Presentation of a New Year's fairy tale for elementary school. Project "New Year's Tale" (presentation)

1. Nickname of Santa Claus 2. Wand of Santa Claus 3. Storehouse of Santa Claus gifts 4. Giving the Christmas tree a New Year's look 5. Shiny New Year's ribbon 6. New Year's tree branch 7. Snow substitute on the tree 8. They are lit on the tree and on the festive table 9. Costume ball on New Year's Eve

10. He is molded from snowballs 11. Granddaughter of Santa Claus 12. Threads of lanterns on the New Year tree 13. Chain of children holding hands who walk around the Christmas tree with songs 14. The city in which the residence of Santa Claus is located 15. Mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday 16. Close people with whom they most often celebrate the New Year

"Domestic geese" - "Awake monster" - "Barefoot dog" - "Little mouse shed" - "Toad a homebody" - "Earthly girl" - "Vasily the Precious" - "Fedor's happiness" - "Iron castle" - "Old peasant's robe" - "Yellow Mustache" - "Rainy King" - "Wild Swans" "Sleeping Beauty" "Puss in Boots" "Cat's House" "Frog Traveler" "Star Boy" "Vasilisa the Wise" "Fedorino Gore" "Golden Key" "New dress of the king "" Bluebeard "" The Snow Queen "

Name a magical object and a fairy tale in which it occurs Pushkin A.S. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Ch. Perrault. Puss in Boots S. Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood Russian Nar. story. By the pike's behest A. Tolstoy. The Adventures of Buratino A. Pushkin. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes Andersen G. Wild Swans Andersen G. The Princess and the Pea Aksakov S. Scarlet Flower Drink Me Carroll L. Alice in Wonderland Russian Nar. fairy tale "The Frog Princess" by S. Perrot. Cinderella

Begins the calendar Month with the name January After the fall has come. And the snowdrifts poured Winter Goes, but no legs; Lies, but there is no bed; Lightweight, and the roofs ache. Snow What is the name of the time, When a woman is molded from the snow, A bear sucks a paw in a den, Children play snowballs? Winter The bridge is paving without boards, Without an ax, without a wedge. Ice Winter on gray roofs Throws seeds Grows white carrots Under the roofs she. Icicle White flock of midges Curls, whirls in the morning. Does not squeak and does not bite Just so-so flies Snow All summer stood, Winters expected, Waited for the pores - Rushed from the mountain Sanki To overtake each other are happy. Look, my friend, do not fall! Good then, light Fast ... Skates I visited the hut - I painted the whole window, I stayed by the river - Frost paved the bridge across the river I walk in the field, I fly free, I twist, I don't want to know anyone. I run along the village, I sweep snowdrifts Snowstorm A pair of stoves warms my hands From rings from sheep Mittens

It will be tied around my neck, And I will not get sick. Wrapped up in it to the nose, I'm not afraid of frost now Here comes some grandfather, In a warm fur coat. On his shoulder is a sack, In his beard is a snowball. Scarf I come with gifts, I shine with bright lights, Smart, funny, For the New Year I am the main one! There will be a Christmas tree in the corner By the window on the floor. And on the tree to the top of the head Multicolored .. What a strange man Arrived in the twenty-first century: Carrot nose, broom in hand, Afraid of the sun and heat? Not snow or ice, But he will remove the trees with silver. Frost

When was the New Year celebrated in Russia before 1700? 1 September Which of the great people introduced the new date for the celebration? Peter I How does anta-Claus move to us On the reindeer The last day of December in relation to the New Year's Eve What heroine of Ostrovsky's play was very useful on the New Year's party? Snegur points What was the name of the boy with an ice heart? Kai What fairy tale hero fought with the Mouse King on New Year's Eve Nutchik Name the performer of the lullaby for the Christmas tree. Mete eh What is the name of the place of sale of Christmas trees? Christmas market

The horse is carrying the wood, And in the wood there is a peasant ... he is our Christmas tree Under the very spine. cut down How many on the Christmas tree ... colored, Pink gingerbread, Golden cones! balls Santa Claus would not be in a hurry To us through the bumps, Ice ... is not frozen, If only, if only, if only ... on the river Children are waiting for my gifts, And you will get it from me. Finally, all dreams come true ... my gift is you! the best And carry me away, and carry me away Into ... bright distance Three white horses, three white horses - December, and January, and February. I ran after you, Santa Claus. I shed a lot of ... tears! bitter And here she is, smartly, She came to us for a holiday, And she brought a lot, a lot ... to the kids. joy Do not make noise, tree, Do not drop the needles, Today we will collect all the guys, Songs ... let them ring! new year

Hello kids, girls and boys!
I am a cheerful snowman used to the cold snow.
Instead of buttons - ash, carrot spout
And a huge broom for equipment.
I have been serving at Frost's post office for a long time,
I live with my grandfather in Veliky Ustyug.
A letter from children came here recently,
Let's read it quickly.
The question torments us all
Help us Santa Claus!

What a holiday the new year is in this world
Show, tell, let the children know.
I read the book all day, learned everything about the new year.
I’ll make you guys happy and tell you about the holiday.
Sit down evenly friends, and I will begin my story.
Together with winter, the New Year's holiday comes to us. The funniest, kindest and most beloved. We celebrate it on the night of December 31 to January 1. This magical night is called New Year's. For a very, very long time, the Russian tsar traveled to Europe. He liked everything European very much, and most of all he liked the custom - to celebrate the New Year in early January. And when Peter returned to the country, the first thing he did was to issue a decree "To celebrate the new year in Russia according to the new calendar from the Nativity of Christ." In this decree, the king ordered to decorate their homes with pine, juniper and spruce trees or branches by the first day of January. Yes, so that these decorations are all week long. And everyone congratulated each other from the moment the fireworks started on Red Square. And the king also commanded to shoot from rifles and small cannons, so that the holiday was no worse than in Europe. This is how the new year came to us with decorations, lights, winter children's fun. Sledding, skiing, ice skating, making snowmen and gifts.
And on the new year, we always meet with the kind wizard Santa Claus. On a painted sleigh pulled by three snow-white horses, the children's favorite Santa Claus comes to us. A little stern-looking, in a red caftan, with a staff in his hands, with a thick white beard and a red fur hat, this kind old man always has a bag full of gifts with him.
For a long time, Grandfather coped with his duties alone, but later he got a wife, whose name is Zima and the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden, who was blinded from the snow. His home is the city of Veliky Ustyug, it is there that the "office" of Father Frost is located, where everyone who wants to send letters with wishes. In ancient times
the image of Santa Claus was completely different, they presented him as a short old man with a long gray beard. His breath is a violent cold. His tears are icicles. Rime - frozen words. And the hair is snowy clouds. In winter, Frost runs through the fields, forests, streets and knocks with his staff. From this knocking, crackling frosts freeze rivers, streams, puddles with ice. And if he hits the corner of the hut with his staff, the log will certainly crack. Morozko does not like those who tremble and complain about the cold very much. And to the cheerful and cheerful it gives bodily strength and a hot blush. From November to March, the frost is so strong that even the sun in front of him is shy.
Nowadays, all the children learn poetry for Santa Claus, decorate the Christmas tree and, of course, with a sinking heart are waiting for the Masha doll, a teddy bear or a train as a gift. Santa Claus is always kind, he encourages the good and justly deprives the bad gifts, but he equally loves all the kids. And remember the baby that Santa Claus answers every letter you send him, and his friends help him in this - the Snow Maiden, the Bunny and other fairy-tale heroes. And now the Snowman and the company invite everyone to the New Year's disco!

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8 of the combined type of the city of Boksitogorsk"


"Christmas story"


Ilyina E. E.

Modern preschoolers lose faith in fairy tales, in miracles, and what a childhood without magic! It is the task of adults to help children find light, kindness in various manifestations of the life around them.

Lack of knowledge among younger preschoolers about the New Year's holiday as a source of positive emotions, the need to realize that there are certain attributes of the holiday: a tree, decorations, New Year's crafts, gifts, congratulations to each other.

  • To acquaint children with the characteristic signs of winter, using illustrations, to expand the knowledge of children about winter fun.
  • To create conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of preschoolers by improving visual skills and developing the individual abilities of each child.
  • To form the concept of "holiday", its characteristic features and significance in the life of people on the example of the New Year. Create an atmosphere of magic by watching cartoons and decorating the group.

1. To acquaint children with the national holiday New Year.

2. To promote joint work of children and parents, to form in children the ability to be engaged in any common cause.

3. Develop curiosity, creativity, memory.

4. Create a pre-New Year festive atmosphere in all activities.

5. To develop cognitive, creative skills of younger preschoolers.

6. Expand children's ideas about the history of the Christmas tree decorations.

7. To improve the ability of children to decorate silhouettes of Christmas trees with applique from ready-made shapes.

8. To form the ability of children to use various materials for creativity.

9. To develop visual-active thinking, in the process of making New Year's toys.

10. To develop artistic taste, the ability to make skillful crafts, to bring up accuracy.

11. Improving the ability to do good and the desire to surprise your family and friends, as well as each other - that is, turn into little wizards - Santa Claus's helpers.

Project type: cognitive - creative.

Duration of the project: short term

Project participants: children of the middle group, educators of the group, parents of pupils.

1. Formation and improvement of their creative skills and abilities.

2. Parents' interest in kindergarten life.

3. Exhibition of Christmas tree decorations, handicrafts made jointly by children and parents.

4. Enriching the knowledge of children about the New Year's holiday.

5. Awareness by children of the kind, caring attitude of people to each other and the mood during the holiday - New Year.

6. Active participation of children and parents in preparing for the New Year.

7. Growing awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions

Educational areas:

  • Cognitive development
  • Artistic and aesthetic development
  • Speech development
  • Social and communicative development
  • Physical development

Stages of the project:

1. Preparatory.

2. Basic (educational and practical activities).

3. Final

1. Making Christmas tree decorations together with children and parents. Participation in the regional competition "New Year's Toy"

2. Exhibition of handicrafts "Cheerful Snowman". Involvement of parents in preparation for the exhibition of children's creativity "Zimushka-Winter"

3. Information to the parent's corner "From the history of the New Year"

4. Consultation for parents: "Safety of children during the New Year holidays", "New Year for children: How to arrange a holiday."

Cognitive activities (application, drawing, modeling, music, speech development, natural and social world);

Didactic games;

Examination of illustrations, viewing of educational films and cartoons;

Outdoor games, breathing games, finger games

Schoolchildren of primary school age develop a sense of pride, sympathy, and their own moral qualities are overestimated and other children are underestimated. Demands on oneself and others are increasing. Such character traits as independence, self-confidence, endurance and determination are developing.

Taking into account this age characteristic during the games, you need to remember about the impulsiveness, capriciousness and stubbornness of children of this age. Set a tone of trust and friendliness with your children. You can support them with applause from the fans. Hostility and unbalanced emotions should not be tolerated. Indeed, it is at this age that most children are especially sensitive, curious, spontaneous in expressing their feelings and emotions. It is with them, trusting and emotional, that it is easy to build relationships. They very quickly connect a vivid, stormy and imaginative imagination, it remains only to direct it in the right direction.

For older children, in addition to games, you can turn on simple funny questions to give them a break and amuse them with their own answers.

Carrying out a matinee at school requires light and sound equipment without fail. And you need to take care of this in advance. Usually in schools, assembly halls are small, so the Christmas tree is placed in the gym. It has "its own" acoustics and it is difficult to work without microphones, especially if there are many children at the matinee.

Ask in advance that the students prepare concert performances - many of them will do it with great pleasure, because some of them go to a dance ensemble, someone is engaged in music, and someone is engaged in vocals. Usually there are enough people willing to speak. It is best to enter these numbers into the script in advance, or to conduct a separate competition for the best number of amateur performances by class and give prizes. It is necessary to resolve the issue of gifts in advance. Whether it will be sweet gifts or souvenirs, parents decide.

Children come in high spirits, in carnival costumes, to have fun, dance, their whispers about costumes, etc. complement the general noise of the hall. And if you are hard to hear, then everything that you have prepared will not "sound". When everything is heard and clearly visible, the semantic thread is not lost, and children listen carefully, without being distracted.

You need to think about how to organize the guys before the matinee in order to grab their attention. What does the leading character of the holiday need to do? Ask the children to hold each other's hands and make a large circle so that there is enough space for games, relay races and dance competitions. Need to ask them if they love the New Year? Do they know how to have fun? (They usually answer in chorus.) Who is more at the party: girls or boys? (Girls clap their hands, and boys stamp their feet.) Do they know how to meet guests? (Let's check this with the volume of the applause.) This is enough to get the attention of the children, and you can start the matinee. And if the children have not calmed down, then ask them to scream loudly, and then listen to the silence. They will subside.

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Literary quiz

On a visit

to the New Year's fairy tale

1. Who in the famous Russian folk tale melted at the stake?

Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"

Russian folk tale, in which the wicked stepmother and her wicked daughter were punished, and the old man's kind and hardworking daughter received generous gifts from the winter wizard.

Russian folk tale "Morozko"

What is the name of the tale in which the wicked stepmother sent her stepdaughter into the forest for snowdrops in the winter cold?

S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve months".

In this tale, the evil queen bewitched and kidnapped the boy, made him forget about his family, and only the girl's love helped to save the named brother from ice captivity.

G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

This heroine from the fairy tale of H. H. Andersen was born in the forest, then the ball is brightly decorated with toys, sweets, nuts, apples, then she lay in the attic, and her life ended at the stake.

G.Kh. Andersen "Yolka"

What is the name of the main character of the story, who comes to life at night on the New Year tree and enters into a battle with the leader of the mouse army .

THIS. Hoffman. "The Nutcracker, or the Mouse King"

In this fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, the wicked stepmother forces the stepdaughter to do all the hard work. One day a girl dropped a spindle into a well. An unusual meeting with one grandmother changes her whole life.

Brothers Grimm "Grandma Blizzard"

A New Year's story about how two sisters Leninitsa and the Needlewoman take turns managing a strange house, if you are lazy, inept and do not like to work, then you will not receive either a reward or gratitude.

V.F. Odoevsky. "Moroz Ivanovich"

The story of how a small but very serious boy Uncle Fyodor, his friends the cat Matroskin, the dog Sharik and the little gal, as well as the postman Pechkin and Uncle Fyodor's parents celebrated the New Year in the village .

E. Uspensky "Winter in Prostokvashino"

Resources used: illustrations for winter fairy tales