Location of organs during pregnancy 23 weeks. Short cervix. Internal changes and development

The 23rd week of pregnancy is the sixth obstetric month. If you look at, then 155-161 days have passed since conception. The figure of the expectant mother is noticeably rounded, the weight gain is 5-6.5 kilograms. The second trimester of pregnancy continues.

Fetal development at 23 weeks gestation

What happens to the baby at 23 weeks pregnant? The development and size of the fetus by this time are as follows: the weight of the child at the 23rd week of pregnancy is about 500 grams, and the height is about 30 centimeters. All future mothers at this time already clearly feel the movements of the crumbs and hiccups in the form of rhythmic shudders. The fetus still has enough free space, but some movements may already cause discomfort. You can feel where the child's elbows and heels are.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the fatty layer of the fetus is actively formed. At the same time, the child is still red and wrinkled. This is due to the fact that the skin is formed faster than sufficient fat deposits are produced. The redness of the skin is associated with the accumulation of pigments in it.

  1. The baby becomes more and more active and constantly grabs the umbilical cord. So he plays with her. A lot of the time the baby is still sleeping.
  2. The digestive system of a child at the 23rd week of pregnancy is already quite developed and he swallows up to half a liter of amniotic fluid per day. Together with the amniotic fluid, particles of the epidermis, protective lubricant and hair enter the baby's stomach. Swallowed amniotic fluid is excreted in the urine, and all impurities accumulate in the intestines of the fetus. Such a substance is called meconium or original feces, which the child releases already born.
  3. When swallowing amniotic fluid, the baby also trains the respiratory system. They make about 60 breath-like movements per minute. Sometimes they are accompanied by hiccups.
  4. The pancreas continues to improve and produce insulin. The spleen, which creates blood cells, is also included in the work. The genital organs of the fetus are differentiated into male and female, and parents can find out the sex of the unborn child on ultrasound.
  5. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby's brain is also actively functioning. He can even dream. During the last 3 months of pregnancy, the child's brain has increased tenfold. For its proper development, the expectant mother must prevent the fetus from experiencing oxygen starvation. To do this, avoid stressful situations and walk more in the fresh air.
  6. The eyes of the crumbs open completely, he distinguishes between light and darkness, and also reacts to them. The baby hears well and recognizes all kinds of sounds. Its activity increases with loud noise and decreases with gentle talking or stroking the abdomen.
  7. Vellus hair or lanugo crumbs darken, and the nails become stronger and grow, I already reach the edge of the nail bed.

Ultrasound and tests at 23 weeks pregnant

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, a doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination of the fetus. It cannot be ignored in the same way as scheduled examinations by a gynecologist. The process is safe for both the mother and the fetus, and allows timely diagnosis of pregnancy complications and anomalies in the development of the baby. The following indicators are evaluated on ultrasound:

  • fetal development;
  • sizes corresponding to the gestational age;
  • physical activity;
  • the number of heartbeats;
  • gender of the baby;
  • the size and condition of the uterus;
  • location of the placenta.

At this time, the placenta can be located low, but up to 8 months it is still able to rise due to an increase in the uterus.

In addition to ultrasound at the 23rd week of pregnancy, a woman may be prescribed tests. During this period, a blood test for glucose levels is of great importance. It can indicate the possibility of overweight in the baby. With an elevated sugar level, a pregnant woman is put on a diet, and special treatment may be prescribed.

Another cause for concern is the presence of salts and protein in the urine at 23 weeks of gestation. This may be due to the exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system, which can harm the fetus. HCG and progesterone levels can also be measured.

Throughout pregnancy, the hemoglobin index is monitored. Anemia is often diagnosed in pregnant women and refers to a rather unfavorable prognosis.

Ultrasound photo at 23 weeks pregnant

The well-being of the future mother at the 23rd week of pregnancy

What happens to mom at 23 weeks pregnant? The 23rd week of pregnancy is a favorable period for almost all expectant mothers. The woman feels good and enjoys her position. The uterus continues to grow and is already 3.75 centimeters above the navel. Accordingly, the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid increase. Because of this, the weight of the pregnant woman also increases.

The skin of the nipples and the line in the lower abdomen darken, which is associated with a change in the level of hormones in the body. Also, pigmentation can appear after exposure to the sun, so you should try to exclude such exposure. Such spots disappear on their own after the birth of the child.

Due to the activity of the baby, a woman may feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen at the 23rd week of pregnancy, as he often changes his position. Also, pain can be provoked by the uterus due to the tension of its ligaments. They pass on their own with a change in body position, while the uterus remains relaxed. The bones of the pelvis diverge, so the gait of a pregnant woman may change, as well as pain in the symphysis area.

Photo of the abdomen at 23 weeks pregnant

Another expectant mother is faced with calf cramps. They are associated, as a rule, with a lack of calcium in the body of a woman. To increase its content will help taking calcium supplements, as well as eating cottage cheese.

The 23rd week of pregnancy is characterized by pain in the back and lumbar region. These pains are a consequence of the growth of the uterus and the increasing load on the spine. To reduce pain, you need to use a prenatal bandage. It is also important to keep good posture and choose comfortable shoes.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, varicose veins may appear. This is due to the fact that due to the action of hormones, the venous wall relaxes, and the uterus squeezes the veins of the small pelvis, thereby disrupting the outflow of blood. There is also heaviness in the legs, which is associated with weight gain and sprains. To avoid congestion in the legs, you need to move more and not spend a lot of time in a sitting position.

Together with constipation at the 23rd week of pregnancy, such an unpleasant disease as can appear. Its symptoms are bleeding, pain in the rectum and prolapsed nodes. Self-medication in this case is very dangerous.

Rest on your side several times during the day will help reduce the load on the veins in the pelvic region.

A woman at 23 weeks pregnant may suffer from nausea. This is due to the fact that the uterus, due to its enlargement, compresses the bile ducts, which interferes with the process of digestion. To alleviate the condition will help the adoption of the knee-elbow position. This pose is also beneficial for the kidneys, as it improves the outflow of urine. An enlarged abdomen also leads to heartburn. Soda is not the best helper here, as it will only increase the burning sensation.

Before going to bed, it is better not to drink a lot of fluids, because due to the growth of the uterus, the load on the bladder increases, which leads to frequent urination. Drink enough throughout the day.

At 23 weeks of gestation, edema may appear, which is normal, as the placenta needs additional fluid. If puffiness greatly worries a woman, then she should try to reduce salt intake as much as possible.

The elasticity of the skin decreases, dryness, peeling and stretch marks appear. Because of this, you should use moisturizing cosmetics and creams or lotions for stretch marks daily. It is also good to soften the skin with olive oil.

Discharge at 23 weeks pregnant

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, transparent discharge of a homogeneous consistency without an unpleasant odor is considered normal. At the same time, the main thing is not to confuse them with the leakage of amniotic fluid. The pharmacy sells special tests that help determine this. In case of water leakage, you should immediately seek the help of a doctor.

Also, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary if there is a discharge of a yellow or greenish tint, with pieces of mucus or the presence of blood, curdled and bubbling, as well as with an unpleasant odor. This may indicate the occurrence or exacerbation of an infectious disease.

Their treatment should be carried out as early as possible, since pathogens can infect the fetus in utero or when passing through the birth canal. Often these diseases are accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the genital organs, painful urination and fever.

The risk of miscarriage in the second trimester is significantly reduced, so the discharge with the presence of blood is not so terrible. They occur with erosion of the cervix after intercourse or examination by a gynecologist. There are no signs of increased uterine tone.

Time passes, the fetus grows and develops, gradually preparing for the birth. What changes are happening to him at this stage?

Weight, height and facial features of the baby

The size of the fetus at the twenty-third week of pregnancy already reaches 29-30 centimeters, and its weight is about 500-550 grams. His facial features are already exactly what you will see them after childbirth.

  • Leather. At this time, the baby has an increased growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Subcutaneous fat is necessary for the thermoregulation of the body so that the child from the moment of birth can keep his body warm. However, the baby's skin is still reddish and wrinkled. This is due to the fact that it develops a little faster than fat accumulates, but so far it is still too transparent, showing through the vessels;
  • Arms. On the handles of the fetus, the fingers have already noticeably lengthened, and tiny nails can be seen on them;
  • hairline. The fluff on the baby's skin (lanugo) is getting bigger. There is also a lubricant under it that protects the baby's skin from irritation. The hairline on the head gradually darkens.

Internal changes and development

  • Respiratory system. The respiratory organs begin to develop intensively in the fetus this week. This will continue until the baby is born, until he takes his first breath;
  • central nervous system. The brain is developing very intensively this week. Its average weight is about 100 grams. At the same time, the spinal cord is also developing, which is responsible for some reflexes of the fetus;
  • Hematopoietic system. The development of the fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy is characterized by the inclusion of the spleen, which will take part in hematopoiesis, producing monocytes and leukocytes (this will begin to occur in the ninth month). The spleen helps prevent the spread of toxic substances and bacteria;
  • genitourinary system. The kidneys and urinary system of the fetus continue to develop and work hard. At this stage of pregnancy, the scrotum is already sufficiently developed in boys, and the ovaries in girls;
  • Digestive system. A fully developed pancreas produces more insulin. And in the gastrointestinal tract accumulates the original feces, which is called meconium. Already in the first days after birth, the child will be able to defecate.

Fetal movements and regularity of tremors

A few weeks ago, you experienced a previously unknown amazing sensation in your stomach. They were like a light touch of a small fish swimming close to the walls of the abdominal cavity. And this week you will begin to notice more pronounced tremors. This happens because the fetus is growing, and there is less and less space for it. Turning over, the baby touches the inner walls of the abdomen, and you clearly feel it.

The regularity of such shocks should not be less than ten times a day.

But excessive frequency can also indicate the presence of problems. It is worth noting that the baby during the day mostly sleeps under the rocking movements of the mother, and is awake at night, thereby preventing you from having a good rest.

How does the expectant mother feel?

The uterus grows, propping up the internal organs and creating new sensations and feelings of discomfort. This week of pregnancy, there are several points that can prevent you from enjoying this wonderful state to your fullest.

Internal and external symptoms of pregnancy

What happens at 23 weeks pregnant? Most pregnant women during this period notice a darkened vertical strip of skin in the area between the navel and the pubic area. The reason for this is increased skin pigmentation due to hormone exposure. You can also find age spots on the face and a significant darkening of the areola around the nipples. If you are a happy owner of freckles, then you probably also noticed how much they have become brighter.

The mammary glands slightly increased in volume. In some cases, the prototype of mother's milk, colostrum, is already beginning to stand out from the nipples at this time. This happens due to the influence of hormones, on which the process of lactation will soon depend.

By secretions, you can determine the condition of the pregnant woman. If they have neither color nor smell and at the same time have a uniform consistency, then everything is fine. If you notice an unpleasant specific smell or color change, then this is a good reason to see your doctor.

The admixture of blood in the discharge may indicate placental abruption, which is fraught with the threat of miscarriage. Yellow and greenish discharge indicates the presence of an infection that must be urgently treated so as not to infect the fetus.

Feelings and concerns of a pregnant mother

Notable accompanying symptoms at 23 weeks of gestation may be as follows:

  1. Frequent heartburn. Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation in the epigastric region, which is provoked by the release of gastric juice into the esophagus. Most often, heartburn occurs after eating, especially if you ate something fatty or fried.
  2. Bloating and constipation. They appear due to the relaxing effect that hormones have on muscle tissue.
  3. Swelling of the limbs. On average, half of pregnant women know from personal experience what puffiness is. The cause of its occurrence is increased blood pressure in the veins and increasing pressure of the uterus on the veins of the pelvis. Fluid retention in the body can also aggravate the situation. Puffiness is especially intensified, usually in the evening, when you spent the whole day on your feet or sat in one place.

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  4. Varicose veins. The walls of the veins under the influence of hormones relax, and the uterus disrupts the outflow of blood through the veins, squeezing the veins in the pelvic area. Thus, the likelihood of developing varicose veins increases.
  5. convulsions. The main cause of seizures is a long stay of a pregnant woman on her feet and calcium deficiency in the body. To get rid of this unpleasant condition, you need to review your daily diet. If the problem is too acute, you should immediately contact a doctor who, based on the results of the tests, will be able to prescribe the necessary course of vitamins and minerals for you.
  6. Movement. 23 obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of fetal activity. You will now feel his movements much more often than in previous weeks, but they will still be soft and smooth. You can also feel the baby's hiccups. This manifests itself in the form of small regular shocks.

The frequency of false contractions

During this period of fetal development, a woman may feel mild abdominal pain. By its nature, it resembles mild spasms that occur at regular intervals, cramping. These sensations are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They indicate that the body is preparing for labor.

False contractions are not observed in every pregnant woman, and in some they begin in the second trimester and periodically make themselves felt until the very birth. This is a normal physiological process.

You need to sound the alarm only if the frequency of such contractions is more than four times within one hour and if they are accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.

Increasing the size of the abdomen and uterus

The uterus has already increased significantly in size to interfere with normal digestion, and begins to squeeze the bile ducts. This can cause nausea during this period of pregnancy. With the growth of the uterus, the muscles that support it are stretched, and as a result, pain in the woman's abdomen. The height of the bottom of the uterus has already reached almost 23 centimeters, and is 3-4 cm above the navel.

Due to the increase in the size of the uterus and fetus, your tummy also increases. It bulges forward more and more and gives some clumsiness to your movements. The shoulders lean back, the stomach forward, so the posture becomes somewhat sprawling.

And this is what the tummies of other pregnant women look like for a period of 23 weeks:

Necessary examinations and ultrasound

This week you will have to undergo a second screening, which includes a routine ultrasound and all the necessary tests, if you have not already done so. With the help of this examination, the possibility of fetal malformations, the presence of intrauterine infection or developmental delay can be ruled out in advance. At the examination, the gynecologist will check your weight, blood pressure, the size of the height of the fundus of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen and appoint the day of the next appointment.

Your baby is already big enough to be able to verify normal development with the help of an ultrasound. Ultrasound at the twenty-third week of pregnancy allows you to conduct research on the condition of the fetus without causing him any harm and without a threat to his life.

During the examination, the doctor will do the following:

  • check the development of the brain;
  • check the condition of the placenta;
  • calculate the size of the fetus and uterus;
  • examines the work of all organs of the fetus and its skeleton;
  • will record the number of heartbeats per minute and give you the opportunity to listen to how the baby's heart beats;
  • check if there are any deviations

During this ultrasound, at your request, the doctor can determine the sex of the unborn child. Although there are times when the baby does not want to impersonate in any way. In this situation, the mother will have to prepare for a surprise or wait for the third planned ultrasound.

Features of the nutrition of a pregnant woman at this stage of gestation

The twenty-third week of pregnancy is a period of increased fetal growth. For normal development, it is very important to provide it with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, it is very important to take your daily diet seriously.

The dishes you use should contain the entire set of vital substances for the baby, so that its development proceeds without deviations. Not only the full development of the fetus, but also her well-being depends on the balance of nutrition of the expectant mother.

What threatens iron deficiency

With a deficiency of one or more nutrients and trace elements, certain problems may begin to develop. For example, iron deficiency provokes manifestations of anemia both in the fetus at 23 weeks of gestation and in the pregnant woman.

Anemia is caused by a drop in hemoglobin levels.

If it is insignificant, then you can correct the situation by adjusting the diet. If hemoglobin has dropped significantly, the doctor may prescribe medication for you. Transferred anemia during pregnancy can cause mental and mental retardation in the development of the child in the future. Therefore, this topic is extremely important..

What is the danger of calcium deficiency

Lack of calcium in the body can lead to deterioration of your teeth. They will begin to crumble, the gums will bleed, and, as a result, the likelihood of tooth loss increases. In addition, insufficient intake of calcium in the body of the fetus negatively affects the development of its skeleton.

The diet of a pregnant woman should consist of a variety of fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, dairy products. But fried, smoked and fatty foods should be excluded.

Also, do not abuse sweet and spicy foods.

Be sure to drink about two liters of water a day. Note that salt retains water in the body. And as a result, severe edema occurs. To prevent this unpleasant situation, reduce your salt intake as much as possible.

Thus, healthy food is the key to the proper development and growth of the fetus. However, try not to overeat and in any case, on your own, do not go on a diet!

  1. If you feel sick after a meal, you can try to take the knee-elbow position. It will help to overcome an attack of nausea;
  2. Wear a bandage. It allows you to cope with pain in the back and lower back, which occurs due to a change in the center of gravity;
  3. Wear anti-varicose stockings. They prevent the appearance of varicose veins and help to cope with swelling of the lower extremities;
  4. Walk outdoors more. Your baby really needs oxygen;
  5. Avoid places where there is a high probability of strong odors. Since the day of conception, your sense of smell has become much more acute, and now strong odors can provoke an attack of nausea;
  6. No bad habits!;
  7. Do exercises for pregnant women daily and use special skin products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks;
  8. You have already gained about seven kilograms of weight. So it's time to rethink your wardrobe. Things should be spacious and comfortable.

And at the 23rd week of pregnancy, you can already start thinking about the name of the future baby! You can make a list of names with your husband, and then together cross off those that you like less than the rest. Although, in some cases, parents decide what they will call the baby, already directly when they get to know him personally after childbirth.

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

It is important not to confuse exercise contractions with signs of a threatened miscarriage. False uterine contractions normally should not be accompanied by pain. These spasms begin suddenly and end just as suddenly, without negatively affecting the well-being of the pregnant woman. If the contractions become more frequent, become painful, then you need to urgently contact an ambulance.

Enlargement of the uterus

By week 23, a woman's uterus increases in size and rises 4 cm above the navel. The female organ is already pressing on the diaphragm, so at this time, pregnant women may have breathing problems. It is difficult to take a deep breath, breathing becomes shallow and intermittent.

In addition, in some cases, the appearance of uterine tone is possible. It can be caused by various factors: lack of progesterone, severe toxicosis, Rh conflict, inflammatory processes. If there are signs of uterine hypertonicity, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required.


At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother, who cares about the health of her child, should regularly visit a gynecologist and control the risk of developing infectious diseases.

If there are suspicious discharges that have an unnatural color (bright yellow, green, dark brown), an unpleasant odor and an unusual texture (with mucus and other inclusions), then you need to tell the doctor about this and take a smear.

Such symptoms indicate the mother's health problems and can threaten pregnancy.

If the mother noticed spotting, as during menstruation, then without any hesitation, it is urgent to call a doctor at home. This means that there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, it can be saved only with timely hospitalization.

  • In the middle of the total period of pregnancy, many women develop pronounced edema. Particularly hard on the legs and arms. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to lie down in such a position that the legs are above the level of the body. This will help minimize swelling and relieve discomfort.
  • Frequent urination is common and should be tolerated. You do not need to endure, so you can only harm your health. You need to go to the toilet on the first call. To reduce the frequency of visiting the ladies' room at night, before going to bed, you need to limit fluid intake.
  • The end of the second trimester is a wonderful time when you no longer feel sick, as in the early stages, and you want to eat all the time. It is better not to start the issue with weight: extra pounds will not go away until childbirth and will complicate life in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Do not miss scheduled appointments with a gynecologist who monitors the growth and development of the fetus. Timely tests and completed studies will help to control the condition of you and your child, and correct it in a timely manner.

  • It is best to avoid crowded places during infectious disease season. At the stage of development of the internal organs of the baby, any disease picked up by the mother can seriously affect his health.
  • Sign up for courses for mothers and fathers, you can attend them with your husband. Read special literature, knowledge will be useful to you during childbirth and after them.

Nutrition at 23 weeks pregnant

Together with food, the nutrients necessary for the fetus for normal and comprehensive development should appear in the body of a pregnant woman. That is why everything that the expectant mother eats should be not only tasty, but also healthy. And this means - to include fats, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, iron and other trace elements.

It is necessary to add foods rich in iron to the diet - buckwheat, liver, apples, beef. They will help keep the hemoglobin content in the blood of a pregnant woman at a normal level and reduce the risk of developing anemia. In addition, there should always be sources of calcium on the table - cottage cheese, cheeses, milk. During pregnancy, the expectant mother has a reason to have problems with her teeth. The child takes all the calcium reserves from the body, which must be replenished without fail.

Harmful food should be excluded from the menu: strong coffee and alcohol, semi-finished products, as well as salty, spicy, fried, fatty foods. Sweet and flour should be reduced to a minimum, replacing with dried fruits and nuts. It is desirable to maintain an optimal drinking regime, which consists in the use of water without gas, fruit drinks and compotes. Drinking too much is not recommended, so as not to provoke the appearance of edema.


The lack of nutrients and minerals in the body during pregnancy is replenished with the help of vitamins. This is a widespread practice, because, unfortunately, the daily amount of nutrients that come with food is not sufficient in most cases.

A huge variety of vitamin complexes, both domestic and foreign, are presented on the pharmaceutical market. Before visiting a pharmacy, you should consult with a gynecologist. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother and her state of health, he will write a prescription for the purchase of a specific drug.

Physical activity

Despite the fact that the stomach has already changed the gait of the pregnant woman, there is no former lightness and looseness, the woman should move more. This contradiction is quite justified: the higher the physical activity during pregnancy, the easier it is and the more prepared the future mother is for childbirth.

During pregnancy, you can do:

  • yoga - special sections for pregnant women allow you to keep your muscles in a taut state and train your breathing;
  • water aerobics - exercises in water that have a strengthening and relaxing effect;
  • fitness in the gym (treadmills, exercise bikes) with minimal loads.

For those who do not like to visit crowded places for fitness, doctors recommend spending as much time as possible in the fresh air. It is necessary to walk every day and as long as possible (as far as the condition of the pregnant woman allows). Such walks will help a woman stay in good shape and not gain extra pounds, because by the middle of the pregnancy, being overweight becomes a serious problem.

Intimate life at 23 weeks pregnant

The doctor may impose a ban on intimate life if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Proximity in this case can aggravate the situation and make it completely irreparable. Only after the woman has undergone a course of treatment, and the risk of miscarriage is reduced to zero, the gynecologist can give permission for the resumption of sexual relations.

A contraindication for intimacy can be multiple pregnancies, past miscarriages, low placenta, and infectious diseases. If there is none of these reasons, then restrictions on intimate life are not introduced.

Required studies and analyzes

The pregnant woman has already managed to undergo two screenings, which include an ultrasound examination and a triple test (for the hormones hCG and estriol, for the alpha-fetoprotein protein). At week 23, the expectant mother must pass a standard set of studies, which she had to deal with more than once in earlier pregnancy cycles. We are talking about tests that are given immediately before the appointment of a gynecologist:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood sugar test.

Each of the above types of research allows you to monitor the health of a pregnant woman, to identify at an early stage the presence or exacerbation of chronic diseases. According to a blood test, the doctor determines the level of hemoglobin: a low or high level is an alarming sign and requires medical treatment. Urinalysis can detect and prevent the development of genitourinary infections.

Directly at the appointment with the gynecologist, the expectant mother will have to take measurements of weight, blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, and the volume of the abdomen. In addition, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat with a special tube.


A gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound at 23 weeks of gestation. Such a study will be unscheduled, it is prescribed to pass strictly according to indications. That is, if the gynecologist does not like the results of the tests of the expectant mother or the woman herself complains about her health, then the ultrasound method will become the very tool that will dot the “and” and help make an accurate diagnosis.

23 obstetric week of pregnancy is the middle of the fifth month. What symptoms appear at this time, and what should the expectant mother pay attention to in order to prevent the development of pathologies.

What changes occur at 23 weeks in the mother's body and how does the fetus develop at 23 obstetric weeks?

23 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo, how does the baby develop and feel?

From this week the fetus is considered viable. Born this month, with adequate medical care, he will be able to survive. The mass of the baby in this period can reach 500 g, and continues to increase rapidly. The baby is now the size of a large eggplant.

Growth - 29 cm. If twins are planned, then the children have different weights (but the difference should not exceed 30-50 g). Permissible deviations in growth are 3 cm. The exact weight of the baby can be determined using ultrasound.

What has been formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

At this time, the baby begins to make constant respiratory movements. Alveoli form in the lungs. The gastrointestinal tract is almost completely formed.

The spleen performs protective functions. It produces the right cells and monitors the quality of the red blood cells that the spinal cord produces.

The eyelids open periodically. But the final formation of vision will occur only after birth.

From now on, the baby will actively increase. Within a month, he will weigh twice as much. His hair begins to stain with natural pigment.

The ovaries of the girls already contain several million eggs, which, many years later, will help her become a mother.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

Observant mothers may notice that compared to previous periods, the baby does not look so thin. This is because the amount of subcutaneous fat increases every day. With the help of modern equipment, the expectant mother will be able to see in detail the features of the baby's face and the alleged hair color.

Most of the time, the baby sleeps, but during the period of activity, he is engaged in holding the umbilical cord in his hands, sorting it out with his fingers, pushing with his feet.

When conducting an ultrasound, doctors consider the structure and location of the placenta, the condition of the internal organs.

Video: 21 weeks pregnant

Fetal heart rate at 23 weeks

According to generally accepted norms, the heart of the future baby should beat with a frequency 130-160 strokes in a minute. For measurement, both a conventional stethoscope and special medical equipment are used.

Now on sale you can find special devices for listening to the baby's heartbeat at home.

It is very important to know that if the number of strokes does not meet the standards, the mother must definitely undergo additional examinations.

What happens in a woman's body?

The total weight gain at this point is approximately 7 kg. The growth of the placenta increases the need for additional fluid. But here you need to be careful not to provoke the appearance of edema. To do this, limit your salt intake.

At night, the cramp of the calf muscles worries. First of all, you need to consume the right amount of calcium, magnesium, vitamin E. To relieve tension in the muscles, you can do a relaxing foot massage. If convulsions appear too often, the doctor may prescribe a special vitamin complex.

If the parents do not match the Rh blood, this week the woman may develop an Rh conflict. In this case, additional medical research will be required.

From this point on, the amount of amniotic fluid will not increase. Therefore, the baby will become more and more crowded in his mother's tummy, and the movements will become more noticeable.

Women may be bothered by increased hair growth on their arms, legs, shoulders, and face. But this phenomenon is temporary, and will definitely pass after the baby is born.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 23rd obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 23 weeks pregnant

Suspicious mothers have unnecessary complexes due to their growing belly. In this case, it is better to focus on how to maintain the same shape after childbirth. To do this, a woman needs to pay due attention to her skin now and try not to overeat. Normally, the tummy should be oval. If it looks too big and round, most likely the pregnant woman has polyhydramnios.

The breast is already so enlarged that the mother cannot do without special underwear. It should be made of natural material and not hinder movement.

Due to severe stretching, the skin may suffer from dryness, itching, or covered with a sweat rash. Careful hygiene and moisturizers will help to cope with this.

First movements during pregnancy

Pregnant mothers often notice that the baby becomes active at night. Why it happens? While in the tummy, the baby moves with the mother. These movements have a lulling effect on him. Therefore, when a woman is in active action, her baby is sleeping. As soon as the mother stops moving, the baby wakes up.

The nature of the movements largely depends on the emotional state of the mother. You need to pay attention to this and try not to frighten the baby with loud cries. If the child is restless, you can try to calm him down with gentle strokes and even sing him a lullaby.

What can and can not a woman during pregnancy?

You have to keep eating right. Given that the baby has grown up, mom needs to increase the intake of vitamins and minerals.

The main thing is not to overeat, as this disrupts intestinal motility and causes heartburn. Eating small portions promotes better absorption of nutrients.

Products that cause allergies may not affect the woman in any way, but in the future the child may experience intolerance to the product that the mother often used. Therefore, you need to be careful with honey, citrus fruits, nuts, strawberries, etc.

What not to expectant mother:

  • Exhaust yourself with hunger.
  • Deprive yourself of proper rest.
  • Worry and worry.
  • Engage in self-medication.

Given the tendency to distraction, all mothers, without exception, need to be careful on the roads.

23 weeks pregnant - how to understand that everything is fine?

If a woman is responsible for her condition and the pregnancy is going well, there is no reason to worry. In order not to exhaust yourself with unnecessary thoughts, it is enough for mom to know a few facts. With a proper pregnancy, weight gain always continues, the baby’s movements do not stop, and the beating of his heart is well heard.

Popular questions about pregnancy - answers a specialist

Obstetric and embryonic terms - what is the difference?

It is very important not to confuse these two terms. obstetric term- This is the usual duration of pregnancy plus another two weeks. Embryonic term- this is the real age of the baby from the moment of fertilization of the egg.

Allocations at the 23rd week of pregnancy - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

The microflora of the vagina is now very vulnerable. In this regard, a pregnant woman may experience abundant curdled discharge. This should not cause concern, as thrush is successfully treated.

Normally, the discharge should not be too watery, light in color, without a strong odor, without blood.

If at the 23rd week of pregnancy the heartbeat of the fetus is not heard?

With such a diagnosis, a woman must be examined several more times. It is possible that the equipment is "mistaken". If the diagnosis is confirmed, unfortunately, this means that the woman has lost the child.

This is hard to survive, so maximum support will be required from relatives.

If at 23 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

Given the weight gain, this phenomenon is quite normal. The main thing is to carefully monitor your condition. If a woman feels numbness in the abdomen that does not stop for a long time, you need to seek advice.

Ovaries hurt or hurt at 23 weeks - causes?

To keep the uterus, the muscles have to strain, which is why such pain occurs. They can be aggravated by walking or sudden movements. If such pains are too sharp and occur more often than 5-7 times a day, you should definitely consult a doctor.

To reduce soreness, a woman needs to perform stretching exercises throughout her pregnancy.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 23rd week of pregnancy, it stopped feeling sick, I don’t feel pregnant; did it bleed?

When blood appears, it should always be alarming. If a woman does not feel pregnant, it is quite possible that something is really wrong with the baby. It will be better for mom to see a doctor without waiting for any symptoms to appear.

23 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

As in previous periods, a pregnant woman needs to pass all the tests. Especially carefully, doctors check the level of hormones. If necessary, a Doppler study of uteroplacental blood flow can be prescribed.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 23 weeks or does it rarely freeze during this period?

At 23 weeks, this happens very rarely. If the pregnancy was normal before, the chances that the child will stop developing in the womb are very small.

Signs indicating a frozen pregnancy are the absence of movements and heartbeat in the fetus.

Are SARS, flu and other diseases dangerous at 23 weeks of gestation?

Many diseases are no longer so terrible. The baby can resist many infections. But in case of deterioration of health, a woman still needs to see a doctor.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

If all the tests of the expectant mother are normal, such a state should only please her. The main thing is to visit the gynecologist on time and do not be shy to ask questions of interest, even if they seem stupid.

Now the main function is to bear the baby. Everything else does not matter. Therefore, do not worry if there is no time left for some things. First of all, mom needs to fully relax and sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.

Here comes the 23rd week of pregnancy. The baby continues to develop and delight his mother, who gets used to new sensations. In just a few months, the little one will be born, and the long-awaited meeting will take place.

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The 23rd week of pregnancy pleases with the jolts of the baby, which begin to be felt more and more. The baby greets her mother and makes herself felt. This is an incomparable feeling, which usually gives mom a lot of pleasure.

When pregnancy reaches 23 weeks, the uterus is about 3.7 cm above the navel. At this time, the girl's figure is noticeably rounded. The weight gain is about 5 to 7 kg.

Impressive shape and size of the abdomen

Mommy's New Feelings

Perhaps, at week 23, every mom wants to find out what is happening in her body. This is a very favorable period, so most girls feel good and enjoy their position. It is easy to calculate how many months is the 23rd week of your pregnancy. This is the beginning of the sixth month, which is marked by the following sensations and changes.

  1. At week 23, the weight of the girl begins to increase markedly, as the fetus develops, respectively, the uterus continues to grow. At the same time, the volume of amniotic fluid increases and the placenta increases.
  2. Quite often, contractions appear, which are expressed by slight spasms in the uterus. This is quite normal, so there is no need to worry. The uterus is simply preparing for the upcoming birth. If you put your hand on your stomach, you can feel muscle contractions that were not there before. Thus, the uterine muscles begin to train. Later, contractions may intensify, so it is important not to confuse training with regular ones. In the latter case, they bring pain.
  3. During the 23rd week, your baby is already actively kicking, so you can feel kicks in the lower or middle of the abdomen. He changes his position several times a day, he may begin to hiccup, so girls often feel a pulling pain, especially if the body is in an uncomfortable position. Try to sit or lie down in a different way, and the pain will quickly pass. At this time, pain in the symphysis area may be disturbing, the gait often changes, as the pelvic bones diverge, preparing for future childbirth.
  4. Your legs may feel pain or heaviness. Old shoes often become tight because the foot lengthens due to sprains and weight gain. Static flat feet may develop. You need to be very careful when choosing shoes. Leave your heels on and wear comfortable sneakers or boots. In winter it is recommended to wear shoes with flat heels. Get special insoles to keep your feet comfortable.
  5. Sometimes varicose veins develop. At week 23, hormones affect the walls of the veins, so they begin to relax, and the uterus squeezes the veins of the small pelvis, so the outflow of blood through the veins is often disturbed.
  6. It is not excluded the appearance of hemorrhoids, which may be accompanied by unpleasant constipation. In this case, pain in the rectum, bleeding are often felt. Self-medication is very dangerous, because it is not easy to cure hemorrhoids. Entrust this problem to specialists.
  7. Limit sun exposure. The skin of pregnant women is sensitive to ultraviolet rays due to increased levels of hormones. Tanning sessions can bring age spots.
  8. During this period, the nipples begin to darken, a dark strip appears on the abdomen from the navel to the pubis. Don't worry, it will go away after the baby is born.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, you can watch a video about this period of bearing a baby. An educational film will tell you that a girl is often worried about nausea. This is due to the enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the bile ducts and disrupts digestion. You can cope with the feeling of nausea after eating if you take a knee-elbow position. This pose is also good for the kidneys as it improves urine flow.

At 23 weeks, the girls continue to have vaginal discharge. In normal condition, they should be odorless and colorless. You should not worry, because this is a completely natural process that occurs due to the hormonal changes in the female body. You need to be wary if the discharge is bloody and smells bad. The consequences can be quite serious: from infections to placental abruption and miscarriage.

Monitoring the development of the baby

If brown or bloody discharge appears, you should urgently call a doctor or an ambulance. Look on the Internet for photos of such secretions, so as not to be mistaken if they appear at the 23rd week of pregnancy.

You should be concerned if the discharge has acquired an earthy, greenish, yellow smell, and its consistency has become like a curdled liquid or flakes. You will have to urgently take a smear for a laboratory test. Keep in mind that some harmful microbes can infect the fetus while still in the uterus, so timely treatment is necessary.

How the fetus develops

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is already 520 g, and its height is 30 cm. The little one continues to grow and gain strength. There are several main points in its development.

  1. Subcutaneous fat is actively growing. It is thanks to him that the skin of the fetus will soon begin to straighten. While it is red in color and very wrinkled. Fat is formed quickly, so the skin simply does not have time to adapt to it.
  2. During the 23rd week of pregnancy, you need to track how often your baby starts to move. For now, he pushes very gently, but mom already feels this movement. In 12 hours, the fetus should move about 10 times. If you feel that the tremors have become too frequent or rare, you need to call your doctor.
  3. The digestive system is almost formed. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, your long-awaited baby swallows up to 500 ml of amniotic fluid, after which it is excreted in the form of urine. By this time, meconium begins to form - the original feces, but it will be removed from the body of the crumbs only after childbirth. In the amniotic fluid there is a fluff of hair, grease particles. The child can swallow them with liquid.
  4. The central nervous system is actively developing. Scientific studies have shown that at this time the baby can dream, because the activity of his brain is about the same as the activity of newborns.
  5. The peanut's eyes have opened, so it distinguishes between darkness and light. The baby may be frightened if the light is sharply directed to the stomach.
  6. The organs of hearing are well developed, the baby already distinguishes the voice of the mother.

If you are carrying twins, then the weight of children at 23 weeks of gestation may be less than when carrying one child. Each of the babies weighs about 500 g, and their height is about 28 cm. But these figures are very individual.

Necessary thing in bearing a child

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, you need to do an ultrasound, if you have not done it before, to track the development of the baby. It is necessary to undergo a diagnosis in a timely manner in order to identify possible pathologies of the fetus. This will allow you to quickly take any action.

Visit the antenatal clinic regularlyAt the 23rd week of pregnancy, the specialist will track the process of abdominal enlargement, reveal the height of the uterus. The weight and blood pressure of the girl are measured, the heart rate of the baby is reduced. In addition, on the eve of the appointment, mommy must pass a general urine test, after which the doctor examines the results.
Try to move moreIf you have a sedentary job, you need to get up every hour and walk a little. It is advisable to place a small bench under your feet and sit on a chair with a straight back, a hard seat and handrails. These measures will avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis and legs.
Eat RightThe 23rd week of pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by the development of hemorrhoids. To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out prevention. One of the main measures is the use of foods high in coarse fiber. Also consume enough vitamins and plain drinking water. Consider the tendency to nausea, constipation and heartburn when you plan your menu. Eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. Keep in mind that it is very easy to gain weight during this period, so you should not overeat. Eliminate foods with dyes, high fat content. Try to eat more lean fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits. Observe the drinking regime.
Careful with sexAt 23 weeks, you can continue to have sex, but be careful. The choice of positions is increasingly limited, so it is best to consult your doctor so as not to harm the baby. Sexual intercourse is even useful, because the girl receives positive emotions, and they affect the baby.