A cold on the lip in pregnant women. How to recognize a disease. Danger in the last trimester

Many women are worried if even the slightest changes in the body begin to occur during pregnancy. Anxiety can be caused by the unexpected, which appeared one morning on the lips.

To find out if herpes is a danger to the fetus, you should ask why it appears. If we talk without reference to pregnancy, then you can become infected with the virus even in childhood. In the subsequent time, the development of the virus depends on immunity, living conditions and diseases. Then, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, herpes manifests itself in different ways. It happens from time to time on the lips, in some people - on the genitals. Most scientists believe that there are no people who are not infected with the herpes virus.

If herpes on the lips during pregnancy appears a second time, then it is not very dangerous for the fetus, but there are cases when the rash occurs for the first time - then the child may be in real danger.

If you look at the appearance of herpes during pregnancy from the other side, then such a rash leads to the formation of antibodies to it. This means that within six months after giving birth, the baby will be immune to the herpes virus.

It is difficult for modern medical science to say exactly how the herpes on the lips during pregnancy will affect the child. So it's always best to play it safe and do more research if you want.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy: treatment

In most cases, herpes on the lips during pregnancy indicates an exacerbation of the disease, so it must be treated. In this case, you should take into account your position and abandon the usual drugs.

If herpes in a pregnant woman manifests itself a second time (in a recurrent form), then doctors mainly prescribe antiviral ointments, for example, Zovirax, alizarin or oxolinic ointment. Antiviral tablets for oral use during pregnancy are not used in the treatment of herpes. That is, drugs taken in ordinary cases (Acyclovir, Penciclovir, Foskranet and the like) are prohibited during childbearing! All of them are capable of having a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

However, there are many folk remedies for herpes, for example, it is recommended to lubricate the rash with Corvalol solution or Forest Balsam toothpaste. There are also various antiherpes lipsticks with tea tree extract: reviews indicate that this also helps. If we talk about the simplest methods, then usually the bubble on the lips is smeared with vegetable oil, petroleum jelly, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil helps well. The latter can also be used to treat the vagina.

In any case, you need to consult with your doctor: he will tell you the best treatment method for you and, possibly, will select vitamin preparations to increase immunity. In particular, with an exacerbation of herpes, the body's need for B vitamins increases, ginseng and other natural biologically active substances may be useful.

It is possible and necessary to treat herpes at any stage of pregnancy. Doctors assure that the earlier treatment is started in this case, the better.

If you get herpes on your lips during pregnancy, be sure to follow simple rules of hygiene. This is very important to prevent the spread of the virus to other parts of the body. Herpes on the genitals is considered the most dangerous, therefore, firstly, do not touch the vesicle on the lips with your hands, this increases the risk of transmitting the infection. Also, do not wet the herpes on your lips or squeeze it out, so as not to cause additional skin infection in this area of ​​the body. If you care about the health of your partner, then doctors advise to refrain from oral-genital contact.

After giving birth, you also don't need to be too careless, especially if cold sores are still present on the lips. Best of all, when a woman observes hygiene for the sake of the health of the baby. Basic actions - do not kiss the child and do not touch his body with your lips at all. For added safety, use the mask until the crusts are dry.

Your baby's health is yours and absence. Therefore, worry about the baby even when it is still in your womb. In most cases, women catch herpes during pregnancy due to their own negligence, a strong kiss with a friend or unwashed hands after the street - one of the most important reasons for the appearance of a "light" on your lips.

Specially for- Maryana Surma

From the guest

Bergamot oil will help with skin diseases: abscess, scabies, ulcers, herpes and acne. It is used for diseases of the respiratory system, such as tuberculosis, tonsillitis, bronchitis. Its application is not limited to this. Bad mood? And here bergamot will help. It is enough just to smell this wonderful fruit - and your mood immediately rises and improves. For the same reason, bergamot is used in the treatment of stress and depression (for example, postpartum depression). Contraindications to the use of bergamot Bergamot contains furocoumarins. These substances have photosensitizing properties that lead to severe skin pigmentation. Therefore, do not rub with bergamot oil in the summer or before going to the solarium. It is especially dangerous to use bergamot products for allergy sufferers. As for what concentration the essential oil should be, it must be diluted 1:10 before use, as undiluted oil will irritate the skin.

From the guest

I have had herpes on my lips since childhood a couple of times a year (spring, autumn). Therefore, when I got out during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I was not scared. The best remedy for me is the usual Boro Plus ointment. 2-3 days, and everything heals. All health!

From the guest

At the beginning of pregnancy, herpes jumped up on the lip. Until now, it never happened at all, the doctor said that the immune system was probably weakened. She said to eat grapefruits and grease the wound with rosehip oil. It helped a lot and worked well.

Fever on the mucous membrane of the lips or nose is an extremely unpleasant condition for any person, without exception, and especially herpes on the lips during pregnancy causes extreme concern. Almost 95% of the world's population is considered the causative agent or virus carrier of herpes. Most often, herpes on the lips has several names, such as: colds, labial herpes, herpes of the lips. The common cold causes widespread herpes of the first type. Labial herpes is a type 2 herpes virus. An extremely small number of people have persistent immunity to the herpes simplex virus type 1. The causes of the herpes virus themselves are not exactly known to date. Scientists have noticed that in most cases, this virus nests in the nerve nodes in an inactive state.

Basically, herpes on the lips during pregnancy occurs under unfavorable conditions that cause a huge strain of the body's defenses. It is pregnancy that is a vivid and absolutely indicative picture of such a tension of the body's defenses. Should a pregnant woman catch a cold or, on the contrary, overheat, worry about her health or the health of the unborn baby, experience a nervous overstrain, the herpes virus activates instantly. Even if immunity is slightly reduced due to pregnancy, a clinical picture appears. Itching appears, bubbles that spoil the mood, interfere with food intake, and most importantly, force the expectant mother to be in constant excitement about the danger of this condition for the future baby. Small blistering rashes, if left untreated, remain on the lips for quite a long time.

I would like to reassure expectant mothers. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy does not carry any terrible danger to your unborn child, unlike the dangerous genital herpes. Possible manifestations of herpes simplex during pregnancy are a general feeling of fatigue, a slight fever, and sleep disturbance due to general anxiety. In general, infection with the herpes virus occurs in early childhood. Of course, the state of health of the little person plays an important and decisive role. The forces of immunity transferred in early childhood illness, the hereditary factor, the mother's tolerance during pregnancy and childbirth, absolutely everything has its decisive importance. It should be especially noted that people who are not infected with herpes practically do not exist.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy, as a rule, indicates any exacerbation of the process. Treatment is required. It should be taken into account that the sooner you start treatment by any means, the sooner you will get rid of this misfortune. Pregnant women will benefit from the use of antiviral ointments such as Zovirax and Acyclovir. But due to the difference in the perception of drugs, consultation with a gynecologist is absolutely necessary. Many pregnant women choose to use more conventional, folk remedies for herpes on the lips. Sometimes the use of toothpastes as a remedy against the herpes virus is extremely surprising, and these funds help some people. Some pregnant women use Corvalol solution, and grandmothers generally treated herpes on the lips with earwax and quite effectively.

Special antiherpetic lipsticks available on the market are great for treating herpes on the lips during pregnancy. They include great additives such as tea tree or calendula extract. Gynecologists say that herpes on the lips during pregnancy leads to the formation of antibodies, which, penetrating the placenta into the body of the unborn child, contribute to the formation of stable immunity in him. It is the persistent immunity that effectively protects the little person immediately after childbirth from the ubiquitous herpes virus, sometimes up to six months from the day of his birth. In general, there is no unequivocal opinion about the effect of herpes simplex during pregnancy.

Therefore, you should not panic at all when this virus is found. Calmness is your primary concern.

The process of waiting for a child is often accompanied by various diseases, many of which are very dangerous for the mother and baby. Herpes during pregnancy on the lip refers to just such ailments.

Varieties of the disease

- an infectious disease. Most often it appears on the skin, mucous membranes, eye cornea. Less commonly, the disease affects the nervous system and internal organs.

While waiting for the birth of a child, a woman has colds that can affect not only the lips. Often diagnosed - the disease appears on the labia during pregnancy.

This is due to the fact that the disease exists in two varieties:

  • the virus of the first type is located on the upper part of the body - because of it, rashes appear on the lips;
  • the second type virus affects the lower half of the body - it manifests itself in the form of colitis, cystitis, genital ulcers, anal fissures.

How does the disease proceed:

  1. At the initial stage, itching appears, the state of health worsens, the temperature may rise.
  2. Then the lips become swollen, bubbles with liquid appear. As the disease progresses, the bubbles break open, and small ulcers form instead.
  3. At the last stage, scabs form, the sensitivity of the skin increases, bleeding is possible.

What is the reason for the appearance of the disease

While waiting for a child, a woman's body has many additional responsibilities. Therefore, some functions are temporarily disabled, or I am not working at full capacity. This applies to immunity. Since the fetus is considered a foreign body. And if the protective force works diligently, rejection and miscarriage will occur.

But with weakened immunity, diseases begin to appear, with which the body previously successfully coped. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy occurs most often in the early stages. It is during this period that the body is in a state of extreme stress.

Important! Also, the disease can provoke hypothermia, overwork. Herpes can develop against the background of sore throat, flu, or a respiratory viral infection.

How dangerous is it

When a cold appears on the lips, mothers, first of all, are interested in whether it is dangerous. Doctors have no definite answer to this question. It all depends on, and the duration of pregnancy.
The herpes virus, having appeared once, settles in the body forever.

Important! Only 3% of the population has not found this virus. Anyone who has once had the disease develops antibodies.

Therefore, if the expectant mother had herpes earlier, it is not worth worrying about this disease during pregnancy. A rash on the lip only signals a decrease in the body's defenses, one should start strengthening the immune system. The disease poses no threat to either the mother or the baby.

If during pregnancy the herpes popped up on the lip for the first time, the woman shows all the symptoms of infection - aches, high fever. This course of the disease has more serious and dangerous consequences. In this case, the woman should be supervised by a specialist. Because there is a threat to the fetus.

But initially getting sick with herpes during pregnancy is quite difficult. Most often, the disease affects children over four years old, many become infected even at the time of birth.

The danger of the disease depending on the duration of pregnancy:

  • herpes in the first trimester is the most dangerous, because at this moment all the baby's systems are formed. But if the mother is not sick for the first time, the antibodies will be passed on to the baby, and up to six months he will be reliably protected from the given ailment;
  • herpes on the lip during pregnancy in the second trimester is not so dangerous, even with the initial infection of the mother. Treatment should take place strictly in a stationary environment;
  • in the third trimester, the mother's immune system practically returns to normal, herpes is extremely rare. It is dangerous if the disease intensifies in the last week of pregnancy, or during childbirth. Such a mother can infect a newborn while caring for him.

Important! A woman with obvious signs of a cold on her lips will give birth in the infectious diseases ward.

Many are afraid of such an outcome, therefore, in the later stages, you should carefully monitor your health, strengthen the protective functions of the body. Herpes can lead to a frozen pregnancy. Miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth.

Differences in the treatment of herpes in pregnant women

When a cold appears on the lips, you should figure out how to treat the disease. And how to do it right.


Treatment should be started with the external use of antiviral drugs. Ointment can only be prescribed by a doctor. Pills are not prescribed for pregnant women, the exception is a severe course of the disease.

  1. Preparations containing acyclovir do not affect the condition of the fetus. Since they act only superficially, they are not absorbed into the blood and tissues.
  2. Zovirax ointment and acyclovir contain the same active ingredients, differ only in price and country of origin.
  3. A modern antiviral drug approved for use in the treatment of pregnant women is fenistil pencivir cream.

The product should be applied to the affected area in a thick layer, rubbing lightly into the skin. Repeat the procedure as the ointment dries. The duration of therapy is at least 5 days. Even if the bubbles began to dry out earlier, the treatment cannot be stopped.

Important! Before purchasing a medicinal ointment, the affected areas can be lubricated with toothpaste, liquid vitamin E, and Corvalol.

If the disease is accompanied by severe pain, the lips can be lubricated with menovazine or benzocaine ointment. Medicines prohibited for the treatment of herpes during pregnancy:

  • famvir;
  • valtrex;
  • foscarnet.

A diet aimed at maintaining immunity is also important for successfully getting rid of the disease. If the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals, this also affects the health of the baby. All chronic ailments are aggravated, hair and nails suffer.

During herpes treatment, there should be more protein in the diet. All the necessary substances are found in lean meat and fish, fruits and vegetables. Raisins and chocolate should be completely discarded.

If, before the manifestation of herpes, the mother did not take special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, during the illness it is imperative to start taking it. You can strengthen the immune system with the help of herbal immunostimulants - ginseng, echinacea.

Traditional methods of treatment

Unconventional remedies can be used in an integrated manner. The first few days it is better to use medication. As their effect weakens as the virus grows. From the moment the bubbles burst, you can use agents that promote rapid healing - sea buckthorn oil, almond oil, juice from aloe and Kalanchoe leaves.


You can eliminate a cold on the lips with the help of an egg film, which is on the inside of the shell. It should be fixed on the affected area and allowed to dry completely.

  1. Grate a few cloves of garlic, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Lubricate inflamed areas up to 5 times a day.
  3. Mix 20 ml each honey and apple cider vinegar.
  4. Lubricate over the garlic juice.

A medicinal ointment can be made from honey and garlic. To do this, mix 10 g of liquid honey with the same amount of garlic juice. Lubricate areas covered with bubbles up to 7 times a day.


For compresses, you can make a soda solution - dilute 5 g of soda in 110 ml of water. Moisten a cotton pad, apply to inflamed areas.


Strong black tea brew is effectively used in the treatment of herpes. Dip a spoon into a cup of strong, hot, unsweetened tea. After it heats up, apply to the affected area.


The best prevention is early pregnancy planning, strengthening the immune system for several months. You also need to get rid of bad habits, undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Important! It is necessary to pass an analysis that will show the presence (absence) of antibodies to the herpes virus.

Modern obstetricians have mixed opinions about herpes. Some argue that this disease can lead to malformations in the fetus. Others believe that herpes poses no danger. But any disease during pregnancy must be fought. And do it in a timely manner, especially in the early stages.

Like any virus, herpes during pregnancy in any trimester is a dangerous disease that threatens with serious consequences for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Obstetric practice states that there are no complications after the manifestation of symptoms of infection, then severe deviations in the development of the fetus. Behavior patterns for infection and treatment methods should be communicated to the woman by the attending physician if she suspects that she has herpes on her lips during pregnancy.

What is herpes on the lips

Small blisters on the lips, skin, eyes, and external genitals, called herpes or malaria, are not innocuous. This virus, which affects the nervous system, manifests itself as meningitis, encephalitis, shingles. A rash on the lips is called herpes simplex type 1 and is a symptom of herpes activity. After suppressing the activity, the virus is not completely eliminated from the body, but it does not multiply either. A complete cure has not yet been found.


Infection occurs through contact with the carrier of the virus under conditions of weakened immunity. The human body produces antibodies that can resist herpes in an inactive stage, but under certain conditions, the disease may recur. Relapses are promoted by concomitant diseases and pathogens, including:

  • acute infectious diseases, flu with high fever;
  • weakening of the immune system of women due to the onset of pregnancy;
  • trauma to the lips or eyes;
  • hypothermia;
  • exposure to sunlight.

Infection routes

Primary infection occurs through contact with the carrier of the virus, through common household items. The zones of penetration of the virus into the blood and lymph are the upper respiratory tract, mouth, genitals. With blood, herpes enters the internal organs, is embedded in the cells of the nervous system, from where it is impossible to remove it. A cold on the lip during pregnancy is dangerous, because once it gets into the body, the virus will be a companion of a person all his life.


The active stage of the virus is preceded by malaise, headache, burning sensation on the skin, itching, chills. The manifestation of herpes simplex is characterized by a rash in the form of a group of bubbles with transparent contents. More complex forms of the disease - shingles, or malaria - appear as multiple herpetic eruptions, the contents of which are at first transparent, and subsequently purulent and bloody. Severe forms are characterized by high fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and the general condition worsens.

Is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy

If a woman is already sick during gestation, there is a threat of infection of the baby. Primary infection is dangerous when the mother's body first encountered the disease and antibodies have not yet been developed. Herpes on the lips of pregnant women in the 1st trimester is undesirable, when the formation of vital systems occurs in the embryo. If a woman was sick before pregnancy, antibodies are transmitted from mother to fetus along with the virus, and the child receives immunity while still in the womb.

Dangerous during pregnancy are severe forms of herpes - shingles, malaria, infectious mononucleosis, etc., accompanied by high fever, pain, severe itching, deterioration of the general condition. In addition to the risk of infection of the child, they increase the likelihood of miscarriage, exfoliation of the placenta, bleeding, complications during childbirth and fetal abnormalities.

How to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy

Therapy is carried out with medication and folk remedies at the stage of exacerbation of herpes. To combat recurrent disease, ointments, creams are used, severe forms are treated with pills, injections. Folk remedies are used exclusively to speed up healing. Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is to suppress its activity, development, reproduction.


When pregnancy develops and herpes on the lip is undesirable to treat with pills and injections, antiviral ointments and creams are prescribed. They act superficially, destroy the external manifestations of the disease, penetrate the bloodstream in scanty amounts and do not affect the tissues of the fetus. They are used regularly until the symptoms of the disease disappear. During pregnancy, appoint:

  • Acyclovir ointment (analogue - Zovirax ointment) - prevents the multiplication of the virus. An inexpensive, affordable remedy that is effective for herpes simplex. The focus is treated with Acyclovir up to 5 times a day every 4 hours, it is necessary to be treated for 10 days.
  • Oxolinic ointment is a non-toxic antiviral drug that has a suppressive effect on herpes simplex. Used to treat and prevent infection. Safe during pregnancy. The lesion is treated with ointment 2-3 times a day, it is necessary to use the ointment for 2 weeks.


The restriction on treatment with pills during pregnancy is associated with the possibility of penetration into the blood of the fetus through the placenta. A drug in tablets is prescribed if the harm from a viral infection to the fetus is more dangerous than the action of the drug. Therapy begins when the first signs of the virus appear. The list of effective antiviral pills contains:

  • Valacyclovir - used in the treatment of simple, genital and herpes zoster. Almost always completely stops the biological activity of herpes, blocks its reproduction. Prevents transmission of the virus to partners through contact. It is taken 2 g 2 times a day, the course lasts only 1 day.
  • Acyclovir - effective for herpes simplex. The treatment period should be accompanied by the intake of a large amount of liquid. Take 1 tablet (0.2 g) 5 times a day, the duration of use is 5 days. During treatment, headache, fatigue, diarrhea are possible.

Folk remedies

The safest for the treatment of colds on the lips during pregnancy are traditional folk remedies, but their action does not suppress the activity of the virus, but only accelerates the healing of its external manifestations. Recurrences of herpes are effectively treated with means to strengthen the immune system, prepared according to folk recipes. They are affordable, safe and simple:

  1. for the healing of blistering rashes:
    • Lubricate with lemon juice, soda solution, alcohol. Apply an emollient cream shortly after treating the lesion. The white soda crust formed during treatment with a soda solution does not need to be removed.
    • Lubricate the rashes with fir oil at intervals of 2 hours. The burning sensation during the procedure passes quickly.
  2. to strengthen immunity:
    • Drink a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in it every day on an empty stomach.
    • Before each meal, take a teaspoon of aloe juice.
    • 2-3 medium carrots, 1 apple, a small bunch of parsley, mix in a blender. Take a tablespoon throughout the day.

How to treat herpes on lips during pregnancy

In obstetric practice, when it is required to treat herpes, local ointments are used, and in case of exacerbations of severe forms of the disease, antiviral pills are prescribed. If you want to treat rashes with folk remedies, you should do this: treat them with ointment several times, and then use your own medicines.

1 trimester

During the period when the fetus is developing the main systems of future life, treatment with pills and injections is not recommended. During this period, herpes should be treated locally, using ointments and creams, enhancing the effect of drugs with folk remedies. Another prerequisite is a doctor's consultation when choosing a treatment for the focus.

2 trimester

During this period, both infection and treatment with oral antiviral drugs can also cause fetal abnormalities. These complications are not as gross as in the 1st trimester, but local herpes treatment in combination with folk remedies is preferable. It is important to take means to strengthen the immune system - ginseng, eleutherococcus, vitamins.

3 trimester

The formation of the vital systems of the fetus by this time has been completed, the treatment of acute forms of herpes infection with oral agents is allowed if the consequences of the development of the disease exceed the danger from the use of drugs. Pills are used only as directed by a doctor, with the possibility of local treatment, preference is given to him.


03.09.2016 10595

Itself a common disease caused by viruses. It is unpleasant when cold sores appear on the lips during pregnancy.

The disease manifests itself in the form of bubbles. The causative agent is the herpes simplex virus.

This disease affects 90% of the world's inhabitants. Only many have it in a latent form.

What is herpes?

This is a latent disease. Most often, a cold manifests itself in the nasolabial region or on the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.

Herpes on the lip is characterized by itching, sores and blisters. Additional symptoms are muscle weakness, high fever, and a feeling of fatigue.

It should be borne in mind that bursting bubbles are considered distributors of this virus. A crust appears at the site of the wound, which later disappears.

The disease worsens during the cold period. It is believed that it has a direct relationship with a cold snap. But the real cause of inflammation is lowered immunity.

Herpes occurs during pregnancy. This is due to a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system during intoxication of the body in the early stages of pregnancy.

For any type of disease during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

The main symptoms are:

  1. The appearance of burning and itching.
  2. Redness in the inflamed area.
  3. Ulcers appear that look like yellowish blisters with fluid.
  4. The temperature rises and malaise appears.
  5. Also, herpes on the lips in pregnant women is characterized by chronic fatigue and drowsiness.

The disease that appears on the lips occurs due to the penetration of the first type of herpes into the body.

The causes of herpes

The main cause of the disease is HSV 1 and 2 viruses. They come into contact with the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or mouth. In this case, epithelial cells are affected. After a certain time, symptoms of the disease appear.

After the first infection, immunity to such viruses appears, but the effects of herpes remain and periodic relapses occur.

Herpes in pregnant women occurs due to the influence of various reasons:

  1. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Hypothermia of the body.
  3. Influence of stress, as well as physical weakness.
  4. For some medical procedures: abortion.
  5. Sitting on diets.
  6. Various immunodeficiency states.
  7. Change in hormonal levels.
  8. Intoxication.
  9. The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  10. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy appears after various diseases.

Often the disease manifests itself with a lack of vitamins. This happens in winter or early spring.

More than 40% of people no longer experience symptoms after the first infection. This is due to strong immunity. Also, the virus does not have time to gain a foothold or passes without symptoms.

The first infection with an infection is due to the following reasons:

  • with a variety of bodily contacts: handshakes, kissing and sexual intercourse;
  • if you do not observe personal hygiene: use common utensils or household items;
  • also the lesion occurs by airborne droplets - when coughing or sneezing;
  • herpes occurs during early pregnancy.

Danger during pregnancy

For women, the question arises: is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy? Medical research reveals antibodies to the virus of the simple type in 80% of patients. This worries women, but there is no danger in this result:

  1. The test detects protective antibodies, not the virus itself.
  2. The existence of such antibodies does not pose a threat to the fetus, but indicates immunity in the mother.

Herpes is dangerous in early pregnancy at the first infection.

Pregnancy in the first months with such an infection can be jeopardized. There is a risk of negative effects on the fetus.

A woman who has already had herpes and who gets sick again during pregnancy has antibodies that protect the baby.

Often, with an exacerbation of the genital form of the disease in pregnant women, a cesarean section is recommended in order to avoid infection of the baby while passing through the birth canal.

If the pregnant woman had herpes before pregnancy, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

The modern is not capable of providing complete recovery. Medical measures are aimed at maintaining the immune system and suppressing the underlying symptoms.

If an ulcer or other manifestations of herpes appear for the first time during pregnancy, then you should urgently visit a doctor and get tested.

In the first episode of herpes during pregnancy, the infection is transmitted through the vessels of the placenta or through the fallopian tubes.

With recurrent types of herpes, vitamins are taken, and complex treatment of the disease is also performed.


To treat herpes on the lips, especially in pregnant women, is as directed by a doctor. When diagnosing this disease, it is important to take urgent measures to reduce the risk to the future fetus. It turns out if there are concomitant diseases, for example, in the form of a cold. With this disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy. In this case, the medicine is applied several times a day. It is believed that such drugs will not harm the health of the mother and baby.

Of the medicines used are acyclovir, as well as tetracycline, erythromycin and oxolinic ointment for herpes.

For wound healing, ulcers are cauterized with interferon or vitamin E.

Immunoglobulins are also used.

Home treatment for cold sores is done after consulting a doctor. There are the following remedies for ailment:

  1. Moxibustion of wounds is carried out with propolis tincture.
  2. Tea tree oil and fir oil are used.
  3. With numerous rashes, a composition of interferon and vitamin E is used.
  4. Lotions are made from a soda solution.
  5. Gum resin is used to lubricate the inflamed areas.
  6. Aloe juice is effective.
  7. Sometimes a mixture of ash, garlic juice and a teaspoon of honey is used.
  8. The lip is treated with a mixture of petroleum jelly and calendula tincture.

During pregnancy, topical preparations are prescribed. A herpes ointment such as acyclovir is used. Alternative agents include Zovirax, Ciclovir, and Viralex. Together with ointments, drugs that activate immunity are prescribed. This is echinacea or ginseng.

During treatment, additional measures should be taken to increase immunity:

  • consume plenty of fluids;
  • switch to a healthy and balanced diet;
  • observe hygiene procedures, and do not touch your face with dirty hands.

To avoid the need to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  1. Examine the body before planning a pregnancy.
  2. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system.
  3. It is worth getting rid of bad habits.
  4. It is also worth drinking multivitamin complexes and an immunity-enhancing agent.
  5. It is recommended to get tested for herpes.
  6. In difficult cases, plasmapheresis is used.

Self-medication is contraindicated in pregnant women. The exact diagnosis and recommendations are determined by the attending physician.