How to pluck eyebrows correctly: tips and tricks. How to pluck eyebrows beautifully at home. Creating perfect eyebrows Shaping eyebrows: choosing a shape

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Hello! In this article we will talk about how to pluck your eyebrows correctly, and also share the secrets of caring for them.

Eyebrow shapes

You've probably noticed that everyone's eyebrows are different. Some people suit thin eyebrows, while others suit thick eyebrows. Sometimes you look at a beautiful girl, and beautiful thick eyebrows catch your eye, but if you make yourself like that, you immediately either wash off the paint or try to pluck them out.

The thing is that different eyebrow shapes are suitable for different face shapes.

Round face Chubby girls need to visually lengthen their face using eyebrows. Therefore, the eyebrow should have a pointed and raised bend. The eyebrow should not be allowed to be semicircular without a break. This will only make the situation worse.
Square face The square face shape is very similar to the round one, but has angular outlines. In this case, as for a round face, the eyebrows should have a bend, but it is better to move it a little in the direction of the bridge of the nose, i.e., in fact, it will be in the center of the eye. We strongly do not recommend making thin or rounded eyebrows for this face shape.
Triangular face Owners of this face shape need to place the ends of the eyebrows at the same level, but they should not be straight. The ideal shape is considered to be rounded eyebrows without sharp bends.
Long face Girls with long faces should have straight eyebrows. Rounded ones will only lengthen the face even more.
Oval face Owners of such a face can experiment with any form. Any eyebrows will suit them.

The shape of the eyebrows must be selected not only according to the shape of the face, but also based on certain anatomical features. Here are the basic rules.

  1. Women with small eyes should give preference to thin eyebrows.
  2. Thick eyebrows look harmonious on a face with large eyes.
  3. For narrow-set eyes, the distance between the eyebrows needs to be slightly increased.
  4. Reduce the distance between your eyebrows if your eyes are wide-set.
  5. If you have a high forehead, make your eyebrows slightly arched.
  6. Women with a wide forehead should prefer rounded or straight eyebrows.

It is believed that the universal shape of eyebrows is "House" form or "Square". This is when the eyebrow is slightly raised and has a soft arch.

Now at the peak of popularity. They allow you to experiment with different images. It's very easy to make them. It is enough to remove hairs that extend beyond the eyebrows.

Women who prefer thin round eyebrows should remember that it is this shape that makes the look unnaturally doll-like and adds several years to the look.

Types of eyebrow correction

You can get rid of excessive hair above the upper eyelid as follows:

  1. Using wax for depilation.
  2. Using tweezers.
  3. Using regular thread.
  4. Trimmer.

Some girls mistakenly believe that excess hair can be shaved, trimmed or removed using depilatory cream. We warn that these are dangerous methods, using which you can damage not only the delicate skin of the eyelid, but also develop vision problems. Moreover, by removing only part of the hair (without the bulb), after a few days you will be faced with the problem of regrown stubble.

All methods of dealing with excess hair have their own characteristics and nuances. Therefore, we will talk about each of them in great detail.

Necessary materials and preliminary preparation

Before you begin hair removal, you need to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming procedure.

You will need the following materials:

  • Tweezers. It should be comfortable and wide, and its ends should be sharp. If you carry out the procedure with a low-quality tool, hair removal will turn into torture. The hair will constantly slip out, which will cause severe pain.
  • Eyebrow pencil. With its help, you will draw the desired eyebrow, along the borders of which you will remove excess hairs.
  • Alcohol solution and cotton pads. With their help, you will disinfect the tweezers and treat the eyebrows themselves.

  • First you need to choose a place where you will “beautify”. This should be a bright room. You can position yourself near lighting fixtures.
  • Now we find a mirror. It is better if it is placed on a convenient stand or hung on the wall. Due to the fact that you don't need to hold it, you will have 2 hands free.

Do not use small mirrors from powder compacts. In order to evenly pluck your eyebrows, your entire face must be reflected in the mirror.

  • Make an impromptu table in front of you, where you place tweezers, cotton pads and an eyebrow pencil.
  • All that remains is to wash your hands well, remove makeup, treat your skin with an alcohol solution and begin the procedure.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly: step-by-step instructions

In order to understand how to beautifully pluck eyebrows, you need to familiarize yourself with all the stages of the upcoming procedure. Any girl can master the technique of eyebrow removal at home. Now we will tell you in detail how to pluck eyebrows using tweezers.

After a few days, you may notice a few hairs that you missed. In this case, you will have to make a correction.

How to pluck eyebrows with thread

You can remove excess eyebrow hairs without tweezers, using a simple thread. This procedure requires certain skills. You may not succeed the first time, but after a few practices you will get the hang of it.

The main advantage of this procedure is that you can remove many hairs at the same time. This method is used by girls who need to treat a large area of ​​skin as quickly as possible.

The procedure for carrying out the removal procedure using a thread is as follows.

  1. You cut a thread 20-30cm long and tie the ends with a knot.
  2. Place the thread on the fingers of both hands.
  3. Twist the thread in the middle so that you get 6-8 curls.
  4. Pull the thread on your fingers and apply curls to the unwanted hairs.
  5. Spread the fingers of one hand to the side, and the curls begin to move, grabbing the hairs and pulling them out.
  6. Repeat the manipulation until all hairs are removed.

Watch the following video for more details.

How to pluck your eyebrows with wax

Wax is considered an excellent alternative to tweezers and thread. With its help, you will get rid of all unwanted hairs at once in one movement.

For such a procedure, you will have to purchase special wax in the store.

The sequence of your actions may be as follows.

  1. You carry out preliminary preparation of the skin.
  2. Melt the wax, heating it to a temperature of 55-60ᵒC.
  3. Apply it with a wooden stick along the hairline to the skin.
  4. Let the wax harden.
  5. With one hand you stretch the skin a little, and with the other you sharply tear off the wax against the hair growth.
  6. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  7. After removal, treat the skin with moisturizer.

Using this method it is difficult to achieve eyebrow symmetry. So think carefully before plucking your eyebrows this way.

How to pluck a man's eyebrows: trimmer

This method is great for men. It is fast, does not require special effort and is easy to implement. In addition, the trimmer is a multifunctional device: with its help you can not only pluck your eyebrows, but also remove hair from your ears and nose.

Just remember that men don't need to have any specific eyebrow shape. It is enough to remove hairs above the upper eyelid that extend beyond the eyebrows or on the bridge of the nose.

Plucking eyebrows without pain

The most painful is the first hair removal procedure (hair removal with tweezers). After several sessions, the pain becomes unnoticeable. But if you are afraid of any pain, we suggest using a few tips.

  • Before the procedure, steam the skin by making hot compresses or holding your face over a container of steam.
  • Treat your skin with a piece of ice and freeze the chamomile infusion.
  • While plucking, stretch the skin slightly.
  • Remove hairs from two eyebrows at the same time, gradually alternating them.
  • Use special anesthetic creams. You can take baby gel, which numbs the gums during teething.

Even if you are very afraid of pain, you do not need to use all the tips at the same time. Just choose the most suitable pain relief method that is right for you.

In order not to be tormented by the question of why plucked eyebrows do not grow, we suggest using our tips.

  1. Pluck your eyebrows in the evening.
  2. Pull hairs in the direction they grow.
  3. Do not remove hairs above the eyebrow.
  4. Use tweezers to grab the base of the hair.
  5. Remove only one hair at a time.

Many girls ask “Why can’t you pluck the hair above your eyebrow?” Some experts argue that removing hair above the eyebrow leads to more hair growth. Although this has not been scientifically proven. Makeup artists are sure that eyebrows look unnatural and sloppy if all the hairs above them are removed.

In any case, you always decide whether to delete it yourself or not.

What to do if you plucked your eyebrows incorrectly

If the hair removal procedure did not bring the desired effect and you plucked out excess hairs, there are 2 options for solving the problem.

  1. Think about how to grow plucked eyebrows.
  2. Buy an eyebrow pencil in the store and just draw them in.

In the first case, you just need to wait about a month for the hairs to grow back. At the same time, you can wipe your eyebrows with castor oil every day to stimulate hair growth.

Using the second one, you can simply draw on your eyebrows with a pencil and shade it a little.

You can simultaneously grow and fill in your eyebrows. If you do everything correctly, your eyebrows will look natural.

How to make beautiful eyebrows with a pencil

In order to beautifully draw eyebrows with a pencil, many women use special stencils. We already talked about this in the article:

They can be bought in stores that sell cosmetic products.

The essence of the procedure is as follows. You apply the desired stencil to the eyebrow, trace it, then fill in the eyebrow and shade the pencil. Repeat all steps on the second eyebrow.

This way you will achieve maximum symmetry and clarity.

At what age can you pluck your eyebrows?

During adolescence, girls first begin to pay attention to the imperfect shape of their eyebrows. Trying to please boys, they want to achieve ideal shapes and for the first time pick up tweezers.

It's okay if a 12-year-old girl wants to pluck her eyebrows. In this situation, the role of the mother is very important, as she will help determine the correct eyebrow shape and tell you about the basic rules for this procedure.

The union of mother and daughter is the key to an excellent result in the struggle for perfect eyebrows.

Daily eyebrow care after plucking

After the hair removal procedure, eyebrows do not require special care. The skin is easily restored, and wounds heal quickly. Therefore, if you don’t have free time, you can simply comb your eyebrows.

If you want to stimulate hair growth, give it shine, and make your skin soft, then use a few tips.

  • Rub castor oil into your skin every day before going to bed.
  • Several times a week before going to bed, apply a cotton pad soaked in burdock oil to your eyebrows. After 10-15 minutes, remove it and wash off any remaining oil.

The skin under the eyebrows is quite delicate and making alcohol-containing compresses or masks based on any acids is prohibited.


The eyebrow correction procedure has become commonplace for modern women. Carrying it out is quite simple, the main thing is to remember all the precautions (disinfect tools, heat the wax to the desired temperature, etc.).

In order to make your eyebrows beautiful, we recommend that you carry out the first procedure in a beauty salon, and do the correction yourself at home.

We hope that now you know how to not only pluck and care for your eyebrows, but also correct your mistakes.

Which part of the face is the most expressive? Of course it's the eyes. However, if you think carefully, it is not so much the eyes that give it balance and expression as their natural frame - eyelashes and eyebrows. If with eyelashes everything is quite simple - you just need to apply mascara on them, then with eyebrows everything is much more complicated. You either need to improve your technique on your own, learn how to properly pluck your eyebrows at home beautifully and accurately using various materials and master classes, or regularly contact an eyebrow artist or eyebrow stylist.

Ungroomed or, conversely, too finely plucked eyebrows often attract unnecessary attention and spoil the overall appearance. And well-designed, well-groomed eyebrows can create a beautiful, neat “frame” for the face. It is for this reason that every girl should not only know how to remove them on her own, but also monitor their shape and be able to care for them.

Choosing a shape for the oval face

First of all, if you are interested in how to give the correct shape to your eyebrows, you need to choose the right one depending on the oval of your face and the location of your eyes.

  • For example, girls with round face A house-shaped shape is suitable, since it is this shape, with a high rise and short ends, that most successfully combines with this oval face. It is not recommended to make the eyebrow line too sharp, as it can further emphasize a round face. Girls with this type of appearance should also abandon the round shape.
  • For girls with oblong or rectangular face The best choice would be horizontal or straight eyebrows. With this type of face, experts categorically do not advise making an eyebrow line with an arch that is too high.
  • If you are the owner triangular faces, slightly raised eyebrows that are arched evenly will suit you perfectly. You will have to give up direct ones.
  • Long, arched, highly raised eyebrows are most suitable for a square-type face. Do not make them too thin - this will increase the disproportion of such a face.

The most common and universal form is the broken one; it will help make the look more open and give it a flirtatious look.


To do this, you will need tweezers, as well as a large mirror and disinfectant. It is thanks to the large mirror that you will be able to see both eyes at once, and you will have free hands. Place the mirror next to the light source. However, the best lighting for this procedure is natural daylight, so it is advisable to pluck them during the day, placing a mirror on the window.

Before starting the procedure:

  • remove makeup;
  • wipe the tweezers with any disinfectant - alcohol, vodka, perfume;
  • Wash your face thoroughly with lotion.

Poll: How do you pluck your eyebrows?

Plucking procedure

The secret of how to evenly pluck and give the ideal shape to your eyebrows lies in three conventional points that determine its beginning and end, as well as the place of bending. In order to determine these points, you can use a regular pencil.

The beginning is determined as follows: the pencil should be placed on the wing of the nose so that it passes near the inner corner of the eye and reaches the eyebrow. You need a dot and this will be the place where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow. For convenience, mark it with a white cosmetic pencil. Hairs growing beyond this point are plucked immediately.

Point of greatest bend is defined as follows: from the wing of the nose, the pencil is directed to the eyebrow through the outer edge of the iris of the eye (the gaze, of course, should be straight).

Likewise the end is determined: through the outer corner of the eye from the wing of the nose, the pencil is directed to the eyebrow. Hairs outside the point should also be plucked immediately. In some cases, the length of a natural eyebrow turns out to be shorter than necessary. In such situations, the correct length can be created during the makeup application process.

Some eyebrow experts, conducting master classes, advise, when determining these points, to apply them with a white cosmetic pencil for convenience.

Another secret is to simultaneously shape two eyebrows, gradually making them the same. During this procedure, you should pluck one hair on each side and be sure to compare them in the mirror. It is necessary to take into account that having completely given the ideal shape to one, it will be quite difficult to do the same with the other later.

If the plucking process causes you unbearable painful sensations, then before the procedure, steam your facial skin in hot water or over steam. This will open up the pores, making hair removal easier and more painless.

There is another way to remove excess hair on your face without pain; it’s even easier - take pieces of ice out of the freezer, apply them to the eyebrow that you will be shaping, thereby giving yourself local anesthesia.

When all the excess hairs have been plucked, you need to treat this area with lotion that is most suitable for your skin type. After this, you can also lubricate the skin with a cream containing aloe extract.

Useful video

Plucking with thread

Another modern method of painlessly plucking not only eyebrows, but also other unwanted hair on any part of the body is hair removal using threads. The point of this procedure is to capture and remove excess hairs while twisting two threads.

Before starting the procedure, the skin must be treated with medical alcohol. First, you need to comb them upward, thereby ensuring free access to the thread.

Cut about 60 centimeters of thread, and tie the ends of this piece together. Next, the thread should be put on the fingers of both hands (except the thumbs) pressed together. After this, twist the thread so that in the middle you get about ten turns of twisted thread.

The thread should be put on the thumbs and index fingers of both hands and brought to the eyebrow. With this method, the movements should be as follows:

  1. bring the twisted section of thread close to the hairs;
  2. widen two fingers of one hand and narrow two fingers of the other.

This way you will achieve the retraction of unwanted hairs into the spaces between the turns of the thread.

Experts strongly advise against plucking the upper edge of the eyebrows, especially if you do not have much experience in carrying out this procedure. This can lead to loss of correct form, as well as a change in facial expression for the worse. The resulting situation will be quite difficult to change, and this can only be done with the use of a cosmetic pencil.

Advice! When plucking hairs from below, be sure to slightly stretch the skin.

Don't make them too thin. When giving a beautiful shape, you need to build on naturalness.

Beautiful eyebrows require constant care and maintenance. It is much easier to adjust the shape from time to time, removing only regrown hairs, rather than carrying out the entire procedure from the very beginning. By the way, it is worth noting that with constant maintenance of shape, over time, excess hairs stop growing. How long this will take depends on the individual.

Some makeup artists recommend using stencils to give your eyebrows a more symmetrical shape. The stencil should simply be applied to the eyebrows, outlined with a pencil, and then simply plucked out the hairs that are not included in the outlined outline. However, in reality, girls very rarely resort to this plucking method, because an excellent result, if desired, can be achieved without using a stencil.

We pinch the eyebrows according to the rules

Sooner or later, every girl is faced with the question of whether , . This question concerns not only the eyebrow itself, but also the choice of the necessary eyebrow shape, its thickness, and the place of bend. The correction itself will not take much time if you understand the basic theoretical aspects of removing excess hair. Almost every girl learns how to pluck her eyebrows correctly, but first she has to experience some kind of experiments and mistakes. But this is the only way that suits a particular person.

Where to start so as not to make mistakes?

The first and basic step is to determine what you need. There are four types in total:

Each of these types will suit a certain shape and type of face. The more round face you, the sharper or smoother you need to choose the shape for your eyebrows. Naturally, if a person has more square view, then it is advisable to choose a rounded eyebrow that will go against the contour.

If we focus on famous show business stars, then it should be noted that many of them choose a broken shape with a strong bending angle. Firstly, this look can make a bright accent on the eyes, Secondly, the look from this becomes more mysterious and unusual. Good options can be seen in Christina Aguilera, Marilyn Monroe, Ashley Judd.

Remember that the shape of the eyebrows will not be tied to fashion or style trends. It will be determined only based on your appearance. Naturally, for some, a strong bend is suitable, but for others, a round eyebrow with any broken angles becomes the ideal option.

How to determine what type of eyebrows is right for you?

This is the question that needs to be asked before. After all, if you choose the wrong type and shape of your eyebrows, you can get into a huge number of troubles and problems that will only be solved after all the hairs that were plucked earlier have grown back.

In order to decide on the shape, you can rely on some rules that cosmetologists establish. Then plucking your eyebrows will turn into the most common procedure for you, which you can easily do yourself at home:

  1. Visit a cosmetologist at least once or twice, who will choose the right shape for you. In this case you watch the master's work, you will see what shape he will choose for you, how he will pluck.
  2. If you are not sure that you can independently cope with the shape that was given to you, then you can use special templates and tools, which will help you make the perfect arch even at home.
  3. Do not forget that even after plucking you you can’t do without a touch-up procedure in case the eyebrows are not so saturated in color.

How to carry out correction at home?

It’s no wonder that the most frequently asked question concerns how to pluck eyebrows. For this very reason, let’s figure out what tools you will need for this:

  1. White for the eyes.
  2. Tweezers for plucking.
  3. Vodka or alcohol.
  4. Dark brown or gray shadows.
  5. Hard eyebrow brush.
  6. Applicator.

It is necessary to consider the last element in more detail. The applicator has recently appeared in many specialized stores not only in Europe, but also in our country. In fact, this is a template according to which the contour of the future edge will be drawn. This is a small plate that is made of flexible plastic. In the center it has a small hole in the shape of an eyebrow. Naturally, it can be either round, or with an angle, or with a break. Using such a template, you can easily determine which look will be optimal for you and will suit the natural look of your eye frame.

Eyes are the most expressive part of the face, but they only look beautiful if they are framed correctly. This is why it is so important to pay attention to proper eyebrow care.

Many makeup artists agree that beautiful and properly plucked eyebrows are a completely self-sufficient part of the face, which allows you to look perfect even without makeup. But not everyone knows how to pluck eyebrows correctly. Want to know the features? Read our article. First, look at how the shape of your eyebrows can affect your facial expression.

How to pluck eyebrows without pain

Undoubtedly, beauty requires sacrifice, but why endure the burning and tearing from eyebrow manipulation if you can reduce it to a minimum? Use our tips:

Some women steam their face before the procedure. But there are also those who benefit more from freezing the treated area with pieces of ice. So it all depends on individual perception and pain threshold. Also today you can easily purchase in stores special eyebrow treatment products containing local anesthetics.

Important: Don’t get carried away by excessively plucking your eyebrows, because it’s very easy to ruin the shape, but growing new hairs takes a long time and is sometimes problematic.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly: eyebrow shapes

Of course, ideally, you can go to a beauty salon and have your eyebrows plucked by a specialist, but this requires money and time, so it’s not convenient for everyone. Our article is for those who want to learn how to pluck their own eyebrows correctly.

First, let's look at the shape of the eyebrows.. Each person has individual characteristics of appearance, so when choosing a form, it is imperative to pay attention to these nuances. Ideally shaped eyebrows can make your face truly irresistible: make its shape more beautiful, improve symmetry, increase it, adjust the distance between them, etc.

There are several basic face shapes, each of which has a specific eyebrow shape.

Depending on which one you got, you should choose an eyebrow shape that can level out flaws and highlight the advantages of your face. So:

  • if you have a round face, an excellent choice would be eyebrows with a pointed curve, and the highest point should be located further than the middle;
  • for a square face, a curved eyebrow also works well, but the highest point should be closer to the center of the eyebrow;
  • owners of a triangular face should give preference to more rounded eyebrows, which visually soften the sharp angles of their appearance;
  • but if you have an elongated and elongated face, a round eyebrow shape is taboo for you, in this case the best option is straight eyebrows;
  • An oval face means gently arching and slightly pointed eyebrows.

Plucking eyebrows at home

Since you have decided to give a beautiful shape to your eyebrows at home, be sure to take care of access to bright light: place a table lamp near the mirror or sit near the windowsill, because daylight is considered the best!


So, stock up on the following tools:

  • tweezers;
  • cotton swabs;
  • alcohol-based lotion for disinfecting accidental wounds;
  • large comfortable mirror.

Now we will tell you how to properly pluck your eyebrows at home with photos step by step.

Before the procedure, be sure to wash your face and treat your eyebrows and the skin around them with an alcohol solution. Then comb your eyebrows with a special brush: you need to do this along the hair growth so that when removing them you don’t catch too much.

Determining the shape of the eyebrow

Sit back and get ready to discover your ideal shape. To do this, take a writing pen or pencil and place it vertically on the side of your nose. Where the handle intersects with the eyebrow should ideally be its beginning. And all the hairs that are located in front of this point (from the side of the nose) must be removed. In this simple way we get the first eyebrow line.

The second line is determined similarly; it also begins at the wing of the nose, but runs at the outer corner of the eye. At the point where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow, it should end. Excess hairs located after this zone should also be removed. And if your eyebrows are shorter than necessary, you can carefully fill them in with a pencil.

The third eyebrow line is found by drawing a line from the bridge of the nose through the edge of the iris. In the place where the points touch, there will be the highest area of ​​the eyebrow - its bend.

Stages of work

Having determined the points of the future shape of the eyebrows, you need to mark them with a white pencil: this will help to avoid creating an incorrect configuration.

First, pluck those hairs that grow far from the eyebrow arch, and only then move on to the eyebrow contour.

Features of the plucking process

Pluck your eyebrows with sharp movements, carefully checking the hairs that need to be removed. Try not to grab several hairs at a time: this will not only hurt, but will also certainly ruin the aesthetics of your eyebrows.

Important: Do not touch the upper edge of the eyebrows under any circumstances!

Pluck your eyebrows gradually, slowly, carefully examining each area and comparing the results over both eyes. Don’t rush to pull out all the hairs that seem unnecessary to you, otherwise you risk turning your gorgeous eyebrows into thin threads that are not at all relevant now.

Please note: plucking your eyebrows with a thread can do you a disservice, because your face will look at least 5 years older.

Naturalness and naturalness are in fashion, so we do not recommend being overzealous when working with eyebrows. But it is very important to maintain harmony and symmetry!

“Lips like a bow, eyebrows like a house...”

Almost all women love house-shaped eyebrows, which give the face an openness and a slightly surprised look. You can properly pluck your eyebrows with a house by following our simple tips:

We have shared with you simple tips that will help you make your appearance even more attractive and charming! But in no case should we forget about the contraindications for plucking eyebrows:

  1. The presence of inflammatory processes in the eyebrow area.
  2. The need to go outside immediately after the procedure.
  3. Allergic reactions to antiseptics and metal instruments.

Don't be afraid to be beautiful! Take care of yourself, treat your eyebrows and very soon you will see how beautiful and healthy they have become! Every step towards perfection makes you happier and more confident in yourself, and isn’t this the key to female success?

Eyebrows are an important part of a woman's face. They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Then eyebrows are a frame that makes the look more expressive and the face open. Therefore, it’s worth paying a little more attention to the shape of your eyebrows than the rest.

But not all women suit the same eyebrow shape. For example, someone wants eyebrows in the form of a thin thread, but they don’t suit the shape of their face. Then you should look for other options. Of course, in beauty salons, specialists will help you give your eyebrows the desired shape and tell you how to keep them in excellent condition.

But not all women have the opportunity to visit a specialist in a salon. Therefore, you can do this procedure yourself. We will talk further about how to pluck eyebrows correctly. How to pluck eyebrows correctly, how to choose the appropriate eyebrow shape, what methods exist?

Ideal eyebrow shape

Calculating your eyebrow shape yourself is not difficult, but it does require patience. The ideal eyebrow line is these three points: the beginning of the arch, the place of the highest rise of the eyebrow and its end. An ordinary pencil and a mirror will help you calculate these points. A pencil will help you determine the exact location of all three points, fix them and draw a line so that the shape is perfect.

To find the beginning of the eyebrow, apply a pencil to the edge of the nostril and draw a straight line through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow. The first point - the beginning of the eyebrow - will be there, the pencil touches the eyebrow. Carefully fix the point with a pencil. Hairs that extend beyond this point should be removed.

The second step is to establish the end point of the eyebrow line. Also, from the edge of the nostril, the pencil is applied to the outer corner of the eye. The place where the tip of the pencil connects to the eyebrow is fixed. If the eyebrow continues beyond the line, then it is better to pluck the hairs towards the temple. If the eyebrow ends before the marked place, then the arc should be completed with a special pencil of the desired color.

And finally, the highest point of the eyebrow is determined. The line should go from the nose through the center of the eye. The place where the pencil touches the eyebrow is considered the arch.

In addition to the ability to create perfect eyebrow outlines, you need to be able to determine their shape depending on the type.

For girls with a round face, it is important to make it visually more elongated, so the eyebrows should be given a curved shape with a pointed end. This form is also called a “house”.

Girls with a square face can use a curved eyebrow shape, but the bending point should be closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Girls with a triangular face shape should pay attention to slightly rounded eyebrows. It is important not to overdo it and not make your eyebrows completely round.

For those with an elongated face, the best solution would be straight eyebrows, which will make the lines smoother and the face a little wider.

For girls with an oval face, pointed eyebrows will look elegant, but with a smooth soft line.

How to properly pluck eyebrows at home

To create the perfect eyebrow arch yourself, you should follow these tips:

  1. The procedure should be carried out during the day, when there is a lot of sunlight. Under artificial lighting, this procedure cannot be performed efficiently, as extra fine hairs may remain.
  2. Before starting the procedure, you must prepare all the instruments. The tweezers should be easy to use and grip the hair tightly. It is better to use a large mirror with a magnifying glass. To avoid skin irritation, you should choose a special lotion.
  3. It is recommended to rinse the tweezers with an alcohol-containing product before starting the procedure.
  4. It is better to wash your face with cold water and moisten your eyebrows with a special lotion. Before starting, it is better to cool the skin around the eyebrows with a piece of ice so that it does not hurt.
  5. In addition, eyebrows are combed according to hair growth in order to smooth them out and not remove excess hair.
  6. Eyebrows are plucked only from below, the upper part is left as is.
  7. When removing excess hair, grab it close to the skin to pull it out by the roots. This will avoid a painful procedure and remove hair completely.

How to pluck eyebrows using thread

In addition to traditional methods of plucking eyebrows, there are also unusual methods to give the desired appearance to the eyebrows. One of them is the method of hair removal using a thread. This method came from India and today is becoming increasingly popular among women. You can remove hair with a thread not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. This method is more effective because it allows you to remove hair from the root, plus it exfoliates the skin. Of course, hair removal with a thread is not a painless procedure. This will depend on how sensitive your skin is and how thick your hair is.

Before you start plucking your eyebrows with thread, the skin should be treated with alcohol to disinfect it.

The advantage of this method of hair removal is that several hairs are removed at once using a regular thread. When the thread is twisted, excess hairs are captured and removed from the roots.