the New Year will turn out to be professional, colorful, and the plot can be the most difficult. There are an incredible variety of plots - the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus alone and together, as well as with children, hares and other forest animals. Heroes can stand or be in motion - walk, ride, dance, etc. Those who do not know how to draw or do not do it very confidently can use the tips on how to draw a poster for the New Year in stages.
  2. Now you need to determine which poster you can draw for the New Year. The plot was chosen in the last paragraph. But how it will be decorated - with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens - you also need to think in advance. It is undesirable to use felt-tip pens, except for tracing contours, as they quickly lose color saturation, and the overall impression will be ruined.

  1. Whatever you want to draw: a Christmas tree, a snowflake or a fairy-tale house - you can first conduct a couple of lessons on small sheets of paper. If the drawings turn out to be successful, then how to draw a New Year's card with your own hands, you will no longer have to think about it.
  2. But you need to think about the paper on which the drawing will be depicted. New Year's drawings look best on a Whatman paper - it has the right size. By the way, a DIY New Year's wall newspaper will also look fun and will delight all family members. Just like a poster, a wall newspaper for the New Year will be appropriate in a kindergarten or school, and even in an office. You can use not only white, but also blue or black sheets, on which it is handy to paint with silver and white colors.
  3. And finally, get down to following the tips on how to draw a New Year's poster in stages.

Step-by-step instruction

So let's get started.

First, the composition is thought out. The sheet is conventionally divided into four parts. If a poster is drawn for the New Year, then it will be immediately clear what part of the sheet should be depicted.

Now the first contours are drawn, which are the basis.

To make a moving volumetric object easier and more reliable, you should help yourself with additional lines, using them as a skeleton around which volume is created.

To draw a picture for the New Year beautifully, you need to follow the sequence of drawing details, and then the result will not make you blush.

The final touch of any poster "Happy New Year" with your own hands will be a congratulatory inscription or even a small quatrain.

With strict adherence to all the instructions, there will be no special difficulties with how to draw a poster for the New Year.

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A Christmas tree is considered the main attribute of New Year's holidays, but an elegant spruce should not be the only decoration of the house, office or school corridor. You can complement the festive decoration with balloons, tinsel and colorful posters. We will be happy to help draw a wall newspaper for the New Year of the Pig for those who did not graduate from art school and do not have the innate talent of an artist.

A bright and cheerful wall newspaper consists of 8 graphic files, which in general form a large picture with windows for congratulations and wishes. In order to get a poster, you will need A4 white paper, pring and coloring tools.

Download fragments of the New Year's wall newspaper 2019

How to make a newspaper for the New Year of the Pig

  1. Download 8 graphic fragments to your computer or immediately print them on a black and white printer.
  2. Collect the whole picture from the components, focusing on the serial numbers of the images.
  3. Glue the elements with a glue stick or tape, fastening it on the back.
  4. Optionally - duplicate the poster with Whatman paper or thick paper.
  5. Color the wall newspaper with crayons, paints or felt-tip pens, using bright and pearlescent paints, and leave "clouds" for congratulatory inscriptions.
  6. Supplement the New Year's poster with tinsel, sparkles, broken toys.
  7. Fit into the "windows".

The resulting wall newspaper can be hung anywhere, it will create a festive mood everywhere and cause a smile!

New Year's wall newspaper No. 2

The wall newspaper consists of eight graphic fragments, each of which corresponds to the format of a standard A4 sheet. Any black and white printer can be used to print the fragments.

Download wall newspaper fragments

How to make a New Year's newspaper

  1. First of all, you need to download fragments of the wall newspaper to your computer (but you can print right away, right from the browser).
  2. Print images one by one on a printer.
  3. Create a whole poster from the available parts: the sheets can be glued together with tape or any glue, and if you need a thicker newspaper, they can be glued onto the corresponding sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard of a suitable size.
  4. Now all that remains is to paint the blank with paints, crayons or felt-tip pens and write in each cloud.
  5. To obtain a "New Year's effect", the picture can be additionally decorated with tinsel, shards of broken toys, cotton wool or sparkles.