Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov: “God gives a child when people are ready for it. Alexey Chumakov touched fans with a gentle clip with pregnant Julia Kovalchuk

Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband Alexey Chumakov graced the cover of the new issue of the Russian version of OK! Popular performers took part in the photography for the material; Kovalchuk published the cover of the fresh issue on her official page on the Instagram social network.


In the photo, Julia poses, showing a big belly. "This is not just the most important thing, it is magic and miracle", and I am sure that you will understand why we treat this event so carefully and carefully and did not advertise it for a long time) "- wrote Kovalchuk.

Further, the artist said that the conversation was conducted by journalist Vadim Vernik, with whom the conversation turned out to be not just friendly, but confidential, warm and sincerely light. In conclusion, the performer thanked numerous subscribers. "Thank you all, my beloved and sensitive fans, who for a long period of time very carefully expressed their guesses and were energetically close by) !!! For me, for us, this is invaluable and very important🙏🙏🙏 love and kindness💞" - turned to fans Julia.

Numerous fans immediately scattered in congratulations and compliments to the parents-to-be. "Congratulations !!! You are smart! Health !!!", "I'm glad for you very much💜", "I have tears in my eyes ..... I'm so happy for you", "Yulia, your breasts betrayed you in June photos 😉. I am very happy for you and for Lesha. Enjoy your childbirth 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. And we are waiting for good news 😉 "," How great it is! Happiness to you! And God bless your family! ❤ "," Remember this wonderful feeling! Take care of yourself! Health to you and your baby! " - users commented on the recent publication of Kovalchuk.

We will remind, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov in May 2014 secretly got married in Spain, where they have their own apartments. The ceremony was attended only by the closest people. Interestingly, a couple of weeks before the wedding, the lovers asked the mayor of the city for permission so that the music was played until three in the morning, and not until midnight, as is customary.

On Instagram, the artist shared a photo showing the feet of her newborn daughter: “There are no words in the world, there are no emotions that can describe this new feeling. Now it’s like there’s no time. There is inexplicable love and addiction. Thank you God, beloved and all the doctors who were around, for my daughter "(Spelling and punctuation hereinafter copyright. - Approx. ed.).


Spouse Kovalchuk, 36-year-old Alexei Chumakov also shared his happiness with fans. The singer presented a romantic and touching video for the song "The Sky in Your Eyes", which he dedicated to his wife and daughter. Julia also starred in the video. In the video, she appeared pregnant. Kovalchuk poses in the frame in a long dress that emphasized her position. Filming took place in August in Spain.


Julia thanked her husband for the video and sincere, personal song: "A special video and a special song))) Lesha, you write songs that make you want to fly !!"

Fans are also delighted with the video: “All of Alexei's songs are imbued with love for you. I am very happy for you! "," I shed a tear)) A very gentle and pleasant composition. Health and happiness to your family! ”,“ A very touching clip, so happy for you, you are an example of an ideal family! Be happy".

Julia and Alexei are a prime example of the assertion that opposites attract. To recover, Aleksey needs a leisurely rhythm of island life, an atmosphere of lazy bliss and contemplation. He is brutal, solid, prone to solitude. For Yulia, the rest in the first place is something else - comfort, beauty of the scenery. She is light, graceful, agile and does not mind flirting a little.

About rest:

Aleksey: “We are so tired of the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we expect peace and quiet from the holidays. sometimes you want to be alone! Here we do it wonderfully. "

Julia: “We are both energetically dependent on water: for us, the best relaxation is when the waves are splashing ten meters from the entrance to the house. Mauritius has stunning sunsets and sunrises, it’s impossible to take your eyes off. You just need to look at these incredible landscapes to fully recover. And I also like to lie in the sun for a long time. For me it is not only a tan, but also therapy. I absorb ultraviolet rays to last nine gloomy months at home. "

About Mauritius:

Julia: "I really liked the cuisine. Much richer than on other islands. For about 100 years, Mauritius was a French colony, for more than 150 years - an English colony, not far from India. Such an interesting mix of borrowings turned out! Many different sauces: you never guess what it is from. I am very picky in food, I don’t eat salty and spicy food, but in the hotel restaurant we were so deliciously fed that we did not even want to leave the territory. And everything was decorated at the level of Michelin restaurants. "

Alexei: "And the musicians in the restaurant surprised me - they sang no worse than world stars! Black guys, unrealistically cool. I approached and took their phone numbers. I want to invite them to sing together when I do a big concert in Moscow."

About the reasons for the quarrels:

Yulia: "Word for word: he thinks this way, I am different - and everything started. Two strong personalities, both leaders, are used to defending their point of view in a team, on TV programs, in life. At the beginning of our relationship, we agreed: no matter what was happening, there should be no slamming of the door, no throwing of pipes. These are all selfish antics that make the other person suffer. So we never disagreed - that's our rule. "

Alexey: "Despite my difficult character, I never run over for no reason. It's just that I can be hurt by any little thing that, perhaps, is not worth attention, according to Julia. Any injustice - and I immediately have a fighting stance , I start to swell and I can endure the brain. And Julia sometimes argues more than necessary ... Women generally like to try to drive under the heel, and then say: "Fu, you are not a man!" This does not work with me. I have to explain in detail, which, in my opinion, is not so, and very few people like it. "

About the stamp in the passport:

Alexey "It doesn't matter when the stamp in the passport is put: love is in a couple or is, or it is not. Going to the registry office does not affect its quantity and quality in any way. My parents, for example, signed after my birth. But I still have a brother 12 years older. You see, a man is such an animal that should not be pushed on. We are timid, like deer. I felt that I could propose, arrange a wedding, - I did. Yulia is pleased, and I myself got pleasure. And when it happened is not that important. "

About the joint clip "Into Notes":

Yulia: "When I watched this video for the first time, I honestly cried. We got a simple story that is close to all lovers. We abandoned the complicated scenario and shot the video on iPhone in selfie style when we were vacationing in Spain."

Alexey: "We even showed the footage of our real wedding in the finale. It seems to me that it is closer and more interesting to the audience than any glamorous picture. Usually in the clips, everything is in luxury cars, the waves beat on the shore and the wind caresses my hair. frames are already sick. Too much of this and too deceiving. The time when show business artists seemed like celestials is long gone. The magic of inaccessibility is gone. Now anyone can write to me on Twitter: "You are a freak!" And there is a chance that I will read it. Of course, it’s no use, but the troll is happy. The illusion of a glamorous life has disappeared. Too much information available. "

Yulia: "Therefore, we made an honest video about ourselves. True, it's mostly me in the frame. It took a lot of effort to persuade Lesha to give me a phone and shoot two or three of his plans."

Alexey: "I hate acting! Despite the fact that this is my job. I am embarrassed to walk the red carpet when everyone is taking pictures. For some reason it does not bring me pleasure, although I, like any creative person, am ambitious and moderately vain. more: even when I get a lot of clapping at a concert, I feel embarrassed. Yes, I need it, I am grateful to the audience for the appreciation, but I still feel awkward. This is such a paradox. "

Yulia: “But when the video was edited, Lesha was indignant:“ Why am I so little? ”But in the end we got a touching video. These are moments of our life. This is our love ...

In an interview with OK! Alexey said that he is a difficult guy and it is very difficult to live with him. The singer believes that for this Kovalchuk needs to erect a monument. “Yes, she is doing a lot of work on herself, but it seems to me that this only makes her better. Julia did not immediately come to the realization that at certain moments I’m not happy to see her - I’m not happy to see anyone at all, sometimes even myself, ”the artist confesses. - I am by the sign of the zodiac Pisces, I have my own world inside. And I myself cannot always understand the geography of this world. Here Julia can be on tour, but I can stay at home alone, not call any of my friends and forget to turn on the light. And late in the evening, when it gets dark, I suddenly realize that my TV didn’t work, the lights weren’t on, that I somehow spent the day aimlessly. There are moments like this. And I feel very good in them. But then I get tired of it and I need something else. It's just that if Yulia needs one such day a week or two, then I need four days. Many will say: "His eye does not burn" or something like that. And in my life I have sad Armenian eyes, what should I do now? When I was three years old, I was already with sad Armenian eyes ”.

The spouses have never brought quarrels and scandals to the public.

According to Chumakov, as an introvert, he does not like to talk about feelings, and he cannot even make toasts to relatives on their birthdays. “I can talk about nothing for 10 minutes - listen! But when it comes to feelings ... I'm an introvert. I have an office at home where I can be creative. Julia does not touch me at these moments. "

Lyubov Novoselova / Photo: Instagram

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And her husband, singer Alexei Chumakov, had been waiting for the birth of their first child for several years. And at the beginning of July this year, information appeared in the media that Julia was pregnant. However, there were plenty of rumors about Kovalchuk's interesting situation before. And this time, neither Julia herself nor her other half commented on the addition to the family. At least until recently. Today, for the first time, a photo of a pregnant singer with her husband appeared on the cover of one of the Russian glossy publications.

Magazine cover OK! , which was adorned with a family photo, Kovalchuk published in her microblog on Instagram. Julia accompanied the photo with a caption explaining why she and Alexei kept the fact of the imminent birth of their child a secret for so long (the author's spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Ed.): “It's not just the most important thing, it's magic and a miracle, and I am sure that you will understand why we treat this event so carefully and carefully and did not advertise it for a long time) everything that we wanted to tell is in our only interview, and it was @vadim_vernik who made our conversation not just friendly, but confidingly warm and sincerely light)) thank you, dear !!! This is priceless))) And thanks to all of you, my beloved and empathetic fans, who for a long period of time very carefully expressed their guesses and were energetically close) !!! For me, for us, this is invaluable and very important. "

I must say that Kovalchuk accompanied the post on Instagram with the hashtags # pregnancy # mom. And, judging by the impressive size of Julia's belly, the baby from the star family should appear in the near future. By the way, before that, in her microblog, the singer published only such photos in which she was captured in such poses that it is almost impossible to consider her interesting position. These were pictures either waist-deep, or Yulia, sitting at the table, or from the back, or in spacious outfits that hide the forms.

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk

Recall that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk officially formalized their relationship on October 1, 2013. According to the singer and TV presenter, she considers herself a very happy woman, because there is a strong shoulder nearby: “Sometimes my independence takes over, but I catch myself in time:“ No, I can't do it myself! ” We had a stage in life when we, both leaders, did not want to give in to each other. But it is important for a man to understand that he is in charge. And I began to adjust. As soon as I began to give in, he began to give in. "

Pregnant Yulia Kovalchuk first appeared on the cover of a glossy magazine