Citrine gemstone. Who is the citrine stone for its magical properties? Scope of citrine

What sign of the zodiac are suitable for jewelry with citrine

Citrine is the gem of speakers and leaders. The Slavs remarked: “He speaks like honey pours”, therefore, decorating his everyday things with a honey-gold mineral, a teacher or politician will be gifted with the attention of those around him, and every word he said will be perceived as truth. Sagittarius will be especially convincing by wearing a pendant or signet ring on the index finger with this mineral.

The solar energy of citrine is not quite suitable for the signs of the fire element. However, a friendly Sagittarius can wear a gem as a talisman, which will help not to react so painfully to all sorts of prohibitions and restrictions. Scorpio will also be able to tame his impulsiveness with his help.

Many people associate citrine with success and career growth, which is why it is worn by many famous personalities, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. With the help of this jewelry, Virgo woman will emphasize her charm and modern style for those around her, and it does not matter: she will be wearing earrings, a brooch or a ring with this yellow stone.

A ring with citrine is an indispensable attribute for powerful women, Leo will always give preference to honey-colored decoration, highlighting the latter with its uniqueness and sparkle in the eyes.

Gemini women are intuitively drawn to jewelry with citrine, as it symbolizes the comfort of home and the sunny smiles of others.

Loves them and Aries, for the classic elegance and youthful freshness. Also, the keeper of the family hearth - a woman of the constellation Aquarius will be grateful for a gift with citrine. He will remind her of the happy moments of family life. Do not be surprised if she tries on this jewelry several times a day, it warms her soul and helps relieve stress.

Gemini see in this stone a reflection of a child's smile, and Virgo - theirs. He is changeable, like her, but he always resembles the sun's rays and the warmth of her soul, attracts attention and is dangerous with a “burn”.

People who work mentally and creative people love calmness, but require constant clarity of thought. For the same reason, they are ready to wear jewelry with citrine and Pisces, which do not tend to gravitate towards leadership, but need protection from negative energy and violence. Look closely, their cufflinks or a small brooch emit a subtle light yellow shade of the mineral.

Counterfeit jewelry is common. But if you have a gift from the United States, Brazil, Madagascar or Spain, it is genuine citrine, since it is the most readily available and popular in these countries. In Russia, stone is mined in the Urals, but it has a greenish or brownish tint, and, accordingly, is somewhat cheaper.

Citrine stone is a fairly rare type of quartz. If there is a lot of quartz in nature, then there is little yellow and transparent, and even less gem quality.

The name is taken from the Latin "citrus", i.e. means the yellow, lemon color of the mineral.


Citrine is lemon or golden brown in color. Natural citrine crystal is transparent and has a faint color. When heated, it takes on a more intense color. However, due to the fact that natural high-quality gems are quite rare, they are valued much higher than refined by heating.

In the language of chemistry, a mineral is silicon dioxide - SiO2. Its color is due to the presence of various impurities, primarily iron, then aluminum, lithium and hydrogen.

Place of Birth

The gem is mined in America, Brazil, Spain, France and Scotland. On the territory of Russia, the place of production is the Ural Mountains. The largest citrine was found in Brazil, weighing 2258 carats, or about 450 grams.

Largest Citrine Malago (Smiths Institution, USA)

How to distinguish from other minerals

Due to the similarity of its transparency with topaz, in the old days the stone was called "Bohemian topaz", and even now this name is accepted in the jewelry world. In addition, the mineral is often called pseudo topaz or oriental, false and Brazilian topaz.

Topaz with a yellow tint is often called "Madagascar citrine".

Natural citrine

But all these names are not directly related to the varieties of yellow quartz.

By itself, the mineral in nature, as noted above, has a weak color. Finding such a naturally colored yellow quartz in a jewelry store is a great success. But artificially colored ones are not uncommon. Citrine can be passed off: amethyst, which changes color when heated, rauchtopaz (smoky quartz), and morion. In addition, rhinestone can also be used for counterfeiting, which is irradiated to make it look like it.

Medicinal properties

The most proven effect of the mineral on human health is its beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. This is due to the fact that with constant contact of the mineral with the skin, a person begins to better absorb calcium, and as a result, the thyroid gland normalizes, teeth improve, and osteoporosis goes away. Also, as a result of better absorption of calcium, other diseases associated with its deficiency disappear - pancreatitis, hepatic and renal failure and lack of magnesium.

The gem has a good effect on the psychological state of a person - it normalizes sleep, relieves depression, reduces blood pressure, and treats migraines. To achieve this healing effect, you need to wear citrine rings. For headaches - apply a stone to the temples.

In general, we can conclude that in addition to the therapeutic effect of contact with human skin, the mineral is used for color therapy. It is known that sunlight, as well as the yellow cheerful color of the stone, can improve mood and give a positive attitude.

Magical properties

Yellow embodies solar energy. The mineral is very good for attracting financial well-being. It is believed that the more a mineral looks like sunlight, the more it attracts wealth.

Also, a gem of a sunny color has the energy that business and creative people need most of all. The mineral is able to help such people in the search for new ideas and projects, as well as in their implementation.

For a gambler, a solar gem will also only benefit - it will help reduce the risk, and in case of failure, it will quickly calm down and find peace of mind.

Since ancient times, the stone has been used by orators, so in ancient Greece it was believed that with its help it was possible to improve eloquence and keep the attention of the public.

In ancient Rome, the stone was considered medicinal; healers wore it in silver necklaces, using it as a gem, opening them up new knowledge in treatment.

Good for children as an amulet. The mother of the child, wishing to protect him and make him stronger, must “nourish” the stone with her love and then put the amulet on her son or daughter. It is especially recommended for children with speech problems.

We have already said that citrine attracts wealth. As a talisman for good luck and business success, this is a suitable stone. Also, magicians and astrologers recommend using the mineral for people of dangerous professions as a talisman (for example, rescuers or firefighters).

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

One of all the signs of the zodiac that citrine suits especially stands out, this is. Representatives of this sign can count on the support of the stone, it will bring them luck and good luck. A similar effect of the gem and on.

Citrine is very good for the signs of the zodiac, which belong to the earth element. and, as representatives of the Earth, can count on the energy that citrine will give them in all business endeavors, public speaking and arts and crafts.

Representatives of other elements can also count on the help of the mineral, but you should know the following. Men - and can improve their financial situation, and women - and - possessing a gem will develop their intuition and thereby be happier in their personal lives.

To whom citrine is contraindicated according to the horoscope, it is s, because the stone will dull their caution and thus they may be defeated in risky situations.

Citrine Fashion

Earrings with citrine, like studs, are an excellent solution for those who want to use the healing and magical properties of the mineral to the fullest. If we consider whom citrine is suitable for by color type, then you can make sure that it suits absolutely everyone, because a golden transparent stone will perfectly set off beauty, be it “cold” (for example, blond hair and gray eyes) or “warm” (as an option - brown hair and brown eyes).

Depending on the jewelry fashion, the gem is cut in different ways and different frames are used, and also recently, items with uncut citrine are in fashion. It is most preferable, if cut is still used, to use gold, because it matches better with the yellow color of the mineral.

All types of cutting are used for cutting, including diamond cutting. It is customary to process translucent and mossy citrines in the form of cabochons.

It is because of the similarity to citrus fruits that it received its modern name. Like other minerals, citrine attracts people with its unique appearance, color shades. Many people believe in its magical properties.

Classification of stones

The citrine gem has many varieties and classifications. One of them is based on the color of the stone. It can be of a wide variety of shades.

Natural citrine has a pale yellow color. Stone is quite rare in nature. In Russia, its deposits are known in the Urals. In addition, mining is carried out in Kazakhstan, Brazil, USA, Spain, France, Madagascar and some other regions of the Earth. Most of the stones used in jewelry production are obtained artificially.

As a result of special heat treatment of smoky quartz and topaz, stones of bright yellow, orange-brown, orange, wine-yellow, lemon color, called artificial citrines, are obtained. The shade depends on the processing temperature, as well as on the place of extraction of the stone.

The color of citrines is also influenced by the chemical composition of the mineral. It is due to the presence of iron, aluminum and other elements. Heat-treated stones, in contrast to natural citrines, have a thick saturated color, while reddish shades are always present.

Citrine in jewelry

Citrine is a stone that belongs to the IV class of precious minerals, therefore it has long been used in the manufacture of jewelry. It was favored by jewelers for several reasons.

First, the stone is easy to work with. Secondly, it goes well with precious metals, especially gold. Thirdly, citrine can be used in jewelry of any kind and add sophistication and uniqueness to models.

For processing transparent varieties of stones, a brilliant or combined cut is used. Opaque stones are most often flat in jewelry. Large gems are spherical without edges. Such stones look stylish in earrings, pendants.

Citrine is a stone that, after cutting, differs little in appearance from topaz. That is why jewelers, depending on the color of the stone, often call it golden or Spanish topaz. In terms of physical properties, citrine is still inferior to topaz in terms of strength and gloss.

Citrines without haze and chips are considered the highest quality. They are used for making inserts into pendants, brooches, earrings and rings. Beads, bracelets, necklaces are made of a stone that has minor flaws in color or cut.

The healing properties of the stone

One of the amazing features of precious and semiprecious minerals is their ability to have a healing effect on people. Citrine stone was no exception. The properties of this mineral have been known since ancient times.

It is believed that with its help it is possible to cure diseases associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. People who wear citrine jewelry have improved brain function. The stone has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism, improves the general condition of a person. Wearing a stone is recommended as a preventive measure against many diseases.

Who is the stone for?

According to the ancient doctrine of minerals, the owner of the stone must imagine what effect he can have on the person himself and his environment. Therefore, you need to know the answer to the question of what citrine is. Who is the suitable stone for? In what cases is it contraindicated?

For example, it is believed that yellow citrine, being the strongest energetic, will have the most beneficial effect on people belonging to the elements of the Earth. It is also recommended for those who are on frequent business trips, conducts public activities.

For people involved in arts and crafts and other types of manual labor, stone will also have a positive effect.

Citrine and magic

As already mentioned, citrine is widely used in the production of various jewelry. The stone, the magical properties of which were known in antiquity, is still used to make amulets and other cult accessories.

It is believed that a citrine amulet is able to protect its owner from the bites of poisonous snakes and scorpions. The stone will nourish with strength in moments of depression.

According to other sources, citrine is a stone, the magical properties of which are associated with treason, deception and lies, gives strength to swindlers, thieves, and cheats.

In ancient Rome, the stone was worn by philosophers - people deeply revered by the common people. It was believed that citrine has a positive effect on the development of oratory, the ability to express thoughts succinctly and beautifully, to convince the public. In addition, the stone protected a person during public speeches from the effects of negativity, gave self-confidence, and increased self-esteem.

If in a married couple at least one of them wears a citrine amulet, then happiness and harmony will reign in the family. Perhaps that is why in some countries it is customary to give jewelry decorated with citrine to newlyweds for their weddings.

Modern magicians are sure that the stone is inherent in duality - it is able to carry positive and negative energy.

Citrine and Zodiac Signs

Astrologers also paid attention to citrine. The stone, whose Zodiac Sign is Gemini, Aries and Leo, is recommended for both women and men. But it has a different effect on them. With the help of citrine, women will develop intuition, and for men it will help improve their financial situation, it is enough just to put a crystal of a mineral of a bright saturated color in a wallet.

The stone is contraindicated only for Scorpions. People belonging to the rest of the Zodiac Signs can wear it without fear.

Amulets, charms, talismans

According to many people, the properties of citrine stone are unique. Magicians, astrologers are convinced that the mineral has an effect on the physical and psychological state of a person. He is able to influence other aspects of life as well.

In order to achieve the positive effects of the mineral, it is recommended that you have it with you at all times. Sometimes the role of amulets is performed by jewelry with citrine inserts. But specially made amulets have the greatest power.

Rings, signet rings, pendants with bright yellow citrine are often used as a talisman.

Buyers are usually attracted to citrines, which have a rare color. Experts, however, warn against the desire to acquire just such copies. In their opinion, stones quickly lose their color and become cloudy.

The prices for products with citrine depend on the metal with which they are set. The stones themselves have fallen in price very much lately. This is due to the fact that the production of artificial citrines has been established, the cost of which is not so high.

When choosing a product in the production of which a mineral is used, usually a person himself feels the power of the stone and determines whether it is suitable for him. Therefore, you need to use the recommendations, but your own feelings cannot be discounted.

Citrine is a yellow stone similar to juicy citrus. This mineral was discovered at the end of the 18th century, immediately got its "citrus name" and was attributed to the quartz family. True, the name did not catch on right away - for a long time it was also called "Spanish topaz".

This semi-precious stone is often used in jewelry making due to its brilliance, clarity, hardness and ease of processing. Its color range can range from light lemon to bright orange and even brownish brown. The most expensive are lemon and green specimens.

Jewelry with this stone can be an excellent gift for any girl, because in addition to the sunshine, jewelry with citrine has some magical properties that have helped people get out of depression since ancient times.

Description of the mineral

As a crystalline variety of quartz, natural citrine is most often found in hydrothermal formations, and sometimes in sedimentary rocks in the form of transparent crystals of yellow shades: from pale lemon to rich orange.

Due to its "citrus" color, the stone got its name - citrine, formed from the Latin word "citrus", which means "lemon". The name of the mineral is consonant with the French word "citron", which translates as "lemon".

It is a bright, durable semi-precious stone that is easy to work with, but at the same time quite hard. This solar gem in a gold frame looks the most advantageous.

Physicochemical properties of citrine

If instructions were attached to the citrine stone, sunlight would be indicated in the column "contraindications". Although yellow quartz themselves look like a heavenly body, they dim from its rays.

Like rauchtopaz, Spanish topaz can brighten when heated. But, the colorless stage is no longer so appreciated. It is called rock crystal, which, and so, is very common in nature, there is no deficit in it.

In order for earrings with citrinomine to turn into jewelry with ordinary quartz, they are worn indoors, in the evening and on cloudy days.

  • Common quartz is silicon oxide. There is also an iron admixture in citrine. The color of the stone depends on its percentage. If there is almost no metal in the composition, the crystal will be slightly yellowish.
  • But, and such samples have pleochroism. The color of the mineral changes depending on the angle of view, or the incidence of light. On the one hand, the gem may appear white, on the other - yellow.
  • The refractive index of the mineral is 1.5. For comparison, true topaz has a coefficient of 2.5. Therefore, although outwardly the gems are similar, the luster of quartz is much less. However, the use of citrine in jewelry is more convenient.
  • Citrine has not only less radiance, but also its density. Like all quartz, it is 2.6 grams per cubic centimeter. Crystals with such an indicator are simply faceted.
  • Machining is simplified by a hardness of 7 points on the Mohs scale. The same topaz has 8 points. So, citrine is not able to scratch it, but it easily leaves a line on glass, or rubies.
Performance criterion Description
Hardness On the Mohs scale, the hardness is 7 points.
Density 2.65 g / cm cube
Colour The color of the crystal is from lemon yellow to amber.
Origin The mineral is formed in large crystals and druses. Less commonly, you can find formation in granular aggregates.
Classification A gemstone of the fourth grade.
Transparency Untreated crystals are transparent. In nature, there are citrines with cloudy areas and blotches.
Chemical composition SiO2.
Syngonia Trigonal.
Point group D-3.
Shine Glass.
Melting The mineral lends itself to melting at temperatures above 1,715 degrees.


Citrine owes its color to the iron impurities it contains.

There is a classification of citrine by color:

Features of the formation of citrine

Soils with hydrothermal formations are where citrine originates. The properties of the stone are due to the "fallout" from the groundwater.

The crystal lattice is built from silicon and oxygen. But, quartz has a peculiarity to capture foreign elements during the growth process. Therefore, in crystals there are often inclusions of other minerals, air bubbles.

Sometimes, there are several main impurities. For example, iron, which makes citrine yellow, can coexist with manganese. The result is ametrine. It is a rare type of quartz. Within one crystal there are both yellow and violet zones.

Citrine appears both in the form of individual crystals and their clusters. The latter are located in geodes.

These are voids in igneous rocks, for example, granites. During the formation of the earth's crust, they were malleable, semi-molten. Streams of water enriched with various elements and gases made their way through the thickness of the granites.

As the rock solidified, the contours of the underground channels also hardened. Substances from cooling solutions were deposited on their walls. As a result, the water was gone. Remained voids, dotted with crystals from the inside. Geologists find them.

Place of Birth

Citrine is a stone , actively mined in Latin America, in particular in Brazil. This is one of the few countries where the mineral is mined on an industrial scale. The same can be said about the USA (Colorado) and India.

In India, by the way, the gem is associated with the Manipur chakra. It gives vitality and aids in the digestion of food. Therefore, Western topaz is "prescribed" for people with digestive disorders and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are small reserves of the solar mineral in Argentina, Myanmar, Scotland, Namibia. France is another country where citrine stone is mined. The properties of Spanish crystals are exceptional. Their brilliance is almost as good as real topaz, the gems are completely transparent, while their color is well expressed.

But, the fields developed since the 16th century in Spain have become scarce. Industrial development in the state is no longer carried out.

  • Single citrines are found by private miners. Not only the world market remains deprived, but also the Spanish cheaters. Yellow quartz has historically been considered their talisman. The stereotype took shape during the Renaissance. Then the citrine ring was proclaimed a symbol of wealth, good luck and easy money.
  • In the near abroad, Spanish topaz is mined only in Kazakhstan. Stone deposits were found in the central part of the state. Citrines are orange there.
  • But the Russian samples are wine-yellow. They were found only in the Urals. The reserves are small. Catherine II also ordered local prospectors to deliver citrine to the courtyard. The price was high, but the miners were not happy. Almost 3,000 crystals were demanded from them.
  • Back in the 18th century, workers did not know where to get so many yellow gems. As a result, they came up with the idea of ​​obtaining citrines from brownish rauchtopaz. These are also quartz. They fade when heated. So they began to place them in ovens, taking out of them not dark, but solar stones.

Stone history

Citrine is understood as a kind of quartz. It contains iron impurities, which give the mineral such an unusual shade.

Under natural conditions, the citrine crystal has an amazing color, and there can be many tones - from light yellowish to rich orange.

Some colors are considered very rare. For example, this concerns Madeira citrine, which has an unusual bright yellow hue. But a rarer option is considered to be two-tone ametrine - as the name implies, this is a combination of amethyst with citrine.

The closest quartz deposits to the Russian Federation are deposits in Kazakhstan. In addition, developments in the Urals are considered quite well-known. As for the far abroad, minerals are being developed there in the United States, France, Madagascar and Spain.

Huge citrines

Usually stones are mined in small sizes, but there were cases when huge citrines were found.

  • In the Russian Empire, the stone was considered merchant. Previously, it was believed that it improves the financial condition, so it was used in trade as a talisman. In addition, at that time, the mineral was used for jewelry, setting it in gold. This option was often chosen for family decorations, so it was very popular.
  • But in other countries, the crystal was considered not so favorable. For example, in France, he was an amulet of charlatans and deceivers. So it is not at all surprising that citrine rings were popular with people who were involved in theft. But in South America, such amulets with yellow quartz were considered protectors from snakes, including poisonous ones.

Citrines are now becoming popular again. This mineral can be seen in various collections of expensive jewelry, along with precious stones. For any style, this sunshine stone is perfect and will look great. But if citrine is still enclosed in a gold frame, it will only emphasize its natural color.

Most often, transparent or bright crystals were used to make jewelry. The price for them has always been higher than for ordinary beads.

By the way, now you can buy 1 citrine bead for 20 - 200 rubles. Such fluctuations in price depend on processing, crystal shade, various impurities, defects. Citrine strands are now priced at around $ 3 to $ 150. Such a high cost is due to the transparency of the stones. But on the other hand, if citrine used to be very expensive, now the prices are different, so everyone can afford a ring, earrings or a pendant with such a solar stone.

Wonderful finds

Citrine "Malaga" - the largest stone is named after the city in which it was exhibited at the exhibition. The stone reaches 20,200 carats, with dimensions of 25x25x15. Another crystal weighing 2258 carats is at the Smithsonian University.

The healing properties of the mineral

The medicinal properties of citrine are most often associated with its positive effects on the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. So, Indian healers used it to treat:

  1. gastritis;
  2. pyelonephritis;
  3. cystitis.

Modern lithotherapists believe that this sun stone has an extremely positive effect on the entire human body, accumulating vital energy, strengthening immunity and activating physical strength.

The sun-yellow mineral has a beneficial effect on human mental health and intellectual development. So, it is believed that the constant wearing of this stone can help a person:

  • get rid of depression;
  • improve public speaking skills;
  • strengthen memory;
  • to focus on;
  • relieve headache;
  • increase intellectual abilities;
  • gain confidence;
  • get rid of negative thoughts and hard dreams;
  • navigate a difficult situation;
  • fill the soul with bright feelings.

Magical properties

The magical properties of citrine are due to the solar energy of the stone:

  1. People who experience a lack of energy and depression regain energy after contact with a stone.
  2. Yellow helps to attract cash flow. You should know that citrine stone brings good luck in business when the ring adorns the little finger.
  3. The ring with citrine on the index and middle fingers helps in mastering the art of public speaking.
  4. The pendant with citrine on the speaker's chest is able to focus the attention of the public and helps to convince and lead the people.
  5. It is believed that if someone has a citrine jewelry in the family, then this house will surely have well-being and harmony.
  6. Citrine is able to protect from negative energy, helps to increase self-confidence. It has the ability to improve speech, logical thinking, and enhance mental activity. Therefore, it is necessary for people who often speak in public, who have contact with the audience.

  1. In the business sphere, he helps to establish contact between partners.
  2. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that a ring with citrine was able to provide a serene sleep, give clarity to thoughts, and ward off night horrors.
  3. Citrine, being the embodiment of sunlight and warmth, bestows good mental and physical health on its owners. Thin and sensitive people align their energy flows in the body, gain vitality, turning to the crystal for help.
  4. It is useful to carry citrine for children with speech impairments.
  5. Citrine stone patronizes people of applied arts and others, whose activities are closely related to manual labor.
  6. Esotericists claim that citrine contributes to the development of parapsychological abilities. Astrologers claim that he helps in prophecy. Therefore, it finds such wide application in the manufacture of talismans and amulets.

Citrine and names

Many people know how unique this stone is, but citrine exhibits its properties in different ways, so it is important to make sure that it fits by name. It suits women with the names Carolina, Rose, Daria. Men with the names Valentin, Leonid, Nikita, Rostislav, Timofey.

Influence on chakras

Citrine enhances a person's self-esteem and makes him less susceptible to other people's judgments.

At the same time, it is a crystal of communication. It can help people in the same team or family become more united, but at the same time it will not make them psychologically dependent on each other.

The stone is believed to enhance cognitive performance and short-term memory.

How to use it with the greatest benefit?

  • Since citrine is associated with the Manipura solar weave chakra, long beads and long chain pendants are the most effective jewelry. However, earrings with this crystal are most suitable for the development of intuition.
  • Keep the mineral with you at night if you suffer from nightmares, restless sleep, night panics.
  • Put a pebble in your wallet. This will help save money in it, keeping you from unreasonable spending.

Citrine meditation

This type of meditation practice is suitable for those who have low self-esteem and are in a nervous state. Those who need to undertake something important in life, but cannot find the strength for these accomplishments.

  1. Meditation should be started with deep breathing. With each exhalation, you have to face how all the worries and anxieties leave your body.
  2. When you are completely calm, pick up citrine and tune in to it. To do this, first carefully examine the stone, trying to look into its depths and see how the rays of light sparkle there. You will know that you have established a connection with the crystal when you feel its warmth in your hand and its characteristic tingling sensation in your fingers.
  3. Now close your eyes and imagine the soft light emanating from the stone enveloping your head in a halo.
  4. Place citrine in the area of ​​the Third Eye (between the eyebrows). Or in the navel area. You can use two stones at once. Place your right hand on your navel as well.
  5. Imagine how light from your head travels through the Third Eye and on to your solar plexus.
  6. Try to keep this picture in your mind for 5 minutes. When you get tired, just let go of this vision and open your eyes.

How to use Feng Shui?

The magical properties of citrine are associated with wealth: its multiplication and preservation. Moreover, to achieve such goals, the stone works even better indoors than in contact with the human body. Therefore, it is very often used in Feng Shui.

They are located in the wealth zone - in the southeast of the room or house. Decorative interior items are made of this mineral, which are specially created in order to attract money to the family.

The most popular money amulet is the citrine money tree. It is great if its roots, as shown in the photo, are made of amethyst, the properties of which are also associated with attracting financial luck to the house.

How to charge?

This is the only gem that, with active use of its magical properties, does not require either cleaning or recharging.

Such a wonderful quality of the crystal is connected with the fact that, unlike other stones, it does not take negative energy into itself, but disperses it into the surrounding space.

Japanese practice of longevity and prosperity

Far away in the Pacific Ocean there is an amazing island country, where the ancient solar cult is succinctly reflected even on the national flag.

The Japanese call their homeland Nippon, which means "The place where the sun rises." This concept is conveyed by such ancient magic hieroglyphs - 日本国.

Therapeutic procedures with warm, sun-saturated citrine are widespread in Japan. Even quite healthy people regularly carry out them on their own - for the prevention of the body. Perhaps that is why there are so many centenarians in the Land of the Rising Sun. Most of the inhabitants of this remote archipelago are over 82 years old.

In the magic of Japanese Shintoism, this stone, associated with the sacred Sun, is especially revered. It is considered a talisman of prosperity and longevity.

Citrine and zodiac signs

Minerals glowing from the inside of solar shades have very high magical powers. Almost all signs of the zodiac, except for Scorpio, can experience the effects of citrine on themselves. The power of the stone will help establish a connection with the spiritual realms of life.

Influencing the signs of the zodiac, the talisman will become an indispensable tool for making important decisions. Provides cunning. Too fair and honest people can be disappointed.

Depending on the impact on a certain sign, the stone is able to increase its potential. Due to its powerful strength, some signs need to be worn very carefully - from time to time.


The stone increases life potential and enhances the perseverance inherent in Aries. Under the magical influence of citrine, it is easier to negotiate with people, this happens due to the awakening of oratorical abilities.


The stone enhances organizational and creative abilities, which is especially important for Taurus. The magical properties of the mineral discipline people born under this sign and expand their life opportunities.


Gemini, by their very nature, are prone to deception, the stone, in turn, increases the propensity to shenanigans. However, the help of the stone really favors Gemini, who honor the law of justice. The energy of the stone attracts happiness to the sign.


The energetic characteristics of citrine activate the vitality of Cancer. Adds generosity and tolerance, helps to strengthen the love union. The "strong" stone will be a useful companion in achieving ambitious goals.

a lion

The energy of citrine is able to enhance not only positive, but also negative character traits. The stone is especially suitable for Leo leaders. To the detriment of self-esteem, it promotes spiritual growth. The main thing is not to overdo it with the craving for power inherent in the sign.


The stone will be useful for Virgos who wish to improve their material well-being. The organizational abilities awakened by the magic of citrine can be used to achieve their goals. The received energy must not only be used, but also shared with others.


Thanks to influential acquaintances, the energy of the stone is enough for Libra to successfully climb the career ladder. A condition for success: do not overdo it with achievements, you need to know the limit of your capabilities.


Citrine controls the actions of Scorpio, suppresses the fiery power of the sign. With such energy, discomfort most often appears. It is not advisable to wear the stone as a reinforcing talisman, except, in rare cases, for a temporary effect.


The energy of citrine is in harmony with Sagittarius. By expanding the circle of communication with influential people and interaction with the energy of the stone, success is guaranteed in almost every case! Improves well-being and increases the body's resistance.


At its core, Capricorn, due to its perseverance, is able to achieve a lot. The stone will help you go in the right direction. Light a spark and instill faith in the best. If handled correctly, it will become a reliable assistant in all matters.


Under the influence of citrine, the energetic of Aquarius directed in the wrong direction will contribute to the embodiment of at first glance unrealizable achievements. It is recommended to use magic for the most important needs.

A fish

The slippery nature of Pisces is capable of cunning and achieve what he wants, bypassing the laws. It is better for honest Pisces to use the divine magic of the mineral. For such people, citrine will become a powerful source of life potential.

Gem application

Citrine is a valuable jewelry and collectible mineral and is used mainly for the manufacture of various jewelry. According to the classification of the geologist E. Kievlenko, citrine is a class IV gem.

Brooches and pendants are made of it, rings, necklaces and earrings are inlaid with it. At the same time, for pure transparent crystals, a brilliant cut is chosen, for turbid ones - a flat one.

Natural citrines, cloudy with cracks, are processed in the form of cabochons, and smooth spherical stones are inserted into earrings and pendants.

Imitations and counterfeits of citrine

Most of the citrines on the market today are processed quartz. The bulk of the citrines sold have an artificial color, obtained either as a result of heat treatment of amethyst, rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) or morion, or by irradiation of rock crystal.

The similarity of color is achieved by calcining the amethyst at a temperature of 500 ° C, after which it acquires a stable yellow color. Some varieties of smoky quartz turn yellow when heated to 300-400 ° C.

All thermally treated stones have a thicker color, and almost all of them are noticeable. reddish tint... Natural citrines are usually pale yellow.

Pseudo-citrines heated to a certain temperature do not have pleochroism, and crystals with a natural color show weak pleochroism.

  1. Pseudo-cithrines are also made from glass. Natural citrine changes the shade of color depending on the angle of view - this is its visual distinguishing feature from glass imitations.
  2. As you turn the stone from one side to the other, you should observe changes in the color of the stone.
  3. Synthetic and natural citrines can be distinguished by the nature and composition of gas inclusions.
  4. In natural ferruginous citrines, inclusions of hydrogoethite or hematite are almost always present, chlorite and micas are found.
  5. Gas-liquid inclusions are distinguished by a variety of morphology and unequal ratio of liquid and gas phases.

In synthetic ferruginous citrines, inclusions of chlorite, micas and other natural minerals are never found. Sparkles of metallic copper may, however, be noted. Gas-liquid inclusions in synthetic citrines, as a rule, are absent, but even if they do occur, they are characterized by a constant ratio of liquid gas phases.

Ferruginous citrines, which are obtained by annealing amethyst, contain polysynthetic Brazilian twins and therefore have a rough fracture surface. Synthetic ferrous citrines are not subject to Brazilian twinning and have a smooth fracture. They do not show dichroism, which is usually clearly manifested in natural crystals. In synthetic citrines, illogical to natural ones, two varieties are distinguished by the nature of the coloring centers. In one of them, the color is of a radiation nature, in the other it is due to the presence of a chromophore impurity of iron.

Synthetic quartz, which acquires a citrine golden yellow color under the influence of ionizing radiation, contains small inclusions of aegirine.

Synthetic citrines, the color of which is associated with the presence of a chromophore impurity of three and, to a lesser extent, bivalent iron, gained popularity in the jewelry market. In terms of their physical and gem-quality properties, these crystals can be most closely compared to natural ferrous citrines. Including those obtained by annealing natural amethyst.

How to distinguish natural citrine from imitations

Any synthetic quartz (this is also true for artificial citrine, regardless of the nature of the color - radiation or impurity) is more pure than natural and is used in technology.

Solid crystals of high-grade optical quartz are rare; usually only separate conditioned monoblock sections are cut out of them.

The price of conditioned piezo-optical quartz is 10-20 times or more (depending on the size of monoblocks) exceeds the price of an equal unit of mass of jewelry rock crystal, in which only its transparency and the absence of visible defects (inclusions, cracks, etc.) are valued.

Let's deal with the possible annealing of smoky quartz or morion. This requires .

First, a little about the dichroism effect.

A ray of light passing through a birefringent crystal consists of two polarized rays (ordinary and extraordinary), the oscillations of which occur in mutually perpendicular planes. If the crystal is colored, each of the rays undergoes a different degree or type of absorption and, leaving the crystal, has a different color than the other polarized ray.

When viewing a stationary stone with the naked eye, this beam split effect is not visible, but if the stone is turned so that the light beam passes in different directions, the color change of the mineral is clearly visible depending on the direction... This phenomenon with a two-color effect is called dichroism, with a multicolor effect - pleochroism.

You just need to find a source of polarized light: this is an ordinary LCD (LCD or TFT) monitor screen (strictly not a CRT monitor).

Select a white background color of the monitor, bring the citrine crystal tip up to the screen and rotate slowly clockwise. The color of a natural (or artificially irradiated) citrine crystal should change from yellow to bright yellow, demonstrating dichroism. Glass does not have this effect.

  • 9. Yellow quartz is easily scratched and must be handled with care. Store citrine jewelry “in a dark, cool place”, as the stone can fade from prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • 10. It is said that the Romans were the first to decorate themselves with citrines (they mainly carved cameo and intalia from stones). The fashion for yellow quartz returned to the period of romanticism, because it emphasized the yellowness of gold. Citrine is held in high esteem to this day, so soon a gallery with a honey-colored stone will appear here.

Talismans and amulets with citrine

In Russia, Spanish topaz was called a merchant's stone. The fact is that merchants proclaimed the gem as their talisman, bringing good luck and wealth. In this capacity, the stone is considered now.

Many businessmen keep citrine as a talisman against financial and business failures. The zodiac sign for which yellow quartz is recommended as a talisman is Leo. The mineral is also suitable for maidens and twins. There are many talented speakers among them.

But, representatives of other signs are also capable of developing the art of eloquence. Citrine can help in this. In ancient Rome, for example, everyone who spoke in public had his crystal with them.

The only zodiac sign for which citrine is contraindicated as a talisman is scorpio. Is it because in the Eastern tradition the stone is designed to protect against creeping and biting reptiles?

Such satirical comments can be found on some sites. In fact, the gem forces the scorpions into open contact with society.

Representatives of the sign are rarely ready for this. They feel comfortable, speaking in a veiled way, leading the process, as it were, from behind the scenes. Compulsions to leave your comfort zone can lead to depression, complexes.

  • There are instructions for the citrine stone, the price is not included. Everyone is free to choose which data to trust and which not. There is a wide choice and cost.
  • Clouded samples of the mineral, interspersed, cost a penny. The gem is, in principle, inexpensive. You will have to shell out only for exceptional crystals with a history, or solid sizes.
  • In the Russian tradition, it is customary to give citrines, or jewelry with them, for lace and pewter weddings.

Most often, the Sunstone is presented on the 13th anniversary. The number is considered fatal. The warm radiation of the mineral is designed to "smooth out the corners", get rid of conflicts and even the desire to start them.

Buyers are usually attracted to citrines, which have a rare color. Experts, however, warn against the desire to acquire just such copies. In their opinion, stones quickly lose their color and become cloudy.

The prices for products with citrine depend on the metal with which they are set. The stones themselves have fallen in price very much lately. This is due to the fact that the production of artificial citrines has been established, the cost of which is not so high.

When choosing a product in the production of which a mineral is used, usually a person himself feels the power of the stone and determines whether it is suitable for him. Therefore, you need to use the recommendations, but your own feelings cannot be discounted.

Correct care

Citrine is an inexpensive gemstone loved by women of all ages. Although it is hard enough, proper care can extend the life of your citrine jewelry for years to come.

  1. Like many other gemstones, harsh chemicals can harm citrine.
  2. If you wear citrine jewelry every day, the stone may fade slightly when exposed to sunlight.
  3. To keep citrine in great shape, try not to expose it to extreme temperatures. Do not wear citrine while sunbathing.
  4. Always remove citrine jewelry when you exercise, garden or wash the dishes.
  5. Make sure citrine is not exposed to X-rays, otherwise it will turn dark brown. The ingress of cosmetics and perfumery products on citrine is also undesirable.

Clean your citrine jewelry every two months. A soapy solution or a mild jewelry cleaner is sufficient for this. Leave the jewelry in the solution for fifteen to twenty minutes and then brush it off with a soft toothbrush. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly with clean water and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Do not use ammonia to clean citrine, and also refrain from cleaning the stone in an ultrasonic cleaning machine. When it comes to storing citrine jewelry, it’s best to do it separately from the rest of the jewelry by wrapping it in a soft linen napkin.

How to wear?

To make the impact felt, citrine stones are worn constantly. Amulets made for a specific person are considered strong. They are kept in a natural fabric bag.

Combination with hyacinth, garnet, pearl, jade or carnelian increases the power of the crystal. Opal, tourmaline or zircon are reduced.

The ring promotes business and financial issues, will help convince the interlocutor. The pendant will make the owner an orator, he is taken to public appearances.

Representative of the brilliant family

Citrine is a noble variety of quartz. Among the relatives are mentioned amethyst and black morion, as well as:

  • aventurine;

  • cat's eye;
  • rauchtopaz;
  • rhinestone;
  • rose quartz.

But even in such a brilliant company, the gem was not lost.

How much does citrine cost

The price of a crystal depends on two factors:

  • Treatment.
  • Cut.

Table: the cost of cut crystals for 1 carat by different types of cut.

Good time to buy

It is best to buy citrine on Wednesday and Sunday, in the first phase of the moon, when its effect is most noticeable.

Historically, citrine has long been one of the favorite stones of nobles, but no one knew its true origin. For a long time, the gem was confused with other minerals, calling it by someone else's names, and now it is mistaken for other nuggets, at the same time passing off different minerals for it.

History and origins

Citrine is a rare type of quartz. For jewelers, the honey-golden nugget belongs to class IV gemstones. Citrine differs from ordinary quartz only in color. The closest minerals to it are pink, smoky and transparent quartz, as well as morion and rock crystal.

Ancient peoples once revered citrine for its magical abilities. The Greeks and Romans made golden quartz the talisman of politicians and orators, since they believed that with the help of the stone they acquire the gift of eloquence. But the African and South American aborigines used the stone as amulets from poisonous snakes.

Not so long ago, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, citrine was popular with businessmen, officials, merchants, as well as other members of the nobility. The stone was supplemented with gold personal seals used to seal letters or documents.

And you know that although golden quartz has been known since antiquity, the stone took its own name and place in mineralogy only in the 17th century, when in 1747 the chemist Valerius officially introduced the nugget into scientific literature.

Since that time, citrine has become fashionable in the royal chambers and among the upper class. They began to make all kinds of jewelry from the gem, as well as complement them with royal crowns and other symbols of power.

The name of the gem is a derivative of the Latin word "citrus", which means "lemon", reflecting the main color of the gem. Until this tipping point, the lemon nugget, depending on the color, was mistaken for golden or Spanish topaz, although the physical properties of citrine differ significantly. And today, specimens of a greenish tint are mistaken for light-colored emeralds.

Place of Birth

Of all the many varieties of quartz, citrines are the rarest. The largest mining areas are located in Brazil and the island of Madagascar.

The Russian field is located in the Perm region. The mineral is also mined in Kazakhstan, Scotland, USA, Spain, France and Poland.

Physical properties

In terms of chemical composition, citrine is a silicon oxide, akin to quartz. The characteristic shades of yellow are provided by admixtures of lithium, iron, aluminum or hydrogen. In nature, the mineral is formed by large crystals, often twinned, forming druses.

Interesting fact! The Smithsonian holds a processed 22.9-carat citrine crystal.

The stone kept at the institute

Natural citrine is transparent, endowed with shades of light yellow. However, if the citrine crystal is heated to a certain temperature, the stone will acquire a more intense yellow color. However, heat treatment deprives the nugget of the pleochroism inherent in non-refined stone.

Color varieties

The color palette of citrine starts with a pale yellow hue and ends with a brownish honey or amber. Gemologists often refer to lighter stones as "Bohemian citrines" and darker varieties as "Spanish topaz". Although in fact the natural mineral is close to the color of lemon, and more and more bright stones are thermally refined.

There is also light green citrine, which is popularly called false emerald. Such a gem has no value, since it quickly becomes discolored from the sun's rays.

Pendant with false emerald

A very rare, unique stone is considered to be a mixture of Citrine and Amethyst. It looks like a striped mineral with alternating lilac amethyst and light yellow stripes. In mineralogy, it is called amethyst-citrine quartz, this variety is found in Brazil.

Healing properties

In lithotherapy, the healing powers of citrine extend to all organs located in the navel chakra, as well as the solar plexus chakra. This means that the stone has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestines).

The energy of the stone is concentrated in the areas of these two chakras, which means that the mineral is especially useful for pregnant women and women who want to get pregnant. In addition, citrine has a beneficial effect on the brain, improving concentration, memory and mental clarity.

Some unreleased diseases of the spine are also up to the golden nugget. The stone will have an analgesic effect on vertebral hernia, and will also enhance the effect of drugs.

Citrine is able to calm emotional storms, overcome insomnia, and banish nightmares. Lithotherapists advise using the mineral to eliminate problems with the development of speech in children. If the problem is not running, the gem will help the child cope with stuttering or other defects up to the age of 11.

Also, stone healing experts note the rehabilitating effect of the mineral on the human body after physical or psychological trauma. In the absence of its own energy, citrine contributes to the early accumulation of the owner's own vital energy, rebuffing chronic fatigue.

It is worth remembering that only natural, pure minerals have healing powers without the slightest dark inclusions or impurities.

Magical powers

The magic of citrine is versatile, although it has one main direction - the acquisition of communication skills by a person. With such a talisman, anyone becomes a charismatic, self-confident, charming person. The stone endows the owner with oratorical talent, the gift of persuasion, and helps to establish new connections. Any dispute or discussion becomes a winning one, no matter how good the opponent is.

However, any coin has two sides. The nature of citrine is such that the mineral does not distinguish people by character. He helps good and evil, people with pure intentions and swindlers at the same time. The receptive female energy of Yin contributes to a change in the personal qualities of a person for society in such a way that the owner of the stone is liked by everyone and everywhere. This allows wicked people to easily rub themselves into trust by turning scams.

Thus, citrine favors people of such professions as businessmen, politicians, managers, lawyers. Although he loves creative people, engaged in craft or any precise work - jewelers, surgeons, watchmakers no less.


It is also believed that if the mother gives the baby a citrine amulet at birth, then such a talisman will protect the child for his whole life. The stone will protect the owner from any evil forces, misfortunes, premature death.

Golden quartz is able to resolve financial failures, improving the financial situation in the shortest possible time. This is a bonus for entrepreneurs.

The gem sharpens the intuition of an ordinary person, and also enhances the magical talent of clairvoyants. Citrine helps the former to catch deception in a timely manner, thus avoiding trouble, and to the latter, to establish contacts with the spirit world.

Citrine is allowed to be worn around the clock, without parting with the talisman. The amulet can be either in the form of jewelry or simply in the form of a crystal of a natural nugget.

The video describes the magical properties of the stone.

Compatibility with other stones

The lemon-yellow mineral is a gem of Air. Best of all, the stone feels close to its fellow elementalists. These include:

  • amethyst;
  • all types of quartz, with the exception of morion;

Regarding the minerals of Fire, citrine maintains friendship and enhances the energy of heliolite, etc. Good relationships also develop with the elemental counterparts Air-Fire:

Citrine does not seem to notice earth minerals. In such a tandem, each of them will be "for itself". Neutrality is maintained with stones such as:

  • all shades except blue.

The forbidden combination is Air and Water. Usually, such a union threatens with a storm warning, but in the case of citrine it is a little different - due to the lack of its energy, golden quartz will not affect the water minerals in any way. But the stones of Water will be unhappy with the neighborhood of citrine. Among them:

Not the best tandem will be a combination with the elemental doubles Water-Earth - or Melanite.

Jewelry with mineral

Citrine is widely used in jewelry as an insert in items made of silver, silver with gilding, and sometimes gold. For the needs of jewelry making, the best specimens of the gem are cut with a diamond or combined cut. Opaque stones are flat cut, and samples with defects are cabochons.

The variety of jewelry is great, and the cost is quite different:

  • Rings. The silver product starts at 7,000 rubles.
  • Silver earrings cost from 7 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • The pendants are estimated at an average of 15-18 thousand.

Beads, bracelets are also made from citrine, brooches and tiaras are inlaid with stones.

How to distinguish a fake

Most of the gems on domestic counters are not of exactly the same origin as they should be. The lion's share of the stones are refined varieties of quartz, such as amethyst or smoky quartz. Such gems are calcined at temperatures from 500 to 700˚C, obtaining honey-colored minerals.

It gives out burnt crystals of a thick amber or brown-honey color, as well as a reddish tint, which is not present in natural citrine. Natural stone is never bright, saturated - its color is always pale. In addition, a natural gem is endowed with a slight pleochroism (it changes its shade depending on the viewing angle), while refined quartz is not. Also in the calcined nugget, a white matte base is visible, stretching like a train to the top of the crystal.

Interesting fact! In some African deposits of amethyst, nature itself has created an imitation of citrine. Where the mineral is on the surface, in placers under the scorching sun and has lain for about ten years, citrine is formed. In fact, it is an amethyst, but under the influence of temperature it changed its lilac color to orange.

However, the refined quartz crystal is not really a fake, but rather an imitation. On the shop windows there is a counterfeit made of glass or plastic. Even the rare ametrine is forged. Clear lines of delimitation of stripes give out a fake - in a natural gem, the transitions between colors are smooth.

Glass can be identified by the absence of dichroism inherent in natural citrine - a sunbeam passing through a natural crystal bifurcates. You cannot see such a split in the glass.

Often, citrine itself of green shades becomes an imitation of an emerald. It is impossible to determine a fake on your own - here you will need the help of a qualified jeweler.

How to wear and care

Buying citrine does not lend itself to the lunar or any other rules - tune in and go shopping any day.

Citrine does not like the sun; it turns the stone pale. But in a room with artificial lighting, the gem plays as brightly as possible.

Golden quartz looks good on brown-haired or blondes, and also well emphasizes tanned or naturally dark skin. On red-haired girls, the stone shines in a special way. The best housewives for citrine are brown-eyed or green-eyed girls.

With regards to wardrobe, citrine jewelry looks good with clothes of lemon color and other shades, gradually reaching a brown palette. A great combination would be green or blue wardrobe items. Versatile black, white and gray colors also make a great tandem with citrine. Light chiffon items with a floral print are harmoniously combined with delicate citrine earrings. But with a flashy red you need to be careful.

Stone care is not limited to strict frameworks, but rather versatile:

  • Washing in warm soapy water with a soft sponge.
  • Separate storage in a soft bag.
  • Careful handling that minimizes mechanical damage.

There is a popular belief that citrine is best stored next to cash reserves in order to preserve and also increase finances.

Name and Zodiac compatibility

The golden nugget with particular trepidation relates to people with names:

  • Angela. The stone will give her calmness and filter out the energy.
  • George. The gem will attract success into his life, strengthening the intuition and business inclinations of the owner. The amulet will support George's vitality.
  • Daria will feel an increased level of intuitive thinking. The mineral will cleanse the energy background, harmonize the inner world.
  • Oksana will gain understanding with others.
  • Stella. For her, the talisman will be a filter for the body, purifying it on a psychological and physical level. With citrine, Stella will find the most correct solutions.