Scenarios about the ecology of nature. Methodical development (grade 6) on the topic: Scenario of the ecological event "We are friends of nature"

Holiday "Live, Earth!"

Goals :

Formation of ecological culture of the younger generation

Formation of a positive attitude towards ecology

To form an interest in the world around us and a desire to protect nature.

To overcome the consumer attitude to nature, to form children's ecological consciousness and corresponding value orientations.

Deepen children's knowledge of the world and environmental

Promote the accumulation of teamwork skills;

Form the prerequisites for environmentally correct behavior.


1. Organizational moment.

Do we wish each other well?

We wish each other well!

If it is difficult, can we help each other?

If it is difficult, we will help each other!

II. Message topic and purpose

Today we have a lesson with you - a holiday. Draw an image of the word holiday.

For me, a holiday is ……………

    Wonderful, bright, sonorous, joyful, cheerful, responsible …………

    The holiday is gifts, interesting games, contests, songs, dances, poems ………

Let's take a look at the calendar, but not in a simple one, but in an ecological one and find out what kind of holiday is approaching with you.

from April 15 to June 5 - All-Russian Days of Protection against Environmental Hazard

April 24- World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals

Fourth Saturday in April - Biologist Day

Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation accidents and disasters - Human Rights Day Against Chemical Hazard (Chemical Safety Day) - International Day of Guide Dogs

What is the most significant holiday for you?

The verse "Take care, the Earth!"

Guys, we all have a birthday. And so people agreed and decided that our planet should also have a birthday. This day was the day of April 22. This is the birthday and protection of our rivers, lakes, forests, animals, birds, insects - this is the day of the protection of our nature. On this day, both children and adults are waiting for congratulations and gifts. On this day, songs, kind words are heard and even the sun shines brighter. (GLOBE)

1. Hello, our happy holiday,

Glorious holiday - Earth Day.

Together with you we are today

They came to celebrate it.

2. Everyone here knows, you and me!

You cannot offend nature!

So let's say together one, two, three,

Let's open a holiday - Earth Day.

3 Our home is dear, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

Just look around -

Here is a river, there is a green meadow!

4. You can't go through a dense forest!

You won't find water in the desert!

And somewhere the snow lies like a mountain,

And somewhere it's hot in winter!

5. We can't count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas

Everything is called Earth.

- Look around: what a wonderful, wonderful world surrounds us. Forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky. Sun, animals, birds. It's nature! She feeds us, watered us, dresses us, gives us everything for life and in return requires very little - a careful, respectful attitude towards herself.


However, sometimes both adults and children behave soullessly towards her.

1 - factories smoke into the atmosphere,

A huge black pipe

2 -And factories are dumped into rivers

Muddy water streams.

3 - Garbage litters the Earth,

All living things are threatened!

4-Airplanes are buzzing in the sky,

Scaring flocks of birds!

5 -There is oil pouring from the tanker,

In it, the sea fish beats!

6 -Cities and settlements of the earth

Cars are overrun!

7-Rockets, burning fuel,

Fly to endless heights.

8 -And children are dying on the planet

From bombs blowing up houses!

After all, there is a war on Earth!

9 - What's going on

On our beautiful Earth!

10 - Isn't it time to stop!

Grab everyone's head!

Let's hurry

Let's save our land from troubles!

Our Earth, although large, is very sensitive.

The man is also big, but a mosquito sits on him and he feels it

This is how the Earth feels everything. She becomes painful when a person unreasonably uses her wealth: he cuts down forests, litters water bodies, pollutes the air. In one word, pollutes the environment

Yes! The earth is hurt by the unreasonable actions of people. But she still loves us, cares about us. The earth tries its best to hide human malice in its bowels, but sometimes it becomes unbearably painful. From which natural disasters occur. Floods, snow in summer ... The Earth asks for help!

Today we will devote poems and songs to our birthday girl, and we will present a beautiful postcard that we will do all together.

To do this, we will have to complete tasks.

III. Work on the topic

1) Rules of conduct in nature.

Everyone knows that there are certain rules of behavior at a party: when visiting, you cannot shout, entering the apartment, you need to wipe your feet, say hello. A polite person is always pleasant to the hosts, and they will invite him again.

There are rules of politeness that must be observed when you come to visit nature. Here you cannot behave as you would think.

1st tourist. Today we came for a walk

Fortunately, the forest is just a stone's throw away!

We bought everything:

Food, matches, lemonade.

2nd tourist. All that we took - we will eat,

Let's take a look at nature.

And packages, cans, flasks

We scatter in the clearing.

3rd tourist. Let's throw all the bottles into the river -

Let the parcels float in the sea!

There is no urn - carry it to the bushes!

We are with nature on "you"!

Forest, is he nobody's?

Tourists in chorus. Nobody's!

4th tourist. Let's settle down soon!

Here we will not be hindered:

Burn and lei, chop and beat!

We are kings! Shut up, Nature!

Everything here is ours - the forest and the waters!

Did the guys behave correctly?

What was wrong with their behavior?

- Now we will check how you know the rules of conduct in the forest. To do this, let's play a game with you“If I come to the woods ». I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then we all shout “no” together!
- If I come to the woods and pick a chamomile? (No)
- If I eat a pie and throw out a piece of paper? (No)

If I leave a piece of bread on a hemp? (Yes)
- If I tie a branch, substitute a peg? (Yes)

If I make a fire, but I won't put it out? (No)
-If I rub a lot, but forget to clean it up? (No)
-If I clean up the garbage, will I bury the jar? (Yes)
-I love my nature, I help her! (Yes)


2) Live, spring. Live

To solve the riddle:

We say: it flows

We say: she plays

She always runs forward

But never runs away (water)

From the bowels of the Earth, a spring gushed,
A crystal stream that instantly became ...

The streams are rushing, they are running forward,

And now they are already flowing like a river!

The river does not flow somehow,
And straight to the sea it keeps its way ...

And the sea, like a huge mouth,

All the waters of the rivers will pour into itself!

Well, and then he will take them himself
The vast ocean!

And he will wash the globe of the earth

With clean water, blue.

1. There is always water in the spring. And where does she come from? (The spring is fed by underground waters).

2. Explain the concept of "soapy water". (These are water bodies contaminated with detergents)

3. What should be done at enterprises to prevent contaminated water from entering the reservoir?

(Install treatment facilities and use the same water many times).

4. What is the most common river bank tree, which is their
strengthens, it is very flexible, bends low in the wind, does not break. (Willow).

5. This marsh plant is the main natural purifier of the coastal zone of a large river. (Reed).

6. What is the cleanest, deepest lake, can it still be called the sea? Baikal

Game "Magic Wand"(by commands)

Children pass a magic wand in a circle and name everything related to water

(paint reservoirs)


3) Plants

Game "Plant Alphabet"

An outdoor game "Venochek" ( glue plants)


4) Mailbox

    Come and visit me!

I have no address. I always carry my house on myself (snail, turtle).

    I've been waiting for a friend for 150 years. Positive character, one drawback -

slowness (turtle).

3. Friends! Who needs needles, contact me (hedgehog).

4. I want to build a nest. Borrow, present down and feathers (bird).

5. To the one who finds my tail! Leave it as a keepsake. I will successfully grow myself a new one (lizard).

6. Please wake me up in the spring. Come better with honey (bear).

7. I will help everyone who has a broken alarm clock (rooster).

8. I teach all sciences! I make birds out of chicks in a short time. I beg

take into account that I conduct classes at night (Owl).

9. I am the most charming and attractive! Whoever you want to deceive, I will circle my finger. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by name and patronymic. Patrikeevna is no longer called (fox).

10. Help kind, but lonely birds to acquire family happiness! Hatch those of my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and will not. I wish you happiness in your personal life (cuckoo).

11. I am a forest animal. During the day I sleep, and at night I go out to feed. In winter, I feed on the bark of trees. I run fast. In winter, my coat turns white as snow. (Hare).

(Glue animals)


4) you are human

Who is the main wonder on Earth?

Exupery's book "The Little Prince" (show)

Finish the phrase:

To be called a little prince, I must be ... ..

(Stick people)

5) Holiday history

Every spring in different countries of the planet, the Planets celebrate twice a very clear holiday for everyone - International Earth Day, which has a different meaning. The first time Earth Day is celebrated on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox,

Earth Day has gained international significance since 1970, when over 20 million people around the world took part in various environmental campaigns. And since 1990, April 22 has been declared the International Earth Day, it is celebrated by residents of most countries of the world. Earth Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.

Earth Day April 22, like Earth Day, held on the Day of the Spring Equinox, gives every inhabitant in all inhabited corners of the planet the opportunity to express gratitude to our large common home.

- Fold the flag puzzles and the holiday symbol (glue)

The Earth Flag exists in the world. However, it is not considered an official symbol. This flag is a photograph of our planet taken from space. In this capacity, a snapshot of the planet against a dark blue background, which was taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts on their way to the Moon, is now used.
And this is how the symbol of this day looks like, a green Greek letter scale on a white background.

Traditionally, it is customary to ring the Peace Bell on Earth Day. This sound should call on all inhabitants of the Earth to think about preserving the beauty of our planet.

Peace Bell - a symbol of peaceful life on Earth

The first Peace Bell was cast from coins collected by children from 60 countries. And he is in Japan. This is how it looks

The action "Bell of Peace on Earth Day" was supported by people of other countries and peoples.

In Russia, the "Bell of Peace" was installed in 1998 in Moscow, in the museums of Nicholas Roerich.

The goal of the action is to unite all people of the planet in the protection of the environment.

And while the bell rings, we will carefully and lovingly transfer the model of our Earth from hand to hand.


The bell is ringing
He tells the world to live in peace,

So that the vast EarthThere has always been no war.

Good people, wake upYes, rather look around:We will have nowhere to liveIf the Earth is not kept!

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

“You take care of us, take care of….!

Into the trouble of the grove and forest

The dew on the grasses is like a tear.

And the springs are quietly asking ...

"You take care of us, take care ...!"

The deep river is sad

Our own, losing their shores.

"You take care of us take care ...!"

The deer stopped its run:

"Be Human, human

We believe in you - don't lie ...

You take care of us, take care ...! "

I look at the globe - a globe of the earth,

so lovely and dear.

And the lips whisper: “I won't lie,

I will save you, I will save…. "

It flies over the entire planet:
"Take care of this Earth!"

WE shout to all the people:
We must all take care of nature!

If we will not take care of her,
We ourselves will ruin ourselves!


Look how smart, beautiful, cheerful the planet has become! Let's try to do everything to make it like this in real life. We are the saviors and guardians of our huge home called "Earth". All in our hands.

Nature is our wealth, to preserve this wealth for future generations is our task and our duty. M. Prishvin, addressing the guys, wrote (reads out ): “Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland ”.

Man is inseparable from nature. He learns from nature. Let's respect the laws of nature. Only in collaboration with nature can you and I be happy in our common home - on planet Earth!

(Paste congratulations)


Dear planet Earth!

We congratulate you on the holiday!

Forgive us for our mistakes.

We promise

Prosper my land
Good, bloom, dear,
You are alone in the universe

Dear to all earthlings!

Happy holiday, friends, I congratulate you.
Let's live in the world, not be at enmity,
I wish you health, happiness, peace,
Let's create, not destroy!

Wake up on Earth Day, people
May the Earth be beautiful
Let it go everywhere and everywhere
There will be peace on the whole earth.

Blooms from under the snow

First meets the spring.


We are all inhabitants of the Earth.
That's why Earth Day -
This is a holiday for all earthlings.
I send congratulations to all of you!
Happy Earth Day to everyone!
I wish you happiness, joy!
May good luck await you in everything
Only this way and not otherwise!

Student 5. Did you know that an owl kills about 1000 rodents per year? Considering that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain per year, it means that one owl saves a ton of bread per year!

Student 6. The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite: it can eat 100 caterpillars in an hour. If a large number of pests appear in the forest, she deals with them within a few days.

Student 7. Bats clear the area of ​​malaria mosquitoes. For an hour of night hunting, a bat can catch and eat 160-170 mosquitoes.

Student 8. During the summer, the swallow catches from half a million to a million of all kinds of mosquitoes, midges, aphids.

Student 9. Toads destroy not only harmful insects, but also slugs, and these are the most dangerous enemies of fields and vegetable gardens.

Student 10. During a summer day, beetles fly to the nest with food up to 400 times.

Student 1. If you put in one line the insects that the swift eats over the summer, then it will stretch for a kilometer.

Student 6. If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: both me and you, -

If we pick flowers

All the glades will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

T. Sobakin

Parade of signs.

The game.

Who in the early spring amicably

Digging a flowerbed in the yard ,

Will plant trees all around

And he will fix the bench

This is me, this is me

These are all my friends!

Who in the winter in the cold, in the cold

Pours feed into the trough,

So that titmouse, sparrows

Tweeted under the window?

This is me, this is me

These are all my friends!

Resting in the clearing

Who throws cans, flasks

Flowers and grass

Is beauty destroying forests?


Who, wandering home from school,

I stripped the bark from the birch.

Dandelion narwhal

And scattered it all over the place?


Who, having heard the hubbub of the birds,

Will not scare the animals with a cry,

Will go around the nest aside

Will not destroy the fox mink?

This is me, this is me

These are all my friends!

Everything is everything

We need them in the world!

And midges

Needed no less than elephants.

Can't be dispensed with

Without absurd monsters

And even without predators

Wicked and ferocious

We need everything in the world!

We need everything -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

Bad things for a cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat

No better than a deal.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone

We still need each other very much.

Lyrics of the song "Earth is our home"

Music: Dobrynin V.

Words: Rozhdestvensky R.

I'm talking about

That the whole earth is our common home.

I'm also talking about that,

That they want to set this house on fire

They want trouble to come to us

So that life disappears forever.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

It looks you and me in the eye,

I'm talking about

That this house is dear to all of us.

Our kind home, spacious home,

We all live in it from birth.

I'm also talking about that,

That we must save our house,

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The earth relies on us.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

It looks you and me in the eye,

And you and I cannot be silent.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

It looks you and me in the eye,

And you and I cannot be silent.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

It looks you and me in the eye,

And you and I cannot be silent.

"Copied from the site"

Children of the earth

1. Among countless planets

There is no such thing in the world anymore

Don't look in vain, you won't find it anyway

And let the other planets be countless

You cherish what is

Fly the planet is our huge light home, a common home


It's so good that we are still children

It's so good that peace on the planet

It's so good that the sun is shining

It's so good that we are your children

2. We often look to the heavens

We believe in miracles since childhood

But we always forget about only one thing

What is the main miracle of the Earth

We are all one family on it

And the whole planet is our huge bright home, a common home

  • creating conditions that encourage children to pay attention and care to nature “far and near”, to learn, but not to destroy it;
  • promoting the formation of high moral qualities, love for all living things;
  • awakening of sensory perception of nature, as close to us, but unique beauty, requiring protection from the consequences of human activity
  • Hall decoration: poster: "Human, help me!" - nature asks ”.

    On the stage there is a mock-up of the globe with the rising sun, flowers, butterflies, birds.

    Children's drawings on the theme: “Take care of nature”.

    Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, screen, slide presentations, video clips, soundtracks of “Sounds of nature”, musical synthesizer; costumes of the "heroes" of the holiday.

    Song by E. Krylatov on lyrics by Yu. Entin "How much progress has come".

    (The screen shows footage of the modern industry dumping industrial waste into the environment)

    Teacher: Dear guys! Our planet is in trouble! The culprit of this deadly misfortune is a person, i.e. all of us, you and me.

    Ever since man appeared, he tried to conquer, subjugate nature. What only he did not invent to improve his life!

    He invented deadly poisons to kill insect pests, fertilizers to make crops rich and poison the land, cars he created fill the streets and poison the air with exhaust gases, he cuts down trees, drains swamps, covers the Earth with a layer of debris.

    Look at the poster: “Help me - nature asks. She can't take it anymore.

    Our event is a wake-up call for each of us. Your hearts should respond, and the second graders will tell you what to do.

    After opening remarks the song "Our Land" sounds, music by D. Kabalevsky, words by A. Prihelets.

    1 presenter: If we want to help our planet, our sick nature, we must know the truth about its diseases, no matter how terrible it may be. Today we are going on a unique journey through our native country, along our beloved land.

    Children sing a song “Musician - tourist” music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev. Slides of nature in Altai Territory and the Zonal District are shown through a multimedia projector.

    Leading 2: We must remember that a person can do a lot: he is not only a destroyer, he is both a gardener and a doctor. He admires nature. Do you know plants and animals? Let's see. Prove it! Guess our riddles.

    (The answers appear on a makeshift screen)

    Grows in the grass Alenka
    In a red shirt.
    Whoever will pass
    Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

    In a dense forest under a tree
    Sprinkled with foliage
    There is a ball of needles
    A lump, but alive. (Hedgehog)

    Green, not a meadow,
    Bela, not snow,
    Curly, not the head. (Birch)

    Master of the forest
    Wakes up in the spring
    And in winter, under the blizzard howl
    He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)

    In the clearing, near the trees,
    The house is built from needles.
    He is not visible behind the grass,
    And there are a million tenants in it. (Anthill)

    From branch to branch
    Fast as a ball
    Rides through the forest
    Red-haired circus performer.
    Here on the fly
    He picked a lump,
    Jumped on the trunk
    And he ran away into the hollow. (Squirrel)

    Mustache muzzle,
    Striped fur coat,
    Washes often
    But he doesn't know water. (Cat)

    Blind during the day, seeing at night,
    The cat catches the mice, not the cat. (Owl)

    Mother, I don't know father
    But I often call it.
    I won't know the children -
    Strangers will come true! (Cuckoo)

    10 student:

    I lowered the curls into the river
    And I was sad about something.
    And what is she sad about
    Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

    1 presenter: Poets and writers have always admired nature, but you will see that trouble lies in wait for nature at every turn.

    Leading 2: The beauty of nature must be protected!

    Near the river, near the cliff
    The willow is crying, the willow is groaning.
    Maybe she feels sorry for someone?
    Maybe she's hot in the sun?
    Maybe someone is naughty
    Did he take it, and offended the willow?
    Is the willow thirsty?
    Should we go and ask?

    Student 2: But people do not pay attention to beauty. In hot countries, wonderful forests disappear - the “lungs of the planet” - the jungle. This is one of the wonders of nature. More than half of the animals, plants and fungi that exist on Earth live here.

    People destroy forests for timber, to pave a road, to plow a field.

    Every day 5 million trees die under the saw.

    Our forests are also dying! Guys! Each of us must plant a tree so that new sprouts help all of humanity breathe easier.

    (During the speech, a presentation about forest clearings around the village, the nearest forest belts, woodlands is shown on the screen)

    Little apple tree
    In my garden
    White - white
    Everything is in bloom.
    I put on a dress
    With a white border.
    Little apple tree
    Make friends with me.

    4 student: But not everyone wants to be friends with nature. Every family throws out something every day. For a year, one inhabitant of the Planet throws out one thousand kilograms of garbage. Thus, it pollutes the air and groundwater.

    Guys! There are specially designated places for rubbish!

      (On the screen are unauthorized dumps of villages, streets)

    5 student (dressed as a mongrel dog):

      Ah, it's bad for the homeless,
      Badly hungry
      So defenseless
      So mongrel!
      Nobody loves us
      Nobody caresses
      No one on the doorstep
      He won't let us in.

      Oh how we suffer
      From the pangs of loneliness!
      And to us
      I want human joy!
      Why be afraid of us?
      For what do they despise?
      Why are children with us
      Play so rarely?

      Ah, it's hard to live
      Without a friend - a master!
      Therefore, we all
      And howl desperately!
      But who will love us

      Not a bit about this
      Will not regret it!

      (Poem by B. Zakhoder).

    6 student: It's not just stray dogs that have a bad life.

      Several years ago, they decided to destroy the wolves so that they would not touch the livestock. The wolves were destroyed, and the number of sick wild animals increased 15 times.

      Wolves also cannot be destroyed, because they are the orderlies of the forest!

    The aspen freezes.
    Trembles in the wind
    Moans in the sun
    Freezes in the heat.
    Give the aspen
    Coats and boots.
    Gotta keep warm
    Poor aspen.

    8 student: Once in China they decided to destroy the sparrows because they pecked grain in the fields. Sparrows were killed, aphids, insects appeared and the fields were destroyed. In nature, everyone is needed!

    Whale spends all his life in the water,
    Although he is not a fish.
    He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
    For which - thanks to him.
    It would be cramped on land
    From such a huge mascara!

    10 student: Man and reached the sea. To the very horizon, the sea is covered with black lumps of fuel oil the size of a pea and even a potato. The inhabitants of the ocean are dying. And even birds, falling into deadly mud, die. Remember! Poisoned water is death for residents.

    11 student:

    Take your net!
    I'm not a bug!
    I don't want to go into the box
    Like a ladybug
    Don't pin it on
    Like a stupid booger.
    I'll die of boredom then!
    Get your hands off.
    Take your net!
    Well, what kind of bug am I to you?

    12 student: On one island they decided to destroy mosquitoes. We used pesticides.

    Mosquitoes died, there was nothing for other animals to eat

    1 presenter: Oh, how interesting the life of animals is! How many interesting things you can learn about them! Let's see!

    (Belka and Bear come out. Staged by N. Sladkov. “Belka and Bear”).

    (On the screen a forest landscape)

    Hey, Bear! What are you doing at night?

    Me? Yes, I eat!

    And I eat during the day.

    And in the morning?

    I eat too.

    Well, and in the evening?

    And I eat in the evening.

    When won't you eat?

    Yes, when I'm full.

    And when are you full?

    And never….

    (Magpie and the Hare come out. Staging. N. Sladkov. "The Magpie and the Hare").

    (On the screen a forest landscape)

    I wish you, Hare, but fox teeth!

    Uh, Soroka, it's still bad.

    If only you, gray, and wolf legs!

    Uh, Magpie, little happiness.

    Here are you, scythe, and lynx claws!

    Uh, Magpie, what are my fangs and claws!

    My soul is still a hare.

    (Dandelion and Rain come out. Staged by N. Sladkov.)

    (There is a meadow of herbs on the screen)

    Hooray! Guard! Hooray! Guard!

    What's the matter with you Dandelion? Are you sick? Look, all yellow! Why are you shouting “hurray” or “guard”?

    Scream here! My roots are glad to see you. Happy rain, all the "hurray" shout, and the flower

    The "guard" shouts - they are afraid that you will spoil the pollen.

    So I was at a loss: hurray, guard, hurray, guard!

    (Fox and Hedgehog come out. Staged by N. Sladkov)

    (The edge of the forest is on the screen)

    You are all a hedgehog, good and good-looking, but thorns do not suit you.

    And what, Lisa, I'm ugly with thorns, or what?

    Not that ugly ... ..

    Maybe I'm clumsy with thorns?

    Not that clumsy!

    Well, what am I like with thorns?

    Yes, you are with them, brother, inedible!

    2 presenter: We are traveling with you, but what a journey without rules, a halt without songs and undertakings!

    1 presenter: Each of us dreams of a trusting and devoted friend - a dog. But do we always pay our friend for loyalty with love?

    (The performance of the songs is accompanied by a slide presentation about schoolchildren's pet dogs)

    Song “Don't Tease Dogs”, music by V. Shainsky, to lyrics. A. Lamm

    The song “The Lost Dog”, music by V. Shainsky, to lyrics. A. Lamm

    The song “Everybody knows this” music by S. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin

    Scene "Carlson's Sad Adventures"

    (The screen saver “Kid's room with a view of the courtyard.” The Kid enters)

    Kid: Guys, today Carlson promised to fly to us for a holiday, but he is not and is not. Maybe something happened! Maybe the motor is running low. Or did he overeat sweets and his tummy ached?

    (Knock on the door. Carlos enters with a handkerchief. He coughs, sneezes)

    Baby: Carlson! Finally! Are you sick? And I thought the Carlsons never get sick, they are always so ruddy, moderately well-fed. We'll give you the medicine now. True, it is bitter, but it heals very well.

    (Carries a large bottle-bottle with “Medicine” written on it in large letters).

    Carlson: "Medicine". And even bitter? Have you forgotten that I only recover from jam! Well, as a last resort. From a delicious cake. And from the bitter medicine I can die.

    Kid: Well, okay, don't be upset, there will be jam for you. In the meantime, please tell me what happened to you?

    Carlson: I'll tell you now. Guys, how do you know I live where? That's right, on the Roof. I always have clean air there. And the dirty air makes me sneeze.

    Kid: But where did you get a breath of dirty air? Guys, where is the air polluted in our village?

    Children answer: Right!

    Carlson: Ugh! Finally, I caught my breath, I felt better. While I was flying to you, I even composed poems. Here, listen!

    Who suffocated from the dust,
    Choked on acrid smoke,
    Let's cough and wheeze
    And he will not be able to sing at all.
    No jam will help
    No candy, no cookies.

    Oh, and I got into history! My motor is broken. I flew to the service station. Do you know what it is? Yes, this is a service station; I thought that they would fix it for me there.

    I looked, and there was a sea of ​​cars! There I began to choke! From what do you think?

    Children answer: Right!

    Somehow I caught my breath, I'm flying to you, and here is a garbage dump, and such a suffocating smell comes from it! I thought I couldn't finish it!

    Where have you seen such landfills? Children answer.

    Kid: What should we do, Carlson? How can we breathe?

    Carlson: I've already thought of it! We need to make a huge vacuum cleaner and suck out dust and soot from the pipes.

    Kid: I will disappoint you, Carlson. Such vacuum cleaners have already been invented. But not everyone uses them.

    Carlson: How can I be now?

    Kid: We came up with and prepared a gift for you. Look! It's a gas mask!

    Carlson: What a funny word! Why is it called that?

    Children answer.

    1 student: Don't pick flowers! Let beautiful plants remain in nature!

    And what other rules do you need to know and remember?

    (Carlson puts on a gas mask)

    Well, now I have to walk like that all the time?

    Kid: Carlson! Here's how we can help you! To plant trees.

    They will clean the air like a vacuum cleaner. And you will never sneeze and cough! Shall we plant, guys?

    Carlson: Thank you guys! You are real friends. Now I have to go! Goodbye!

    1 host: The halt is over. We rested, and now let's get down to business. What should we do after the halt?

    (On the screen in the form of prohibitive road signs rules)

    1 student: Don't pick flowers! Let the beauty of the plant remain in nature!

    Student 2: Do not break branches of trees and bushes!

    Student 3: Do not catch wild animals and do not take them home!

    Student 4: Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects!

    Student 5: Don't forget frogs and toads!

    6 student: Do not ruin the bird's nests!

    Student 7: Do not leave trash in the forest, in the meadow, on the shore of a reservoir!

    Song "Wounded Bird" (A girl dressed as Earth appears)

    (Screenshots from programs: "Disasters", "Greenpeace")

    Earth, have mercy! Man, don't ruin me! You cut down the trees, it robs me of moisture! I dry up, Soon I will not be able to give birth to anything: not a seed, not a flower. After all, you cannot live without me!

    (Solemn music. From the depths of the stage they bring out the Red Book. It contains pages: black, red, yellow, green)

    1 student: The Red Book is an international state document where data on rare plants and animals are entered. The Red Book is so called because red is a signal of mortal danger. It is stored in Switzerland.

    Pupil 2: But entering into the Red Book does not mean saving.

    3 student: (enters, takes the Black Page)

    I am the black page of the Red Book. I am a witness to the trouble of our planet. My lists bear the names of those plants and animals that no longer exist on Earth. She's dead! They are killed! They are destroyed by man!

    All together: Take care of nature! Take care of our home - Earth!

    All participants of the event perform the song "You are a man"(music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin)

    (The screen shows shots from the life of the school: planting seedlings on flower beds, working in an arboretum to look after trees, growing vegetables, hiking and excursions to nature).

    In connection with the deterioration of the ecological situation on the planet in recent years, environmental education and upbringing of schoolchildren are of great importance. It is necessary to acquaint students with various areas of modern ecology.This environmental event teaches children about specific deeds for the protection and protection of the environment. Shows children how ugly bad deeds look. Causes in children sincere concern and anxiety for the fate of wild animals. Encourages children to a humane attitude towards nature and its inhabitants. Teach children a culture of communication with nature. Expands the horizons of schoolchildren. In a playful way, children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature is consolidated. Teaches them to correctly assess their actions and the actions of those around them, to ensure that each pupil knows the norms and rules of behavior in nature and strictly follows them.



    Pervomaisky branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School of Podbelsk

    m.r. Pokhvistnevsky of the Samara region


    "We are friends of nature!"

    Conducted by a biology teacher,

    Teacher of the "Plant growers" association

    Staropokhvistnevsky branch

    "CVR" Eureka "

    GBOU Secondary School Podbelsk Subeeva L.Kh.

    Pervomaisk - 2014

    Target: the formation of ecological thinking in schoolchildren, the mastery of the rules of competent behavior in nature.


    To intensify the cognitive activity of students, to develop

    The creativity of the guys;

    To foster a respect for nature;

    - encourage children to participate in nature conservation activities, to promote environmental ideas.

    Expected results:careful attitude of students to their native nature, participation in nature conservation activities.

    Decoration, equipment and materials:

    A fabulous meadow, where the main events of the theatrical performance and competitions take place. In the center of the glade there is a lonely "bare" tree, which during the game, as a result of the correct answers of the students, the Fairy of Darkness again decorates with leaves, figures of animals, birds, insects. At the end of the holiday, the tree must be fully decorated;

    Costumes for images of nature and the Fairies of Darkness;

    A computer;

    Recordings of songs about nature conservation;

    Ecological posters: "Little secrets of nature";

    Notes for the protection of nature.

    Event progress

    Music sounds. A fairy glade is framed on the stage. NATURE comes out.

    Hello dear friends!

    I am Nature. I am a great master.

    The eternal master of life. I can,

    Man, give you for complicity -

    All this is in my power!

    Mushroom in the forest, chamomile in the meadow, sky at an hour

    sunrise and sunset, willow over the river ... And finally,

    sun-baked, reddish

    an ear of bread! As a crown to everything ...

    Only you are my gift, my teaching
    Do not take it for a tribute: I am not a slave.
    Do not forget: you yourself are my creation!
    And you and I have the same destiny!
    Yes, you have grown. You said goodbye to childhood.
    Wider - every year - your steps ...
    But do not engage in self-criticism!
    And even a blade of grass that is inherited
    I gave it to you, take care!
    Even a wolf - suddenly yes he is the last ...
    Destroy (the beast is not a pencil) -
    Using the most complex calculations
    And you can't create the latest machines.
    We are with you one way
    We roll - not an hour apart, not a day ...
    And you can't be over me
    Just as you cannot be outside of me.

    Today I came to you alone without friends, birds and animals. And I came to you with a big request. Help me rescue my friends. They are in trouble. And I can’t help alone. I am only strong when people come to my aid.

    And to make it clear to you, I will now tell you everything in order.

    A disaster struck in our forest, the Fairy of Darkness appeared. She was very offended by people. People do not protect NATURE, destroy forests, poison rivers. They are unreasonable with the riches given by Nature. Therefore, the Fairy of Darkness decided to punish people and hid all the birds and animals in her dungeon. “Better they die there than suffer from people,” said the Fairy of Darkness. But if my friends die, then I - Nature will also die. Therefore, I cannot live without my friends, without their sonorous voices, without my assistants. But in order to rescue them from the dungeon, it is necessary to fulfill all the conditions set by the Fairy of Darkness.

    To do this, I need cheerful, resourceful, strong, brave and savvy guys who will answer all the questions correctly, and then for each correct answer the Fairy will release one animal or bird from her dungeon. And when they all gather in this magical meadow, and I hear their voices, I will be calm again.

    Can you guys help me? I invite the participants to the magic meadow.

    Concert march

    Leading: In an ordinary forest they go for berries, mushrooms, nuts. And we will go to the magical forest for riddles.

    I came to the forest - not a frown.

    Be fun until the end.

    You are not a spectator or a guest

    And our program is a nail!

    Don't be shy, don't break

    Obey all laws!

    Two teams enter the stage.

    Fairy comes out of the darkness.

    Fairy: They came, handsome, not dusty. Well, well, now let's see what kind of brave fellows you are!

    Let's compete honestly, I will ask questions and you will answer them. Deal?

    And so that everything is fair, we will be judged by the Council of the Wise, don’t you agree?

    Nature: Okay, Fairy, we agree, and you guys will be our Good Services Bureau. If you suddenly need your help, then you will immediately render it to us. Good?

    Fairy: Okay, okay, let's get started. And then I have a lot to do without you. First, let's get acquainted.

    The crocodile has friends
    And the crows have girlfriends.
    And I have only enemies-and-and,
    Some enemies from all sides.

    Why don't they love me so much?
    I can’t understand or forgive!

    I seem to be too kind

    And for such kindness

    In response, I hear slander.

    And I'm always right in everything

    And I have the rights to all.

    Then they will be good,

    When it covers everything around

    Darkness, darkness, darkness.

    Now you know everything about me. Who are you?


    Fairy: Well, now let's warm up.

    And in order not to be offended who will start, I know the counting rhyme:

    I am an animal
    And you are an animal
    I am a mouse
    You are a ferret
    You are cunning
    I'm smart.
    Who is smart -
    He went out!

    1. WARM UP

    Nature: If you know the forest, animals, name them soon.


    1. Who wears the forest? (DEER)
    2. Flies - howls, sits on the ground - digs? (BUG)
    3. Which insect hears with its feet? (GRASSHOPPER)
    4. What is the significance of leaf fall? (THE TREE IS PREPARING FOR WINTER DRY)
    5. Which plants have seeds equipped with "parachutes"? (DANCEL, POPLAR, WILLOW)
    6. Which animals help spread seeds? (BIRDS, MICE, ANTS, CHIPMONDS)

    Fairy: Well, okay, so be it, I will let go of those whom you correctly guessed. But do not think that it will be easy for you in the future. Now I’ll come up with this, I’ll conjure it up, this… And I won’t come up with anything, I’ll just check your homework. This is what you are probably afraid of. Yes, I suppose they did not do it, as always. Let's - let's see.


    The assignment was given in advance. Prepare a poster project on an environmental theme:

    "Little secrets of nature"

    Protection of projects.

    Fairy: Look, you've done it again. I never thought, never wondered, never expected that your school has such wise students. But it’s not so difficult to deceive me, now I’ll ask you this. Now, now I’ll just look behind my stump that I have there.

    O! That's great, don't watch for anything and then your NATURE will perish without your friends.

    1. Like a royal crown
      He wears his horns
      Eats lichen, green moss,
      Loves snowy meadows.
    2. He looks like a shepherd dog:
      Every tooth is a sharp knife!
      He runs with his jaws bared,
      The sheep is ready to attack.
    3. Look at what

    Everything burns like gold.

    He walks in a fur coat dear

    The tail is fluffy and large.

    1. In the summer it wanders without a road

    Between pines and birches,

    And in winter he sleeps in a den,

    He hides his nose from the frost.

    5. Near Christmas trees made of needles

    A house was built on a summer day

    He is not visible behind the grass,

    And there are a million tenants in it.

    6. Less tiger, more cat,

    On the ears - tassels-horns.

    Seemingly meek, but don't believe

    This beast is terrible in anger.

    Fairy: No, just look at them, everyone knows, everyone knows how. But you won't fool me. I know why you are so brave and skillful. This is because you are together, well, I’ll separate you now. Come out one at a time. Then we will compete.

    Nature: Good Fairy, but then let's compete on equal terms. Come on, you too will participate.

    Fairy: Please, I'm not afraid of anything.

    Nature: Attention! Now a grandiose competition will take place in front of you, in which 2 captains and the Fairy of Darkness are participating.


    Leading: Dear friends! Being in nature during excursions, walks, hikes, look around and you will see how beautiful the world that surrounds us is. There is hardly a person on earth who will say about himself: "I do not like nature!" In words, everyone loves nature. But everyone understands that love is manifested primarily in the desire to protect, preserve. Then why, being alone with nature, many believe that it is nobody's, treat the surrounding world as a consumer, often do not know how to behave in a forest, field, meadow, river and other places? Some people think that there will be no harm if they collect an armful of flowers, catch a chick. And this is not at all true.

    In order for a person to remember about responsibility for the surrounding nature during hikes, walks, there are warning signs that help to learn a number of simple rules of behavior in nature.

    Rules, the fulfillment of which should become natural for each of us, like the habit of saying "thank you". And now we'll check if you know what the warning signs mean. Imagine that while walking through the woods, you come across such a sign.

    Quest for captains... How do you explain to your friends what this sign is and what it is for?

    First sign. Rule one:

    Don't break branches of trees and bushes!The plant is a living creature, and the branches, together with the leaves, help it breathe, release oxygen into the air, and retain dust. It is no coincidence that where there are many trees, it is easy to breathe.

    Second sign. Rule two:

    Don't trample flowers and mushrooms!In the forest, try to walk only along the paths. Many plants and insects die from trampling grass and soil. Popular wisdom says: "One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a path, and thousands leave a desert." Don't shoot mushrooms, even inedible ones. Often a person, walking through the forest, knocks down fly agarics and toadstools with a stick. Anyone who does this does not respect the forest, does not understand it and does not love it. Fly agarics help pines, spruces, birches and other trees grow. They feed on squirrels, moose and magpies. Many mushrooms are involved in the decomposition of plant residues in the forest: they destroy stumps, fallen trees, fallen branches, dead foliage. They are the orderlies of the forest.

    Third sign. Rule three:

    Do not start a fire in the forest if it is not necessary!A campfire is a kind of wounds in the forest floor. It takes 15 to 20 years for them to heal. If you have an old fireplace, you should not do a new one. The bonfire serves as a powerful source of heat radiation. The heat from it spreads not only upward, but also to the sides. Trees located near the fire heat up in the lower part, which leads to the death of the living tissue of the trunk. The roots of trees die from the intense heat. All this causes their death.

    Fire scares away all forest dwellers. It is always an alarm signal for wild animals and birds. When they see fire, they usually flee. If a fire burns in the forest, then owls, songbirds and other birds leave their nests within a radius of 100-150 m, leave for a long time, and the hatched eggs have time to cool down, the clutch dies.

    A fire can cause a fire in a forest in windy weather. Even a properly lit and then carefully extinguished fire can cause a fire: often a small spark remains unnoticed inside half-burnt wood.

    Fourth sign. Rule four:

    Don't ruin the bird's nests!If you see a bird's nest, do not trample the grass near the nest if it is on the grass. Do not touch the eggs with your hands or remove them from the nest. Do not take chicks in your hands, otherwise the parent birds may leave the nest forever.

    Fifth sign. Rule five:

    Don't pick flowers in the forest and in the meadow!Love for flowers should not be expressed in the extermination of plants. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to imminent death! Better that this miracle of nature pleases the eye, heart, soul of all who come after you. Collecting flowers for bouquets is primarily dangerous because we do not allow plants to form seeds. With the constant collection of flowers in the same places, some species may simply disappear. It takes 7-8 years for a flowering plant to grow from a lily of the valley seed, and it takes 18 years for a Venus shoe to bloom! It was our long-standing habit of plucking flowers that led to the extinction of many plant species. And bouquets can be made from beautiful flowers grown by man.

    In France, on mountain meadows, there are “flower calls” to travelers: “Don't tear us! Having plucked, you immediately kill us and do not allow us to produce offspring. Flowers."

    Sixth sign. Rule six:

    Don't catch wild animals or take them home!You cannot dig holes and disturb forest animals. If you see little chicks or cubs in the forest, do not take them with you. Animals in nature are not lost or abandoned, they live their own lives, no one will create the necessary conditions for their growth and development, except for their parents.

    Seventh sign. Rule Seven:

    Don't ruin anthills!A forest is healthy if there are at least four anthills per hectare. It was found that if forests were left without ants, then the damage caused by pests could be compared

    fire. Ants are the most hardworking orderlies in the forest. In just 1 hour, the ants capture more than 2 thousand caterpillars on 0.4 hectares of forest around the anthill. If there are no forest orderlies, the caterpillars destroy about 10% of the leaves, which means that the trees are dying. In just one day, ants bring about 20 thousand insects to the anthill. In the extermination of forest pests, red ants are not inferior to birds: one ant family annually destroys 7,200 caterpillars of the oak leafworm, 3,500 caterpillars of the pine scoop and thousands of other caterpillars, pupae, larvae near the ground, where birds almost never descend.

    Ants carry seeds of plants, loosen the soil, thereby helping the renewal of the forest.

    Ants often save the forest from fires. They quickly extinguish an unextinguished match or a cigarette butt thrown near the anthill.

    Stand up for the forest orderlies if you see the barbaric extermination of ant families.

    Eighth sign. Rule Eight:

    Do not make noise in the forest!In the forest, it is forbidden to turn on tape recorders at full power, make a shout and noise. From this, animals and birds leave their nests and holes. It is necessary to value and protect the eternal and wise silence, to be able to listen to the beautiful music of nature, the magic sounds of the forest, bird songs, the conversation of the wind, the murmur of a stream.

    Ninth character .. Rule nine:

    Don't leave trash behind!Observe cleanliness in the forest, meadow, lake, river. Remember that discarded paper will last more than 2 years until it decomposes, a tin can - 90 years, a plastic bag - 200 years, glass - over 1000 years.

    You must always remember the golden rule of a tourist: how much garbage you brought to the forest, take it with you. At worst, cans should be burned over a fire, flattened and buried in the ground together with other unburned garbage.

    If there is still brushwood, firewood, you need to carefully fold them.

    Leaving the forest, meadow, river bank, look at what you leave behind. Do your best to keep the river clear after you leave, the forest green and healthy, the grass fluffy, and your conscience clear!

    Leading: Yes, a person is left alone with his conscience, being left alone in the forest, in the steppe, on the river, in the field, in the swamp. Conscience for a person is the only controller. And perhaps one of the most important tasks facing those who want to save nature on the planet is to awaken conscience in people, an understanding of what can and cannot be done.

    Fairy: I picked a flower and it faded. I caught a moth - and it died in the palm of my hand. And then I realized that you can touch beauty only with your heart.

    The song "Friendship with Nature" to the tune "Song of the Crocodile Gena" is played

    Defend Our Earth

    We are at the hands of poachers

    We will not allow you to mock her.

    Let them live on the planet -

    Hare, wolf and panther

    And let the nightingale live in the forest.


    Animals, birds will be happy,

    The person will be happy.

    And make friends with nature

    We can forever!

    Know, our dear friend,

    Even a leaf and a flower

    We shouldn't vomit around

    Hare, squirrel, titmouse,

    There is pure water in the river

    We must write down as our brothers.


    Animals, birds will be happy,

    The person will be happy.

    And make friends with nature

    We can forever!


    Leading: We introduced you to the basic rules of behavior in nature: do not tear, do not break, do not frighten, do not make noise, do not litter! Now let's try to imagine how you get out of situations that you may encounter in nature.

    1. While walking, you found a clearing with rare plants in the forest. What are your actions?

    2. You saw that the guys, being in the forest before you, picked a bouquet of primroses (lilies of the valley). What will you do?

    3. You went to the forest, guys are coming towards you and are carrying a little hare to look after him. Your actions.

    4. You saw the guys in the forest who were kicking and trampling on fly agarics. What do you say about this?

    5. Gathering berries in the forest, some guys break off blueberry shoots. Your attitude to this.

    6. You saw a chick falling from the nest. What will you do?

    1. You saw guys in the forest who made a lot of noise, turned on loud music. Your actions.

    Nature: Well, Fairy, how do you like my assistants. All my friends were helped out.

    Fairy: Yes, it turns out when you are together you are invincible. I'll have to free everyone and be friends with you. (The tree in the fairy glade is fully formed)

    Leading: I hope you will forever remember the rules of behavior in nature and will follow them. And now we would like to present you with memorials for the protection of nature.

    Leading: All the guys need to unite andhelp nature: hang birdhouses and bird feeders, clean the bank of the local river, plant greenery on the school grounds.

    The power of a good example is great. And let each of you act as an example of a friendly attitude towards nature, respect nature, treat carefully and rationally the use of natural treasures.

    The song "Hymn to Nature" to the tune "Solar Circle" is played.

    Against shooting, against trouble

    Let's stand up for our planet.

    Beasts forever, happiness forever,

    So the man commanded!

    May there always be groves

    May there always be birds

    Let there be animals in the taiga

    And near the house - flowers!

    May there always be people

    May there always be children

    May it always be in a clear sky

    The sun will shine!

    Annex 1


    1. Going on an excursion to nature, you should remember that the basic law of a traveler is respect for nature.

    2. In the forest you are visiting a green friend, so do not do what you would not do with your friend.

    3. Any harm we inflict on nature, first of all, turns against us.

    Killed an owl - lost a ton of grain; poured useless car oil into a river or lake - hundreds of fish fry died; ravaged a nest of birds - left thousands of harmful insects alive; broke an oak or maple - lost several cubic meters of wood.

    4. In any forest you can find dry branches for a fire to cook food, but huge fires - the main eaters of forests - must be abandoned.

    5. It must be remembered that a bush cut down on pegs for a tent grows for 5-8 years; the tree chosen for the fire is 15-20 years old; traces of forest fires persist for 50 years.

    6. Do not forget about the people who follow you: no traces should remain at the site of your stops.

    7. Thrown paper lies without rotting for 2 years, and a tin can or a splinter from a bottle can injure a leg even after 90 years.

    Appendix 2


    We cut wood, arrange landfills.

    But who will take everything under protection?

    The streams are empty, in the forest there are only sticks.

    Without nature in the world to people

    You can't even live a day.

    So let's go to her

    Treat like friends.

    And with all honest people

    We then add:

    We need to help nature -

    But with knowledge and intelligence.

    So that the years rush peacefully

    Flourished over the centuries

    To be a friend to all nature

    Every person should.

    → Ecology> "url =" ">

    26.07.2017 | We looked at the script 1386 human

    Oh my forest, my wonderful forest,
    Full of fairy tales and wonders!
    My life passes in cares and works,
    I hope you recognize me.
    Protector of the forest, friend of animals,
    I am the king from a fairy tale ...
    Children. Berendey.
    Well done, my friends!
    I invite everyone to visit ...

    Scenario of an ecological event for the summer camp "Less and less surrounding nature, more and more environment"

    26.07.2017 | We looked at the script 2280 human

    Lead 1.
    June 5 - World Environment Day.
    Every flower and blade of grass,
    The birds that fly into the blue sky
    All that nature that surrounds us
    Our protection, friend, is awaiting.
    The alarm sounds against the background of disturbing music.
    Reader 1.

    Summer camp scenario. Ecology Day. Environmental Kaleidoscope (Travel Game)

    28.05.2013 | We looked at the script 12789 human

    Nature ... How often we repeat this word! For some time now, it has become a symbol of our struggle for survival, for the well-being of all living things on the planet.

    Communication with nature is an integral part of a person's spiritual life. Here's what they say, for example, about the forest ...

    Summer camp scenarios. Forest School (role-playing game)

    28.05.2013 | We looked at the script 4304 human

    For the period of preparation for the game, a “School Staff Headquarters” is being created. It includes the older guys, the “director” with his “deputies” and “teachers”. They develop training programs, schedule "lessons", equip the workplace of the "school", ...

    Ecological subbotnik "Picnic in a forest clearing"

    28.05.2013 | We looked at the script 4234 human

    Host: Dear guys! We all know that the Earth is our common home. From birth we are surrounded by nature - trees, grasses, air and water. We live in this world, and what it is and what it will become in the future depends only on us. Nature is very ...

    Ecological fairy tale "Clean City"

    27.07.2011 | We looked at the script 4142 human

    On the banks of the great Volga
    The city was built large.
    It was called Astrakhan.
    All in green spaces!
    Oh, what a delight!
    Walk along the wonderful streets
    Breathe clean air.
    They say that we have Astrakhan - a clean city!
    But here, too, is full of rubbish ...

    "This fragile planet"

    19.06.2011 | We looked at the script 5658 human

    We are talking about
    That the whole Earth is our common home -
    Our kind home, spacious home,
    We all live in it from birth.
    We are also talking about
    That we should take care of our house.
    Let's prove that it's not in vain
    The Earth hopes for us.
    Host 1. Our ...

    Ecological game "Merry Anthill"

    02.06.2010 | We looked at the script 11838 human

    Host: Guys, today we will have an ecological and biological game "Merry Anthill", dedicated to the World Environment Day. Please tell me what is ecology? (Answers of children). That's right guys, ecology is the science of the environment ...

    Definition of the topic:

    Look young friend

    What's around:

    The sky is light blue

    The sun is shining golden

    The wind plays with leaves

    A cloud floats in the sky.

    Everything you need, year after year

    Nature itself gives us

    And so we all

    We cannot live without water.

    Without plants and animals,

    Without forests, fields and rivers

    Man cannot live.

    So let's save

    Our green natural home

    What do you think is about what this poem is about? Do you know what 2017 is dedicated to? The year is dedicated to ecology. Do you know what Ecology is? Ecology is the science of the relationship between living and non-living nature.

    How beautiful our nature is! She has always attracted the attention of poets and artists. Before us are photographs of different seasons. Each of them is amazingly beautiful and unique (in front of the children there are slides depicting the seasons).

    Autumn attracts us with its bright foliage and mushroom aroma.
    Winter gives us the freshness of a frosty day and the beauty of snow-covered trees.
    Spring greets us with the chirping of birds and the first flowers.
    Summer generously gives us warm sunny days.

    Rules of conduct in nature
    - Guys, do you like to visit?

    Let's go with you on a visit to nature. Let's complete interesting tasks. And we will learn something new for ourselves.
    But we must remember that we are visiting and must abide by certain rules.
    - Do you know the basic rules of behavior in the forest?
    First: Don't litter!
    Second: Don't make a noise!
    Third: Do not ruin!

    And our first task is to play "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then all together we say “no”!

    If I come to the woods
    And pick a chamomile? (No)
    If I eat a pie
    And throw away the piece of paper? (No)
    If the bread is a piece
    Will I leave it on the hemp? (Yes)
    If I tie a branch,
    Will I substitute the peg? (Yes)
    If I light a fire
    And I will not extinguish? (No)
    If I mess up a lot
    And I will forget to remove. (No)
    If I clean up the trash,
    Will I drip a jar? (Yes)
    I love my nature
    I'm helping her! (Yes)

    Our next station is called "Forest Mail".

    This station often receives letters from animals and plants asking for advice. You need to listen to them carefully and give an oral answer to them and help them.

    Letter # 1

    They gave Katya a puppy for her birthday. Finally, her dream came true. She has been asking her parents to buy her a puppy for so long. And now she has a new friend. Katya played with him every minute, fed him, walked. And then they gave her a talking doll, Katya remembered the puppy less and less, and when he got sick, she told her mother: "A sick dog has no place in the house, let him live on the street."

    Did the girl do the right thing?

    Letter # 2

    The guys played in the forest. The girls picked bouquets of forest flowers, weaved wreaths on their heads. The boys found an anthill under a tree and began to destroy it with sticks. They were interested in how ants live.

    Letter No. 3

    Oleg and his grandmother were walking in the woods. The boy ran to a forest clearing, stopped and began to beat the flower heads with a twig.

    What are you doing? - asked the grandmother. I drive the bees away, they sting the flowers.

    Grandmother smiled and, calling her grandson to her, told him something. After that, Oleg threw out the twig, shrugging his shoulders in surprise.

    And I didn’t know about it.

    What did grandmother say to her grandson?

    Next station "Birds have arrived »

    We are in the spring forest, which means that birds are arriving. Guys, do you know a lot of birds? Let's check?

    - Does he know only two letters, does he repeat it in his song? (cuckoo)

    - A white-winged bird flies over the sea, sees the fish, grabs it with its beak? (gull)

    - Yellow lumps, children of the mother of the quota? (chickens)

    - Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle)

    - Flies all night - kills mice. And it becomes light - it flies into the hollow to sleep. (owl)

    Ved. Now I will only name the birds, but if I am suddenly mistaken, and you hear something else, then you need to clap.

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Flies and swifts ...

    / Children clap /

    Ved. What's wrong?

    Children. Flies.

    Ved. And who are the flies?

    Children. Insects.

    Ved. You're right. Well, let's continue:

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Storks, crows,

    Jackdaws, pasta! / Clap /

    Ved. Let's start again!

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, martens! / Clap /

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Lapwings, siskins,

    Jackdaws and swifts,

    Mosquitoes, cuckoos. / Clap /

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Lapwings, siskins,

    Jackdaws and swifts,

    Storks, cuckoos,

    Swans, starlings ...

    All of you are great!

    The next station is "Little secrets of nature".

    Everything in the world is interconnected: human life and the life of the forest with its inhabitants. Did you know that ...

    Each owl kills about 1000 rodents in one year alone. Considering that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain per year, it means that one owl saves a ton of bread per year.

    The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite. She can eat up to 100 caterpillars in an hour. In the forest where the cuckoo lives, a large number of insect pests appear, it straightens out with them within several days.

    Did you know that:

    The crane lives from 12 to 50 years;

    Squirrel - from 6 to 7 years old;

    Bear - 15 to 20 years old.

    Cuckoo - from 10 to 40 years old;

    Horse - from 20 to 60 years old;

    Elephant - from 70 to 120 years old;

    Competition "Solve the Problem".

    Competition for the correct and quick solution of problems. Here you need to listen carefully, quickly count.

    Come out! Who is ready?

    If you know the table

    You will boldly answer the question,

    How many little birds

    Has it arrived at the feeding trough?

    Sparrow pugnacious couple,

    And titmouses are also a couple,

    A pair of blue doves

    And two pairs of bullfinches. (10)

    Gave the ducklings a hedgehog

    8 leather boots,

    Who will answer from the guys

    How many ducklings were there? (4)

    Under the bushes by the river

    May beetles lived:

    Daughter, son, father and mother.

    The bear walked through the forest,

    The bear collected cones.

    I put eight in the basket,

    Then ten, seven more.

    How many of them are there? - we ask.

    Answer, Mishutka, everyone! (8+10+7=25)

    Veda ... Yes, guys, our nature is patient, it forgives a lot of people, but also cries out for our help and protection. What makes us happy in nature? Of course, its beauty, clean air, silence of the forest, the voices of birds and animals, the rustle of foliage, the murmur of a brook. In order for other people to see this beauty, one must learn to communicate with nature.