Water conspiracies. Strong money conspiracy for morning dew

Almost all people (especially women) dream of preserving the beauty of youth. It is believed that they begin to think about it even at an age when there can be no question of wilting. At the age of eighteen, girls are already using the means of "rejuvenating" their skin to the full. This, of course, must be done. But the effect of the procedures can be enhanced in other ways. There are old conspiracies for youth and beauty, which can successfully, if not replace cosmetics, then significantly enhance its effectiveness. These spells are different, but the result, as they say, is known.

Conspiracies for youth in the dew

Much is now being said about the healing power of dew collected from herbs. Scientists are studying the properties of this moisture, considering its molecular composition and physical properties. We suggest you, without going into details (sometimes boring and not interesting), just check the effect of the healing liquid.

A rejuvenating dew plot can be applied once or twice a year. At the same time, you will forget about diseases, you will have a blooming appearance and a good mood. But you have to get up early and go to nature. It is best to communicate with dew outside the city. This is not exactly magic advice. It's just that the realities are such that the liquid in which the products of the metropolis are dissolved can harm.

So, early in the morning (before dawn) we get up and go to the field (forest, meadow, and so on). We keep the path where there are many herbs. Our ancestors performed this ritual on Trinity. It is not necessary to be tied to the date of the holiday. We do not need a special time, but a special liquid - dew.

Take a small container with you (a vial, a cup, or something you can use to collect the dew). Approach a leaf or blade of grass, shake off a drop into a vessel and say:

"Grass-lyubava, give me strength, give it juice!"

So collect a certain amount of liquid (any, so that you can see that the vessel has begun to fill). Now stand with your bare feet on the ground. Turn your face towards the rising sun and say:

“As the grass under the dew shines and flaunts, so does the Servant of God (name) shine and smile! I take a silushka of herbs and water, Sunny, confirm! "

With these words, you need to wash your face with the collected liquid. You can't wipe yourself off! But do not use everything for a conspiracy for youth. Bring the rest of the dew home. Sprinkle it on a comb (hair brush) and say:

“The sun warms, the dew flies away, and the diseases leave me! Amen!"

Use this comb every morning. Hair will be beautiful and healthy.

Daily conspiracies youth and beauty

There are some simple youthful conspiracies that you can use every day. They will create a special attitude in your field, leading to the preservation of youth and natural beauty. So, waking up, you need to say:

“Light came, found a smile, light - he adorned the girl (name), and left that. Amen!"

Repeat every morning, you will see that the mood rises, and old age does not come.

And the conspiracy for beauty on an apple helps well. This fruit can be eaten almost every day, regardless of the season. So why not make it rejuvenating? Remember, even in fairy tales about rejuvenating apples are told?

Before you start biting the apple, say the following words to it:

“The sun is hot, centuries are a measure! Stop, turn around, come back! The century has gone around, the virgin (name) youth will not pass! Amen!"

If you do not forget about these simple words, you will forget about your age for many years! You can also speak magic words for youth and beauty on the water. The conspiracy is this:

“The water is murmuring, the sister is flowing. It will wash my veins, preserve my beauty! It will nourish my blood, give it youth. Amen!"

This can be slandered about any water that you are going to drink every day (or when you remember).

Although they say that there are no ugly people, sometimes, in order to increase your self-esteem, you can resort to beauty rituals that White Magic offers us.

Conspiracies and ceremonies for the beauty of hair and attractiveness

A conspiracy for the beauty of hair and attractiveness is done on lovage. They pick off several branches of this herb, pour boiling water over it and insist. After you have washed your hair with ordinary shampoo, rinse your hair with an infusion of lovage, casting a spell:

“Lovage, lovage!
You grew-grew
I absorbed the power of the earth.
Rosami washed his face
My braids got it.
So that it shines like dew
my maiden beauty! "

Strong conspiracies and rituals for beauty and youth

The baptismal water possesses the magical power that gives people beauty, youth and health. If you stock up on it for future use and every morning, after reading the prayer "Our Father" add 3 tablespoons to the water for washing, then you will look much younger than your contemporaries who visit beauty salons.

Conspiracies and ceremonies for the beauty and youth of the Siberian healer

You can charge your face cream with a rejuvenating effect by reading the following plot over it at noon three times:

“Become, my cream, rejuvenating
with my face forever inseparable.
You will preserve my beauty
to prolong youth.
As I looked in the mirror -
both soul and body have rejuvenated so much! "

Easter conspiracies and rituals for attractiveness and beauty

The most important Easter rite is associated with the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Fire has qualities that contradict all the laws of physics and our understanding of the essence of the laws of nature - it does not burn.

You can wash with the Holy Fire, while not a single hair from your head will be damaged by the flame. The facts of the healing of wounds and the return of sight have been recorded in the blind who have touched this sacrament.

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit Jerusalem for Easter. However, if you keep the candle purchased in the church for Easter, then you can cleanse your face from an out-of-place pimple. The conspiracy is done on a harsh thread as long as a candle. In the evening they light a candle and read the prayer "Our Father" in its light. Then the thread is also set on fire in the flame. While it is burning, you need to have time to whisper:

“As the harsh thread burns out, so the filthy pimple will come off my face.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen!"

Conspiracies and rituals for the beauty of the face, for Christmas, to please men

It was believed that if you wipe your face that fell on Christmas, you can preserve the youthfulness of the skin for a whole year.

Young girls, having washed themselves with Christmas snow, bewitched the eyes of the guys.

The same power is possessed by the water collected during the days of the celebration of Christmas. She washed her face before meeting her beloved, whispering:

“Christmas water!
Make me beautiful!
So that (beloved's name) loved me,
he did not take his eyes off me! "

The problem, when a loved one suddenly stopped calling, tormented lovers since the appearance of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number”, - ...

The article provides practical advice that should be used deliberately, since all actions can have unpleasant consequences. Conspiracies ...

Magic conspiracies and charms attracting health, well-being, wealth, luck, prosperity, love Kanovskaya Maria Borisovna

Beauty conspiracies

Beauty conspiracies

Many circumstances affect our appearance - stress, lack of sleep, someone's negative energy intrusion. Fatigue, headache appear, the complexion deteriorates, the shine in the eyes disappears, the hair becomes dull.

Try to resist the tense energies that scare away the people you want to attract. You will need the ability to fill yourself with harmony - that is, to internally tune in to the atmosphere of peace, silence. Make it a rule, while taking your morning shower, to meditate on merging with the whole world. Cherish in yourself a feeling of love for all living things, let it take over your consciousness.

The conspiracy word helps to feel strength and independence in oneself, makes a woman charming, as if it gives power over the stronger sex, gives knowledge about this and the ability to benefit from their external data. Through harmonious rituals, you open your heart, turn to yourself, influence your energy centers, increasing your personal charm and allowing loved ones to perceive you in a different way, in a new way.

This is your chance to achieve beauty in both body and soul. They say that only the owners of wisdom manage to decipher the hidden symbolism of beauty conspiracies and penetrate into the very depths of their meaning.

Conspiracy on the first dew

Morning dew has long been associated with dawn and the sky and was considered a symbol of youth, freshness and purity. Girls washed themselves with flower dew to gain beauty and health. And special attention was paid to the morning dew of St. George's Day (May 6).

At sunrise, the villagers rolled on the grass, on which Georgiev (St. George's) dew fell, - this was considered the most effective way to heal from the evil eye or damage. They believed that this would bring health and well-being. No wonder it is said: "St. George's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments."

Girls and unmarried women in the villages “scooped up the dew” on such a day. To do this, they took a clean tablecloth and a tub, went to the meadow and dragged the tablecloth over the dew-covered grass. The tablecloth was squeezed into a tub and washed with the collected dew to drive away any "pain".

Get up early, take with you a new clean cotton towel without a pattern, and go to "scoop up the dew." Soak a towel with dew before sunrise. Wipe yourself well with a damp towel, and when the sun dries the dewdrops on your skin, start whispering a conspiracy:

I, the servant of God (name), will get up early in the morning,

I will go to the emerald meadows, wash there with healing dew, icy,

Rub down with silk mosses, bow to the red sun,

To a clear dawn, and I will say to mother dew:

Mother - land tears - morning dew,

From my skill, from God's blessing

Wash me off, servants of God (name),

Old age-fatigue:

From the head, from the temples, from all the hairs,

From the crown of the head, from this time, from this minute.

From the sky - water, from the earth - God's dew.

Bass and beauty in the body. Amen.

The life-giving moisture collected from dewy herbs has great healing power. It is believed that when dew falls on the ground, the Water Spirit descends with it, and the cleansing effect of this is greatly enhanced. Just remember: you need to collect it away from roads, fields, industrial facilities, residential areas.

Melted water conspiracy

For this ceremony, you will need melt water - everyone knows that it enhances metabolism and relieves fatigue. But something else is important for us: this life-giving moisture has a different structure, a positive charge, removes psychological inhibitions and rejuvenates every cell.

You ask how to get melted water. Pass regular tap water through the filter and place in the freezer. Wait a little until the water begins to freeze, and remove the just formed cloudy crust of ice - it is in it that all harmful compounds accumulate. In winter, if you wish, you can "enchant" the water on the balcony by covering the container with water with a lid.

In the early morning, dip a silver spoon into a glass container of melted water. The water should stand like this for at least 6 hours. Cut a lemon into slices and put in a vessel, drip three drops of aromatic oil, add dry linden flowers (you must first boil them with boiling water and insist for 20 minutes). Place the jar on a windowsill so that the moonlight permeates it and leave it overnight.

The next night, on a full moon, fill the tub with lukewarm water and scented foam and slowly pour the contents of the vessel into it. Then sink into the tub, close your eyes and pretend you are swimming in a lake of moonlight.

Imagine that the transparent stream washing you is the purity of your thoughts, and it flows like a waterfall into the endless ocean. For you, the waterfall is a sign of transformation, full of emotional recharge. Let your stream go according to the will of the waves, do not try to direct it against the stream. Feel oneness with the movement of the universal waters of life. Take a mental look into the depths of the river: clear, calm water is a sign of your wisdom. Now return to the light and calm the ripples in the water - you will feel the excitement and emotional instability recede.

Take the foam in your palms and whisper the words of the conspiracy over it:

How soon the soap will wash off your face,

So much my dear would love me.

Let him be happy, warm with me,

There is joy in my soul, light in my heart,

There is fun in the mind, and singing in the tongue. Amen.

Take a bath for at least 20 minutes. When the ceremony comes to an end, you will feel that you have absorbed the lunar energy.

Conspiracy before bed

Our ancestors firmly believed that the fragrances of nature are endowed with magical power, and that this power can be transmitted to man. Scented mixtures were used to raise the tone, awaken vital energy and combat energy attacks.

Magic requires a special relationship with essential oils. Dip rose quartz into a bottle of oil. Lightness, richness of aroma and transparency, nobility of the crystal will well "remember" your mood for energy cleansing and help to remove damage to beauty. Infuse magic spirits one lunar quarter.

Before falling asleep, do the following: at the head of the bed, place a lighted candle, next to it - an open bottle of aromatic oil, cross the pillow and, looking at the flame, whisper seven times:

I lay down a slave (name), praying, and I will rise, blessing,

And I will go from door to door, from gate to gate,

In a clear field, under pure stars, under the heavenly moon.

How a month is young is born

And will go through the heaven of the Lord

In my own way and my path,

Your own master

So I, too, a servant of God (name) will go out into an open field,

I'll wash myself with God's dew, wipe myself with a soft cloud,

I will gird myself with a bright month,

I'm poking with pure stars.

I will go, the servant of God (name),

In a feast-conversation to his girlfriends.

I will appear on this day of the Lord whiter than the light of the blessing, brighter than the bright month, More beautiful than the red sun, to slaves and slaves, good fellows and girls.

All my girlfriends would have been a pool and dearer, everyone would have looked at me and looked: red girls, young young women, men lived, unmarried. Be my words strong and sculpting. All my words are a key and a lock.

Having uttered a conspiracy in a whisper, immediately cork the bottle with the fragrant mixture with a cork so that the echo of your last words will become its eternal prisoner. Then, seal the bottle by dripping molten wax from the red candle onto the cork. Hide the fragrant vessel in the farthest corner of your bedroom, or place it in a secluded spot on your dressing table. And you can wear a tiny aroma on your chest or use this oil to charge an amulet against the evil eye.

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Distorted Sexuality as a Parody of Beauty In the Scriptures section, the Wisdom literature speaks of "two ways." (And the Book of Proverbs may well be called “The Book of Two Ways.”) The path of divine wisdom: the path of the fear of the Lord that leads to life (Proverbs

Dew plots are different - one, evening, are soothing and therefore more suitable for removing the evil eye and nervous conditions. Night dew is capable of healing wounds, stopping blood, therefore it was often used for conspiracies from injuries. And morning dew is, in principle, universal, suitable for healing and rejuvenation.

Early in the morning go to a place where there is dew. Stand barefoot on the grass, collect dew with your hands and put wet hands on top of your head. Read the conspiracy, after putting your hands back into the dew and rubbing your face with wet hands, washing yourself with dew.

I will become, slave (s), God (s) (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from door to door, wash myself with dew, wipe myself with a shroud.

I will stand under the red sun, under the clear month, under the red sun, under the clear month, the table-throne.

On that table-throne is the Church-Cathedral.

In this Church-Council there are 77 sinners, 77 confessors.

The first Philip, Seraphim, Nikita, Alexei, Savvatei, Nikola.

Jesus Christ Himself, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself, comfort, pacify the servant (s) of God (s) (name) 12 pains, 12 sorrows, 12 damage, 12 half-damage,

From a white girl, from a white guy, from a white man, from a black girl, from a black guy, from a black man, from a black woman, sec, sec, I cross 12 pains from God's slave (s) (name), 12 sorrows, 12 damage, 12 half-damage, 12 buttons, 12 fears, 12 lessons, 12 half-lessons, sec, I cross, I will burn with fire, I will overwhelm with water, I will close with sea locks, river keys, a lock in the river, a key in my mouth, nobody but me will unlock.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy from a streak of bad luck

If everything in life suddenly went wrong, illnesses, troubles pile up and indifference appears, there is an effective conspiracy aimed at everything at once - both at the disease, and at the evil eye, and at the excessive exactingness of loved ones.

Go to the waning moon in the evening for well water, collect a bucket of it and pour it on the ground next to it. Pour out the second bucket too. And bring the third bucket home without talking to anyone on the way. Fill a bucket with water from a bucket, put it on the table, light a candle, sit next to it and read the plot three times. It is necessary to read in a whisper, but legibly, trying to catch the rhythm of the conspiracy.

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God!

I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), will become blessed, and I will cross myself from the hut with doors, from the courtyard as a gate, into a wide street, in a clear field.

There are three gates: copper gates, iron gates, and silver gates.

An old mother's wife came out, carried a bow and arrows, and shot from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all sorts of parables, ghosts, snags, dissuaded lessons from a white-headed woman, from a simple-haired girl, from a double-wed, from a triple , from a two-toothed, from a three-toothed, so that it can live forever, never belch it up for a century.

Be, my words, strong and molding, sharper than a pike's tooth and a damask knife.

Then take a sip of three sips of water, wash yourself with charmed water, throw out the rest over your left shoulder.

Conspiracy from any misfortune, witchcraft, envy, troubles, diseases

They read on Epiphany water, which then you need to wash, and then drink it.

Or who envied the slave (s) of God (name), or who divined, or who said a stupid word, or who cursed, or who grinned with anger, hatred, with rage at a bad hour, in a bad minute, in a bad second.

Who envied, who read fortunes, who said stupidly the word young young women, red girls, old old men, young men, or women, or old women, or girls, or the guys cursed, grinned, or envied. And you, Svetlitsa Voditsa, the queen of all, the red maiden, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through a white stone.

Conspiracy for good luck and the location of other people - read at dawn

Pour water for conspiracies into a glass and throw eight coins of any denomination into it. Read the conspiracy in the evening, get the coins in the morning, go somewhere and spend them right away.

As mother red dawn came out, and with her Jesus Christ Himself came out, baptized the Earth, illuminated the waters, and (name), rewarded me with luck and prosperity, Always helps, in days and nights, and in any trouble and poverty, Most Holy Theotokos protects from dashing. May it be so forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from the evil eye and to attract good luck

Speak into a glass of spring water during the waning moon. It is better to do it in an open area, but it can also be done in a room, not far from the window. The window must be open. And the door is closed. You can't have someone come in during a conspiracy, not even an animal. Read the plot once, then wash with water several times until all the water comes out.

I will become, blessed, and go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from door to door, a straight path.

In the eastern side there is the Apostolic Church of God, not chopped with axes, not planed with spurs, by the Lord God, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos.

I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower, so that neither lessons, nor insights, nor fears, nor commotions stagnate, lie in a gray brain, in a white body, in a zealous heart, in hot blood, in a black liver, in black eyes, in black eyebrows. Debugging, dissuading from a simple-haired woman, from a hand-rolled woman.

I will lock it with a lock, I will conclude it with a key,

I'll put the key on my tongue in my mouth,

No one will intercede this key,

Nobody will cross it.

Protective conspiracy

Pour water taken from the spring early in the morning into a wide bowl. Hold the bowl in front of you and look into the water, it is desirable to see your reflection. The conspiracy is read in the morning. Before the start of the conspiracy, you can not talk to anyone, wash, eat or drink. You need to read quietly, look at the water. After that, wash yourself with charmed water and spray yourself, taking water into your mouth.

Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense-life-giving cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will remain with the cross, wash with spring water, wipe myself with a cross towel, conjure with the veil of the Lord.

In that swaddle I swaddle in which Mother the Most Holy Theotokos swaddled Christ.

I will swaddle myself in that veil.

Lock me up, Lord, and seal my body, my lips from evil deeds, from evil people, from a heretic, from a heretic, from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a speed-eating snake, from a creeping snake, from seething fire, from a sharp knife, from sickle toothed, from fire, from flames and from evil people.

Conspiracy from any malicious misfortune, witchcraft, envy, troubles, diseases

They read on Epiphany water, which then you need to wash and drink three sips. Throw out the rest at the gates of the temple.

Voditsa-svetlitsa, you are everywhere a queen, a red maiden, walked from across the sea, brought health to God's servant (s) (name).

You were purified by the clear sun, frequent stars, red dawns.

Voditsa-svetlitsa, you walked through dark forests and steep banks, through a white stone, you washed your face every dawn, every dawn was cleansed.

Wash-cleanse any disease from the servant (s) of God (name) (name), gossip disease, negotiation, wind, eye, superficial.

Or who envied the slave (s) of God (her) (name), or who read fortunes, or who said a stupid word, or who cursed, or who grinned with anger, hatred, with rage in a bad hour, in a bad moment, in bad second.

He sent his hair, and his voice, and his rage to the servant of God (s) (name) into the bones, into the bridge, into a violent head, into a zealous heart, into red blood, into a black liver. Who envied, who read fortunes, who said stupidly the word young young women, red girls, old old men, young men, or women, or old women, or girls, or the guys cursed, grinned, or envied. And you, Svetlitsa Voditsa, the queen of all, the red maiden, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through a white stone.

You were purified by a clear sun, a bright month, frequent stars, red dawns. Wash-cleanse any disease from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) at this hour, according to my conspiracy.

How to protect your luck

If some pleasant events have happened in your life, do not be lazy, protect yourself from someone else's envy, so that your happiness does not collapse from an accidental sidelong glance.

Put the icon of the Virgin on the table, put a bowl of water on a white napkin for a conspiracy. Find some shoots of wormwood - it grows almost everywhere along the edges of the roads, roll a ring out of it and put it on the bottom. And in the center of this herbal ring, put a gold ring (you can also have a wedding ring), put a church candle directly into this ring and light it. Read the conspiracy three times. Let the candle burn to the end, until the fire reaches the water and extinguishes itself. Wear the ring and wear it at least until the end of the day. It is necessary to wash the threshold with water. Bury the grass somewhere under a fruitful tree.

I will stand, blessing, and walk, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from door to door, along a straight path without turning, without a crossroads, without a churchyard, a straight path. In the eastern side there is the Apostolic Church of God, not chopped with axes, not planed with spurs, but only with an iron ax. The Lord God, Mother the Most Holy Theotokos blessed her. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower, so that neither lessons, nor insights, nor fears, nor commotions stagnate, lie in a gray brain, in a white body, in a zealous heart, in hot blood, in a red liver, in black eyes, in black eyebrows. I will lock it with a lock, I will close it with a key, I will lower the key on my tongue into my mouth. Amen.

Protective conspiracies before starting a new or important business, before the road
A protective conspiracy, which is read if they want to get protection for some important matter

In the morning at dawn, go out on the grass, walk in the dew and read the conspiracy three times. After that, you need to wash with dew, wet the thread, tie a knot on it and carry it with you.

I will become, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the gates with gates, to the east, to the east side, under the morning dawn of Marena, under the evening Maremyan. Around me there is an iron tyn from earth to sky, from east to west.

This tyn no one can neither cross, nor move - not a heretic, not a heretic, not a sorcerer, not a sorceress, not an oncoming one, not a transverse one and not a simple-haired woman and not a hand-rolled girl, neither white, nor fair-haired, nor black, nor black ...

Be, my words, strong and molding, stronger than a damask knife.

My tongue is the key, my mouth is the lock.

Conspiracy before any new case

In the morning, go out early at dawn, stand on the grass, run your hands through the dew, collecting it in your palms. After putting your palms to the sun, while the water dries up, warmed up by the sun, you need to read the conspiracy:

I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), will rise, praying,

And I will go, crossing myself,

From the hut by doors, from the doors by the gates,

I will climb a high mountain, I will look around on four sides

On the east side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, a wild horse, clever. I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), will come up to that horse, with affection I will saddle And I will pull the reins and where I need to gallop.

There will be a black horse to serve me, to carry me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name).

My words are strong and molding.

Conspiracy before a change in life, an important event

In the morning go out on the grass barefoot, walk through the dew, pick up the dew in your hands and expose them to the sun, saying:

I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), will become, blessed, I will go, crossing myself.

To the east side, to the clear sun. The sun is red, light up, the wind is violent,

Drive away from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all misfortunes, sorrows, all sorrows,

What to illuminate and what to drive away the sun and winds they themselves know.

Conspiracy before starting something new

The conspiracy is happening on the waning moon. It is necessary to pour unpopulated water into a ladle, go to a deserted place, bring a few medium-sized pebbles and put them in a circle. Take the ladle in your left hand, read the conspiracy in a whisper and, little by little, sprinkle water on the stones with your right hand.

Morning dawn Daria, vespers dawn Marina, fresh spring water went along the stump, along the roots, soaps the song-root, gray stone.

Wash off the servant (s) of God (s) (name) prizis-prizors, all persuasions, mother's thoughts, fatherly thoughts.

As water dries up on pebbles, so dry up, dry up in your hands and cheeks, from a zealous heart.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.

Be my words, strong, firm, negotiation, non-agreement, shut up, lay down with keys-locks. Keys to the water, locks, keys to the water, locks to the bottom.

Conspiracy from the evil eye, which is spoken before an important event

On the waning moon, pour clean well water into a saucer. In the evening, put the saucer on the table, and leaning close to the water, read the plot nine times. You need to read slowly, feeling the rhythm of the conspiracy, quietly.

After that, dip your fingers into the water, draw a cross on your forehead, cross yourself and throw out the water with a sharp swing.

Lord bless. Nikolay the Pleasant, help me.

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, three violent winds are walking - they blow, dry, knock out of the servant (s) of God (s) (name) from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all sorrows, diseases, spoilage, relatives, thorns, thorns, lomotische, pozakzhny, podbolonny , subheart from a zealous heart, from a light liver, from all the hot blood, from a violent head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from 77 bones, from 77 veins, from 77 joints, blow out, dry, knock out of the slave (s) God's (s) (name) all sorrows-diseases. Go to the slum forest, lay down in a rotten deck.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

I will clamp it with my lips, I will eat it with my teeth, I will lower the keys into the sea, so that the wind does not blow, the water does not rage.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy before starting a new business or during a change in life

Pour fresh well water into a glass. Read three times on the water, in the evening, before bedtime. After speaking, drink a few sips of water, put the remaining water at the head of the bed. In the morning, pour the water over the threshold.

Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Resurrect, Lord, with your resurrection!

From the counter-cross, have mercy, Lord, the servant (s) of God (s) (name).

Go, attack, into the dark forests, on dry trees, where the people do not walk, where the beast does not roam, where the bird does not fly. Amen.

Conspiracy when things go wrong

Water is collected on the waning moon, in the evening it is poured onto a wide dish, a pinch of salt and a hot coal are thrown. Then they put a silver cross there. A lighted candle should be placed next to it.

At the end of the sun, the sun is bright, the earth is righteous, a pillar has grown from earth to heaven; on that pillar are sitting three red maidens, three sisters, they cut shroud and vestments.

They cut, cut out, they sewed, embroidered, stuffed with different types of silk.

The Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself approached them, took away the shroud and vestments, and fastened them onto her golden hands.

On the high mountains, on the blue seas, on the yellow ones on the sands, on thirty springs lies a smooth white stone. On that stone there is a pillar and Christ's throne.

On the throne, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself sleeps.

It poured blue sea, sprinkled with yellow sand, swaddled in swaddling clothes, closed with distant keys, smooth stone moved.

And let the blue sea loosen up, let the yellow sands pull it out, unlock the distant keys, take off the golden shroud, then all the ailments will move, reject, go away.

Keep away from me, Lord!

(After that, you need to blow on the water and spit to the side.)

Save me, the servant (s) of God (s), Lord, from the wizards, from the sorcerers, from the haters.

After the end of the conspiracy, you need to drink a few sips of water, cross yourself, take water in your mouth, and spray yourself with charmed water. Pull the cross out of the water, attach it to the chest and cross again.

Birthday conspiracy to open a "streak of luck"

This conspiracy allows you to remove all the negative that has stuck in a year. After it, a "streak of luck" usually begins in everything, and often leads to changes in life. This can be a promotion, moving to a new job, or moving to a new place of residence.

Early in the morning at dawn one must go for silent water. Spring or spring water is needed. Go secretly, do not talk to anyone and do not look back on the way.

Pour water into a glass, preferably transparent. Read the plot while standing, hold a glass of water with both hands.

Water-water, red maiden,

Walked on the roll, walked from afar,

I washed the songs, roots, pitfalls.

Likewise with the servant (s) of God (s) (name)

Wash all ghosts and patterns, windy fractures,

So that they are neither in bones, nor in brains, nor in clear

Eyes, neither in a zealous heart, nor in a black liver.

So that the servant (s) of God (s) (name) wash with that water

And was born again.

Gossip, fractures, and bad talk

All go away.

So that not one is left.

before leaving the house, amulet on a long journey

Anything can happen on the road, even if you do not go to the other end of the country, but leave your home for half an hour. To keep yourself safe, start talking with a handkerchief that you will always take with you. Take a new indelible scarf, you can with a pattern, water for the conspiracy. Also find a branch from any tree so that there is a fork on it for three knots, so much so that if you break off all the knots to the same length, you get a cross. Read the conspiracy three times on the water. Twist the cross into a handkerchief tightly and sprinkle with the prescribed water. Put it in your bag or pocket, carry it with you at all times.

I look at You, I ask You,

God bless the way, go to the angel, watch me yourself!

Behind the threshold, ahead of God.

I'm going straight, I won't turn anywhere,

I will go through a hundred bumps, a hundred turns,

Yes, I'll go back, I won't stumble anywhere.

One hundred amines on my way, and one hundred and one - after me.

Protection on the road (from accidents, thefts, breakdowns and other

If you are going on the road, make sure that no trouble catches you by surprise. You can also read this conspiracy when someone close to you leaves, for example, the husband is going on a business trip. Put up protection from any misfortune. Read on the water, before the road you need to drink exactly nine sips.

I drive along a wide road, from field to field, to green meadows, to remote places, in the morning and evening dawns. My road is wide and smooth, like a tablecloth. I wash myself with copper dew, wipe myself with the sun, clothe myself with clouds, gird myself with frequent stars. I am driving in an open field, and in an open field, an overpower-grass grows. Overcome the grass! It was not I who watered you, it was not I who raised you: Mother of Cheese Earth gave birth to you, you were watered by simple-haired girls, women who were serving. Overcome the grass! Defeat evil people: they would not think badly of us, they would not think bad things. Drive away the sorcerer, the snitch. Overcome the grass! Overcome with me the high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, hemp and logs. I will hide you, overcome the grass, at the zealous heart, all the way and all the way. Amen.

Protective prayer before the road

This prayer helps if you urgently need to go somewhere, but your heart is anxious. Put a few rose petals in a cup of water, read the prayer:

Holy Father Nicholas,

Take the key to paradise

Close your eyes to the villain

Hands, feet, ways, roads,

And you, Holy Mary,

Cover me with your dark

Holy robe from all

Hateful people.

Amen, amen, amen.

After that, you need to drink the charmed water, collect the petals and put them in a bag and take them with you.

Conspiracy if you have to travel on sea water

If you are afraid of water, if you are motion sick or nauseous, such a conspiracy helps well. We need to take salt water, say it three times:

The sea is both mother and stepmother.

As I love you, so do you love me.

There is clear water in you

be in my head.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then cross yourself and drink three sips of water, looking at the sea.

Protection on the road

So that there is no trouble, accident, or some kind of breakdown on the road, start talking about the car or vehicle you are going to ride. You can talk about water in advance, take it with you and spray the wheels if possible. And if the car is yours, wash the steering wheel as well.

Save me on the road, Lord, from evil people and unkind thoughts, from empty, from clumsy, from gagging, from hot, from breaking, from breaking. Amen, amen, amen.

Dew plots

Dew is a special type of water, its medicinal properties have been known for a long time. Dew plots are different: evening, night and morning - each type of dew has its own properties.

Morning dew is universal, therefore, conspiracies for morning dew are given here.

Morning conspiracy from various misfortunes

Stand barefoot on the grass, collect the dew with your hands and put your wet hands on top of your head. Read the conspiracy, then lower your hands into the dew again and run wet hands over your face, washing yourself with dew.

I will become a servant (a), God's (ia) (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from two rai to door, wash myself with dew, wipe myself with a shroud, stand under the red sun, under a clear month, under the red sun, under a clear month the table-throne, on that table-throne Church-Cathedral, in this Church-Cathedral of 77 sinners, 77 witnesses, the first Philip, Seraphim, Nikita, Alexei, Savvatei, Niko lya, Jesus Christ himself, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself , comfort, pacify the servant (s) of God (her) (name) 12 pains, 12 sorrows, 12 damage, 12 half-damage, from a white girl, from a white pariah, from a white man, from a black girl, from a black guy, from a man black, from a black woman, sec, sec, I cross from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) 12 pains, 12 sorrows, 12 spoilage, 12 half spoils, 12 buttons, 12 frights, 12 lessons, 12 half lessons, sec, I cross , I will burn it with fire, overflow with water, I will close it with sea locks, river keys, a lock in the river, a key in my mouth, except for me no one will unlock it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from bad luck

We must walk through the dew, saying:

Zarya-zarynitsa, dear sister, through the dew, I, servant (a) of God (them) (name), I will pass. Take away all the sorrows and troubles, dew-dew, bright queen. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from all evil

Walk barefoot in the dew, pick it up with your hands, read the conspiracy and wash yourself with dew:

I, the servant (a) of God (ia) (name), will become blessed, and I will go, crossing myself; I will wash neither white nor black, wipe myself neither dry nor wet; I wash myself with fresh milk, wipe myself with poppy flowers; I will go from door to door, from gate to gate; Saint Tikhon meets me, I bow to Saint Tikhon: “Take you, father, twelve rods of tin, iron and beat the twelve Herod’s daughters with them, so that they do not coward me, they do not break my bones. From now on, and finish ”.

Morning conspiracy-amulet for protection for an important matter

At dawn, walk in the dew and read the conspiracy three times. After that, you need to wash with dew, wet the thread, tie a knot on it and carry it with you.

I will become, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, out of doors, out of the gates by gates, to the east, to the east side, under the morning dawn of Marena, under the evening Maremyan. Around me there is an iron tyn from earth to sky, from east to west. This tyn no one can neither cross, nor move, nor a heretic, nor a heretic, nor a sorcerer, nor a sorceress, nor an oncoming, nor a transverse and not a simple-haired woman, and not a hand-rolled girl, nor white, nor fair-haired, nor black, nor cherry. Be, my words, strong and molding, stronger than a damask knife. My tongue is the key, my mouth is the lock. Amen.

Morning conspiracy before any new business

Stand on the grass, run your hands through the dew, collecting it in your palms. After that, place your palms in the sun and, while the water dries up, you need to read the conspiracy:

I, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), will stand up, praying. And I will cross myself from the hut by the doors, from the doors by the gates, I will climb a high mountain, I will look around on four sides. On the east side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, a wild horse, clever. I will approach, servant (a) of God (them) (name), to that horse, saddle it and pull the reins and where I need to gallop. There will be a black horse to serve me, to carry me, the servant (y) of God (yu) (name). My words are strong and molding. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from the evil eye

They read at dawn, standing barefoot on the grass. Dew after the conspiracy must be washed.

I will become, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself. In an open field, a blue sea, a blue sea - a white stone. On a stone, a girl sits, speaks: “All slander, ghosts, human slander, move away from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Morning conspiracy before an important event

Walk barefoot through the dew, take the dew in your hands and expose it to the sun, saying:

I will become, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself. To the east side, to the clear sun. The sun is red, light up, the violent wind, drive away from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) all misfortunes, sorrows, all sorrows. What to illuminate and what to drive away the sun and winds they themselves know. Amen.

Morning conspiracy of the evil eye and any disease

Collect dew with your hands, read the conspiracy. Then wash with the collected dew.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. From the gogol - water, from the forest - dew. Get together, slide down, lessons, stitches, all the flames. Come from the wind - go to the wind. They came from the forest - go to the forest. Come from people - go to people. From a frequent-toothed wife, from a rare-toothed grandmother, from a simple-haired little girl, from a peasant, from a draft. Which words I spoke, which I did not finish, be my words, strong, sculpting. The castle is in the sea, the key is in the company.

Morning conspiracy from longing

Wash your face with dew, saying:

Where there is water, there is longing for the servant (s) of God (s) (name). Amen.

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Conspiracy-ritual on dew, so that people hold their gaze You will need: a new linen towel or napkin with embroidery with floral motifs, two coins - yellow and white metal, a church candle and an icon of the Mother of God Ritual time: first half of summer, early

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Conspiracies Dealing with people and restoring seriously ill patients, I continued to work as a teacher in a hostel. There I met a woman speaking hernia. For a year she looked closely at me, then began to share "secrets." This woman survived the war as a child.

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Conspiracy A conspiracy is an incantatory verbal formula that has magical powers. Conspiracies were widely represented in the ancient cults of Asia, in the ancient world, during the Middle Ages. They are still widespread among almost all peoples of the world.

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Conspiracies In the old days, the distinction between conspiracy and prayer was negligible. The early Christians included the holy names in conspiracies, believing that their effectiveness was based on faith in God. Here is an example of a well-known similar conspiracy "Our White Father": Mark, Matthew, Luke