Congratulations on your superior position. Congratulations on the promotion to a woman

Congratulations on your promotion
And a fair appointment.
Let good luck await in business,
Let the task be on the shoulder.

Your work will be a joy
And the burden will not touch the heart.
Let the world surround you, comfort.
And may they always wait for you at home!

When our boss goes for a promotion,
The whole team cries and sings.
We will love you, and without a doubt
Someday the day will come for us.

You will take us higher with you,
And we will be together in the same ranks,
And the work will move again.
Under your leadership, like in paradise!

Let you be loved there and respected,
And they give huge prizes.
In a career, let them continue to increase
And they sing odes to you just like we do!

With a promotion, our dear boss. We wish you to become higher not only in rank, but also to feel the high flight with your soul. I wish you health and optimism, confident dedication and decisiveness, perseverance in your ideas and firmness in your principles.

Congratulations on your promotion
And we wish to stay
Constantly in the mood
And - do not forget about us.

Strength, health and success,
And so that the income is large,
So that adversity and interference
Bypassed by the side.

You, boss, we want
Congratulate on your promotion
You can be proud
A new appointment.

You have overcome the step
On the career ladder
Let in a new place
Good luck to you.

We wish you success,
Labor achievements
And of course new
In the life of the raises.

Gave you life a gingerbread
With a promotion, boss!
You are responsible, intelligent
And ready to go forward.

Because in a new place
It will be more interesting for you.
May success flourish
And the salary is growing!

You deserve a promotion
And on this joyful day
Accept from us with respect
This huge congratulations!

We wish that in a new place
You were appreciated from the heart.
And we say without any flattery:
You are very good!

For health to help
Go up the steep stairs,
So that this is just the beginning
And you have always been a star!

Congratulations, boss,
Accept with a rise
And up the career ladder
Step steadily upward.

You step by step
Make your way up
May perseverance and luck
They won't let you turn off him.

To sky-high peaks
Let success lead you
May your career grow
Day after day, year after year.

Chef, congratulations,
You've been promoted already
Let the career spin further
In its fast turn.

A new position will open
May the possibilities be great
At work, we wish you
Always be in your element.

You are now entrusted with a new post,
With what we sincerely congratulate you!
May only growth await you in your career,
After all, you can do everything, we know for sure!

Let things, all the problems, tasks
Will be easy for you to solve!
We wish you only good luck,
So that dreams are all achievable!

A new star lit up
In the sky of the career ladder,
May she be good
And the cool one will not be excessive.

We sincerely wish you victories,
Respect, friendship and participation,
To grow and gain authority,
Let the position bring you peace and happiness.

In your career, you again do not know the barriers!
And again you have achieved new heights!
Today you are infinitely happy about it!
We wish you only forward arrows!
So as not to stop on the road,
He always strove upwards and only upwards!
And if there are troubles and worries
We give you one piece of advice -
Always hold on!

You worked hard, worked hard.
We missed you during this time,
After all, you rarely walked with your friends.
Here's the bottom line: earned a promotion.
We wish to gain momentum,
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm for work
Yours will flare up more and more!

We wish you success today in your life,
Less complaints and more praise
Longer road to life
And there are many joys on it.
May your every working day
Turn into a wonderful holiday
And never doubt the shadow
It will not be reflected in your eyes.

Did you get a promotion for great service?
For a simple attitude, for love for a big cause,
For the greatness of nature, and simple respect,
For striving and honesty, beauty and meek disposition, -
That's why you got this super promotion!

Honey (name), congratulations on your next promotion at work! Let this be only a good start to your successful career growth! I wish you to be the best, respected and competent employee! I know you deserve it! Congratulations on your promotion at work!

You have been promoted, which is not a reason to get together, to celebrate.
Do not forget your colleagues, help, drag them up the career ladder!
You can be envious of your wits.
After all, it was with them that you achieved everything.
Stay out of the way - the road is one -
Forward through the service - to the director's chair !!!

Your work is appreciated at its true worth -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To continue to appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your takeoff!

It is done. you waited for this for so long, slept with this thought for so long, cherished the shore. you did a lot to make it true. and here is your triumph. YOU are now the boss! Congratulations. I wish you never forget about the subordinate you were until recently. Let his image always remind you that you need to lead competently. Be a good, professional leader. With the rise!

Our dear mother!
You are very stubborn with us.
If you decide anything,
You always stand on your own.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Strength to you! A lot of patience!
Do not scold your subordinates,
Don't forget about your family.
Well, and we always do what we can,
We will help you, Mom.
In general, be always stubborn
Our dear mother!

Today we are celebrating a new stage in your life! Climbing the career ladder is a path that not everyone succeeds, but only worthy and hardworking people! Without a doubt, you are just that! So let this step be an excellent reward for your services!

Congratulations! A promotion is said to be proof of a person's professionalism, talent and skill. His ability to improve and climb. This is proof of the tremendous trust on the part of colleagues, management, and loved ones!

You're not a big shot yet
Но уже теперь не негр.
In such a position, brother,
You have never been.

A car is waiting at the entrance
Money is in your pockets
Subordinates are nerds
Wordless like rams.
And the boss is always drunk ...

There are people for whom career growth is very important in life. And they sacrifice a lot to achieve success in their work. But how difficult it is sometimes to go without looking back and plunge into the routine of working days. And having received a new position, the world becomes more beautiful. After all, you know that everything is not in vain. All efforts have borne fruit! And when your loved ones are still happy for you, there is no joy at all! That is why, you will not be mistaken if at the moment when your loved one has established himself in a new position, you congratulate him with bright congratulations. Here you will find various congratulations on your promotion. And then both you and your careerist will be extremely pleased.

Congratulations on your new position!
For a very long time you dreamed about it.
I wish you to realize your plans -
Boldly go to your goal!
There is no need to be afraid of new worries -
You can handle them very easily.
Work itself may be your reward -
You will advance far in the service!

A new job is excitement
And commitment is a new tide!
Don't panic, let inspiration,
You will be taken to a calm bay!
You will be able to stay afloat -
You have already been in storms more than once.
You can only develop the clouds of doubt,
Your new position is just great!

Congratulations on your new position,
We would like you now,
Send in a mysterious way,
Unknown at times!
Do not be afraid of the road
What do you have to go through.
Let the anxiety go away
Only success favors!

With a new position, colleague,
We congratulate you today!
Take a running start to the new world,
Forces not a bit sparing.
Don't get lost in this world -
You are no longer a beginner.
Rely on your experience
Catch your luck!

Sometimes it's not harmful at all
To dream about something new,
These thoughts are not without a trace,
They can always disappear.
Once upon a time there was a dream
To take a new position.
And out of a hundred candidates,
We are happy to congratulate you!

A new position is the dream of millions
Glitter on the horizon beckons.
And according to quite understandable laws,
The one who values ​​the dream will win.
You need to go to her systematically,
And don't turn in a long way,
And then it is natural
Luck will decide to come up on its own!

You decided not to give up
Do not spare your labors
And to advance in the service,
At least a couple of steps.
You deserve a victory -
Congratulations on her!
Do not forget about lunch at least -
With your new position!

Promotion on the career ladder is not a reason to congratulate a loved one on a new position! On our site you will find many different original, funny, touching and sincere congratulations in prose with a promotion. Enjoy the success of your friends and family with them. Prepare a congratulatory text for them that will fully express your respect and respect for their achievements and new achievements. For many people, moving up the career ladder is an extremely important event in life, which they will enjoy for a long time. May this day be remembered for a long time.

Beloved son! Congratulations on your promotion at work! We are very proud of you and glad that you are so smart, diligent, hardworking with us. From childhood, we thought that you would occupy some responsible position. And so it happened. You have turned from a little boy into a respectable man, and your new appointment is in perfect harmony with your image!

Dear husband! We are pleased and proud to congratulate you on your promotion! You went to this for many - many years, gaining experience and knowledge. Now all this will be very useful to you. We wish you creative success, financial prosperity in a new place and great mood! We will support you at any stage of your career and will gladly help you with advice and a kind word!

Congratulations on your promotion! We wish such an excellent specialist to strive for even greater achievements in his work. To do this, you have everything you need: knowledge, experience, the ability to build relationships with colleagues, a creative approach to solving various kinds of problems! Let health and good mood be added to this! And we will be a good support for you!

Dear Colleague! We from our entire friendly team congratulate you on your promotion! You stood at the origins of our enterprise, you have gone from a simple employee to a leader. Who else but you knows all the processes in our work ?! This position is fully consistent with your experience and work experience, your knowledge and ability to achieve your goal! Keep it up!

Dear Colleague! Congratulations on your promotion! You are a wonderful employee, you perfectly understand the tasks set, you competently find solutions and your work is delivered on time. With your hard work and perseverance, you have achieved this promotion! We wish you to remain the same executive employee and in the future you will certainly have even greater successes!

May this position not stop you in your striving to rise higher, but only become an incentive to that very long-distance goal - to be at the very top! I sincerely congratulate you on your success in your work and wish you not to be satisfied with what you have achieved in any case. May wise decisions come immediately, and not over the years, may loving people help and support in everything! And strong nerves and a steely character will be a sure help for successful progress towards your goal!

At this solemn moment of your life, let there be only those people who are sincerely happy for you! Only those who heartily rejoice at the next success in work and the rapid ascent of the career ladder. I wish you a cloudless life full of joyful moments, serious decisions and great happiness on your personal front!

Happy Holidays to the most successful person! This is a very important and touching moment in your life. A new position is your next victory in the fight against competitors. I wish you to climb to the top you want. And let your path be straight and simple, without winding, difficult paths! You are an honest, kind and purposeful person and deserve respect from both your boss and colleagues.

Moving up the career ladder is what many expect when applying for a job. Often, in order to achieve the desired result, a person has to work long and hard, thereby proving his professional competence to his superiors and colleagues. A colleague is promoted at work. Now he is becoming an important bird. Well, he worked hard for this, now his efforts are crowned with success. Perhaps this step has been passed thanks to you as well. In any case, such an event is a reason to rejoice for the one to whom luck is favorable. Congratulations on a new job at work is a way of expressing your feelings and emotions to a person about their promotion. Having received them, he will be grateful to you for your ability to rejoice in other people's victories and to support you in any situation.

Your promotion is not new to us,
We knew you would be appreciated and understood
You stay at work until the night
Entertainment then, labor comes first.
Let me congratulate you, my friend,
Put all your business aside today
I wish you happiness and good luck
Have fun, have fun with your friends until the morning.

You got promoted today
I deserved it, I tried, I didn't work in vain.
On the career ladder, you are one step higher
Your friends are disinterestedly glad for you.
I congratulate you on your career advancement,
I wish, my friend, happiness, peace and kindness,
At your height, you never be arrogant
Always be fair to your colleagues.

You were promoted by order
After all, the authorities know better there from high,
You did not climb the career ladder in vain,
May you have a lot of luck and success.
For you, my friend, I am glad and congratulations,
Never be arrogant, I beg you
Always be simple with colleagues
And remember where your roots come from.

As a team, we offered all your position,
So that the top will be appreciated with dignity, approved,
After all, you deserve a promotion not in vain,
You have always achieved your goal.
Congratulations on your promotion, colleague,
We wish you success and luck in your new position.
So that the career step is not the last,
May you have a lot of joy, prosperity.

In a new position, colleague,
With you now we are in a whisper, to you,
But this is all a joke, we believe in you,
It was not in vain that I got into the leadership with my work, diligence.
We congratulate you on your promotion,
We wish you even higher career growth.
May any difficulties be solved easily
And everything will be fine and bright in your personal life.

You gave yourself constantly and completely to work,
And from this, the result is as follows -
That the offer for a new position,
With dignity, colleague, you are ready to accept.
I am very happy for you and congratulations,
I wish you always to strive upward
Do not stop at what you have achieved,
Let luck always accompany you.

Long-term work was not in vain,
You were promoted in your position,
Colleagues and friends are happy for you,
May the promotion be a success for you.
You are in charge, and we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Don't let the power scare you, your colleague,
Let everyone appreciate you, respect you,
And they are awarded a gramme for merit.

There are no barriers to your career growth,
You yourself managed to reach the height of the sky,
The whole team, colleague, is insanely happy for you,
You have overcome one more step of the career ladder.
I congratulate you with great success,
I wish you new high speed
Happiness in your personal life, good luck and kindness,
So that fate is favorable to you.

You deserve the trust of the authorities in full,
You gave yourself completely to work,
Today you got a new position,
God grant that with a new change you will not be arrogant.
I congratulate you on your new position,

Well-being, prosperity and kindness,
Family comfort and warmth.

You always strove upward, and did not achieve your goal,
And on top of your zeal, colleague, they were able to appreciate,
Let you be a small boss, but still in power,
We wish you to be in power justly.
Congratulations on your new position,
I wish you great success in your new position,
So that the step of growth is not the last,
May your cherished dream come true.

Your work is appreciated at its true worth,
A new position found you
With joy, we congratulate you to the entire department,
Home-grown you are our boss, honor and praise to you.
We congratulate you on a joyful event,
We wish you good luck, joy from the bottom of our hearts,
Great success in the labor field,
May the guardian angel always be with you.

You climbed up the stairs of the office,
Now you hold on to it for a long time,
May you have a lot of success
Let luck always accompany.
Let me congratulate you on your position,
Wish you well-being, prosperity,
I always wish to be honest and fair
Go through life boldly, never lose heart.