The script for the Day of the Medic (Doctor) is cool. Scenario of the Day of the Medical Worker "Doctor is an eternal profession

Traditionally, the third Sunday of June is celebrated in Russia as the Medic's Day. The scenario of a holiday in nature will surely receive the approval of the staff of a medical institution, be it a hospital, a polyclinic, or just a department. Not so often doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants, pharmacists, nurses all gather together, especially in an informal setting. So, if the weather permits, it makes sense to stock up on food in order to cook delicious drinks, meat for and go out of town, into the fresh air.

Comic scenario for the day of the medic in nature

For a fun picnic on the bank of a river or in a forest glade, the scenario "Medic's Day" will do, the solemn part of which will be held in a family-like, warm and relaxed manner. For example, like this.

Leading: Dear Colleagues! We ask each patient with sympathy: “How do you feel? What worries you?" And we rarely turn to each other with such questions. An urgent need to remedy the situation. We are starting an exit reception. Ivan Ivanovich (turns to the head physician), how are you feeling, how is your mood?

Chief physician(singing, raising his glass): Today I'm one hundred percent happy!

Leading: It's great when the leader's “soul sings”. We will gladly join him. Would you, dear doctor, remind you of the reason that brought us to this wonderful place?

Chief physician: "We have been for so long, we have not rested for so long."

Leading: And that's true. I wish you all a pleasant day in the company of colleagues and friends. (On the Day of the Medic, we advise you to dilute the scenario of a holiday in nature with funny contests of the corresponding topic). And I continue to undergo medical examination. Who is in favor, please stick out your tongues and say "ah-ah" together. Guess who did it the best. Of course, with our wonderful therapists (lists by name). They will cope with any disease, and if they cannot overcome it with their bare hands, they will call surgeons for help. They are experienced here, although at the beginning of their careers they heard from their mentors more than once: “Who taught you to cut? You scratched the whole table! " Admit it, (names, patronymics) happened?

Surgeons(in chorus): We also know how to embroider, and on a typewriter too ...

: Great guys, doctors from God. By the way, there is a specialist among us with an amazing gift: he sees people through and through. “The forearm is broken and two ribs are fractured. There is a crack in the tibia. Nothing, I'll paint in Photoshop. " Where is the master of photography here? Dear (full name), how do you like at our professional holiday party?

Radiologist: I was just confused by the general attention, I don't know what to say. Thoughts are confused ...

Leading: Or maybe you should go to a neurologist for a consultation or a psychiatrist? They will diagnose you in an instant. Really, dear (names)?

: Tell me, patient, does your inner voice tell you the name of the disease?

: He insistently whispers that it is high time to congratulate our irreplaceable assistants - sisters on the triumph. And infinitely patient, good workers - nurses.

Words of gratitude to the junior medical staff must be included in the “Medic's Day” scenario. The ceremonial part can also praise other health care workers, for example, accountants, cooks, plumbers, drivers.

Leading: Thanks for the timely tip.
Accept our
And assurances of love.
Good luck, happiness and smiles,
Who is worthy of them if not you.
Today, lovely ladies are so charming and attractive that men opened their mouths in amazement, as if in an armchair at our dentist (name, patronymic). Indeed, beauty, you can't take your eyes off. Anything you say, Tooth Fairy?

Dentist: Let those present have teeth like pearls!

Leading: Nice toast. Is everyone full? I think that the narcologist will not only allow us to take strong drinks, but also support us with pleasure. I hope, doctor, are you in favor?

Expert in narcology: I want the glasses to be filled with wine!

: Do you know why all tinctures and balms are made with alcohol? Because doctors used to test them on themselves. After all, the main principle of a doctor is to do no harm. We try to follow him throughout our life. What is life scientifically? A sexually transmitted disease, moreover, with a disappointing prognosis, inevitable death. Friends! Take care of yourself, your loved ones and patients who trust you with the most precious thing - their lives. Happy Holidays, dear!

On the Medic's Day, the scenario of a holiday in nature is also expanded with concert numbers, dance breaks and group games.

Good afternoon dear friends!
We are glad to welcome representatives of the most humane profession - medical workers. And, opening our meeting, we sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your work.

Walk among many
Angels and gods
Give us hope
White clothes!
And they really would
Nimbuses would do.
Us with any wounds
Will be cured in the end.
Happy holiday, angels!
Happy holiday, gods!

Good afternoon, honorable and most respected people. Good afternoon dear friends. Today we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Happy medical worker's day!

It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of medical personnel who are fighting for the health and lives of sick people every day.

Dear medical workers, everyone involved in this noble cause in one way or another! Today, from the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on the holiday. We honor and adore you!

We admire your noble, courageous, kind and wise work. We admire your selflessness. There are not many professions capable of earning such epithets for themselves.
Moreover, they are fair and even very modest.

Most beautiful
In the world an outfit
White cap
White robe
Pharmacists keep
Pharmacists doctors
The world's most valuable keys.
These are the keys to people's health.
Can't you find
Work is more important
Did we find
More reliable than a friend
At the hour when it crushes us
Burden of disease
Faith brings us
Happy look
White cap
White robe
People who work
In white coats
Good knights
In solar armor
Our doctors are coming
First to battle
With a serious illness
With any disease
That's why
The outfit is so beautiful
White cap
White robe.

All of you know from your own experience that people in white coats have to work very, very hard. But let us remember one wise saying, known since ancient times: "He who has a good rest works well." Therefore, we will begin to rest with you with an easy competitive warm-up: finish the verse

1. If your throat hurts
Aibolit will help you
Throat color like raspberries
So you have ...

2. If you ran through the puddles
The umbrella didn’t seem to be needed
And in the morning from nowhere
Appears ...

3. Smiles and jokes
He loves kids very much
Puts in a row for injections
Children's doctor ...

4. Hepatitis, dysentery
Malaria, diphtheria
He will drive everything away, like a security officer

5. Stand in the heat, stand in the cold,
Always holding bouquets of roses
Children are given by this house
We'll call it ...

6. Check the cleanliness, quality of cleaning
Disinfection for you in an instant is carried out cleverly
If you break their law, a receipt flies in an instant,
And it will be sent to you ...

7. He is not a sadist, but he will shine a lamp in the eye,
Everyone, like a schoolboy, will answer all the letters.
The security officer will encrypt everything in the card,
Among the people is the Eyeball, but for us ... the Oculist.

8. "Scalpel, clamp, dry, fast, pretty,
Time? Pressure? We'll have time, calmly. "
Many colleagues and sterile around,
This is how the best ... SURGEON operates.

9. If a stork knocks at your door for luck,
This means that your baby will be born soon.
In childbirth, an assistant, tactful and dexterous,
Who is this? Amicably…. Obstetrician-gynecologist

10. White teeth - of course beautiful,
Caries in an instant he will drive away playfully.
The filling will not be left in the mouth by a proctologist,
Everyone's favorite doctor ... DENTIST

11. In his office "sweeter" pills,
And there they will sing "lyuli-lyuli" without a problem.
He is glad to what they call Aibolit,
Everyone knows that heals children ... PEDIATRIC

12. He is no worse than a surgeon in desmurgy,
They will put the plaster on you, tighten it up.
Correct the joint without drugs and needles,
He is everyone's favorite doctor ... TRAUMATOLOGIST.

13. He promises everyone sweet dreams,
Gently puts the mask on your mouth.
No, he is not an ENT or a dentist,
We know that this is ... ANESTHESIOLOGIST

14. In the hands of a stethoscope, and a tonometer in place,
He knows drugs, maybe two hundred tons.
Runs to the site and sends greetings to everyone,
Master of Medicine, native…. THERAPIST

The holiday is in the air!
Medicine notes
The day given to her by law
Among colleagues and friends.

We wish medicine
Make a new vaccine
So that health without labor
It was with us forever.

I offer you a riddle ..
Who knows everything about everyone in college
And for all the soul suffers?
Strict, beautiful, and harsh,
Well, have you guessed it? Who is this?

The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the Novorossiysk Medical College Shchukina Larisa Viktorovna

Please accept our congratulations
And also a friendly hello.
Love, health, wishes,
It is not more expensive in the world.
Good luck, tenderness and faith
Smiles, joy, dreams.
And thunderous applause
All, as one, you are worthy!

It takes a calling to become a real doctor. It is not for nothing that there is such an expression among medical workers: “Shine on others by burning yourself! You are at the service of people's health! " We wish you all good health and long life! The longer you live, life givers, the longer your patients live!

We are glad to welcome
All of you sincerely
Glows with smiles
Let this hall
We are sure: will
Nice meeting,
After all, the holiday is big
He gathered us all here.

The doctor accompanies a person all his life, from the first cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky, whom his parents have endowed from birth with enviable health, but this is not always the case. And here you come to the rescue, dear doctors.

Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics.

To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,

Dentists and ENTs,
We all sing glory in chorus.

Even if someone is healthy
After all, he began his life with doctors!

Their caring hands.
Eased mothers' torments,

So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold

Catching bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember about them!

Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and courageous;

How they will be shrouded in attention
To improve your condition;

How, fighting for the lives of people,
Forget about their own.

They took the Hippocratic oath,
They are faithful to her in her work.

Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

Doctor doctor doctor! Before these people in all ages, at all times, they worshiped. They were always respected and loved, because it was they who made life easier for people, instilled hope in the future. They free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom with which a person can exist in the world.

You can become a real doctor not so much by learning all the terms and concepts, but by feeling love for people, for children, a desire to serve them, help and understand them.

We want to wish with all our hearts:
In business - success, happiness, respect!
So that your children do not upset you
So that sadness bypasses you
So that the eyes of salty tears do not know
A smile would never leave your lips!
So that you always have a charge of cheerfulness
So that you never know sorrow,
So that the holidays are all for many years in a row
You celebrated in your team!

Perhaps not a single person on this planet can do without medical assistance. You are saving our lives and helping us to step back into recovery. How often it happens that only a physician is able to instill hope in a person and believe in recovery! So be happy! Happy Holidays!
You are not stokers, you are not carpenters
From us - all ardent greetings
You are healthcare professionals
We can't do without you, no.
We sneezed - you give us a thermometer.
We are ill - you are injected.
After all, there is no higher joy for a doctor,
So that the patient is healthy to leave.

Dear doctors, answer me this question. At the sight of an unfamiliar person and by his symptoms, can you immediately make a diagnosis? Let's all together diagnose the people who perform these songs. Let's try?

- "Why are you dear looking askance ..." (Squint)
1. “And my heart stopped,
My heart sank ”(diagnosis: heart failure).
2. “If you don’t hear me,
It means that winter has come ”(diagnosis: otitis media).
3. We walked with you,
I roared, oh, roared (diagnosis: hysteria).
4. We honestly want to tell you:
We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).
5. You shouldn't scold the rain, you shouldn't scold it
You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).
6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).
7. She even wanted to hang herself,
But the institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).
8. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,
I know for sure - you want it, you want it - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).
9. It hurts me, it hurts
Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).
10. And his wound rots,
And it will not become less,
And it will not heal (diagnosis: gangrene).
11. Every step through it hurts,
Each gesture hurts through (diagnosis: limb fractures).
12. Judge people, judge God, how I loved
I went barefoot to a sweetheart in the cold (ARZ)
13. I got drunk drunk,
I won't go home (alcoholism)
14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, Burning and beautiful eyes!
How I love you! How afraid I am of you!
You know, I saw you at a bad hour! (A session of hypnosis.)
15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a weary wanderer.
I am back, I am resurrected
And I knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)
16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Silence.)
17. Night! Expectations are cold.
Pain! Like I'm split.
I can not see anything,
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)
18. And the dawn is already more noticeable,
So please be kind ... (Hangover Syndrome.)
19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light go out so often? (Fainting.)
20. I throw myself into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I am standing and cannot run. (Paralysis.)
21. Unfortunately, I, but fortunately, not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)
22. Blizzard swept the road,
The sled trail disappeared ...
Hands get cold, feet get cold
But he's still gone and gone (frostbite)
23. This girl is perfect.
And this one is nichavo.
And this one, I note,
The belly pouts from the tea. (Binge eating.)
24. Ah, and now I myself have become unstable,
I won't make it home from a friendly drinking binge. (Alcoholic intoxication.)
25. And I recognize a sweetheart by his gait. (Flat feet.)
26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and ruled myself. (Suicidal syndrome.)
27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)
28. Why are you, dear, looking askance,
Bowing your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)
29. They picked a sweet berry together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (poisoning)
31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water (sunstroke)

On the Day of the Medical Worker, I would like to wish you only happiness in life. May you never have to doubt the benefits that you bring every minute of your work! Happy Holidays!

White robes
and strong hands,
always skillful
In the fight against disease
you are selfless
and no more useful
calling it.
You are very different
you are all appreciated.
Light to you; celebrate
and live, beloved!

Day of the medical worker, a holiday in which not only those working in clinics and hospitals are involved, but also those who educate and train future specialists. And for a mentor physician, the highest award is words of gratitude and appreciation from us, your students.

Each destiny is marked
major road milestones.
Do not part with your luck
and God help you!
To make illnesses severe
the world was not allowed to disappear,
be superbly healthy.
Happy Holidays!
With joy to you!

Our Meeting ends. May everyone have a good mood as long as possible, may there be peace and happiness in your home, success and patience in your work, calm patients and good health to all of you!

Lyubov Serdyukova
Scenario of the Day of the Medical Worker "Doctor is an eternal profession"

Medical Worker Day Scenario

« Doctor is an eternal profession»

Fanfare. Music.

There is a calling in the world to be - a doctor,

Heal people, save their lives.

And do not feel sorry for yourself, neither night nor day,

To take away all chances of the disease.

The curtain opens. Screensaver. Light. Music. Leading exit.

Ved. Good afternoon, dear friends, hello dear guests. I greet people of the most respected and ancient profession workers health care Buturlinovsky district. Day medical worker Is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work doctors, paramedics, workers middle and junior medical staff who fight daily for the health and lives of sick people.

Today, on the eve of a professional holiday, you can be proud that thousands of people in our region are grateful to you for maintaining their health, returning to work and a fulfilling life. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your hard work, high professionalism, skillful hands and kind hearts.

Let's remember a wise saying known from the ancients times: "Good that one works who has a good rest "... Therefore, I urge you to forget about all your daily worries and difficulties at least for today. Let's rest!

Your colleagues, multiple winners of Regional and regional competitions among vocal groups, the choir open the holiday and greet you medical workers of the BCRH, leader L. Maslenikov, accompanied by V. Chernykh, Y. Radchenko, F. Kuzminsky

1. "Flowers of Russia"

Leading: Dear healthcare workers! In his video message, you are congratulated on your professional holiday by the Head of the Buturlinovsky Municipal District Administration - Yuri Ivanovich Matuzov.

2."Nightingale on a Branch"- chorus health workers of the Central District Hospital

Today the Deputy Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma, a deputy of the Regional Duma from the party, congratulates you on your professional holiday "United Russia", Irina Veniaminovna Trankova and to your applause I invite you to the scene. (presentation of certificates)

Accept our musical gift, for stage - n... NS. a. "Cinderella" 3."Spring in Ukraine"

And again I invite you to the scene deputy of the regional Duma from the party "United Russia" Irina Veniaminovna Trankova and the deputy head of the Buturlinovsky municipal district administration Evdokia Yegorovna Bondarenko. Greet. (presentation of certificates)


4.R.N.P. "Let's go, mlada for water" Sings for you - ml. group n. v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka", hands. O. Makarevich

The head of the Buturlinovsky municipal district, Lidia Vasilievna Gracheva, congratulates you on the holiday. (presentation of certificates)

5.R.N.P. "The Cossack went to a foreign land far away"- on stage male composition n... v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka", hands. A. Luchnikov.

On behalf of all patients in our area, I congratulate you on your professional holiday, Day medical worker Chief Physician Buturlinovskaya CRH Alexander Vasilyevich Goryachykh and his permanent assistants, deputies Vera Ivanovna Gulidova deputy. ch. medical doctor... service to the population, Natalya Evgenievna Kazenina deputy. ch. medical doctor, Bugaeva Galina Ivanovna - deputy. the main doctor in economics, G.E. Okhrimenko - deputy. ch. doctor on Outpatient - polyclinic service, N. G. Gaivoronsky - deputy. ch. doctor by Clinical Expert work... Thank you very much. And I invite you to scene of the Chief Physician Alexander Vasilyevich Goryachykh Buturlinovskaya Central Regional Hospital, and I give him the floor. (Rewarding.)

6."Serpentine"- D. Borovikov, Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian competitions, student of the Children's Art School, teacher N. Subocheva.

Dear friends! Dean of Buturlinovsky and Bobrovsky districts, rector of the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, archpriest Alexander Belyaev congratulates you on the holiday. Thanks a lot.

(phono push)

At all times, they respected and deservedly appreciated those heroes who, as a matter of their lives, chose to care for the health of people. Day Medical worker is a holiday, thanks to which we have the opportunity to express our deep appreciation, respect and gratitude doctors - veterans of the medical service: Snopova Raisa Fedorovna, Siukhina Svetlana Demyanovna, Pozhidaeva Faina Anatolyevna, Chuprakova Alexandra Andreevna, Svetlichnaya Lyudmila Yakovlevna, Shtanko Nina Ivanovna, Korobova Valentina Danilovna, Bugaenko Raisa Romanovna, Bezruchko Lidia Dmitrievna, Dmitriyevna Golovyevna Golovyevna Olga Vaslavilievna Alexandra Aleksevna, Kirnos Nina Ivanovna, Knysh Natalia Polikarpovna, Rogacheva Valentina Andrianovna, Solyanikova Nina Nikolaevna, Polyakova Maria Illarionovna, Oleinik Lidia Mefodievna, Kalinovskaya Lyudmila Grigorievna, Ivanenko Evgeny Leonidovich, Terskikh Valery Borisovich. Thank you for your kind hearts, for your invaluable experience which you pass on to the young generation honey workers... I wish you and your families health. Happy Holidays! On stage - Students of BSHI, piano - Irina Skorodumova, button accordion - Vladislav Pepa, cello - Igor Shokin.

7."Waltz"- from the film "Watch out for the car" .

Man is born. And who meets him in the first moments of his life? Yes, our caring, kind, attentive professionals in their field doctors - gynecologists, midwives and nurses of the obstetric and gynecological department. And the life and health of the mother and baby directly depends on them. Of all medical professionals this department, headed by the head. department Tersky Aleksandr Valerievich, the medical staff of the antenatal clinic, headed by the head Galina Alekseevna Glushchenko, heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday. The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that "Happiness lies, first of all, in health"... We wish you the most important thing in life, health, family happiness, well-being, grateful patients and, of course, a festive mood. On stage a dancing group "Pulse" BMT.

8. "Light"

Years go by. The little man grows up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he has one of the first documents - a medical history, and one of the family members becomes a district pediatrician and a visiting nurse. And if the baby is sick, then honey will always come to the rescue workers children's and infectious diseases departments, headed by the head. Natalya Vasilievna Ponomareva and, of course, our kind children's doctors - Zoya Sergeevna Tkacheva, Irina Mitrofanovna. We sincerely thank all the pediatricians, nurses, nurses of the children's clinic and the children's department and congratulate them on the upcoming holiday

9."It's raining today"- sings Olya Gulidova, soloist of the O-P children's vocal ensemble "7 plus", participant of the 4th Regional Creative Olympiad, hands. N. Subocheva.

Together with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the building of the district clinic.

And now I will ask you -

How does the theater begin? Everyone knows that from the wardrobe,

And clinics do not happen, Without a registrar at the entrance.

He will direct and prompt, He will show the patient the right path,

He will give a coupon, put a stamp, And at the reception to will send to the doctor.

It becomes much easier for a sick person if he is met at the registration window by a kind and sympathetic honey face. registrar. I want to congratulate all honey on the upcoming holiday. registrar sisters, and especially the young generation: Tatiana Romantsova, Anna Belyaeva, Galina Konovalova and wish everyone employees registries of patience, attention, kindness, love and endurance, like those of sailors.

For you sings - A. Burkova, Laureate, Diploma-winner of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian pop song contests, hands. N. Subocheva

10."Hey sailor"

Leading: One of the favorite folk sayings - "It would be healthy"... Alas, only a few are happy with the presence of this wealth, and even the rich cry for its absence. So we can't do without doctors. I am sure that a person who knows how to heal is able, like no one else, to understand, compassion and support other people. Of all doctors in our polyclinics: Therapists, neuropathologists, urologist, surgeon, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologists, Endocrinologist, oncologist, narcologist, adolescent doctor, cardiologist, honey. workers departments of rehabilitation treatment - physiotherapy rooms, exercise therapy, laser therapy, treatment rooms, specialists in biochemical and clinical laboratories, honey. the staff of the X-ray room and the office of fluorography, as well as all honey. We sincerely congratulate the sisters and nurses on the upcoming professional holiday.

You give health to so many, -

After all, few people have never been sick,

And you, doctors, for us as if the gods,

And, fortunately, not in heaven - on earth,

Thank you for saving us,

You work without rest and sleep,

Let your enthusiasm not fade away

And may spring always bloom in your soul!

And again you are congratulated on the holiday. colleagues:

11.« Eternal spring» - chorus health workers of the Central District Hospital

Healing from time immemorial it was considered one of the most revered and responsible professions. Everyday care for the health of the population, the return of patients to a full life - all this gives a special status medical professionals... Rare professions can compare in importance with profession medic... Giving people life and health is a high and noble mission. Today we thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts health workers neurological department headed by the head. M.N. Goryachikh and physician - neurologist A... S. Korovin, everyone doctors surgeons of the surgical department in Ch. with the head N.I. Glushchenko, doctors and honey... the staff of the intensive care unit and intensive care unit, headed by the head. Dyblya Valery Vladimirovich, all doctors and honey... the staff of the therapeutic department, headed by the head. N.R. Ryzhova, honey. workers infectious diseases department - head. Tarasova Olga Vladimirovna. Happy holiday to you! Accept our muses a gift. On stage, Laureates, Diplomas of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian competitions of choreographic art, N. Kh. A. Kalinka BKTs hands. AND. Luchnikova:

12."Inspiration"- pop dance

Selflessness and disinterestedness, love for people and the desire to help them are the inherent qualities of modern doctor... Throughout his life he must carry the words of an oath Hippocrates: "Whichever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the patient." Congratulations on the upcoming professional holiday medical professionals ambulance BCRH headed by the head. Alexander Alexandrovich Petukhov. We wish you patience, endurance, health, which are so necessary for work in your field and with all my heart a happy holiday for you! He sends you his musical gift - T. Mukhortova:

13."I congratulate you"

Luminaries medicine most often men become. Honor and praise to them! But ask them, could they have achieved such heights, if not for the active help of fellow assistants, if not for the skillful and gentle hands of sisters, nurses? And if you pay attention to all the medical staff, it becomes obvious that "You can't live without women, no"... Give them their due and thank all the women working and practically living in the kingdom of Hippocrates. And I would especially like to mention the young generation of honey. workers: Irina Makukhina, Valentina Alekumova, Irina Sycheva, Anastasia Solomatina, Lyudmila Komendantova, Marina Volkova (neurology) Kashirskikh Natalia, Vorobieva Inna, Zavyalova Olga, Kolesnikova Olya, Drokina Elena (patronage nurse of the Red FAP) Kashirskaya Natalya, Galushka Tatyan and wish you career and professional growth with all my heart, keep it up girls. Happy Holidays!

14. "Who doesn't believe in guardian angels?"- reads a student. BMT I. Peskareva

More than a dozen people in white coats are serving in rural hospitals, outpatient clinics and FAP - Kozlovskaya uch. hospital - head. Gordenin Alexander Lazarevich, Vasilievskaya medical outpatient clinic - head... Shkel Maria Vladimirovna, Klepovskaya uch. b-tsa - head. Tula Viktor Anatolyevich, V-Arch. medical outpatient clinic - head... Konovalov Nikolay Nikolaevich, N-Kislyai uch. hospital head. Evgeny Valentinovich Irkhin. Of all workers of rural medical institutions - doctors, paramedics, honey. We congratulate sisters, nurses of FAPs on their professional holiday.

Winter or summer, spring or fall

Diseases come, they won't ask us

On the guard of health, always on the alert,

They always stand at the post,

From everyone who has been in hospital wards,

Thank you people in white coats.

15. Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian pop song contests R. Netesov, hands. N. Subocheva

- "Stay with me"

16."Button accordion"- L. Serdyukova

I am 100% sure that every person on earth at least once in his life had the pleasure of being in the hands of this magician called a dentist. We sincerely congratulate everyone workers our dental clinic and express our deep gratitude - doctors- Dentists - Olga Evgenievna Tinkova, Tatyana Vladimirovna Boyko, Vera Alekseevna Kovaleva, Oksana Petrovna Pakhomova, Oksana Petrovna Pakhomova, surgeons - Oleg Mitrofanovich Grishchenko, Alexander Mikhailovich Gaivoronsky, orthopedists - Tatiana Semyonovna Blagaya, Andrey Bogoyanov, technician, Viktor Morgunovych, Viktor Morgunovych, Technician , all honey. nurses and nurses in one word to all honey. to the stomat staff. polyclinics headed by the head. Dimitrenko Sergey Grigorievich. On the eve of your professional holiday, we wish you, of course, first of all, health, happiness, decent wages, family well-being, and your patients less pain and more beautiful, snow-white smiles. Happy Holidays!

On stage - n... v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka".

17. p. n. the settlement of the Voronezh region - "Like our Katya"

Day medical worker celebrate not only doctors and nurses, but also all those, without whose help would not have done medical science but also those workers who would seem to have nothing to do with medicine does not have... Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts laundress workers, kitchen, garage, as well as those who works in the main building of the hospital it is workers without service, can not do not one paramedic, no matter how capable and talented he was. You guessed who I am talking about? Yes this workers administrative building and of course your dear accounting department! We sincerely congratulate all employees of the administration of the Central District Hospital, we wish hospital accountants to contact doctors as rarely as possible, a health workers meet them as often as possible! I wish you happiness, health, festive mood, n. NS. a. "Cinderella" you are all invited to a bright Russian holiday:

18. "To the fair".

We trust our doctors with our lives,

We come to them with hope.

And today we congratulate you:

Everyone who is white is wearing clothes.

We are infinitely grateful to you,

Medical Science Luminaries,

On this holiday we sincerely wish

So that you yourself have health.

On the stage of the choir of medical workers of the BCRH

19. "I love you life"

I invite all participants in the festive concert to the scene: Our dear healthcare workers! We say thank you very much, continue to carry on with the noble mission - to stand guard to preserve the health and life of patients. Once again, congratulations on your professional holiday, Day medical worker! We wish you a clear sky above your head, calm everyday life, not burdened with pain of losses, children's laughter in your homes and prosperity in your families.

Be happy! Take care of your family and friends!

Compiled by a methodologist

MKUK RDK "October": / Serdyukova L. I. /

On the third Sunday in June (2019 - June 16), we will celebrate the Day of the Medical Worker. Conferences, seminars, lectures, exhibitions of medical equipment, preventive examinations are timed to this holiday.

The management rewards the best specialists, colleagues and friends congratulate doctors and nurses on the holiday. Employees of the collectives of medical institutions get together to hold a corporate event on the Day of the Medical Worker.

Scenario of a corporate party for the Day of a medical worker

A holiday on the occasion of the Day of a health worker can include reading poetry, singing songs in honor of representatives of this profession. At the corporate party for the Day of the Medical Worker, you can also organize interesting contests and games.

And the celebration will end with a festive feast, which will feature original toasts in honor of the Day of the Medical Worker.

When composing a script for a corporate holiday "Day of a Medical Worker", do not forget to provide the necessary requisite. You will need, in particular, first-aid kits, overalls, medical masks, multicolored felt-tip pens and markers for the participants of the competition program.

Game contests will help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Contests and games for the Day of the Medical Worker

Participants in the first competition will need to provide the "sick" with first aid for fractures, burns, frostbite, signs of flu, a foreign body in the ear or nose, injury with bleeding, etc.

In the “Guess” competition, participants are divided into pairs. One of them should depict a scene of an appointment with a doctor using pantomime means, and the other should determine what the patient is sick with and what specialization the doctor is treating. The audience will award a prize to the best couple participating in the competition.

Each blindfolded pair must put on the things that are in the bag: two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. The victory is the pair of surgeons who are the first to prepare for the operation and shout: "Scalpel!"

Participants are given a grapefruit, a plastic knife and a pair of medical gloves. “Surgeons” will need to cut the grapefruit in 1-2 minutes so that they get several slices of equal size. Assistants can advise doctors.

Then the competitors are given medical masks, on which mouths need to be drawn in a few minutes. After that, the doctors put on masks, and the audience chooses the most original one.

And at the end of the holiday, during a collective feast, beautiful toasts will be performed in honor of medical workers in verse and prose.

Toast for Medical Worker's Day

For doctors, for their work and dedication! I drink to the bottom for the health of each of you and wish prosperity to our dear medicine! I would like to wish that she did not stand still, but moved rapidly forward. Happy Medic Day, friends!

Dear doctors and nurses, paramedics and obstetricians, laboratory assistants and orderlies, we sincerely and heartily congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker! Please accept my thanks for your high professionalism, patience, kindness and generosity! I wish you good health, excellent mood and success in all your endeavors!

For your life credo -
"Come to the aid of all people!" -
I raise this glass
And I want to make a toast.
A snake and a glass - an ancient symbol
Medicine for centuries.

About your medical assistance
Glory is great among the people!
I wish the wisdom of the serpent,
From the cup greedily drink happiness,
And let the path of life be long
To heal all the sick!

Ambulance in any weather
Quickly rush up, saving lives.
Happiness, health for many years
We wish all doctors this holiday!

Take off your white robes
Spend a portion of your salary
And have fun until you drop:
You need a drink for life today,
For the joy of beating hearts
For medicine, finally.

For nurses and doctors -
For all earthly, native gods,
For those who are in the day, for those who are in the night,
For those who will say to death: "Get out!"
Doctor on duty - he can't ...
Happy Medic Day! For you, friends!