Happy birthday greetings to granddaughter. Funny birthday greetings to the granddaughter

What is the favorite holiday for children? Of course it's a birthday! On this wonderful day, simply mountains of gifts are given, funny songs are sung, a large delicious cake with candles is brought to the table. We carry the memory of these happy moments of childhood all our lives.

And that is why it is so important to congratulate in an interesting and original way. It must be remembered that congratulations to the granddaughter on her birthday should be liked not only by mom and dad, but also by the baby herself. Sincere words from grandparents, be they in prose or poetry, will not leave a child indifferent.

Of course, if she has already grown up and understands the meaning of what was said. It happens that we value an interesting and original postcard no less than the gift itself. That is why it is so important to take responsibility with the choice of congratulating your granddaughter on her birthday.

There is a tradition to accompany a gift with a beautiful postcard - now there are a lot of them on store shelves. If you look carefully, you can surely find such a congratulation in which your gift is also mentioned in the verses. Or maybe some special character traits or habits, for example, "To a little sweet tooth from my grandmother."

Such a card will surely cheer up the birthday girl on the holiday. Perhaps in a few years, the grown-up granddaughter will accidentally stumble upon this congratulation, and the warmest and kindest memories will wake up in her soul. The baby will be able to appreciate such a funny prank.

But attention! Be careful - it is quite possible that your child will prepare a joke in return for your birthday. In any case, sincere and kind words spoken with love will appeal to both the little birthday girl and the guests at the holiday.

And all your wishes will come true.

Funny girl, funny sly -
How much happiness the granddaughter brought to the house!
Be happy and you, baby laughing!
I wish you joy, warmth!
So that the perky shine in the eyes shines,
So that all your further path is easy!
And in order to turn into a beautiful princess,
You be kind and reasonable!

Our beloved sun
Our careless miracle
May your life be full
Warmth and happy days!

Congratulations to you, granddaughter!
Let your laughter be joyful!
You are the very best!
Grow up, good, smarter!

You are our sun
Asterisk, granddaughter!
Bright day
And a warm night!

Immeasurable joy
Cherished happiness
And the nightingale
Pre-dawn trill!

May mercy
Your gaze will be filled
Everything in life will come true
It will definitely come true!

Let only the kind
People are meeting!
Let your qualities
Everyone is surprised!

Ah, granddaughter! Princess!
My beauty!
How wide open
Innocent eyes!

You don't know life at all
And you play with dolls
And life, the game is big
And there are dolls, dear.

But don't reach out for outfits
Dress up your mind and be proud of it!
I wish you granddaughter
Only joys under the arm.

Yes, so as not to get sick
Blossom and prettier.

My dear granddaughter, I congratulate you!
I wish you a happy day from my grandmother
My beautiful, like a scarlet flower,
I will give you a lock for joy.

And the key of happiness, and flowers of fun
From the good fairy tales of beauty a necklace
I wish you my princess
In a life of great interest!

Our dear doll
Our bell!
Congratulations to you
This day!

We wish you
More fun days!
To make everything work out fine
At school!

To have many new friends!
Become so slowly to grow up!

Granddaughter, I congratulate you!
Look, how big you are!
And it would seem recently
I fed you with semolina porridge

And now from different suitors
There is no end to you, probably ...
May God find you love
Bright, big ... Happy Birthday!

Our granddaughter! You have grown up already!
(We remember how I played in the arena before.)
There are no number of friends-girlfriends in the house,
Therefore, you visit us less and less.

Bookcase, where fairy tales are completely forgotten,
Beckoning "mani", cabaret, "Mercedes" ...
Only we have no grudge against it:
Each age has its own interests!

Granddaughter! Honor be good and be smart
Yes, comprehend science! (Oh, there are a lot of them!)
Do not forget your grandfather and grandmother:
The road to the future is open for you!

Nice girl, berry, sweetheart,
In the house - an assistant, an affectionate friend!
We admire, most of all - the grandmother,
You have no time to live without care!

Be like a star - bright, brilliant,
Grow smart, healthy, big!
Be romantic, a little dreamy
Kind, cheerful, with a wonderful soul!

I wish my dear granddaughter
Good luck, health, happiness,
So that roses bloom in my soul
And there was no bad weather.

I want life to be bright
So that you are fun
And so that the dashing ones do not know troubles.
Live, dear, for many years!

Your holiday again, granddaughter,
You are respectful, gentle.
Everything is sunny, no clouds
Beautiful and slender.

Divine, earthly,
As soon as you approach
You warm the soul
How warm summer rain!

Our dear girl, beloved granddaughter, we congratulate you on your birthday! You are a beauty, clever girl, a real joy for your grandparents! We are proud of you, granddaughter, and we wish your most important dream to come true!

Our dear granddaughter, happy birthday to you. Always be beautiful, graceful and sweet. You, like a fairy, are beautiful. May the new day bring joy, luck, success. Do not know you no sorrows, no troubles. Swim in the oceans of happiness, always fly surrounded by goodness. Happy birth, darling, you!

My dear, honey, congratulations on your holiday! May you succeed in everything, may your most cherished dreams come true, may you have good friends, interesting activities and entertainment. Good luck, health, happiness and great love. Happy birthday, granddaughter!

Our beloved granddaughter, your grandparents wish you a happy birthday! Please dad, mom and us, grow up healthy, beautiful and smart! We wish you to always smile, enjoy new good friends, develop your talents and make your dreams come true!

Happy birthday granddaughter,
And we dream of reading our congratulations,
You will grow up smart - we know
Still, let us wish
To unlearn at school perfectly well,
And graduate from the best institute,
And always behave yourself
Happiness and success will come to your home.

Nice girl now
Congratulations from us.
Let's read the greetings
From the heart, a simple sheet!
How we love you, appreciate you,
And we believe in your star.
Hope you can
Reach a wonderful height
In study or career,
In any serious matter!
We wish now:
Don't forget about us!

Dear granddaughter, happy birthday to you! We wish you bright impressions, smiles, joyful discoveries, fulfillment of desires and wonderful friends! May luck and success always be your companions, as well as optimism and good mood!

My dear granddaughter,
Happy birthday, congratulations.
Become beautiful and wonderful
I sincerely wish you.

Blush on your cheeks
The lights are burning in my eyes.
Let the compliments be everywhere
People tell you!

On this sunny day, my granddaughter
I congratulate you on your birthday!
Always be the best in everything
After all, you are number one, no doubt!

I love you, granddaughter, dear,
You are my light, my joy in life,
And wherever you go, be happy
There is no better reward for me!

Dear granddaughter, you are the dear sun,
After all, you are shining, as if the sun is clear!
I will not reveal a secret for you now,
Just remember that life is so beautiful!

May all your dreams come true
Let there be a lot of good in life!
You need to smile more often
So that you are always happy!

Congratulations, granddaughter,
Nice little girl!
Be good, naughty
Lovely laughter!
Good and kind
Gifted, tender,
May your road
Will be serene!

On a bright holiday, my granddaughter,
I will dial a text message
With her, wishes you happiness
And I will send great love.

My dear granddaughter,
I congratulate you
And I want to wish
Love life, do not lose heart !!!

Granddaughter, dear girl,
Congratulations, accept
Happy birthday
Peace, light and love.

We wish you to be happy
Healthy, stronger than anyone.
It's a great joy for us -
Smile and your laughter!

Always be good
Always be cheerful
Kind, glorious, sweet.
In short, be happy!

God bless you, dear,
Health and good luck,
Easy solution
Any task.
A guy with a lion's heart
Unquenchable love
House - full bowl!
Happiness to our granddaughter

I have never seen such eyes in my life
They only promise only happiness
For a granddaughter, let the groom be the best,
You yourself are like communion wine!

Granddaughter is grandmother's happiness,
The granddaughter is a grandfather's flower.
Happy birthday, our happiness!
Be gentle like a petal!

You, granddaughter, always caress the eye
The sun kisses your head
Let your wishes come true now
God will give happiness and good luck!

Granddaughter, you are our princess,
You are beautiful and slim
We will fill the cup with happiness
Drink it all to the bottom!

You are like summer in the middle of winter
You are like a ray in the kingdom of darkness
You are as beautiful as spring
Cheerful, kind, modest!

Somewhere a violin is playing a sonata
The accordion quietly echoes her,
Always be rich in soul
And let the fire not go out in the heart.

Today is your birthday
My princess why why
I wish you with all my heart
Continuous happiness, my granddaughter!

So that it grows inquisitive
And I strove for new knowledge,
So that, like a snowdrop bloom,
She shone with spiritual beauty!

You are a naughty flirt,
But not at all a white-handed person.
Life as sweet as candy
I wish it today, granddaughter.

Let in your deep eyes
The lights are dancing salsa
March on the road of life
Drumming heels.

So wonderful, granddaughter, with you:
You never miss
Any day with a gentle smile
You always turn it into a holiday!

To the granddaughter of my beloved one:
Sunny, affectionate, sweet -
Only wonderful and joyful days
To be the happiest in the world!

I adore my granddaughter
And I admire her from birth!
I get a lot of new
And pleasant impressions!
May all the puzzles of adulthood
It will turn out great right away!
Manages to be healthy
And happy every hour!

Our beloved sun
Our careless miracle
May your life be full
Warmth and happy days!
Congratulations to you, granddaughter!
Let your laughter be joyful!
You are the very best!
Grow up, good, smarter.

Birthday cutie
We want to tell you:
Better granddaughters than ours
You can't find it in the whole world.
We love you madly
Laugh more, do not be sad.
Always be prudent
To grow up as a smart girl.

Granddaughter is grandmother's happiness,
The granddaughter is a grandfather's flower.
Happy birthday, our happiness!
Be gentle like a petal !!!

I want to wish my granddaughter
So that there are many joys,
So that you do not dare to lose heart,
And it became easier to relate -
Life is not easy
But everything passes, dear,
Problems will be far away!
I wish you happiness!

My tender granddaughter
Joy to my soul
I congratulate you
On your brightest holiday.
You are always for the whole family -
A bright reward.
Make your dreams come true
I will be very glad!
Do not be sick and do not be ill,
Be strong, sweet, kind
Respect your elders
Appreciate our concern.

They say that they love grandchildren very much,
Even more children of my own!
For me, dear, you are like a daughter -
You are not more beautiful and sweeter.
So let it be on your birthday
The best dreams come true!
Happiness, peace, joy, fun,
Good health and beauty!

I want to wish my dear granddaughter with love
The best friends! Smile! Dream!
So that life responds to everything with only good
So that happiness shines in your heart!
The brightest wonders, the most colorful days,
More laughter and joy in your life!
Amazing dreams, beauty, magic,
So that your desires come true in full!

Happy birthday greetings to granddaughter in prose

Dear granddaughter, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you truly female happiness, find a job you like and a decent pay for it. Let the notes of joy sound in your soul all your life. I wish you all the best, my dear. Despite the fact that you have matured, still continue to obey your parents and behave yourself!

I hasten to congratulate my beloved granddaughter on a wonderful holiday, happy birthday. I wish you joy, warmth, light. So that you will be warmed by the smiles of family and friends. I wish you not to be afraid of anything and strive only forward. May every day bring a lot of joy and warmth.

Dear granddaughter, on your beautiful birthday, I sincerely wish to spend every day in the rays of light of joy and happiness, every time making sure that your life is wonderful, and you are inimitable and amazing!

My beloved and dear granddaughter, I wish you a happy birthday. May the sun always shine for you in life, and the birds sing loudly, may your every victory and your meta be happy. Dear, I wish you a long and cheerful melody of life, folded on notes of happiness and love.

Happy birthday, beloved granddaughter! Every year you are more beautiful and smarter. We are very proud of you and believe that you will achieve everything you are striving for so purposefully!

Happy birthday greetings to granddaughter in your own words

Dear granddaughter, giggle and rezvushka, I wish you a happy birthday! Let your laughter be heard loudly, let your childish heart not know sadness, grow healthy, inquisitive and successful, let everything in life be your joy.

Granddaughter, may life turn into a fairy tale on this day, may your star shine brightest in the sky. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you a cloudless sky of happiness and endless spaces for love!

My dear granddaughter, today you are celebrating your next birthday. You have grown up, but you still remain sweet and charming. I wish that your beauty and youth do not know fading. So that you are always lucky and all your dreams come true easily.

Dear granddaughter, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that spring will settle in your soul forever. So that every day you wake up happy, Every day ends with your personal victory. May everyone love you and fate carefully protect you.

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We give a sweet great-granddaughter on her birthday
This kind, glorious congratulations!
We wish our glorious girl
So that this day was fun!
You grow more mature every day
You are good, baby, in front of our eyes!
The old people are more fun with you,
Joy settles in hearts!
You have become a year older today ...
Come to us more often, our happiness!

Our granddaughter, you have become an adult.
All our hopes were justified.
I will hurry to congratulate you,
And now I will hug you tightly.
Grandpa and I are sending congratulations
And a whole bag of gifts.

Congratulations, granddaughter,
Very sincere and tender.
Wonderful pens
Holding their bouquet casually ...
All are glad to you, dear,
And gifts will be coming soon!
Have fun so that, remembering,
They responded: "What a hilarity!"
Every day by your side ...
... there is a cloud in the sky without you!
You were born as a reward.
Smile quickly, granddaughter!

Cheerleader, trampoline,
As a child you were
The first girlfriend in the yard
She could be friends with everyone.

And today - having matured,
Don't waste your gift
There are many boring virgins in the world
Like a garden var.

Dark, viscous, overwhelming,
To people who are indifferent,
My congratulations, though modest.
Will save you from suffocation.

Empty, worthless relationships
You try not to get into them,
Life will take hard decisions
We will support, we will not let you fall.

Happy birthday, beloved granddaughter!
Happiness, joy, academic success,
Develop, create, earn
Respect for your person.

Be healthy, beautiful, rich,
Moderately tough, moderately vulnerable.
And I also wish the main thing -
To love and always be loved!

We know - you are waiting for us in the morning,
It's time for us to congratulate you!
Here grandfather and grandmother came,
They brought gifts to the granddaughter,
And with them congratulations,
A funny little rhyme.
May our granddaughter grow up
Hardworking, not a little white-handed,
Help parents ready,
Healthy, joyful, intelligent.
May the horizon of our granddaughter
Neither rain nor clouds will darken!

For grandfather and grandmother, there is no better
Beloved beloved granddaughter!
You open the door, serious
Focused like an adult.

I put on an elegant dress,
Ah, our beloved granddaughter,
Meet your grandfather and grandmother,
Get a gift from them!

And on the postcard "Happy Birthday!"
You will read congratulations -
A short, little rhyme -
Congratulations to your beloved granddaughter!

Happy birthday, dear granddaughter!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish you a huge paycheck
Let health multiply success.

And we wish you healthier,
A lot of female happiness, comfort.
We will whisper quietly in your ear
So as not to frighten off your luck.

Granddaughter, I congratulate you!
Look, how big you are!
And it would seem recently
I fed you with semolina porridge

And now from different suitors
There is no end to you, probably ...
May God find you love
Bright, big ... Happy Birthday!

Best birthday greetings to granddaughter

Granddaughter, congratulations,
From grandparents on your birthday!
We wrote a poem for a long time,
They had a desire to surprise you!

You are clever and beautiful,
Let everything work out in life!
To be the best, your calling!
And receive recognition from the boys!

Study perfectly, achieve everything!
Laugh and smile more!
We wish good friends and girlfriends
We love you and congratulate you!

Happy birthday SMS to granddaughter

You are my treasure
Dear granddaughter!
Right to your heart you found
Your magic key.

I understand you
Straight from a half-word.
Be beautiful and smart
Happy, healthy!

Happy birthday to granddaughter

Our granddaughter is golden
You are already quite big
Stay smarter than everyone
More beautiful and more fun

Please daddy and mom
Be always obedient yourself
You are not a bit lazy
Just study for fives!

Short birthday greetings to granddaughter

I remember singing by the crib
And your first words
We played with you in the park
We found a lump for the squirrel.

You, granddaughter, are like a friend to me,
I will say, without hiding a secret,
Let happiness be at the door
And be beautiful as the dawn!

Comic birthday greetings to granddaughter

So, you became a big girl,
She crossed the top ten.
We rarely see each other, but your image
I see: got up, doing exercises.
Here you are in a hurry to help mom -
Set the table, then wash the dishes,
Tidy up the bed and in the room: per night
The toys were scattered all over the place.
I see you in a hurry from school
With girlfriends, chatting incessantly,
After all, you can't talk in class,
Otherwise, there is no point in visiting them.
And at home again a bunch of all sorts of things,
And Barbie, it's time to change.
Life presents a thousand problems
And nowhere to get away from it
Learn only five, granddaughter, strive!
In sports, be the first to compete!
Feel free to blow through life, do not be lazy!
These are your wishes.

Happy Birthday to your beloved granddaughter

Happy birthday, beloved granddaughter!
Happiness, joy, academic success,
Develop, create, earn
Respect for your person.

Be healthy, beautiful, rich,
Moderately tough, moderately vulnerable.
And I also wish the main thing -
To love and always be loved!

Happy birthday to granddaughter in verses

From a thousand granddaughters I recognize mine,
And all because I love you immensely!
I admire you and laugh as a duet,
Easily I confess my best feelings!

May the sunshine always give joy
And the rain: washes away all the sadness without a trace!
Be happy, granddaughter, healthy, smart,
Full of wonderful hopes, strengths and plans!

Cool birthday greetings to granddaughter

Trample, jolly,
As a child you were
The first girlfriend in the yard
She could be friends with everyone.
And today - having matured,
Don't waste your gift
There are many boring virgins in the world
Like a garden var.
Dark, viscous, overwhelming,
To people who are indifferent,
My congratulations, though modest.
Will save you from suffocation.
Empty, worthless relationships
You try not to get into them,
Life will take hard decisions
We will support, we will not let you fall.

A short birthday greetings to the granddaughter

Congratulations to our granddaughter,
Happy birthday, moth!
Let's kiss on both cheeks
You have blossomed like a flower!

Be healthy by all means
Smart, sweet, dear!
The best granddaughter of the Universe,
Dear and dear!

Happy birthday to granddaughter

Granddaughter! You are our beauty!
Happy Birthday to You!
Congratulations and wish
Always be lucky!

May you always be lucky in everything
And love will find you:
And the handsome prince will take away
And he will bring happiness into your life!