Pattern of a cat Tilda: a detailed workshop on cutting and sewing Simon. Life size tilde doll patterns

In this article we will sew such a famous and beloved Tilda cat. The toy as a whole is not complicated, there are some points to which we will pay special attention, but the main thing is patience, slowness and accuracy.

Look at the picture. Aren't they all cool? You can sew a flying cat of any color, the fabric should be natural - linen, cotton or even fleece. You can sew different strips of two or three types of fabric - and then the cat will be striped. And the choice of accessories is also great: you can give the cat a heart, a fish, a bird, a duck, a bone, a musical instrument in its paws. We will sew a cat with a bird - a classic from Tone Finnanger's book “Tildas Tradgard”.

For work you will need:

1) Fabric for the cat's body - cotton of white or flesh (tan) color, you can flax - natural or flesh. For the bird - the fabric of your choice (small polka dots look great on a bright background)

2) Filler - holofiber

3) Stick for turning and stuffing

4) Regular and zig-zag scissors

5) Sewing machine or needle with thread and hands

6) Regular pencil or special fabric marker

We print or redraw the pattern on paper, cut it out. We try carefully, then the appearance of the cat depends on it.

The head (you can take one half of the head), the legs and tail are applied to the fabric, folded in half, facing inward and outlined with a fabric marker or a pencil (or a piece of soap)

We also outline the half of the body (the front one, which is without the head)

Let's start sewing. We simply sew the paws and tail on a typewriter and cut out a zig-zag with scissors with seam allowances (0.5 - 0.8 cm)

You need to stitch it completely, then make a small hole in the place in which this part will be sewn to the body (indicated by a dotted line on the pattern) and turn it out.

We sew the head in this way. First we sew only one side - the “face” where the nose will be. It should look like this:

Now you need to sew this detail to the front of the cat's body (which we have already drawn and cut out with allowances of 1-1.5 cm). In order for everything to work out, we advise you to first sweep the parts by hand at the place of flashing.

It will look like this:

Now we have 2 parts of the cat's body: the back and this one in front.

We sew everything together. The main thing is to gently and correctly sweep or chop with pins for convenience.

Chipped with pins - you can sew, leave a place for turning out at the bottom.

This will be the rear view.

And this is the front view. Cut out:

We make small incisions in the fabric in the area of ​​the legs, neck and ears - so that the fabric does not stretch.

We turn it out, gently straighten the seams inside with a stick. Can be ironed (although it will wrinkle during the stuffing process).

We start filling the cat with holofiber. First, we fill the head well.

Then the legs:

The cat is tightly packed - there are no wrinkles on the fabric:

Sew up the hole at the bottom with a blind seam.

We also stuff the paws and tail.

To do this, you will need: coffee (brewed can be instant - the simplest), black tea - 1 sachet and a little PVA glue (to make the fabric denser).

Pour tea and coffee with hot water, cook for 5-10 minutes, strain, wait until it cools down and when the mixture is no longer hot, but still warm, add a little glue.

We paint the cat quickly with this solution - we start from the head, you can use a brush with dense bristles or a sponge.

We send to dry in the oven (we hang it by a string to the grate) 100 degrees 15 minutes.

While the cat is drying, you can sew the bird. There is one point here - the beak. For the beak, you need a small rectangular piece of cloth.

We fold it in half and again in half, and in one of the corners, as it were, we insert the bird into the head, while the 2 parts of the bird should lie face-to-face to each other. Only then we stitch everything together.

Here's a diagram from the book:

As a result, it should look like this:

I have a longitudinal seam due to the fact that 2 small pieces of fabric remained, which I first sewed together, and then I cut the bird, you should not have it.

Now we sew all the details into place. We try harder and so that the threads are not visible - they can be hidden in the body itself or in the side seams.

We decorate our cat - we will tie him a bow made of waxed cord.

Finishing touches: draw a nose, eyes and blush cheeks. Flying Cat is ready for exciting new flights.

The cat brings warmth and comfort to any home. No wonder at all times in Russia it was believed that "there is no hut without cats", and for the theft of a pet in the 10th-10th centuries they were fined more than for theft of a cow. And if this valuable, soft, and cozy family friend is made by hand, and does not scratch at all, then he will certainly become the most beloved.

Master class for making a tilde cat

Let's try to sew together such a wonderful toy for our child or ourselves.

We need:

  • plain fabric;
  • colored fabric for the dress and beautiful braid;
  • thread, needle;
  • threads for embroidery of the nose and eyes;
  • black fishing line for antennae;
  • chlorofiber or other filler;
  • large buttons - 5 pcs.

Work order

  • First, a pattern is made on paper, and then transferred with a pencil or chalk onto a fabric folded in half. It is necessary to lay out the long sides of the patterns in the direction of the shared thread.
  • The pattern is sewn on a typewriter along the contour, and the part is cut out with an indent from the seam of 0.5 cm. You can cut shallow corners around the perimeter of the circles.

  • Turn all blanks right out and iron.

  • We will start the master class on stuffing cat paws by cutting out small holes in the places where buttons will then be sewn. We push the filler inside with a wooden stick. After filling, the edges of the slots must be carefully sewn together.

  • Sew the ears to the head with a blind stitch.

  • Now you need to sew together the torso and tilde head of the toy with the same blind seam.

  • Pierce through the body with a large needle and sew two limbs at the same time, securing them with buttons. In the same way, we conduct a master class on sewing on the front legs of our cat.

  • We embroider the nose and eyes (can be painted). Using a needle with a wide eye, we pull the antennae-fishing line through the muzzle of the tilde of the toy. We put on a dress and attach a flirty bow to the ear. The master class on making an adorable kitty is over.

Two-legged tilde cat

This cute ginger cat can not only stand on its two legs, but also hang on its tail. In order to sew it, you will need everything the same as for the cat, only we need not 5 buttons, but 2 for the eyes.

  • The pattern is very simple. All parts, except for the spout, are cut out in duplicate.

  • We sew the parts, turn them out and fill them with filler, sewing up the holes through which the holofiber was pushed.

  • Our cat has a small nose that can be sewn by simply pulling off the edges of a circle of red cloth, putting a piece of filler inside. Immediately sew on the eyes, pull off the ears and a black strip between the cheeks. When sewing a nose to a cat's head, don't forget to put a fluffy mustache under it.

  • Sew the head to the cat's body right between the tail and paws.

  • The master class is over, the two-legged cat is ready.

Cat riser

This black and white hard worker cat will faithfully carry out his service, stand to death, preventing the doors from closing or opening, if you put inside not only a light synthetic winterizer or foam rubber, but also a little heavy filler in its lower part (a bag of sand, pebbles, etc. .).

The first pattern is for the front and back of the cat, the bottom of the post and the tail. The second shows how to cut out the white breast, ears, tail tip and black muzzle.

  • Cut out all the parts of the toy from fleece or felt.
  • Sew its tip to the tail, and then sew the tail itself to the back.
  • Sew the breast, muzzle and ears to the front of the cat. Embroider mustache, nose and curls, sew on eye buttons.
  • Fold the two halves of the cat inside out, sew them, not forgetting to tuck into the ears.
  • Turn out and fill with filler.
  • Sew a circle-bottom, on which our tilde riser will confidently stand, having previously placed a circle of thick cardboard inside.

Cat with fish

If you don't give him a spiky skeleton cut from a plastic bottle, this fat glutton may well serve as a cushion in the house. In any case, the pattern is not given for a herring, but for a small heart. Which the cat can also hold in its paws.

The entire manufacturing technology of this carrier of happiness and well-being of the family is exactly the same as in all previous versions, with the only difference. At the very end, after filling the body of the fat man, which resembles a bag with a neckline at the bottom, with filler, pull off the edges of the "bag" and sew.

If, not sewing up, but tucking the edges and threading the tightening lace, the fat man can become an excellent place for stashes and "secrets".

Today we are going to create a Tilda-style cat, which will serve as a wonderful gift, cute toy or decoration for your interior! The pattern for the cat was drawn with my husband ourselves, based on the well-known style. I wish you enjoy the master class and the creative process! Meow!

So, let's start with ...

To get started, you need a few things:

Body fabrics (this can be cotton or a mixture of linen and cotton);
- fabrics for a suit (cotton);
- stuffing for toys;
- scissors, zigzag scissors, threads, ruler, brush, pencil, tailor's pins;
- fabric paints;
- blush (optional);
- felt for boots;
- sewing machine.

To get started, save your pattern and print it in A4 or circle it from the screen.

Cut out a pattern, apply it to the body tissue and carefully trace it with a pencil. We fasten the fabric with pins, sew on a typewriter, without cutting the parts from each other. Do not forget about the bartacks so that the seams do not come apart during the turning out of the parts. We cut out zagzag scissors or ordinary scissors, making cuts in the grooves.

I sew two cats at once, which I advise you too! After we have the purl details, they must be carefully turned out using wooden sticks and ironed with a hot iron.
Let's get down to stuffing. Do not fill the paws all the way, leaving 2-3 cm blank.

After you have filled the body, leave 3-4 cm, fold the fabric inward and secure with pins.

After that, wrap the corners, secure the corners with pins, pull the pin out of the center.

Insert the legs into the "hole" in the center.

Sew up carefully with a blind seam or transparent threads. Here's what we get.

Sew on the handles, after folding the fabric inside.

We pin it with pins and sew it neatly.

So we got such a naked cat!

He clearly needs a girlfriend! We do the same ... eeee ... Now there are two of them. :)

We start creating shoes so that they do not freeze while we sew clothes. To do this, we circle the pattern of the legs, retreating 1 cm.

Now we will sew clothes for the boy while he admires the naked girlfriend, hee hee. :) To do this, print the second pattern or circle it from the screen.

We select fabric for trousers and shirts, and butterflies!

Please note that the pattern contains a collar, it needs to be doubled in width and length (I didn't want to make a pattern on two sheets because of it). Cut out the rest, apply it to the fabric, outline it with a pencil, cut it out.

After we cut out the details, be sure to iron them with an iron. Sew the trousers in the places of the bold lines on the pattern. Then we process the edges and sew together.

Here's what we got. :) Let's get down to the shirt ... Sew on the hangers.

Then the sleeves ... Fasten with pins and sew on a typewriter, you can pre-baste.

Determine the middle, make a cut.

We process the edges, outline, sew.

Then we fold the shirt and sew, retreating 3-5 mm. The turn of the collar has come (I will repeat it once more, on the pattern it is 2 times smaller in width and length), we fix it with pins, outline it, sew it.

We dress our cat ...

Connect a large piece with two fingers, forming an accordion, and fix it with a small segment in the middle. Sew on or glue as you like. This is an elegant accessory!

P.S. The cat's girlfriend decided not to reveal the secret of her outfit! There are no dress patterns as such) You will need 2 fabric cuts 30 by 15 and 40 by 6 cm.

Fold the first cut in half and sew the ends, and the second thin cut make an assembly at the bottom of the dress.

Tilde toys have been quite popular for several years now. People, angels and even animals are made in this style. Today we invite you to find out how a tilde cat is made, whether a pattern is needed for this or not, and also how you can diversify the toy.

Features of tilde cats

This soft tilda cat toy is distinguished by its cute appearance. To create such crafts, they use, as a rule, bright and natural fabrics. As a result, the toy turns out to be not only beautiful, but also soft and pleasant to the touch.

Tilde cats consist of a small amount of details. Quite often, the body, legs, tail and head are presented as one whole. Sometimes some details can be sewn on separately (for example, a tail).

Choice of material and tools

As mentioned above, natural fabrics are chosen for these cute toys. Cotton or linen is most often used. Sometimes tilde cats are made from burlap. But, as a rule, only the body is sewn from this material, which is then decorated with colored clothes. You can also opt for soft flannel.

Holofiber or synthetic winterizer is chosen as a filler. Its amount depends on the size of the toy. It should not be filled too tightly, but so that it retains its volume.

Additional materials that may come in handy for creating a tilde cat:

  • small-format toys and figures made of wood or plastic;
  • curly and ordinary buttons;
  • lace ribbons;
  • satin ribbons;
  • beads, rhinestones, sequins;
  • other accessories.

Of the tools you need only scissors and a needle and thread. In order to attach some decor, sometimes the glue gun does not fit. You will also need a sushi stick or pencil. With the help of such a tool, it is convenient to distribute the synthetic winterizer over the toy.

Tilda cat: pattern

It will be very difficult to make a beautiful toy without a template. Moreover, having made the blank once on cardboard or from oilcloth, it can be used for subsequent crafts.

It is quite simple to do it yourself from fabric with your own hands. As mentioned above, the toy consists of a minimum of parts, therefore the template is a small number of parts.

First, decide what your tilde will look like. Will she stand on two or four legs, will she look like a man or not, and so on. You can even sketch it out. Then try to figure out how many pieces will be sewn on. That is, whether the head, body, tail and legs will be one whole or not. When the idea has become clear, it must be embodied on a sheet of paper. Draw the outline of the cat you want.

Highlight the details with a different color, which will be attached separately. Now divide the pattern into pieces. In the example in the picture above, you can see that the tilde cat consists of the following parts: body, head, paw-leg, paw-handle, tail, ear. Each part must be cut in the amount of two pieces, but you need four ears and paws.

The simplest toy

If you are not yet good at building patterns and sewing, then we suggest you make such a simple toy. Such a tilde cat consists of just the following elements:

  • the back of the body with the head;
  • two parts of the paws;
  • two parts of the tail;
  • torso;
  • two parts of the head.
  1. Transfer the pattern to the fabric. Remember that to create a toy from fabric, you need to cut out one back part (torso and head), two halves of the front part of the head and tail, and four parts of the paws.
  2. Sew the legs, tail and halves of the head in pairs, leaving small holes so that the parts can be turned out.
  3. Sew the front of the head to the body.
  4. Turn out the stitched parts and fill them with filler, gently distributing it in parts.
  5. Attach the legs to the back of the toy with pins. Place the front part on top and sew them together, not forgetting to leave a small hole.
  6. Turn the toy inside out and push the filler inside.
  7. Sew on the tail.
  8. Connect the legs with a decorative item (such as a pillow or a bouquet).
  9. Make a muzzle. To do this, use threads (embroider the eyes, nose and mouth with satin stitch) or small beads.

The craft is ready! Similarly, you can make an angel cat. You just need to sew on the back of the wings, and in the front - a heart.

Sleepy cat

In a similar way, like the tilde cat from the master class above, a sleepy cat is made. To create it, you will need to make fabrics such details: the back of the body together with the head, the front of the body, two halves of the head, two halves of the tail, four parts of the legs.

Cut out all the "parts" and sew together the details of the ponytail, muzzle and tail. Then sew the "face" to the torso. Connect the front and back of the body, leaving a hole.

Turn out all parts and fill them with filler. Now mend the holes. Sew the tail and legs to the body. Embroider the muzzle: closed eyes, mouth and nose. From a piece of other fabric, make a small pillow and sew it to the legs of the toy.

Winter seals

A very cute soft toy tilde cat will turn out in the New Year's style.

To do this, cut out two identical parts, which consist of the body, head and tail of the cat. Sew them together and push the filler inside. The muzzle of such cats can be made using a needle and thread, beads, or a marker and blush. With a felt-tip pen, draw eyes and antennae, highlight the cheeks with blush or shadows, and glue the nose from a piece of fabric.

Take an old sock and carefully cut the elastic. Fix it on the cat's neck using a decorative button. The puziko can be decorated with an applique made of hearts. To do this, cut out some shapes. Each subsequent one is false to be slightly less than the previous one. Glue with a glue gun or sew the hearts in descending order on top of each other.

The craft can not only decorate the room, but also be used as a New Year's toy, if you add a ribbon on top.

Cat on the doorknob

You can decorate the doorknob with this cute craft.

We will tell you how to sew a tilde:

  1. From the pattern, make two fabric parts for the face and body.
  2. Sew together the body and head parts, leaving a small hole.
  3. Turn parts inside out and fill with filler. The toy should be firm but flat.
  4. Sew your head over your body. For convenience, you can use a glue gun.
  5. Make a muzzle: eyes, nose, mouth and antennae.
  6. Decorate the toy with a bow.

Such a craft is not only original, but also useful. It will protect the walls from damage in the place where it comes into contact with the coating (for example, wallpaper).

Lovebird cats

Tilda toys can serve not only as a decor, but also as a symbol of love. An example is these lovebird cats.

In fact, there are a large number of ideas for creating such crafts, but their main feature is that they consist of two toys that are connected.

It is not difficult to make them. You just need to choose a pattern of a lonely cat with a minimum of details and draw exactly the same second, but slightly reduced. Usually lovebird cats are presented as a couple hugging, so a pattern with an inclined body would be appropriate.

First you need to sew one cat, and then exactly the same second. Usually two different shades are chosen (for example, gray and pink) to visually distinguish between a boy and a girl. You also need to make two different faces - add eyelashes to the girl toy.

The decor of the cats should be slightly different, but in the same style. For example, the cat has a pink hairpin, and the boy has a pink tie.

Various options for decor and execution

As mentioned at the very beginning, you can make one pattern and at the same time sew different toys. Very often it turns out to create a whole family of tilde cats, using only fabric of different colors.

Various accessories will also help to diversify toys. Various examples of cat toys:

  • Use lace, bows, sequins and rhinestones to create girls cats.
  • When creating male cats, use curly buttons and a tie.
  • Include additional elements. For example, the same toy can hold various objects in its paws: a bouquet of flowers, a decorative watering can, a pillow, a toy car, and so on. This will create different cats.
  • Make your crafts clothes: shorts, skirts or dresses and so on.

Feel free to experiment and combine different items and materials. Perhaps this is how you get a unique tilde toy.

It looks like a time machine. The moment a person sews it with his own hands, he seems to be returning to his own childhood. The process of creating a toy helps to restore psychological and mental balance, and the result gives a sense of celebration. Tildomania began over ten years ago. The author of the first toy in this style is considered to be a Norwegian needlewoman - master Tony Finanger.

Following her, women all over the world (although there are cases that not only ladies are engaged in this; the master - a man may also appear as the author of the toy) sew pretty tildes. There are many species: from cats and dogs to hares, bears, gnomes, birds, snowmen, housewives and house angels.

Tilda the cat is a character that stands alone in this row and is liked by almost everyone. In addition, a specialist leading a master class on creating tildes will definitely note that cats are an ideal option for a person who for the first time decides to try his hand at such needlework and sew something himself.

The main sign of a tilde is dots-eyes on the face and ruddy cheeks. Usually a cat made of fabric is a small doll, neat, funny and touching. A master class for creating such a doll is not so difficult. Before you sew a tilde, you need to choose a pattern. A tilde cat can lie, sit, walk and even fly.

It is better to start with the simplest pattern, and over time, when the first master class is already in the past, try your hand at more intricate options. Interesting ideas on how to sew your own cat can be found on the Internet or in books in which a master class for creating a tilde is demonstrated by professionals in this matter.

Tilda cat: denim or wool?

The material from which the tilde cat can be sewn is traditional. These are natural fabrics: linen, cotton, calico, wool. The master, who has already got his hand on sewing a tilde, often embarks on bold experiments - decides to sew a doll out of silk or jeans. You can work either by hand or using a sewing machine.

The main point in which the tilde cat differs, for example, from the man's tilde, is the way of attaching the head and legs. It is a thread-button, in which the limbs move.

Kitty - a doll with a tail on a button

To work on a textile cat you will need:

  • A small amount of fabric (enough to cover the legs, torso and tail);
  • buttons (three pieces - so that you can attach a tail and two front paws to the body);
  • about 150 grams of filler (your choice is padding polyester, padding polyester or holofiber);
  • paint on fabric (the color can be any that better conveys the mood of the beast).

In addition to materials, in order to sew a tilde, you will need a set of needles and scissors. When transferring a pattern to fabric, it is very convenient to use a marker with a fading effect (the drawn line disappears without a trace after a few hours). Less modern, but time-tested means - chalk, soap and a regular pencil are also suitable for transferring patterns.

How to make a cat's head: master class

  1. The master class begins with the fact that the pattern - the figure of the cat - is applied to the fabric (from its seamy side) and neatly outlined. Then, using scissors, the cat is cut out with a small seam allowance - you need to leave about 0.3 millimeters.
  2. The head area of ​​the future animal is outlined on the cut out fabric. In this case, the muzzle of the tilde is divided into two mirrored halves.
  3. The muzzle folds in half, the halves should be facing each other. This is done with the front side. A seam is laid on the convex part, after which the "excess" (about 0.2 millimeters) of the seam allowance is cut off.
  4. Details of the cat's face can be sewn to the belly. After this is done, and the seams are straightened and ironed, the doll is already beginning to take its first outlines: in front of us is a future cat.

Torso, legs and tail

The master class for creating the body of a tilde of a cat is a kind of guide to how tildes are generally created. Everything here is quite universal: according to the same principle, you can sew any tilde doll.

  1. The back and tummy of the cat (to which the muzzle is already sewn) must be carefully folded inside out. Sweep the details and fix with sewing pins. It is convenient to use a sewing machine here - to sew along the contour, leaving a small slot at the very bottom of the tilde - through it the toy will be stuffed with filler.
  2. Again, the "surplus" provided for the future seam is cut off. The doll is turned onto the front side. A filler is inserted inside the shape.
  3. Two paws and a tail are sewn together, after which they are also stuffed with synthetic filler. The legs and tail are sewn to the body using a button fastening.

Finishing touches

  1. The eyes and nose of the cat's tilde are embroidered with floss - according to the markings previously applied to the muzzle. Here, the needlewomen leading the master class usually do not give any unequivocal advice. Any flight of fantasy is allowed. The muzzle of the tilde cat is already the author's personal creativity, the opportunity to put some specific mood, zest into the doll.
  2. Also, the character of the cat will be emphasized by some detail invented by the author: a bird, a mouse or a fish, tightly clamped in a clawed paw. A fish skeleton can be cut from cardboard, a mouse and a bird sewn from fabric.

The doll is ready. The master class has been completed. It turned out to be a good gift, which is suitable as a present for a birthday, New Year or just like that - for no reason. Simple and inexpensive to work with, but definitely dear for the person to whom you give it: after all, a tilde cat is a thing made with your own hands and with love.