The face of the cause turns yellow. Causes of a yellowish complexion and methods of eliminating this defect

Skin color is initially determined by the race to which a person belongs. And if you are the owner of light skin, with a pink tint and blush on your cheeks, then the appearance of an unusual and frightening yellowish color of the epidermis indicates some kind of malfunction in the body.

What could be the reason

Typically, yellow skin color is associated with problems in the body. Usually, a yellow skin tone appears when there is an excessive amount of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a blood pigment that is part of it. It is a breakdown product of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that belongs to the body's transport function, it also binds oxygen molecules, so yellow facial skin is usually associated with hepatitis, a liver disease. There may be a blockage in the bile ducts.

If the eyelids and iris of the eyes turn yellow, it is most likely that lipid metabolism is impaired or cholesterol is elevated.

Thyroid dysfunction can also lead to yellowing of the skin. There is simply a lack of enzymes that break down beta-carotene.

Certain diseases of the digestive system or secretions cause yellow skin.

Sometimes yellowish skin indicates a developing cancer.

Perhaps, apart from the unnatural color, nothing else bothers. However, if you suddenly notice that the skin has acquired an unusual yellow tint for you, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of the disease even before pain occurs.

In any case, you cannot make a diagnosis on your own, but it is risky, especially under such circumstances. A medical examination will be required. Don't wait more than a few days.

Causes of Skin Yellowness You Can Affect

However, sometimes yellow skin color can have a completely different explanation, which is not associated with dysfunction of individual organs or diseases. It's just that there are too many foods in the human diet that contain beta-carotene, which leads to increased skin pigmentation. Raw carrots are very high in beta-carotene, and high intake of it can give the skin a yellow tinge. Oranges and pumpkin can also cause yellowing of the skin.

When using products with a high carotene content in home cosmetics, there is a possibility of obtaining this specific shade. Some medications can make the body look yellow.

Eliminating the yellow tint from the skin

Having found out the reasons, you can begin to get rid of the consequences. If the examination showed some kind of health problem, first of all, you need to direct all your efforts to treatment. Usually, during treatment, along with recovery, the yellow color of the skin goes away by itself. And in addition to this, some effort can be made to bring back a normal and healthy complexion.

In the absence of diseases that could cause such a nuisance, you can relax for a while and begin to eliminate yellowness.

This can be helped by:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • walks in the open air;
  • an active lifestyle, in which there is a place for regular physical activity;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • proper sleep and rest;
  • a balanced diet that excludes unhealthy foods;

replenishment of the diet with certain foods that are directly associated with an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. For example, cabbage, onions, garlic and radish, figs, soft-boiled eggs and meat with blood, the addition of pepper and dill, cloves and calamus to food, and a little wine.

Learning to enjoy every day of your life and stay positive will also improve your complexion.

The beauty of a person is judged by his face: the cut and symmetry of the eyes, the shape of the nose and eyebrows, the fullness of the lips - all this should add up to a holistic and harmonious picture, then the person will be considered pretty or beautiful. Skin color is what we judge about health: our own or that of another person.

The discoloration of the skin is called dyschromia in medicine. It occurs most often due to some kind of internal disease (we will consider them below), and a cosmetologist or dermatologist are the last specialists who need to be visited on this matter.

A change in complexion towards a paler or redder one should serve as a basis for grabbing a tonometer instead of grabbing cosmetic corrective agents, and then counting your own pulse. If you describe the color as yellow, green or cyanotic, you cannot hesitate to see a doctor: conditions that change the complexion to such shades are life-threatening.

About the skin

Human skin is the organ with the largest area. On average, for an adult, it occupies 2 square meters, and its total weight is more than 10 kilograms. The main task of the skin from birth is to protect the underlying tissues from the penetration of microbes and chemicals into them. In addition, it protects them from high and low temperatures, ultraviolet and other rays, for which the subcutaneous tissue and muscles are clearly not designed. The skin also performs other very important functions: it participates in respiration, thermoregulation, synthesizes some vitamins, enzymes and bioactive substances, conveys information about pain, tactile sensations and temperature to the spinal cord. It can absorb the substances applied to it, delivering them into the systemic circulation.

From 3-4 months of life, another important function of the integumentary tissue, which is relevant to our topic, develops - excretory. The skin removes some of the products, both formed during the normal functioning of organs, and arising from the neutralization of toxins by our main "filters".

A person's complexion depends on:

  • combinations of pigments in it;
  • the thickness of the stratum corneum;
  • the depth of the location of the vessels in it and their filling;
  • on the intensity of the metabolism occurring in the body.

Changing each of the parameters leads to a change in complexion. Let's consider all this in more detail.

Skin structure

Our integumentary tissue, skin, is made up of two layers. The upper one is called the epidermis. This is the same epithelium as the one that forms all the mucous membranes of the internal organs. Its difference is in the number of cell layers. The latter, gradually turning into dead plates from the lower layer to the upper, still remain on the surface of the skin and protect it from adverse external influences. Between the usual cells of the epidermis, there are those that, being the owners of the coloring pigment, provide the skin with brownish and yellowish tints.

The deep layer of the cover is represented by the dermis. There are fibers from proteins that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the ability to straighten it when forming a fold from it. The intercellular substance located between them is responsible for moisturizing the skin and the ability to properly "cooperate" with the facial muscles - to straighten without the formation of wrinkles after showing another emotion.

The dermis is the layer of the skin that contains the vessels: many blood vessels and a little lymphatic. The hemoglobin in them gives the skin a pink color.


A healthy color is provided by a combination of four pigments:

  1. melanin;
  2. carotene;
  3. oxyhemoglobin;
  4. reduced hemoglobin.


It is a brown pigment. Its task is to protect the skin from its dangerous oncogenicity, ability to cause burns and oxidative stress (and with it early aging) ultraviolet rays. Therefore, when exposed to the sun, our cover turns brown, and people living in conditions of increased solar activity have dark or even black skin.

Melanin is produced in special cells of the epidermis - melanocytes. Through special processes, bubbles with pigment are delivered to other cells - keratinocytes, where they accumulate. Some of it is dissolved in the dermis.

The accumulation of melanin bubbles in the main skin cells is dictated not only by genetic, but also by constitutional factors. So, some localizations darken strongly under the influence of ultraviolet rays, while others remain practically unchanged, while others are brown regardless of radiation. Genetics, however, "dictates" to some people in the spring and summer to become very dark-skinned. Others - this disorder is called albinism - do not tan under any circumstances, maintaining a milky white skin color.

The process of formation and accumulation of melanin is regulated by two main enzymes - copper-containing and zinc-dependent. With a lack of each of them in the body, there is nothing to absorb ultraviolet rays.


This is the name of the yellow pigment, dissolved in the dermis of the skin. It is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful effects of oxygen radicals. The same is found in carrots and some algae, from where it, when eaten, penetrates into the skin.

In the Caucasian race, carotene is almost invisible - it is concealed by melanin. But in Mongoloids, it is visible and stains their skin yellowish.

Hemoglobin and its types

This pigment is not found in the skin itself, but in the vessels lying in the dermis. Its main task is to transfer oxygen to tissues, and from them to take carbon dioxide. When it transports oxygen (called oxyhemoglobin), it turns pink. When hemoglobin is saturated with carbon dioxide, it stains blood vessels dark red or bluish. How much the hemoglobin present in the vessels will stain the skin will depend on:

  • the number of blood vessels in the skin;
  • the proximity of the dermal capillaries to the surface layer of the skin;
  • filling these capillaries, depending on the pressure in the larger arteries. This is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and the hormone system. The filling of small vessels of the skin is also affected by the amount of fluid in the vascular bed;
  • the thickness of the stratum corneum.

Pathological pigments

The skin can be stained not only by the pigments present under physiological conditions, but also by those substances that penetrate here during pathology. Sometimes these are pathological substances such as iodine or silver. But more often these are products formed from hemoglobin:

  1. Bilirubin, which is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. It becomes a lot in the body either when large quantities of red blood cells are destroyed at once, or when hemoglobin metabolism in the liver is disturbed. It stains the skin yellow, and the condition that occurs is called jaundice. Let's talk in more detail below.
  2. A deep, dark, almost blue skin color occurs when a person's hemoglobin changes its structure, becoming methemoglobin. Such a substance, having iron of a different valence in its composition, does not tolerate oxygen, and if there is a lot of it in the vessels, it is deadly.
  3. The brown color can be caused not only by the accumulation of melanin. The skin acquires this shade as a result of a genetic disease called "porphyria", when sunlight enters the hemoglobin, which is in the process of transformation, contained in the vessels of the skin.

Thus, the color of the skin depends on the combination of coloring pigments in different layers of the skin, as well as its thickness. An even complexion is obtained when all parameters - both the saturation of pigments, and the thickness of the stratum corneum, and the distribution of blood vessels - are the same in any area.

This is influenced by:

  • the work of the autonomic nervous system (it is she who regulates the lumen of the vessels);
  • quality of facial skin care;
  • human lifestyle: food, bad habits;
  • the ecological situation of the place of residence;
  • chronic diseases.

Darkening of color

This word can describe the complexion in various diseases.

Adrenal insufficiency

A uniformly dark complexion, when the skin can be described as bronze or too dark, is characteristic of adrenal insufficiency - usually primary, when the paired endocrine organ itself suffers. In this case, it is not the face that will darken at first, but the parts of the body that are not protected by clothing, those that rub against the details of clothing and those that are already pigmented (areola, genitals, armpits). In addition, weight loss, indigestion, and sometimes changes in the sexual sphere will be noted.


When a dark color covers the face not evenly, but with blurred brown spots, this indicates an increased work of the thyroid gland. Additional signs that speak in its favor will be hot skin, irritability, increased appetite and, at the same time, weight loss.

Hepatic pathology

Bacterial endocarditis

The word "dark color" can also be used to describe light brown, which is also called "coffee with milk". This is the complexion characteristic of lingering septic endocarditis, a disease in which bacteria settle on the valves of the heart, leading to the development of polyposis and ulcers here.

This pathology is characterized by a slow deterioration in a person who has long been diagnosed with valvular heart disease. He begins to get tired faster, more often he wants to lie down. Unpleasant sensations or minor pains appear in the heart. The same vague and unexpressed pains are noted in the joints.

The body temperature rises: usually to low numbers, with chills and palpitations. Later it rises to 39 degrees, chills appear, the person sweats a lot. Sometimes the temperature rises to high numbers immediately, an attack of heartbeat develops, one or the other of the composition hurts. In some cases, the temperature remains elevated for a long time to 37.8, and against this background, its "jumps" to 39 and higher are periodically noted.

Septic endocarditis is a life-threatening disease: the masses of the endocardium “processed” by bacteria, which were located here in the form of polyps, “fly off” from the valves. Such emboli can clog the vessels of organs: brain, kidney, spleen, extremities, skin. Kidney damage is manifested by darkening of urine, the appearance of blood in it, and a decrease in its amount. With an embolism of cerebral vessels, clouding of consciousness, dizziness, double vision, muscle twitching or convulsions occur. A sudden loss of consciousness with impaired breathing may occur, which leads to death if assistance is not provided urgently.

Hemorrhages occur in the skin, which look like blood soaked in large or small areas (bruises of an irregular shape), the center of which is whitish. They do not rise above the skin, and often affect only the skin of the legs and the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. Also, the disease is characterized by such a symptom - the appearance on the palms or soles of red dense and painful nodules, which dissolve after 2-3 days.


Here, grayish-brown or dark brown spots appear on the skin, which may serve as a reason for a preliminary diagnosis of chronic adrenal insufficiency. An accurate diagnosis is made by biopsy of the skin in the stained areas, when deposits of hemosiderin and melanin are detected here.

Early systemic scleroderma

Here, numbness, coldness of the hands first appear, accompanied by a feeling of creeping "goose bumps". These symptoms bother the patient for several years, without adding anything else. Then, dark spots appear on the hands, face and feet, or only in a separate localization. They are dense, seem to consist of thick skin, spread to free areas, hinder the movements of the facial muscles of the face. The diagnosis is made by the determination of antibodies to RNA polymerase, topoisomerase I or histone in the blood (one of the types of antibodies is detected in each patient), as well as the antinuclear factor (it is determined in 90-95%).

Late cutaneous porphyria

With the development of this disease after exposure to the sun, as well as when alcohol is consumed, bubbles appear in open areas of the body, the skin becomes brittle and fragile, darkens, but may also lighten. After the slightest injury to the skin, the same thing happens. The conjunctiva of the eyes swells and turns red, while the throat does not redden, and there are no other symptoms of a cold. On ultrasound, liver damage is noted.

Variegated porphyria manifests itself in a similar way. Only doctors distinguish them.

Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis

In this case, a brown spot of various diameters appears on the body (the color of "coffee with milk") - one or many. The disease makes its debut in childhood. It is also characterized by premature puberty and high blood pressure.

Similar symptoms are typical for two other diseases that manifest themselves from childhood - Watson's syndrome and Albright's syndrome. Only doctors can distinguish them.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome

Dark brown spots with a clear border appear on the skin. Papules with elevation above the skin, whose color is variegated, can also develop. There are usually no other complaints.

Leopard Syndrome

Dark brown spots are found everywhere on the skin. And although other symptoms do not subjectively bother, during the ECG, various types of changes are noted. Ultrasound of the heart reveals a decrease in the lumen (stenosis) of the pulmonary artery.

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

Multiple dark brown spots appear on the lips and fingers. In addition, recurrent abdominal pains (closer to the navel) are troubling. When examined by a gastroenterologist or when conducting an X-ray examination of the intestine with a preliminary intake of contrast (barium), a polyposis of the small intestine is found.

Blackening of the face

If the skin has turned black, this is a sign that an urgent need to see a doctor, as it is dangerous. Such staining can appear with the following diseases.

Meningococcal infection

This life-threatening disease most often affects children: in adults, the meningococcus bacterium most often does not cause illness, but forms a carrier, settling in the nose (such people are infectious to their loved ones without knowing it).

The disease occurs acutely: the body temperature rises, spots appear on the skin. At first they can be red, then turn purple, brown or black, merge. Without the provision of emergency medical care, the rash merges, forming large areas of black color, while the person becomes lethargic, drowsy, there may be vomiting, after which it does not become easier. An ambulance should be called as early as possible.

Kidney disease

If a person develops an infectious kidney or bladder disease, they may develop a black discoloration of their facial skin, mainly in the cheekbones and root of the nose. Additional symptoms are discoloration of urine, back pain, nausea, fever, painful urination.


This is a disease when the body is low in B vitamins, especially vitamin PP (niacin). It usually occurs after an intestinal infection, against the background of chronic alcohol consumption, with frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun or tanning beds, and also when a person experiences increased losses of this vitamin during pregnancy, lactation or hard work against the background of chronic malnutrition.

The main symptoms of the disease will be: general weakness, a burning sensation in the mouth, persistent diarrhea and abdominal pain. On the skin of the face and open parts of the body, first red spots or bubbles with a cloudy liquid appear, then a dark color appears here. The skin in these places is peeling.

In addition to skin manifestations, a person notes violations of the mental status: fatigue, depression, sometimes psychosis with hallucinations.

Pigmented xeroderma

This is a hereditary disease in which the integumentary tissue is hypersensitive to ultraviolet rays. When exposed to this radiation on the skin of open areas, including on the face, areas of redness, spider veins and large, merging pigment spots of a dark, almost black color appear.

Excessive melanoblastosis

It manifests itself in newborns. At the same time, lesions of the nervous system come to the fore: drowsiness, vomiting not associated with food, strabismus, low tone of the pens and some others. This is due to the deposition of melanin in the nuclei of the cranial nerves. The same pigment is deposited in the skin, which turns it black.

Professional melasma

If a person works for a long time with refined products (tar, pitches), substances are absorbed into the skin that enhance the effect of ultraviolet radiation on it.

Blue face

The color blue accompanies or life-threatening heart or lung disease, or covers the face when taking certain medications.

Blue face as a result of treatment

A drug such as "Kordaron" can paint a face blue. In this case, you need to consult with a cardiologist about reducing the dosage of the medication.

The second reason for ceruloderm (as doctors call blue skin) is the intake of silver preparations, mainly for antiseptic purposes, for example, with a cold. Also, people who process silver get sick. This condition is called argyria and usually leads to damage to the bone marrow, eyes, kidney failure and damage to the nervous system - silver salts accumulate not only in the skin, but also in all internal organs, vascular walls, mucous membranes, sclera of the eyes, and remain there for the whole life.

If a person stops using medications containing silver salts, the symptoms of damage to internal organs will go away, but the blue color of the skin will remain.


This is the name of the state when normal hemoglobin is replaced by an altered one - methemoglobin, in which iron is not bivalent, but trivalent, and cannot carry oxygen. This disease most often appears with hemolytic poisoning. For example, it occurs with an overdose of Paracetamol, the use of long-stored phenacetin and sulfonamides, as well as in cases where a large amount of nitrates and nitrites is ingested (they are found in well and tap water, in canned meat, in fruits fertilized with nitrate-nitrite fertilizers, and vegetables). There are also hereditary forms of pathology.

For any form of the disease, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • the skin takes on a gray-blue tint;
  • nail phalanges do not change their shape (in case of damage to the heart or lungs, the nail-bearing phalanges expand, acquiring the appearance of "drumsticks");
  • physical activity is accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue;
  • often and severely headache.

Cardiopulmonary diseases

These pathologies cause both generalized cyanosis, when the whole body acquires a bluish tint, and regional cyanosis, manifested by blue skin under the nails, the tip of the nose, lips and the nasolabial triangle.

This condition develops with various diseases:

  • Heart failure... In this case, there are pains in the heart during physical exertion, shortness of breath at rest, aggravated by physical exertion, edema, localized mainly on the legs. By ECG or ultrasound of the heart, you can determine the disease that caused this pathology.
  • Asthma attack... Here, the onset of an attack can be associated with a meeting with an allergen (for example, pollen or household chemicals), there is a dry cough, it becomes difficult to exhale, sometimes wheezing is heard from afar.
  • Pneumonia... It is not always, but often manifests itself as a cough and fever. In addition, shortness of breath, feeling of shortness of breath, weakness, nausea are noted.
  • Cyanotic variant of erythrocytosis.
  • Tuberculosis... At the same time, a cough is noted: it is dry, sometimes with a cough attack, a certain amount of mucous sputum is released. The temperature rises to low (up to 38 degrees) figures, weakness and fatigue are noted.
  • Pulmonary embolism: when in one or several branches of the vessel going from the heart to the lungs, a "congestion" or blockage is formed by a thrombus, fat, gas or masses that have come off the inflamed heart valves. The disease develops sharply: often after straining or performing hard physical work, a person with varicose veins, heart defects or aneurysm develops sharply weakness, shortness of breath with a feeling of lack of air. A little later, coughing and pains in one of the halves of the chest join.
  • Any kind of shock, manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Shock can develop with significant dehydration, ingestion of a large number of bacteria, blood loss, severe pain in trauma, anaphylaxis.
  • Heart defects... Often, only rapid fatigability is subjectively felt, rhythm disturbances, headaches may occur. The upper half of the body may differ in color from the lower.
  • Chronic bronchitis... It manifests itself as a cough, fever, and sometimes a feeling of shortness of breath. If this disease has existed in a person for a long time, his fingers change: the nail phalanges thicken, becoming like “drumsticks”. Nails also change: they become dull, they are covered with grooves (such nails are called "watch glasses").
  • Pleurisy... This condition develops after suffering pneumonia. It is characterized not only by the development of a bluish color of the skin, but also by a repeated increase in the body temperature that has already returned to normal, chest pain when breathing, chills, weakness, night sweats.
  • Pneumothorax... This term characterizes a condition when, due to injury to the lung, air enters the cavity surrounding it. If the amount of air increases, then the lung itself and the heart lying next to it are squeezed by it. This is dangerous. Pathology develops acutely, usually after physical exertion or a coughing fit. Severe pain appears on the side of the damaged lung, which intensifies with a deep breath, coughing and movement. There is also shortness of breath, a feeling of shortness of breath.

Redness of the skin

A red complexion is not always a sign of alcohol abuse, as previously thought. This is a sign of the following diseases:

  • Arterial hypertension(increased blood pressure), which can accompany hypertension, develop as a result of kidney or adrenal gland disease. Redness of the face develops against a background of headache, "flies" in front of the eyes, pain in the heart.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning... This happens in people with stove heating, who are in an unventilated room.
  • Erythrocytosis a, in which there are too many hemoglobin and erythrocytes, which does not at all improve oxygen transport, but poses a danger in terms of increased thrombus formation. Here the face and shoulders are bright red. This intensifies after taking a bath, and with this, skin itching appears.
  • Allergic reaction: for medicines, food, household chemicals, the introduction of worms into the intestines and other things. In addition to redness, dry coughs, sneezing, and diarrhea may also often appear. Improvement is observed if the action of the allergen is eliminated.
  • Rosacea... At first, the skin turns red only on the action of heat or cold, gradually the face ceases to return to its normal color. Usually, pathology develops in women during menopause. It must be distinguished from the facial reddening characteristic of this period, which accompanies the sensation of "high tide".
  • Tuberculosis... Here the cheeks are constantly red, but this color is not bright. In addition, the nasolabial triangle is bluish, there is also a cough, a constantly high temperature; the person sweats heavily.
  • Scarlet fever: the face turns red and the nasolabial triangle becomes pale. In addition, the temperature rises, and the red rash spreads throughout the body.
  • Pneumonia when one cheek turns red. There is also a feeling of shortness of breath, cough, weakness, fever.
  • Sinusitis... One cheek is also painted here - on the affected side. At the same time, the head hurts, the temperature is elevated, the nose is stuffy, and when it is instilled, a large amount of secretion is released, often mucopurulent.
  • Both the cheeks and nasal bridge turn red with a condition such as systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Redness of the cheeks against the background of intestinal infection or acute respiratory infections in a child is a sign that his underlying disease was complicated by the development of acetone syndrome. This is a condition when the body uses not glucose as energy substrates, but fats, the decay products of which have a toxic effect on the brain.
  • A large dose of atropine or scopolamine for a given person.
  • Hallucinogen poisoning.

Also, the face - especially if a person suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia - changes its color to red in case of any illness that is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Earthy color

If the face suddenly takes on an unhealthy, earthy color, this may indicate chronic lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, unbalanced diet, tanning and smoking abuse. But most often this shade indicates pathology. For example:

  • Poor thyroid function... In this case, the face becomes not only dull, but also puffy. At the same time, the skin is dry, and the hair is brittle, splits and falls out. Overweight is also noted with reduced appetite and poor nutrition.
  • Cancer disease(cancer) of any localization, including leukemia.
  • HIV infection... At the same time, the staging of the disease is noted: at first, a slightly elevated temperature lasts for several months, then a large number of lymph nodes increases and begins to be felt. Only then the skin color fades, a person often begins to suffer from pneumonia, each small violation of the integrity of the skin heals for a long time, long-term diseases develop, the cause of which cannot be found right away.
  • Sepsis(blood poisoning). In this case, at first there are symptoms of some kind of bacterial disease: inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, festering wounds, abscess, sinusitis, and so on. Then, after a short-term improvement, the temperature rises again, weakness, headache and nausea appear. This is complemented by symptoms of kidney or liver damage.


Paleness or unhealthy white color indicates various diseases in which:

a) there is acute or chronic blood loss:

  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;

b) the vessels of the skin spasm so that there is enough blood for the central organs:

  • angina pectoris;
  • oncological diseases of any localization;
  • heart defects;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • fat embolism;

c) diseases proceeding with intoxication, due to which vasospasm occurs: ARVI (especially influenza), asthma attack, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases;

d) there is not enough melanin, which makes the skin more "transparent". If this occurs throughout the skin, melanin is also lacking in the iris of the eye, then this is albinism or phenylketonuria. With the appearance of individual white spots on the skin, we can talk about vitiligo - a disease that has many causes;

e) deficiency of substances from which hemoglobin is formed: iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, proteins, glutathione, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These are various types of anemias - deficient and hypoplastic. The latter can occur as a result of kidney disease;

f) impaired vegetative regulation of blood vessels (vegetative-vascular dystonia). This can be said if a pale color occurs during stress, fright, nervous experiences;

g) hormonal regulation of vascular tone is impaired: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism;

h) edema, due to which the vessels of the skin are poorly visible: hypothyroidism, kidney disease, loss of proteins in exudative enteropathy, burns, malabsorption syndrome.

Gray face

The gray color is described under such conditions:

  • Leukemia... These pathologies are very insidious, disguising themselves as ARVI: weakness, drowsiness appear, body temperature rises. Most often they are found when a general blood test is prescribed.
  • Digestive system diseases: pancreatitis, cholecystitis. At the same time, nausea, bloating, stool disorders, pain in the upper abdomen are noted when eating spicy, smoked or fatty foods, alcohol.
  • Smoking and stress.
  • After suffering serious illnesses.

Green or olive skin color

Olive or green complexion is typical for:

  • severe intoxication, especially with acute respiratory infections and poisoning;
  • oncological diseases;
  • (but it can be earthy and the color of wet asphalt, and with an aggravation it can also be lemon yellow);
  • kidney disease.


Diseases in which a yellow complexion is observed have a common name - jaundice. This color is sometimes given by carotene if a person has eaten carrots. In this case, only the palms and feet are painted. In other cases, yellowness is obtained when too much bilirubin is formed - a product that is formed from the hemoglobin of erythrocytes, and then is metabolized in the liver. A lot of bilirubin is produced, either when a lot of red blood cells break down, or when the liver is impaired.

Red blood cells disintegrate either due to the weakness of their own membrane, or when a substance (for example, anti-Rhesus antibodies or poisons) enters the blood, which destroys the blood cells. Conditions caused by a violation of the membrane have a common name - hemolytic jaundice. There are many types of them, which can only be distinguished by a hematologist. Poisoning with hemolytic poisons is dealt with by toxicologists who have an artificial kidney apparatus in their arsenal. When red blood cells are destroyed due to burns, treatment takes place in the Combustiology Departments.

There is another type of jaundice - caused by diseases of the liver and biliary tract:

  • blockage of the biliary tract by tumors, stones, or inflammation;
  • hepatitis: viral, toxic (including medicinal), alcoholic;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Jaundice will also manifest itself as an inflammation of the pancreas, which is directly related to the liver and gallbladder.

Bilirubin is a dangerous substance that can kill the brain. Therefore, if the skin becomes jaundiced, an ambulance should be called urgently. On their own, a person can only drink "Activated Carbon" or another sorbing drug. It is also important to tell doctors what was eaten or drunk. In this case, further human health depends on the urgency of the assistance provided by toxicologists.


How to determine what caused the change in complexion, the therapist will say. When prescribing his analyzes or recommending the consultation of a narrower specialist, he will come from a new shade of your cover.

So, with a pallor of the face, you will be assigned:

  • a general blood test with the obligatory determination of reticulocytes - the ancestors of erythrocytes;
  • osmotic resistance of erythrocytes;
  • coagulogram;
  • liver function tests.

If yellowness is worried, the therapist directs to an infectious disease specialist, and he, focusing on the history of your life and this disease, as well as on an ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, liver tests and markers for viral hepatitis, decides whether he should treat you, a gastroenterologist or hematologist.

An olive complexion requires the attention of a gastroenterologist, who will examine, feel and listen to your abdomen, prescribe an abdominal ultrasound (it is performed after preparation) and FEGDS (here you have to swallow the probe).

Black or blue shades that have arisen overnight, especially if they have a feeling of lack of air, require an ambulance call. These specialists will figure out who should advise or treat you. If you are worried about black spots, and there are no other symptoms, it is advisable to consult the staff of the Department of Dermatology.

The reasons for the red color will help to determine the cardiologists. A tonometer for measuring blood pressure and ECG will come to the aid of these doctors. They will also likely need an ultrasound of your kidneys and adrenal glands to find out the cause of the high blood pressure, as well as an ultrasound of the heart.

How to restore color to your face

A healthy color will be if you follow the rules for maintaining the requirements of your physical body:

  • No smoking.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Do not eat junk food: many diseases originate precisely from careless nutrition and unhealthy foods.
  • There are more vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • Drink at least 30 ml / kg body weight. Water is needed for the normal functioning of enzymes, on which all processes in the body depend.
  • In spring and autumn, consult a therapist about the advisability of taking vitamin tablets.

If your complexion has changed, you should not trust cosmetology sites that say how well miracle masks or procedures will help improve your complexion. The fact is that a change in the color of the integumentary tissue is a distress signal sent by our self-renewing organism. If he could speak, he would say the following: “Start helping me, remove the interfering factor - and I will recover myself.

Then, if you want, go to a beautician or make a homemade mask, but first, take measures to eliminate the disease. " You should not postpone a visit to a specialist for the most extreme case: doctors are not magicians, and if the disease has already affected several organs, then it is more and more difficult to save them.

Treatment for discolored skin depends on the cause of the condition. It is completely different, and without looking at the person and without listening to his complaints, it is difficult to say something about his treatment even for the most venerable professor.


Our skin needs round-the-clock care: in the morning and in the afternoon we protect it, at night we help to recover, that is, we apply a nourishing cream. And here the main thing, it turns out, is not to overdo it.


If you apply too thick a layer of cosmetics, it will not be absorbed and, mixing with sweat and greasy secretions overnight, forms a film that will create a greenhouse effect. The skin will not be able to breathe, which will most likely cause swelling in the morning.


Apply a thin layer of night cream or serum to dry, cleansed skin one to two hours before bed. After half an hour after the procedure, blot your face with a tissue to remove excess makeup.


Some children's cosmetics manufacturers claim that creams made for babies are great for moisturizing dry adult skin. This is nothing more than a marketing ploy.


The fact is that in children, the water-lipid mantle is not sufficiently developed, and the child's skin needs good hydration. To do this, a large amount of fatty components is added to baby creams. But in adults, unlike babies, the skin already produces a sufficient amount of fatty substances. Funds saturated with fats clog pores, disrupt skin respiration, slow down the process of cell division, and can cause skin inflammation.


Baby creams are really effective, but only for the care of especially dehydrated areas - heels, knees, elbows.


For many women, this position is the most comfortable. Why is it dangerous? And in general - what is the connection with beauty and skin care?


At first, in this position, the face is squeezed most of the night's rest, and this provokes the appearance of premature wrinkles. Secondly, the skin does not have the ability to breathe normally, it does not get rid of toxins and excess fluid - in the morning, swelling worries, the complexion is not happy.


The ideal sleeping position from the point of view of beauty is on the back. The size of the pillow is also important - if you sleep on a high one, wrinkles form on the neck. The best option is an orthopedic model.


Where and how do you store your beauty tools? In a wet bathroom? How often do you wash? Once a month? Then do not be surprised that the makeup turns out to be unstable, and inflammation appears on the face every now and then.


Best case scenario dirty brushes and sponges just do a poor job with their functions: the tone is applied unevenly, the powder falls in flakes. At worst- the tools injure the skin and introduce bacteria. After all, a wet bathroom is an ideal breeding ground for germs, and oily makeup residues are a real magnet for dust.


Wash your brushes and sponges every 7-10 days under running water using an antibacterial soap. Dry naturally - away from heating appliances.

7. Neglect of tonics.

Cosmetologists insist: the use of a tonic is a very important point in the skin care program. But for some reason we still forget about him.


Cleansing cosmetics alkalize the surface of the skin, which is dangerous for the health of cells, and interferes with the penetration of the cream into the epidermis. The tonic was invented in order to restore the acid balance. At the same time, it tightens pores and promotes the absorption of cosmetics. If you ignore tonics, the effectiveness of further care is reduced by at least 30%.


Always wipe your face with toner after washing - morning and evening. This is especially important if the skin is problematic.


This, of course, saves a lot of time in the morning. But no professional makeup artist does that.


The explanation is simple: the cream does not have time to be absorbed, so the tonal base and powder lie unevenly, which deteriorates the complexion, and the makeup "floats" after about a couple of hours.


After applying the care product, wait at least a couple of minutes for the skin to “pick up” the cream. If you are in a hurry, then after moisturizing, blot your face with a napkin and only then apply the foundation.


Calls to lose ten kilograms in three days will bring nothing but indigestion, hormonal disruption and, as a result, skin troubles.


For the skin, such weight fluctuations are a huge stress.... It loses its elasticity and firmness, sags. And because of starvation, which, as a rule, is the basis of fast diets, cells do not receive the necessary nutrients, disruptions in metabolic processes begin, and the renewal of the skin slows down.


You must understand that any diet, even the most gentle, is harmful to the skin. But if you can't lose weight without losing weight, remember that the best option is minus 1-1.5 kilograms per week. Even so, it is necessary to provide the skin with intensive care.


Many suffer from this habit, and usually imperceptibly to themselves. "So what's so dangerous about that?" - you ask.


First, the makeup deteriorates. But this is not so bad. When we constantly rub our face, the skin is stretched, which threatens the premature appearance of wrinkles. And the main thing is that our hands are not always spotlessly clean, and dirty fingers can carry various infections.


Of course, it's right to leave your face alone. Or, as a last resort, touch your skin as little as possible. Plus, always carry hand sanitizer and cleansing wipes. By the way, regularly treat your mobile phone with an antibacterial agent.

Yellow skin in a person is a sign of severe dysfunction of internal organs. This phenomenon in medicine is associated with excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, as a result of which it appears on the surface of the skin with yellow spots and slight swelling.

Yellow palms and backs indicate an increased concentration of carotene in the human body.

The so-called "citrus diets" also often lead to yellowing of the skin. However, these are only the most relatively harmless factors that cause such a reaction in the body. In addition to them, there are a number of severe and very dangerous pathologies that can threaten the health, and in more serious cases, even the life of the patient.

What are these ailments? And how to deal with them in order to maximize the effect of therapy?

Causes of yellowing of the skin and types of jaundice

If the jaundice of the skin is in no way associated with a deterioration in the function of removing bilirubin from the human body, then in this case, 3 types of jaundice are divided in medicine.

Hemolytic jaundice develops when indirect bilirubin is processed too slowly into direct bilirubin. This process occurs due to the fact that hemoglobin in a person's blood breaks down too quickly, so the liver simply does not have time to cope with it. As a result, a person may notice the appearance of yellow spots on his skin. The presence of accompanying symptoms depends on how severe the condition is.

Hepatic jaundice develops against the background of such diseases as hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver enlargement due to regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, chronic or acute hepatic colic, cholecystitis, leptospirosis, etc. Such jaundice is caused by the repeated absorption of direct bilirubin into the bloodstream due to liver dysfunction. This pathology becomes one of the main causes of yellowing of the skin, as well as itching throughout the body.

Cholestatic jaundice is triggered by a blockage of the ducts through which the bile flows. Due to this failure, it cannot circulate normally and accumulates in the liver tissues. This is what causes yellow skin. If you notice that you are suspicious, immediately consult a doctor: liver problems are often fatal, especially in cases where the patient postpones the visit to the doctor and tries to self-medicate.

Why is human skin yellow: dangerous diseases and other factors

A yellowish skin tone is observed in people who suffer from pathologies such as:

Factors that can also cause yellowness of the skin of the entire body are:

  • Drug poisoning.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Poisoning with poisons.
  • Extensive and deep burns (especially 3-4 degrees).
  • Hemorrhage.

Whatever the reason for the yellow skin tone, a person will not be able to independently figure out the situation. In this case, a medical consultation is shown:

  1. Gastroenterologist.
  2. Hematologist.
  3. Infectionist.

After passing the tests prescribed by the attending physician, it will be possible to judge what exactly caused the yellow complexion and other parts of the body.

Yellowish complexion of the face and body, not associated with the work of the liver and biliary tract

Doctors say that if a person's hands turn yellow, then this is a clear sign of illness. They cannot be neglected in order to prevent severe pathology. However, it is worth noting that yellow skin color can appear not only in an adult, but also in an infant. What does this mean, and what anomaly is it a sign of?

Jaundice of newborns is one of the most common conditions in infants. This fact scares many new parents, because they do not know why the skin of a child who has just been born turns yellow.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with that. Jaundice of newborns is a kind of reaction of the child's body to a sharp change in the environment. Indeed, over a long period of time, the baby grew and developed in his mother's tummy, without experiencing any adverse influences from the outside. The amniotic fluid reliably protected him, and when this protection disappeared, the newborn's body had to urgently adapt to completely new living conditions.

This jaundice usually clears up within 2 to 3 weeks, although there are times when it lasts much longer. This is due to the fact that the production of bilirubin by the infant organism occurs in very large quantities, and its small and still poorly developed liver simply does not have time to cope with the breakdown product of hemoglobin. At the same time, parents notice the yellowish color not only of the child's skin, but also of the whites of his eyes.

There is no reason for panic if the baby does not experience a deterioration in health, cough, vomiting, cramps or pain in the right side. If you find such symptoms, do not postpone a visit to a neonatologist - he will tell you which doctor you should contact to prevent the development of a dangerous liver disease or biliary tract in a newborn baby.

Disorders in the thyroid gland can also be a reasonable explanation for why the hands are yellow. In this case, yellowness can also affect the face and the whole body, being located in its areas in the form of spots or continuous stripes. If the yellowing of the epidermis is accompanied by excessive sweating, dizziness, thirst, then you should consult an endocrinologist - such symptoms can signal diabetes.

How to get rid of yellowness on the skin?

A yellow face is not only dangerous, but also ugly, so you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, before making any decisions and taking decisive action, you need to determine the exact reason, and only a doctor can do this.

To find out what kind of malfunction caused the yellowing of the palms of the hands or the whole body, you will need to take blood tests from a finger for sugar or cholesterol, urinalysis, blood from a vein. These are the most frequent clinical studies, although doctors often prescribe several additional ones to make sure that the preliminary diagnosis is correct.

If the patient has a suspicion of cirrhosis or other liver diseases, he is sent for an ultrasound scan. In extreme cases, a biopsy of the liver tissue is performed: a thin needle is inserted into the organ, and with its help a small piece of tissue is rejected, which is later carefully examined under a microscope.

The skin does not always turn yellow due to some kind of disease. Sometimes yellowness disappears as suddenly as it appeared, and a person does not have to take any measures for this. But if the yellowing of the epidermis was provoked by an ailment, then therapy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis.

The yellowish skin color associated with liver diseases is treated with special preparations aimed at restoring its normal functions and cell renewal: Enerliv, Karsil, Gepabene.

If there is a significant increase in cholesterol, statins are prescribed for its treatment: Lovastatin, Fluvastatin, rosuvastatin, etc.

In the case of diabetes mellitus with low insulin levels, medications are prescribed to compensate for its deficiency (for example, Humodar).

For stones in the gallbladder, surgery is performed. If the situation is not yet too serious, conservative treatments are used, involving the administration of drugs based on ursodeoxycholic acid. It dissolves stones if there are no more than 3 of them, and if they are no more than 1 cm in diameter.

As you can see, getting rid of yellowness in all parts of the body directly depends on what pathology provoked their appearance. If you turn to a specialist for help in time, you will be able to avoid serious complications, and no diseases will any longer threaten the health and normal functioning of the human body.

When a healthy complexion is replaced by an unhealthy yellow skin tone, it is necessary to consult a doctor to further clarify the reasons. A yellow complexion means not only drug abuse, excessive consumption of carrots or oranges, cumin, vinegar.

The skin can turn yellow as a result of pathological processes in the body. First of all, the hands, tongue, face, especially the eye sclera turn yellow. In addition to an unaesthetic appearance, yellowness means serious disruption of the thyroid or pancreas, liver, and the presence of oncological pathologies.

What processes in the body provoke a yellow complexion and how to deal with it, read the site.

Yellow complexion: common causes

When there is an excess of bilirubin in the bloodstream, the skin begins to turn yellow. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of the protein (iron-containing) hemoglobin. Bilirubin does not accumulate in the body, but is excreted in the stool. And yellow spots fall down in the process of accumulation of this product in the body.

Another reason for yellowing of the face is an increase in the amount of carotene in the blood. Carotene enters the body with these foods.

What foods are the source of carotene

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • rose hip;
  • apricots;
  • mango;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin.

Excess beta-carotene has been linked to over-consumption of these foods.

Yellowness, pallor and dullness of the skin on the face can be provoked by:

  • excessive physical activity, or their lack;
  • getting enough sleep;
  • depression and stress;
  • emotional stress.

If, nevertheless, the yellow complexion is associated with the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, then we are talking about jaundice as a pathology. There are three types or types of jaundice.

Hemolytic jaundice occurs in the process of accelerating the breakdown of hemoglobin and an excess of bilirubin, the liver cannot cope with the load and does not have time to process bilirubin. This type of jaundice is characterized by an increase in the amount of indirect bilirubin.

Hepatic jaundice is associated with liver damage, hepatitis, or alcohol. This type is associated with an increase in direct bilirubin in the bloodstream. Cholestatic jaundice is characterized by disturbances in the work of the biliary tract, which are blocked and this prevents the excretion of bilirubin.

During liver damage, yellowing of the skin is accompanied by the following whole complex of changes.

What changes in appearance accompany the symptom of yellowing of the skin

  • dark urine (like beer);
  • pale stools;
  • abdominal pain;
  • chills;
  • loss of weight and appetite;
  • vomit.

With such symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If the yellowness borders on pallor, and in addition, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, cholecystitis develops in the body. With oncological development of the disease, the skin acquires not just a yellow color, but becomes "waxy". In the case of an orange tint of the skin - we can talk about hypothyroidism - a violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland and disruptions in the production of hormones.