Problem skin during pregnancy. Face and body skin care during and after pregnancy. Decorative cosmetics. How to paint your face during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman's body. This is relevant not only for the internal organs and systems of a woman, but also for the skin, the state of which is especially changing.

As a rule, facial skin becomes oily during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of a woman is changing, as well as the activation of the sebaceous and sweat glands. True, there is a category of expectant mothers who note that their skin, with the onset of pregnancy, has become drier.

Some women experience skin pigmentation on the face for 9 months. For example, chloasma (spots on the forehead, nose, and cheeks) may appear. As a rule, in pregnant women with fair skin, these spots are dark in color, while in dark-skinned women, on the contrary, they are light. After giving birth, everything will return to normal. In the meantime, try to be less exposed to the sun, as the color of these spots can become more intense under the influence of ultraviolet rays. For girls with freckles, during pregnancy, the face will become brighter and "reddish". Owners of pale skin are least susceptible to pigmentation. But for brunettes and brown-haired women, the risk of having a "mask of pregnant women", as the pigmentation of the face is called, is quite high. The reason for this phenomenon is also in the increased effect on the body of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. When the baby is born and the hormonal background levels off, everything will return to its previous state.

Many women develop a flush on their cheeks during healthy pregnancies. The reason for this phenomenon is the increased volume of blood, which actively flows through the numerous blood vessels located under the skin.

During pregnancy, a woman may appear on her face. Do not try to drink any acne medications, they can harm your baby.

Better take care of your face with harmless hypoallergenic cosmetics and natural products often used in home cosmetology. Also, against the background of hormonal changes, acne may appear. In this case, the woman needs the help of a dermatocosmetologist to prevent scarring.

Some pregnant women report that they have hair on their face. Don't worry, as most of this hair will also fade after childbirth. Excessive hairiness is attributed to increased blood flow and increased nutrients in the mother's body, resulting in improved skin cell nutrition.

Often during pregnancy, facial swelling may occur. The mechanism of edema is associated with a change in water-salt metabolism, as well as as a result of a violation of the outflow of blood and lymph through the veins of the legs and changes in the blood and vascular wall. If a woman's face swells, then they talk about the third stage of edema. On the first, there are swelling in the area of ​​the feet and legs, on the second - of the lower extremities, lower abdomen and lumbosacral region, on the third, swelling in the arms joins, and the face becomes puffy. The fourth stage is general edema.

Swelling of the face is noticeable visually: it becomes more round. In addition, you can independently determine if there is swelling: press your finger on the skin, if a fossa remains, then most likely it is swelling. With such symptoms, you urgently need to see a doctor. He will determine the exact cause of the edema and prescribe adequate treatment. Failure to act in this case can lead to serious problems. Most likely, with edema, the doctor will prescribe a dairy-plant diet to the pregnant woman, ask to limit the intake of table salt, and, if necessary, prescribe medications.

And finally, I would like to note one more thing. Unfortunately, a variety of signs regarding pregnancy are still relevant in everyday life. One of them says: a pregnant woman should not touch her face, since the child will have many birthmarks. It is not clear for what reasons such nonsense was invented many years ago. And although there is no relationship here, some try to touch their face as little as possible. But is it possible for 9 months not to wash, not scratch your nose, in general, never touch your face? And what is the connection between tactile contact to the mother's face and the birthmarks of the baby? Therefore, be more judicious and do not go on about unreasonable prejudices.

Be healthy! Happy and beautiful pregnancy!

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Pregnancy is considered the most beautiful time in the life of any woman. The first weeks, while the tummy is not particularly visible, the woman constantly feels a surge of vigor and strength from the mere thought that another life is living in her. But the longer the pregnancy, the more problems she has to face.

Problematic skin during pregnancy occurs due to weakened immunity, hormonal changes, latent diseases that have become identified at the time of conception. But you can still achieve perfect skin, the main thing is not to despair.

If you had acne before pregnancy, then it is unlikely that they will disappear for good during pregnancy. The thing is that the hormonal balance is disturbed, and during pregnancy, the female body experiences tremendous stress and stress.

In this case, doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition. It is allowed to use toners designed to cleanse the skin, but you should refrain from any creams. Finally, acne should go away only after childbirth.

If you had normal skin before pregnancy, and after conception you noticed that it became dry, hormonal imbalance is to blame. In these cases, experts recommend washing with plain water, without using soap, and adding any moisturizers to your cosmetic bag.

Thermal water spray is an ideal cosmetic product. To keep humidity in your room, get a humidifier, which you will need for the postpartum period as well.

Many women begin to experience severe itching during the last trimester of pregnancy. Most often, a strong desire to scratch occurs in the evening, while the pregnant woman does not observe any rash on her skin.

Itching is most often felt in the palms and feet. This is due to stagnation of bile, since during pregnancy the liver is under great stress. Because of this, large amounts of bile salts are collected in the blood, causing itching. If you notice similar symptoms in yourself, then you should see a specialist. Most often, this condition goes away one month after giving birth.

Often, pregnant women notice long red streaks on their skin called stretch marks. And the longer the gestation period, the more stretch marks on the body. This is due to the fact that skin cells do not have time to recover, and the weight increases rapidly. To prevent stretch marks, you should apply special creams or use ordinary olive oil. Do not forget that proper nutrition will save a pregnant woman from gaining excess weight, which means that stretch marks may not appear at all.

Some pregnant women experience excessive hairiness during pregnancy. All this is connected with hormones. Often, a large number of acne develops along with hairiness. Most often, this condition disappears six months after childbirth.

During pregnancy, you may notice how you develop prickly heat and diaper rash. This is explained by the increased work of the sebaceous glands. In this case, it is advisable to take a shower several times a day, wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Most often, prickly heat catches up with pregnant women in the last trimester and disappears after childbirth.

Mask recipes for problem skin

Problematic skin during the time is quite difficult to hide. If skin imperfections can be hidden under clothes, then even several layers of foundation are unlikely to be able to hide acne or pigmentation. In addition, the use of a large amount of cosmetics leads to blockage of the skin, as a result of which acne and other inflammatory rashes may appear in a pregnant woman.

There is an opinion that taking care of the skin during pregnancy is useless. As practice shows, the more you take care of your skin, the better it looks. Using some face masks can give pregnant skin a radiant and healthy look. Below are recipes for home beauty products.

Take 100 grams of sour cream, add 1 egg yolk to it, finely chopped peel of 1 lemon, pour everything on top with a small spoonful of vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly. After that, apply the resulting mixture to your face with a brush, wait until it dries completely. After that, wash with a parsley decoction.

If you are the owner of oily skin, then the following mask will definitely suit you. Take plain yogurt without filler, apply it all over your face, wait until it dries completely, and then wash off with plain water. This mask can be used every day, it dries oily skin, tightens pores.

If you want to refresh the skin on your face, then use a watermelon mask. Take a small amount of watermelon, turn its pulp into a pulp, then apply it on your face for 20 minutes. As soon as the mask begins to dry, rinse it off with warm water.

If you have dry skin, it is worth trying an egg yolk mask. Take one egg yolk and mix it with a large spoonful of vegetable oil. In order to enrich the skin with nutrients, add a small spoonful of honey to the mixture. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

Video: Skin care during pregnancy

Facial skin: care during pregnancy On the "Domashny" channel from Monday to Thursday there is a new one, in which they took part, and the spouse Dmitry Dibrov... Star heroines talk about how they prepare for childbirth, how they relax, what problems they face and how they take care of themselves.

It's no secret that hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, strongly affects the condition of the skin of the face: it can become drier or, conversely, more oily. The appearance of pigmentation and various inflammations is possible. However, as practice shows, problems with facial skin arise not only due to changes in hormonal status, but also due to a banal lack of vitamins. The appearance of age spots may indicate a deficiency of vitamin C, excessive dryness of the skin - the absence of vitamins A and E. That is why it is advisable for the expectant mother to take a special complex of vitamins throughout her pregnancy. In addition, it is important to eat a balanced diet, include more dishes from lean meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

The appearance of age spots during pregnancy- This is quite common, and is also associated with changes in hormonal levels. As a rule, after childbirth, they disappear without additional intervention. However, in order not to aggravate the problem of pigmentation, starting from the first trimester it is worth using a face cream with sunscreen filters. In summer, the protection factor should be maximum: SPF 30 and higher, in winter SPF 10-15 will be sufficient.

If age spots do appear, you can try to whiten them slightly at home using safe natural cosmetics. For example, twice a day, wipe your face with a decoction of parsley (for normal, dry and sensitive skin) or a slice of lemon 1-2 times a day (for oily and problem skin). But with whitening creams, you should be careful: they may contain ingredients undesirable for pregnant women (for example, hydroquinone). Other popular whitening ingredients (such as kojic acid or vitamin C) can irritate the skin and become more sensitive during pregnancy.

Oksana Pavlenko

dermatocosmetologist of the TriActive Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine, Ph.D.

During pregnancy, the pain threshold changes - it can both increase and decrease, therefore painful procedures (for example, manual skin cleansing) are undesirable during this period. All procedures related to skin trauma are prohibited: injections, many peelings, laser and photo procedures, hair removal, etc. Skin care products should not contain antibiotics, hormones, retinoids and any pharmacological ingredients. From April to the end of September, it is imperative to use sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 30. Chloasma of pregnant women is an unpleasant and persistent aesthetic defect, which can be dealt with only after the end of lactation.

Sometimes during pregnancy, the skin becomes dehydrated and dry(in this case, do not forget to provide the body with the proper amount of water), but most often, due to an increase in the level of progesterone, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, already in the first trimester on the face acne may appear... Keep in mind that many popular acne treatments are not suitable during this period, as they can negatively affect the fetus. These are, first of all, products with antibiotics, benzoyl pyroxide, retinoids.

Since during pregnancy the skin becomes more sensitive Therefore, the usual creams can cause irritation and allergies. In this case, it is worth switching to products marked "for sensitive skin" that do not contain the main irritating ingredients - fruit acids, alcohol, perfumery fragrances, parabens, essential oils.

By the way, do not forget that most essential oils are contraindicated during pregnancy. Some of them can increase the tone of the uterus or even cause miscarriage. Therefore, you should be wary of organic cosmetics, which often contain a large amount of essential oils and so-called cosmetic oils (usually mixtures of vegetable - avocados, wheat germ, shea, etc.) - they may also contain essential oils. Despite the fact that there are quite a few of them there, most aromatherapists still advise not to take risks, especially if you have not used cosmetics with essential oils before.

Your entire body undergoes changes during pregnancy, and your skin is no exception. While some women simply glow with beauty, others experience a range of dermatological problems ranging from facial redness and broken blood vessels to stretch marks and acne.

Such changes are not at all a myth, the blood volume of a pregnant woman increases by almost 50%. Increased blood circulation in the tissues of the body leads to the fact that the cheeks become ruddy, the capillaries that cannot cope with such a volume become brittle, in addition to this the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and the face looks "shiny". But this does not mean that the expectant mother should endure all these joys.

Alas, a consensus on which ingredients are dangerous for pregnant women is still not fully formed. Sometimes women, in an effort not to harm, do not use anything at all, you never know what. As soon as there is an article on the Internet about the potential dangers of "vitamins" - and the jar flies into the trash. As a result, problems accumulate like a snowball, and after pregnancy, the amounts spent in beauty clinics increase tenfold.

The main things to remember when taking care of yourself:

  • The most important is the first trimester. It is the first weeks of pregnancy, when you still do not even suspect about future motherhood, that are very important for the development of the child. At these dates, the tissues and life systems of the new person are laid. It is at this time that it is worth being scrupulous in the care procedures and lifestyle (give up bad habits).
  • Throughout pregnancy, care should be pleasant and comfortable, endorphins are very important. Avoid any ingredients or treatments that make you feel uncomfortable, even if they are working. Stress, pain and so on provoke the release of cortisol, which constricts blood vessels. Believe me, this is not useful for your future baby.

- pregnancy mask

What is it: Melasma is one of the most common skin changes associated with pregnancy. These are light to dark brown spots that appear in 70% of pregnant women. The surge in estrogen, progesterone, and melanostimulating hormone hormones results in blemishes over the upper lip, chin, cheeks, or forehead.

What to do: Melasma cannot be completely prevented, but it is possible to reduce the intensity with the help of clarifying serums. If you regularly performed surface chemical peels with AHA acids before pregnancy and they do not cause you any unpleasant sensations, you can carry out a course of procedures with lactic acid - it affects only the stratum corneum and does not exhibit a systemic effect.

Look for Vitamin C, Niacinamide, and Oligopeptides 34 and 51. Use SPF 30+ and go for Sanblocks, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which reflect heat from the skin and are ideal for pregnant women.

Avoid: Do not use hydroquinone. The risk of cellular toxicity is too great.

Psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea

What is it: Pregnancy can be stressful for the body, and this fact will exacerbate existing or emerging problems. According to one of the theories, the immune system and all cellular responses are switched to maintaining the health of the child and the mother is already “not strong enough”. However, sometimes in pregnant women, on the contrary, allergic itching and rashes pass.

What to do: Be more gentle to your skin. Mild cleansers (hydrophilic oils or creamy textures, cold creams), lamellar creams (mimicking the natural lipid layer) and simple moisturizing serums.

The key ingredients are panthenol, bisabolol, beta glucan, oat extract or oat powder, colloidal oatmeal, borage seed oil, sunflower seed oil or olive oil. You may need a green tint concealer to mask redness. Do not be afraid of silicones, they are inert, do not cause allergic reactions and do not penetrate deep into the skin.

Avoid: Abrasive peels, even with the smallest particles (polishes). Heat and friction can provoke inflammatory reactions. Also refrain from perfumed products - even if the shower gel smells pleasantly of "dark chocolate and orange", it is better not to risk it. Fragrances aggravate skin sensitization.


What is it: The increase in the hormones progesterone, estrogen and androgens during pregnancy stimulates the sebaceous and sweat glands to function. The skin becomes oily, follicles become blocked, acne can appear on the face, chest and back. Studies have recorded the maximum level of hormones in the earliest stages of pregnancy, subsiding in the second and the last surge in the third semester.

What to do: We need clay masks that absorb excess sebum, it is good if the composition contains sulfur.

Look for sebum regulating and antibacterial ingredients in creams - niacinamide, zinc gluconate, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, Salix alba (white willow) bark extract. If you have pustular or papular lesions, it is possible to use low concentrations of benzoyl peroxide. 2% salicylic acid and peels with lactic acid are acceptable.

Avoid: Retinol is harmful to pregnant women - it easily passes through the deep layers of the skin and enters the systemic circulation, has a teratogenic effect, and can cause cell mutations.

Some say that salicylic acid is also dangerous because it affects red blood cells and thins the blood in a way similar to aspirin. I believe that even a 20% peeling with salicylic acid will only work in the sebaceous glands and will not go deeper. Therefore, all the horror stories about the stimulation of bleeding are not justified. But ultrasonic cleaning is really better to avoid, their effect on the body of pregnant women has not been properly studied.

Becoming a mother is not an easy task, you should not complicate your life with "cosmetic" horror stories and panic. The simple tips in this article will help you maintain and even improve the condition of your skin.

Tatiana Morrison

Photo by, collage by Alina Trout

Bearing a fetus implies increased control of the health of the expectant mother. At the same time, being in a position, you should not deny yourself the usual things. Some procedures only change slightly, but you will not have to abandon them. Today we'll talk about how to take care of yourself during pregnancy. Let's talk about hygiene, stretch marks, pigmentation and cosmetics.

Whether it is necessary

Every woman is worried about her appearance. Being in a position, the question of how to take care of yourself during pregnancy becomes especially acute.

The happy sparkle of the eyes says a lot. The hormonal background changes dramatically, the level of estrogen rises. Rather rapid changes in shape are taking place.

Some of the usual methods of care will still have to be abandoned. But basic procedures remain available for expectant mothers.

Daily hygiene

Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is slightly different from your normal life. During all nine months, hormonal changes occur. In some cases, the usual level of hygiene is not enough.

Sweating increases in expectant mothers. The smell takes on unusual notes. The frequency of visits to the toilet is increasing. The increased need to urinate and vaginal discharge leaves its mark on the frequency of intimate hygiene.

Taking a daily shower is essential to eradicate the root causes of a favorable environment for the growth of fungi and bacteria. It can be either cool or warm. 37 ° C is considered the optimum temperature. This will help to improve blood circulation and get a boost of vivacity.

After showering, it is recommended to apply an emollient and moisturizer.

You can also relax in a warm bath. It promotes good mood and sleep. The temperature should not exceed 38 ° C. Hotter water will significantly increase the body temperature of the mother and fetus. This is especially dangerous in the first trimester of gestation.

Oral hygiene requires special attention. It is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Three times cleansing is an ideal indicator per day. All kinds of dental threads are allowed.

Special attention should be paid to toothpaste. It should be natural. It is better to change your toothbrush more often than recommended. Two months of use will help prevent the development of pathogens.

Face care

Increased estrogen levels and beneficial effects on the skin. Existing wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes firm. Owners of an oily type of dermis will notice a reduced secretion of sebum. It will reduce acne breakouts and pimples. The pores will become less visible. A healthy glow will appear.

Normal skin type can, on the contrary, become problematic. The appearance of general tightness, dryness and pinpoint peeling is possible. To eliminate them, it is better to use a mild scrub. Then apply a moisturizer.

The use of high abrasive scrubs is not recommended. As well as peels, creams and masks with fruit acids. It has been proven that their content in high concentrations can harm the fetus.

It is important to remember that facial care during pregnancy is different from what you are used to.

The skin is more prone to allergic reactions. It is not recommended to purchase new cosmetics. Preference should be given to proven ones.

What to do with pigmentation

During gestation, pigmentation is a fairly common situation. This problem is especially experienced by brunettes. Symmetrical spots appear on the face in the forehead, temples, cheeks and cheekbones. Also, the nipples and halos around them darken. Dark areas can form in the midline of the abdomen and in the natural folds of the skin.

You don't need to worry about it especially. After a few months after giving birth, the pigmentation will disappear without intervention.

To reduce manifestations, it is necessary to use sunscreen. Spf filters are also added to products for daily use.

If the expectant mother is especially concerned about skin care during pregnancy, you can use whitening cosmetics.

Medicines approved by doctors during gestation will not harm.

There is a possibility to make brightening masks yourself. To do this, you need to grate an apple, add egg yolk and finely chopped parsley there.

Body care

Body care during pregnancy involves a range of treatments.

It is necessary not only to maintain mental balance and not to overexert the muscles. Taking care of your skin is equally important. In most women, the skin of the body is normal or prone to dryness.

To maintain tone, it is important to observe during the entire period of gestation. Drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day.

Moisturizing creams and lotions contribute to a good turmoil. The use of natural oils will not only nourish the skin, but also make it silky.

Many girls love the wrapping procedure. This is a great way to moisturize and prevent unwanted effects. A number of such services have been created in SPA centers.

Hot wraps are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Cosmetologists use ingredients that do not have a warming effect. Often they are medicinal mud, honey and seaweed. Such care can be used at home as well. But only for the legs and arms.

The list of prohibited methods includes abdominal wrapping, vacuum and anti-cellulite massage.

Fighting stretch marks

One of the most unpleasant moments is the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy. The cause of the occurrence is a strong increase in the waist. At this moment, there are many microdamages to the connective tissue.

Stretch marks also appear on the chest, thighs, and buttocks. Preventing their formation is much easier than eliminating existing ones.

Particular attention should be paid to those girls who are prone to stretch marks. They often occur during adolescence. It is then that the skin does not have time to adapt to the increased growth of the body and body weight.

Weight gain must be carefully monitored. The rapid process threatens to form white and pink stripes.

Special cosmetics can help the skin stay supple and elastic. These products include almond milk, jojoba and wheat germ oil, and elastin.

You can cook them yourself. If normal, gentle rubbing with a terry towel and light pinching will preserve excellent turgor.

Breast care

High-quality breast support prevents sagging in the best way possible. As soon as the breasts begin to enlarge, it is worth getting a new bra.

Exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles will help in the fight. In combination with a contrast shower and oils, a positive effect will be observed.

The absence of allergic reactions to fragrances will also help solve the problem of stretch marks. Orange essential oil combined with almond oil is perfect for massage.

You need to start applying from the nipples, moving upward to the armpit in smooth, circular movements.

Depilation and peeling

Shaving has become an absolutely safe way to remove hair.

Hot wax depilation is prohibited on the legs. During this period, there is a tendency to varicose veins. Hot wax can provoke the spread of pathology.

It can be used on the arms and armpits. It is better to give preference to the cold method. Electro and laser hair removal is prohibited.

Peeling will not only remove dead cells, but also improve blood circulation. After it, the skin absorbs caring agents as well as possible.

Manicure and pedicure

It is better to carry out European manicure for pregnant women. The same applies to pedicure.

Classic views should be postponed to avoid the possibility of viruses being introduced through the instrument.

To prevent dry skin and peeling nails, a cold paraffin spa is an excellent option. As well as natural oils and creams.

Hair care

Due to changes in hormonal levels, increased hair loss may occur. No need to worry, with the return to normal, this problem will be eliminated by itself.

The task of the expectant mother is not to let the bulbs fall asleep. Light massage for 5-10 minutes a day is perfect for this purpose. To reduce hair loss, it is necessary to use masks and balms. This will help prevent tangling when brushing.


It is best to paint with paints that do not contain ammonia. When applied, retreating from the scalp 1-2 cm.For the entire period, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure more than three times.

A haircut

All superstitions about excluding haircuts are unfounded. A haircut is essential at any period of life. It will not do any harm.

Requirements before childbirth

Shaving the crotch becomes a mandatory requirement. It is better to do it at home. The midwife can also do this, but there is the possibility of injury.

Since there is increased sweating in pregnant women, it is worth paying attention to hair removal in the armpit.

Not required. But its application will help to avoid unpleasant moments.

Useful video: pregnancy and beauty - self-care during pregnancy