Wedding traditions from around the world (17 photos). Wedding traditions and ceremonies around the world

Not a single wedding ceremony, in our understanding, can do without a fight, not excluding, of course, a sea of ​​flowers, shoes instead of a glass, dancing until the morning. But love lives in all corners of the globe, and each nation preserves and honors those that have evolved over the centuries. Unique and sometimes shocking to the average layman, they are an integral part of any wedding and promise happiness.

10. India... In a society ruled by caste, they believe in reincarnation, wedding traditions are strong. Here, temporary marriage is practiced for girls who are ugly or with an erupted tooth. The groom is chosen from among our smaller brothers. Hindus believe in the introduction of all evil spirits into girls with an unsightly appearance. The only way to expel an evil spirit from an Indian woman is to marry her off to a pet. Most often, a goat or a dog becomes a husband. This happened with 18-year-old Mangli from eastern India, who was married to a tramp dog. After the ceremony, she should take care of her four-legged patron. And after a few months, the elders of the village predict a happy life for the girl with her future human husband. Unusual traditions before the wedding have not spared Indian men. There is a belief: a younger brother should not be married earlier than an older one, so as not to bring trouble. If the latter is still single, he chooses a spouse - a tree, thus, approving the marriage of the younger. The newly made spouse is cut down after the ceremony.

9. Kenya... In the ancestral home of humanity, the honeymoon looks different. In order to fully feel the wife in himself, the newlyweds must go in a woman's dress for 30 days. This is how Kenyan traditions cultivate a tolerance for women's responsibilities. While the arms and legs of the young wife are adorned with the splendor of the patterns. Made with henna, they confirm the new status, and they remain on the skin for a whole year. The wisdom of the natives cannot be denied!

8. Ethiopia... The country next door has a different bridal décor. The Antimony tribe strictly observes the custom, according to which a girl loses a pair of lower teeth before the wedding day, pierces her lip to insert a clay plate there. Its larger diameter indicates a rich dowry. The ceramic disc performs another function - it protects the girl from the influence of evil spirits that can penetrate through the mouth into the body. The unusual tradition of wearing a plate in the lip is associated with the legend of the slave owner. What normal white man would like such a "beauty"? The good news is that the disc is removed during meals, as well as in the absence of men.

7. Bali... Seats at the wedding table in Bali are occupied only by women. The male half is not visible, because after preparing the dishes that women eat, you should rest. The bride and groom wait for the yellow rice and chicken offerings at the end of the ceremony. Only by becoming husband and wife can they publicly eat together. This makes a special sense. Before the wedding ritual, their teeth are filed: incisors and canines. An unusual tradition is associated with warding off animal instincts and human vices from newlyweds. The oldest custom also symbolizes the beginning of an independent life without parental care.

6. Macedonia... Macedonian brides are renowned for their ideal heroic approach to the wedding ceremony. The girl is able to show her future husband that she is "a galloping horse ... and into a burning hut." The bride will have to carefully prepare herself and acquire the skills of an ideal hostess: to sew a wedding dress, to learn a wedding script, to learn to ride a horse. The last skill is necessary so that she can, without damage, take the barrier in the form of the fence of the house of the chosen one, and then jump out of the saddle without touching the bridle or stirrup.

5. Scotland... The inhabitants of this country have a very strange look at the appearance of the bride (as well as at men's clothing). The rite of initiation into a wife involves throwing mud, in the truest sense of the word. The custom says that the more the girl is smeared, the less negative there will be during the married life. The ritual is unusual. All invited guests diligently throw mud at the bride, smear with soot, pour sauces on the wedding dress. The mixture is sticky and unpleasant. It is such a beauty who will have to walk the streets. In the summer, she is obliged to visit all the pubs that come her way. It is customary for grooms to wear on their wedding day a national men's skirt - a kilt, which, as usual, is worn without underwear under it.

4. China... It would seem that when preparing for the wedding, everyone should be happy and congratulate the bride and groom. But the Tuja people living in China prefer to do the opposite. The crying of the bride and family begins a month before the wedding. An unusual wedding ritual involves the performance of crying with lamentations every day for half an hour. After 10 days, the mother-in-law picks up the baton, and on the eve of the wedding ceremony they are supported by their friends and other women from the clan. But the ubiquitous red color at the wedding personifies joy, love, prosperity. There is so much of it in the wedding theme in China that it is impossible to think about a sad event.

3. Mauritania... Most people in the Western world believe that you need to be slim and attractive on your wedding day. Moorish grooms have a different opinion. On this land there is an unusual tradition to specially consume a lot of fatty foods, to drink up to 10 liters of camel milk daily. This applies to women who want to get married. In Mauritania, a special service is organized where they are fattened until they become attractive enough. Here they are sure that the thicker the bride, the sexier she is.

2. France... Being loud is one of the annoying wedding traditions. It is common in some parts of France and is called chavari. This means that people must have metal accessories that make a lot of noise. The families of the bride and groom gather near the house where the wedding night is to take place and begin to arrange a concert. But instead of singing, young spouses hear screams, and spoons, pots, and pots serve as musical instruments. This is done in order to kill the romance, to lure the newlyweds out into the street with drinks and snacks. Then they are released, giving them privacy.

1. Mauritius... There is a strange ritual on the islands of the Indian Ocean in French Polynesia. After the wedding celebrations are over, the bride's relatives lie shoulder to shoulder, face down. The bride and groom walk on them, and someone can stomp their heels. It is difficult to say how people feel when they walk on them like on a carpet. In Mauritius, this is a sign of trust and good family relationships.

The wedding day for the bride is one of the most important in her life. Wedding traditions differ from country to country (and often even from region to region), but most have some things in common: friends, family, and lots of food! Although more and more newlyweds are abandoning some of the old traditions in favor of a modern style, the culture still has a big impact on celebrating this special day. Here are some of the most fascinating wedding traditions from around the world.


During a traditional Japanese wedding, the bride must wear not only a white kimono, but also the same hood. Moreover, she should be made up in white from head to toe to emphasize her purity. Modern Japanese brides often change their outfit several times a day. Initially, they wear a traditional white kimono, then a red one, and end the celebration in a white wedding dress that matches the Western style.

The union of spouses symbolizes a drink drunk together. As soon as each of the newlyweds takes a sip, they are considered husband and wife.


Indian weddings vary greatly depending on the region and religion of the bride and groom. Most Indian weddings are performed according to age-old rituals, and they often last for several days.

One of the most memorable Indian wedding rituals is the Mehendi ceremony, during which the bride's hands and feet are painted with henna. Friends and relatives are often involved in this ritual.


In China, brides have traditionally opted for red rather than white (as this color is associated with funerals), although more and more girls are opting for Western-style white dresses for their weddings. Most brides who decide to do this simply change their traditional red dress for white in the middle of the wedding party. Red symbolizes good luck and helps protect newlyweds from evil spirits. Wedding dresses are often decorated with images of a golden phoenix and a dragon, which symbolize masculine and feminine strength.

On the wedding day, the groom takes the bride from home, where she is waiting for him, surrounded by friends. According to tradition, they should tease the groom and not let the bride go with him until he "convinces" them of this by paying money.

Women in China tend to get married quite young due to social pressures. Unmarried women in their 30s are often referred to as "old maids."


In Mauritania (a country in West Africa), it is believed that women with a full figure bring good luck and prosperity to marriage. It's no secret that many modern brides choose to diet to look good in wedding dresses, but Moorish girls go out of their way to put on extra weight.

Do you think this is every woman's dream? Unlikely. The fact is that many Mauritanian girls are force-fed from childhood until they become overweight in order to make them more attractive to men.


In Jamaica, a wedding is usually an important event that brings the whole community together. According to an old tradition (which is rarely practiced nowadays), villagers gathered on the street to see the bride, who should look her best. When the villagers felt that she did not look good enough, they began to criticize her. In that case, the girl had to go home and dress up to look her best.

It is customary for a Jamaican wedding to bake a lot of cakes. During the ceremony, they are carried by married women dressed in white, which symbolizes the happiness of the young wife.


On the eve of a wedding in Germany, it is customary to follow a tradition called Polterabend. This holiday is a kind of combination of a bachelorette party and a bachelor party, where friends of the bride and groom are invited. During the holiday, you should break the plate to attract good luck.

At German weddings, traditional games such as Baumstamm sägen are often played, during which the couple tests their strength by sawing a wooden log. Another game is Brautentführung, during which the bride's friends have to kidnap her, and the groom's task is to find the lost wife.


In Afghanistan, green is considered a wedding color, since in the Islamic tradition it represents prosperity and paradise. On the wedding day, the bride's hands and feet are covered with henna, just like her relatives. According to tradition, henna on the little finger helps unmarried girls find a groom.

A wedding is a huge event in Afghanistan that lasts more than three days. It includes both a religious ceremony and a feast with family and friends.


Mexican weddings are often very colorful. While tradition in some regions of the country requires the bride to wear a simple white cotton dress, she can decorate it with yellow, blue and red ribbons to bless her marriage with food, money and passion. Grooms usually wear a light-colored, loose-fitting shirt.

Mexican weddings are highly religiously influenced. During the ceremony, the groom must give the bride 13 gold coins, which symbolize Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles. After the young have exchanged vows, the priest should wrap woven flowers or a rope around their necks to show that they are now tied together.


In the Italian region of Tuscany, black was traditional for wedding dresses! However, brides across the country choose white dresses and veils these days. The tradition of throwing rose petals or confetti at a happy couple has remained unchanged.

As a wedding treat, guests are often given delicious sweet almonds topped with white sugar, and the amount doesn't have to be even. It is believed that since two people have become one, almonds should not be divided equally either.

All you need is Love

A wedding is a special occasion, no matter where you live! It doesn't matter if it matches all wedding traditions or defies stereotypes, the most important thing is the celebration of love between the happy couple with family and friends.

Wedding is one of the oldest traditions in the world, which is common to people in all countries and at all times. People in different countries may have disagreements, but celebrating love is what unites us all.

In our concept, a traditional wedding is associated with a white fluffy dress, a formal groom's suit and a large festive table. But not all countries of the world celebrate weddings this way. Many nations honor their traditions and celebrate weddings especially.


In Malaysia, most wedding ceremonies are performed in the Muslim tradition. Brides often choose purple, purple or cream wedding dresses. The ceremony is held on a special platform. This is a special wooden gazebo, beautifully decorated with flowers.

Before the wedding day, special henna patterns are applied to the bride, which is very similar to a similar ritual in India. In Malaysia, there is a very unusual ritual of signing a marriage contract. It is a special contract that is considered a gift from the groom to the bride. Before the banquet, the groom with accompanying persons must pick up the bride who is waiting for him at the agreed place. This whole ritual is performed to the sound of a drum. A banquet held in the evening is traditionally important at a wedding in Malaysia.

In Japanese weddings, brides often wear two dresses throughout the ceremony - white and red, although sometimes there may be more. Wedding customs in Japan are very different from the traditions of other countries, because most marriages are concluded by agreement - a man and a woman marry not for love, but for mutual benefit. A girl is looking for a wealthy partner, and a man is looking for a good housewife who will look after the house and take care of raising children. Of course, in the Land of the Rising Sun, love marriages are performed, the number of which is growing every year, but today there are a lot of contractual ones.

Preparation for the wedding takes at least 6 months, so it is customary to send invitations at least 2-3 months before the wedding. The future spouses traditionally exchange mokuroku, scrolls listing all the relatives of the other half. If the newlyweds know everyone by name, then they can make a good impression on the new family. In Japan, it is customary to give gifts even before the wedding. They are called - engagement gifts (yuino). The groom's family gives the bride a gold or platinum diamond ring. If the family's income is not great, then with a stone suitable for the bride according to the zodiac sign. It is also customary for the bride to give money for the wedding. Japanese weddings rarely cost less than $ 80,000. The bride, in turn, gives her groom a ring, but at a much lower cost.

Ghanaian traditional weddings are very colorful. The design of their national dress can vary, depending on the colors and patterns. Each family has its own pattern of traditional clothing.

Today, most young Romanians play weddings in a modern style. However, traditional outfits can still be seen in more remote areas. Although Romania is small, each region has its own wedding dress.

The Romanians start their wedding ceremony on Monday. Since the first day of the week symbolizes the creation of a new family. The groom with his parents should come to the house young in the early morning. Then everyone goes to church and the marriage ceremony takes place. In addition to the young parents, the planted mother and father are allowed to attend.

Traditionally, after a church wedding, young people come home and greet guests with bread and salt and a full glass of wine. Then all the guests go to the tables and sit down. The traditional Romanian wedding menu includes cabbage pies, sour soups, goose and duck offal, pickles and of course wine drinks. Before sitting down at the table, young people must bow to their parents.

Then they ask the guests for forgiveness for all the mistakes that may be made during the wedding ceremony, and then the fun begins. In the evening after the holiday, according to tradition, the planted mother leaves the feast first, as she has to make the bed for the young. She puts a thorny bush under the bed, which will help overcome every hardship in family relationships.

Then the planted mother returns to the table, takes the newlyweds by the hands, walks with them three times around the table, and then the young go to the bedchamber. From that moment on at the table, women sing sad songs, and this is how the traditional Romanian wedding ceremony ends!

The Sami are the indigenous people of Lapland. Their traditional dresses tell a lot about their wearers. For example, square buttons indicate that the person is married, while single people use clothes with round buttons.

On the eve of the wedding, all relatives gather at the bride's house, where the groom presents the relatives with gifts that they agreed on earlier. As a rule, a young man presents a silver goblet to his father-in-law as a sign of respect - this is the first and main gift. The second most important gift will be a huge copper or cast iron boiler. The third is a bed, that is, deer skins, from which a sleeping place will be made. Gifts for the mother-in-law are as follows: a belt of silver, a solemn and elegant dress, a necklace made of silver circles. For other relatives, the groom should give silver spoons, a necklace, and the like. A gift should be for every relative of the bride, otherwise the bride may not be given to the young man. The wedding is celebrated the next day, first - the wedding, and only then the feast. The spouses wear suits specially tailored for a special occasion; it is considered bad form to rent things from the Sami.

> The bride is always the center of attention on her wedding day. However, if you find yourself at a traditional Sri Lankan wedding, you most likely will not be able to take your eyes off the groom.

Here, during the wedding, the national wedding ceremonies are fully adhered to. As a rule, newlyweds dress in local clothes, and the wedding procession consists exclusively of elephants. The bride is carrying a bouquet of bright flowers. A small company of girls and boys accompanies those who are married to the place of the ceremony. During this period of the procession, the fairer sex performs national wedding songs, and the guys - traditional dances. The rhythm of songs and dances is set by drums. The young are declared husband and wife in an arch specially erected for this - a porch. It is decorated with lotus flowers in pink and white, this is also a tribute to tradition.

One of the beautiful rites is the exchange between a pair of betel leaves. During the entire ceremony, they make this gesture 7 times. According to the beliefs of local residents, this should bring happiness and love to the next 7 generations. As a sign that the husband and wife are ready to take care of each other throughout their life together, they eat rice, which is boiled in coconut milk and water. After the newlyweds exchange rings, their little fingers are tied with a thread of gold and water is poured over them from a silver goblet. During the observance of this tradition, a special prayer is read.

Red or pink wedding dresses are a traditional choice for brides in Indian culture. In the northern regions, married women draw a red dot in the center of their forehead.

Indian marriage has a peculiarity that distinguishes it from others - a young married couple is formed not by young people, but by the groom's parents. They choose a future wife for their son, negotiate with her parents about the upcoming wedding. A girl may not know her betrothed at all, but she can only submit to her parental will. This tradition was formed several millennia ago, but has not changed since then, despite the large number of castes and cultures in India.

According to tradition, in India, before they appoint a wedding, the parents of the young people carefully study their horoscopes, choose the optimal date for this event, and future relatives are invited to the bride.

After an agreement on the wedding is concluded between the parents, a meeting of the young is organized, or rather, two meetings - first at the bride's house, and then at the groom's. These meetings are called "ashir-wad" in India. Parents bless the marriage, and the engagement takes place. According to the wedding traditions of India, newlyweds prepare gifts for each other, and their parents and close relatives also generously give them. It takes about two months from the engagement to the wedding.

A wedding in India is a special celebration, it takes a long time to prepare for it, spend a lot of money. If the family is wealthy, from 15 to 20 thousand dollars are spent on the wedding. 700-800 guests are invited, who need to be provided with housing, as well as food for many days, because the wedding with all the preludes lasts more than a week.

In Scotland, the groom traditionally wears the kilt of his clan. After the wedding ceremony, he should wrap a scarf decorated with the flowers of his clan around the bride's shoulders. This symbolizes her membership in a new family.

The day of the wedding is strikingly different from our accepted norms. The Scots, oddly enough, prefer weekdays for weddings, because believe that on weekends you need to take a break from any business, including weddings.

To confirm the seriousness of intentions, the Scottish groom gives the bride an unusual brooch (Luchen booth). This brooch lures happiness, luck, health. It is for this reason that later a young wife decorates her children's outfits with this brooch, thereby protecting them from any negative life.

Also, the groom can give his beloved an elegant silver spoon- a symbol of material well-being. Wedding ring sometimes it is inherited by the girl, the groom can do without the ring altogether.

> Although Pakistan is an Islamic state, its traditions have much in common with those of India. For example, the bride's hands are decorated with intricate henna patterns. Red wedding dress is also considered traditional.

As it is not surprising, the ransom for the bride, which is an integral part of the wedding ceremony in many Muslim countries, is not given in Pakistan. It is simply not accepted here. Moreover, the bride's side is equally financially responsible for the wedding celebration.

Weddings in Pakistan are usually celebrated over four days. On the first day of the wedding, the bride's side and the groom's side celebrate the upcoming wedding separately from each other. This event is informal and is a small rehearsal of the future celebration. On this day, everyone is dressed mainly in orange and yellow colors. There is an explanation for this: despite the fact that today Pakistanis are Muslims, yellow, which is preferred at such events, is an echo of other beliefs that prevailed in this territory earlier. For example, among Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs, this color is a religious symbol.

The second day of the celebration is called "Mendi", which translates as "henna" and this is no accident. The fact is that on this day the bride's hands and feet are painted with henna. For this, special masters are invited, and often the whole family of the bride takes part in this ritual. On the same day, the groom's party brings her wedding attire for the bride.

The third day is called "baraat" and is the most important in the entire wedding ceremony. Literally, the word "baraat" is translated as "the transfer of the bride to the husband's family." The religious ceremony and the civil wedding ceremony take place at the same time. On this day, the mullah first goes to the groom and, having read the appropriate prayers, takes his consent to marry. The necessary documents are signed, and then the mullah goes to the bride. There he also conducts this ceremony and, having collected the signatures of the bride on the relevant documents, declares this couple as husband and wife.

After the marriage is concluded, the bride can be taken out to the groom who has already arrived. Both are dressed in red. By evening, the bride is already leaving for her new home, she goes to the groom's family. Usually, when saying goodbye to her family, the girl cries.

The fourth day, "Walima", is the final one. The newlyweds appear before the guests in a new capacity. They are now a separate family. Guests present young people with gifts, mainly money. On this day, a rich table is also set for those invited, and a real wedding feast awaits guests.

You might be surprised, but Ethiopia is the only country in Africa where Christianity is the official religion. The majority of the population belongs to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, so the wedding ceremony here is reminiscent of the Russian one.

On the wedding day, the groom and his friends go to the bride's house. But the parents of the young close the doors to them. To get into the dwelling, they must dance, sing songs and make up jokes so that the door is opened for them. As soon as the groom gets inside, friends sprinkle aromatic liqueurs. This is a symbol of the beginning of a married life.

The wedding table of this tribe is very modest. There are no delicacies and gourmet treats here. Ethiopia is a poor country, and I treat my guests with what they cultivate themselves. First of all, cutlery is not used here. All food is eaten with the hands. There are no traditional plates either. Instead of them - figs. This is a yew cake, which is placed on the bottom of a tin dish, and a treat is already superimposed on top.

The hostess of the house treats the guest of honor with the most delicious piece, which is called gursha. She puts it in the guest's mouth with her hands. Refusal can greatly offend the hostess.

Indonesian weddings can be very different on different islands. This country has become home to over 300 ethnic groups and has 6 major religions. Is it any wonder that different cultures and civilizations are mixed in Indonesia?

There is a beautiful tradition in Indonesia. Every couple wishing to tie the knot must plant two trees. Three trees are planted when people start family life a second time.

All wedding preparations in Indonesia are public. Only a large number of people can organize a wedding (an entire Indonesian village or a street in a city). A specially created committee takes over the preparation of wedding celebrations in Indonesia. His responsibilities include: organizing a festive table, building a huge shed in case of rain, preparing tables and chairs for guests, ordering an orchestra to perform live music.

During a traditional Caucasian wedding, the groom usually wears a Circassian coat and a sword attached to his belt. Brides choose a white wedding dress with national motives.

At a Caucasian wedding, you will never hear the screams of "Bitter". Firstly, such liberties are not acceptable in Muslim customs, and the groom gets the right to touch the bride only on the wedding night. And secondly, it happens that at a holiday, young people sit in different rooms and, purely physically, cannot kiss each other.

The bride should behave quietly, modestly and preferably to keep quiet during the entire wedding ceremony. Here's another inconsistency with European conventional behavior. No prepared joint dancing, throwing a bouquet and drinking champagne from a shoe. One sheer innocence and chastity. But the guests are allowed everything. By the way, many young people have the opportunity to make new acquaintances just at the weddings of their friends or relatives.

Traditional wedding dresses in China should be red. In this country, white symbolizes times of mourning and funeral. After marriage, the groom removes the red veil from the bride's head.

The Chinese wedding is a lot of fun. On wedding days, the brides come to the groom's house. Wedding corteges are accompanied by fireworks and fun. During the fun, unicorn or lion wedding dances are performed. It symbolizes goodwill, prosperity, good luck and business reputation.

In the house where the bride lived, the groom is given two sticks to eat. So they assume that sons will start faster. When the bride goes to the groom's house, grain and rice are scattered in front of the bride. This means a symbol of fertility. Mirrors are attached to the back of the bride's dresses. This will protect them from all evil spirits and other negative energy. When the bride crosses the threshold of her future husband, she must step over the saddle, because the Chinese translate saddle as peace.

The old Scottish custom is surprising. So, in some regions of this country for several centuries there has been a tradition to smear the bride with mud before the wedding. And the more disgusting this dirt looks, the more joy this procedure brings to its participants. Therefore, all available means are used here, including food. But that's not all. In the company of the groom's friends, the bride must also go to the bars. It is believed that after this, all other life troubles will seem like a child's prank to her, and she will be absolutely ready for family life.

How to propose and show love at weddings around the world

A very unusual wedding tradition exists in Germany. After the solemn wedding ceremony, the young should go to a special log. By sawing it together in the presence of all those invited to the celebration, they demonstrate how they will live as a couple and jointly solve all difficulties and problems.

The Jewish wedding with its secret rituals and ceremonies is curious and mysterious.

In Bulgaria there is one special way to make an offer. To do this, the groom must approach his future bride at a distance of several meters and throw an apple at her. You need to get into the object of your passion the first time, otherwise the offer may be rejected.

Wedding traditions and customs in different countries of the world can be funny and ridiculous at first glance, but at the same time carry a deep philosophical meaning.

Weddings and customs of the peoples of the world

On the Bali islands there is a long tradition of filing young teeth before marriage. And not one or two, but six at once, canines along with incisors. This ritual is done in order to:

  • Mark the transition to adulthood
  • Drive out evil spirits from the bodies of newlyweds that can spoil their lives.

Weddings of small nations of the world are interesting and extremely unusual, for example, a wedding with gypsies or in Mauritania. For the latter, for a successful marriage, the bride-to-be begins to feed densely and satisfyingly from the age of five. The fact is that in these parts, curvy women are considered beautiful. The larger and more expensive it is, the more dowry parents can get for it.

Wedding ceremonies of the peoples of the world are original and interesting for their symbolism.

Where did the tradition of screaming bitterly at a wedding come from?

To the exclamations of "Bitter!" at the wedding, the newlyweds kiss and delight guests with their manifestation of love.

Versions of the origin of the custom

There are several options for the origin of the tradition.

This is a very symbolic tradition of a modern wedding, which has become a real hallmark of Russian culture and which no other wedding rituals of the peoples of the world can boast of.

Wedding customs in different countries

This holiday is being held on a large scale in Libya. It lasts eight days, and the most interesting thing happens on the sixth day. The groom gives his beloved a basket with special contents - guffu. It contains perfumes, expensive fabrics and other valuable things. The bride should not only carefully examine the contents of the guffa, but also immediately taste its contents. Especially for this, she calls one of her relatives, who takes incense from a basket and rubs it on the bride's heel. The Lebanese believe that in this way the wife will be able to keep her husband under her thumb for a long time.

Wedding traditions in some peoples of the world can be very cruel. So, marriage for a groom in Nigeria is a whole test of strength, and in the truest sense of the word. In order to get the hand of his beloved, he must go through the crowd of her relatives, who at this time will beat him with sticks. If the candidate withstands the test with dignity, he thereby demonstrates his perseverance and is happily accepted as a new family member.

Wedding traditions of different nations, regardless of the continent and religion, are steeped in legends and legends. The portal site is sure that they have their own special meaning, requiring respect and reverence.

    The wedding tradition in every corner of the world is a reflection of the soul of the local population, the essence of the people of the area. All nations on our planet have originality, unusual rituals and a kind of flavor. Let's take a look at the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world and find out how interesting they are to us, and whether we are ready to marry according to some unusual exotic ceremony that will unite the hearts of two lovers forever.

    Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

    People of all nations of the world are constantly falling in love and getting married. Our country also has its own wedding traditions, rooted in ancient times. Each element of the Russian wedding ceremony hides a separate tradition. For example, among the Russian people it is customary:

    1. Block the road to the wedding procession.
    2. Hand out sweets to children before going to the registry office.
    3. Redeem the bride.
    4. Letting out pigeons.

    According to an old wedding tradition, the Russian bride is given the opportunity to be the first to cut the wedding loaf, showing her becoming a mistress of the house. After marriage, the mother-in-law removes the veil from the bride, which symbolizes the acceptance of a new member into the family. Another old Russian wedding custom that has survived to this day is the meeting of the young after marriage registration with bread and salt. According to Russian custom, the newlyweds should bite off one piece from the wedding loaf, and whoever has a larger piece, according to legend, will be the main one in the house.

    Recently, the Slavic peoples have another wedding tradition: to throw the bride's wedding bouquet to unmarried girlfriends. The girl who caught the bridal bouquet should be married next. A similar ritual exists among men: the groom removes the garter from his wife's leg and throws it to his single friends. Whoever catches her first will meet his soul mate. Mention of this wedding tradition can be found in the manuscripts of the XIV century. Then it was believed that any clothes removed from the bride or groom would bring the favor of the opposite sex.

    The most fun is still the Russian wedding custom of buying the bride. Usually, the ransom is handled by witnesses, but sometimes the groom becomes a participant in this event. Traditionally, the girl is redeemed with money, less often with champagne, vodka, sweets and flowers. Neighbors, acquaintances and invited guests take part in this wedding ritual. Although a similar ceremony is held by many other peoples of the world - for example, it is customary among Muslims to take a kalym for a bride - but in the Russian tradition, the ransom is more fun than a cash payment for a girl.

    Russian wedding ceremonies are more about entertainment. In other nations of the world, wedding traditions are striking in their practicality, thirdly - minimalism, and fourthly - romanticism. For example, in Australia, wedding preparations begin one year before the scheduled date of the celebration. The people of Australia are Catholics, so they do not have a civil marriage registration. All newlyweds undergo a wedding ceremony, after which the holiday begins.

    Three months before the deadline, the future spouses begin to go to the priest, who prepares young people for life together and draws up a wedding plan with them. Australians are practical in everything, therefore wedding gifts are negotiated in advance. The bride and groom make a list of the desired gifts in advance, and the guests distribute among themselves who and what will give.

    Australians, like other Catholics in the world, have an interesting tradition of making a lot of noise on the way to church. The roots of this ritual go back to antiquity, when the aborigines believed that noise drives away evil spirits. To create a rumble, to this day, old cans or other metal objects that are capable of creating a rumble are tied to the wedding car of many newlyweds of the world.

    The ceremony of breaking a wedding glass exists in many countries of the world. After leaving the church, the young people are presented with glasses of wine, which they must drink, and then break the glasses. According to the belief of many peoples, if both glasses break, then the newlyweds will have a happy life. But if any glass remains intact, then the marriage will not be successful. There is another explanation for this mysterious ritual: ancient people all over the world believed that the sound of broken glass drove away evil demons from newlyweds.

    Wedding traditions of Europe

    • Hungary

    According to the wedding tradition, the Hungarian bride takes off her shoes and puts them in the center of the hall. The gentleman who wants to dance with her should throw coins into his shoes. Whoever throws more coins has the primary right to dance. Another interesting Hungarian rite is morning washing, when the bride on the morning of the second day after the wedding, together with the guests, went to the well and washed all the guests in turn, then wiping them with a towel with her own hands.

    • Slovakia

    The bride chooses her chosen one herself, and then gives a ring and a shirt, which is sewn from natural silk. In response, the groom also picks up a silver ring for the bride, puts on a fur hat and a chastity belt. Weddings in cities in Slovakia often include traditional entertainment, games, contests and buffets, but in the countryside there is still the opportunity to see a national wedding ensemble of folk instruments.

    • Norway

    It is believed that in countries with a harsh climate, people do not know how to express feelings violently. The wedding traditions of cold Norway are proof of this. There are much fewer women in this country than men, so young people are looking for a bride from an early age. Since ancient times, a Norwegian woman has been equal with a man, therefore not only older boys, but also older girls are considered heirs.

    Nobody collects the dowry in Norway, and the newlyweds make the wedding at their own expense. The most beautiful Norwegian wedding tradition, which is still supported by newlyweds, is when guests go to the matchmaking place in brightly decorated boats, hung with wedding bells and other traditional wedding accessories.

    • Netherlands

    Some wedding ceremonies in the Netherlands can shock ordinary people from other countries of the world. But the local bride and groom do not suffer from unnecessary modesty and believe that everything natural should not be prohibited. Guests at the wedding are having fun without Slavic virtue, and contests, according to our ideas, go beyond any decent boundaries. The more dirty wedding performances, the more successful, in the opinion of local residents, it goes.

    There is no traditional wedding cake at a holiday celebration in the Netherlands. Instead, guests are offered national sweets called "sugar of the bride". They come in different shapes, and the taste is a real mosaic. The bride orders sweets from different confectioners, so if a guest comes across two identical sweets, then this is considered a lucky omen.

    African wedding ceremonies

    • Nigeria

    According to the wedding traditions of Nigeria, the groom's parents invite a professional matchmaker who selects the right candidate for the bride that meets the family's requirements. A matchmaker in a hamam checks the selected candidates for innocence, and then presents them to their parents for judgment. An interesting local custom is observed immediately after the Nigerian wedding, when the groom is chased through the corridor by relatives who beat him with sticks. It is believed that only after this is the groom ready for family life.

    • Ethiopia

    In African tribes, family life for a girl begins with real tests. For example, in the Surma tribe, six months before the wedding ceremony, a newlywed is pierced the lower lip and a clay disc is inserted. In order not to interfere with the disc, the two front teeth are removed, because it is believed that the larger the disc, the richer the bride's dowry. In addition to alerting the girl about the high material status of the girl, the clay disc protects her from evil spirits that can enter the body through the mouth.

    • Egypt

    This African country is home to traditional marriage. The ancient Egyptians were the first people to invite the world to legitimize the relationship between a woman and a man. The marriage contract also appeared for the first time in Egypt - it detailed the responsibilities of the husband and wife. Wedding rituals of the peoples of Egypt are rooted in Islam, in which a man has the right to have four wives, but must necessarily provide for everyone. Not all modern Egyptian men can afford more than one wife.

    In Egypt, interesting and colorful national dances that are present at all traditional wedding ceremonies: belly dance, dance with a skirt and swords. The exchange of rings is also an ancient tradition of the Egyptian people, which was picked up by almost all countries of the world. The Egyptians consider the ring a symbol of love and put it on the middle finger of the left hand, because the heart vein passes through this finger, which holds the hearts of young people together.

    • Rwanda

    The traditional wedding ceremony of the Bahutu tribe in Rwanda is very passionate! The customs of this people require newlyweds to express hatred towards each other. Immediately after the marriage ceremony, the woman with her face covered with a veil goes to her husband's house and there a real massacre begins. The wife mercilessly scratches her husband, inflicting tangible wounds on him, and the husband is also aggressive towards her.

    The carnage continues until the morning, and its participants remain silent, not uttering a single word throughout the fight. The pugnacious ritual can last even for several nights in a row, after which the wife moves to her husband's house forever and the spouses of the Bahutu tribe never quarrel again. These bizarre wedding traditions test young people for family readiness. Maybe that's why African families are so durable?

    The customs of the peoples of Asia

    • Thailand

    The wedding ritual of this Asian people does not require modest attire. On this day, a Thai bride can change up to ten multi-colored and white outfits, depending on which ceremony is performed. For each ceremony, you need to choose the appropriate dress. Black is unacceptable at a wedding; it is worn by widows in Thailand, so it is not even used in the decoration of a wedding dress. According to the traditions of Thailand, weddings should have a lot of gold, red and orange colors.

    • China

    These people love red, so according to the Chinese wedding tradition, everything is red: a bride's dress, envelopes with money, boxes with gifts and even rose petals. The wedding tradition, when newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a red ribbon, also came to the world from China. The Chinese wedding ceremony is expensive, but it pays off quickly, since the gifts to the newlyweds are transferred only in money. Even relatives who are not present at the ceremony donate money.

    • India

    The wedding ritual of the Indian peoples is the most colorful spectacle in the world, the brightest demonstration of the beliefs of the Indian people, a manifestation of their spiritual culture and deep religious roots. Usually, Indian newlyweds meet for the first time during the wedding ceremony, but this nation almost never gets divorced. For other peoples, this remains a mystery, because in those countries of the world where they marry for love, the divorce rate is simply catastrophic.

    For Hindus, flowers are the main wedding accessory. There are an immense number of them at the wedding, which is why it is an expensive part of every Indian wedding ceremony. The scent of flowers is loved by the gods, so through flowers they will quickly hear the requests of mortals. An important point on the holiday is the table: exclusively vegetarian dishes are served, and eggs, fish and meat are strictly prohibited.

    The wedding ceremony on this Indonesian island has become a fashionable event among all the newlyweds in the world, and it is understandable why. It is believed that if you enter into a traditional marriage on this paradise island, then it will be happy and long. In addition, the Balinese ceremony is very impressive: incense is smoked, flower donations are brought to thousands of local gods, and the newlyweds are wearing stunning costumes decorated with gold embroidery, wound in several layers.

    The newlyweds travel to the place of the wedding ceremony on a golden carriage, while the more prosperous come on richly decorated elephants. In the temple, the young are showered with petals of exotic flowers, and the invited priests say special prayers that will help the husband and wife find happiness. Music, dancing, flowers, traditional Balinese treats make you feel in harmony with the ancient island deities.

    North and South America

    Unlike other countries in the world, weddings in the United States are part of a business that Americans rely on special agencies to prepare. The celebration begins in the same way as in other Catholic countries of the world:

    • a guy proposes to a girl;
    • the date of the engagement is set, on which the groom gives the ring;
    • an official wedding ceremony is held.

    There are no restrictions in the American wedding, but the outfits of the newlyweds are usually performed in the traditional style. In addition to a new dress, a girl must have some old thing and a blue object. A worn-out thing symbolizes connection with family, and blue is fidelity in marriage. An undoubted advantage is the ability to choose several bridesmaids for the bride, and not one, as in other countries of the world. So no friend will be left unattended.

    • Mexico

    Latin American peoples are descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs, so their wedding traditions are somewhat different from the rituals of the rest of the world. A traditional Mexican wedding has sponsors who fund the celebration. These are, as a rule, parents, godparents and relatives of young people. During the wedding, the priest wraps around the newlyweds a symbolic "lasso" in the form of special rosary, symbolizing the union of two people into one whole.

    Mexicans have even more ancient Indian traditions inherited from the Indians, therefore, the union of two people is celebrated before the official wedding ceremony. First, a woman must undergo a ritual of ablution, and then an Indian traditional ritual takes place near the oldest tree, which notifies the elements (water, air, earth, fire) and ancestors that young people are bound together forever.

    Video: an overview of the traditions of the peoples of the world

    Different peoples of the world have their own wedding ceremonies, but one thing unites them: the desire to achieve prosperity, love and success for a young family. Nowadays, many wedding traditions can no longer be called exclusively Slavic, Asian or Indian, so much they have spread throughout the world. For example, a ransom or kalym for a bride is given in all religions, and no wedding ceremony in the world takes place without the dance of the newlyweds. Let's see in the video how this happens in different parts of the color: