Statuses about mom are short to tears. Statuses about mom to tears from her daughter. This is the sacred word "mother" ...


Quotes and Aphorisms 27.04.2018

Mom is the first and most important word in the life of every person. A sacred word in all languages ​​of the world. Motherly love begins long before our birth, this is the most sacred and brightest feeling in the world.

Many wonderful works and poems have been written about mothers. After all, we want to say so much to them, to thank them for so much! It is difficult to describe all these feelings in just a few words. Here, quotes and aphorisms about mom will come to the rescue, which contain all the most important things that can be said about the women who brought us into this world.

This is the sacred word "mother" ...

"Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of little children."

William M. Thackeray

“Mother is the most touching thing on earth. Mother means: forgiving and sacrificing yourself. "

Erich Maria Remarque

“There is nothing holier and more disinterested than a mother's love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-serving in comparison with it. "

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

"Mom is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists."

Ernest Leguve

"Let's praise the Mother Woman, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast has fed the whole world!"

"All that is beautiful in man is from the rays of the sun and from the milk of the Mother."

Maksim Gorky

"If the world were ruled by mothers, there would be no fucking wars, first of all!"

Sally Margaret Field

"Motherhood is a blessing."

Maria Shkapskaya

"She's a mother and she's right."

Ivan Turgenev

Arkady Perventsev

"The holiness of life begins with motherhood, and therefore it is sacred."

Gabriela Mistral

“What can be more sacred than a mother’s name! All the most expensive shrines are named and illuminated by the name of the mother, because the very concept of life is associated with this name. "

Victor Korotaev

“Mom is the first word of a person who has just appeared in the world. So, maybe it was the first word of all mankind? Didn't our language begin in ancient times with him and with such "childish" words? "

Lev Uspensky

"The word" mom "is clear to everyone."

Anna Olkhovskaya

About mom with love

Quotes and aphorisms about mom embody all the gratitude that any person feels for his mother and admiration for her.

"An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, for a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother."

Guy de Maupassant

"Between justice and mother, I choose mother."

Albert Camus

“Motherhood is worthy of respect. Father is always just an accident. "

Friedrich Nietzsche

"Mom is the most beautiful word spoken by a person."

Gibran Kahlil Gibran

"Mom is the only miracle of nature with which even death is powerless to separate us."

"The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness."

Leonid Sukhorukov

"The only love I believe in is the love of a mother for her child."

Karl Lagerfeld

"The only woman who will not allow her to be given her life is her mother."

Marat Zhumankulov

“Mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time disinterested. It doesn't depend on anything. "

Theodore Dreiser

"Children are the anchors that keep the mother in life."

"The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers."

Honore de Balzac

"There is nothing that a mother's love cannot stand."

"The mother's heart is the only incombustible capital with which you can always and at any time pay off."


Mother's love is all-powerful

Quotes about mom with meaning reveal what we, as children, thought a little about. That motherhood is the greatest destiny of a woman and a huge work. Just read these lines ... They accurately and accurately fall into the very heart ...

"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."

William Wallace

"Wars are cursed by mothers."

Quintus Horace Flaccus

"A mother's heart beats faster."

Sergey Fedin

"No one is able to shout down a mother's heart."

Tatiana Lindberg

"We love our mothers, almost without thinking about it, and do not realize the full depth of this love until we part forever."

Guy de Maupassant

"A mother who really is a mother is never free."

Honore de Balzac

"Wars are cursed by mothers."

Quintus Horace Flaccus

"Endless, deep, warm, saving happiness - to sit near the cradle of your child, opposite the mother."

Franz Kafka

“The mother creates, she protects, and speaking when not about destruction means speaking against her. Mother is always against death. "

Maksim Gorky

"Having become a mother, a woman forever deprives herself of the right to be weak."

Diaz de Mirud

“A man loves his mother, almost without realizing, without feeling, because this is as natural as life itself, and only at the moment of the last parting does he notice how deep the roots of this love are. No other attachment is incomparable with this one, because all others are accidental, and this one is innate, all others are imposed on us later by various everyday circumstances, and this one lives from our very first day in our very blood. And then, then you lose not only your mother, but with her half of our childhood is gone, because our life, a little child's life, belongs to her as much as to ourselves. She alone knew her as we ourselves. "

Guy de Maupassant

"Mothers carry the keys to our souls with them all their lives."

Cassandra Clare

“You really don’t understand human nature if you don’t know why the baby on the carousel waves to his mother at every lap, and why his mother always waves after him.”

William Tammeus

Daughter - a chance to correct your mistakes ...

What does it mean to be a mother to a daughter? What is it like to see yourself in childhood, to relive all these girlish sufferings and whims, to endure and know that all this will soon pass? And you do not want her to grow up so quickly ... The quotes and aphorisms about mother and daughter contain all these fears and the hope that the fate of your daughter will be happier than your own.

“Being a mother of a girl is tenderness and a constant expression of feelings. These are “I love mom, dad and the elephant” and endless “oh, I touch” in front of the mirror.

Being a mother of a girl means chic dresses and “don't untie the bow”. This is "stand still, otherwise the hairstyle will not work" and "do you need a hairpin with a ladybug or a butterfly?"

Being a mother of a girl is about dolls and tea drinking. These are "shhh, my lyalya is sleeping" and "mother, na, tea from the cube." Being the mom of a girl is like being the mom of a little helper. This is when a cat and a flood after washing dishes are wiped with a dust brush.

Being a mother of a girl means that at home there is a little fashionista, assistant, nanny, cook, artist, trainer, fashion model and Skoda all rolled into one. "

“Mom looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can you get used to it, to such happiness? This is now a surprise for the rest of my life: I am the mother of my daughter. "

Ekaterina Sivanova

"What mother does not sacrifice herself and anyone else for the happiness of her daughter?"

Helene Brontë

“It was the observation of my daughter, how she grows up, that helped me a lot to accept the fact that I was getting old. I see myself in her and try to help her learn about this world. I feel very good with her. "

Courteney Cox

"Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example and not her advice."

“I like you so much at your nineteen. I love your grown-up soul. A soul that knows how to get sick and recover. Hear and understand. A soul that knows how to cry with me about me, with itself about itself. My quivering angel, bringing his leg to the flowerbed of the universal fashion for bitchiness. Now you don't even need to look at you with reproach. My eyes are in front of your eyes and so. You try the limits for strength, but do not overstep them. My girl. "

Lara Gaal

“You know, everything is so unstable: today your little girl is just starting to walk, and tomorrow she is already racing along the highway. And you are a mother, you have to adapt to the fact that your daughter continues to grow. You just hope that she will live her life better than you. "

"You are warmer than sunlight and much more valuable than any precious stone, my dear daughter."

“Why, in your opinion, is an adult daughter going to her mother, whom she has not seen for a long time? You do not know? For help, even if she herself does not understand it. "

“Only now I understand what is really important. With the birth of my daughter, I gained self-confidence, which I had never suspected before. Now, standing on stage or in the frame, I'm not nervous at all. After all, if everything is fine with my daughter, then the rest does not matter. "

Milla Jovovich

"A daughter is a compliment to a woman from God, which means she is worthy of repetition."

My happiness is my son

In ancient times, it was the birth of a son for a woman that was a reason for respect in society. He is the successor of the family, the bearer of the surname, the heir. Now we are free from these prejudices, but, nevertheless, a son for a mother is something that she is secretly proud of. The quotes and aphorisms about the son and mother reflect that inextricable bond that unites mother and son, that feeling of surprise and pride: how could I, a woman, give a man to this world?

“Having given a woman a son, God gives her the opportunity to try to raise a Real Man herself, capable of not only giving compliments, but also doing things.”

"Hearing people praise her son, the mother is more happy than the day she gave birth to him."


"If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son."

"The son is the only man whom you can never stop loving."

“If you have a home, do not be afraid of the cold; if you have a son, do not be afraid of need. "

Chinese proverb

“If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready for anything for the sake of a man, then this man is her son. "

"The mother loves a son who becomes a thief or a murderer more than a son who becomes a pastor."

William Faulkner

"No one adorns a woman as much as a son walking beside him."

"How noticeably other people's sons grow up - how their own inadvertently grow up ..."

Olga Vasilenko

"One day there comes a moment when, walking next to your son, you want to take his hand out of habit, and suddenly you realize that you will have to take it by the hand."

"Raise your son the way you would like to see your daughter's husband."

About mom with meaning

Mom ... This word accompanies us all our lives. We unconsciously shout it out when we are frightened, surprised, happy. Mentally, mom is always with us. Touching quotes about mom with meaning to tears are words spoken by the heart.

“The little girl, when asked where is her home, replied:“ Where is mother. ”

Keith L Brooks

“How can a mother not worry about her children? For every scratch, for every bruise, for every fall? They have abrasions on their knees, their mothers have wounds in the heart. "

Natalia Kalinina

"You won't stop being a child as long as you have a mom."

S. Jayet

"There are many amazing things in the world: millions of roses, myriads of stars, a series of sunsets and sunrises, friends, relatives ... and only one mother."

Kate Douglas Wiggin

"Only two times - at the birth and death of the child - does the mother hear her own cry, as it were from the side."

Isadora Duncan

"The heart of a mother is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness."

Honore de Balzac

“A child is forever. There will never be any freedom, independence, or a calm heart. It will always worry, fear, freeze. It will always be connected with another heart, and one must finally begin to get used to it. No, it won't get any easier. Never. We must somehow learn to endure this anxiety. "

Anna Ostrovskaya

“Everything is mortal. Eternal life is destined only for the mother. And when the mother is dead, she leaves behind a memory that no one has yet dared to desecrate. The memory of the mother nourishes in us compassion, like the ocean, the immense ocean nourishes the rivers that cut the universe ... "

Isaac Babel

"Through the lips of our mothers God speaks to us."

Igor Krasnovsky

"God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers."

Rudyard Kipling

“Who said that angels don't exist? It's just that they are called mothers on earth. "

“Before being born, the child said to God:“ I'm scared, what if I can't? ... - You can. I will give you a Guardian Angel ... - What is his name? ... - It doesn't matter, you will call him "Mom".

Wise words of great people about mom

Famous philosophers, poets and writers, of course, could not ignore this topic. In quotes about the mother of great people, the whole sacred meaning of motherhood is revealed. They once again remind us that the person who gave us the most precious thing - life, deserves eternal gratitude.

"We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother."

Moussa Jalil

"We love our sister and wife and father, but in torment we remember our mother!"

Nikolay Nekrasov

“The clairvoyance of a mother is not given to anyone. Some kind of secret invisible threads are stretched between the mother and the child, thanks to which every shock in his soul is echoed in her heart with pain and every success is felt as a joyful event in his own life. "

Honore de Balzac

"What a mother does not see with her eyes, so her heart is a prophet, she can feel with her heart."

Alexander Ostrovsky

"All women are like their mothers, and this is their tragedy, but no man is like his mother, and this is also his tragedy."

Oscar Wilde

“The most beautiful word on earth is mom. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and gentlest hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never extinguishes in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life "

Zoya Voskresenskaya

"The child recognizes the mother by her smile."

Lev Tolstoy

"Memories of mother's love are the most comforting memories for someone who feels lost and abandoned."

Erich Fromm

"The one that brings up a living soul is more talented than any painter or sculptor."

John Chrysostom

"The Milky Way of our life originates from the breast of our mother."

Leonid Sukhorukov

About love for mom with meaning

In the Caucasus, they say that a real man can cry twice in his life: the first time at birth (after all, when he is born, everyone cries), and the second time when his mother dies. These beautiful quotes and aphorisms about mom with meaning will surely make us think about a lot.

“No matter how much you love your mother, you get used to her care, you won’t guess and thank you, you forget that the mother herself needs both affection and care”.

Lev Davydychev

“Mother is our closest and most dear person to the grave — whether hers or ours — from her we receive life itself, and everything that follows - strength, love, self-confidence. Mother teaches us human rules, revives our minds, puts a kind word in our mouths, and her memory overshadows with her unquestioning instructions about the most dear and humane that came before us. "

Albert Likhanov

"The song that the mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life to the grave."

Harriet Beecher Stowe

"A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles."

Pierre Beranger

"Mother's hands are woven of tenderness - children sleep on them with a restful sleep."

Victor Hugo

"Love between a man and a woman is a human feeling: it is born, lives and dies ... Mother's love is a divine feeling: it is immortal."

Tatiana Lindberg

"The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding."

Donna Brower

“You should not start quarrels with a woman in whom maternal feelings have awakened. All the morality of the world is on her side. "

Erich Maria Remarque

“What is a mother? Mother is the pain of birth. Mother - anxiety and worries until the end of her days. Mother is ingratitude: from the very first steps she teaches and instructs, pulls back and warns, and no one likes this either at five, or at ten, or at twenty. "

Sergey Baruzdin

“Magdalene fought and sobbed,
The beloved disciple turned to stone,
And to where Mother stood silently,
So no one dared to look. "

Anna Akhmatova

Beautiful statuses about mom

Social networks have become part of our life. And our modern mothers keep up with the latest trends. Quotes for classmates, VKontakte, Facebook about mom will help you express your feelings of gratitude and love for them.

"Mothers are like buttons - they hold everything."

“The world would be a better place if everyone acted as if our mother was looking at us.”

“The cut umbilical cord does not sever the bond between mom and baby - it continues to exist until the mom passes away.”

“You have 500 friends on the Internet, 100 at a wedding, and 10 at a birthday. And when you have problems - only one. And, most likely, it will be mom. "

“- 3 years old: my mom is the best!
- 7 years old: mom, I adore you!
- 10 years old: mom, I love you!
- 15 years old: Mom, don't shout!
- 18 years old: I want to leave this house!
- 35 years old: I want to return to my mother!
- 50 years old: I don't want to lose you, mom!
- 70 years: how much I would give to see you again, MOM! "

"They become adults not when they stop listening to mom, but when they understand that mom was right."

“Only mom carries us all my life! 9 months in your stomach, up to 3 years in your arms and your whole life in your heart. "

"Mothers do not hold children's hands for long, but their hearts - forever."

"There is only one beautiful child in the world, and every mother has one."

"When you have a baby, you have to get used to the fact that from this day on, your heart beats in the other breast."

Anne Geddes

When we were children, my mother was the main person in our life. We brought all our troubles and joys to her, consulted with her, shared the most intimate. With age, other people appear in our life: a loved one, our own family, children ... And my mother quietly gives way to them. Yes, this is life ...

But as you grow up, don't forget your mothers. They need us now as much as we once needed them. They need to know that they are still an important part of our lives. Let's tell our mothers more often how much we love them and how much they mean to us!

“Send them telegrams more often, try to warm them up with letters. Our mothers can do everything in the world, they just can't help but grow old. "

And as a sincere gift, we will listen, of course, to the incomparable Tamaru Gverdtsiteli and her incredibly piercing song "Mom's eyes".

Eleutherococcus tincture. Application

Statuses about mom to tears from daughter - By about 18 years old, I realized that mom should always obey, but there was a lot that could not be fixed.

Mommy is my fairy and the firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. My life without you is not a holiday, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!

Mommy, you raised me, took care of me, worked for me and put all your strength and soul into me. Now you are retired and you need to rest more, and I will try to make your life as fabulous and cloudless as it was in my childhood !!!

Thank you, Mom, for the warmth and kindness. Thank you for your love without edge. I thank God for you! Thank you for being there, my dear.

When we become completely grown-ups, our mothers get scared ... what if we don't need them anymore ...? Let's not let them think so!

If a mother feels the same way as her child, then I will try to become the happiest!

Once my mother decided what clothes to wear, what to look good. Now she asks me what clothes she should wear to look good!

Mom, are you thousands of kilometers away from me and think that you know better? ... well, you have your eyesight!

Sometimes I am so ashamed of myself, for the lies that my mother took for the truth.

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many it is only two grams. And for me happiness is to see how my Mom smiles!

I love you mom, you are a ray of light in the dark, mommy, thank you for being there!

Mom, forgive me, dear, your unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not accept your advice. And now I pay for it.

In the midst of the usual deception, in the midst of verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much mom means to a person ..

Maaam, I love you in spite of all the quarrels, screams, insults you are for me the most. And without you I am nothing.

Mom, if, when I grow up and have a daughter, I will also not understand her as you do me, hit me. - Daughter, I'm afraid you will get it badly then.

Mom - your tears are my omission ... I can be bad, but I don't care more about you ...

When sometimes life gives a thrashing, and a steel hoop squeezes my chest, I whisper, as in childhood: “Mommy! Give ... a pen! " And suddenly my path becomes easier ...

It's not too late to say thank you to mommy for giving birth to the world.

Mom, forgive me for making you so sad. I didn’t understand then how you were afraid for me… How worried you were that you didn’t learn your homework, ran away on dates, did what you wanted… I swear that I’ll become better… And I’ll fix my whole life.

I would put a monument to my mother, because I no longer know such strong and patient people.

Mom, I'm sorry that I'm not a perfect daughter, but, despite all my shoals, I love you very much!

My mother called me "ANGEL" yesterday! Well, that is, "MIRACLE IN FEATHERS")

There is no better evening when you sit next to your mother and talk about everything. It doesn't matter what, the main thing is that she is there.

I don’t ask God for money or fame, but I only ask that Mom’s heart beat forever.

Sometimes I really want to send everything to hell, hug mom tightly and cry on her shoulder ...

Mom, maybe I should come and help? I miss you so much that my heart is in tatters ... I may not be the best daughter, but I love you. Very very.

"Mommy - you are the best, the most beautiful, the most-most. I love you endlessly!" - in fact, we must say this every day. But we forget about it ...

Mom shines with the sun in the night, mom is my brightest ray, dear mother, sorry for everything, dear mother, beloved mother.

Thank you mom for your kind words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine life without social networks. "VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki", "Facebook" and many other sites make it possible for people from different cities and even countries to communicate freely. In turn, social networks cannot be imagined without various sayings that help show the mood, state of mind of the user. Beautiful statuses about mom can often be seen on the Internet - on people's pages. And this is not surprising, because mom is the closest, dearest and beloved person.

Various statuses about mom: beautiful, with meaning and depth

Of course, about the dearest person in this world you need to speak with all tenderness and love. You can choose the following sincere and beautiful statuses about mom:

  • My beloved mother, my dear mother, you are the best in the world, I know that for sure.
  • You will always understand, you will always forgive when I am sad - and you are sad. You speak words of support. "You will succeed," you say.
  • Only you will reveal to me the secret of how to get a successful ticket into my life.
  • Even when we are wrong, only mom will always support and understand us.
  • You forgive all my whims, because you love, adore. And you say: "My blood." Mommy, I appreciate you very much.
  • Mom is a person who does not sleep when we are sick, anxiously sits at the door when we relax at parties. With trembling in her heart, she hugs her grandchildren to her chest, becoming younger at the same time.
  • Mom - do not believe it? Try to offend their child.
  • My mother is very kind, but if they hurt me, she will tear everyone to shreds.
  • Mom, even in tears and sadness, will wipe her eyes and feed deliciously.
  • Truly sincerely, forgiving everything, only mom loves.
  • She will close her eyes to grievances, pretend not to hear my words. Therefore, I appreciate her very much and for her sake I am ready for anything.
  • Mom is the only person who will accept us as rich and poor, good and evil, successful and stupid. She just loves us.
  • You really start to appreciate your parents when you yourself have children.
  • Mom's work is the most difficult and priceless. Only she can give self-confidence, support morally in a difficult situation and drive sadness from our heads.

Such statuses about mom, beautiful, with meaning, will help to express the full depth of the influx of emotions and to thank the closest person.

Soul statuses about mom's day: beautiful and interesting

The one who gave life is worthy of the highest praise. The very minimum we can do is write beautiful statuses about mom on the main pages of our social networks. The following sayings can be taken into account:

  1. The most important thing is that mommy is healthy. And all the rest - we will achieve and receive.
  2. Mom is our most faithful companion in life. When we are having fun, she laughs too. if she is sad, she will not show us so that we do not worry.
  3. The strongest are mothers. They are ready to turn mountains, if only the children were good.
  4. Do you still think your mom didn't want that last piece of cake you wanted to eat? She denies herself everything, if only the child was better.
  5. She is the most important woman in the world. No one will ever replace her for me. She is a friend, she is an advisor - dear, beloved, my mother.
  6. She, like the sun, shines for us in life. It is not more expensive to find a person. Always gives us confidence. Mom, thank you for that.
  7. The closest friend, counselor, luminary. Thank you heavenly forces for being awarded such a mummy.
  8. You can't find a better girlfriend. My mommy - I don't need anyone else.

Such beautiful statuses about mom can be entered on the main page of the social network. Let everyone know that you have an ineradicable support, a person who is ready for anything for you.

About mom in verse

Thanks to her, I know what success is.

She taught how to live in this world.

Helped in love to solve all the issues.

Thank you, dear, dear.

You don't have a price my dear

Short statuses about mom

It is not necessary that beautiful statuses about mom be long. A few words can sometimes reveal the essence of emotion:

  • Mom is like a tank - there are no obstacles for her on the way to the success of her own child.
  • She is gentle and kind, will always support and give strength.
  • For my mother's sake, I simply have to become the best. After all, she is worthy of a successful daughter.
  • Mom, I promise you to become what you always wanted. Successful, beloved and skillful.

May your beloved mother always feel your gratitude and reverent attitude. Don't be afraid to show emotion and depth of feeling.

Statuses about mom - of course, about a person, without whom there would be nothing. No delicious food, no comfort in the house, no our life ...

Mom is a synonym for the word "weasel"

  1. Today I realized that I do not need anything. If only my mother would not cry!
  2. Everybody says “listen to mom”. Eh, if only everyone heeded this advice.
  3. When I feel bad, I just close my eyes and imagine that my mother is stroking my hair.
  4. The best that parents can give is the ability to live in real life.
  5. I figured out a long time ago: if it's a bad day outside the window, I urgently need to call my mother.

If you suddenly have a hard time, set beautiful statuses about mom.

  1. I do not even want to argue with the fact that for my mother I am always small.
  2. I would never have reached great heights, if not for my mom.
  3. Many friends are good, many men are your business, but we will always have one mother!
  4. Mom no longer scolds for smoking, but only sometimes says “I would quit”. Now I realized that an adult ...
  5. They say there are no irreplaceable people. But this rule does not apply to mom.
  6. Everyone who has a mother has luxury ...

Statuses with a meaning about mom - especially for your beloved person: 3

  1. Mom loves without refusal, and does not require any answer. we must appreciate it!
  2. The tastiest thing is at my place. And best of all - where my mother is.
  3. I know that if I do something good for my mother, she will thank me like no other.
  4. Strive to make moms happy. Because time flies by inexorably fast.
  5. Many give birth and raise children. But not everyone can become a mother like mine!

Make it a nice little act - set statuses with a meaning about mom.

  1. Mommy, tell me why you are so often right?
  2. My mom is my incentive to move on.
  3. And remember, as in childhood - until your mother kisses, you don't wake up.
  4. In order to bring comfort in the house, you need to invite your mother!

How much mom means to us as an adult, and how little in adolescence

Statuses about mom with meaning - inspire and inspire everyone around.

  1. What is Mom? This is not a profession, this is not an occupation, this is a vocation.
  2. The warmest childhood memories are when mom and dad are still together ...
  3. Take care of yourself, dear. Mom, I need you!
  4. The warmest hugs are yours, mom.

If mom is the dearest in the world for you - rather set statuses to tears about mom from daughter.

  1. I think God exists. and it was he who created my mother ...
  2. Mom shouldn't be too kind. She must be an authority!
  3. I'm not afraid that someone will offend me. Because in any case, my mommy will support and protect me!
  4. Whatever disagreements between you may be, you should always step over disobedience and just hug your mom.

Beautiful statuses about mom with meaning: that's who exactly is waiting for us in the evenings.

  1. Someday we will regret that we didn’t call, didn’t say that, but didn’t say something at all. Let's do everything on time!
  2. Being a mother is happiness, just like having a mother ...
  3. We grow up so fast. But for mom and dad, we will never grow up!
  4. Everything changes, absolutely everything. And only the mother's love remains the same.

Mom's decision is undeniable, but only if her own mother does not interfere with this 🙂 Read the status about your beloved mother until you cry.

  1. If we once knew the love of a mother, we will not forget her, even if she suddenly dies.
  2. How I want to go back to the days when my mother ordered me to put on a hat and mittens. And you?!
  3. I am glad that my mother is with me. And I really want her to know about it.
  4. My mother loved me, but never regretted where it was not needed. Thanks her!

How gentle the word "daughter" sounds

Statuses-verses about mom will come in handy both in honor of a significant event and, as they say, for every day.

Yes, yes, we are different with you,

It’s very strange: mom, daughter.

But bloom with my love

I so want to help you!

Not tears, not sadness,

So that you do not grieve, I will crash.

I understand that I am not a gift.

But, you know, Mommy, you are the best mom.

You don't know everything about me

Even though I am your beloved daughter.

You only know that I love you

And we will put an end to this ...

I look at you with admiration

How can you be so gorgeous.

Lucky right from birth

To have such a fabulous mom.

I'll kiss your hands

I'll buy you whatever you want.

But I ask you, be with me forever, If you can do it, of course.

Not sure what to say? Then you will definitely be helped out by beautiful short statuses with a meaning about mom.

  1. You worry about me, sometimes overly.
  2. You don't get enough sleep, and you think that I do not know about it.
  3. The time has come when you know about many of my jambs.
  4. You no longer need to scold: I myself am ashamed.
  5. I had to listen to you as often as possible.
  6. As soon as someone praises me, I remember you.
  7. I wouldn't have become like this without you, Mommy!
  8. Now I know: my mother was all the same for me ...

The most beautiful statuses about mom are those that were said from the heart.

  1. I want to make a million. To give my mother flowers that she loves every day!
  2. Happiness is in the little things. Especially - in the little worries of mommy ...
  3. I have never been your peace of mind, but agree, I was your happiness!
  4. Mom's love can only be compared with the sea. She is just as limitless.
  5. For my mommy, I am a kitten, a hedgehog, a tiger: 3

Mom gave us everything we needed as a child. Therefore, as an adult, give her a real fairy tale. She deserves it. Love your mothers and set beautiful statuses about them!

They become adults not when they stop listening to mom, but when they understand that mom was right!

Not every person is worthy to utter this sacred word: "Mom".

Love for mom is the most important thing in our life!

In the midst of the usual deception, in the midst of verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much mom means to a person ..

It's very hard without a mother, And everything around fades. Relatives in the world are not her. She is your close friend.

The worst pain in the heart is when you see your mother crying and you cannot do anything.

What will you do without your job, I know. But what will you do without your mother?

I still can’t forget my mother’s eyes: blue as the sky, tender as a flame ... I will carry a light in my soul through the years, I want you to know, Mom, I love you!

Is there a better word in the world that sounds similar in all languages ​​than the word Mom?

Our life is priceless! Tell your moms "Thank you"!

Probably, only after many, many years have passed, we will understand our mothers, but only there will be no one to tell about it ...

But, if it were not for my mother, we would not know what kind of jungle it is impossible to climb, although it is very interesting there!

Your girl has grown, mom, has grown. And he no longer hesitates to confidentially whisper with you in the evenings about funny and difficult little things in life.

Mom doesn't care who you are, she will always stroke your hair and kiss hot cheeks, healing you from your fears.

Mother's tears are drops that burn and hurt even their own blood.

Why do I love my mom? “Because I said so!” That's why!

First, mom is the whole world for you, then you are the whole world for her.

I have always felt sorry for people who are on bad terms with their mother, because they lost their very best friend!


Active section:

Who is the most dear person in the World for each of us? That's right, Mom! After all, it was she who, from early childhood, when we were still bankrupt, could not walk, and crawled on his haunches around the house, looked after us, raised and did everything to make us strong and healthy. It was Mom who protected us from danger when we needed it. She taught us wisdom when we got on the wrong path and went downhill. Maternal care is the best that a person can learn. Some of us do not understand the seriousness of the issue when we condemn our mothers, scold them, and prevent them from taking care of themselves. Is it possible to reject a person who brought you life and gave you the opportunity to see the beauty of the whole World !? It's a pity that we understand this only when we lose our mother, or when there is no way to fix everything. Statuses about mom to tears will help you understand that you need to value every day you live next to your loved one and respect, love, help him.