What kind of disease are spots on the skin? What diseases cause red spots on the skin? Rough and flaky

Spots on the skin are a sign of a dermatological or pathological process of another nature. It should be noted that dry spots on the skin can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction, so you should not self-medicate. An initial consultation with a dermatologist and comprehensive treatment are required.


The etiology of this disorder will depend on the nature of the manifestation of the symptom. Common provoking factors include the following:

  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • allergy;
  • dermatological ailments;
  • gastroenterological pathologies;
  • psychological disorders, psychosomatics.

The cause of white spots on the skin may be the following:

  • leukoderma;
  • neuroendocrine diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • increased sensitivity to sunlight (in this case, white spots on the skin after tanning disappear over time and have no additional symptoms).

The appearance of brown spots on the skin may be due to the following etiological factors:

  • hyperpigmentation or age spots on the skin, which is caused by age-related changes in the human body;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • reaction to certain medications;
  • residual phenomenon after burns, cuts and other mechanical effects on human skin;
  • malignant formations;
  • fungal diseases.

Dark spots on the skin may have the following etiology:

  • coffee stain syndrome;
  • lentigo;
  • chloasma;
  • poikiloderma;
  • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome;
  • exposure to heavy metals or toxic poisoning;
  • various forms of melanosis.

Dark spots on the skin are extremely rare manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Red spots on the skin can be caused by the following ailments:

  • allergic reactions;
  • irritation;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • autoimmune diseases (,);
  • infectious diseases (,);

A red spot on the skin is one of the most common symptoms of not only dermatological diseases, but also venereological, infectious and fungal ones. Therefore, if a red spot appears on the skin, you need to seek medical help and not try to eliminate it yourself.


In this case, there is no general list of symptoms. The nature of the symptoms will depend on the underlying factor. However, in some cases there may be no additional symptoms, for example, if these are age spots on the skin that appear with age.

The appearance of brown spots on the skin may be accompanied by the following additional signs:

  • the manifestation may be symptomatic if it is a reaction to external stimuli or certain medications;
  • as the pathological process develops, the spot may itch and itch;
  • peeling is occasionally observed.

As for the localization of rashes, they can be located both diffusely and in specific places, depending on the etiology.

The appearance of light spots on the skin may be accompanied by the following clinical signs:

  • peeling and itching (spots on the skin similar to);
  • diffuse location;
  • local increase in temperature.

If white spots are localized throughout the body, except for the feet and hands, then this may be a manifestation of vitiligo. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

The appearance of red spots on the skin may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe itching at the site of the rash, peeling;
  • bubbles may form at the site of the spots, which over time burst and dry out, thereby forming a dark crust;
  • the formation may peel off at the edges or over the entire area;
  • possible formation of plaques, papules, erosions (the type of rash will depend on the etiology);
  • local increase in temperature;
  • redness around the formation;

The appearance of such rashes is often a symptom of the clinical picture of a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, the following specific symptoms may appear:

  • itching and burning during urination;
  • that do not provide relief;
  • pathological discharge from the genitals;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse, decreased desire for a partner.

In this case, dry patches on the skin can appear both throughout the body and directly in the groin.

In any case, the manifestation of such a symptom requires consultation with, even if the spot is isolated and is not accompanied by additional signs of symptoms.


A physical examination of the patient and collection of a general history are mandatory. To establish the root cause factor, the following laboratory and instrumental examination methods are carried out:

  • blood sampling for general and biochemical analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • microscopic examination of the affected area of ​​the epidermis;
  • STD test;
  • allergen test;
  • immunological studies.

Additional research methods are prescribed by the doctor based on the symptoms, general medical history of the patient and his age.


Basic therapy will depend on the underlying factor and the current clinical picture. Drug therapy may consist of the following:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotics;
  • antimycotic;
  • antihistamines;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

To eliminate rough spots on the skin of a child or adult, the doctor may prescribe topical medications - cream, ointment or spray.

Rash and spots on the body are unsightly and often feel unpleasant. In addition, rashes can signal serious illnesses, so it is necessary to be able to distinguish between common hives and chickenpox, redness caused by the weather, and lichen.

Skin spots - causes

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, so any changes on its surface should be taken seriously. Spots on the body are areas of the skin that differ from the rest of the skin in color, density, etc. Doctors identify the following types of skin spots:

  • – spots that appear as a result of melanin imbalance;
  • vascular – appearing as a result of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • artificial - resulting from exposure to coloring substances - paints, makeup;
  • spots that appear as a result of skin diseases - allergies,.

Red spots on the skin

Redness on the skin may indicate dermatitis, infectious diseases, decreased immunity, allergies, and abuse of sun treatments. Skin allergies are red spots that can be small or large, spreading over large areas of the skin. Hives can appear and disappear, change location. Sun exposure causes small, red, itchy spots to appear on the skin.

Red scaly spots on the body are a symptom. With this disease, convex, scaly spots of round or irregular shape appear, covered with gray-white skin scales that crumble. The disease is characterized by severe itching; if the thin film under the flaky layer is damaged, “bloody dew” may appear. Localization of plaques in psoriasis - on the head, arms, folds (elbows, knees, armpits).

Red spots on the body may indicate the presence of a fungal, viral or bacterial infection in the body. Such rashes and spots on the body often appear as a symptom of the disease. It could be:

  • – maculopapular rash, merging into large spots;
  • rubella - a papular rash that is not detectable by palpation;
  • chicken pox – papular rash, small individual rashes;
  • Scarlet fever - red raised pimples.

Pink spots on the body

Bright or pale pink spots on the body may indicate an allergic reaction to medications, foods (citrus fruits, dairy, sweets) or cosmetics. Scaly patches on the skin may turn out to be pityriasis rosea, the distinctive feature of which is the symmetry of the location of the rash. First, during the disease, pink lichen, a “maternal” plaque appears, a little later - small spots, which over time merge with the “maternal” plaque into a large spot.

Spots on the body that look like pityriasis versicolor are pityriasis versicolor, which can be yellowish-brown or lilac in color. The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Pitisporum. First, the patient develops small spots, which then merge into a large formation. This disease is contagious and can be transmitted by contact or through hygiene items (towels, napkins). The risk of getting sick increases in the presence of chronic diseases and excessive sweating.

Brown spots on the skin

Brown spots on the body are melanosis - a disorder of melanin synthesis, which causes excess pigmentation. Pathologies that cause age spots on the body:

  • liver diseases - cause small areas of the skin to turn brown;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system - cause a failure of metabolic processes, which leads to the appearance of age spots;
  • tuberculosis – also leads to pigmentation disorders;
  • Problems in kidney function lead to the development of uremic type melanosis.

Melanosis can be caused by prolonged contact with toxic substances - coal, oil and others. People who work with toxic substances are at risk of a disease such as toxic melanosis. Workers who frequently come into contact with arsenic may experience arsenic melanosis. Male adolescents between the ages of 10 and 15 may develop yellow-brown moles called Becker's nevus. This disorder is associated with hormonal changes in the body of adolescents.

Leopard syndrome is a rare genetic pathology that is characterized by the appearance of many pigment spots on the body. The appearance of this syndrome may signal that it is necessary to check the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Brown spots on the skin that look like moles are lentigo. This disease can be caused by a malfunction in the immune system, gene mutations, or the activity of the papilloma virus.

Dubreuil melanosis may indicate oncology. At the initial stage of this pathology, a spotted brown rash appears. Over time, irregularly shaped spots grow and become similar to the drawing of a contour map; later, the formations become dense, papules and nodules form, which can become a malignant tumor.

White spots on the skin

A symptom such as white spots on the body can indicate diseases of internal organs, injuries, fungal infections, a malfunction of the immune system, hormonal imbalance and other problems. Leukoderma is a disease in which melanin production stops or becomes insufficient. The symptom of the disease is small round white spots on the skin. The appearance of irregularly shaped white spots is a symptom of vitiligo, a serious and poorly understood disease.

White spots on the skin after sunbathing appear due to:

  • vitiligo;
  • fungal skin infections;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • genetic pathology;
  • immunity failure;
  • infectious diseases - syphilis, leprosy and others;
  • the presence of scars and scars.

Bruise-like spots on the body

The appearing hematomas themselves are a symptom of some serious diseases:

  • liver dysfunction, leading to blood thinning and bruising;
  • varicose veins - with this disease bruises appear on the legs;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis - an autoimmune disease in which the walls of blood vessels are destroyed;
  • vitamin deficiency, which makes blood vessels fragile;
  • bleeding disorders due to a lack of platelets or certain medications.

Dark spots on the skin that look like purple or blue bruises may be:

  • angiokeratoma - a benign vascular formation;
  • thrombocytosis – purple spots appearing due to an increase in the number of platelets;
  • flaming nevus - wine-colored spots that arise due to damage to blood vessels located close to the surface;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma - a purple spot similar to lichen, which is a signal of tumor development.

How to remove spots on skin?

To cure a skin rash, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its appearance. If skin rashes in the form of red spots appear due to an allergic reaction, eliminate the allergen; if due to an infectious disease, cure it. In some cases, spots on the body are signals of the development of a tumor or serious pathology of internal organs, so consulting a doctor is not only desirable, but mandatory.

Treatment of hyperpigmentation

You can whiten brown spots on the body if they are harmless freckles or hyperpigmentation caused by long exposure to the sun. Other types of this defect will disappear when the underlying disease is eliminated. Several methods are used to combat hyperpigmentation:

  • decreased melanin formation;
  • exfoliation of the top layer of skin;
  • protection of exposed parts of the body from solar radiation.

Treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. To speed up the desired effect, bleaching agents are used.
  2. To reduce the synthesis of melanin, drugs with hydroquinone and azelaic acid are used.
  3. To reduce the amount of tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in the formation of melanin, products with arbutin and kojic acid are used.
  4. Preparations with salicylic acid, arbutin, eugenol and some other components also cope well with pigmentation.

Treatment of allergic rash

Spots on the body of allergic origin are treated with antihistamines and traditional medicine.

Treatment for skin allergies:

  1. If urticaria appears, you can take Suprastin, Claritin, Zyrtec, Tavegil or another drug.
  2. When allergic red spots on the skin itch, you can use Gistan in the form of an ointment or cream, homeopathic ointment Iricar, zinc ointment. Hormonal medications for allergies are prescribed by your doctor.
  3. An effective folk remedy for allergic rashes is raw egg shell powder. Take a third or a quarter of a teaspoon, quenching it with lemon juice.

Treatment of deprivation

Each type of lichen requires a special approach - there is no general therapeutic regimen. Only a dermatologist can prescribe adequate treatment.

Because dry patches on the skin are often itchy and itchy, doctors recommend:

  1. Take antihistamines - Tavegil, Suprastin, Zyrtec.
  2. It is impossible to lubricate the affected areas with potent drugs (iodine, salicylic acid, sulfur ointment) - this will cause a worsening of the condition.
  3. It is forbidden to steam damaged skin and expose it to sunlight.

How to treat hematomas on the body

Dark spots on the body of unknown origin cannot be treated on your own - these can be manifestations of serious diseases.

Common hematomas (bruises) can be treated at home:

  1. Bodyaga - pharmaceutical powder is diluted with water and a compress is made.
  2. Iodine - an iodine mesh is applied to the hematoma.
  3. Lead lotion - you can buy it at the pharmacy and make compresses.
  4. Heparin ointment - it relieves inflammation and swelling, promotes rapid resorption of the bruise.

Spots are elements that appear on the skin against the background of various pathological or physiological processes.

Localization and prevalence

Spots can appear over the entire surface of the body and spread both locally and diffusely. Men and women of all ages and social classes are affected with equal frequency.

Causes of skin spots

Lesions can appear either as a result of natural processes or against the background of a disease. There are three main types of skin spots:

  • Against the background of vascular dilatation
  • Due to a violation of the synthesis of the substance that gives the skin color
  • After injecting dye under the skin (tattooing)

Skin spots symptoms

Depending on the etiology, the symptomatic manifestations of the spots vary. Vascular dilatation may be inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature. Non-inflammatory processes are caused by reasons such as mechanical pressure, physical impact (cold, heat), and emotional reactions. Inflammatory causes include skin infections, allergies and burns. Erythema is a dermatological phenomenon consisting of diffuse redness or the appearance of red spots on the skin.

Violation of the synthesis of skin pigment can be expressed either in its excessive amount, or in its deficiency and even complete absence. Excessive amounts of the substance that gives the skin color manifests itself in the appearance of brown spots on the skin. They can be physiological or appear as a result of some pathological process leading to a malfunction in the metabolism of the pigment. Lack or complete absence of melanin leads to the appearance of white spots on the skin. This requires consulting a doctor, since these symptoms can be either a manifestation of harmless vitiligo or dangerous secondary syphilis.

If spots on the skin itch, this almost always means that the cause of their appearance was a pathological process. This could be a fungal disease, a viral infection of the body, or an allergic reaction. Such spots require an accurate determination of the etiology and the appointment of adequate therapy.

Diagnosis of skin spots

The diagnosis is made based on a patient interview and objective examination. To confirm and differentiate, additional studies are carried out:

  • Microscopy of scraping
  • Allergy tests
  • Examination under Wood's lamp
  • Histological examination

Skin spots treatment

Therapy for spots consists of combating the disease of which they are a symptom. The most difficult lesions to treat are those that appear due to impaired synthesis of skin pigment. Spots due to vascular dilatation may require the use of antibiotics, antivirals, histamine receptor blockers and antifungal drugs. Some spots do not require treatment (freckles) or go away on their own (those caused by exposure to heat or cold). If spots on the skin peel, the doctor prescribes special creams and ointments (Bepanten, Panthenol).

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis depends on the disease that caused the spots.

Specific prevention has been developed against certain infectious and viral diseases (vaccination). In other cases, specific prevention has not been developed.

The appearance of spots of non-standard color on the surface of the skin is one of the manifestations of pigmentation disorders. This pathology indicates excessive synthesis of melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation. This disease is called melanosis, which means a pigmentation disorder associated with metabolic disorders. Such failures appear due to the increased content of melanocytes in certain layers of the skin, which leads to the appearance of spots. Let's find out what brown spots on the skin of the body mean.

Pigment spots are the appearance of flat, oval areas of a darker color on the skin

Diseases of high severity are quite common today. Chronic forms of these diseases often lead to disorders associated with melanin synthesis. The list of these diseases includes the following pathologies:

  • Liver dysfunction due to cirrhosis and other diseases of this organ. It is this type of disease that most often leads to the appearance of small areas on the surface of the skin, colored in dark tones.
  • Endocrine system disorders. Disruptions of the endocrine system have a huge impact on the quality of the metabolic system. Hormonal disorders, pathological processes in the functioning of the sweat glands, diabetes mellitus are only a small part of the reasons leading to the appearance of spots of non-standard color.
  • Cachectic form of melanosis quite often accompanies a disease such as tuberculosis.
  • Kidney dysfunction can also be expressed by the appearance of areas with an unnatural color. This form of the disease is called uremic type melanosis.

The above reasons are the main factors leading to the appearance of melanosis. However, this disease may also have a different nature, not associated with disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Toxic type melanosis

This form of pathology is observed in people who are constantly exposed to various aggressive chemicals due to their profession. Prolonged contact with fuels and lubricants (oil, coal, oils) is one of the most common causes of pathology.

Prolonged contact with this category of products leads to acute toxic poisoning. Lack of attention to this problem can cause not only spots on the body, but also a chronic form of the disease. Against this background, various pathological processes are observed in the work of many body systems and a severe deterioration in health.

Becker's nevus

This type of mole looks like a small spot colored yellow-brown. Such neoplasms most often have uneven borders. Becker's nevus in most cases occurs in adolescents between the ages of ten and fifteen years. According to statistics, this disease is more common among males.

Becker's nevus is most often localized in the lower extremities and upper torso. At the initial stages of formation, the spots have a small diameter, but the development of the disease leads to a significant increase in their size. The average diameter of neoplasms can exceed ten centimeters.

Becker's nevus is a disease of unknown etiology. Experts associate the appearance of this disease with hormonal disorders.

Pigment spots, especially multiple ones, are a cosmetic defect

Melanosis arsenic form

This type of melanosis occurs when taking medications that contain arsenic among their components. In addition, symptoms such as dark age spots may appear in people who frequently come into contact with this chemical at work.

Dubreuil melanosis

This disease is oncological in nature. The appearance of small spots that are dark in color and irregular in shape often indicates the development of skin cancer. This form of neoplasm is most often localized in the upper body. Brown growths at the initial stage of development are very similar to moles and rise slightly above the surface of the skin.

At the initial stage of development, the spots have a small diameter, but over a short period of time their diameter increases several times. The color of the new growths can vary from light yellow to dark brown. The outline of the growths can be compared to a geographical map. The development of the disease leads to the formation of nodules and papules on the surface of the affected tissues and tumors themselves. The stain changes its structure, becoming denser.

The disease is accompanied by severe itching and redness of those areas of the skin that are nearby. The brown spot on the skin begins to peel off towards the end of the development stage. At the same stage, small spots similar to freckles begin to form on healthy areas of the skin. The appearance of these symptoms indicates the beginning of the degeneration of the spot into a malignant tumor.

Acanthosis nigricans

Dermatologists are often asked the question: dark spots on the skin have appeared, what does this mean? Experts say that the appearance of black spots may be associated with the development of acanthosis nigricans. This disease is considered quite rare and has several forms, malignant and benign. Symptoms of acanthosis nigricans are most often localized in those areas of the body where there are folds of skin. These areas include the neck, buttocks, armpits and groin area.

The rapid growth of spots throughout the body may indicate the malignant nature of the disease. It is this symptom that most often precedes the onset of cancer. The following reasons may be the main factors leading to the onset of the disease:

  • medications belonging to the category of hormonal drugs;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • malignant tumors;
  • genetic predisposition and heredity;
  • long-term use of a certain number of medications.

Pigment spots can disguise malignant skin tumors

Urticaria pigment type

Urticaria pigmentosa is a rather complex disease that can act as the main cause of mastocytosis. This form of pathology most often manifests itself in children of a younger age group and is characterized by the appearance of small dark red spots.

The appearance of spots is considered only the initial stage of the development of the disease. Next, rash bubbles filled with subcutaneous fluid appear at the site of the spots. At the final stage of development, the rash opens and leaves brown spots in its place. Such spots disappear on their own within a few months.

Having manifested itself in childhood, the disease is quite mild. However, at a more mature age, various complications may develop. Experts say that urticaria pigmentosa can cause disability and even death. More often, such situations are observed against the background of a long-term lack of attention to the disease.

Mastocytosis of this form has an unclear etiology. Experts attribute this pathology to the influence of the following factors:

  • sudden climate change;
  • inflammatory processes against the background of the activity of various infections;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • stress;
  • disorders associated with the functioning of the immune system.


Lentigo is a benign disease that causes brown spots on the skin. This type of neoplasm has an appearance similar to moles. If dark spots of this type appear on the skin, they can be localized in the face, legs, limbs and upper torso.

This disease has a slow progression and can appear at any age. The risk of spots degenerating into a malignant tumor is minimal. However, if the integrity of the skin is compromised, increased attention should be paid to the state of your health.

The main reason for this problem is prolonged exposure to artificial radiation sources. In addition, lentigo spots can be associated with gene mutations, the activity of papillomavirus and various disorders of the immune system.

Experts especially highlight the influence of hormonal disorders and the effects of ultraviolet rays on the formation of such spots. In addition, lentigo spots can be caused by AIDS and other diseases leading to a severe decrease in immunity.

Problems with hyperpigmentation in this disease appear in the form of single spots of uniform color with clearly defined boundaries. Neoplasms can be localized in various parts of the body, including the face and limbs. Lentigo spots most often appear at one of the stages of child development in the womb. However, in medical practice, cases are described when this pathology manifests itself at a more mature age.

The development of the disease can cause an increase in the diameter of the affected tissues. Often small dots of a darker color form on the surface of the spots.

Pigments are responsible for the color of human skin; in healthy skin there are five of them: melanin, carotene, melanoid, oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin.

Leopard cider

Leopard syndrome is a rare disease that manifests itself in the form of many spots on the body of various colors. Such pathology can be localized in various parts of the body.

In addition to the appearance of spots, patients experience problems with the functioning of the heart muscle, slight mental disabilities, hypospadias, disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory organs and growth retardation. The formation of this disease is associated with the mutation of certain genes.


Freckles are small spots of light brown color, most often localized in the face area. This pathology is more common in children. Symptoms of the pathology are more pronounced in the summer months. Most often, the appearance of freckles is influenced by a hereditary factor.


Women are more susceptible to chloasma. This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance of various dark spots. The color and size of the tumors may vary depending on their location. Chloasma can be localized on any part of the body, including the face, chest, genitals and torso. Areas of the body with hyperpigmentation are only a cosmetic defect.

The main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalances. Pregnancy, menopause and ovarian dysfunction most often lead to the appearance of pathology.


With this disease, not only areas with hyperpigmentation appear on the patient’s body, but also swelling, depigmentation and atrophy. In addition, patients with poikiloderma most often experience increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

When the disease is hereditary, pathologies are observed in the structure of bones, nail plates and genitals. Most often, the disease manifests itself in females.

Recklinghausen Pathology

This disease is better known as neurofibromatosis type 1. At the initial stage of development, small spots form on the patient’s body, on which a cluster of freckles forms. Most often, the disease manifests itself in childhood. New growths can vary in color and size.

In approximately fifteen percent of cases associated with the presence of pathology, the development of the disease leads to oncological complications. In addition, experts talk about an increased risk of the following pathologies:

  • cyst in the respiratory organs;
  • slow growth and the appearance of empty cavities in the spinal cord;
  • gynecomastia and renal artery stenosis.

As a result of the accumulation of melanin in large quantities on the skin, age spots are formed.

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome - manifests itself in the form of small spots on the mucous membranes and surface of the skin. When these spots form in the mouth area, they may appear blue in color. Symptoms of this disease are most often localized to exposed areas of the body, including the face and hands.


Light brown spots on the skin, photos and names of pathologies that are characterized by this symptom were discussed in this article. In conclusion, I would like to say that all of the above diseases indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Moreover, the development of some diseases can lead to a precancerous condition. To prevent the development of cancer, it is necessary to pay increased attention to your health and promptly contact specialists.

In order to reduce the risk associated with the appearance of hyperpigmentation, timely attention should be paid to the treatment of chronic and infectious diseases, proper diet and even distribution of physical activity.

In contact with

When red rashes appear on the skin, it is necessary to take measures for treatment, since the causes of their appearance can indicate both stress and a serious illness. The sooner measures are taken to treat them, the more successfully you can get rid of them. Next, you will learn what types of red rashes on the skin there are, their signs and treatment.

Types of red spots on the body

Redness on the body is usually divided into several types, depending on the reason that caused it. For example, red spots may appear due to sun abuse or due to an infectious disease.

Let's look at the most common reasons why red rashes occur and their characteristic signs.

Causes of red spots on the body

The causes of redness are often associated with processes that occur in the body. In this case, changes occurring on the skin are harbingers of disorders in the body. They can be either completely harmless or symptoms of a serious illness; we will talk about common causes of the appearance of red spots below.

Allergic reactions

An allergic reaction is usually understood as the body’s sensitivity to certain substances, foods, pollen, animal dander, etc. Often characterized by watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose, the body is often covered in spots. It should be noted that Allergy symptoms may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body.


The term urticaria means allergic-toxic disease, which can appear both upon contact with allergens and upon ingestion. Toxic substances can also be produced by the body itself.

With urticaria, disturbing red spots appear, itchy and slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. It can be caused by both food and external irritants. It may be accompanied by fever, increased body temperature, chills, and possibly nausea.


Infectious diseases

One of the symptoms of infectious diseases may be the appearance of a red rash and spots. They are often accompanied by weakness, deterioration in general health and an increase in body temperature. In case of infectious diseases, you should seek medical help and isolate the patient from others until complete recovery.

It is a viral disease that often occurs in childhood. Typically, infection occurs through contact and airborne droplets and is easily transmitted. Therefore, with this disease, the patient should be isolated from healthy people.

The onset of the disease is usually characterized by cough and increased body temperature. Usually the spots start on the face and then spread over the entire surface of the body. In this case, the rashes have a lumpy shape, can merge with each other, and over time begin to dry out and peel off.

The danger of measles is that it can cause complications such as pneumonia, stomatitis and hepatitis.


In the photo you can see that rash on body due to measles has its own characteristic features. After three to four days, the spots lighten, but leave behind pigments (brown spots on the skin).

It is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. Children without rubella vaccination and women are prone to the disease.

With rubella, the virus enters the body and can remain there from 10 to 25 days in a latent state, then spreads throughout the body. A runny nose and sore throat may occur. The disease is more severe in adults - body temperature rises to 39 degrees, muscles and head may ache. Rubella poses a great danger to pregnant women, causing severe fetal defects.


It is a disease in which rashes and peeling of the skin occur. It is often accompanied by a sore throat and fever.

Scarlet fever is caused by streptococci, which can be acquired by airborne droplets or through dirty dishes, clothes and other things.

With this disease, inflammation occurs in the nasopharynx, where toxins are produced that cause poisoning of the body, under the influence of which rashes are formed. Toxic substances affect the surface layers of the skin, as a result of which it begins to peel off severely. Features of scarlet fever are the risk of serious complications.