Correct communication with the girl. How to communicate with a girl - testing - no. Feelings of inadequacy

If you are reading this article, you may have been in difficult situations when you do not know how to start communicating with a girl. But what can I say, everyone has encountered problems in communication. They begin to torment the ridiculous pauses in the conversation, you don't know what to talk about, how to translate the topic of conversation, what you can ask about and what you shouldn't.

You know without me: girls love with their ears. Therefore, you must clearly understand: what to talk about with a girl and how to make this conversation effective.

There are two equally important areas in our trainings: Talking and Touching.

The right touch gives you sexual interest (it's a common mistake a guy and a girl just hang out on a date, and even if everything goes well, they are more likely to be friends), but touching is not the topic of this article.

Talking is just as important as touching. It gives a personal interest. If you only touch, you will look either a maniac or a failed macho.

What to say to a girl on a date? How to communicate with a girl? Communication rules.

Our many years of experience prove that you can talk about almost anything. Girls perceive any information. What you say is not important, it is important how. If the presentation itself is not up to par, then any information, even the most interesting, will not cause any emotions.

Keep in mind that it is definitely not worth touching on religion, politics, work or study (the exception will be curious cases from student life) at the beginning of the acquaintance: you will spoil the young lady's mood, and the topics are not for the first date.

It's not worth raising a purely male theme either. Do not talk to her about beer, football, war and other things, which are mostly of interest only to men.

Let the girl feel heard and understood. Give her the feeling that you are on the same wavelength. Talk to a sweet lady about summer vacations, interests (which may suddenly coincide), esotericism (many girls are fond of mysticism), do not forget to talk about your plans for the future, dreams. Any girl will feel genuine interest in your person after such a conversation.

Everything is simple here. Since our task is to reveal the girl, then the questions must be appropriate. Try to ask the girls questions so that they do not have the opportunity to answer monosyllables "yes" or "no".

REMEMBER! When a man doesn't know what to talk about, he asks questions. Don't turn a date into a survey. Ask the girl for her opinion and LISTEN to her answer. It's very nice to argue with a girl, just remember: your goal is not to argue or prove that you are right, but to maintain an interesting conversation.

Tell stories

Telling stories - you create an impression of yourself, because they have to be. But lying or telling the truth is a purely personal matter.

Tell stories in which you:

- you are popular with women;

- other men listen to you;

- you are appreciated;

- you know exactly what you want and are not afraid of difficulties.

Simply put, your stories should present you in a positive light, but unobtrusively. When you brag openly - this is show-off, when you talk about it in passing - this is PR. Present everything with dignity: you are so cool, a priori, and there is no need to communicate this to others once again.

Visualize your communication

Communication with a girl is not a subject of conversation in which facts are stated without lyrical digressions. Dilute your speech with images, let the girl immerse herself in what you say to her. A girl should not only listen, but also imagine. Detail the picture in her head. More nuances - and you already speak more interesting.

For example, talk to her about how great it would be if you were together on the ocean in a cafe with bamboo walls. Two fresh ice mango cocktails would save you from the heat, you would hide from the sun under parasols and wait for the sunset. Etc.

Change topics of conversation

It is infinitely impossible to talk about the same topic, there comes a time when the topic gets bored. Use the word "By the way" to move on to another topic. This is a universal link-transition, use it.

You just say "By the way" and move on to any topic. With experience, it will turn out to make the transition completely smooth and imperceptible. Thus, you can come up with any topics for communication with a girl.

Typical mistakes men make when communicating:

  • Don't turn your date into an interrogation.

Try to ask 5-10 questions in a row to your friend - most likely they will interrupt you earlier, they say, what do you want ... So why should this be interesting to a girl who does not know you at all. Before you take something, you need to give something.

Now, if a girl started asking questions, that's great - she shows interest in you.

  • Search for a report (search for common topics for communication with a girl).

If you nervously start looking for a topic of conversation that would appeal to a girl, you will only arouse pity. At the same time, you will look confused. Is this your goal? The girl must play by your rules. Talk about what interests you (but don't forget about the rules). The girl herself will tell you a topic that will interest her. A typical example of an ordinary date is we sat down and started looking for common topics of conversation. Now it's not about you. We hope.

  • Prolonged communication.

A typical situation: communication is going well - we sit all the way until we get bored or annoy each other. Create a deficit of yourself. You should end the date at the peak, in which case the time until your next meeting works for you, she will think about you. Beginners usually find it difficult to end a date at their peak, and should only continue if you are going to move elsewhere later. We know how to do it on the first date too, but that's not the point now. For a start, it's best to limit your communication to 1-1.5 hours.

  • Virtual communication.

If a girl sends you an SMS, answer it, but after the second SMS, don't be too lazy to dial the number and talk to her on the phone.

That's all in short. Without making the mistakes that are described here, and following simple rules, you can already qualitatively improve your communication skills. However, reading the article by itself will not give any result. You need to start doing something right now.

Here's a little assignment for you: remember what I told you about stories? Make yourself blanks, at least five or six stories. Choose different stories so that they can help you out in any situation. With a few presets, it’s easier to learn how to improvise. Sketch yourself a blueprint for these stories. You can write down their names, and in your head already have a detailed plan. And most importantly: Use them!

At least 2 times a day, include different stories in your communication.

And finally, the "Alternative History" feature.

This is a cool game that gives a very vivid emotions to a girl when used correctly. Offer the girl an alternative choice for tomorrow.

For example, talk to her about: what would she do if she woke up tomorrow as the queen of Nepal? Or you can talk about what you would do if you woke up tomorrow in each other's bodies, like in the movie "Love-Carrot". Imagine, laugh at possible situations, you can send it off, but don't overdo it. You shouldn't get the feeling that you started this topic just to talk about your gender differences, dressing up as a woman, etc.

Let her fantasy unfold, let the girl laugh. Argue, develop a topic.

Chat with women! Good luck.

Basic Articles

  1. How to communicate with a girl correctly?

Every guy, going on a first date, asks himself the question - what to talk to a girl about? If you have problems communicating with the female sex, and there are ridiculous pauses in the process, this article will put everything in its place.

7 topics for communicating with a girl

It happened. You decided to approach the girl, meet her, start a conversation. What needs to be talked about, and what is better to be silent about? After all, the first minutes of communication are very important.

Below 7 best topics for chatting with a girl.

  1. Hobbies. A win-win theme. Gone are the days when only the fair sex preferred to knit or cook. Hydroponics, origami, spirituality, photography, design, drawing, fitness. You can talk about hobbies for hours.
  2. Clothing. You can ask what style of clothing she prefers. How, in her opinion, a man should dress. If a girl is an ardent fan of shopping, you just have to listen carefully to your interlocutor and admire her refined taste.
  3. Holidays. Halloween, Valentine's Day, New Years or Birthday. What holidays does she like the most? Be sure you will hear funny experiences that happened in her life at holiday events.This is a great time to tell a couple of such stories yourself. Just do not need stories in which you got drunk and behaved inappropriately - girls do not like this and will not appreciate it.
  4. Children. You can talk about children, talk about your nephew or younger sister. Why, you can remember your childhood. The future keeper of the hearth will appreciate your love for children. This is another plus for you and a powerful impulse to start a relationship.
  5. Pets. What pets did or does your interlocutor have? She will definitely share funny stories about her pet with you. If there are none, you can take the initiative into your own hands. Naturally, all stories must be prepared in advance and laid out in a humorous style. During communication, try to make the girl laugh more often. If she laughs a lot, then she likes your stories.
  6. Trips. Surely your new friend managed to visit exotic hot resorts. Or is she an avid fan of extreme recreation or a lover of mountain hikes? Be sure to ask about it. It will be great if your preferences are the same.
  7. Cooking. Does the girl have little time to devote herself to some hobby, and is she experimenting on the culinary front? Not a bad topic of conversation. Surely you will make her laugh with a story about your “last experience” in making soup or cutlets.

Humor at the start of a relationship is key. In no case do not talk about your problems and accidents, it will only repulse her. Better come up with funny jokes in advance, she will definitely appreciate it.

What you shouldn't talk about with a girl

There are themes which you should not communicate with a girl... She can easily sign you up as a friend, and completely lose any interest in the interlocutor. What is not advisable to talk with a lady of the heart on first dates?

  1. Former girls. You should never talk about your ex. Negative or positive colors will dominate your story, and any woman will not like it anyway.
  2. Health... Complaining about health problems and becoming a whiner is a bad idea. Most likely, you will not see your interlocutor again.
  3. Life problems. A woman sees in a man a breadwinner who is easily ready to solve any troubles. Complaining about poor work, lack of money, other life problems, you will alienate any interlocutor from you.
  4. Sports, cars. Perhaps you are lucky and the girl is an avid motorist or football fan. But in 95% of cases, ladies are not fond of sports, and they will get bored when trying to tell them about the last match of the national football team of the country or about the new products of the domestic auto industry.

In this video, Vasily will conduct a short video lesson on the secrets of communicating with the opposite sex, and will give some excellent recommendations:

How to interest a girl on the street

The street is one of the most difficult places to meet a girl. Surely every day you meet more than one beauty with whom you would not mind starting a conversation. But how to do it right?

  • How to approach? You need to approach a little from the side. Do not try to block her path or appear from behind - this way you can only frighten the girl.
  • Appearance. You don't have to be like Brad Pitt to complete face control. All you need is to have a nice appearance. Clean shoes and clothes, neat nails, well-groomed hands, a neat haircut - will do the trick.
  • We attract interest to ourselves. A safe bet is to ask where an object is and how to get there. It's good if a girl needs help and you come to her aid. All this will look "casual" and unobtrusive. At least these are not banal "What's your name?", "Does your mother need a son-in-law?" or "Let's get to know each other!"

Chatting in Internet

Shy guys hesitate to approach an object of interest to him on the street. According to statistics, about 75% of girls are likely to refuse to communicate. Social networks and dating sites come to the rescue, where during the conversation you can take a minute pause thinking about the next question or answer.


Correct communication

Girls evaluate a stranger not only by their clothes and attractive appearance, but also by the manner of communication.

  • Politeness... When meeting, you need to keep a distance, you should not immediately switch to "you".
  • Courtesy... If a girl does not make contact, well, you need to turn into an ill-mannered boor.
  • Honesty... In any situation, you need to remain yourself, and not invent non-existent advantages for yourself.
  • Smile... A smile can do wonders. Even if a girl is in a hurry on business, she will definitely give you a chance.
  • Listening skills... The ability to listen to others is one of the most important rules for successful communication with the fairer sex.

Conversation and non-verbal cues

Many people incorrectly think that the first contact begins with the first conversation. The first acquaintance between a man and a woman begins with a look. By the way, knowledge of the basics of body language (non-verbal signals ) will never let a guy get burned when meeting a lady.

  • Sight... An interested glance lasts at least 5 seconds. At the same time, the woman looks not only at the man's face, but sinks lower - at the intimate areas.
  • Facial expression. A light, relaxed, inviting smile will give a signal for action to any man.
  • Items. Playing with objects during a conversation, such as jewelry, suggests that the other person is interested in you.
  • Hair. The most "serious weapon" of the girl. Playing with the ends of the hair, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are trying to attract attention to themselves.

Correct and confident speech.

An important fact in successful communication will be correct and beautiful speech. You do not need to have the charisma of the speaker, but your strong qualities during the conversation will be:

Now you know what to talk about with a girl and how to properly maintain an interesting conversation. The most important thing is to be yourself, and everything will definitely work out. Always remember - it's not that difficult to start a conversation with a stranger.

Video: what to talk about with a girl

Even the girl herself does not know the girl. One thing is for sure, women like self-confident, witty men who create the impression of an interesting and competent conversationalist. Any guy in his life can face the problem of not knowing the right thing. We are all people and we do not always feel confident in a conversation with an interlocutor. Often, guys just don't know what to talk about on a date or even how to meet a lady they like. Of course, in order to achieve something in the science of seduction of women, you need to try. Learning to communicate with girls is not so difficult, you just need to have a firm intention to do this and a great desire.

Any communication is, first of all, a conversation. It is in this field that young people have problems. Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that He invited her on a date, but he does not know how to start communicating with a girl. The fact is that you need to remember that any woman is also a person and she, too, is probably worried before meeting you. She will be very grateful to you if you, as a true man, are able to create a relaxed atmosphere of communication and conversation.

How to communicate with a girl correctly? First of all, you need to know what in any case should not be said or asked on a date. Moreover, it is first or fourth in this particular case does not matter. Any criticism regarding her appearance - Do not point out that you do not like her or her clothes. She should feel like a queen, being with you. Compliments will have a more visible effect. But all is well in moderation - the sugary type who pours honey words in rivers will almost certainly be rejected.

The second thing you need to remember is never mention your exes in a conversation with a girl you like. She does not need to know about this, in addition, a competent and tactful woman herself will never ask about your past connections.

Try not to allow in your communication complaints about health, lack of money, lack of work or its tension, and other things that absolutely should not concern the girl with whom you met. Women still prefer men who give the impression of being successful and problem-free.

If you are interested in how to communicate with a girl correctly, then you definitely need to monitor your manners. Abuse, rudeness and bad habits can alienate even the most desperate woman from loneliness. In addition, try not to start a conversation about topics that the girl is obviously not interested in: computers, cars, repairs, football, etc. The exceptions are cases when the girl herself is quite good at this.

One of the main tips from specialists that help guys figure out how to communicate with a girl is to talk about topics that interest her. You must show with all your appearance that you are delighted with her fascinating tale of dancing or her pet.

Of course, all girls love gifts. Of course, only you can decide how much money you can spend on the girl you like and whether you are going to do it at all. Nowadays, it is widely believed that all girls are corrupt and they only need. In fact, such specimens are found, but this does not mean at all that you can scratch everyone with the same brush. Simply, there are generally accepted norms of communication and courting, when young people give flowers, present cute gifts and provide no need to give diamonds, give symbolic jewelry, but with love and tenderness. How to communicate with a girl correctly? It is necessary to treat her with respect, attention and interest, then she will pay you the same coin. Women always feel rudeness, shamelessness and greed a mile away, and then run away from such men as far as possible.

Communication seems to be a simple thing, but still very difficult. It often happens to see guys who feel confident in a big company, but when they find themselves alone with a girl, they instantly get lost. Some are so confused that they cannot even utter a single intelligible word.

There is a certain psychology. How could it be otherwise? Many would like to learn to communicate with the opposite sex. The psychology of communication between a man and a woman is complex, but in fact, for success, it is enough to understand its foundations. They will be discussed in this article.

With girl

Many people make mistakes from the very first steps. Yes, the psychology of communicating with a girl is based on giving her maximum attention, giving her compliments (more on all this later), but do not forget that a girl should always feel your superiority. From your very first phrases, you must convince her that you are not a rag, but a confident person who knows your goals. Yes, girls are beautiful, but whoever really wants to impress them shouldn't idealize the fair sex. It may sound rude, but still we advise you not to deify them. All this will help you to behave more at ease and naturally. The psychology of communication with a girl is based on the fact that you should perceive her as your equal.

Girls are subconsciously looking for a strong man. Unconsciously, they are drawn to those who are able to protect and help in a difficult situation. You are not? What's the problem? Become strong and confident. Of course, it is best to go to the gym and engage in self-development, but some still try to create only the appearance of their reliability. Does it help them? I guess, yes. True, in most cases the masks do not last long, and everything clears up over time.

The psychology of communication with a girl is also based on the fact that girls often perceive men solely by their appearance. Style, fashionable and expensive clothes, expensive accessories - all this directly affects their perception. Also, to please a girl, you need to be neat. Ladies are subconsciously drawn to those who know how to take care of themselves. If you don’t believe it, then check it out for yourself. Here it is worth adding that the presence of those things in a man that need to be monitored speaks of his status.

Want to please a girl? Train your voice. It is better to start a conversation by speaking in a chest bass. During a conversation, it is desirable to switch registers. Your voice should be "walking". Girls like it when a man speaks expressively. During a conversation, you can gesture. The main thing is not to get carried away. This is best done beforehand at home in front of a mirror.

The way you speak matters a lot. It also matters how much you speak. The psychology of communication with a girl is also based on the fact that beautiful ladies love to listen. What to listen to? Anything! Of course, no one is recommended to carry hopeless nonsense, but you should not start too intrusive and serious conversations. Talk about light topics. Joke constantly, and also moderately laugh at her jokes.

Be truly interested in all the facts of her life. Learn to manifest Try to develop her themes. Let the girl talk about her plans, dreams, desires.

Remember, compliments go a long way. Girls actually love with their ears. Is your companion beautiful? Don't miss any opportunity to remind her of this. Compliments should come after a friend. They can also be used when there are awkward pauses in the conversation.

The psychology of communication with a girl should be studied by every man. Only by knowing what women want can you make them happy.

Want to chat more with girls? Don't worry - talking to a girl doesn't have to be difficult! Just don't worry about how to start a conversation and keep the girl hooked by showing your interest in her and charming her as much as you can. If you want to learn how a teenage boy can learn to communicate with girls, just follow our instructions.


Start an interesting conversation

  1. Be confident and balanced. If you want to start a killer conversation with a girl, then you need to come up with an interesting beginning for your conversation. If you see a girl you want to talk to, be it a girl you have liked for a long time, or a cutie you just spotted at a party, you need to make her pay attention to you. Then, when you have caught her eye, confidently approach her. Keep your head high and look straight.

    • If you don't know her, then introduce yourself. Just say, “Hi, my name is Misha. How are you? " It's very simple but effective.
    • If you already know each other, just say, "How are you?" or "What's new?" You do not need to hesitate for a long time - just walk up to her, as if it is not a big deal for you.
    • Pretend until you develop confidence - even if you're afraid to talk to girls, pretend it's easy for you.
  2. Start a conversation with an unobtrusive topic. You don't have to come up with a sophisticated joke or flips to get her attention. Just say something that will motivate her to continue the conversation with you and find out more. Now you can't talk about your grandmother's funeral or your plans for the future. Just mention a show or your dog's latest antics, or what you did over the weekend. Do not overexert yourself and strike up a light conversation. Here are examples of the first phrases:

    • “I had a crazy weekend. I helped my dad with an extension to our house and I can't move my hands. What did you do? I hope you did something interesting? "
    • “Look at these scratches on my hands. My cat goes crazy if not fed on time. Do you have any pets? "
    • “The last math test was so hard. It seems to me that I have not decided anything at all. And how are you?"
  3. Find out her character. When you start chatting with a girl, you will understand what she wants from you. All girls are different. If she is shy, you will have to be a leader, ask her questions and generally speak more than she does. But if she loves to talk, give her this opportunity and don't worry about the impression you make, but don't interrupt her either. Once you know what type of girl she is, you can figure out how to talk to her.

    • Don't worry if she's shy. She may be one of the girls who are shy at first, but then quickly reveal themselves as soon as they feel comfortable.
    • While it is very important to always be yourself, you should stick to safe topics when you first talk to a girl, while you do not yet know if she has a sense of humor or if she is easily offended with jokes and comments. The more you talk to her, the more topics for conversation you will discover.
    • Even if the girl loves to talk, you should be part of the conversation too. Let her know what interests you with her.
  4. Start by chatting about nothing. You also need to be able to chat. If you are talking to a girl, you cannot start right away with your deepest, most important desires, otherwise you will scare her and she will run away from you. Simple, non-intrusive conversation is an art and you can master it by starting with common, everyday topics and gradually moving on to more intimate and exciting topics. You have to start simple so you can grow into serious conversations someday, so don't be afraid to sound boring talking about the most mundane things, even the weather or tomorrow's chemistry test. Here are some examples of how you can turn a conversation from idle chatter into something serious:

    • “It's raining all the time this week. I wanted to go cycling with my dad, but we ended up staying at home all weekend. Did you do something interesting or were you bored at home too? "
    • “I had to prepare for a chemistry test yesterday, but my little sister got sick and had to help my mother look after her. Do you have brothers or sisters? "
    • “I watched The Avengers yesterday. It's not bad, but not my favorite movie for sure. What's your favorite movie? "
  5. Give her subtle compliments. When you start to talk, let her know that you like her, but do not pressure her, otherwise she may be scared. You can laugh a little with her and compliment her in the form of a joke. Now one compliment will be enough - you do not want that she thought that you were following her or crazy about her. Here are some ways to tease her:

    • “I like the color of your blouse. It fits your eyes. Did you pick it up on purpose? "
    • “You have such a pleasant laugh. You need to let him out more often. "
    • “You are the only girl who knows more about football than I do. How did this happen? "

    Keep her hooked

    1. Ask her questions. If you've been in contact with a girl for a while, you can start asking her questions; this will show her that her interests and opinions are important to you, and at the same time, you will not become her shadow. She shouldn't feel like being interrogated, but she should understand that you are genuinely trying to get to know her, and not just wanting to brag or impress her. Here are some questions you can ask to tell a little about yourself and make the girl feel comfortable:

      • "When I come home from school, the first thing I do is play my guitar. What do you do in your free time?"
      • “Do you like being on the tennis team? I play football and I like it, but our coach is trying to torture us with training. "
    2. Make her laugh. If you want to keep her hooked, you need to be able to make her laugh so that she feels comfortable and wants to keep talking with you. To make you laugh, you can joke about yourself, tease her a little, or tell her about a funny incident that happened to you over the weekend. Don't try too hard to make a funny joke or tell her as many jokes as possible, and don't say nasty things about other people just for fun. Here's what you can say to make her laugh:

      • “I've played the guitar so much that I think I'm already obsessed. Last night I dreamed that I was Jimi Hendrix - I was very surprised when I woke up. "
      • Do you have all the things in your closet pink or are you dressed like that today? "
      • “Yesterday I told the coach that I had a cold and would not come to training. And then he saw me in a cafe in the evening - damn it, that's not so lucky! "
    3. Let her talk. Even if the girl is very sensitive, you should let her talk and tell you what she thinks and what worries her. You can get nervous when you run out of topics of conversation and start stumbling over all sorts of stupid things and nothing comes to mind. Pause between sentences, let her insert your comments, and don't interrupt her if she's trying to say something.

      • If she’s telling you a story, don’t just wait until she’s finished to tell her a more interesting one — she’ll think you’re not listening to her.
      • React to her words. You don't have to constantly nod and say "aha" every two seconds to let her know that you care about what she says. Just look her in the eyes, nod in time and make appropriate comments like: "Wow," "I can't believe you had to do this," "I couldn't even imagine ..."
    4. Do not boast or show off. If you are showing off and showing off, the girl will want to run away from you wherever they look before you finish listing your basketball accomplishments. Telling her about what an excellent athlete or student you are will not impress her and even backfire, making her think you are stupid and narcissistic.

      • You can tell her how you enjoy sports, not to mention your accomplishments.
      • You can name your favorite subject, but does not talk about your top five in the last test.
      • Don't feel like a girl won't find out how awesome you are if you don't show off. On the contrary, she will think that you are cool and modest.
    5. Let her see your talents. This is not the same as bragging. You don't have to brag about what makes you different from other guys. Let her know about your oddities or interests, but do not immediately think that you are an eccentric. This is not a good time to show her your spider collection, but you can tell her about your volunteer work at the local cafeteria, how you enjoy walking your dog or writing songs.

      • Find a way to start a conversation about your favorite topic and wait for the girl to start asking questions.
      • After you've told her more about yourself, ask her something personal so she doesn't feel like you dominate the conversation.
      • Keep calm. If you really want to stay interesting for the girl, be a little indifferent, find a middle ground between frequent meetings with her and following on her heels. To stay cool, you don't have to be around her all the time, shower her with compliments and constantly tell her how beautiful and wonderful she is.

        • You should act as if you enjoy interacting with her, but this is not new to you, and that if she does not like you, it will not be a big tragedy for you.
        • Think before you speak. If you really want to compliment her, don't sound too pompous at first. For example, if you want to say, “You have the most beautiful hair in the world,” you could say, “I love the way your hair plays in the light. I've never seen this before. "
      • Know when to leave. There are two ways to know when to end a conversation with a girl. In the first case, she is no longer very interested, she looks at her feet, at the phone screen, or casts glances at her friends in the hope of salvation. Or you had a great time chatting and she was actually interested - it might look unnatural, but you need to leave in the midst of the conversation, but not rudely so that she wants to talk again.

        • If the girl doesn't like talking to you, just say goodbye and leave. There is no point in making the situation worse by saying, "I feel like I'm tired of you."
        • If you see that she really enjoys talking to you and that you are good together, then it's time to leave.

    Leave beautifully

    1. Leave her looking forward to a new conversation. You don't need to lay out all your ins and outs and tell her the most interesting things about yourself or ask her questions in order to charm her right away. That way you won't have any topics for next time. Try to intrigue her with the conversation so that you can find out what she wants to ask you and use those topics in your next conversation. Here's how you can do it:

      • "Have I already told you about how I met Dima Bilan at McDonald's? I'll tell you when I have more time."
      • “I am very interested in acting. I would like to hear more about your role as Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is my favorite Shakespeare play. "
      • “Dima and I will go mountain biking tomorrow for the first time. It's not very safe, so I'll let you know if we survive. "
    2. Let her know that you enjoyed talking to her. Needless to say, it was the best conversation you've ever had - even if it's true! One short sentence will let her know that she is special and will want to talk to you again. Here's how to do it:

      • “It was nice to chat. I still can't believe that incident with your sister. "
      • “I love talking to you about music. You always advise me something new. "
      • "I didn't seem to keep track of the time, so I enjoyed talking about films with you."
    3. Talk about when you can still chat. The conversation shouldn't end like that. Before you say goodbye, say something that will let her know that you are not averse to talking again, even if it does not happen soon. This will make her feel special, but she won't even think you're stalking her. Here's what to say:

      • “Good luck with your training tomorrow. Tell me about this later. "
      • “See you at math on Monday. Prepare jokes, please, otherwise I will be sad when they tell us the grades. "
      • “I love hearing stories about your family. Can you tell me more at the party? "
    4. Leave with dignity. As soon as you finished the conversation, made the girl understand that you like talking to her and mentioned the time when you can talk again, you have no choice but to smile, wave your hand, say "see you" and go into the sunset. Walk away confidently and quickly, instead of hanging around her until you run out of conversation.

      • Don't overdo it at the end of the conversation. A simple "Let's talk later" will let her know what's what.
      • If you have somewhere to go, such as an English class or soccer practice, tell her to let her know that you are busy and have something to do.
      • Smile broadly to make her feel comfortable. The smile should not be forced. Just show her that you had a good time.
    • Make eye contact, but not in a way that scares them.
    • Be confident in yourself.
    • Wear decent clothes. You don't have to constantly wear a costume for thousands, but it is better to choose your favorite outfit. Pay attention to details, such as the buttons on your shirt, and don't let your pants down. Make sure the clothes fit well and avoid the little boy look. Look good, but not like you've been going for hours. Try not to look like a bummer.
    • Let the girl talk about herself and listen to what she has to say.
    • Find out what she likes more, to speak or listen to; if she loves to speak, give her that opportunity, and if she likes to listen more, then tell her about yourself, because if she likes you too, she will be pleased to hear your voice.
    • Don't worry about what you say. It turns out that girls pay more attention to how you say rather than what you say!
    • Avoid standard phrases!
    • Be yourself. You don't have to pretend to be some other person. But if you have bad habits or personality traits that you would like to change, do so.
    • Monitor your hygiene at all times. You don't know when she will call and want to meet.
    • Avoid being awkward, this can be the worst part of the conversation. To avoid this, quickly interrupt her and tell her that you need to leave urgently. Apologize and say that you are late. If there is an awkward pause, joke or ask a question.
    • Ask questions, but don't overdo it.
    • Tell her that she is beautiful. If she looks down or blushes, that's a good sign. Don't panic, but say, “Especially when you smile,” and smile at her. Her knees will shake.
    • Don't brag! This is offensive to some girls (and guys, by the way, too).
    • Discuss TV, music, movies, celebrities, sports, radio, all the latest news to find as many topics as possible to communicate.
    • You can borrow the first phrases for conversations from TV shows and TV shows (watch the news, especially MTV. You can also watch the news with parents to find topics for more serious conversations), on the Internet, in books, magazines and newspapers.
    • Finish what you started. Find your girlfriend at the end of the day and apologize for running away and she will forgive you. Tell her that you forgot the topic of the conversation, but you really enjoyed talking to her. Now you can ask for her number. "If I have to run away again, you will remind me of what we talked about." She will give you her number and you will have everything under control.
    • Build confidence, courage, and self-esteem.
    • If you're out of conversation or feeling uncomfortable, just ask for her number. If she doesn't remember it, give her yours and ask her to call or text you later. Most likely, if she likes you, she will text you and wait for you to answer her.
    • Don't be afraid to make eye contact. Girls get very annoyed if guys don't look at her during a conversation. But when you're in touch, try not to stare at her, both of you will feel uncomfortable. Look between her eyes if you feel uncomfortable looking into her eyes. She will feel that you are looking into her eyes.