Super business bank greetings on the new year. New Year's greetings to partners. Happy New Year to partners and clients

In Russia, the beginning of the year on January 1 was introduced by the first Russian emperor Peter I in 1699, becoming one of his reforms. New Year 1700 was celebrated in Moscow by the tsar's order for seven whole days; homeowners had to put pine trees in front of houses and gates for decoration, and every evening resin barrels were lit, rockets were launched, fired from two hundred cannons in front of the Kremlin and in private yards with small cannons. All this was done on the German model.

Compare and discuss with your important clients and partners how the New Year is celebrated today and how it was celebrated in 1700. An excellent topic for discussion and complement this topic with our New Year's greetings to clients and partners.

Happy New Year of the pig to partners.

On behalf of the team ... we wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Please accept our warmest and most sincere New Year's wishes. May the 20th year bring you a lot of happiness, health, joy and good luck, become the year of the fulfillment of your cherished desires and the achievement of new creative successes!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New, ____ year and the bright holiday of Christmas. Looking forward to further fruitful cooperation and best wishes,….

Dear partners, friends! Thank you for your effective and comfortable cooperation! And on the glorious holiday of the New Year, we sincerely wish you further joint prosperity, individual success and radiant smiles, symbolizing prosperity and self-realization in all your plans!

There is no holiday more coveted in the year than New Year. I congratulate you, my partners, on its coming and wish in the new year the continuation of our fruitful cooperation and good luck to our common cause, each of us and all people in this world ... and even our competitors. Happy New Year!

Please accept my kindest congratulations and sincere wishes for happiness, health and prosperity in the New Year _____! We wish you and the entire team professional success. May you never be abandoned by good fortune and good fortune.

Respectable partners! We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let the New Year enter your homes as a generous and cheerful guest, sow harmony in your families, give many new successes on the path of life! We wish this year to be the best of the best for each of us, to bring good health, prosperity, and many happy days. And for our common family - (company names) - let it be a year of real economic take-off, the results of which will be felt by every family!

We sincerely congratulate you on the bright and joyful holidays of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ! These holidays are special! Each time the New Year is a starting point from which we begin our new, better life! We all create new hopes and hopes for a happy future! We sincerely wish that the New Year will endow you with happiness and joy, add life inspiration, spiritual renewal, wisdom, endurance and optimism.

Dear partners! Having worked productively this year, we would like to prolong our successful cooperation for future periods and therefore we wish you to take the path of confident development with the New Year, to increase what you have already managed to get, to staff the staff with the most qualified and responsible employees and not to forget about those with whom the right course was once so successfully taken.

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you fresh strength for new achievements, creative success in professional activity, family harmony, prosperity, loyal friends and reliable partners in good deeds!

Dear partners, we sincerely congratulate you on the holidays! We hope that the same fruitful cooperation awaits us in the new year. We believe that the openness and trust that have developed between us will help all of us achieve success and prosperity!

In the New Year, I would like to wish only the best. May the coming year bring you new discoveries, even greater self-confidence, strength of mind and body, honest victories and universal love!

Dear ...! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! On the eve of the New Year holidays, we would like to wish that Santa Claus would come to your home and fulfill your most cherished desires. May the wonderful winter holidays bring peace, tranquility, harmony and confidence in the future. We wish you good health, success, family happiness, prosperity and prosperity! We wish you a good mood and love, may harmony and good luck prevail in your life! The company ... wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! A difficult but exciting year is coming to an end that has brought us together and made us stronger. It's time to turn this page of the calendar and look into the new ____ year with a smile and faith in the best. May the next year be successful and happy for you, may all your dreams come true and your goals will certainly be achieved!

New year is coming soon
Having brought a lot of ideas.
Congratulations, partners,
And we wish you better days!

May our ties be stronger
Will be next year
And any of the fantasies
They will set the tone for their lives!

Let the business grow successfully
And in frosts and in a blizzard,
Despite the whims,
By multiplying your portfolio!

In the coming year, I wish that always
All problems and worries were resolved without difficulty.

Profit, business flourished, developed, did not limp.
So that support from relatives and a stable weekend.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you partners, I shake your hand.
Be healthy, good luck and love in the New Year!

Happy holidays, friends! We hope that our business relationship will only strengthen in the new year, bringing incredibly high profits to both parties. May success accompany all endeavors, and job satisfaction knows no bounds! We wish you further development and achievement of a high level of excellence!

The lights are on again on the fir,
Again we are spending a year.
How much we managed with you!
How stubbornly they went forward!

Have you consulted: to be - not to be?
Everything was decided by contracts.
We can defeat everyone
With you, faithful partners!

We wish you big deals:
There will be many this year
Blue-bordered plates.
And the sea is waiting for success!
Dear partners! Yes, just friends!
Our company, including me,
We want to congratulate happy new year
And leave a few grateful words:

We worked hard together all year
And it was easy for us, interesting!
We wish you success and continue to achieve
And stay friends with us forever!

Dear partners, friends! Thank you for your effective and comfortable cooperation! And on the glorious holiday of the New Year, we sincerely wish you further joint prosperity, individual success and radiant smiles, symbolizing prosperity and self-realization in all your plans!

I wish you to celebrate the stormy New Year,
And the Old one should be kept away.
I wish you joyful earthly concerns,
And kind words without any falsehood,

May all our projects and deeds,
The New Year always goes the way it should.
There will be less evil from competitors,
And may luck be somewhere nearby.

Happy New Year of the pig to customers.

Dear __________________! Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on this fabulous holiday. Let all the good things that happened to you in the past year, the Pig will not only capture in 2019, but multiply many, many times - health, and joyful smiles, and long-awaited meetings, and sincere feelings. For our part, we promise that our cooperation will surely become even more promising and profitable for you. Respectfully, the staff of the company "***" Dear Client, Every New Year is traditionally associated with us with a pleasant anticipation of interesting events, pleasant changes, hopes for better. May all your dreams come true without fail, prosperity grows, cherished desires come true. And we will do our best to ensure that you continue to be comfortable and profitable to stay with us. Company "***"

Mr. (madam) _______________! The staff of the company "***" wishes you a great mood on these New Year holidays. Let 2019 become for you a truly significant period, a time for changes for the better, a period for the fulfillment of your dreams. We wish you that the pig will bring good luck at work, peace and well-being to the house, sincere emotions and as many reasons for smiles as possible. Let the confidence in the bright future be strengthened in you a hundredfold. Every day of the coming year, we will make every effort to justify your trust and make your life a little more comfortable. General Director of the company "***" Ivanov I.I.

Dear __________________! Another year of our cooperation with you, which we value very much, has come to an end. Let me congratulate you on the holiday that is always surrounded by a mysterious aura of magic. Let on this night, when snow flakes are spinning outside the window, and the smell of a Christmas tree and the scent of tangerines familiar from childhood is felt at home, all the wishes made will surely become fulfilled. We sincerely wish that in 2019 you have all the opportunities to implement your plans, and that your loved ones will always be there, support you in difficult moments and share with you the joy of your victories. and the team of the company "***"

Mister (Mistress) _______________________________! The company "***" addresses this Happy New Year to the client who stayed with us and gave us invaluable motivation for further development. As a token of gratitude, we decided that in the coming year one of the main goals of our activity is to make a tireless search for opportunities to justify your trust. Let the pig patronize you in all matters, charging you with inexhaustible optimism, giving you attractive prospects and opportunities for the implementation of all your plans and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. We sincerely wish that 2019 will bring with it a lot of unforgettable moments, joyful emotions, pleasant meetings and useful acquaintances, and relatives and friends will be healthy and successful. In turn, we will make every effort to make our cooperation mutually more comfortable and profitable. General Director of the company "***" Ivanov I.I.

Dear __________________! The staff of the company "***" represented by the General Director Ivanov I.I. congratulates you on a magical New Year's holiday. Let me express to you our deep recognition for the fact that in the past year you stayed with us and believed in us. This gave us a tremendous incentive for improvement and further development. We know that all wishes that will be made on New Year's Eve must come true. Therefore, when the hands of the clock are approaching the coveted number 12, we will certainly raise our glasses so that all your dreams in 2019 will come true. We sincerely thank you for the trust placed in our company and we want to note that in the coming period we will make every effort. so that cooperation with us was pleasant, fruitful and profitable for you. Good health, wonderful mood and good luck in all plans and endeavors!

To you, as our client,
We send poems in honor of the holiday,
Thanks to this moment,
Let's not officially say from the bottom of our hearts:

Happy New Year, live so that with prosperity,
May the connection between us never break
Let everything always go smoothly between us,
Let any signature be good!

For our beloved clients
Smiles, flowers, compliments,
On a holiday, New Year's day,
We hasten to congratulate you today!

May the year be kind and bright
Let it bring harmony
Prepare gifts for you
Will save you from unnecessary worries!

Night walks down the street in shiny robes
On the ground, adorned with a snow veil!
Soon "New" will be - the year "Real",
And will open a new calendar at midnight!

The past will melt from the Bengal lights,
Blizzards will carry all sorrows into the distance,
May joy bloom in your heart,
And January will be your happy start!

We went through fire and water
Hand in hand friends
All obstacles and adversity
We won for a reason.

May it be successful for you
A promising new year
Solve complex problems
Growth and profit will bring!

Congratulations on 2019!
Love, new goals and big victories,
We sincerely wish you on this holiday,
Live without force majeure and all sorts of troubles!

Snow covered everything
Christmas trees shine colorfully
A year ago it was already like this
Holidays are coming to us

New Year's fun
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Clockwork mood
Happiness, joy, love!

For the very best loyal customers
We will not regret words in the New Year.
Let it be in projects and experiments
There will be no hindrances or brakes.

To open up prospects in business,
So that there are many plans and ideas.
So that assets multiply and grow,
To open many doors!

Five minutes away like New Years,
But we do not forget about you,
Every congratulation awaits
Our company expresses in verse:

Our clients, you are like relatives to us,
Thank you for being with us for a year,
Waiting for the New Year and new things
We wish you all the best, raise your glasses up!

The time of parting is approaching
But this is not forever.
In the New Year, our company,
Wish you happiness, good!

May the holidays be all weekend
Happily, merrily they will pass.
Then work everyday life,
And we will be together right there!

Congratulations to all clients,
To all clients from the bottom of my heart,
All wishes of fulfillment
Happiness, joy, love!

New Year's holiday is the main one
We will rest a lot.
Gain new strength
To continue our cooperation!

We would like to wish our beloved clients
Good luck and great happiness,
In 2019, do not lose heart
Always keep the brand and the word!

To make our joint success closer to us,
Brought together our strong ties.
So that there is enough strength and patience for everyone,
No failures and no incidents!

You are the best customers with us,
There is definitely no doubt about it
And on the festive New Year's Eve hour,
We want to sincerely confess

That we won't survive parting with you,
And we hope that next year,
We will go the same path again,
Everyone will fulfill more than one dream!

Soon the holiday will come to us
But there is still time
While the snowflakes are dancing in a circle
To my clients, I want to read:

We are always waiting for you, with a smile on our face,
There are no better clients, and it is not necessary.
And good wishes at the end,
So that this year it becomes sweeter for you to live!

To our dear clients
We wish you for the holiday
So that the year becomes New golden
All contributions are multiplying.

We are always open for you,
We are always glad to see you.
We wish you all embellishments in life
And stay close!

We will have to part for a short time
A couple of weeks and I'll build it in again.
New Year is a time to relax
Work affairs are sinking.

And to you clients, dear, beloved,
I want to wish on New Year's Eve,
So that this year is really happy,
And let it bring success in our relations!

Happy New Year! Of good! Prosperity!
Let him fulfill all your wishes!
Let it be interesting and bright
Will present in abundance gifts!

True luck and brilliant plans!
Friendship is only sincere and real!
Let miracles happen more often!
Bright happiness will be cloudless!

Dear friends! Our company is glad to wish you a Happy New Year from the bottom of our hearts! We express our hope to maintain our cooperation and good relations next year. We promise to do everything for your comfort, and so that it would be just as pleasant for you to cooperate with us as it is for you and me! We wish you delightful holidays full of miracles and gifts, a magical New Year's mood, a pleasant atmosphere and the fulfillment of all your desires! Always with you, (company name).

Beautiful New Year's greetings to customers from the company in prose

Dear Clients! Please accept our sincere and warm New Year greetings from our company! Thank you very much for a pleasant cooperation, which we hope will definitely last! We are always happy to please you! And may only good happen to you in the New Year! Let the events be favorable, adventures - fun, and life itself - interesting and full of vivid impressions! Be happy and loved!

Happy New Year to the customers of the organization in prose

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year! We are grateful to you for your trust and interest in our business. We wish you prosperity and well-being, creative ideas and joyful moments in your life. May your dreams and aspirations come true. Feel the comfort and care, develop with us!

A short official wish to the company's clients in their own words a Happy New Year

Dear Clients. May the New Year bring constant prosperity and amazing success, bestow good health and exceptional well-being. You should know that we are always glad to see you!

A cool rhyme for customers with a Happy New Year from the company

May the new year come
Brings pleasant moments
And removes worries
You, our best clients!
Let your income grow
Everything turns out as planned!
We wish you joyful minutes
And permanent achievements!

Happy New Year business greetings to corporate clients

We are glad that you are with us. So let the coming year bring only positive emotions from interaction with our company! We wish you to be successful, confident in the future, get excellent results in your work and find opportunities for a great rest!

Happy New Year to the clients of the organization

Dear and dear clients! We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! We wish that everything in life will succeed and develop in the best way, so that the houses will be appreciated and respected. May the New Year be accompanied by prosperity and high earnings. Loyal friends and reliable colleagues!

Poems for clients for the New Year 2019

In the New Year, dear clients,
We sincerely congratulate you all!
May you enjoy the moments of life,
Bringing warmth and success.
Come, we are very glad to see you,
You are everything for us in the first place.
And we do not need a greater reward,
Than the shine in your eyes!

New Year is everyone's favorite and expected holiday of magic. He always carries in himself the hope for good changes, faith in the best. There is not much time left until such a long-awaited fabulous night, and very soon the sounds of this bright holiday will be heard from all sides, caught on all radio waves, be on all billboards and read in the faces of random passers-by.

It is customary to congratulate absolutely everyone with the New Year: relatives, friends, colleagues, as well as partners and clients. If you have your own business and you value your clients and partners, then you definitely need to pay them a little attention and congratulate them on a wonderful holiday.

Congratulations to partners and clients with the New Year 2019 in prose

Dear partners! I wish you a Happy New Year. I look forward to further productive cooperation next year. I wish you new business success, joy in your personal life, fulfillment of all cherished desires and achievement of your lofty goals. I am proud to work with such educated and wise people.

Dear partners, we sincerely congratulate you on the holidays! We hope that the same fruitful cooperation awaits us in the new year. We believe that the openness and trust that have developed between us will help all of us achieve success and prosperity!

The year is coming to an end - intense, intense, fruitful - different. I have to congratulate my colleagues in the shop - people who during these 365 days have become a second family for you, a reliable support in the common cause. The New Year's greetings we have collected to our clients and business partners provide an excellent opportunity to thank them again for this, to give them a holiday. After all, the festive mood comes to the office not when the Coca-Cola car rings bells from the TV screens, but from the first New Year's card that appears on the secretary's table. And may in your case not just a logo or a custom brand become its corporate identity - may your official New Year's wishes be the most sincere!

Dear Colleagues! We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you in the new year, in new dreams, to take all the best from the outgoing year: trusted old friends, reliable partners, established traditions of fruitful cooperation. We wish your undertakings and initiatives in 2018 to voice the wonderful Russian proverb in a new way - "Everything that is done is for the best!" Well-being to you and your loved ones!

Happy New Year 2019 for partners and clients in verse

Happy New Year,
With a new offspring of money,
Let the tree instead of cones
Only bills rustle.

Let the champagne sparkle
The business plan will come true,
Let the accountant get tired
Mountains of dollars to count.

Let the crisis forget the path to you,
May fortune love you
And our partnership will be
Prosper every year!

I wish you New Year,
Great new beginnings
And so that he brings you success,
And what you desire the most,
Timid and willing clients,
Responsive and reliable,
More income than you want
So that no one is offended.
To make your business flourish,
And he avoided everyone's failure!)

May in the New Year and at a good hour
Everything that was desired will come true.
May all events be for you
It will turn out as you dreamed.

Contracts are always profitable,
Good deals and success,
Reliable people for years
And the timing - so as not to rush.

Good ideas to embody
You are not one more dozen,
To live happily ever after
In love, harmony, prosperity!

Dear partners, congratulations!
We will open a bottle of mood for you in the New Year,
Let us launch fireworks of success and good luck into the air,
Yes, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts that you become richer.
It's easy for us to work with you, it's nice to work with you,
And there are no different omissions, everything is always clear.
In the new year, may all your plans come true,
Let the usual cash flow suddenly become a fountain.
We wish you to live beautifully and enjoy life.
Decide, dream, go forward and smile happily.
Hurray for partners! Let's remember you when twelve strikes!

New Year is a miracle, New Year is magic
So let him give only good,
Illuminate you with hope, luck, success
And will give you health, fun and laughter.
It will be prosperous, happy for you,
Will bring your wishes come true now!

Happy New Year!
We wish you happy days.
May your wishes come true.
All success and prosperity.

Let health not fail
God takes away sorrows,
Joy fills the house
All adversity will become a dream!

We worked for a whole year
There was a lot of work:
Agreement, invoices, payments,
Cash, bank transfer and customs clearance.

And wishes today
We send you without delay:
May your capital grow
And there will be a shaft of clients.

We did not work in vain.
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy New Year!
We wish you prosperity
Do not be afraid of competitors
And develop steadily.

Wonderful new perspectives
Interesting proposals.
So that financial income
Yours has grown over this year.

Many joyful events
Innovation and discovery.
Different risks to avoid
And to become even more successful.

We boldly confess to you:
We are glad to do business with you.
May the New Year come
Will bring you good luck!

In the New Year - new bright events,
New ideas and new discoveries to you,
Reliable partners, success, good luck,
From the invested funds - one hundred percent return.

Stability in the new year, prosperity,
May all wishes come true!
At a confident pace - from year to year,
Let your income grow constantly!

May the New Year bring you good luck,
Success in business and correct decisions,
So that there is always a return from work!
I wish you new achievements from the bottom of my heart!

May the coming New Year
In business, it will bring good luck.
May it be joyful in the heart
And a miracle will happen in an instant!

I wish you and your loved ones health.
May the New Year be generous
And let our partnership continue
It only strengthens and blooms!

We work for you
Every day and every hour.
We are always glad to see you -
There is no better reward for us.

Happy New Year.
We wish everyone a team
Wonders and wonders to you.
Well, fabulous moments!

Our lovely clients!
Here is the holiday at the gate.
Long awaited moments -
Miracle, fairy tale, New Year!

Happy New Year!
Respecting and loving,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
Be happy friends!

Be cheerful, healthy,
You believe in your destiny.
And of course, we are waiting for you again
We are next year too!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Congratulations to all clients,
And of course with love
We wish you joy.

Be happy, healthy,
And they are successful for a whole year,
Develop, flourish,
And live without worries.

May prosperity in your families
Grows every day
And comfort, well-being
Will forever enter your home!

Thank you for your trust
We tell all clients!
And congratulate from the bottom of my heart
We want you Happy New Year.

All hope will come true -
One has only to want it!
As inseparable as before
We will be with you in the future.

Dear clients, our dear friends! On this New Year, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your attention to us, your interest in what we do and, of course, for your endless trust! I congratulate you on this magical holiday and wish you prosperity in business, prosperity in your personal life, more joint projects and successful completion of all the work you have begun!

Dear friends, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you peace, kindness, health, as much warmth and comfort, inexhaustible vitality, achievement of your goals in the coming year. Let the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

We have been working for you all year! We tried to be as useful to you as possible, took into account all wishes, embodied the most creative ideas. We will be sincerely glad to see you among our regular customers in the coming new year. Please accept our congratulations on this wonderful holiday. We wish you happiness and good luck!

Dear clients, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you comfort in your home, joy in your soul, love in your heart and the highest quality in your choice. Be happy in the new year, healthy, cheerful and optimistic. Live in abundance and prosperity. And remember, in the new year we are always glad to see you and we are always waiting for you!

Dear and dear customers, we sincerely wish you a Happy New Year. Be happy and successful in the new year. Let your ideas come true. May good luck and luck accompany every business. May life be filled with joy and inspiration every day.

Dear Clients! Happy New Year to you! May the coming year bring you all joy, good news, fruitful ideas, joyful moments. We want to wish you all the best. We hope that the New Year will bring us even stronger business relations, and we will try to continue to please you with our work. During our cooperation with you, you have become for us more than customers. You have become true friends to us. Happy Holidays!

Dear clients, we sincerely wish you all a Happy New Year! There is no better gift for us than to see you satisfied and happy. We wish you the realization of your goals, inspiration, warmth, joy, and more memorable events! Let's not stop there, because in the New Year only luck and success await us. Happy Holidays!

Dear friends, we are glad to start the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you and your families health, success and prosperity. So that in the new year there will be new victories and achievements, the most cherished wishes come true. And we will continue to help you go to your goals, giving the best that we have. Yours sincerely (company name).

The ________ team wishes everyone a Happy New Year. From the bottom of our hearts and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank everyone today for being with us all year. We wish you that the New Year will help you to fulfill your plans, find the lost and multiply your happiness. Happy new year friends!

Happy New Year, our dear, the best and most wonderful clients. On this wonderful holiday, we want to wish you real miracles in life, as well as good health to you and your families, attention, care, warmth, love and happiness. Let this year be luxurious, kind, joyful and rich for you for the holidays, acquisitions, good luck and vivid emotions.

Here is a collection of official New Year greetings for partners of the organization (on behalf of the company, the organization's staff, management, director, etc.). All texts are written in prose.

All names of organizations (institutions) and settlements, names and surnames, were used only for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Option number 1

Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of the staff of the Union of the "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" and on my own behalf, I cordially wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

May 2019 be the year of new interesting projects and prospects, opening opportunities and financial success. Let the warmth of the family hearth always warm you, and luck accompany you. I wish you and your loved ones health, well-being and optimism!

President of the Union "CCI NO"

P. P. Platonov

Option number 2

Respectable partners!

Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

For each of us, New Year and Christmas is a time of hopes and dreams, a time to open new horizons and gain new strength. This is the warmth of the hearth and the love of loved ones. We are looking forward to the holiday with special trepidation, summing up the results of the outgoing year, remembering the goals achieved in it, the realized ideas, plans and plans, capturing its sorrows and joys in our memory.

May the coming year be full of new plans, inspiration, creative ideas and good news!

May your cherished dreams come true, there will be wealth and prosperity in the house, love and mutual understanding, mental and financial health!

The team of the company "Cassiopeia"

Option number 3

Dear friends!

The EuroStroyRemont company wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for the effective cooperation in the past year, it allowed us to overcome many difficulties and maintain stability. We hope that next year we will have a successful joint journey, many successful starts and completed projects.

May you have as many pleasant surprises in the New Year as there are days in the year and every morning of a new day brings only good news, new reasons for happiness.

We wish you successful business development, the implementation of your ambitious plans, profitable customers, the embodiment of your most daring decisions, and may you always have a backup strategy at the right moment!

The team of EuroStroyRemont LLC

Option number 4

Dear friends!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the new 2019 be a year of financial prosperity and confident development for you and your company. Let the holiday be cheerful and bright, and let 2019 be generous with bright ideas, loud victories and magical memories.

In the coming year, we wish you and your loved ones optimism, health, prosperity and stability. Let it be warm, light and joyful in your home, as in your soul!

Best wishes, Rus-Stroy CJSC

Option number 5

Dear friends!

Let this year be warm and kind, successful and creative for you! Changes in life are joyful, achievements are grandiose, and dreams are realizable! We wish the difficulties to be surmountable, to lead to prosperity and success!

The team of the art-hotel "Ladoga"

Option number 6

Dear partners, friends! Please accept our sincere Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Cooperation with you is one of the priority areas of our work. Working with professionals is a valuable experience that is the key to success in any business. Thanks to joint efforts, new projects and plans are being implemented at a high, high-quality level, bringing great satisfaction.

We express our hope that our cooperation will continue to be fruitful and successful in the future!

Let your energy and optimism help you achieve new heights, experience and intuition suggest new goals and ways to achieve them, luck will be a faithful companion, and the reward will find you wherever you are!

May the coming year bring inspiration and joy of victories, fulfill all desires. Happiness, health and active longevity to you and your loved ones!

General Director of Keid-Aktiv LLC

B. Yu. Filkovsky

Option number 7

Dear partners, dear friends!

The team of MobileStreet LLC sincerely wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish you in the New Year what you rightfully deserve:

  • a huge army of loyal, loyal customers in all countries of the world;
  • impressive paid checks;
  • large purchases at the expense of the Company;
  • safe and easy achievement of the top of the business Olympus;
  • everything that can decorate your life with bright colors and magical impressions.

And don't be afraid of the height on the way to the heights!

Option number 8

Respectable partners!

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We sincerely hope that the same fruitful cooperation and mutual understanding awaits us in the New Year. We believe that the openness and trust that have developed between us will help all of us achieve success and prosperity!

We wish that in the New Year our relationship will be strengthened, and that joint work will bring joy and justified hopes!

Thank you for being around!

Director and team of LLC "Art"

Option number 9

Respectable partners!

The Copernicus-Trade company thanks you for the mutually beneficial cooperation and the trust placed in us in the past year!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

We sincerely wish you good health, stability and success in all your endeavors! May the year be happy and fruitful for you and your team!

We are always glad to cooperate with you!


the team of the company "Copernicus-Trade"

Option number 10

Dear friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

You have established yourself as a team capable of setting big goals and achieving them. It was easy and comfortable to work with you in the past year, and we hope that next year will contribute to the strengthening and development of our business relationships. Thank you for being a reliable shoulder in the business.

We sincerely wish you further dynamic development, financially free clients, job satisfaction. May the New Year bring with it a new source of energy, good health, vigor, love of life and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Director of Market-Shield LLC

Option number 11

Dear friends, colleagues, associates!

Please accept our sincere Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We always meet these long-awaited and beloved holidays with the kindest hopes. Let all the good things that happened in the past year give a charge of vital energy and inspiration for the fulfillment of our plans in the coming year.

We wish you in the new year the realization of your cherished desires and the implementation of the most daring projects, justified expectations and worthy rewards for your work! Health, joy, well-being and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Group of companies "Nembus"

Option number 12

Dear partners, friends!

The outgoing year will be remembered by us for effective and fruitful joint work with you, for difficult tasks and their worthy solution, for the successful implementation of our plans. He gave us the joy of meetings and discoveries, victories and achievements, new professional and life experience. We continue to strive to develop and strengthen our business and human relationships with you, joint development and mutually beneficial cooperation.

We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, we sincerely wish you the embodiment of all your plans, the justification of all hopes and the fulfillment of all desires. Peace, stability, prosperous development, health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Head of the Department of Property

relations of the Vologda region

F.V. Izbushkin

Option number 13

Dear friends!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

The time is coming that connects the past, present and future, cherished dreams and new goals, the desire for change and the hope that everything will turn out in the best way. This is a time of new inspiration for great deeds, professional success and joint achievements.

I wish all of us in the coming year indestructible health, inexhaustible vigor, unshakable vitality, stability, self-confidence and inexhaustible love of life.

Chairman of the Primary

Trade union organization

LLC "Chem-Service"

E. K. Tushkin

Option number 14

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the coming year be successful and fruitful for you, a year of new opportunities and achievements, filled with bright events and good deeds!

We sincerely wish you well-being and stability, inexhaustible energy, optimism, self-confidence, and the fulfillment of all your plans. May luck and success accompany everything!

Good health and active longevity to you and your loved ones, family happiness and the warmth of family members!


management and team

MFC "City Social Service of Barnaul"

Option number 15

Dear friends!

We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We sincerely wish that in the new year you will be accompanied by business success and financial stability, and that good health and good spirits will help you to realize your plans!

The team of LLC "Adhil"

Option number 16

Dear friends and partners!

Please accept my most sincere and warmest congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the next year strengthen and increase well-being, give new successes, give new strength to achieve the most daring goals, justify hopes, and persistence and dedication will help to realize dreams.

We wish you firmness of mind, inexhaustible optimism, good health, mental and financial comfort!


the team of LLC "Mekbuda-Star"

Option number 17

Dear friends!

Please accept my most sincere and warmest congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

These are the most beautiful, kind and bright holidays - symbols of hope and creation! Let the New Year become for you a year of positive changes, confident growth and strengthening of your positions in your chosen professional field.

We wish you confidence in the future, achievement of the desired heights, prosperity and successful creative search.


Bagrationovsky Education Committee

urban district

Option number 18

Dear colleagues and partners!

Please accept my sincere and warm wishes for a Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

New Year is one of the most joyful holidays, which gives hope for the best. We will remember the outgoing year as another life stage passed, undoubtedly, which taught us a lot and left us valuable experience for further movement forward.

May the coming year give each of us new spiritual strength, new unforgettable meetings, help bring new brilliant ideas to life!

With all my heart I wish you to always have reliable and loyal friends and partners by your side!

Best wishes,

President of the Association "Baltic Press"

I. Kh. Kostochkin

Option number 19

Dear friends!

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Thank you for your cooperation in the past year and look forward to its successful continuation in the coming one.

The beginning of the year opens up new prospects for us. Thanks to cooperation with such reliable partners as you, we are able to clearly see all the goals and systematically, steadily move towards them.

We wish you only positive changes in your life, success in implementing your plans! Happiness, kindness, prosperity and good luck in the New Year - to you and your home!

General manager

Sirius-Engineering Invest

P. R. Kulkov

Option number 20

Respectable partners!

New 2019 is on the doorstep - the year of new achievements and good hopes. Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming 2019 year and the bright holiday of Christmas!

We wish that every day of the next year opens up new perspectives, and that there are loyal friends and reliable partners nearby. May luck, happiness, energy and optimism be faithful companions of your life!

General manager

LLC "Medical Center" New Life "

A. Z. Musikhina

Option number 21

Dear partners and friends!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

We traditionally enter the New Year with new plans and hopes. I wish that even your wildest dreams come true! May the next year enter your homes, granting peace and goodness, fill with energy, inspire new achievements, preserve and increase physical, mental, emotional and financial health.

I am sure that in the New Year we will cope with all the challenges we face and achieve our goals!

General Director of OJSC "Rem-Fasad"

O. L. Ryushkin

Option number 22

Respectable partners!

Please accept our warmest Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts that 2019 will become a year of creativity and stability. So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, so that luck will accompany you in business. May this year be full of pleasant discoveries, achieved goals and joyful meetings!


The team of LLC "Adara-Consult"

Option number 23

Dear friends!

New Year comes with enviable constancy, whether we are ready for it or not, believe in a fairy tale or not. Even the most desperate skeptics, he gives an unconscious sense of magic, a restrained confidence that all failures will remain in the past, and the new year, from scratch, will begin to write a new, happy life for us.

May it be so!

Best wishes,

management and staff of the agency "Olymp"

Option number 24

Dear Valentin Platonovich!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

New Year has always been and remains a symbol of goodness and hope, new beginnings and ideas. And therefore I hope that our common efforts will bring only prosperity and prosperity to our companies in the future.

Optimism, faith in oneself and one's own strengths, will help to overcome difficulties, achieve set goals and cope with all obstacles, realize all tasks.

May 2019 become for us the time to bring our ambitious plans to life, bring constructive solutions and creative ideas, understanding and support from friends and colleagues!

Good health, happiness, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Chairman of the Board of Directors

CJSC "NanoResource"


All presented sample texts are relevant for congratulations orally and in writing. If you need to create a written text, adhere to the following formatting rules:

  • After the header (the top of the page) is designed, the main text is laid out in the center.
  • Width or left alignment is allowed if there is no other way to place the text on the page (for example, the page design or the text size does not allow the text to be centered).
  • After the main text, on the left, indicate the position of the author (or indicate that the author of the message is the organization's staff).
  • Opposite the position, on the right margin, indicate the initial letters of the author's name and surname. If the author is the collective of the enterprise, the names are not listed (see as in the samples).
  • If the letter is sent by e-mail, then nothing else is indicated on the page. If it is decided to send a congratulatory message on paper, indicate the date of writing. However, if the year has already been indicated in the text (often the text indicates the year on which the author congratulates the addressee), then it is not necessary to indicate the date of writing at the bottom of the page.
  • In this case, the personal signature and seal of the organization is not put.
  • The texts addressed to the organization are on a separate page.