How to pluck eyebrows beautifully at home. We create perfect eyebrows. Recommendations and techniques for plucking eyebrows Eyebrow trimmer

Correctly plucked eyebrows can correct the shape of the eyes and at the same time add elegance to the face. Even the most attractive appearance can be ruined by unkempt or improperly plucked eyebrows. Therefore, it is better to monitor their condition constantly.

Choice of length, width and shape

The choice of eyebrow shape directly depends on the shape of the face, which can be varied.

And yet, there are 5 main forms:

  1. Round face. For girls with a similar type of face, raised, pointed eyebrows with a break near the outer edge are suitable.
  2. Square shaped face. They should be slightly raised and shaped like a rainbow. The head should be wide with a smooth transition into a straight line near the center of the eye. Pointed corners will complement the cheekbones of a square face.
  3. Triangular face type. The best option is a rounded and slightly raised arch of the eyebrows.
  4. Long face. Straight eyebrows will help visually expand the shape of your face. Their width should be medium, since thin eyebrows will not be able to emphasize the look. It is better to raise the tail a little up.
  5. Oval face will be decorated with a curved shape, which should be slightly raised.

Preparing the instrument and eyebrows

Before you begin the plucking procedure, you should prepare your tools and work area. You can use tweezers or tweezers; in any case, the tool must be of good quality. Before you start using tweezers, you need to disinfect them; you can use alcohol for this.

The next step will be choosing a mirror. It should be large so that you can see the entire face, and of course both eyebrows at the same time to give them the same shape. The mirror must be fixed so that both hands are free to work.

Before starting the procedure, the working area must be wiped with lotion or any other liquid that contains alcohol. Work areas are treated; if the skin is inflamed, it is better not to apply alcohol to it.

For overly sensitive skin, you can apply hot compresses to open up the pores. For pain relief, you can use ice cubes, which should be applied to the plucking area.

Step-by-step plucking instructions

  1. You should sit in front of a well-lit mirror. Comb your eyebrows with a small comb or brush. The movements are performed in such a way that the hairs remain in their natural position.
  2. The pencil or pen must be placed parallel to the nose. The beginning of the brow line will start where the pencil touches it. Using a cosmetic pencil, you can draw a vertical line along the beginning of the eyebrow. The same manipulation should be done with the second half.
  3. All hairs are removed with tweezers, which protrude beyond the drawn line. The hair must be held at its very base and pulled out with a sharp movement.
  4. Next, the pencil is placed along the line of the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye. In the place where the pencil intersects the eyebrow line, you should put a dot - this is its end.
  5. All hairs protruding beyond the point are removed. These manipulations are carried out simultaneously on both sides.
  6. Use a white pencil to outline each eyebrow from above and below. The line must follow the boundary to be processed.
  7. All hairs that extend beyond the white line are removed. There is no need to rush here so that the shape is the same.
  8. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove the white pencil lines. The areas where hairs have been plucked can be treated with a soothing lotion.

How to minimize pain?

The plucking procedure is not very pleasant, since pulling out hairs causes pain.

In order to minimize them, the following recommendations should be applied:

  1. 20 minutes before the procedure you need to apply a warm compress. To do this, you can use pieces of gauze soaked in hot water or a decoction of herbs, for example, you can use chamomile.
  2. Also, the skin can be frozen, using ice cubes from plain water or herbal decoction.
  3. 20 minutes before plucking Apply an emollient eye cream to the skin. Before the procedure, you will need to wipe it with lotion so that the tweezers do not slip.
  4. You can hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Can use gel, used for rubbing into the gums of teething children. After the effect occurs, it should also be removed from the skin using lotion.
  6. If you stretch the skin on your eyebrows, then the pain will be felt less.
  7. It is better to pluck hairs on both sides at once., that is, a couple of hairs on one side, then on the other. So the pain will decrease, and the uniformity will be the same.
  8. During menstruation, it is better not to pluck hair., since sensitivity increases during this period.

What to do after the procedure?

After the procedure, you should not forget about your eyebrows until your next hair plucking. They must be monitored every day and adhere to the following rules:

  1. To make hair more manageable If their growth improves, you should comb your eyebrows with a brush every day. As a comb, you can use a mascara brush, which must first be washed.
  2. Adjustments should be made once a week using tweezers.
  3. Long hairs that do not fit well into the eyebrow can be trimmed.
  4. You should choose the right colors of pencil or shadows. For blondes, it is better to use one or two shades darker than their hair; for brunettes, on the contrary, it is better to use a half tone or tone lighter.

Plucking with thread

Even in ancient times, women looked after their beauty and eyebrows were also subject to correction. But there were no special devices, and ordinary thread was used for this.

This ancient method is now widely used. Although the thread is more painful, the rate of removal is increased. With one movement you can pull out several hairs at once.


  1. The hairs become thin and soft with each removal procedure.
  2. The risk of infections is reduced.
  3. Soreness, irritation and redness of the skin are reduced to a minimum.
  4. Thanks to the thread, you can get rid of even the lightest hairs.
  5. Ingrown hairs into the skin are prevented.
  6. This method is suitable for both women and men who can correct their mustache or beard.
  7. The hair follicle is completely removed, so the time between corrections increases to a month.
  8. There is no need to buy expensive high-quality tweezers or wax to remove hair.
  9. This method leads to, which is very difficult to achieve from using tweezers.


  1. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, it will be very painful.
  2. For those who cannot tolerate pain, such a cosmetic procedure is contraindicated.
  3. Practicing with thread is quite difficult.
  4. The thread can catch a piece of skin, and this will lead to pain.
  5. If there are moles or moles on the skin in the eyebrow area, the procedure is contraindicated.
  6. During menstruation or pregnancy, the pain threshold increases, so the thread should be abandoned.

Few people succeed in plucking hairs with a thread the first time. You shouldn't be upset about this. After just a few training sessions, the correction will take place much faster.

Before the procedure, preparatory work is performed:

  1. Contrast wash, which ends with hot water. Open pores will not hold the hair follicle so tightly.
  2. You can also use the freezing method using ice cubes.
  3. The work area should be disinfected.
  4. After these procedures, the hairs must dry, since when wet they will not cling well to the thread.
  5. The shape can be drawn with a pencil.
  6. Combing them with a brush towards the forehead against the growth of the eyebrows will help ensure access to all the hairs.
  7. Next, you should prepare the thread.
  8. It needs to be tied to make a circle.
  9. The thread is thrown onto both hands, so that the thumbs are free.
  10. In the middle it twists, forming 7-10 turns. To do this, just twist your palms in an “X”-like position.
  11. After this, the thread must be transferred to the thumb and index finger of both hands.
  12. Then, alternately spreading your fingers, direct the twist to the hair, which will pluck the hair.
  13. Hair inside the outlined contour should not fall into the loop.
  14. Hair is removed according to growth, and not vice versa.
  15. Upon completion of the procedure, treat the work area with an antiseptic.

In order not to create a new form each time, it should be maintained after a successful correction.

Properly plucked eyebrows are the key to an attractive face. The shape of the eyebrows allows you to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and correct facial features, bringing it closer to an oval.

It is not difficult to learn how to correct yourself. First, to do this, you need to understand which shape is the most suitable (this will become clear through trial and error) or find out the basics of facial harmony and stick to this knowledge during the adjustment process.

Secondly, you need to get acquainted with plucking techniques and choose one that will allow you to make adjustments quickly and easily.

Form selection errors

  1. Heavily plucked eyebrows are the most unfortunate and irrelevant shape. If the eyebrows are too thin, the facial features become less harmonious. In addition, most girls who overdo it in the process of thickness correction note the problem of the impending eyelid. In fact, the cause of this problem is the shape of the eyebrows, and if you grow the hairs to the optimal thickness, the effect of drooping eyelids will disappear.
  2. Violation of the distance between the eyebrows is the second most popular mistake. The ideal distance is two fingers thick for a face with a classic set of features. But the distance may vary depending on the thickness of the tip of the nose: the farther the hairs begin to grow from each other, the narrower the tip of the nose appears. It is important that their growth from the bridge of the nose begins smoothly and looks natural.
  3. Plucking eyebrows at the top of their growth is the surest way to incorrectly shape them. Only single hairs that stray beyond the growth boundary can be removed in this area.
  4. Bending is a factor whose fashion changes regularly. A few years ago, a shape with a narrowing of thickness towards the highest point of the eyebrow was considered relevant. Today, trends in how to properly pluck eyebrows prescribe maintaining the thickness up to the bend and correcting only the “tail.”

Face shape

The main task of changing the shape of the eyebrows is to correct the shape and features of the face. Just a few movements with tweezers will help make a round face more elongated, and bring a narrow face closer to an oval shape.

Of course, it is difficult to identify rules on how to properly pluck eyebrows at home, which will equally decorate every girl. However, the list of recommendations described below, which form will be most suitable, will tell you in which direction to move.

  • on a round face it is better to make the shape of the eyebrows graceful and tending towards the temples;
  • a narrow face requires expressive eyebrows; you need to create that horizontal line on the face that will visually round the face;
  • to correct a square face, you need to make the eyebrow line long, but the thickness should not be too wide;
  • A narrow chin or a triangular face requires arched eyebrows, the shape of which will balance out the facial features.

In order to understand how to pinch your eyebrows, you can experiment with a pencil, “trying on” different lengths, thicknesses, colors and shapes. You can also resort to computer programs.

Once the decision on the exact shape of the eyebrows has been made, you can begin the plucking technique.


Before you pluck your eyebrows at home, you need to do some preparation. The instrument used to make the adjustment must be disinfected with any antiseptic. Moreover, this condition must be fulfilled even if the tweezers are an individual object of beauty.

It is also necessary to disinfect the skin. But you should not use alcohol for this purpose: it can get into your eyes or cause irritation to the skin of the eyelids. It is better to use the drug Miramistin.

After this, you need to comb the hairs with a brush. In order for this process to fully cope with the task, you must first comb your hair in the direction opposite to its growth, and then “smooth” it according to its growth.

Hairs must be removed one at a time, otherwise there is a risk of disturbing the intended shape. You need to pluck your hair, removing individual hairs that grow at a distance from the rest.

For correction, it is better to use two mirrors: one is small, with a magnifying effect, which will allow you to remove even barely noticeable hairs. The second is a large one, which reflects the entire face, which will make it possible to maintain the correct shape.

When removing hairs in places closest to the eyelid, it is necessary to stretch the eyelid with your fingers to avoid pain. If any discomfort occurs, you should immediately press the hair removal site with your fingertips: this will eliminate the discomfort.

After the adjustment is completed, you need to treat the skin again with an alcohol-free antiseptic composition. To ensure that no traces of irritation remain on the skin after correction, you need to lubricate your eyebrows with any cosmetic oil.

If the hairs are too long, you can trim them using scissors. To do this, you need to comb them upward with a brush, and then trim them with nail scissors so that the cut line is slightly higher than the line of the upper hair growth zone. After this, you need to give the hairs the correct shape with a brush.

Not only tweezers can be used as a plucking tool. The method of eyebrow correction using thread is popular. But in order for the process to be fast, skill and experience are needed. But you shouldn’t remove hair using wax or sugaring paste: there is a risk that the composition will get on the mucous membrane, which will not only cause discomfort, but can also be dangerous.

The correct eyebrow shape is the key to a successful appearance. They should be well-groomed, combed, natural. Often, plucking out excess hairs helps create a natural shape. It is better to initially pluck your eyebrows in a salon, where a specialist will help you create the best shape. It is quite possible to carry out the correction at home. This should be done carefully, following the rules, then the procedure itself will not cause discomfort, and the result will please you.


Necessary materials and preliminary preparation

Before you start plucking your eyebrows at home, it is advisable to prepare the necessary tools so that everything is at hand at the right time. To work, you will need a large mirror, which must be fixed (on the wall or on a stand), then both hands will be free. The light should be bright enough to illuminate the entire work area.

The tweezers used for plucking are chosen to be well-sharpened and of the correct shape. Its ends should be beveled and close tightly. In addition, prepare an alcohol solution or lotion with a deodorizing effect in advance.

Before starting work, hands should be thoroughly washed, tweezers should be disinfected, and eyebrow makeup should be removed. It is better to determine the shape of the eyebrows right away, otherwise the result may be unexpected. Correcting the shape of the eyebrow is possible only after it grows back, and this takes more than one month.

Determining the shape of the eyebrows

To highlight individual facial features, you need to correctly determine the shape of the arch:

  1. Round face. For visual lengthening, eyebrows should be created with a pointed, high-raised bend. A short, rounded tip will visually narrow the face.
  2. Square face. The shape is the same as for a round face, it is only possible to slightly move the curve towards the middle of the eye. For an angular face, eyebrows should be smooth. Thin and straight shapes are not suitable for this type.
  3. Triangular or heart-shaped face. Here we need soft lines; it is advisable to place the beginning and end at the same level. Slightly rounded or round eyebrows are ideal. Straight lines will not work.
  4. Long or elongated face. Straight shapes without bends are suitable for this type, since the latter only lengthen the face.
  5. Oval face. This type allows you to experiment with any shape.

The shape of the eyebrows is also influenced by facial features. The thickness of the arch depends on the size of the eyes. Small eyes require visual enlargement, which thin eyebrows can do; thick eyebrows suit large eyes.

If your eyes are set close to each other, you need to increase the distance between the eyebrows. For wide-set eyes, it is better to reduce the distance.

For a high forehead, curved shapes or an arch are created. For a wide forehead - only slightly curved, raised towards the middle. Rounded or straight eyebrow shapes will suit a low forehead.

How to pluck eyebrows at home: procedure sequence

A correctly drawn eyebrow line will help you quickly and accurately pluck your eyebrows at home. It is built using three base points drawn from the wing of the nose. The first is the intersection with the inner corner of the eye, the second is the outer corner, the third is the conditional intersection with the pupil, this is the curve of the eyebrow. This point can be located either as high as possible for “house” eyebrows, or absent altogether for a straight shape.

Once all the points have been worked out and set, you can begin to remove excess hairs around the eyebrow arch. The eyebrow plucking process consists of several steps:

1. Mark the points of the beginning, end and bend of the eyebrow with a washable cosmetic pencil.

2. Comb the hairs in the direction of growth with a special brush or comb.

3. Take tweezers in your hand and grab the unwanted hair at its very base. With your free hand, lightly stretch the skin under the hair. A sharp movement of tweezers pulls out the hair.

4. The steps are repeated until every excess hair is removed.

To reduce the amount of pain, you can periodically apply hot compresses to the treated area. At the same time, the pores expand, and the hair removal process is accelerated and made less painful.

After removing all unnecessary hair, the area where plucking was carried out is disinfected with an alcohol solution or a special lotion, then wiped with an ice cube to close all pores. Such actions will prevent infection from entering the resulting micro-wounds.

Some hairs can be missed during the first treatment, so after 3-4 days you will need to make additional corrections. Then periodically, as excess hairs appear, you need to pluck them.

If there are not enough hairs, they will have to be grown. On average, recovery will take a month. Before you get a new shape, you can use cosmetics and draw on your eyebrows. Adjustments are made only when symmetry is achieved.

Daily eyebrow care after plucking

In the morning, eyebrow hairs are often ruffled. To give the correct direction, they are slightly moistened or laid with a special gel. It is better to do this with a cleaned brush from old mascara.

Castor oil applied to the eyebrows stimulates hair growth, heals wounds, and softens the skin. A few drops are used before bed, rubbed in with massage movements in the direction of hair growth. Burdock and other oils of organic origin add shine to hair. Apply slightly heated oil or a mixture of oils to the hairs with a cotton pad for 5-10 minutes.

After thinning or plucking your eyebrows, you should first get rid of the redness, calm the skin, and only then apply makeup.

If eyebrow hair needs to be dyed, this should be done before plucking the hairs or a few days after the procedure. Otherwise, the paint will clog the pores and cause inflammation. You cannot use hair dye on your head to color your eyebrows.

Video: How to make the desired shape and make up your eyebrows

Fashion changes every day, and there is no point in adapting to it, since each type of face has its own eyebrow shape and thickness. We must remember that well-groomed and neat eyebrow arches are always relevant, which can be obtained at home.

One of the most expressive parts of the face is the eyes. But eyebrows also play a very important role. After all, if your hair is unkempt and overgrown, then your appearance will not be attractive. Therefore, you need to monitor the shape and condition of your eyebrows very carefully. Correcting them is not at all difficult. First you need to decide on a few questions:

1. What tools will you need?
2. What eyebrow shape will make you look chic?
3. Where and how to pluck hairs?
4. How to make the correction not very painful?

How to pluck eyebrows correctly: selection of tools

First, prepare your work area and tools. You will need tweezers: the line of their connection should be smooth and without cracks. It is very convenient and easy to hold the tweezers with rings like scissors. Tweezers with wide jaws allow you to make corrections quickly.

A very important tool is a mirror. It is best to pluck your eyebrows at the dressing table and large wall mirror. You should not use pocket ones; in them you will not be able to properly control the symmetry of the shape.

Cotton pads and lotion are also necessary for this procedure. If you decide to change the shape of your eyebrows for the first time, then buy a white one. This way, you can draw the shape you want on top of your eyebrows. And then it will immediately become clear to you: which hairs need to be removed and what to leave.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly? Which form is better to choose?

Each face type has its own, it will not be ideal. Then your eyebrows should make it visually more elongated. A slightly pointed bend in the eyebrows is suitable for this.

If you have an oval face, then the best option would be eyebrows with pointed tips and a soft curve.

You Then try not to overdo it, don’t make your eyebrows very round.

For an elongated face, eyebrows should be made in a straight line.

Those with a square face shape should choose a pointed shape.

If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, then the salon is the ideal option for you. They will select a form for you, and in the future you will simply maintain it.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly?

The process of plucking eyebrows is very painful. Freezing is used to reduce the sensitivity of the skin around the eyebrows. Before the procedure, rub a piece of ice over your eyebrows; this should numb the skin. You can also use a hot compress. The pores will expand under the influence of heat, and this will make the hairs easier to pull out.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly: tips

To shape your eyebrows correctly, you need to know a few subtleties. Correction should be carried out in daylight so that you do not miss fine hairs.

Before the procedure you should:
. clean your face and eyebrows with lotion;
. Wash the hands;
. Wipe the tweezers with alcohol.
You can ease the pain in the following way: after stretching the skin with one hand, with the other you need to grab the hairs with tweezers closer to the root and sharply pull them out. It is not recommended to pull out several hairs at once, because you can create “bald spots.” For symmetry, pluck two eyebrows in parallel. After correction, be sure to wipe them with lotion. Redness can be removed with cotton swabs soaked in cold water.

Do you want to create a beautiful and correct eyebrow shape? Follow the three line rule. They indicate where the eyebrow begins and ends and where its break should be. The first line runs from the wing of the nose through the inner corner, and where it intersects with the eyebrow is the place to start. From this point to the bridge of the nose, all hairs must be plucked. The bending point is determined as follows: you need to attach a pencil to the wing of the nose, then point it through the pupil of the eye to the eyebrow. The bend point is the point of intersection, but at the same time you should direct your gaze straight ahead. The end of the eyebrow is determined from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. The intersection with the eyebrow marks the place where it should end. If your eyebrow does not reach this point, then you can correct the shape using shadows or a pencil.

A few wisdoms

1. Do not use skin softening cream. In this case, the hairs slip, and the procedure will be very painful.
2. Use a magnifying mirror for accurate correction.
3. Pluck your eyebrows on the weekends or in the evening, because the redness and swelling goes away after a while.
4. Attention! Your eyes appear more expressive when your eyebrow is as high as possible.

Now you know everything about how to pluck your eyebrows. Just don’t forget to clean up any regrown hairs. Agree that maintaining shape is easier than making corrections again.