Baby development week after birth. Breastfeeding. Rules for communicating with the baby

In this article:

There is a happy addition to your family: a baby was born. All the difficulties of the birth period are over, and now the happy mother is holding her precious bundle of happiness in her arms. With cloudy gray or blue eyes, the baby looks into space, not yet realizing that he was born into the world. Now the most important thing for him is to be with his mother, to feel her, to hear her voice, to know the smell. So the child feels safe.

First minutes together

Newborn babies are like small flower buds: they seem to be compressed into a tight fist on a pedicel, but tomorrow you will see a lot of changes. The skin of the baby is smoothed literally by the hour, it acquires a normal color, the face becomes prettier, and the child seems to begin to focus on his mother's face.

Discharge and arrival home

After giving birth, mother and baby remain in the postpartum ward for several days under the supervision of doctors. Mom receives the necessary instruction on handling the child, learns to swaddle, wash and process the navel, ears, nose. After discharge, mother and baby are left alone. Yes, often older relatives and close friends rush to the rescue young mother.

However, in many cases, after childbirth, a woman's maternal instinct wakes up, which can be compared with an animal. Mom is not happy with the guests, she is annoyed by advice, she has a feeling of discomfort, even from the really sincere help of the child’s grandmother. This is the normal behavior of a healthy woman who has given birth. Therefore, it is better for friends and relatives to arrange a possible visit in advance.

Mom devotes all her time to caring for the baby. He looks at him, takes care of him, enjoys every minute spent together. And the baby, capturing the positive vibes of the mother, begins its development.

The first week of life: how the baby should behave

The first week of life is adaptation. Now the main things for the little man are good food and sleep. The baby may suddenly start crying and calms down just as quickly. There are a number of legitimate reasons for this.

Taking the baby in her arms, the mother intuitively begins to guess why her child is crying. How such mutual understanding occurs remains a mystery to science. It is generally accepted that instinct is based on a common DNA linking all living chromosomes.

Second week: what's new?

In the second week, adaptation to ambient temperature, air, smells comes to an end. The baby begins to be more active in the crib. He develops a focus of his gaze, and he can look at his mother's and father's faces for several minutes. To awareness visual communication came to him as soon as possible, you need to smile in response to your child, speak kind words.

The sucking reflex is confirmed. The child sees the breast and is already aware that this is his "plate of delicious food." Often a week-old baby can suckle and nap at the same time - this is a healthy skill. At such moments, your baby is especially good. At the end of the first week, you will notice that your baby is lying and just blinking, looking at a chandelier, a carousel in a lullaby or a curtain.

Three weeks of proper child development

At three weeks, the child begins to be interested in absolutely everything that happens around him. If you flip it to tummy, he will raise his head for a short time to see what is happening right in front of him. The chaotic movements of the limbs are replaced by successive ones, and the baby realizes that his own hands are in front of him. At the moment, the child has already remembered his mother's smell and main outlines, he knows that there is a father and several other close people (grandmother, grandfather), but with a change in mother's hairstyle or a change in perfume, an association problem may arise, and the child does not recognize a relative.

What should a baby be able to do by the first month of life?

In the first month of life, a child learns to laugh, focus on relatives, and reach out to mom and dad. In the 4th week, you increasingly hear how the baby “hums”, and see how he reaches out to meet you consciously and with joy. By this time, many children begin to laugh excitedly and squeal, expressing their emotions. The kid is interested in sounds, reacts to a smile, listens to fairy tales and songs.

Further development of the child by weeks to a year

After the first month of life, your little "flower bud" is strong and ready to bloom, showing itself from new sides. Changes come daily, delighting
parents discoveries.

In the 5th week, the baby increasingly raises his head in curiosity and perseverance. He gets bored just lying in bed. It requires mother's and father's hands. Lying on his stomach longer and longer with his head up, he can begin to sing the drawn-out "uh-huh-ayy." Laughter and squealing in the house is heard more and more often and speaks of the good mood of your baby. If for some reason the child does not do any of the above, then he will start doing it next week. Keep in mind the individual development of each child and do not forget about monthly trips to the local doctor who keeps your baby's health card.

6th week

In the sixth week, the child will show you the readiness to explore the world. You will notice crawling-like movements. Very soon, your little one will move around the house on his knees. But while he looks like a little frog, making his little way with the help of funny movements of his legs and body.

A child at the 6th week knows how to sing along to his favorite melody, squeals if he sees a bright picture - he likes it. Even though your little one often looks pleased at the sight of the TV or the sound of music, don't get carried away with these procedures. Now the child gets tired very quickly. Sometimes he himself does not understand that it is time for him to sleep - whims begin, arching his back, refusing to eat. In such cases, the child must be distracted by affectionate mother's words, washed, caressed and covered with a soft blanket. After a short sleep, the baby will return to normal.

7th week

During this period, children's fists are unclenched, and the child begins to show you his hands. In addition, he enjoys demonstrating the exact hit of “pallets” and the capture of his favorite toy. By three months, the child is able to roll over from side to side and even on his stomach. The crawling reflex develops very dynamically - leaving the baby alone on the bed is no longer recommended. The concept of the distance from the edge of the sofa to the floor has not yet been formed, but the skills of falling can easily be acquired if you overlook the child.

The kid speaks to you with intonations: he cries if he is uncomfortable or hurt, laughs if he is in a playful mood, sings his songs “agululu” if he is in a state of comfort.

8th week

Weeks in childcare fly by like a couple of days. Before you realize the importance of parental care, your little son or tiny daughter has already realized that you are their parents, and not the aunt who came with a big gift in her hands. The child remembers the voices of relatives and knows what they look like. He continues to strive for crawling, grabbing toys. This week he begins to be interested in rattling dishes, colored rattles.

9th week

The salivary glands begin to work intensively. Getting ready for the first teeth. The kid gets acquainted with the world around him by trying on the taste of everything that falls into his little fist. Including the cam itself at the moment has the amazing property of being in the mouth of a young researcher every now and then. The first tooth does not necessarily appear exactly at the 9th week. There are children already born with milk teeth, and there are those whose teeth begin to break through at 7-9 months of age. But abundant salivation is a 100% sign of the imminent appearance of the first teeth.

10th week

By 3 months, the child is already aware of the usefulness of communication. With pleasure "guts", "sings", communicates with people. Asks for handles, requires attention. His movements become meaningful, not spontaneous. You can see how he smoothly sorts through the toys in his hands, looking at them from all sides, and puts objects in his mouth less often.

11th week

Now the child not only holds the head, but also rises to the chest. Its support is the elbows and open palms. The baby crawls on the sheets and on the floor with pleasure, but not for long. His bones, muscles, joints are strengthened. Now you can keep your baby upright more often.

12th week

Having reached the age of three months, the little prince or princess of your parental heart enters into full-fledged thinking members of the family. Yes, the first reasonable conversations are still far away, but intonation, gestures and facial expressions unmistakably let you know what your child wants.

Crawling around the house gradually turns into a race in a circle. The arena becomes relevant. At 3 months, the child is able to independently lift the bottle with the nipple and consume food. The development of thinking makes adjustments to the desire to communicate, and the child becomes somewhat wary of strangers. The same can be said about unfamiliar places where the baby can get accompanied by his parents.

4 months

At the age of four months, the consolidation of all skills and the gradual development of new ones begin. In one week, there are small shifts in development. This does not mean that development itself stops.
Or your child has some kind of abnormality.

It's just that the kid is growing up, and his elementary skills that need to be reinforced open up new opportunities for him, more than just beating toys against each other. Soon the baby will understand that monotonous blows are boring, and he will want to collect and lay out other toys, open boxes, play with his reflection, etc. But for this, he needs to prepare and consolidate everything that he has learned, having lived on earth for only 3 months.

5-6 months

The baby is moving into a new phase - let's call it vertical. The bones and joints of the child were strong enough for him to begin his own training in getting up on both legs. To do this, he needs a floor or a bed and any improvised stable thing.

Using a support located above his sitting position, the baby begins to pull himself up and takes up a vertical position. Such actions can begin at 7-8 months. It may also happen that it is your baby who does not want to crawl at all, but at 8 months he will already go without support. If there is a developmental deficiency, it will definitely be seen by the local pediatrician, to whom you are obliged to regularly take the child up to 12 months and after as prescribed.

From half a year to a year

During the first six months, your child gradually turns into a small demanding man, similar to a fairy-tale elf. His funny voice expresses discontent and preferences in an incomprehensible language. He enjoys hitting the toy piano with his fingers, uttering the magical melodies of the little genius. The child can pick up a pencil and begin to drive zigzags and circles on the sheet. He really likes to wield different bright pencils.

He can crawl through home and afterwards, with rapture and giggles, “tell” about your little - big trip. The child handles the drinker well, sits in the stroller for a walk. His sleep is reduced to one full meal a day, or sometimes two short rests. In jerky sounds, you can hear infrequent "mom, dad, give." Whether these words are meaningful or not, frankly speaking, no one can prove, but it is during this period that they sound most touching.

The child does not know how to talk, but he understands his native speech perfectly and can pay attention to objects that adults are talking about. Development allows the child to independently learn to walk and memorize short words. By the turn of the 12th month, it becomes clear that it is better to go to the toilet, and not in panties, that you need to eat from a spoon, that pets are friends. In other words, during the first year of life, a child settles into his own world and is already preparing to take a step towards conscious communication with his peers.

How noticeable is the development from week to year?

For the first 3 months, you can notice changes in your baby every day. The development of elementary skills is quite fast. In one day, a child can acquire up to 3 skills and consolidate them in the next day. After three months, obvious changes can be noticed with a difference of from a week to two, when the baby’s head begins to be constantly raised, when he tries to crawl away from you, when he pulls a toy into his mouth - everything happens a little slower, as the child’s actions become more complex and more conscious. In the following months, when the child reaches the age of six months, the child acquires even more complex skills. He has a desire to learn to walk, eat on his own, communicate with relatives.

If the development of the child does not quite meet these standards, this is not a reason to worry about his health. Most likely, the environment and genetic factors play a role here.
If by 6 months the child does not yet have teeth, this is not a retarded development. If your baby refuses to crawl - this also does not mean poor development of the child. The main thing is to seek advice from a specialist in time. Even if you are completely sure that everything is fine with you, you need to write down all the positive indicators in the child’s card for a convenient comparison of his growth and development in the future.

During the first seconds after birth, the child is almost completely immobilized, does not perceive sound and light, does not respond to painful stimuli, his muscles are devoid of tone, and no reflexes are caused. This state is called "birth catharsis", which in Greek means "purification".

This happens because of the colossal amount of a wide variety of sensations and stimuli that fall on the child in the last moments of childbirth. A protective mechanism is triggered to prevent information shock. The fetus, which has been in the womb for nine months, suddenly finds itself in completely different conditions.

Instead of a constant temperature of 37 ° C - the temperature of the room, which seems very low to the child, and you need to adapt to it. Instead of the aquatic environment that constantly surrounded him, there was air that he had to learn to breathe. Instead of weightlessness - the force of gravity, which you have to get used to.

It was dark - and now there is bright light around! It was quiet - and now a flurry of a wide variety of sounds! In those seconds that pass between birth and the first cry, the baby is in a special state.

In order to protect the tiny newborn creature from shock, evolution created this protective state - the state of not responding to external stimuli. The birth catharsis lasts a very short time and ends at the moment of crossing the umbilical cord.

At that moment, when the obstetrician's hand cuts this channel that connected the mother and the child, his life begins as an independent organism. As soon as the blood flow through the vessels of the umbilical cord is interrupted, the child takes his first breath.

This is facilitated by the fact that during the last minutes of childbirth, the proportion of carbon dioxide in the blood of the fetus increases, and the concentration of oxygen decreases significantly, which has an irritating effect on the respiratory center located in the child's brain.

A powerful impulse comes from this center, signaling a growing hypoxia (lack of oxygen), and the child screams loudly, taking the first breath in his life. His lungs, filled with liquid throughout the entire period of intrauterine development, straighten out, fill with air and begin to carry out one of the main life-supporting functions - breathing.

At the same moment, the pulmonary circulation begins to function, which, due to its uselessness, did not work for all nine months. Its purpose is to carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart and carbon dioxide rich blood from the heart to the lungs.

Since the lungs of the fetus are inactive during intrauterine life, the pulmonary circulation does not function either. Instead, there are channels (shunts) that are characteristic exclusively for the fetal circulation - an oval window between the right and left atrium, an arterial duct between the aorta and the pulmonary artery.

These shunts stop functioning gradually over several hours and sometimes days. But their existence no longer plays any role in blood circulation. Their presence is one of the manifestations of the transitional state from intrauterine life to extrauterine existence.

It is their presence that can explain the bluish coloration of the limbs of the newborn in the first hours after birth.

In the first thirty minutes of life, the child is in a state of maximum tension of adaptive reactions. There is a cardinal restructuring of the respiratory and circulatory systems, which was mentioned above.

During this period, the child is in a state of excitement, he almost constantly screams loudly (this is necessary for the complete expansion of the lung tissue), he is active, his pupils are dilated, muscle tone, which was practically absent in the first seconds of life, increases significantly.

Why is it necessary to put the baby to the breast after childbirth

Being closely connected with the mother for 40 weeks of intrauterine life, the baby is used to constantly feeling the rhythm of her heart. Now, when the umbilical cord is cut, he suddenly finds himself excommunicated from this rhythm, from the familiar warmth.

But contact with the mother's skin returns to the child a sense of security; this also applies to the voice that the baby has heard over the past four to five weeks of intrauterine development.

There is an assumption that the child is able to recognize the mother by the rhythm of her heart, which he feels when he is in close proximity to her. Moreover, with an increase in the mother's pulse, the child begins to worry and, it would seem, to cry for no reason.

Conversely, when the mother's pulse is even, calm, the baby is content and sleepy. Therefore, your peace of mind after childbirth is the basis of your baby's peace of mind.

Laying the baby on the mother's stomach is the logical conclusion of childbirth. It signals to the mother and baby that the stressful situation ended successfully, that both of them did not work in vain and emerged victorious.

Skin-to-skin contact is necessary because the tactile analyzer is the leading one in newborns and is most developed in the womb of the mother.

It is known that mammals not only and not so much wash their cubs when they are licked, but rather create a powerful stream of impulses that enter the brain and make all body systems work.

Of particular importance is the attachment of the baby to the breast immediately after birth. It contributes to the speedy completion of childbirth - the separation of the placenta as a result of reflex contraction of the uterus. Early application (in the first half hour after birth) also helps to increase the amount of milk and the duration of the lactation period.

Even if the child does not suck, but only licks the nipple, then at least a few drops of colostrum will fall into his mouth. Thus, early attachment to the breast is a "passive immunization" of the child, that is, a kind of vaccination against many diseases, since protective antibodies enter the baby's body along with colostrum.

Early application also reduces the likelihood of bilirubin toxicity causing jaundice in newborns; it contributes to the formation of a healthy microflora in the child. The intestines, skin and mucous membranes of the newborn are sterile. During the first contacts with the outside world, they are colonized by microorganisms.

Microorganisms from the mother's skin take root better than others in the child.

Deprived of this support, the child becomes defenseless against the onslaught of the outside world. But, fortunately, almost always the birth of a baby is a long-awaited and happy moment, the mother is next to him, he knows that he is already loved and remembers this feeling, which is an indispensable condition for the harmonious development of his psyche.

Joint stay of mother and baby after childbirth

In the next six hours of a child's life, a period of relative stabilization of all the main body systems begins. Those successes in primary adaptation that were achieved in the first minutes of his life are fixed, and the baby is resting. If he successfully coped with the first tasks set before him by life, he falls asleep.

The heart rate slows down, breathing becomes less deep, muscle tone decreases. During these hours, there is a decrease in body temperature for two main reasons. First, the body of a newborn, placed in a much cooler environment, cools rapidly due to heat exchange and moisture evaporation.

And secondly, during this period, the level of metabolism and, accordingly, heat production decreases. In addition, all newborns have a relative functional immaturity of the thermoregulation system, it is difficult for them to maintain a constant body temperature.

The child needs additional heating, otherwise he may get a so-called cold injury or, conversely, overheat if the baby is overwrapped, which is also undesirable for him.

This is especially true for children born prematurely, in whom this borderline condition, like, indeed, all the others, manifests itself more acutely, often moving from a physiological state to the initial stage of the disease.

Another very important point of adaptation is immunological. While in the womb, the fetus is in sterile conditions. The mother's placenta is permeable to some immunoglobulins - protective antibodies, and the fetus receives from her antibodies to those microbes with which her immune system is familiar. This immunity is called transplacental.

The own immunity of the newborn is very imperfect, although it is quite mature. In particular, there is a very low content of class A immunoglobulins, which are responsible for protecting the body from the penetration of pathogens through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, stomach, as well as an insufficient content of interferons - substances that protect against viral infections.

In any case, the child is born in a state of immunodeficiency. This condition is aggravated by such a pathology of pregnancy as intrauterine growth retardation, intrauterine hypoxia, asphyxia during childbirth, intrauterine infection.

Once in a new environment, a newborn is surrounded by countless microorganisms that literally attack his immune system. His skin, mucous membranes immediately begin to be populated by bacteria that will accompany him for a very long period of time.

Therefore, it is very important for him that these microorganisms pass to him from his mother. Therefore, direct contact of the skin of the child with the skin of the mother in the first minutes after birth is so desirable.

Faced with our by no means sterile world, the child begins to develop its own antibodies. Otherwise, every bacterium that entered his body would threaten to cause an infectious disease. But the attack is too powerful, and the forces are unequal.

Therefore, a newborn baby is very vulnerable to a potential infection, which is why he is surrounded within the walls of the maternity hospital with such sterility, which is why the requirements for the regimen in the children's departments of maternity hospitals are so strict. Immunity will train, strengthen literally every day. Active production of antibodies will begin.

But this does not happen immediately, but only by the middle of the first month of a child's life. With this in mind, take care of yourself and him.

Given all of the above, I would like to once again emphasize the importance of the joint stay of mother and baby after childbirth. Having a mother and a baby in the same room after childbirth helps both the woman and the child to get through this difficult period more easily, to effectively establish breastfeeding, because when staying together, the mother usually feeds the baby on demand, and not by the hour.


Features of newborns: development by week

The birth of a child is an event that completely changes the life of newly-made parents. The next few months, their thoughts will be occupied exclusively by the baby - his life, development, nutrition. They will be with the baby, think about him, take care of him. And this is absolutely natural: parental instincts are included. What are the features of newborns in the first weeks of life?

However, they turn on even earlier: future mom and dad read a lot to understand what are the features of newborns, what you need to buy for the crumbs and how to organize his regimen so that it is beneficial.

And everything seems to be clear. But when you pick up this little bundle with such unchildishly expressive eyes, a lot is immediately forgotten. Therefore, from time to time, information needs to be refreshed in memory.

Of course, every baby is special. But there are general trends that will help determine whether everything is in order with the crumbs with development. This is what we will tell parents about: what does the development of a newborn look like by weeks?

Who is a newborn?

A child is considered a newborn until it reaches one month of age. That is, the first 4 weeks. It is at this time that the most rapid development of the child's body occurs.

Despite the small external dimensions, this is a very strong and complex mechanism that does a tremendous job during the first month. From the outside, it seems that if the baby finally noticed the toy or smiled at his mother, there is nothing special about it.

But in fact, these are really important steps in the development of crumbs.

At the time of birth, changes occur in the functioning of the child's body: it no longer receives nutrition through the umbilical cord and placenta - it is necessary to start the digestive tract; in the mother's stomach, the baby did not have to breathe on its own - now you need to activate this process as well; the urinary system begins to work, the composition of the blood changes (fetal hemoglobin is replaced by an adult) and the metabolic process (carbon dioxide is excreted); reflex thermoregulation of the body is activated.

The most important thing for parents to do is to provide three main aspects of the life of a newborn:

  • build a sleep and wakefulness regimen;
  • carry out hygienic care;
  • feed the baby.

Every week the child acquires new skills, which makes him more active and interesting. What exactly are we talking about?

week one

Parents immediately pay attention to the color of the baby: his skin, getting used to the new environment of existence, changes its shade from red to pale pink. Around the fifth day, it may begin to peel off - this is due to excessive dryness. Very soon, the skin balance will stabilize, but for now, you can lubricate the skin with baby or simply sterilized olive oil.

Some children develop physiological jaundice - it is expressed by a characteristic skin tone. This is caused by increased levels of bilirubin in the blood and goes away after 5-10 days. In the hospital, to speed up this process, the baby can be placed under a UV lamp.

The first week of a baby's life - dedicate it to adaptation

With the first attachment to the breast, beneficial bacteria - microflora - are colonized in the previously sterile body of the newborn. After a few days, the body will no longer excrete thick dark meconium, but lighter and softer yellow stools.

For babies of the first week of life, a slight weight loss is natural - up to 10% of the initial one. This is also caused by the lack of breast milk (after all, in the early days, the mother has only colostrum - a nutritious, but very limited substance) and significant energy costs - for crying and for food.

The baby still does not know how to focus his eyes. Even more - a slight strabismus is possible, but it has a physiological character (the muscles of the eyeballs are still weak) and goes away on its own. But the baby perfectly distinguishes smells and can thus determine whether his mother or someone else who is not yet familiar is approaching him.

Week two

This week is a period of active weight gain. The baby will not only return to its previous weight, but even increase it by an average of 150 g.

And the navel is also healing, so the baby can be laid out already on the tummy.

True, difficulties also appear during this period: the intestines begin to function actively, because the baby may be disturbed by colic. And this anxiety will last for the next 2-3 months. It is provoked by increased gas formation in the intestines, but medications and "home" methods will help ease children's well-being.

At this age, the baby can already focus on a bright object and begins to see the image more clearly - this is how he accurately recognizes the parent leaning towards him.

Week Three

It is slightly less saturated with new achievements than the previous one: weight gain continues and, unfortunately, colic often continues to bother. Regurgitation may be added - to avoid them, the baby is worn in a “column” after eating.

Carry your baby in a "column", holding his head

At the same time, the baby begins to move his arms and legs more actively. These are far from precise, measured movements - but that is why they are so touching.

Especially developed children already at this age can, lying on their stomach, raise their heads. So far, only for a few seconds, but soon it will be much longer to hold the head - you just need to get stronger neck muscles.

During this period, parents can already understand how easier it is to calm the baby: by rocking, singing, or maybe feeding. The baby can already turn its head when it hears a familiar voice. And if he sees something new, he calms down with interest and considers it. He also knows how to grab fingers and strands of hair!

week four

Many parents note that at this age the baby no longer looks like what he was two or three weeks ago.

Indeed, the appearance changes, and the look becomes meaningful, the movements have a specific purpose.

The baby holds his head much more confidently, the fontanel becomes clearly visible - a soft spot on the head, which needs protection until it is completely overgrown (and this happens for about a year).

The baby knows how to express his emotions - joy and discontent. And this allows parents to understand him better. And it also grows by about 4-6 cm, because the little things that used to be at the right time are now small - it's time to change the wardrobe.

This is how the first 4 weeks of the baby's life pass, in each of which the child pleases the parents with new skills. At this time, the baby triggers a lot of reflexes - they also help the observing doctor to draw up a clinical picture of the patient's health and development. What are these reflexes?

  1. protective - when laid out on the stomach, the baby instinctively turns his head to the side so as not to suffocate;
  2. sucking - the baby actively sucks the breast, the nipple at the bottle, the dummy and even the finger if it accidentally or intentionally gets into his mouth;
  3. grasping - when pressing on the middle of the open palm, it is tightly compressed;
  4. plantar - when pressing on the ball of the foot, the baby's fingers are sharply compressed;
  5. crawling - when laying the baby on his stomach, if his legs are supported, he will push off from it, simulating crawling.

After the birth of the baby, the development of the baby occurs especially rapidly. Only 28 days will pass, and it will no longer be a newborn, but just a baby - it will become noticeably older, actions will be conscious, and the face will be able to convey emotions. The baby will continue to delight with new achievements, but now they will appear much less frequently.

In this article:

The first year is the most important stage in the life of every child. The kid grows, develops, gets acquainted with the outside world, acquires the necessary skills.

In order for parents to be sure that their child is growing and developing in accordance with age, they must know how the development of a newborn should occur by months normally. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

1 month

The first week of his life, the baby spends a significant part of the time in a dream. Thus, there is an adaptation to new conditions of life. Starting from the second week, periods of wakefulness lengthen.

By the end of the first month, the baby is already focusing its eyes on the bright toy, listening to conversations and trying to pronounce the first sounds. Distinguishes mother's voice: having heard mother's speech, she rejoices that it is manifested by active movements of legs and arms.

2 month

The baby already holds his head relatively well, and when lying on his tummy, he rests on his forearms. He smiles radiantly at adults, turns his head towards the sound, trying to find its source with his eyes.

In the development of speech, the preverbal period or the period of "cooing" begins, when the baby begins to make the sounds "agu", "abu" or "wa".

3 months

A baby at this age not only confidently holds his head, but also easily rolls over from back to side and vice versa.

The baby recognizes the faces of relatives, smiles at them, laughs, coos, hums and engages in dialogue when communicating. He hits the toys hanging over the crib with his hands, tries to grab them and taste them.

4 months

The baby makes attempts to roll over from the back to the tummy, with the support of an adult, it can sit. Performs conscious actions with objects: throws, takes, knocks, licks. He already has his first favorite toys.

The first syllables appear in speech, which the baby unconsciously puts into words: “ma-ma-ma”, “ta-ta-ta” and “ba-ba-ba”.

5 months

The development of a child of 5 months continues. The baby is already quickly turning over from his back to his tummy and vice versa, making attempts at independent sitting, pulling up his body with his hands. His actions become more focused: he joins his hands, pushes the ball away, grabs it, etc.

It reacts differently to adults: it gets frightened and shudders at the sight of strangers, babbles and laughs when communicating with loved ones.

6 months

A six-month-old child makes attempts to sit down without the help of adults, creeps up to an object that interests him, makes attempts to stand near a support. Actively deals with toys: throws them, shifts them from hand to hand, from one place to another, etc.

The child’s speech development continues for 6 months: the first imitations of the “aw-aw”, “bee-bee”, etc. appear. The kid already catches cause-and-effect relationships: he pushed the object away - he fell, pressed the button - music began to sound, etc.

7 months

The physical development of a child of 7 months: the baby sits independently, holding on to a support, stands and stands, crawls confidently and quickly in any direction. He is already trying to drink from a cup and eat from a spoon, he knows the meaning of some words: you can, no, you can’t, the names of actions and toys.

The kid shows affection for his mother: he cries when his mother leaves, rejoices when she appears. He loves to look at books, turn pages, he has his first favorite pictures.

8 months

An eight-month-old baby stands well, makes attempts to take the first independent steps near the support. He is well oriented in space, knows where his toys are, shows their location with a nod of his head or hand. Can perform simple tasks: bring, serve, open, etc.

He already knows how to connect the parts of the nesting dolls, string the rings of the pyramid, cover the boxes with lids. He loves to dance, stomp his feet, clap his hands.

9 months

The child sits confidently, actively crawls, walks, holding on to a support. He actively shows his emotions, attitude to what is happening: he cries if his mother leaves the room, laughs at the sight of a new toy, breaks out if he does not like something, for example, if his mother cleans his ears.

Shouting and crying expresses his indignation, achieves what he wants, manipulates adults. Begins to show independence in the process of eating and dressing. The baby's speech continues to develop, but his first words are understood only by parents so far.

10 months

The child continues to explore the world: listens to sounds, looks at objects and people, tries to imitate their intonations and actions. He walks confidently, holding on to the support, sometimes letting go of the support and moving away from it for several steps.

He likes to dance, climb on low objects and climb off them. He likes to play with toys, he can devote 10-15 minutes to this activity. Knows how to use toys for their intended purpose: swing a doll, roll a car, etc. New words appear in speech: “am-am”, “give”, “on”, etc.

11 months

The child moves independently, tries to perform all elementary actions independently: drink from a cup, eat with a spoon and dress.

Fulfills the requests of adults, such as “give”, “put”, “take”, etc. Knows when it's bad and when it's good. Knows what he wants and what he doesn't, and expresses it with a nod or a shake of his head.

New words appear in speech that correlate with people, animals, objects, actions: “wee-pee”, “yum-yum”, etc.

12 months

The baby confidently walks, sits, crawls. He has learned to throw objects and does it with pleasure. Shifts objects from hand to hand, can hold several small objects in one palm at once. He is very curious: he climbs everywhere, takes everything and reaches everything.

The kid learns the world with pleasure, listens to new sounds, experiments with objects: knocks a spoon on a plate, pulls a toy by a string, pours out the contents from a jar, etc.
10-15 words appeared in his speech, however, he pronounces them, distorting, but family members understand him perfectly.

As you can see, the development of a newborn child in the first year of his life is rapid. It seems that quite recently it was a tiny helpless baby, and now it has become a completely independent little man with his own desires and needs.

Do not be upset if the development of your baby by months does not coincide much with generally accepted norms. He will definitely catch up, and the main task of parents is to help him in this.

Useful video about newborns

More recently, you have been reading the literature about easy childbirth and breastfeeding, and now the first days with a baby in your arms are behind you. The baby is slowly getting used to life outside of her mother's cozy tummy, and you are getting used to your new life - full of great joys and little anxieties. Somewhere in the corners of memory, fragments of what I read about begin to emerge, something about nursery rhymes, laying out on the stomach, stimulating the grasping reflex ...

But let's talk about everything in order. And please don't be surprised by the title of the article.

It is necessary to develop a newborn

I will not urge you to quickly start showing the baby cards with letters and teach the crumbs to fold the pyramid, who is just learning to focus on the subject that interests him and gets to know his own body. All the activities that we will discuss below are based on the characteristics of the physiology and psychology of the newborn.

But you must remember - everything that you are doing for your baby now - the songs that you sing, the tone of voice and facial expression with which you address the child, how you carry out standard hygiene procedures, how you respond to his crying , what you fill in the short intervals of his wakefulness - all this does not pass without a trace and contributes to the development of the crumbs, the formation of basic trust in the world, the establishment of emotional contact with his mother and the laying of other important foundations of his character.

Therefore, let's not waste precious time and try to make these first weeks of our baby's life comfortable, useful and enjoyable for him.

Before starting a conversation about how to develop a newborn, it would not be superfluous to recall that immediately after discharge from the hospital, you should be visited by a visiting nurse and a local pediatrician who will examine the baby and give you some recommendations regarding, among other things, possible activities with the child. Listen carefully to these recommendations, because they take into account the individual characteristics of your baby, discovered during the examination and study of the documents received at discharge.

When to develop a newborn

In the first month of life, a newborn sleeps a lot - by the end of the first month of life, sleep time is about 16-18 hours. Add here the time needed for feeding, washing, etc., and you will no longer think about how to develop a newborn but about when to do it. Of course, while the baby is awake - after feeding and the necessary hygiene procedures. The kid should be well rested, well-rested, full and dry - then he will gladly respond to the activities you suggested, and after them he will sleep sweetly and give you some rest too.

Remember that the games and activities that you can spend with a newborn take only a few minutes, but this time is enough to stimulate the cognitive interest of the crumbs, as well as his full mental and physical development.

Educational games and activities for a newborn

  • Laying out on the stomach

The simplest and very useful exercise that you and your baby, I hope, began to perform already in the hospital - laying on the stomach.

Gently lay your baby down on a flat, hard surface (a changing table works great) while holding the head. Talk to your treasure and gently stroke his back without touching his spine. Start literally with one minute and gradually increase the exercise time to 10-15 minutes. It is useful to lay the baby on his stomach before each feeding. In this case, the exercise will not only contribute to the correct formation of the curves of the spine, strengthen the muscles of the neck, back and abdomen, but also help the baby to digest comfortably and prevent regurgitation.

Little advice: try to put the baby head in different directions each time for even development of the neck muscles.

If the baby is very indignant when you put him on his stomach, go for a trick. Place the baby on his stomach on a blanket spread on the floor and lie down opposite him too - so that you can look at each other. Now is the time to show your acting skills - grimace, sing, talk to the child, deliberately increasing the articulation. My son was very amused when I lightly blew in his face. Children love to watch the changes in the human face, and the baby will surely love this exercise.

  • Fitball exercises

I hope you have already purchased a fitball? This large and durable inflatable ball is sold in sports and children's stores and is an indispensable assistant when doing gymnastics with a baby (by the way, fitball exercises will help the mother quickly regain shape after childbirth). Fitball exercises train the vestibular apparatus, promote the development of the muscles of the back and abdomen, and, of course, delight children of any age! Here how to develop a newborn with fitball:

1. Put the baby with a tummy on the ball (the ball is on the bed, covered with a diaper). Holding the back of the baby with one hand, fix the legs with the other hand and gently rock him back and forth and from side to side. Accompany the exercise with a fun nursery rhyme or rhythmic rhyme, for example, my son loved this:

The ball rolls forward, forward, forward,

The ball rolls back-back-back

Back and forth, back and forth

It's time to get down!

2. And the next rhyme is suitable for another exercise - “springs”. Also holding the baby on the ball, perform springy up and down movements with a small amplitude. Make sure your little acrobat doesn't feel uncomfortable or scared.

I am a jumper - a fun ball,

I don't like the one who cries

I don't like the one who cries

Recently became a mother of a baby?

And I love the one who jumps

See a few

  • Push the ball

Another exciting ball exercise will help your baby to strengthen the muscles of the legs and abdomen. You will need a lightweight inflatable beach ball with a diameter of about 25-30 cm (do not use a beach ball for this game, as it may burst during activity and scare the baby). Tie a rope to the ball and hold the ball by it. Place the child lying on his back on a sofa or changing table - naked or at least with bare feet. With your free hand, slightly lift the baby's butt so that the legs are on weight and touch the ball. When the baby feels the slight resistance of the ball with his feet, he will forcefully push it away with his legs. Praise your little strong man!

  • Hand massage

Look at your little one's hands. With what force he clenches his fists - this is how the grasping reflex of a newborn manifests itself! You can help little fingers become even stronger and more dexterous.

While feeding and bathing, when holding the baby in your arms, massage his hands and fingers. Be very gentle and careful. Use circular motions on the back and inside of the hand, soft pressure and tapping with the fingertips. Try to massage the palms, picking up scraps of fabric of different textures - a terry and waffle towel, a piece of fur, velveteen, flannel, cotton, satin ... Encourage the child to grab the scraps and describe his feelings - this is how you contribute to the development of sensory impressions of the crumbs and the accumulation of passive vocabulary .

Little tip: sew pieces of fabric of various textures onto the fingers of a glove and use it for this activity.

Look at the video, how else you can do a hand massage

  • Rattle games

The first rattle games. Draw the baby's attention to a bright, melodious-sounding rattle (read more about how to choose the right toys for a newborn) and let him grab it with his hand - try to keep the baby's thumb opposed to the rest of the fingers. Now gently try to pick up the toy and give it back to your baby. Try to give your child a rattle from below, then from above, then to the right, then to the left, and use toys made of different materials, textures and sizes. So the child will learn to grasp the object from different positions and adjust the movements of the hand and fingers, depending on the object of what shape and size he wants to grab.

Little advice: during the exercise, repeat the words "Give!" and “On!”, And, soon, the baby will understand and remember their meaning.

When the baby learns to confidently focus on the rattle, drive it in front of the baby (at a distance of about 30-40 cm) from side to side, up and down, zoom in and out, perform circular movements. Movements should be slow, smooth, small in amplitude. During the exercise, make sure that the baby does not overwork. As soon as his eyes begin to "swim", finish the game, take the baby in your arms, praise and caress.

  • Bath games

Make full use of bathing time to entertain and develop a newborn. Supporting the baby with one hand, pour water on his arms, legs, tummy with water and say a nursery rhyme, for example, this one:

Water, water,

Wash Egor's face, (replace your baby's name)

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth.

After the umbilical wound heals, you can bathe the baby in a large bath. When the child is a little comfortable, try "swim" his. Laying the baby on the back and supporting the neck, run it several times from one end of the tub to the other. During the exercise, stimulate the crumbs to push off with their legs from the wall of the tub. To do this, "swim" the baby closer to the wall - so that the legs are bent at the knees, and wait until he pushes off. On the edge of the bath, you can put some bright toy. Many children's clinics have swimming pools, where an experienced instructor will introduce you to all the nuances of early swimming.

  • Musical minutes

Daily gymnastics, massage, air baths can be carried out with musical accompaniment. “The Four Seasons” by A. Vivaldi, “Little Suite” by C. Debussy, “Children's Polka” by M.I. Glinka, Antira's Dance from the suite “Peer Gynt” by E. Grieg and other classical compositions, as well as mother's affectionate singing will do. While listening, watch your baby's reaction and follow two simple rules:

  1. Music should not be too loud, fast, rhythmic.
  2. Music doesn't have to be playing in the background all day long.
  • Dancing on the hands

Development Calendar: First month

Your baby, just brought from the hospital and lying on the changing table, carefully packed in a million frilly diapers and tied with a blue or pink ribbon, will make a real leap this month, similar to what runners do at the start. It will grow by 2-3 cm and add about 600 grams, smile at you with the first cute toothless smile. And this month you will turn into wise parents.

Indicators of neuropsychic and physical development:

  • short-term fixation of the gaze on a shiny/bright object
  • first smile
  • shuddering and blinking at a sharp sound
  • successful attempts to hold the head while lying on the tummy. Problems you may face in your baby's first month

Newborn acne

From William and Martha Sears, Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years: “Somewhere in the 3rd or 4th week, be prepared for the skin on the baby’s face to deteriorate. As happens in teenagers, a red oily rash will cover almost the entire face, and previously soft, smooth cheeks will become rough, like sandpaper. These phenomena soon pass (experienced and observant parents plan to take pictures and baptize children before or after the acne period). Acne in newborns reaches its maximum manifestation somewhere in the 3rd week and disappears in a month and a half.

There is a situation where high levels of hormones can cause the sebaceous glands to overproduce an oily substance called sebum, especially on the face and scalp. Blockage of the sebaceous glands leads to inflammation and the formation of nodules. Parents call them baby eels. The medical name for this phenomenon is seborrheic eczema.

Acne in newborns often worries parents more than children. Cut your child's nails so he doesn't scratch his face. Gentle washing with baby soap and water removes excess and irritating grease. If acne becomes infected (redness around the nodules or leakage of a honey-like fluid), your doctor may prescribe a special ointment. In most cases, newborn acne will completely disappear without additional skin care. If the acne appeared early (in the 2nd week) and / or spread quickly, capturing the scalp, neck and even shoulders, this may indicate an incipient allergy to the formula you feed the baby with or to your milk.

Intestinal colic

Episodes of acute abdominal pain are most common in children in the first year of life. For the first time, colic appears at 3-4 weeks of a child's life. The most characteristic time of day for colic is the evening hours. In children aged about 1 month, intestinal colic is repeated 1-2 times a week and lasts up to half an hour. Then they appear much more often and can last 3-5 hours. After the discharge of gases, the pain in the abdomen, as a rule, subsides, but sometimes colic resumes after a fairly short period of time.

Experts consider several causes of intestinal colic in children. Among these reasons:

immaturity of the processes of nervous regulation of intestinal activity;
improper preparation of infant formula;
too active sucking with swallowing of air;
the reaction of the intestines of the infant to the foods consumed by the mother
It is noted that intestinal colic is more common in first-born children. In addition, a relationship was noted between the anxious and suspicious mood of the mother and the incidence of intestinal colic in children. There is a theory that colic may be due to hormonal imbalances in the mother's body. The main recipe for getting rid of colic is patience.

To alleviate the condition of the baby, you can:

by applying heat to a swollen tummy (a heating pad or a diaper ironed with an iron);
having bathed in a warm bath with soothing herbs;
having done a massage of the abdomen (with the edge of the palm around the navel clockwise) or gymnastics (we sharply press the bent or straight legs to the tummy ... usually this is followed by a cannonade);
giving the baby a breast is also a good way to soothe a baby with a sore tummy, breast sucking reflexively relaxes the sphincters;
there are special medicines for bloating - "Sub-simplex" or "Espumizan".

The main thing that a child needs in the first months after birth is the constant presence of his mother. Physical contact is incredibly important, because for nine months your baby was one with his mother's body. Psychologists say that with any discomfort (cold, heat, hunger, loneliness), a child under three months old feels panic. He does not have a sense of time, so he does not agree to "be patient for a minute" while his mother does the housework. If you constantly carry an awake baby in your arms, feed on demand, kiss him often, react to “every peep” and surround him with psychological comfort, you are growing a strong and independent personality!!!

The average increase for the first month is 600 grams, but according to WHO recommendations, any more than 400 grams will be considered normal. If your baby is breastfeeding on demand, be prepared for the fact that the first months of the increase will be significantly more than average.

The motto of this month and all subsequent life - there are no "average" children!!! Your girl or boy is unique and inimitable!

Development calendar: Second month

Great time with mom! The little man looks, absorbs, listens, learns. An indispensable thing for mom and baby can be a sling (patchwork holder). With a baby in a sling, a mother can take long walks, go grocery shopping, cook food and tidy up the apartment.

School of Development
Talk to the child. They are especially susceptible in a state of calm concentration, when they are not hungry, not tired, and nothing bothers them. The intonation is gentle, the speech is quiet, unhurried. It is good if your baby will talk not only with you and dad, but also with grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers. The more voices a child hears and recognizes, the more likely he is to develop good hearing and timely formation of speech skills. Children who “communicate” with a large number of relatives and acquaintances develop intellectually faster than those who are in a certain isolation.

From the book "Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years" by William and Martha Sears: Secrets of Talking to Your Child. Look at the listener. Starting to talk with the child, try to catch his eye and keep the attention of the baby, looking into his eyes. So you will feel the response more quickly. Address the child by name. In the first months, the baby may not associate his own name with himself, but the more often he hears it, the faster this associative connection will be established - always these sounds first, and only then others, more diverse. As a result, the child, just like an adult, will learn to turn his head when he hears his name.

Try to keep it simple. Do not use the pronouns "I" and "me" - they do not make any sense to the child. When talking to him about yourself, use the words "mom" and "dad".

Accompany speech with gestures. Say, "Wave your pen to your cat 'bye bye!'" and make this gesture while facing the cat. Babies remember words better if they are accompanied by gestures. Put the main word at the end of the phrase and emphasize it by stretching the vowel sounds. Pay attention to what sounds he likes best, and gradually add new ones. Children can easily get bored if the set of sounds does not change.

Ask questions. A conversation in the form of questions naturally implies an answer to a question, and therefore a dialogue.

Explain your actions. When you change or bathe your child, tell him what you are doing - approximately as sports commentators do: “Now dad will take off the diaper ... and now we will put another one on ...” Do not think that from the outside it is possible , looks strange - remember that you are not talking to a stone wall. The little man always has “ears on top”, he perceives every sound you make and stores it in the inexhaustible depths of his memory.

Watch how the signals start and stop. From time to time, the child gives you some kind of sign, attracting your attention. He can smile, look into your eyes, stretch out his hands to you, as if saying: “I like it, come on, talk.” But do not forget about the signs that show a lack of attention: looking into space, the baby does not look at you or turns his head to the side. It means, “Enough, let’s do something else.”

Give your child the opportunity to respond to you. When asking your child a question, give him time to “answer”. After all, you do the same when talking to other people. Pause often, and the baby will have the opportunity to grunt or make some other response sound. Toddlers try to somehow respond to the speech addressed to them.

Sing! Even if the bear not only stepped on your hearing aid, but also pretty much trampled on it. Yes, perhaps after a while your bunny will say: “Mommy, please don’t sing! My ears hurt” (actually, this only happened to me when I was a child for two and a half years… Although my abilities in terms of singing are minimal :)), but so far your voice is the best that your lal can hear. Connect dads, kids get used to their voices while still in their mother's tummy, so encourage them to give up unnecessary embarrassment and promise not to tell anyone: D! Our dad's masterpiece performance of such immortal works as "Mom, Mom, what am I going to do ..." and "There, beyond the river ..." is still at the top of Marika's charts.

Development indicators for the second month:
The average weight gain per month is 800 grams;
Growth increases by 2-3 cm;
Follows a moving toy;
At loud sounds, he is no longer frightened, but listens intently;
Smiles in response to the friendly speech of an adult;
Holds head upright for 1-2 minutes.

Development Calendar: Third month

This month is the last of the "problem". Most likely, along with its end, colic will also end. The baby is more and more awake, may not sleep until two hours. You are a parent with a great experience, which is difficult to put to a standstill. You know your baby well and know when he wants to sleep, when to eat and when to have fun. Now your long monologues become full-fledged dialogues, Lyal not only listens to voices and sounds, but also responds with cooing. Cooing (the first pre-speech vowel sounds) the child makes in a calmly concentrated state. In response to an emotional conversation of an adult, a revitalization complex appears (lyal with a joyfully surprised face clasps his hands and quickly “runs” with his legs). He loves when you communicate with him, especially when you fool around. He will be overjoyed if you shake your head, clap your hands, or stick your tongue out at him. And he will obviously be unhappy if he is left alone.

If somewhere nearby, out of the baby's field of vision, a rattle rings, your baby's face will be filled with seriousness :). This is the face of a Nobel laureate who, at least, solves the problem of global warming or comes up with a cure for all diseases at once. Physically, your child is no longer some weak newborn baby. By the end of the month, he already holds his head well, lying on his stomach raises his shoulders. Pushes with legs in the back of the bed or mother's palms.

From the book "Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years" by William and Martha Sears. “3 months, entertaining pens.

More recently, you have been playing with little hands, unclenching tightly clenched fingers and running the baby's palms over your cheeks. Now he has learned to play with his own hands. This is the most remarkable feature of the 3rd month of development. The previously clenched fists are unclenched and the fingers remain half-open.

During this period, babies try to reach out with their hands to the most familiar and easily accessible toys and, more importantly, to themselves. See how the baby plays with his own hands. He can grab one pen with another and sometimes hold the entire fist in his palm, and sometimes 1-2 fingers. Of course, these curious little hands find their way to the mouth; thumb sucking is a favorite activity at this age.

Reach out and grab. Watches, hair, clothes - everything becomes a desirable goal for these little hands. A kid at this age loves to cling to his hair, grab his glasses, his father's tie, and most of all, his mother's blouse when she takes him in her arms. These first grasping movements are very strong and far from affectionate. If your hair is in a child's fist, it is not so easy to get it out.

These movements are not yet very definite. When a baby tries to reach out and grab a suspended toy, he often misses the mark. The movements of his hands are still shortened, similar to the sharp blows of a boxer or a karateka. But in a month things will get better, the blows will hit right on target.

intellectual development
Begins to recognize and distinguish family members;
Smiles a lot;
Gulit in response to sounds;
Reacts to the presence of parents, trying to get attention;
Visually searches for the source of sound by turning the neck and head;
Studying the movements of his own hands;
Coordinates feelings: looks for the source of the sound, sucks at the sight of the breast, distinguishes speech from other sounds.
Constantly flowing drool can cause a rash on the chin, which disappears if it is smeared with bepanthen.

Average gains per month: height 2-3 cm, weight - 800 grams.

Development Calendar: Fourth month

The rate of growth and weight gain is slightly reduced: now it is 2.5 cm and 750 grams. Colic is forgotten, like a bad dream, and a small person begins to move by leaps and bounds towards "adulthood".

Can roll over from back to stomach or from stomach to back;
Holds head well for a short time
Turns it in all directions when sitting or lying down;
Can make swimming movements and move around in the crib, pushing with legs;
Focuses on objects, grabs a rattle and puts it in her mouth;
Looks at the place where the object fell from
Can arbitrarily hold the toy, shake and move it.

Laughs when spoken to;
Cries if play is interrupted;
Interested in his reflection in the mirror, smiles at him;
Vocalizes to start a "talk";
Laughs when tickled;
Calms down when he hears music;
Actively plays for one to two hours;
He enjoys pronouncing new sounds and imitating different intonations.
The introduction of complementary foods
Many pediatricians believe that at the age of over 4 months, the child is ready to introduce complementary foods. Your child's readiness to complementary foods can only be judged by the presence of a combination of factors:

Age at least 4 months (for babies who were born prematurely, the gestational age is taken as the basis);
The baby has doubled its birth weight. For premature babies - the coefficient is x2.5.
The child's expulsion reflex of the tongue is gone. If you give the baby a drink from a spoon, then its contents will not be on the chin (and we give complementary foods EXCLUSIVELY from a spoon so that it undergoes saliva treatment).
The child can sit. May lean towards the spoon or lean back, refusing to eat. Knows how to control the turn of the head - can turn away in case of refusal. Or tilt your head.
If the baby is artificial, then he eats more than a liter of the mixture per day, and does not eat up. If she is breastfeeding, then at each feeding she eats both breasts and really wants more.
The child can hold something in his fist and put it purposefully into his mouth.
And most importantly, children show a HUGE interest in the food of their parents and are eager to try it. Nature itself lets you know when the child's body is already able to accept food other than adapted food (mixture or mother's milk).

Development Calendar: Fifth month

Most likely, your toddler already knows how to roll over well from back to stomach and vice versa and takes a sitting position with the help of an adult. By the end of this month, he will weigh about twice his birth weight. He watches his hands and tries to grab everything that catches his eye. The child already knows how to shift an object from one hand to another and take it with both hands. He puts everything in his mouth and chews.

Your baby is increasingly connecting vowels and consonants. “Yes” is usually the most favorite combination.

Physical development this month:
When sitting with support, he holds his head well and holds it straight;
Can do a “swallow” while lying on his stomach: stretches his arms and legs, raises his head and bends;
Flips over;
Sucking on toes;
Confidently grabs an object, plays with a rattle placed in his hand;
She knows how to hold a bottle with one or two hands, or hold her mother’s tit with her paw, apparently so that she doesn’t run away :).
Intellectual development of this month:
Smiles and "talks" to get attention and communicate;
Protests and resists someone who tries to take away a toy from him;
Knows parents and close relatives, may be wary of strangers;
Imitates facial expressions, pronounces vowels and some consonants (d, b, l, m);
Looks around in an unfamiliar environment, wants to touch everything, hold it, turn it around, shake it and put it in your mouth!
Leaning down to look at the fallen object;
Consciously imitates sounds and movements.
Such a completely conscious person has grown up!

The average increase is 700 grams, grows by a couple of centimeters.

Development Calendar: Sixth month

This is the month of a thousand achievements :). The kid is not content with simple sounds, he can squeak, growl, grunt, purr, spit, smack his lips and click his tongue. He also grimaces a lot and gesticulates - he builds hilarious pugs.

This month, you may notice how your baby pulls and pushes, developing the muscles of the arms and legs. Perhaps he has already begun to crawl on his stomach; maybe start a little later. The baby is trying more and more persistently to reach out to interesting objects that have attracted his attention, so he is eager to do everything at the same time: get up, sit down and crawl! From the time the child begins to stand up on the support, the likelihood of an accident increases dramatically. Do not leave a mobile six-month-old baby on sofas or beds unattended for a second. Only on the floor!

From the book "Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years" by William and Martha Sears. The development of fine motor skills. Development of the "tweezer" grip. This period is characterized by two very interesting skills that develop simultaneously, complementing each other. Turning the child's interest to small objects contributes to the evolution of the grasping skill: the child learns to take objects with the thumb and forefinger, the so-called "tweezer" grip occurs.

Put a few small rounded objects in a pile in the way of the baby. First, he tries to rake them up, spreading his fives, then to grab and hold them between his palm and fingers. Of course, many of them fall out of hand. Mastering the “tweezer” grip, the child first begins to touch an object with one index finger, while the rest are clenched into a fist. Soon the thumb will join the index finger, then the baby will be able to hold the object of interest to them. The more this skill is improved, the less often the child grabs objects by raking them, and more often he uses a more perfect "tweezer" grip.

Not only to take, but also to drop. In developing skills, it is important for a child not only to learn how to take something, but also to let go of the object. Toddlers really like to open their hands and let the toy fall to the floor. Connected with this "achievement" is one of the most beloved games of this age: "I drop, you pick up." Very soon, the baby will realize that the fall of objects on the floor causes a certain reaction in you - you pick up the fallen toy. Thus he learns to link cause and effect.

From hand to hand. Having learned to release objects from his hands, the child proceeds to mastering a new skill - moving them from one hand to another. Give him the ring and see what he does. First, he will begin to stretch the toy, as if playing the game "who will pull whom." If one hand comes off the ring, it will remain in the other, and the baby will begin to look with interest from hand to hand, and then shift the toy in the same way, first by accident, then intentionally. With the development of this skill, the child's playing capabilities expand significantly. Now he can sit and practice on his own for 10-20 minutes, shifting the toy from one hand to the other.”

Your child is already babbling with might and main, pronouncing a variety of consonants. By the end of the month, he will be able to respond to the names of objects by turning his head in their direction. The baby understands speech by its intonation and reacts differently to an angry, friendly or encouraging tone. He also learns to express different feelings. In the blink of an eye, your baby can get angry if something doesn’t go her way, and just as quickly calm down at the sight of an interesting toy.

At this age, the child is constantly studying mother's and father's faces from different angles. He tries to touch him at the first opportunity. So he gets to know you better and is convinced that you are a separate person from him. Games such as "kuku!" (super-intelligent hide-and-seek behind the diaper or under the covers) give your baby a sense of confidence that loved ones will not leave him, because you disappear and appear almost immediately.

Food is of increasing interest to the baby, since he can already eat something on his own. A non-allergic baby, in addition to the main dishes of complementary foods, can be given a bite to dry or a bagel. tries to crawl on his stomach, freely turns his head to any sound or movement (no one will rush, no one will pass!), turns and leans in any direction, can sit with support for a short time, is interested in and likes to play with food, the first teeth may appear, takes food with lips from a spoon during feeding.

Intellectual development: vocalizes to express pleasure and displeasure: purrs, whimpers when complaining; hums, roars and laughs. It makes a million different interesting sounds, is afraid of strangers, cooing or stops crying when it hears music, responds to its name.

Lyal is already a real person, whose mood and emotions can change dramatically. He studies objects for a long time and carefully, examining and feeling them.

The weight gain per month will be approximately 650 grams, and the baby will grow 2 cm in length.

Development Calendar: Seventh Month

By the end of this month, your child will most likely be sitting up without support and possibly even sitting up on their own. Soon he will be better at balance and will begin to combine sitting with other activities such as playing.

Perhaps your child is already crawling on his stomach or on all fours. At first, he can move backwards, but he will soon learn to crawl forward, achieving interesting goals. Some babies develop their own ways of moving before, after, or instead of crawling, and some don't crawl at all, but start walking right away.

When a child has learned to move independently, he wants to explore what is outside the room, but he is afraid to leave you. However, one day he will overcome his doubts and get out into another room, but will immediately return to make sure that you are there.

Your child repeats what they see with their hands. Over the next two months, he will most likely give preference to the right or left hand. Be sure to stimulate the “lagging” hand - put interesting toys into it, start finger games with it, because this will help the baby develop harmoniously. In the meantime, the lyalik still grabs everything it can reach, shifts objects from hand to hand, shakes them, rattles, knocks, rolls, squeezes, tears, pulls on itself and throws everything in a row.

Your baby can express pleasure with a variety of sounds from hoots to soft purrs. He often tries to imitate the sounds of adults and begins to understand your emotional mood by the tone of your voice.

An incredible intellectual leap: the little man has already learned that objects exist even if he cannot see them. He looks for the fallen object and recognizes his toys. Soon he will realize that if he cannot reach the toy, he can reach the blanket on which she lies and, pulling it towards him, get to the desired toy.

Your baby may be teething for the first time this month. As a rule, this is the front lower tooth. Profuse salivation and sucking of the lower lip are common signs of teething. Of course, the teeth can cause a slight fever and diarrhea, but you should not blame everything on the teeth, because this can be a real disease.

You are still the most important person in your baby's life. Until now, when a child said the words "mom" or "dad", he most likely did it unconsciously. But in a few weeks, he will understand that mom is only one, the most beloved person.

Physical development of the child of this month:
Swinging back and forth, standing on all fours or crawling;
Can move on his back, raising and lowering his ass, stands on a kind of half-bridge;
Holds an object in each hand and likes to beat each other with them
Likes to explore his body with his hands and mouth;
Picks up objects with fingers.
Intellectual development:
Teases, imitates understands when fooling around with him;
Strokes his reflection in the mirror;
Better concentrates attention, shows interest in details;
Understands that an object does not disappear if he does not see it;
Imitates various sounds. As a rule, he makes sounds like "ma, mu, yes, di ...".
Can take a picture of a child for himself and make the appropriate sounds.
Knows who the mother is and that there is only one mother.
Recognizes his name.

From the book "Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years" by William and Martha Sears. "Fear of strangers. This "illness" usually occurs between the 6th and 12th months. More recently, the baby willingly passed from hand to hand, and suddenly this “sociable butterfly” turned into a “distrustful caterpillar”. Now the child recognizes only your hands and may repel even close relatives, whom he recently willingly recognized. This behavior is normal, this distrust will quickly pass, so do not make any changes in your parenting style, and also do not assume that the child is unhealthy. Even the most healthy and sociable children can go through this period of fear of strangers.

The child, as it were, measures the world by your standards and evaluates other people according to your reaction to them. The behavior of your baby largely depends on how you behave. To overcome the isolation of the child, you need to encourage him to social openness. Here's how we recommend doing it.

Communication needs to be taught. Greet the person approaching you with a smile and start a lively conversation while maintaining a certain distance. Give your child time and opportunity to look at the stranger and read the happy expression on your face. Based on your reaction, the baby will form his own idea of ​​this person. If the stranger is pleasant for you, he will be good for the child. Then take the communication initiative into your own hands. Make an introductory remark: "Look at Aunt Nancy, she's so cute." However, Aunt Nancy is better off not approaching you. Begin to gradually reduce the distance yourself.

When you are close enough, take the baby's hand and stroke Aunt Nancy's face with it. All this time, do not forget to follow the child's facial expression and body language in order to understand in time when to approach and when to wait. Explain your strategy to Aunt Nancy so that she doesn't lash out at the baby in rapturous delight. The same detailed explanation (how important the correct approach to the child is during this period) must be given to grandparents in a timely manner. This will allow them to maintain family feelings, and you will avoid a long lecture about how you spoiled your own child. This approach helps the child and in communicating with the doctor.

How to deal with more complex cases. If your baby is very afraid of strangers, make the preparatory stage for meeting them longer and more skillful. Warn your friends about the peculiarities of your child's behavior, and remember that this is an element of the normal development of children and do not try, smoothing out the first unpleasant impression, to shield the baby ("In fact, he is a very good boy"). Agree that your guest first, when coming to you, he paid attention to one of your child's favorite toys, for example, a rattle.Carry this toy with you and pull it out when you meet, then the baby will be delighted with it, and at the same time with the approaching person.

If the baby continues to keep aloof and still wraps itself around you like ivy, put him on your lap and talk to the visitor without involving the child in the conversation and giving him the opportunity to get used to sitting in his usual place.

Gain - 600 grams, height - plus two centimeters.

Development Calendar: Eighth month

Your toddler is getting more and more curious. He wants to find out about everything himself, to explore this world on his own, while not realizing that his actions can harm him. Therefore, he travels around the house with carefree nonchalance and climbs wherever he can get.

Your baby has probably already perfected his movement technique and feels quite free. Since his muscles have become much stronger in the process of crawling, he will make frequent attempts to stand up.

The kitchen is undoubtedly the most favorite place for children to play in all times and peoples. Be sure to check which shelves and cabinets your treasure can reach, and keep only unbreakable, safe items there. Think about how you can lock those cabinets and drawers where you should not climb. Children love to throw trash out of the bucket and carry it around the house, so it's best to put the bucket away from the child. At one time, we had a trash can on the kitchen table. Unaesthetic, but safe. Removed to such a remote place after Marik fished a tea bag out of the trash and devoured it incredibly quickly. Be sure to warn your baby when you open and close doors: many children love to hide behind them, because it's so much fun!

Your baby is already good with his fingers and can pick up small objects with his thumb and forefinger. He can also point to what he wants and follow with his eyes where you are pointing. His eyesight and powers of observation are so developed that he can tell which thing has just appeared in his room. It is difficult to predict how your child will eat this month. His eating habits and cravings can change every week. When children are teething, many lose interest in food. Just follow your baby's wishes, don't force feed him. It may very well be that your baby will be content with breast or formula during the entire teething period.

Language development begins long before your baby utters the first word. Keep talking to him, even if your conversation is more like a monologue. You will notice that he repeats the movements of his lips after you, trying to repeat what he heard.

Physical development of the child this month:
Can play with an object and watch another at the same time;
Points to an object and follows with his eyes where others are pointing;
Crawls with a toy in hand;
Gets up at the support, may not hold on if he is standing, leaning on something;
Claps his hands and waves his hands;
Everything tastes.
Intellectual development:

Repels an uninteresting object;
Attached to parents, does not like strangers;
Stroking or kissing his reflection in the mirror;
Dislikes restrictions;
Remembers recent events
May begin to consciously say "mom" and "dad".

Development Calendar: Ninth month

Depending on what your little one has already achieved, he may take a short break from his progress this month. He needs time to consolidate and work out the skills he already has.

Chances are, your child can sit up on their own by now. He stays awake for several hours in a row (most often, children at this age switch to two daily naps), having fun crawling and exploring the world around them. Many little ones by this time are already starting to walk at the support. As a rule, the journey begins along the sofa or around the coffee table and soon reaches global proportions, when the baby, holding on to the walls and furniture, can go around the entire apartment.

The growing curiosity and mobility of the baby make parents seriously think about his safety. At this age, children develop a passion for climbing. Getting up is easy enough, but going down is much more difficult and can end sadly, so you definitely need to teach the little one to get down from sofa beds, etc. backwards. By 10 months, Marik already clearly responded to the command “boot!” and climbed off the furniture with his back, instead of flying from the sofa with his beak down.

Your sun is a real intellectual giant, he begins to understand the relationship between objects, he can put a smaller object into a larger one, perhaps even build a tower of two. He also begins to vaguely guess that things and people exist separately when he cannot see them. The kid has already understood that when you leave the room, you do not disappear, but he simply does not see you, but nevertheless, he wants you to be with him.

If your baby often repeats some syllables, it is likely that these are his first attempts to speak. For example, "ba" can mean a bottle ... or a can ... or something else that is needed in the household. Perhaps in two or three months the child will utter his first real words, or perhaps he will not begin to speak until 18 months or 2 years. Despite the fact that your baby does not speak yet, he already understands everything perfectly. The passive vocabulary of a child at 9 months is simply huge.

Physical development of the child of this month:
Claps hands and knocks objects;
Picks up and plays with two objects at the same time;
Takes small objects with fingers, and large objects with two hands;
Gets up and stands at the support, can turn around in the "crawl";
Climbs up furniture.
Intellectual development:
Likes to play next to his parents;
Consciously chooses a toy;
Reacts to the behavior of other children, may cry if they cry, may even defend himself and his toys;
Assesses the mood of people, he may not approach an angry and tired dad;
Himself starts the game;
Simulates many sounds;
A real artist who works for the public, repeating the action if he is praised;
Finds a toy hidden in front of him;
He gets bored with the same game;
Can remember what game he played yesterday;
Fulfills simple requests;
Learns what vertical space is and is afraid of heights.

Development Calendar: Tenth month

By this age, almost all children are already crawling, many can stand at a support, some walk along furniture, some can already take one or two steps on their own, and only a very few can already walk. Your baby is already perfectly sitting, turning while sitting, bending over, changing position, lying down from a sitting position. The excitement of learning new skills prevents many children from sleeping, even in their sleep they continue to crawl, sit down and even get up in their crib.

Most likely, the child loves to look at pictures in books and listen to you read to him, although he does not understand everything. When asked to show something, he "pokes" at some objects.

Physical development:
Can stand at the support;
Walks holding onto a support or the hands of parents with both hands;
Can climb and dismount from a low sofa and sit down from a standing position;
Dances to the music: sways, spins, stomps, “sings along”;
It can carry two or three small items in one hand, the main thing is to fit.
Becomes clearly right-handed or left-handed.
Loves to play with water;
Recognizes himself as a person;
Seeks approval from an adult, as well as the attention and cooperation of mom and dad;
May feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar places.
The kid likes to imitate the actions of others: he chews a toothbrush, rubs himself with soap, regardless of his gender, “shaves” or “paints his lips”;
Understands and fulfills some requests;
Opens crates and examines their contents.

Development Calendar: Eleventh month

Learning to walk!!!

From the book "Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years" by William and Martha Sears. “The child begins to walk - sooner or later? About half of children usually begin to walk by the age of one, but there may be perfectly normal, albeit significant, deviations from this period.

The usual period is from 9 to 16 months. Walking depends on three interrelated factors: muscular strength, balance and temperament. The latter most affects the age at which the child begins to walk. Children with a calm temperament often take their time and act more cautiously. Since crawling is faster than walking at first, they improve in it and rush across the floor like rockets. Toddlers who start walking late seem to be more interested in looking at and learning different objects than learning new motor skills. They go through this stage of development at their own pace, one might say, weighing each step they take. But when they start walking, they immediately hold on quite confidently.

Others start walking early - these are very impulsive, mobile children, overcoming each milestone of development so rapidly that parents do not have time to grab a camera. While it's hard to guess who's going to walk early, it's more likely to be a high-demanding child who wants to crawl off their parents' laps or roll out of their child's seat. The type of physique of the child also significantly affects. Thin babies usually learn to walk earlier. Early walkers tend to be frisky and more at risk of accidents than their more cautious peers.

Parents who embrace the approach style and carry babies a lot sometimes wonder, “Would this make the baby walk later?” No. Our own experience and research by other scientists prove that children who are raised with close parental attachment to the child (for example, when the baby is led for several hours a day on the harness) often master motor skills even faster. In principle, it doesn’t matter at all whether your child or a neighbor’s child goes first and who wins this speed contest: the age at which a child begins to walk has nothing to do with the development of his mental abilities or physical data. When and how the baby begins to walk characterizes the uniqueness of his own personality.

Development Calendar: Twelfth Month

Your baby is becoming more and more aware of himself as a person. He already considers himself as an independent person who knows his size, needs, passions. By the beginning of the month, your child already understands almost everything about everyday life. By the end of the month, his active vocabulary will consist of a few words that occasionally slip through his baby speech. Western pediatricians talk about 2-3 words, Russian "require" 8-10. Chances are your baby is either already walking or will be walking during this important month.

From the book "Your Baby: From Birth to Two Years" by William and Martha Sears. Mastering the world of words. As the child masters the wonderful world of words, you are more and more convinced that the baby fully understands you, although, perhaps, he does not always follow your instructions. Simple and frequently repeated questions will receive completely understandable answers. "Do you want to handle?" The kid will not say “no” or “yes”, but his body language is absolutely clear to you (of course, except for the case when he himself does not really know what he wants).

At the age of about a year, babies still speak few words, but they understand a lot and have a developed sign language. A child's perception of speech (the ability to understand) is always several months ahead of his ability to express his thoughts. From the fact that the child says very little so far, it is not at all necessary to conclude that he does not understand you well enough. If you roughly double what you think the baby is able to understand now, you will get the approximate level of his language understanding at that moment. Moreover, this approach is true for children of any age.

First words:

Along with a better understanding of your speech, facial expressions and gestures, the baby begins to expand his vocabulary. Although often at this age the child is still mostly rambling, from time to time he will surprise you with interesting intonations in his monologue, thereby letting you know that at least he himself knows what he is talking about, although
you don't understand it. The term "word" means a set of sounds used to refer to some object or action. This is also true if these sounds are not pronounced clearly enough. So, the first words of a baby are still words, although perhaps only parents understand them. Most children at this stage of development speak only a few familiar words (“dad”, “mother”, “kitty”), but are very fond of imitating your speech, as well as coughing, sniffing, sneezing, clattering and clicking your tongue.

The voice of the children by this time becomes much louder than before. Take care of your own ears during this period of screaming and screaming and rejoice that it will end soon - the baby is just interested in how strong the sound is capable of making and how it will resonate in the eardrums. In order not to shock your guests out of habit, try to teach your baby how to speak in a whisper. Such a "mysterious" voice will definitely attract his attention and he will want to try to "speak" the same way.

Phew, it's time to sum up. Your baby is not so small anymore. In a year, he grew by 25 centimeters (one and a half times!) And tripled his weight. Monthly increases are quite small - 350 grams and 1-1.5 cm.

Here is such an adult Lyal! And there are many more achievements ahead, Everests / Jomolungs, which the child will definitely overcome with your help! But first, the first “real” birthday of a child, with the first ever burning candle decorating a birthday cake - this is really a holiday for the baby, and, of course, for the parents of a one-year-old baby!