Psychological state during pregnancy. The psychological and emotional state of a pregnant woman

The mood during early pregnancy can change like a sinusoid, from strong to weak, from joyful to depressed, from confidence to fear of the future. Both changes in the body and the conditions of your life play an important role in this.

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Changes in the body and their effect on mood

Internal physiological changes accompanying the onset of pregnancy play a primary and key role. Reorganization of the body and the emotional state during early pregnancy are inseparable from each other:

  • ... Taste sensations change. As a result, mood can also change. Some foods (even previously loved ones) can be intolerable to the taste, even to the point of disgust. On the contrary, other foods will make you crave to eat them as much as possible. Also, you may want to either eat nothing at all, or the feeling of hunger will follow all day long. In both cases, you should eat as your supervising doctor recommends - changes in mood and appetite in early pregnancy should not greatly affect the diet necessary for your health and the health of your baby.
  • Reconstruction in the central nervous system. The brain (or rather its small but very important structural part - the hypothalamus) qualitatively and quantitatively controls the regulation of hormones. And hormones - mood, and quite long. It is impossible to regulate the work of the hypothalamus on your own, so you need to adapt and be prepared for the fact that mood can change very strongly: from irritability and even anger to tears of happiness. An event and detail that hasn't touched you before can trigger a very strong emotional reaction, and something that previously worried, disturbed, or delighted you may no longer affect you. By the way, this may also concern the perception of sounds, perhaps you will want to listen to certain music more often, or maybe it will be comfortable mainly in silence.
  • Metamorphoses of smell. Closely associated with changes in the central nervous system. Previously loved perfumes can, at best, cause rejection and misunderstanding of how they could previously be used and admired. The same goes for food and cooking.

Smell is a powerful stimulant of memories and mood. If there are changes in the perception of smells, you should surround yourself with those smells that cause, if not admiration, but at least a neutral attitude. Get new perfume, change something in the kitchen. Can't be ignored: mood swings due to smell can be stressful.

Pathology in the mood

Emotional swings and changes in mood can not always be explained solely by physiological reasons.

  • Asthenia is a severe decay, weakness and general constant drowsiness. Those tasks and responsibilities that were previously easily given seem to be impracticable. Pallor and circles under the eyes are possible. It is better to overcome this state by rest and sleep, regular meals, and a walk in the fresh air. The main thing is not to bother yourself with activities that require strong emotional or physical involvement, so as not to expend the energy that should be spent on restoring a healthy state.
  • Stress during early pregnancy is normal and common, as pregnancy, albeit natural, is very stressful. And you should organize your day so that pregnancy remains the only strong stress. The severity of stress for each person is individual and does not change much over the course of life. If you feel stressed, you should either sleep or switch to a pleasant activity, such as a hobby. This will distract you, and enjoyable and desirable activities are not stressful in and of themselves.
  • Depression in early pregnancy is, in fact, rare. Most often, depressive syndrome occurs after childbirth (the so-called postpartum depression).


A serious psychiatric diagnosis that can be treated with medication: often requires the simultaneous intervention of both a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

Based on which we can assume depression:

  • depressed mood after waking from sleep. Often, the mood improves significantly with the onset of the evening;
  • simultaneous feeling of irritability and weakness;
  • the feeling that the world has lost its colors, everything can seem gray;
  • unwillingness and feeling of physical impossibility to do any business. Strongly weakened will.
  • regular self-deprecating thoughts ("I am a bad woman and a mother", "I do not deserve life on earth", "My whole life is terrible and meaningless");
  • suicidal thoughts and plans;
  • self-harm attempts.

The above symptoms are also characteristic for asthenia and for ordinary. These are sufficient reasons to consult a specialist.

Depression is a disease that must be treated. If most of the signs described above have been observed in you for more than two weeks (or the last three only made themselves felt), you should immediately contact a specialist psychotherapist. If a woman has injured herself or tried to commit suicide, immediate help from a psychiatrist is needed.

Coping with depression

We recommend that you accept your mood changes as normal. Self-acceptance is often the best medicine. A change in mood during early pregnancy is a normal and correct signal indicating that the necessary restructuring of the body is taking place.

You should often turn to what brings joy and satisfaction, which can distract from everything bad (for every woman, of course, this is individual): walking in the fresh air, reading books, watching movies, going to a theater or museum, cooking, work ( working during pregnancy is not harmful, but you cannot overwork, and if possible, if there is a choice between work and caring for yourself and your health, you need to choose the latter), hobbies and hobbies (and during this period new hobbies may appear), (which , of course, cannot and should not replace everything). In some women, sexual desire fades away in the early stages, or even for the entire period of pregnancy; and for some, on the contrary, libido only intensifies. If you are concerned about this issue, then talk to your doctor, almost always sex during pregnancy is harmless and rather useful.

Professional help

Sometimes there may be a need for the help of specialists: an observing doctor or psychologist.

You are not alone in your experiences; mood changes during early pregnancy occur to one degree or another in every woman. Accept your changes as normal and natural. Do not diagnose yourself - if you have doubts about your health or emotional state, do not hesitate to see a doctor. Observe your diet and sleep patterns. Try to be in such conditions in which the mood will change, if only for the better.

Before using any drugs, be sure to consult your doctor if there are contraindications. Do not self-medicate!

Even if it was not at all easy for you to bear a child, with his birth, life will be colored with new colors. Believe me, you are not alone - neither in joy nor in sadness! Condition during pregnancy sometimes it changes with great speed and there is nothing terrible or shameful in this.
There is an idea that every woman, having barely learned about her pregnancy, is overwhelmed with a feeling of radiant joy and remains in this state until childbirth. This is called “being a good mother” and behaving quite “right”. About how the expectant mother should behave, what to think and feel, books and articles have been written, this is taught in courses and in TV shows for future parents. However, in life, everything is not so rosy, and many expectant mothers ask each other: “Do you like being pregnant?”, Hoping to hear that she is not alone and that not everything leads others to indescribable delight.

Stories from the life of pregnant women

“I am expecting a baby for the second time, and each time I am confused by the sensations that pregnancy gives me. In my opinion, only the baby's movements can be called pleasant, but for some they soon turn into a “game of football”.

“I didn't feel too sweet during pregnancy - nausea, odors that cannot be avoided. Food that is "recommended" to eat, not the one you want. Lack of opportunity to dance, drink with friends. About friends, by the way, is generally a separate conversation. As soon as I got pregnant, most of them were just blown away by the wind. "

Many will shake their heads: “This is wrong! Pregnancy is a joy, what does she say ?! She probably doesn't want a child and will be a bad mother! " And women, whose thoughts creep into their heads, immediately begin to feel guilty, inferior, and wrong. But know that you are not alone! Here is what the mothers, who experienced their pregnancy without much enthusiasm, recall: “Of course, I immediately remember 4-month toxicosis, weight loss of 9 kg, later pinched nerves and sleepless nights when my daughter drove her legs in her tummy until 5 in the morning ... But what is it happiness is to feel that a little man lives in you. This covers any trouble. I really want to experience everything again! "

“For myself, I concluded that pregnancy cannot be called something pleasant, but it is preparation for the very best - the result of all suffering - for a child! It was necessary to endure it in order to get that desired, why I, perhaps, was born. Pregnancy was hard for me, but the first moments after childbirth are the happiest moments of my life. Such euphoria that you understand: for the sake of these few minutes of happiness, it was worth walking a journey of 9 months with toxicosis up to 16 weeks, heartburn, shortness of breath, palpitations, headaches, edema and so on! "

Am I a bad mom?

So, unpleasant feelings can be associated with pregnancy, and this is absolutely normal! Agree, few of us like nausea or lethargy. But these are frequent companions of the beginning of pregnancy. It's hard to get overwhelmed by 3 months of nausea and start experiencing bliss. But in only a small percentage of women, nausea and sleepiness will last more than 12 weeks. Even if you have this period a little longer, remember - it will soon become easier.

Tune in that already in the second trimester you will feel much better and, if you wish, you can even go somewhere to relax with your husband, since rest for pregnant women is important for.

Causes a certain irritation and a constant desire to fall asleep while standing, sitting and in all possible positions. The fact that you do not like this state of affairs is quite acceptable and, naturally, does not say anything at all about your moral qualities, or about your readiness and desire to soon become a mother. You just don't feel well. This is normal condition during pregnancy, the psychology of the personality of a pregnant woman is as follows.
But soon it will pass!

Condition of a pregnant woman in the second trimester

And now the toxicosis recedes, I don't want to sleep anymore. Begins, by all accounts, the quietest trimester of pregnancy.

It is in the second trimester that many women will finally feel comfortable and enjoy pregnancy. But here, too, there are moments that are not to everyone's liking. These are the common complaints of this period.

  • "I am very worried and worried if everything is all right and if I can give birth myself."
  • “I'm worried, of course, my nerves are terrible:“ What’s there? How does the baby feel? Why can't I feel any movement? After all, it's probably time for him to push! "
  • “I am now constantly on edge - at least because few people understand me. They constantly ask why I am angry, but this question alone makes me sick. "
  • “Oh, those tests for pathology - who just invented them! Until you wait for the result, you can go crazy with excitement! "
  • “I cry for everything! It seems, show me your finger - I'll burst into tears! "

If you can say the same thing about yourself, then know that you are not alone. It is in the second trimester that many women complain of unmotivated tearfulness and irritability. They wait with bated breath and worry why they are not there. They are worried that there are too many or fewer of them than usual. Anxiety and irritability do not add to your comfort.

But this condition during pregnancy does not mean that you somehow "incorrectly" feel your own state or are not happy about the expectation of a child. On the contrary, excitement is rather a sign that you are very worried about your unborn baby. And you will be a very good mom! To be more calm about your child's condition, it is important to choose a good doctor you can trust. He will both advise and console. And your "pregnant" days will become brighter!

If you feel that you have become overly sensitive, talk to your doctor. He will prescribe mild and approved sedatives. This will save yourself, your loved ones and your baby from unnecessary worries.

Talk to your family, explain that now you have a special condition and often you get angry or cry not at all because your family did not please you in some way, but simply because these emotions are stronger than you and it is difficult for you to restrain them. Which, however, does not mean at all that you can torment your loved ones with your bouts of bad mood. Control yourself!

Condition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, many women may experience such unpleasant pregnancy companions as edema, in particular, swelling of the hands during pregnancy, heartburn, shortness of breath, stretch marks. They just drive expectant mothers crazy, and few people are delighted with them. Women are scared of their own condition during pregnancy, negative thoughts about such a happy event as carrying a child.

Pregnancy and nervous breakdowns are becoming more common, but everywhere they say that one should think and feel differently!

And to the anxiety about one's well-being and unfavorable changes in appearance is also added a tremendous sense of guilt in front of others and the baby for the fact that mommy is waiting for him "with the wrong thoughts." You feel heartburn, you struggle with swelling, you find it hard to button your shoes, and it becomes difficult to walk. The child pushes all night long, and cannot fall asleep. You feel sorry for yourself, and often the thought comes to mind: "When will this end?" Well, the thought is very characteristic of the third trimester and in essence correct.

You feel negative about YOURSELF while worrying and worrying about the baby! Don't worry, you are the nicest mommy and everything in your family will turn out in the best way!

It is more difficult for others.

Think at least of those women whose pregnancy is (or was) difficult, with complications. Some are forced to spend half the term, or even all 9 months in the hospital, or the doctor prescribes bed rest during pregnancy at home. Of course, few of them will say that pregnancy was a wonderful and blissful time for them.

Women who have had a very difficult pregnancy often just recall it with a shudder. They associate it with anxiety, endless examinations and procedures. From the pleasant impressions - the movement of the baby and childbirth (and even then not for everyone). And, nevertheless, they are the most gentle and caring mothers. And many of them, despite their fear and possible repetition of negativity, want more children! Regardless of whether you are delighted with pregnancy or this state does not bring you anything but excitement, you are ready to experience such a state again for the sake of what is most precious in the world - your wonderful baby!
If you want, love and wait for him - you will be a good, caring and most loving mother!

Anxiety, depressive mood and obsessive thoughts - all this happens from time to time with every pregnant woman.

No matter how the pregnancy proceeds, almost every woman from time to time has "heavy" thoughts, doubts, fears, depression may occur. Here you need to understand that this is due to hormonal changes, the vulnerability of the psyche of a pregnant woman and the fact that natural fear, anxiety to a certain extent prepares a woman for the role of a mother.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and at the same time very exciting period in the life of every woman. And that's okay. After all, this is the natural state of the female body, during which there are a lot of changes: physiological, hormonal, psychological.
The entire body is rebuilt in order to fulfill a super-mission: to carry and give birth to a child. During this period, a woman requires a special attitude towards herself, the support and attention of loved ones is needed.

A woman is physiologically and psychologically involved in the creation of a new personality. A lot of information and interesting studies have already been collected about the prenatal period. We know that the child feels the emotions of the mother. And it is mom and dad who create the space of love for the development and growth of the child.

Harmonious for a woman and a family is a state when two people carry a pregnancy. Only a woman carries a child, and a man carries a woman. This waiting period brings the family closer and minimizes the woman's anxiety. But we are not talking about overprotection of a woman, when she is literally stifled with attention and pity from all sides, interfering with the natural rhythm of her life.

Every person needs a sense of fear in order to evaluate and avoid dangers. And the fear of a pregnant woman prepares her for the responsible process of giving birth and raising a child in the future. This is how the instinct of protecting oneself and one's child from possible threats is formed.

If you feel that you cannot cope with your fears and experiences on your own and they do not give you rest day or night; Perhaps this is why relations with family begin to deteriorate or you are seized by depression - seek professional help from a psychologist. Your psychological state affects the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Easy pregnancy and positive mood during this period. In Russian there is a very poetic expression about a pregnant woman - "a woman in a position." Hope for the best and it will definitely come.

Pregnancy radically changes the usual state of a woman: she has new taste preferences, toxicosis pesters her, her belly grows in the end! Comprehensive information about these metamorphoses today can be found in any specialized online magazine. Meanwhile, the psychological state of a woman during pregnancy is no less important than the physiological aspects. Our article will tell you about the neuropsychic preparation for the upcoming motherhood.

A miracle happened: the pregnancy test "gave out" two strips! From that moment on, life changes to become even better and more beautiful. Only now, the expectant mother is not yet able to comprehend the obvious at once - for this she will need a lot of time, namely 9 months.

The inner world of a woman in a position is so complex and deep that her mood can change more than a dozen times a day: a minute ago she was laughing merrily, but now her eyes are in a wet place, and there is nothing strange about it. Sensitivity, susceptibility, impressionability - all types of reactions to the outside world during pregnancy are exacerbated to the limit. All expectant mothers, from the moment of conception to childbirth, live according to special rules of psychology.

Physiology divides the period of pregnancy into three fundamental stages, or trimesters. The same can be done from a spiritual point of view.

Features of the psychological state during pregnancy by trimester

First trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most emotionally unstable period for a mother-to-be. The female psyche is doing a tremendous job to adapt the pregnant woman to her new position. The condition of a woman during pregnancy is precarious and vulnerable, so she is often thrown to extremes: joy replaces regret and vice versa.

Moreover, the expectant mother is worried about an unclear excitement. This is not yet fear of childbirth or fear for the health of the baby, no. Rather, it is the anxiety of having to let go of the old life in order to open the doors for change.

The state of health during pregnancy in the first trimester also adds fuel to the fire: nausea, poor sleep at night and sleepiness during the day, severe hunger or a complete lack of appetite make the newly-made mother-to-be feel overwhelmed and tired. How can you not be sad? At this time, it seems to a woman that she is insolvent, dependent on outside circumstances and other people. But she is unlikely to find the strength to resist this feeling: on the contrary, she wants to become an object of increased attention and care.

The psychological mood during pregnancy is so changeable that it is really difficult for the expectant mother to put herself together: she often wants to cry, she is almost sure that no one cares about her, she is more and more often visited by sentimentality, and what she wants most is she and she herself does not know.

The reason for such an emotional "kaleidoscope" lies in the fundamental restructuring of the body's hormonal system. It is hormones that are to blame for the fact that the way of thinking of a pregnant woman at the beginning of her new position acquires some features of a child's psyche. Psychologists believe that nature arranged it this way for a reason: such a kind of correction of consciousness will help a woman in the future to find a common language with her child. This period is necessary for the successful development of motherhood.

At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the state of the expectant mother is still not stable: a carefree life will not give way to the inevitable growing up in one day. Such a duality of the situation is not always obvious to the pregnant woman herself, so she can take offense at loved ones for no reason, and also break down at them in moments of sudden outbursts of anger.

At this stage, fertile ground for the development of depression appears in the life of a pregnant woman: even the most harmless disagreements with her husband can emotionally break the expectant mother. At the same time, she needs family support more than ever.

Second trimester

A woman who is in a state of pregnancy in the second trimester rests in mind and body. The energy flows in her body are flowing as usual, and the great state of health helps to tune in for the best. The expectant mother sleeps well again, has a healthy appetite and gives those around her a radiant smile.

At this stage, what she was waiting for with great excitement finally happens - the baby gives the first signs of life and pushes! The pregnant woman is no longer able to hide her joy, now she knows exactly how much she wants to become a mother. Self-confidence and rational thinking return to her.

Third trimester

At the final stage of the "interesting" situation, a sobering occurs. In the first trimester, being pregnant was a novelty for a woman, so she could not perceive the child as a reality. Now that childbirth is just around the corner, the baby is becoming the center of her universe. All desires and thoughts of the expectant mother are associated with him.

Smoothly approaching the most important event in her life, a woman pushes everything that does not concern her position into the background. Hobbies, work, even a beloved man - everything pales before the all-consuming desire to prepare your "nest" for the arrival of a son or daughter. If you answer the question, what is the state of pregnancy in the third trimester, then the word "immersion" characterizes it better than others. Immersion in yourself and in your unborn child is a hallmark of late pregnancy.

The woman is again subject to excruciating mood swings: in general, she is most often seized by unreasonable irritability and anxiety. In fact, the subconscious of a pregnant woman is already living with anxiety about the upcoming birth and potential pain.

The state of the body during late pregnancy weighs on the expectant mother, and she endures the last weeks of waiting for the baby with great difficulty: it's hard to lie, hard to walk, it's hard ... In addition, the woman's feelings are in great confusion: she wants to see her baby as soon as possible, but at the same time, he is very worried about how the birth will go.

The last trimester of pregnancy is considered the most unique period in a woman's life - it is so unusual and amazing in terms of the complex of sensations.

What is the expectant mother afraid of

In the first trimester, the pregnant woman is tormented by the fear of the unknown and change. A woman will need a lot of strength to get used to her new position, which will undoubtedly affect her studies, work, and life in general. The most correct step at the beginning of pregnancy is to accept yourself and the baby who caused such emotional confusion. As soon as a woman can do this, she will feel incredible relief and a desire to learn how to coexist with the child she carries under her heart.

Mothers who really wanted to get pregnant, from the first days of this wonderful condition, often begin to worry about the health of their future baby. A long-awaited child will be born strong or weak, will he have any unforeseen deviations, will the unknowingly taken pill of a strong anesthetic affect his development, how to protect himself from the harmful radiation of a computer monitor…. What terrible pictures the expectant mother will not paint, sorting through various situations in her memory when, in her opinion, she stumbled.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all expectant mothers tend to fall prey to social superstitions regarding pregnancy. For example, which of the women has not heard that in position it is impossible to cut, sew and put on patches, otherwise the child will have many moles? And every woman, most likely, will remember how she, pregnant, was warned to raise her hands so that the child would not get entangled in the umbilical cord. Such beliefs do not bring anything good and useful, except for increased anxiety. The surest way to get rid of them is to perceive these collective "fairy tales" as nothing more than a given of pregnancy, as one of its natural phenomena.

If unconditional trust in omens does not give a pregnant woman peace, it is better for her to turn to a professional psychologist, regular conversations with whom will put everything in its place and lead the expectant mother to peace of mind.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman, consciously or not, begins to fearfully think about the upcoming test in the form of childbirth. The most interesting thing is that these fears are not groundless: childbirth is a powerful physical and psychological experience, so all women's fears are absolutely natural. For example, a pregnant woman may be afraid not so much of painful sensations as of the development of certain complications during childbirth. There are often cases when the expectant mother is afraid to seem ... unattractive in the eyes of a loved one and medical staff at the time of childbirth.

However, most often a woman is afraid for her life and for the life of her child. Psychologists interpret these fears in their own way: a pregnant woman worries about her baby in advance, who, when born, inevitably goes through the stage of psychological death. He dies for the intrauterine world to be born in another, external world. Birth is the strongest experience in the entire human life, and in strength it is comparable only to death.

At the same time, one cannot discount the subconscious delusion that a woman should give birth in pain. Even all the latest research and methods in the field of obstetrics and gynecology taken together will not be able to drown out the human ancestral memory with which we come into this world. It remains to hope only for the reason and adequacy of the pregnant woman herself.

To ease the moral discomfort that complicates the last weeks before childbirth, you need to properly prepare for the process of giving birth to your baby: sign up for special courses and think over the scenario of your childbirth to the smallest detail - choose a maternity hospital, get acquainted with a doctor who will help in delivery.

Influence of the state of the expectant mother on the intrauterine development of the fetus and childbirth

All scientists agree that an increased degree of maternal anxiety and regular experiences affect the child's health in the most negative way. Also, emotional stress can cause complications during childbirth.

From the second third of pregnancy, the circulatory system of the growing organism begins to actively form and improve. Through the placenta and the umbilical cord, the fetus receives the lion's share of hormones whenever its mother succumbs to anxiety or depression. The negative perception of her condition by the expectant mother leads to the development of real functional disorders in the child's body. Prolonged irritation or anxiety of a woman makes the child just as upset, which he immediately informs mom about with a series of indignant pushes in the stomach.

An emotionally unstable pregnant woman has a high probability of miscarriage and premature birth, as well as serious disturbances in the course of labor, even if they started at the right time. Most often, on this basis, there is a weak birth activity, intrauterine oxygen starvation of the child, pathology of blood supply to the placenta.

A woman's positive attitude towards pregnancy works wonders - proven by medicine. When a pregnant woman happily feels like a vessel filled with precious contents, all chronic diseases recede, physiological malaise is more easily tolerated, and there is no room for fears and doubts in her mind. A mother's faith in herself, her unconditional admiration for the miracle of the birth of a new life, also charges the baby with positive energy, gives him a feeling of security and confidence that somewhere out there, in another universe, he is loved and awaited.

Psycho-emotional state during pregnancy: asking questions to a psychologist. Video

Pregnancy is a new state for a woman, which, in addition to being absolutely logical in the body, also affects the psyche of a pregnant woman. During the nine months of waiting, the expectant mother can experience various emotions: anxiety, emotional uplift, joy and fear, and sometimes even the woman herself cannot understand why the change of mood occurs.

What changes in your own behavior is worth pregnant woman how relations in the family will change in connection with the “special situation” and how these changes prepare parents for the future birth of a child, let's try to answer these questions based on the traditional periodization of pregnancy: the first, second and third trimesters.

First trimester of pregnancy

It is not very good for a woman to work with full dedication: there is a constant distraction in her thoughts, the expectant mother dreams, ponders, plans and ponders something. If a woman is worried about feeling unwell or this also does not add optimism and performance.

Counseling for the Pope-to-be : The first reaction to a wife's message about pregnancy is an important factor that can permanently change the relationship between spouses. And if your reaction to the words: "Dear, you will soon become a dad," was not joyful enough, you were just in shock and did not know how to behave, be sure to try afterwards to find the correct, necessary words that can convince a woman that you really are happy for the unborn child, ready to take care and responsibility for him and family life in general.

Another psychologically challenging task of the second trimester: accept the changes that have already occurred with a female body, to feel your new state, beauty and style. If your usual clothes have become too small, take this as an excellent opportunity, colors and materials. It is important not to perceive yourself from a negative point of view, worrying about the loss of a wasp waist or the awkwardness of a weighted gait, but to see your new inner beauty and enjoy harmony, to feel like a keeper, a coastal woman, a real woman.

Consultation for future dads : during this period, the husband still needs to show constant participation in the life of his beloved wife, not to be eliminated during discussions about the choice of a doctor, even if you absolutely do not understand anything about this, to visit an ultrasound scan with a pregnant woman, to accompany during the delivery of the necessary tests. Of course, many women's experiences will be too emotional and not entirely clear to pragmatic men, but in any case, show your wife a willingness to respond to her requests, listen to a too detailed story and not criticize excessive emotionality. Do not forget to tell your wife how beautiful she is, how you love her, notice how motherhood is going for her, and how you look forward to meeting your baby.

Be that as it may, but when a pregnant woman's tummy is rounded and she begins to feel the baby's movements, the mental instability of the first trimester gives way to some kind of inner detachment, specific protection from external anxieties , strong irritants and experiences.

During this period, the expectant mother can in an amazing way get closer to her mother and grandmother, try learn from the experience of older relatives , ask about how their pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, what they thought and felt. Rapprochement in relationships can also occur with the mother-in-law: a pregnant wife begins to be interested in issues that she had not previously paid attention to, for example, some features of her beloved husband in childhood, his habits and character. In the second trimester, a woman may feel a desire to take part in family celebrations and affairs again, feel her unity with her family.

One of the original psychological characteristics of a pregnant woman can be desire to do everything until the hour "X". Intuitively, a woman understands that in a certain month the usual course of her life will end and some other will begin, which she will not be known for sure, and therefore the pregnant woman tries to do as much as possible. Completing an important project, opening a store, completing a diploma, defending a dissertation, finishing repairs or buying an apartment - every woman has her own list of important issues that need to be resolved before childbirth, and the maximum efforts of the pregnant woman will be thrown into their implementation. Trying to restrict a woman in her activity is not worth it, everything will happen by itself, in the third trimester of pregnancy, according to the inner desire of the expectant mother.

Third trimester

By the end of pregnancy, a woman is less and less worried about the surrounding fuss, she remains in a state of listening to oneself , their feelings and movements of the child. And the tremors with tiny arms and legs are already quite palpable, which cannot but inspire the expectant mother with thoughts about her future life with a tiny one.

To meet your baby at home with maximum comfort and coziness, pregnant woman starts training : a stroller, a crib, clothes for the baby and all other necessary accessories are bought. The process of choosing the necessary things takes place in a pregnant woman under special control : the expectant mother does not want to be mistaken and checks everything several times, finds out opinions and reviews about the chosen model of the stroller or crib, carefully studies the labels on bed linen and clothes for the baby.

This is not the end of the preparation work, it is mainly during the third trimester that the families of future parents begin repairs and alterations in the apartment are committed necessary purchases , for example, a washing machine or multicooker, which will help the expectant mother to take care of the baby easier.

During this period, many pregnant women begin to sew, knit, are fond of embroidery, build toys for the baby with their own hands, trying to give their future baby all the best, natural and safe.

With the approach of labor, even the most psychologically stable pregnant women can experience anxiety and exacerbate fears. In this case, an excellent and already proven remedy is a patient understanding husband, a planned examination and consultation with a specialist who will confirm that everything is fine with the baby or, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

To instill in a pregnant woman as much as possible more confidence the fact that there is no reason for worry, it would be useful for a husband or close relatives to accompany the pregnant woman as often as possible during visits to the doctor, not to leave her alone with situations requiring quick decision-making.

The situation when a pregnant woman actually works until the very birth is now not uncommon, but from a psychological point of view, it would be right to take a month or two to relax the pregnant woman, tune in to a new program , calmly solve all the necessary matters before giving birth and comfortably enter a new rhythm of life with your baby.

No matter how natural pregnancy and childbirth are, it is necessary to prepare for them, and abrupt transition from the life of an actively working woman with a wide social circle to the role of a housewife and mother of a tiny child, who at first spends almost all her time at home, is fraught with emotional and psychological problems, for example, postpartum depression.

Consultation for future dads : If, before pregnancy, the lion's share of your wife's attention belonged to you by right, the third trimester is the best time to gradually, taking care of your wife and supporting her, realize that soon most of her attention will be switched to your baby. Learn to be independent: find out where the nearest stores are, try to cook soup with your own hands, figure out where in your neighborhood you can buy diapers and how to get to the nearest children's clinic. Soon all this knowledge will be necessary for you, because the roles in the family will change, and from a reckless husband who does not know where his things are, you will become an indispensable assistant for a young mother.

We tried to compile a list of several criteria, adhering to which, your psychological state during pregnancy will be as positive as possible :

  • Do not resist the changes that pregnancy brings, rather try to feel how pleasant they are.
  • Feel free to show weakness and ask for help, this will not diminish your attractiveness.
  • Tell your husband about your worries and joys, but only in words, and not outbursts of emotions, and first make sure that he is ready to listen to you.
  • Start learning special relaxation techniques such as auto-training, yoga, breathing exercises. This will help you cope with emotional ups and downs during pregnancy.
  • Maintain a sense of humor, thanks to which you can win in absolutely any situation.
  • Do not change your lifestyle drastically: meet friends, do interesting things, discover new knowledge and skills. Pregnancy is not a reason for imprisonment, but a way to get to know yourself in a new way.
  • Do not be afraid of your emotions, do not drive dark thoughts into the depths of your soul, but give them a way out. If you feel like it, cry for your pleasure, perceiving it as a curative prophylaxis.
  • Plunging into pregnancy, remember that in addition to the child you have a husband, and he also needs your attention and warmth. Do not take a man only as a means of consoling and fulfilling your desires, discuss the issues that concern him, believe in your husband, support him in his endeavors and aspirations.
  • Try to get some rest during the day and get used to the idea that mood swings are, of course, part of the "interesting situation," but this is temporary. Soon after childbirth, emotional outbursts will no longer bother the young mother, because a small miracle will be born that will bring you happiness and joy.

During nine months of pregnancy, you have to go through many physiological and psychological changes, but the main task of future parents is to change your relationship so that you can easily accept a child into the family and from a married couple become a real happy family.