Paper hearts: master classes, photos and videos. How to make a beautiful heart. Do-it-yourself coffee tree. Volumetric paper hearts - materials and tools

A holiday for all lovers. Several weeks remain until February 14, you can already start thinking about a gift, look for recipes for delicious dishes for a romantic dinner ... You can get a few sheets of colored paper, scissors and glue and make interesting valentines with your own hands, stylishly decorate a house in romantic colors, beautifully decorate the festive table.

This article contains the most interesting handmade ideas for the holiday of all lovers. We hope that with our help your significant other will remember this day for a long time. So, we will surprise with all kinds of hearts, let's go!

For these romantic crafts you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, sometimes even wire and salt (!), But we can promise you that you will not need any special skills and secret ingredients that can be “obtained only on a full moon by surpassing an empty well "Is not required!

1. Decorating the house!

Lovers wreath on the door

Cut out a circle with a diameter of 30-40 cm from plain white paper. Glue it with cut-out hearts. Choose the necessary tonality yourself - the wreath can be made more delicate using hearts in white and light pink, or more passionate by choosing red and burgundy colors. Can be done in a trendy combination of pink and black, or in a Gothic style - using black and red hearts. The size of the hearts can also be chosen differently - this way the wreath will turn out to be more voluminous and textured.

An interesting option is a wreath of roses.

How to make, see our detailed.

If you want something more cozy and warm on a cold February evening, pay attention to the option.

You can decorate a door, window or hang it on the wall with a wreath.

Garland of hearts

We string the cut out hearts on a thread. A very simple and beautiful decoration. Please note that hearts can be strung either across or along. If strung across, you get a vertical garland, which can be used to decorate the doorway.

If along, then horizontal - such a garland can be hung on the wall, decorate it with a bed, window, or drag it across the entire room under the ceiling.

It's even easier to make a garland with clothespins. Then it is better to cut the hearts out of thicker paper so that they do not deform due to the clothespin. And of course, romantic wishes, favorite photos, memorable candy wrappers and tickets can be attached to such a garland.

Romantic little things

Remember how as a child we "grew" crystals on sticks in a saline solution? Try making these crystal hearts by February 14th!

The heart can be made of colored wire, after which it must be placed in a concentrated saline solution (gradually add salt to warm water until it stops dissolving). It remains to wait a few days, and in order for the heart to grow faster, then change the solution to a new one every 2-3 days.

And, of course, candles! Decorate the candle holders with hearts, just don't forget about fire safety!

2. We make valentines with our own hands!

The most important paper heart on this day is your Valentine card. And you can do it yourself and it will turn out no worse than a store one, even more original! For example, you can send ...

Message in an envelope

We string 6-8 hearts on a string and put them in an envelope ...

You can write words on each of the hearts, which, as you pull out the hearts, will fold into a phrase. Do not confuse the beginning and the end when putting the message in the envelope, otherwise you will get “I love you, I am Zina” instead of “Zina, I love you” :)

A couple more options with envelopes - mini messages with pleasant words and compliments and an envelope that opens into a heart

Greeting card with hearts

And here are some easy cute design ideas for romantic valentine cards:

Another idea of ​​a voluminous postcard with two hearts flowing into each other - you get a very symbolic valentine. It will take you only 10 minutes to create it - follow ours and this is what you get in the end

And here is a video instruction on how to make a valentine card with hearts resembling balloons on strings

Subscribe to our youtube channel in order not to miss new master classes on Valentine's Day and February 23

Button hearts

Cool postcards are made with button hearts - bright and funny

Valentines with photos

Your happy photo together can be the best Valentine's Day card for Valentine's Day. Add a line of wishes in Photoshop, a few hearts and insert it into a cute frame. Or collect a heart from your little photographs

And also Origami valentines... Watch this simple video tutorial on how to make a beating heart out of a piece of paper.

In the nomination "Valentine's Day at the Last Minute" this uncomplicated heart made of box cardboard wins. Your beloved is almost on the doorstep, and the valentine is not ready? Feel free to tear off a piece of the box and, following this simple video instruction, make a romantic surprise.

3. Have fun with colleagues!

To do this, you will need plastic (or, in principle, any) soldiers! On the hearts we write heartbreaking requests for help, like "Elena Arnoldovna, you killed me with your smile!", "I can no longer fight these feelings!" "I'm dying of love for you", "Struck by your gaze on the spot!". We "distribute" hearts to the soldiers and place the regiment dying from love on the tables of colleagues, window sills and in the cupboard for coffee cups.

4. Arranging a romantic tea party

Cute tea bags. We have already written about this. You can decorate the entire tea ceremony in a romantic style.

However, you can drink hot tea on the street from a thermos and, embracing, look at the romantic heavenly lanterns in the form of hearts flying into the sky.

5. Making bookmark hearts for the book

What could be simpler - we take two hearts of different sizes and glue the small one onto the large one (only the upper part, and the lower tab will just "cling" to the desired page!)

6. Bouquets of hearts

We fasten 6-8 hearts together with a pin, attach the pin with the resulting bud to the "twig", which can be a wire, a cocktail tube or a real branch of a tree. The flower is ready. We make 5-7 flowers for a bouquet, of different sizes and shades. We decorate the petals with wishes and compliments!

And this option will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth - we fix the flower not with a pin, but with chupa-chups

7. Delicious love. Cooking beloved romantic breakfast

We will delight our loved one on this day with goodies. I will not attach a recipe for baked salmon with an exotic sauce to this article, there are many similar instructions on the Internet. Let's dwell on a beautiful presentation. Pancakes and scrambled eggs can be prepared in special tins. You can also cut hearts from all kinds of fruits and vegetables: carrots, strawberries, bananas, apples and kiwi.

Volumetric paper hearts look interesting from all sides, whatever one may say. They can be hung, glued or attached to a curly postcard. But first things first. Here are some options for making voluminous valentines with your own hands.

Origami paper heart

Creation of such volumetric heart made of paper will not take long. It can be either a small surprise for the holiday or a simple decorative element. To make it, you only need square paper. Prepared a master class.

First, fold the square in half in the lateral direction. Photo 2.

Then we unfold the square, placing it so that the fold is vertically located. After that, we make a small fold at the bottom. Photo 3.

Now we fold the workpiece in half. Photo 4.

Expand it so that the half with a narrow fold is on top. And let's start forming the heart. To do this, we will first make a fold on the right side. Photo 5.

Fold down symmetrically to the left. Photo 6.

Expand the resulting triangle 180 degrees and make folds at the corners, bending them up and to the sides. Photo 7.

Let's straighten the folds just made, we needed them in order to outline the guidelines for subsequent work. Photo 8.

To the places of intersection of the resulting folds with vertical lines, we make new additions of the side corners. Photo 9.

Bend the corners located below from the inside up and to the right. Photo 10.

Now they need to be hidden. To do this, put the bent corners in the previously created pockets. Photo 11.

It remains to work on the final shape of our heart. Therefore, we make small folds at the corners. All of them are located on the seamy side of the workpiece. Photo 12.

Carefully inflate our heart through the hole located below. At the same time, we slightly bend it in the upper part. Our 3D paper heart is ready. Photo 13.

You can make such a craft from paper of any color. Several voluminous hearts made according to the proposed master class will look good.

Pattern for this heart:

The options can be very diverse.
Red flowers, voluminous hearts can be used as decorations.
Such valentines look very gentle.

Option 6. Layered card with hearts

Cut a sheet of white cardboard in half along its length and fold it with an accordion 4 times.
Cut out rectangles from colored paper (4 pieces) that fit the side of the accordion in size.

We glue them 2 pieces on each side of the paper strip. Preparing stencils for three hearts of different sizes.

On the first sheet we cut out the largest heart, on the second - a smaller one, on the third - the smallest, and the fourth side remains intact.

This is how the work looks from the other side.

We fold the accordion and get a multi-layered valentine.

If you expand it, then all the hearts are clearly visible through the holes.

Option 7, in the spirit of "yin-yang"

We prepare a stencil in the form of two hearts connected by a curly part in the center.

Cut out a blank from double-sided colored cardboard using a stencil.

We bend along the line of joining the lateral hearts. And in the center we glue a beautiful openwork heart.

We connect the side hearts to each other. Decorate with small hearts.
The result is a multi-layered valentine in the form of a booklet.

You can use 2 adjacent shades. To do this, cut out the middle part with one heart from pink double-sided cardboard, and let the second heart be red.

Glue the red heart to the side. Place a beautiful multi-layered heart in the center. We bend the side parts in the middle.

We connect the halves and decorate with flowers. This valentine looks more original.

These multi-layered valentines can be made using stencils from colored cardboard and paper. Some of them even resemble a puzzle, so they will be interesting not only for an adult, but also for a kid.

Openwork valentines

Openwork paper hearts look gentle, like a weightless cloud or a pattern of a skilled artist. It is very easy to do them, and the result exceeds all expectations. Here are several options for openwork hearts.

Option 1

First, cut strips about 1 cm wide from pink paper.Their number must be even.

Now we put all the blanks one on top of the other, in a pile. On one side, we fix the stripes with a stapler or PVA glue. And on the reverse side, we shorten them trampled. In the center, 2 long ones remain, each subsequent one (symmetrically on both sides) becomes shorter by 1.5 cm.

Divide the strips in half and bend them down so that the fixed ends remain in the center of the work. We trim all the edges and again fix them with a stapler or glue.
An openwork heart comes out of stripes.

If you connect the upper edge of the stripes with the lower one, then an equally beautiful heart will come out.

Option 2

Cut out a heart from colored paper on a stencil. Fold it in half and draw a beautiful pattern. You can depict a tree with fruits in the form of miniature hearts.
Cut out with sharp scissors according to the graphic pattern.

We open the resulting blank and see that the pattern on the left and right is the same. In general, it is a branched tree. This technique is called.

It remains only to glue the openwork heart on a sheet of colored cardboard in a contrasting shade. The valentine card is ready.

Option 3

Using a stencil, cut out a blank from white paper and a heart of the same size from red. Draw openwork patterns on white paper that are closely intertwined.

Now we fold the red and white hearts and begin to cut out the extra fragments of the pattern with sharp scissors.

This is how a heart with a beautiful pattern looks so beautiful.

We glue it on a yellow rectangle to make the drawing look even better.

Option 4

Draw a small heart on a sheet of pink paper using a stencil. The paper must be double-sided.

In this heart we draw a spiral line that follows the contours of the image.

Fold the sheet in half and cut out two hearts according to the graphic pattern.
They turn out like a long spiral.

Fold the white sheet of paper in half and circle the palm so that the little finger is on the fold line of the paper. We cut out and get such a blank.

In the center we glue two openwork hearts, glued together with the middle.
A valentine is coming out entitled "Our hearts are in your hands."

Option 5

Again, cut out the heart on a stencil on a sheet of double-sided colored paper.

Fold it in half.

And starting from the bottom corner we make cuts, we try not to reach the upper edge by 0.5 cm. The distance between the cuts should not be too large (up to 1 cm, depending on the size of the base).
When we come to the semicircle of hearts, you need to make an additional fold and make incisions.

Then we unfold the workpiece to its original position. It turns out a heart with horizontal stripes.

Now all the stripes need to be alternately bent to the right and left sides so that the heart gains volume.

Weightless clouds are obtained in the form of openwork hearts. Smaller hearts look no less original.

If you attach a pink thread or fishing line to them, then the crafts can be hung on the chandelier.
Such openwork hearts are quite easily made from ordinary colored paper.

Tatiana Zlobina

For we need crafts:

sheet white A4 paper, green A5,

stripes of red, orange and yellow flowers 10x4cm at the rate of 7 strips per 1 flower.

stapler, scissors, pencil and glue.

Stage 1 - base making.

from green paper cut out a heart

glue it in the center of the white sheet and make a frill.

Stage 2 - making a rose flower.

Fold the strips alternately with a cross

red 1- horizontally, 2- vertically

orange 3- horizontally, 4- vertically

yellow 5 - horizontal, 6 - vertical, 7 - horizontal

we fasten them with a stapler (2 times for reliability)

Making the middle of the bud - fold the yellow stripe diagonally

bend the edges to the middle

we begin to twist with a tube from one edge to the middle

wrap a dense bud with the second edge

we form a petal - with our fingers we twist the corners down

Raise the petals up and press tightly to the base of the bud (you can mince paper)

we continue this action with all the petals (children can be given 5 strips)

Everything flowers are ready, you can stick them to the base.

I wish you all success and good luck!

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The most touching holiday is approaching - Mother's Day. Thanksgiving, expressions of love and respect for moms. Mothers gave us life, affection ,.

If mom is near, we are always warm, At heart it is calm, cheerful, light. Mom will give us a gentle ray of the sun And tell us the best, the most faithful.

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I bring to your attention a master class on making crafts for the holiday of Mother's Day. To make a postcard, we need white paper.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, the question of preparing all kinds of decorative ornaments, which, of course, should symbolically remind of this wonderful day, becomes especially relevant. Well, what is the symbol of St. Valentine's Day probably everyone knows, right ?! Of course, this is a heart, it is on this day that lovers of the whole world exchange hearts of a wide variety in the manner of presentation. Well, if you want to give your soul mate a not quite standard heart, then this article will interest you, because today we will show various variations of cute thread hearts.

Such a heart made of threads can be a wonderful gift or perfectly fit into a romantic home decor.

It is necessary to take the wire holding the shape, give it a heart shape, securing the ends in the inner folds. Then the resulting workpiece should be wrapped around the perimeter with pink or red threads. After that, you can start creating the interweaving of threads, you may not particularly try on, just throw the thread from one side of the wire to the other. Finally, use the same threads to create a pendant rope. According to this scheme, you can make a whole garland, and decorate a window, door or wall with it.

2. Heart made of threads and balls.

You need to inflate two small balloons, fix them at the ends with threads together, then wrap them with threads that match the color and carefully cover them with PVA glue on top. When wrapping balls with threads, you need to control the process, and try to adhere to the declared shape in the form of a heart. After the threads are dry, which is about 12-24 hours, take a needle and gently pierce each of the balls. Pull the balls out through one of the holes and admire the completed work. By the way, after the threads are covered with a layer of PVA glue, the product can be covered with large glitters on top, but this item is optional.

To do this, you need a balloon in the shape of a heart, inflate it, wrap it with red or pink dense threads, cover the product on top with several layers of PVA glue. Leave it to dry for about 12-24 hours, for the convenience of drying, the ball can be put in a jar or glass. Then pierce the ball with a needle and pull it out into one of the holes. Such a thread heart can be decorated with electric garlands, just put a short garland inside, but for this, at the bottom, at the stage of winding the threads, you need to leave a large hole so that it is convenient to place the selected garland into the finished heart.

4. We make a heart from threads and long balls.

Inflate two long balls, tie each of them with the ends together, wrap them with threads, cover with several copious layers of PVA glue, leave to dry. After drying, pierce the long balls with a needle, and remove them from the thread shell. Then join the ends of the thread blanks together, as in the photo below, while forming a heart. For strength, the ends can also be glued with PVA glue. The finished heart can be hung on a ribbon, thus decorating a window or chandelier.

5. Volume heart made of threads.

Inflate a balloon in the shape of a heart, cut dense threads into short lengths, soak them in PVA glue, and cover the balloon-heart on top. Lay the threads not just evenly, but in the form of waves, according to this scheme, it is necessary to completely cover the entire ball as a whole. After the threads are dry, the ball can be pierced.

6. Embroidered heart made of cardboard and threads.

Cut a heart out of paper, apply it to the cardboard, create punctures along its outline with an awl or a thick needle. Then, with a thread and a needle, along the prepared tracks, create an embroidery effect, as in the photo below.

7. Heart made of threads and nails.

We paint a sheet of chipboard with red paint, cut out a large heart from paper, apply a template to the painted panel, fix it with tape, drive carnations into the board along the outline of the heart. We take the threads, tie a knot on one of the studs, and begin to lead the threads from one stud to another, and so on until all the nails are involved. Create the number of layers to your taste, a small amount of thread looks equally beautiful, and, on the contrary, a richly wrapped heart.

Another example of a heart made of threads and nails.

Today we have shown you how you can make a heart out of threads on your own without unnecessary hassle, we think that from the examples presented above you will definitely choose a suitable idea for yourself. Well, you can simply give a ready-made thread heart to your soulmate or decorate the room of a house or apartment with it. A handmade heart made of threads will surely please your soul mate!

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Many people spend a lot of time choosing a present for a loved one. Despite the huge variety of products, handmade gifts are still considered the best gifts. In this case, you get an exclusive souvenir, in which you put your warmth and love. Do-it-yourself volumetric paper hearts are a kind and very beautiful gift that can be presented to loved ones for any holiday, be it Valentine's Day or a birthday. What is needed for this? A minimum of materials and a little patience.

Volumetric paper hearts, the schemes of which will be considered in this article, look very original, they can become not only a gift, but also an interior decoration. They can be made from a variety of papers using a wide variety of techniques.


This technique allows you to create very beautiful souvenirs that can serve as a separate decor or be part of paintings. To make such a heart, you need to take:

  • double-sided colored paper of any color, it all depends on your preference;
  • PVA glue;
  • a screwdriver, such as a pencil or toothpick.

First, the sheet needs to be cut into identical strips, each of which will need to be screwed onto the selected item (we have it with a toothpick). As a result, you should have a large number of spirals of different sizes. Now you have to glue them together starting from the center to get a heart, the size of which you can choose at your discretion. In addition, you can change the shape of the spiral and bend them, for example, in the shape of a "boat" and only then glue them into the desired shape. Such volumetric paper hearts with their own hands can be a substitute for postcards or serve as an interior decoration.

Origami heart

This technique is very popular all over the world. Even in childhood, many made airplanes from and. These are the simplest crafts, and you can make real masterpieces. For origami paper "Volumetric Heart" you need to prepare a rectangular sheet of any color.

Take a piece of paper, bend it diagonally so that a narrow strip remains free at the bottom. Now unfold it with the other side and bend the bottom strip in half. As a result, you will have a narrow strip from the inside out. Then again, turn the sheet over and bend the upper part of the square horizontally so that the fold is in the center of the diagonals. We connect the upper edge of the lower strip with the bent edge and turn the half-finished heart over. Now you need to unfold the top square, in the end you should see 2 diagonal and 1 horizontal fold. Along these lines, you need to fold the upper square so that you end up with a triangle, and at its base there is a narrow strip. The bottom and right corner of the triangle must be bent towards the top. Bends the left and right parts of the figure itself to the center. As a result, you should have a "house" that needs to be bent vertically in half and turned over. We wrap the 2 lower corners up to the center, and at the bottom we get an acute angle. Bend the top down, and the remaining free ones need to be wrapped, directing in different directions (left-right). It remains to tuck the corners into your pocket. And that's it, the heart is ready. DIY paper hearts made by this method can replace a postcard with

Volumetric 3d-heart made of paper

Such an original souvenir can be an excellent substitute for a Valentine's card. For her, you need to be sure to print a template that will allow you to get the perfect heart. Thicker paper is best. Color, as usual, any, at your discretion. Volumetric paper hearts, made with your own hands from multi-colored paper, can be folded into a rainbow. Such a gift will certainly be remembered by every person. The execution technique can be seen in the picture below.

Convex heart

This is the easiest option that even a child can handle. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and cardboard, a pencil, scissors and PVA glue.

First, make templates out of cardboard, for this draw hearts of different sizes. Then circle them on the paper and cut them out. On each figurine, make a small notch towards the center in the middle. Then each of the cut halves must be coated with glue and glued. As a result, you should have a voluminous heart. Do the rest in the same way. From ready-made hearts, you can make a composition on the wall, decorate a postcard or a box.

Hello dear blog readers! Today you will learn how to make a heart with your own hands in a variety of ways. A little romance in a relationship never hurts. You can show your feelings for your soul mate with the help of crafts in the shape of a heart.

A young man for his beloved can present an exquisite bouquet of sweets. And a girl can please him with an unusual pillow or topiary.

A marriage proposal will be very effective and will make a great impression on the girl if it is done in an unusual way. In order for it to be remembered forever, you can decorate the room with paper hearts or cut out a large and voluminous heart from cardboard.

You can sew a heart from felt material, which is perfect for various cute crafts. You can make a small souvenir from it or make a large toy.

For this you will need:

  • felt;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • needle.

For such a craft, you need to cut 2 parts from a red material of the corresponding shape and sew them along the edge with beautiful threads (you can use contrasting ones).

We fill the souvenir with padding polyester and sew it to the end. This craft does not take much time to complete. It will be a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day. And also it can be presented to mom or grandmother for using such a pillow for needles and other sewing accessories.

For a child for a holiday, you can sew an Elsa costume from the movie "Frozen". One of these ideas can be seen in the video:

Wedding decorations

Getting ready for a wedding is never complete without decorating a wedding hall and a car. For these purposes, you can make a unique heart from ribbons. To make it, you need to prepare:

  1. cardboard;
  2. scissors;
  3. glue;
  4. thread and needle;
  5. beads;
  6. lighter;
  7. stationery knife.

Let's get to work, performing step-by-step actions:

  • We draw a heart on a sheet of cardboard and inside it another smaller one.
  • Cut out the shape inside with a clerical knife, and along the outer edge with scissors.
  • Take a satin ribbon and glue one end of it to our shape. We wrap the tape around the frame around the entire perimeter and fix the second edge of the tape with glue.
  • Let's start making flowers. We cut the tape into 10 centimeter pieces and process the ends with a lighter so that the fibers do not creep.
  • We collect the ribbons with an accordion in the form of a flower and fix them with threads and a needle.
    We glue the flowers to our frame, and decorate their middle with beads.

This piece can be attached to the car. A wedding hall or apartment can be decorated with balloon hearts, and red paper hearts can be hung on the walls.

Hearts from napkins will look appropriate on the festive table. To do this, they need to be folded in a special way, namely:

  • Fold the napkin in half, connecting opposite corners so that we get a triangle.
  • We connect the left edge of the triangle with the upper corner of the napkin.
  • We connect the right edge to the upper and left corners in the same way. You should get a square.
  • Flip the square over and fold the top tip down.
  • Bend the appeared bottom layer diagonally in different directions.
  • Bend the left and right corners of the napkin inside and turn it over.

These themed napkins can be laid out on guests' plates.

Heart shaped gift to beloved

You can surprise your young man by making him a gift from the heart with your own hands. If your other half loves sweets, then you can bake a delicious cake with a heart.

A master class on its preparation can be found and watched in numerous videos on the Internet. A sweet heart will win your chosen one, and he will remember this surprise for a long time.

Another nice addition to the gift will be a postcard. You can do it yourself from ordinary cardboard. To make it you need to take:

  • a sheet of colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • colored paper.

We take a cardboard sheet and fold it in half. You need to draw 2 hearts on both halves of the sheet and cut them out. Do not touch the folds. It turns out the base of the postcard, which still needs to be decorated.

Flowers can be cut out of colored paper, which will be glued to the right side of the postcard. We will decorate the left half with paper cords. To do this, cut the paper into strips and twist the ends in the form of rolls. We glue such figures with an edge along the edge of the left side of the postcard.

All the happy memories associated with each other are captured in photographs, from which you can make a vivid collage. To do this, draw or print a heart-shaped pattern.

You need to choose photos of the most joyful and memorable moments and arrange them on the collage so that each image can be easily seen. The corners of the photo may extend slightly beyond the edges of the template. If you stick a lot of photos on the collage, then your loved one will be able to look at them for a long time, giving them pleasant memories.

You can make a coffee tree for your loved one. For this we need the following materials:

  • coffee beans;
  • newspaper;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • pot;
  • gypsum;
  • wire;

Let's start making a tree:

We draw a heart on cardboard paper, and inside there is another. And then we cut it out with scissors.

The resulting base needs to be made voluminous. To do this, glue pieces of crumpled newspaper to it and fix it with threads.

We make trunks from aluminum wire. We give them the necessary bend, and at the end we make a hook.

We wrap the wire with threads and insert it into the base, securing it with glue.
We glue the blank with coffee beans. A hot glue gun can be used for this.

In a pot, prepare a solution of gypsum with water and insert a tree trunk there until the mixture has frozen.

Gifts for the girl

For your beloved girl on the eve of Valentine's Day or in honor of the anniversary of a relationship, you can make a heart of foam.

Styrofoam heart

She can hang it on the wall in the room as a decoration. The shape can be of any size. It can be cut from a single piece of Styrofoam and painted with red paint. And you can also decorate the figure with openwork elements that look gentle and romantic.

The beloved girl will be happy with a sweet surprise. Therefore, you can present her with a gift from the kinders.

Surprise from the kinders

It is very easy to make it. You need to prepare a cardboard lid or box of any shape for the base. It must be pasted over with beautiful paper, and double-sided tape should be glued around the perimeter. It is to it that the chocolates are attached. From above they can be tied with a beautiful ribbon. We put the kinders inside the box and the gift is ready.

With the help of a homemade box, you can make a declaration of love or a marriage proposal.

Homemade casket

You can put a ring or other jewelry in it. First, cut out 2 hearts from cardboard.

One will serve as the bottom of the box, and the second will serve as a lid. Then you need to cut a wide strip with teeth on one side. They will be glued to the bottom of the base. In order for the lid to hold, we attach 2 strips of braid to the base. We glue the other ends of the straps on the inside of the lid. Next, the box should be pasted over with colored paper and decorated.

We've looked at many ways of needlework, ways of how to make a heart with your own hands for your soulmate.

Best regards, Natalia Krasnova.

On the eve of a wonderful holiday, many have a question - how to prepare a surprise for a loved one? If you are already tired of ordinary postcards, then you can think of something more interesting, for example - garlands of hearts. We will now tell you how to make a heart with your own hands for garlands.

Garland - paper hearts

Very quickly and easily, you can decorate a room by creating a whole forest of garlands that fall from the ceiling. This will be a big surprise for your significant other. And for this you only need strings and colored paper.

Volumetric hearts - master class

How to make voluminous paper hearts for garlands - you ask? It's very simple. For this you need:

  • scrapbooking paper or any other thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

How to fold a paper heart? To begin with, we will cut a lot of strips of paper, of different lengths and widths, so that our hearts turn out to be of different sizes.

Then we bend each strip in half, making a fold from each edge and gluing it to the center. You get a slightly wrong letter "B", glue the inner part and get a heart.

We will need a lot of such hearts. When you glue them, you can show your imagination and glue them, for example, with a pattern inside. Those. hearts we need are completely different.

In early February, people all over the world begin to prepare for the most romantic holiday of the year -. It is celebrated on February 14, Valentine's Day, which is considered the patron saint of lovers and loved ones. The symbol of this date is the heart. It is given to each other and such gifts are called valentines.

You can buy the attribute of love in the store. But this will mean that thousands more boys and girls will receive exactly the same gift. Most people think about how to make a heart with their own hands. Then you can be sure that only one person in the world will have this gift - your beloved.

Festive symbols are invented from different materials. They prepare salads and bake heart-shaped cakes. The presentation and decoration of the holiday depends on the desire and capabilities.

From paper

This is the most affordable material for making crafts. How to make a paper heart? For this, apart from desire, you will need very little:

  • paper,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

When designing paper products, a huge number of its types are used:

  • white,
  • colored,
  • cardboard,
  • newspapers,
  • magazines,
  • corrugated,
  • velvet.

There are many options for paper valentines. To prepare them, you can use the following techniques:

  • quilling,
  • origami,
  • applique,
  • cutting out,
  • papier mache,
  • weaving.

Before you start creating, you should decide on what technique you want to apply.


Quilling - paper curling. To do this, the sheet is cut into narrow strips, which are wound on a rod object: a pencil, a toothpick, a knitting needle, a thick needle. The resulting spirals are glued to the base prepared in advance to form the conceived figure. The thinner the object on which the strips are wound, the more delicate the final work will be.

For Valentine, cut a large heart out of cardboard. You must first draw it or use a template.

Cut strips 1 cm wide from paper and make spirals. Pick the color yourself, but do not forget that the heart in love is glowing with bright colors. The paper should be colored on both sides. To do this, you can use old glossy magazines.

Lay out the spirals on a cardboard blank as you like. They can be placed symmetrically on both halves or form an abstract pattern. Glue the curls to the cardboard.


To make a valentine using the applique technique, you need to cut out one large heart from thick paper or cardboard and many small ones from colored ones. Small blanks need to be pasted over a large one. If you use material of different textures, the heart will turn out to be more original. It can be pasted over on both sides with clippings from newspaper and magazine pages, flowers, photographs.

Small hearts can be folded in half and only glued on one side. Then, under the other half, there will be a place for wishes and warm words.


Origami is the folding of paper in certain ways to form a conceived shape.

In order to make a valentine using this technique, you need a square sheet of paper. Having conjured with a sheet, giving it the desired shape, you yourself will understand how to make an origami heart. There are a lot of options. As a result, you get an original, your own origami.

Decorate the resulting figurine in any way. For example, glue a satin ribbon bow or paint with gouache.

Volumetric heart

A voluminous heart looks especially impressive, and many try to make just this for a significant day. If the question arises of how to make a voluminous heart, you must first decide what it will be. They are made from different materials:

  • paper,
  • fabrics,
  • thread.

The easiest option: cut a heart out of paper, make a small incision in the upper part, fold the incised places, giving the figure volume, and glue it together. A more difficult way is to apply the modular origami technique.

The heart is sewn from fabric and filled with special materials:

  • cotton wool,
  • synthetic winterizer,
  • holofiber,
  • foam rubber,
  • feather,

You can put fragrant herbs inside. Then she will become the “aroma-heart”.

Any fabric is suitable for sewing a love attribute. Small pieces are great from fleece, drape. For large ones, choose bright shiny satin or silk. Crafts made of chintz, flax, coarse calico are good. Such fabric does not stretch and it will be very convenient to work with it.

In order to make a voluminous fabric symbol of love, you need to prepare a paper template. Cut two parts from the fabric along it and sew them. When stitching, be sure to leave a small gap in order to fill the inside with filler. After filling the heart, carefully sew the "pocket".

Fabric that does not peel off can be sewn on the right side. This will give the product originality. The edges of very loose material must be processed very carefully.

Instead of fabric, you can use a knitted fabric or a present can be knitted or crocheted and also filled with soft material.

They decorate a room with fabric and knitted symbols for a holiday, give them to each other. You can make whole "heart":

  • beads,
  • earrings.

After the valentine is ready, it definitely needs to be decorated. Use for this:

  • beads;
  • beads;
  • silk, nylon, satin ribbons;
  • decorative cords;
  • different embroidery.

Having dressed up a gift in festive accessories, you can be sure that the one for whom it is intended will like it.

Salted dough

Salted dough is an easily accessible and plastic material. You can mold absolutely any figurine from it.

The dough is prepared as follows: a glass of flour and fine salt are mixed with a glass of water. First you need to dissolve the salt in the water and then add the flour. You need to knead the dough until it becomes soft and sticky. For the strength of finished products, sometimes a little PVA glue or wallpaper glue is added to such "plasticine".

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and shape the objects into molds. You can shape them by hand. The finished products are dried naturally or in the oven. Then, having shown all your creative ability, you need to paint them. If you add gouache or food coloring directly to the dough, the creations will immediately be colored.


If the gift for Valentine's Day is not in the shape of a heart, then be sure to create the appropriate packaging for it - a box. First you need to think carefully about how to make a box-heart: there are many options. Try making a paper one.

Thick paper is suitable for the box. Very thick cardboard will be inconvenient to bend and glue, but the packaging will be stronger. Choose the right paper for the heart box yourself.

The box will consist of two parts: the main part and the lid to it.

  1. First, cut the heart out of the paper. This will be the bottom. The size must correspond to the size of the gift for which it is intended. Do not forget when cutting out the bottom of the box that you need to provide small parts around the perimeter of the whole heart, to which the side part will subsequently be glued.
  2. For the "walls" you need to prepare a strip, the width of which will correspond to the height of the box. The length of the strip is equal to the length of the perimeter of the heart.
  3. The strip must be connected to the bottom of the box, gluing it to the parts cut out with the heart.
  4. You can use tape or a stapler to glue the bottom and sides of the package. Then you have to decorate the sticky tape and staple clips.

The lid to the box is made in a similar way. Only the lid should be slightly larger than the box itself in order to easily close the package. Therefore, the top of the lid must be made several millimeters larger than the bottom. Accordingly, the side strip will be slightly longer, but narrower.

Decorate the box in any way you want. You can pre-paste all the parts with a cloth or bright self-adhesive paper.

Making a heart with your own hands is not difficult at all. You just need to show a little imagination and have a great desire to bring joy to your loved one. Even a lover, far from needlework and creativity, is able to make a Valentine's card for a romantic holiday.

The heart symbolizes love, tender feelings. Decorating a room with hearts of different shapes and colors does not lose its relevance both for romantic evenings and holidays, and on ordinary days. A handmade heart is a great gift for Valentine's Day, for an anniversary of a relationship, for a birthday. Also looks good as a design element for a girl's room.
The presented product, in the form of voluminous hearts, attracts with the simplicity of the workflow and affordable materials that do not require large financial investments. Despite this, it looks attractive and interesting. For making flowers, you can use corrugated paper, but based on the price category, ordinary napkins look no worse, but at times cheaper.
Materials for making:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors or clerical knife;
  • glue Moment transparent Crystal;
  • stapler;
  • table napkins pink;
  • acrylic paints, brush;
  • sequins;
  • a tourniquet or tape for hanging.

Manufacturing process

1. Draw a heart on the cardboard for the base. In this craft, a composition will be made of three hearts, one - 30 cm, two - 20 cm each in the widest part.

2. Cut out the hearts with scissors. A more convenient option is a clerical knife.

3. Paint over the back of the hearts. It uses pink paint to match the color of the napkins. In the absence of pink, it can be obtained by combining red and white.

4. Immediately sprinkle glitter over the paint while the paint is still wet. They will adhere directly to the paint without the need for an additional adhesive base. We decorate the back if the heart will be given as a valentine, or hung in the center of the room or on the windows. In the case when the heart is hung on the wall, it is possible to skip these steps and focus on the design of the front part.

5. Leave the hearts to dry completely.

6. The front of the hearts will be decorated with flowers. To make one flower, you need two napkins.
7. Cut the napkins into single-layer squares.

8. Fold the resulting 8 squares with an accordion, one side equal to 1 cm.

9. Fasten the accordion in the middle with a stapler. If it is not available, you can tie the accordion with a thread. But this will take extra time and possibly the help of another person.
10. Trim corners on both sides. You can, by cutting, make a sharp corner to get a flower, such as a dahlia or chrysanthemum. You can cut it in a semicircle, then the flower petals will be softer, like a rose.

11. Open the accordion. Gradually, gently lift all layers towards the center.
12. Fluff the flower at random to give the finished shape.
13. Prepare the rest of the flowers in the same way. For smaller hearts, you will need, on average, 13-15 buds, and for a large one you will need about 25.
14. Before attaching the flowers, take care of the hanging hole. Make it with scissors or an awl, stretch in advance a tape or string for a loop.
15. Apply Moment glue to the entire surface of the heart.
16. Starting at the bottom, fill the entire area with flowers. Glue Moment is good because it quickly fixes the parts, an important factor for its use is the first firm pressure.