Gray-green eyes what hair color goes. Skin and hair color: how to create a harmonious look. Light green eyes and your hair color

The truly green color that nature gave a woman's gaze is almost impossible to meet. This is a very rare shade. Mixed eye colors such as gray-green are most common. This tone is very capricious, and in order to emphasize its unusual beauty, you need to choose the right hair color.
The owners of a light gray-green look are very easy to confuse with gray-eyed beauties. The fact is that the green pigment is located very close to the center and is practically invisible in daylight. But at night, this mystery sleeping during the day manifests itself in all its glory, giving the look a rich green color. What hair color to choose for such unusual eyes?

The gray-green color goes well with the blond color. Such an unusual union gives the girls a completely angelic look. Look at the photo and see for yourself. Such a combination will also be good: gray-green and rich red. By the way, the redhead is very popular now.

Many girls with gray-green eyes just dream of such beautiful color nuances as milk chocolate, caramel, copper. These unusual tones give a woman a brightness that is not so easy to forget, so do not be afraid to experiment (look at the photo).

This shade of eyes is in perfect harmony with sandy, warm blond or wheat-colored hair. Light gray-green eyes and light brown hair are perfect. Stylists advise the owners of such beautiful eyes to turn their attention to the ash-blond shade.

Malachite beauty of dark gray-green eyes

Dark gray-green eyes look very unusual when the sun's rays make them sparkle with all kinds of emerald notes. This shade is much more common. The owner of this look, as a rule, is light-skinned and with red or brown hair, which nature gave her.

Sometimes dark green eyes with a touch of gray can be found on the face of a girl with an olive skin tone and natural light brown hair color. It looks very unusual, look at the photo below.

Bright bows from stylists

Girls dream of being bright and individual, so stylists create unforgettable images that will help you impress the person you need.

Nevertheless, one should not forget about harmony: the gray-green look is absolutely not combined with the red tones of the paints. But copper variations are a great choice. They only emphasize this unusual green sparkle in the look. The saturation of the copper color is exactly what will make the dark gray-green color of the eyes completely unforgettable, like Milla Jovovich in the photo.

Chocolate mop on the head

This season, the most trendy are chocolate tones of hair dyes. If you rely on the rules of style, then this hair tone is more suitable for brown or blue eyes. But fashion is a capricious lady and does not recognize conventions, therefore, gray-green eyes can increasingly be found in a frame of chestnut-colored heaps. It looks very impressive (photo below). Stylists also recognize this and recommend paying attention to light chestnut tones.

Highlighted hair will also look great. This modern dyeing technology makes it possible not to change the hair color, but only slightly lighten it, giving the strands a spectacular shine. But there is one very important nuance here: the main tone should be exactly brown. Only in this case will the necessary contrast be obtained, which will give the eyes depth and expressiveness.

Why are there photos of kittens, you ask? And this is what we want to say once again the great truth of life - nature does not allow mistakes. Everything in it is harmonious and interconnected. Look at the eyes of these cute creatures (you can hardly call them gray-green) and the coat color. This is exactly what we talked about above: greenish shades ideally "make friends" with cold ash. Need more proof?

To "consolidate the past", watch the proposed master class on applying a very beautiful make-up. Try to do it yourself, our green-eyed readers!

Green eyes have always been considered the most attractive, mysterious, catchy, with deep mystical overtones. With this eye color, you can embody original, fashionable, mysterious images, playing with a wide palette of colors.

For green eyes to shine to the fullest, they need to be emphasized with a rich color palette. Only now, before starting the experiment on a hairstyle, it is important to find out what hair color is ideal for green eyes.

We all have certain facial features that are peculiar to us. But sometimes nature can overlook something, and our eyes do not look as bright as they could in fact. And then the thought comes to mind to freshen up a little or radically change the hair color.

In the beauty industry, dyeing hair in a different tone is the main tool for changing the image. But this procedure has certain rules for selecting the color of the strands in accordance with the color of the eyes, skin tone and general appearance. It is especially important to take these points into account for the owners of green eyes, because the wrong choice can ruin all the beauty of the emerald look.

Let's see what modern stylists and colorists advise to consider when choosing hair shades for green eyes:

  • If your goal is naturalness, choose a new shade that is 1-3 tones lighter or, conversely, darker than your eyebrow color. Another dyeing option creates the risk of getting an inharmonious, too catchy face. But if the desire to radically change the color of the curls is so great, think about dyeing your eyebrows.
  • It is very important to first determine the color type of the skin, and only then, based on it, choose the appropriate hair color. This is easy to do: in front of the mirror, place alternately a golden and silver piece of cloth. If silver suits you, the skin is cold, and if gold is warm.
  • Muted shades of light brown, warm copper, honey-wheat are suitable for green-eyed ladies with pale skin. Too dark color of curls will make a pale face painful, and the look will go out.
  • For bronzed, tanned skin and green eyes, vibrant tints work well. The combination of fiery red and coffee-chocolate overflows refreshes the look, makes the appearance bright, unconventional, and quickly remembered.
  • The crimson, copper-red color for green eyes looks unbeatable. But this look will require you to apply your makeup flawlessly, as the fiery motifs perfectly accentuate skin imperfections.
  • If you can't boast of flawless skin, opt for soft, subtle colors for your hairstyle. For example, for green eyes and skin with flaws, the tandem of medium blond and strawberry blond, cognac and copper is ideal.
  • Green eyes with a professionally executed ombre win. The dexterous overflow of the roots of the frosty chestnut shade into the amber tips looks advantageous. Copper-blond or fiery-red tips look fashionable in combination with warm chestnut, caramel, golden, medium-blond.
  • Makes eyes brooding, alluring, charming creamy, charcoal and chocolate hair color for green eyes. True, paired with fair skin and rough facial features, such colors can easily be thrown over several years towards true age.
  • Green eyes and blonde hair can be refreshed with platinum, smoky, honey, wheat ombre. A dark palette and complete discoloration is not the best choice.

Don't forget about common staining methods. Highlights, shatush, ombre are a good option for green-eyed people.

How to combine different options for green eyes and the color of curls

Green eyes are varied: emerald, with golden sparkles, with a mother-of-pearl gray tint, marsh. Such a variety sometimes makes even professionals think in the process of choosing a good hair color.

Hair color for gray-green eyes - natural and expressive

A grayish-green look with hints of smoky and blueness looks hazy and expressionless. Such eyes need to be emphasized with dark strands. Choose black, dark brown, bluish color, as well as cappuccino, chestnut, cocoa, black vanilla.

A pair of gray-green eyes with bright red, fiery or gold colors is considered not entirely successful. This color of the hairstyle sets notes of vulgarity and inappropriateness. Frosty chocolate and brown hair should be avoided. Against the background of such tones, the eyes fade, get lost, become sad and tired. You can stop at the wheat, soft honey, slightly caramel, smoky color of the curls, but provided that your skin is light enough.

Hair color for brown-green eyes - trendy tones and extravagance

Blowing brown and green eyes are often referred to as marsh eyes. All shades of inexpressive red and moderately saturated chestnut suit such eyes. This is fire agate, and spicy honey, and dark cherry, and cappuccino, and even terracotta. If the original hair color is light brown, choose a color 3-4 tones darker so that it contrasts with the iris of the eyes. Under the ban, especially if the skin is very dark, the entire chocolate palette remains.

It is also important to consider the tone of the skin. Pallor and pink blush suggests the use of cold shades - ash-blond, blue-black, neutral brown. Warm skin type with a yellow tint is best combined with red, chestnut flowers with a golden tint in the sun.

Hair color for pure green eyes - unusual solutions

Red hair for green eyes is a classic of the genre. In nature, pure green, like emeralds, eyes are not found so often, and those whom nature has endowed with such an appearance are real lucky ones. After all, they do not need to invent new images for themselves in order to emphasize their individuality or expressiveness.

Dark green eyes go with rich chocolate, slightly coffee or chestnut colors. You can apply a two-tone ombre to your hair with a burnt-out effect. Or make a milling with smoothly passing colors from pale blond to mocha.

Deep bright green eyes will shine in a new way if the curls are repainted in amber-copper, copper-blond, dark caramel. And in combination with light skin, curls of the color of milk chocolate, golden blond, honey will impress.

Hair color for yellow-green eyes - a gentle classic

When the eyes combine green with yellow overflow, soft chestnut, walnut, pale red, gold, light brown become an impeccable choice for hair. It is undesirable to repaint women with green-brown eyes in blond or dark brunette.

For women with dark skin, black hair is good for green eyes. With skin of a bronze, golden color, you can try to dye your hair in warmer shades - dark blond, or red, dark walnut.

Skin and hair color: how to create a harmonious look

Another important point in choosing a hair color is the skin tone of the face. If you don't pay attention to this factor, you can make a big mistake with the image. Green-eyed girls can only belong to two color types - autumn and winter. The first type is distinguished by the presence of freckles, their skin tans easily, there is no pink blush on the face, and a golden overflow stands out in the hair. Cold skin type is marked by pallor, the skin burns quickly, practically does not darken in the sun, a scarlet blush is often noticeable. Before choosing a future hair color, you need to identify your color type. Only then will your choice be successful.

  • For fair-skinned persons, a dark brown and coal-black palette is suitable - black cherry, coal, blueberries, coffee, chocolate. For fair-skinned people, hair of a warm color is suitable - honey, ivory, golden. You can change the image with the help of unusual colors - lilac, pink, blue. If you have too pale, porcelain skin, try to avoid orange hues.
  • Olive, with hints of yellowness, the skin does not forgive blond and catchy colors. They create an unnatural, gaudy and flashy look. Curls of dark chocolate, plum, black color, as well as burgundy, hazelnut, chestnut will go. If you are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, you can make an ombre with a predominance of flashy reds, cherry, blackberry tones.
  • Swarthy women are impressed by the chocolate color with different shades. Multicolored highlighting looks great with walnut, honey, light blond transitions on a dark chestnut background. Blond hair with dark skin looks catchy and ugly. The lightest tone that you can afford is golden blond, champagne, dark wheat, flower honey.

Green eyes immediately attract attention - their owner will definitely not go unnoticed in the crowd! At the same time, not all girls prefer the classic look, which includes emerald eyes, red curls and a charming scattering of freckles. When choosing new ideas for updating the style, it is worth first of all to take into account the whole image as a whole, for example, the type of skin, the existing haircut and the structure of the strands. After all, what hair color suits green eyes is only part of the whole style.

In addition, green eyes themselves have many shades. They can be light, dark, grayish and even green-brown. And this is also very important to consider when choosing hair color for green eyes. Using the tips of stylists, you can easily find the perfect palette.

The top hair color 2017 for green eyes is copper, gold, terracotta, mahogany and others. Red hair color and green eyes are “classics of the genre”, on the basis of which many fashionable looks can be created. But the ideal hair color for green eyes isn't always fiery red.

What hair color suits green eyes

Choosing a hair color for green eyes, you can change the natural tone quite a bit, or radically change the image. To understand what tone of curls to choose, it is worth evaluating your type. All natural tones and shades of curls look great with green eyes. Green-eyed girls should not experiment with extreme shades: pink, ash, green, yellow, blue. At the same time, the most fashionable hair color 2017 for green eyes is copper-red.

You should also be careful with color highlights, because it does not always look good. The answer to the question of what hair color goes to green eyes always depends on the "base" type. Before deciding which hair color is suitable for green eyes, you need to decide on their tone. Green eyes can be:

  • warm nuances. They can be proud of the owners of light green eyes with orange dots on the iris;
  • cold shades. It will probably be magical gray-green, or brown-green. These are very often not entirely bright, but rather swampy, or almost brown eyes, on the iris of which there are definitely expressive gray, emerald or brown "sparkles".

When choosing, it is very desirable to take into account the condition of the skin of the face and the natural type of appearance. The advice of an experienced stylist will help you determine which hair color is suitable for green eyes:

  1. Reddish shades. This is not necessarily fiery red, which is only suitable for girls with emerald green eyes. Copper, terracotta, reddish-blond, copper-brown, yellowish-red, bronze - all this will perfectly emphasize the unusual tone of the eyes and make them more expressive. This is a wonderful option for owners of fair skin.
  2. Black hair and green eyes. The emerald green tone of the eyes is perfectly set off by the bluish-black curls. Such a bold combination will surely appeal to a girl with dark skin, for example, an ivory shade. But the owners of fair skin should be careful with this combination. After all, what colors are suitable for brunettes with green eyes also directly depends on the natural skin tone.
  3. Light brown shades. Gray-green or chestnut-green eye shades go very well with light shades of curls. Ash-blond, caramel, dark-blond, ash-pearl, honey and light brown shades perfectly set off chestnut-green eyes. But it is not worth repainting in a golden or ashy blond; in combination with green eyes, facial features may look inexpressive. Such an experiment can only be allowed by girls with bronze skin. But the honey shades of the strands, as if illuminated by the setting sun, are perfect for owners of green-brown eyes.
  4. Chestnut shades. "Bitter chocolate", copper-chestnut, ash-brown, neutral brown - all these and many other tones are just perfect match with green eyes. It is dark brown that make green eyes bright and expressive.
  5. Reddish shades. Like redheads, they perfectly set off green eyes, making it deeper and more expressive. Tones of ripe plum, mahogany, dark red, burgundy - such a "living flame" will shade green eyes as brightly as fiery red curls. It is important to remember that the makeup in this case must be flawless.

When choosing a new tone for green eyes, do not forget about skin tones. The lighter the skin, the darker the strands should be, and vice versa. After that, all that remains is to choose the right color scheme for makeup, and the expressive image is ready. Regardless of what hair color you want to choose for green eyes, it is best to do it with a salon stylist who will be coloring. Only then can you get a beautiful hair color for green eyes.

What color is suitable for gray-green eyes

Spectacular gray-green eyes seem to shine with magical silver, attracting attention. It combines two expressive shades at once, due to which the eyes subtly change in different light. During the day, in the bright sun, they may appear light gray, but in the evening they become rich green. But in order to choose the right hair color for gray-green eyes, you need to decide which of the two shades you want to make the main one.

To find the perfect hair color for gray-green eyes, again, you need to start from the type of appearance. They are most often found in girls with fair skin and natural light brown or reddish tint. Gray-green eyes belong to girls of the "cold" type with ivory skin tone. Caramel hair color for green eyes looks great here, helping to create a romantic look.

They are best combined with ash blonde, copper, reddish and chocolate shades of the strands. In this case, an ashy or platinum tone will look great. It is easy to choose a hair color for green eyes, if you are not afraid of experiments. Light hair color for green eyes is most often the choice of girls with light gray eyes, on the iris of which emerald "sparkles" are barely noticeable.

Owners of the "warm" type are ideal for caramel, honey, and golden tones of the strands. If you have gray-green eyes, it is best to determine which hair color is best in consultation with a professional stylist. This is the perfect base for an "angelic" look that goes well with caramel strands. These can be tones such as:

  • Wheat;
  • Sand;
  • Golden;
  • "Honey";
  • Golden red.

Gray-green is the most "capricious", so such girls should be very careful to use saturated colors. For example, fiery red, copper red, reddish, plum. Against such a background, light-colored gray-green eyes are simply "lost." But all the "chocolate" shades are just a godsend for everyone who has dark gray eyes with green "sparkles". Chocolate hair color and green eyes are another winning theme for anyone looking to give them an emerald sheen.

What color goes to green eyes

The answer to the question "how to choose a hair color for green eyes" also always depends on the skin tone. Only then will you get an organic image that advantageously emphasizes the natural beauty. The easiest way to do this is to use 4 main types of appearance:

  1. Winter. Girls of the "winter" type with fair skin and "swamp" eyes are ideally suited to all shades of black, or "dark chocolate". This will give the eyes an amazing "emerald" glow.
  2. Spring. Girls of the "spring" type are distinguished by light, like watercolor shades, most often for gray-green, very light eyes. The ideal tone of curls in this case will be golden blond, honey, caramel, silver, pearl.
  3. Summer. Girls of the "summer" type with skin of peach or bronze shades can afford the most daring combinations of shades and rich tones. The best hair color to match emerald green eyes is light blond, chocolate, and all kinds of gold.
  4. Autumn. The "autumn" type of appearance really absorbed all the colors of autumn. Warm skin tones such as peach, apricot or bronze accentuate the beauty of chestnut green eyes. Here, curls of red, noble chestnut, brick-copper, as well as honey and caramel tones are perfect.

Another important rule for green-eyed girls is that when choosing a shade of curls, do not forget about the flawlessness of the skin. If it is problematic, you can choose lighter and warmer colors. But when the tone of the face is flawless, then you can safely dye your hair in the darkest and most contrasting tones.

How to choose a haircut for green eyes

In addition, what hair color to choose for green eyes, it is also important to choose the right haircut. Indeed, on hair of different lengths, density and structure, the same hairstyle will look completely different. For example, when choosing a hair color for a square and green eyes, you should simultaneously focus on the cheekbones. Both saturated dark and completely "watercolor" tones will look great here. The length of the strands also matters:

  • on medium to long hair look good, all shades of gold and chestnut. In this case, the emphasis should be on the lips;
  • if the hair is short, the beauty of green eyes will be perfectly emphasized by multi-color coloring. For example, for light brown curls in combination with gray-green hair, "American" highlighting is perfect, giving expressiveness to the eyes;
  • asymmetrical haircuts no higher than the middle of the chin will make the necessary accent on the eyes, drawing attention to their unusual shade. But it is worth doing this only if the skin is perfect, because the face is in a bright frame. Particular attention should be paid to makeup, in this case, it can be restrained.

After all, it is easy to choose what color to paint with green eyes knowing your type of appearance. The final touch will be the correctly selected makeup, which will also be helped by the recommendations of stylists. For this, the same color scheme is used as when choosing the color scheme for the strands.

Many women color their hair in an effort to make their image more attractive and charming. However, not everyone knows certain rules for selecting a new tone for curls, which leads, to put it mildly, not to the result that the lady was striving for. In particular, it is imperative to take into account the shade of the eyes, skin. And today we want to tell you which hair color to choose for gray eyes.

After all, this is one of the most mysterious, enchanting eye tones. We are sure that our kind of instruction on the correct selection of shades for curls will be useful, both for those who dye their hair at home with their own hands, and for novice hairdressers.

Basic selection rules

So, let's figure out what hair color will suit gray eyes. In fact, the selection rules are not as complicated as they might seem at first glance, and you will now see this for yourself.

general information

It must be said right away that ladies with eyes of this color have certain advantages over other women and girls.

Well, if only because gray is:

  • in the purest, natural tone;
  • he is completely neutral;
  • almost all colors are harmoniously combined with it.

That is, virtually any hair color is suitable for gray eyes - you can safely go to different experiments, without much fear for the result.

Although, of course, you should not go to extremes:

  • saturated white or blond will end up looking unnatural;
  • a rich, intense black shade will make the lady several years older.

Note. The black shade of curls adds several years to any woman. Therefore, you need to use it very carefully, unless we are talking about a young girl who wants to look a couple of years older.

Depending on the color type

When choosing a hair color for gray-green eyes or just gray, it is imperative to take into account the color type, which is determined by the skin tone. For golden skin tones, it is best to use a brown-gold tint.

In particular, the following paints are suitable for such a lady:

  • honey and similar shades;
  • copper;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate.

Tones such as:

  • bog oak;
  • mahogany;
  • walnut.

But if the face is slightly pale or even too light, has a marble tone, then extremely bright shades are not recommended - give up bright colors in favor of shades of cold colors.

For example, among those, the following are ideal:

  • pearl;
  • ash blond and the like.

Note. If your face is pale, then in this case, pay attention to the paint of a light blond color. It will smooth out the pallor, and also give you a special aristocracy and refined sophistication.

Do you know what hair color suits gray eyes if you have dark skin? Everything is quite simple here - it is imperative to focus on saturated tones. It is they who will help create the perfect image.

In particular, we are talking about paints of the following shades:

  • cognac;
  • nut;
  • chestnut;
  • cherry;
  • titian;
  • chocolate.

As a result of coloring in such tones, the eyes will acquire special expressiveness, they will be emphasized, striking with their beauty and depth.

And if there are inclusions?

Many women are interested in how to match hair color to gray-green eyes or eyes that have other colored blotches. After all, such situations are encountered quite often, which creates certain difficulties in the formation of a new, attractive image.

For example, if golden blotches are pronounced on the iris, then stylists recommend choosing paints:

  • wheat;
  • honey;
  • coffee.

Note. In addition to them, paints of chocolate or nut tones can also be suitable, but they can be used only if the shade is warm, pleasant and delicate. This will make it possible to further emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

But if blotches of green are noticeable, then it is recommended to opt for the following colors:

  • pearl;
  • or ash.

By the way, a light blond color will also be an excellent option, since it will give the girl's image special:

  • charm;
  • elegance;
  • elegance;
  • femininity.

Quite rarely, but it is quite possible to meet the so-called chameleon eyes, which can change their shade depending on the lighting:

  • from extremely dark;
  • to transparent.

If you are the happy owner of such unusual eyes, we recommend dyeing your curls in shades:

  • neutral;
  • or cold colors, which will emphasize the incredible beauty of this type of eyes.

By the way, consider the fact that women with gray eyes have incredible dignity. So, when the first gray hair begins to appear, it makes no sense to mask it. Since the nobility of a light silver tone does not indicate the age of the lady, but gives her appearance a certain nobility and originality.

In the event that you still have not decided on the choice of a specific color, initially try experimenting with one or another tint balm - if the result is not to your liking, you can immediately get rid of the new color.

When choosing a paint, be guided by a mixture that does not contain ammonia, although their price is slightly higher than that of ordinary ones, but they do not injure the curls so much, but act more gently and gently.

But the use of conventional coloring compositions can lead to:

  • brittle hair;
  • dryness;
  • weak hair.

So in this case it is better not to save money, but to use really safe mixtures.

In conclusion

Now you know what principles should be followed when choosing hair color for gray eyes. By adhering to the above recommendations, you can create an amazing and enchanting image that drives everyone around you crazy.

A detailed video in this article will help you better assimilate all the information presented.

Hair color that matches green eyes

The green tint of the eyes of the beautiful half of humanity at all times was considered mysterious. In ancient times, green-eyed women were burned at the stake, considering them to be witches. These days, this eye color is always in trend and very popular. The main task of a lady is to correctly present natural beauty. Perfectly matched hair colors for green eyes make the image complete, hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the appearance.

How to match hair color for green eyes

It is advisable to carefully choose hair colors for green eyes, taking into account many nuances. An inappropriate tone can ruin the whole image. The traditional solution for all green-eyed fashionistas is chestnut, honey, mahogany and red. Take your time to resort to a specific solution, experiment. There are several ways to choose your hair color:

  • find out the color type of the face;
  • the spectrum of green is great - take a closer look at yours;
  • determine the natural skin color - pale, marbled, pinkish, light, olive or dark;
  • the iris has a color different from the color of the pupil: this can be successfully played;
  • natural color will affect the final result when painting;
  • the shape of the face will have to be taken into account when choosing a haircut and hairstyles, think about this moment in advance.

First things to do:

  1. Browse photos of models and celebrities.
  2. If you prefer bright makeup, allow yourself a brighter palette. Natural Makeup will require a muted hair tone.
  3. Do not go from a blonde to a brown-haired woman, then to a burning brunette and back - you will burn your curls and be tortured with growing roots. It is better to stick to a natural tone.
  4. Before taking any action, consult a specialist.
  5. A computer program to change style and appearance will help coordinate each step.

For green eyes and fair skin

It is easy for women with a light type of appearance and bright green eyes to choose which hair color is suitable for them. There are countless combinations. The generally accepted option is all shades of red, blond. Porcelain looks go well with reds, such as chestnut and mahogany. Dark blond looks original and non-standard. The color of a raven wing is preferable for young people - in combination with fair skin, several years will be added. When using dark paint, you need to do defiant makeup daily, otherwise the face will be lost against the background of the hairstyle.

For gray-green eyes

The choice of paint for owners of gray-green irises should fall into rich, saturated tones. Golden, amber, ashy will absolutely not suit you. Shades of honey, chestnut, caramel, mahogany will fit. If mother nature has awarded you with a light color of curls, you should not go against it. Making your hair too dark can cause problems with regrowth roots. Coloring or highlighting a natural tone would be a good solution. It is better to choose a paint within two or three shades of your own.

For brown-green eyes

Autumn color scheme is perfect for the gentle sex with brown-green eyes and fair skin. For example, chestnut or red, dark brown or copper. Especially beautiful hair color - mahogany. Any dark tones plus cognac, bright black will suit lovely ladies with olive skin. Lightened shades are not recommended for owners of brown-green eyes, especially blondes. Curly streaked natural strands will look gorgeous.

For dark skin

Deep dark tones look amazing with green eyes and dark skin. Black will give an amazing mesmerizing effect. For lovers of bold experiments, you can try burgundy. A beautiful option would be bright chestnut, bronze, chocolate. Natural tones in make-up will give the face a natural look. Coloring will be inappropriate. Straight hair looks more impressive.

What hair color suits green eyes

The palette of green colors is diverse - from transparent herbaceous to dark marsh. The type of face, its features are of great importance when choosing a paint for curls. A girl with freckles cannot afford dark shades. Dark skin will not tolerate light colors. Bright saturated tones in combination with problem skin will draw undue attention to the flaws in appearance. Choosing the right hair color for your face is not an easy task. Particular attention should be paid to matching eye shade and skin type.

Palette table:

Skin Color / Eye Tint

Light green

Dark green



Porcelain (milk)

strawberry blond

light brown, peach

any shades of red




light blond, ashy, red

dark blond, ashy



light brown, platinum blonde, beige

dark brown, chestnut, chocolate

black, deep red

copper, bronze

brown, coffee with milk

Cold shades

Cold shades of the color palette look great in women of the Summer and Winter color types. The summer look is characterized by a light pink appearance with green eyes. Ash blond, golden tones, platinum are perfect for them. Lady Winter has olive or dark skin with dark green eyes. Brown, chestnut, red will create a fashionable and stylish look. An unusual solution would be purple strands on black hair. The color palette of cool tones looks good on long straight hair with bright makeup, kept in the same tones.

Warm color

The paint of warm shades is suitable for women of spring and autumn color type. A spring girl by nature has a light or pale appearance. The eyes of such a beauty are bright green. In the sun, women of this type tend to blush rather than sunbathe. Honey, copper, brown shades in combination with natural makeup and curled locks will create a fresh image of a young lady. The autumn type is characterized by yellowness, and the eyes come in all kinds of shades of green. In this case, the fashion dictates to leave the natural color scheme and only shade it with chestnut, walnut or brown.

Video: what color to dye your hair

The best hair color for green eyes: photo selection and master classes

Many women know what the color type of hair means - this is the same color that best suits your appearance, for example, dark-skinned women with brown eyes will suit a brunette or brown-haired, light-skinned women with blue eyes will suit blond or ash-blond. And for the green color of the eyes, there is also a certain color type. In this article, I suggest you consider how to choose a hair color for green eyes, video tutorials of makeup, examples for different colors and skin types.

And this is what their hairdressers and makeup artists chose for the girls. To begin with, consider the approximate hair color for green eyes, you can see photos of women with different color types below.

Options for pure color

I agree that pure green eye color is quite rare, but, nevertheless, it does occur, and its owner, like others, should be able to look beautiful. To do this, I suggest that you consider several criteria for the appropriate and inappropriate hair color for green eyes.

1) For a given eye color and light skin, soft, but sufficiently saturated colors are more suitable: milk chocolate or light blond, bright red or blond can also be suitable, but here when choosing, use not only the color of the eyes and skin, but also the condition faces, the size of the eyes, cheeks and forehead are also very important. It is undesirable to take too dark colors, such as brown-haired or dark-haired, as well as colors with an ashy tint.

2) For a given hair color and dark skin, darker and less saturated colors, such as chestnut, brown-haired or chocolate, are suitable. In some cases, a brunette may suit you, but also take into account the general shape of your face and eyes, because the black color also emphasizes the condition of the face. We do not recommend using too light or overly bright shades of blond and red.

3) For a given eye color and dark skin, dark and saturated colors are undoubtedly suitable - brunet, dark chocolate, dark brown-haired. It is undesirable to use light shades like blond or light blond.

And here is a video tutorial on makeup for this eye color.

Options for gray-green eyes

Now we will look at examples of hairstyles for gray-green eyes. Note that this color is quite soft, dull and unsaturated, which means that more shades of hair are suitable for it than for any bright color. I suggest you read some tips on this topic:

1) For a given eye color and light skin, a pale hair color is suitable, like an ash-blond or ashy blond, moderately dark colors will also look good: chestnut and chocolate. Bright colors, such as bright red or brunet, will look too vulgar, or not at all suitable for appearance;

2) For a given color and dark skin, more saturated, but darker colors, such as chocolate or chestnut, are suitable, red-haired may also be suitable here. It is undesirable to take a very light shade - blond or light blond, as well as too bright colors: dark chocolate and dark brown.

For a dark or tanned skin color, either pale dark hair is welcomed: ash-brown, brown-haired, or bright and rich, but completely dark colors: brunet, bluish-black.

When choosing a hairstyle, I advise you to always remember that the hair color that suits you depends not only on the color of the eyes and skin, but also on many other data. For example, you should not take dark hair color if the face is covered with pimples: dark hair is known to accentuate the condition of the face.

And now I suggest you consider video tutorials on makeup for this eye color.

Options for brown-green eyes

When analyzing suitable hair colors for green eyes, you cannot pass by such a charming color as green with a tint of brown. Simply put, now I invite you to consider what hair colors are suitable for brown-green eyes. First, let's look at the criteria for the color that's right for you.

1) For a given eye color and pale skin, all shades of light brown and milk chocolate are most suitable, you can also try light chestnut and even brown-haired, but then pay attention to the shape and condition of your face. It is undesirable to use completely dark colors, like a brunette. Here, we note that in rare cases, a blond may come up.

2) For a given eye color and slightly tanned skin, soft, non-dark colors are suitable, such as light brown, milk chocolate, chestnut, in some cases, darker ones, like a brown-haired one, may be suitable. It is undesirable to use shades of blond.

As it turned out, choosing a hair color that will not only look great, but also emphasize, is not entirely easy. The same applies to the choice of hair color for gray-green eyes, the bottomless beauty of which can charm every man.

It is important not to forget that there are types of appearance, from which one should build on when choosing the necessary shade.

What hair color is perfect for gray-green eyes?

First of all, it is worth noting the aforementioned types, or rather the color types of appearance. In most cases, beauties with summer looks are gray-green. Moreover, their skin is light and with a slight pinkish, olive tint. Eggplant shades, muted and silvery-ash tones will suit them.

"Autumn" is not only women of fashion with brown, but also with gray-green eyes. Skin tone warm apricot or ivory. Their ideal color is copper, light brown with a golden sheen, chocolate, dark brown with a red sheen.

If we forget about color types and start only from the color of the eyes, we get the following:

  1. Light gray-green eyes are in harmony with blond. By the way, the platinum, sandy blonde is adored by the Hollywood star Charlize Theron. The red color will help emphasize the passionate nature. And any look will be remembered by the caramel shade or the color of milk chocolate. Wheat is no less popular in the fashion industry. True, it looks best on young ladies with fair skin.
  2. Dark gray-green eyes and copper-colored hair can bring more attractiveness and charm to the image of any girl. In addition, copper curls look great on the owner of fair skin. But, if you want to repaint in a darker color, then stylists recommend paying attention to the chocolate, chestnut beauty. Moreover, it is not necessary to dye the curls in one color. No one forbids stopping your choice on highlighting, in which part of the hair will be highlighted. This technology will give your hair a spectacular shine.

What unusual hair color suits gray-green eyes?

To color the tips, make an ombre, coloring - an extravagant fashionable color for gray-green eyes will be eggplant, pale pink, gray-purple, lilac, pearl gray, red, cherry, raspberry, blue, blue, lavender.