List of the healthiest foods. The healthiest foods. Fruits and berries

Eggs contain large amounts of essential protein, as well as lutein, which prevents the development. You can eat 1-2 chicken eggs a day. This will not cause an increase in level, because... The body synthesizes it itself from saturated fats.
Quail eggs are also very useful. They are superior to chicken ones in terms of the content of useful components. Quail eggs help strengthen the immune system, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Some believe that carbohydrates contained in cereals are harmful to your figure. However, it is not. Complex carbohydrates are essential for health. Eat porridge and bread with cereals - these important foods lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the tone of the intestinal tract, and fight obesity and diabetes.

Milk and dairy products are a rich source of calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the muscular and nervous systems and osteoporosis. If you are lactose intolerant, doctors recommend consuming low-fat yogurt or kefir, which contain beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

Chicken meat
Chicken is one of the healthiest types of meat. Chicken breasts contain very little fat, but are rich in a valuable antioxidant - selenium - and B vitamins.

Fatty fish - mackerel, salmon, trout, etc. – contains a large amount of omega-3 fats, which help lower cholesterol levels, prevent the development of thrombosis and certain types of cancer.

Plant products
Fruits and berries are rich sources of vitamin C, which strengthens the body's immune system. Apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, grapes, persimmons and other fruits have many beneficial properties. Bananas, for example, contribute to the formation of serotonin in the body - the hormone of happiness.

The main benefit of vegetables is to fill the body with vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, organic acids and polysaccharides. Most vegetables normalize the functioning of the digestive system and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Antioxidant Products

To rejuvenate the body and have a long active life, it is recommended to more often consume foods that have antioxidant effects. These include black currants, apples, blueberries, pomegranates, cherries, peaches, strawberries, oranges, raspberries, plums, dark grapes, tomatoes, spinach, red onions, bran bread, cauliflower, broccoli. The strongest antioxidants are considered red wine, dark chocolate, coffee and tea.
Chocolate with a high content of cocoa powder and low fat content is considered especially healthy.

All these products contain biochemical compounds that have a beneficial effect on the biological processes occurring in the body's cells and reduce the number of free radicals in the blood. And tea, coffee and dark chocolate are sources of polyphenols that have the function of restoring damaged cells.

Since the civilized world became interested in a healthy lifestyle, and obesity in Western countries became an epidemic, many people began to worry about their health and think about what they eat.

The word “superfood” is well-known among professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those who simply care about proper nutrition.

The editors of learnvse.rf have studied the market for healthy products and offer 10 of the most affordable ones.

Sprouted cereal seeds

No more cereal. It's better to start the day with wheat or soy grass. This is one of the healthiest foods, as the seeds contain vitamins and microelements, lecithin and a large amount of fiber.

It is believed that dishes with sprouted soybean seeds are low in calories and very healthy: they normalize metabolism, can affect concentration and memory, and can be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Brown (unpolished) rice

For centuries in Japan, people ate what the sea brought them and brown rice. Everything changed when the aristocracy turned to polished rice in the 18th century. Noble people began to get sick - the lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) affected them.

Of course, it was not immediately realized that the serious illness was associated specifically with white rice. But in the 21st century, when the benefits of unpolished rice have been proven, there is no need to neglect this grain. Today you can buy brown rice in any large store and eat it instead of white - the benefits will be much greater.


Avocado is a very nutritious and healthy semi-fruit and semi-vegetable. Avocados are superior to bananas in potassium content and contain beneficial polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, which can have an effect on cholesterol plaques.

In addition, avocado is also a filling ingredient for salads, toast and sandwiches. If you, like any resident of northern latitudes, do not get enough of greens and chicken breast, include avocados in your diet (in Russia they are often sold unripe, but here it’s the same as with bananas - an avocado can ripen in a few days, lying in a dark place).

Spinach, broccoli and other greens

In the movie about Popeye the Sailor Man, the main character played by Robin Williams acquired super strength thanks to spinach. A few handfuls of greens, of course, are unable to have such an effect on the body, but spinach is indeed a very healthy product.

Spinach contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids; beta-carotene, vitamins PP, A, C, H, K, group B; selenium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, sodium, potassium, manganese, iron and zinc. Broccoli contains no less useful substances. True, not everyone likes it. A few years ago, scientists found out that a dislike for broccoli is genetic, so don’t beat yourself up and don’t forcefully shove it.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are often added to puddings and similar desserts - for example, as an egg substitute in vegan dishes. Chia seeds can absorb 10 times more liquid than their own weight, and accordingly increase in size. They also have many benefits: chia seeds contain antioxidants, iron, vitamins, various minerals, as well as potassium and zinc.

Goji berries, acai and cocoa beans

For some time now, dried bright red goji berries have been sold in any more or less large supermarket. A tablespoon of goji is said to contain a gram of protein, a wild amount of vitamin C, 36% of the daily value of vitamin A - and only 18 calories.

Raw cocoa beans taste bitter and are a bit like coffee beans. You can chew them like this (in small doses), or you can wash them into powder and add them to smoothies. Cocoa beans contain magnesium and iron, as well as large amounts of antioxidants.

Acai berries are otherwise called - neither more nor less - the berries of youth. This is because they contain essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber, as well as the same antioxidants.


There is no doubt that nuts are healthy. The champion among nuts is the walnut, which is comparable in calorie content to butter and meat. It contains fifty times more vitamins than citrus fruits. Five to seven of these nuts a day are believed to improve memory.

Sweet almond nut is considered extremely useful. It is rich in mineral salts, vitamins, fats and essential oils. Hazelnuts are considered the most delicious in the world. The editors of uznayvsyo.rf specify that it contains up to eighty percent fat and up to eighteen percent protein. Due to the fact that its calorie content is not too high, this nut is acceptable in many diets.

The healthiest fish

Tuna is often called “beef of the sea” for its nutritional value and taste. Indeed, tuna does not taste too much like fish. The benefits of tuna are difficult to exaggerate - it contains a lot of useful amino acids and microelements. Moreover, its calorie content does not exceed 80 kcal per 100 g. Tuna meat is very low in fat and contains zinc, phosphorus, calcium, selenium and vitamin D.

The healthiest meat

There is great controversy regarding the benefits of meat - some prefer to do without it altogether, replacing animal foods with plant foods. But if you cannot do without meat, it is better to pay attention to the method of preparing it - it is better to boil and bake than to fry. One of the healthiest types of meat is turkey. This is a dietary product, the meat is rich in vitamins A and E, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

It is important to understand that superfoods alone will not make you healthy, strong and powerful overnight. This is rather a preventive vitamin support for the body, which can only help in combination with reasonable physical activity and a relatively healthy lifestyle.

And if you are still worried about your weight, read about the most delicious dishes that will definitely not make you gain weight.
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“If you get sick, then change your lifestyle; if it doesn’t help, then reconsider your diet; If this doesn’t help, then go to the doctor.”

Understand that your body has a magnificent property - self-healing. And if something starts to hurt, this does not mean that you need to go to the doctor, but that you are doing something wrong (actions, food, aspirations, thoughts...). And in order to get rid of pain/illness, you need to analyze your life and make changes that will get rid of the ailment. If you go to the doctor, he will remove the symptoms. But a little time will pass, and the disease will return again, since you have not gotten rid of the main thing - the cause of the pain. If you stop trusting your body and continue to destroy it, not paying attention to the signals (pain) that it sends you so that you change something about yourself, and instead start going to doctors and pharmacies, then you will get involved in the cycle of pain - doctor-pharmacy-pain-doctor-pharmacy...

At first, switching to a healthy diet can be difficult and unusual, since the body is clogged and accustomed to junk food. Therefore, natural food may not seem so tasty and satisfy hunger. But a little time will pass, and the body will begin to cleanse itself of the debris that has accumulated over many years from poor nutrition, it will begin to work correctly, and instead of pain, heaviness, fatigue and laziness, feelings of lightness, energy, freshness and joy will appear.

Review your diet. What part of the total food is occupied by the main food (which brought natural vitamins and microelements to the body) - vegetables, fruits, nuts? And what part is occupied by food, which not only has no value, but, on the contrary, harms you (and you eat it not because your body does not have enough of this food and you want to eat it, but because this food has already become familiar to you? you).

A pineapple

The very valuable substance bromelain makes pineapple indispensable for nutrition for people watching their weight, as it helps break down fat.


They have an enveloping, vasorelaxing and calming effect. They are beneficial for digestion and protect the stomach walls from the harmful effects of spicy and salty foods. Among banana lovers, patients with stomach ulcers are rarely found. Due to their high sugar content, bananas are not recommended for those who are overweight, but they are essential in the diet of people with heart problems.


An excellent dietary product. It improves metabolism, increases appetite, accelerates urination, normalizes blood pressure, helps with heart disease, and helps cleanse the body of radionuclides. Grape juice lowers blood cholesterol levels and has a tonic effect.


The juice of sweet pomegranates is useful for kidney diseases, and the juice of sour pomegranates is a remedy for kidney stones and gall bladder. Pomegranate juice quenches thirst well during feverish conditions and acts as an antipyretic. Sour pomegranates are contraindicated for stomach diseases with high acidity, as well as for enterocolitis.



Activates mental and physical performance, lowers blood pressure, increases the secretion of gastric juice. This berry is useful for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Cranberry juice has an antipyretic and bactericidal effect (and even affects bacteria that are difficult to treat with antibiotics). Cranberry juice and cranberry juice prevent the formation of kidney stones and stimulate the function of the pancreas. Cranberries and dishes made from them are not recommended for liver diseases and ulcerative processes in the stomach and intestines.


Dishes made from zucchini promote better intestinal motility and emptying of the gallbladder; they are also useful for patients receiving antibiotics. Zucchini, like pumpkin, is especially recommended for women for the prevention of gynecological diseases.


The very low calorie content of cabbage in combination with a rich set of vitamins and biologically active substances allows it to be used in the diet of people with overweight, obesity, and atherosclerosis. Cabbage creates a feeling of fullness with very low calorie content. It is useful for colitis, gastric atony, liver and gall bladder diseases, gastritis with low acidity, but is not recommended for flatulence and increased stomach acidity.


In folk medicine, tangerines are used for general strengthening of the body. Due to their low calorie content, they can be recommended to people watching their figure. Tangerines are good to eat to prevent atherosclerosis.


Increases body tone, has a rejuvenating effect, slows down the growth of cancer cells, suppresses the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines, and helps with anemia. Carrots are superior to other vegetables in carotene content. In order for the body to absorb a significant part of the carotene contained in carrots, it must be seasoned with butter or sour cream.


Due to the high content of vitamins P and C, pepper has a beneficial effect on blood vessels - it increases the elasticity of capillaries and reduces their permeability. Pepper helps remove cholesterol from the body and thereby prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Among other things, it is an effective remedy against colds, asthma and bronchitis.


Previously, there was an opinion that tomatoes contribute to the deposition of salts (gout). But that's not true. Tomatoes increase appetite, improve the functioning of the pancreas, and have a detrimental effect on intestinal bacteria. They have anti-sclerotic and anti-rheumatic effects and are useful for circulatory disorders, senile visual impairment, and prostate adenoma.


Turnip roots have an expectorant, laxative and diuretic effect, and having yellow flesh, in addition, they have the property of preventing the development of tumors.


The fruits of red rowan are used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, as an astringent. Syrup from the juice of fresh rowan fruits is useful for rheumatic pain, hypertension, liver diseases, gastritis with low acidity.

Chokeberry fruits

They have the property of lowering blood pressure and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. During the season, it is enough to eat a handful of chokeberries per day.


Very useful for normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. It helps remove radioactive substances from the body, improves fat metabolism, and lowers blood pressure.


Has a diuretic, choleretic, mild laxative effect. It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and is useful for obesity and atherosclerosis. Pumpkin dishes are recommended for prostate diseases.


Useful for cardiovascular diseases, as they contain a lot of potassium. Dates are indispensable for physical fatigue and exhaustion, but due to their high calorie content, overweight people should limit their consumption.


Persimmons are often recommended for dietary nutrition. Its jelly-like pulp contains a lot of pectins, which help remove ballast substances from the body. But the astringent pulp of persimmon can provoke laryngospasm in people with increased throat sensitivity.


Rich in iron, therefore they have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. It is useful to eat them for metabolic disorders and loss of appetite. Apples help remove oxalic acid, cholesterol, and radionuclides from the body. The calorie content of apples is low, which makes them a valuable therapeutic food product for overweight people.

1. Don't drink while eating. It is advisable to drink 10-15 minutes before meals and 1-2 hours after it.

2. If you are very tired or overexcited, do not sit down at the table until you have rested for 15-20 minutes.

3. Eat fruits separately from other foods - on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals.

4. Drink up to 2-3 liters of fluid per day.

5. In the morning, eat easily digestible foods; in the evening, if desired, you can eat difficult-to-digest foods.

Junk food

Foods that should be excluded from the diet: refined sugar and products containing it - jams, jellies, canned food, chewing gum, cakes, marmalades, ice cream, sherbets, sweet drinks, pies, cookies, puddings, sweetened fruit juices, canned fruits. Ketchup, mustard, hot seasonings, pickle, green olives, crispy fried fatty potatoes, burnt nuts, salted bread, pearl barley, dry cereal.

Foods rich in fat, processed or refined oils are the enemies of your heart. Also food containing cottonseed oil, margarines containing fats and processed oils, coffee and coffee drinks, alcohol, tobacco. Fresh pork and pork products. Smoked fish of any kind, smoked meat (ham, bacon), fatty sausages, fried beef and other types of meat foods containing nitric acid salts.

White flour products, stale, stale salads and overcooked potatoes.


With this product, which you put into your food every day, you are destroying your body. Pay attention to the following facts:

1. Salt is not food! There is no excuse for using it.

2. Salt cannot be digested, absorbed and used by the body. It has no nutritional value. On the contrary, it is harmful and can cause disease of the kidneys, bladder, heart, and blood vessels. Salt can cause water retention in tissues. Salt does not contain any vitamins or organic substances.

3. Salt can act as a heart poison, increasing the painful sensitivity of the nervous system.

4. Salt helps remove calcium from the body and affects the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Tea and coffee

They act like alcohol, are stimulants, and harm the body. For example, both tea and coffee contain caffeine, a potential drug. Two cups of coffee or tea contains a pharmaceutical dose of caffeine that is sufficient to stimulate the brain and cause blood sugar levels to rise. You may feel more alert at first, but soon the excitement will give way to fatigue. Your sugar levels will drop below normal levels and you will feel more tired than before.

Would you like to take part in a little experiment? To do this, you don’t need to do anything special or make incredible efforts, just go to your refrigerator, open the door and, looking at the contents of the shelves with an inquisitive eye, answer how many of the healthiest products you found there. Take your time, take this seriously and do not confuse tasty, favorite and not very healthy foods for the body with sometimes unloved, but very healthy ones. This means that the smoked sausage and a piece of yesterday’s chicken left over from dinner should be moved to the side. They are not considered useful products. Canned food, mayonnaise and ketchup will also go there. What is the result? Not many useful products have been found, right? Or not found at all?

Maybe, pensively frozen in front of the refrigerator, you simply cannot be sure which food is healthy and which is not. Don’t be upset, there are probably more than half of these doubters, because in order to name healthy products, you need to know their properties. To help you solve this problem, we have prepared for you a list of the TOP-10 healthiest food products. According to scientists, these foods are the most useful at the moment. In fact, there are many more of them, but we want to talk about the very best, the beneficial properties of which have been well studied and tested, so to speak, by time. These very, very healthy food products are quite accessible to everyone; they can be bought in any supermarket and at any time of the year. But this does not mean that only these ten products will now “settle” in your refrigerator. Just don’t forget about them, let them be present in your diet and benefit your body.


It has more vitamin C than oranges, and it contains more calcium than milk. Cabbage stimulates the production of red blood cells, promotes tissue rejuvenation, activates metabolism, regulates fat metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol, improves immunity and strengthens the heart muscle. Cabbage retains its beneficial vitamins needed by our body even when fermented. The nutritional value and benefits of sauerkraut are determined by the high content of lactic acid, mineral salts and vitamins. This wonderful vegetable also contains a lot of nicotinic acid, which gives a beautiful, healthy shine to hair and strength to nails. So don’t deny yourself the pleasure of being beautiful and healthy, eat cabbage!

In terms of the amount of useful substances it contains, it is in no way behind cabbage. Therefore, they often act as an excellent duet in most prepared dishes. Carrots can be consumed in different forms - raw, boiled and stewed, fried, pickled... To make carrots better digestible, eat them with sour cream or sunflower oil. But most often, chew it raw - this will strengthen your gums and significantly reduce the number of microbes in your mouth. Carrots are famous not only for their content of the well-known vitamin A (carotene), which is also called the vitamin of beauty; they also contain plenty of other vitamins, as well as minerals. I just can’t believe that an ordinary small carrot also contains fructose, glucose, lecithin, amino acids, proteins and starch. Carrots strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal function, have a beneficial effect on vision and, according to many scientists, can even prevent the development of cancer. And this is only a small fraction of what this miracle vegetable is capable of, deserving not only respect, but also its indispensable inclusion in the daily diet.

Onion or garlic
Just comrades in the fight against various diseases. They are actually similar to each other in the presence of the same beneficial substances and the invaluable benefits that they bring to the body when we, without even thinking about it, add them to many dishes. It is possible to say about them with complete confidence: “The spool is small, but expensive.” Onions and garlic strengthen the immune system, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, will help with liver diseases and are simply irreplaceable for colds. Of course, eating onions and garlic is much healthier in their raw form, but not everyone dares to eat them raw every day - the smell is too stunning. From time to time, when important meetings and close communication with people are not expected, you can allow yourself a few cloves of fresh garlic or pieces of onion; this will only have a beneficial effect on your body.

There are an incredible number of healthy fruits, and therefore to say that we only need one is not just wrong, but even somehow impolite towards others. Another thing is what fruits we can afford depending on the price or time of year. Therefore, we will consider two options that are quite accessible to us.

Apples - such native, healthy and wonderful fruits in all respects. Remember the proverb: “An apple a day keeps doctors out of work?” As they say, pick a vitamin from a branch, wash it - and enjoy the taste and aroma, and at the same time saturate your body with all sorts of benefits. And, by the way, there are a lot of them. Eating apples slows down the growth of cancer cells, relieves inflammation, and normalizes stomach function. And besides, apples are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the human immune system and circulatory system.

Bananas , which are sold in our supermarkets all year round, have long been perceived by Russians not as overseas guests, but as family, and the price of this fruit, amazing in its uniqueness, is quite acceptable. Bananas will benefit both a healthy person and those who are susceptible to diseases of the digestive tract. They are quickly absorbed by the body, thereby satisfying hunger. Bananas contain three natural sugars, namely fructose, glucose and sucrose, as well as the vitamins and chemical elements we need. But most importantly, bananas are record holders for potassium content, which we need for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, brain, muscles and bone strength. If, for example, you tend to eat stress with sweets, give preference to bananas, which will relieve nervous excitement, bring sugar back to normal and help metabolism.


Beans - one of the brightest and most useful representatives of the legume family, the constant consumption of which has a rejuvenating effect and helps to prolong life. In addition, beans are very unpretentious, and growing them on your own plot will not be difficult. This inconspicuous “modest” contains a high amount of vegetable protein and potassium, necessary for the good functioning of the heart and other vital organs, and fiber - for better functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is also extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants. The amount of bean protein is superior to lamb, chicken and cottage cheese, and is on par in protein with grainy caviar and cheese products. Good news for vegetarians and fasting people!


Cottage cheese - this is calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the formation of bone tissue, healthy teeth, nails, heart, brain and blood vessels, as well as an easily digestible protein that can replace the proteins of meat and fish. The best cottage cheese is, of course, homemade or bought at the market from a seller you trust. But if this is not possible, choose a product in the store called “Curd”, and not the “Curd Product” that appears in abundance on the shelves; from it you are unlikely to derive the benefit that we are telling you about.

Vegetable oils

Olive oil , perhaps the most popular among vegetable oils, as it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very good for the heart and fight cholesterol plaques. It can be added to salads, soups, porridges, many main courses and even taken on an empty stomach. It protects the heart and normalizes blood pressure, helps strengthen bones, thanks to the vitamins A, D, E and K it contains, thereby reducing the risk of joint diseases. Olive oil is especially beneficial for children, as it stimulates bone growth. Olive oil is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, liver diseases and gall bladder diseases. Oleic acids contained in olive oil help strengthen memory and have a beneficial effect on mental processes.

Just imagine - 30 grams of fish products per day or three “fish” lunches during the week reduce the likelihood of developing a heart attack by 50%! In terms of its nutritional and culinary qualities, fish is in no way inferior to meat, since it contains proteins, fats, extractives and minerals, and even surpasses the latter in the ease of digestion of proteins. Among all types of fish, marine fish from cold seas are considered especially useful, for example, salmon , which is a record holder for the content of Omega-3 fats, which lower cholesterol levels, prevent certain types of cancer and vascular thrombosis, as well as Omega-6 and iron. In addition, it can reduce the risk of various heart diseases, overcome depression, prevent memory loss and improve hair condition. Make it a rule to replace meat with fish more often, and soon you will see for yourself how much the condition of the whole body will improve.

If you have honey, you can simply forget about sugar. This extremely useful and necessary natural product in the diet increases the body’s resistance to many infections, it strengthens the immune system and is the best source of energy. Honey contains many vitamins, enzymes, microelements, organic acids and proteins. It is recommended to take it in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and simply for general strengthening of the body. Add honey to tea, porridge, drink boiled water with honey before bed, this will help you fall asleep faster and restore strength.


The common people of Ancient Babylon were strictly forbidden to eat nuts; it was believed that these fruits strengthened the mind, and the mob had no use for it. Today, fortunately, everyone can afford a handful of any nuts of their choice. Among all the variety, preference is still given walnut , because it is a real storehouse of vitamin C. An adult only needs to eat five walnut kernels to get the daily requirement of vitamin C. However, they must be eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly, otherwise they will not be absorbed by the body. Walnut normalizes the acidity level of gastric juice and normalizes intestinal functions. For people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, joint diseases, mastopathy and fibroids, walnuts are simply vital. To all its other positive qualities, we can add one more important one - it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminating a lot of nervous tension, which is why walnuts are recommended to be used to stimulate brain activity, for headaches, memory and attention disorders, sleep disorders and stress.

Green tea

There are more and more green tea fans every day. And it’s not surprising, because this drink is very healthy. Try to buy green tea in bulk, without additives, and not in bags, in order to drink a truly valuable and healthy drink. Only real green tea contains antioxidants and is especially rich in vitamin C (2 cups of green tea equals 7 oranges). This amazing drink dulls the feeling of hunger and improves bowel function, reduces the risk of strokes, strengthens blood vessels, improves the immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels and has a detrimental effect on various viruses and microbes. And finally, it increases the overall tone of the body and slows down the aging process. Add apple juice to green tea to give it an interesting taste. Pay attention to the fact that green tea is recommended for those who work a lot at the computer, since it is believed that it protects our body from harmful radiation.

There are actually a lot of products that are good for health, because everything that nature gives us is beneficial and creative: some help us maintain a sane mind, others - the youth of our body. If you correctly combine all of the listed components in your daily diet, you will get the maximum benefit from them. Eat the healthiest food products!

I wish you health and longevity!

Larisa Shuftaykina

We studied the beneficial properties of foods known to mankind and selected the 50 most delicious and healthy. For example, nutritionists recommend having ginger, eggs and beans on your table.

Vegetables and greens

Asparagus. It is valued for its low level of carbohydrates and calories, easy digestibility and a whole range of vitamins (K, B1, B2, B9, C, E, A, PP) and macro- and microelements (zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron).

Bell pepper. Or, as we are used to calling it, bell pepper. Not only is it a bright, crunchy and slightly sweet vegetable, but it is also an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Broccoli. These dark green inflorescences are useful both fresh and frozen: they easily give a head start to many vegetables in terms of protein, fiber and vitamins K and C.

Carrot. The main source of carotene, necessary for human cell growth and healthy skin, mucous membranes and eyes.

Cauliflower. Contains more protein and vitamin C than regular cabbage. Vitamins A, B, PP, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and fiber have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and can protect the gastrointestinal tract from ulcers and cancer.

Cucumbers. They are almost 95% water, making them one of the lowest calorie vegetables. Contains little fat, protein and carbohydrates. Despite this, cucumbers are rich in vitamins and nutrients (especially potassium).

Oleg Iryshkin

We all know that vegetables need to be eaten daily, because they contain vitamins and fiber (such food is considered healthy). The downside is the quality of the products. For example, many vegetables accumulate pesticides and excess nitrates. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin from tomatoes and cucumbers before eating. The second pitfall is the incorrect cooking time. For example, grains should be cooked until al dente, but many people overcook them, thereby destroying the chemical structure of the product.

Garlic. An indispensable vegetable in the fight against colds. When garlic cells are destroyed, allicin is formed - one of the strongest antioxidants, which has a bactericidal and fungicidal (destroys fungus) effect.

Ginger. Ginger root has a complex composition with a large number of useful substances, including vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fatty acids, and essential oils. Ginger improves digestion and also has detoxifying and immunostimulating properties.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

The chemical composition of ginger root is unique: vitamins B, C, A, E, K, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium. It stimulates the digestive system and brain activity, perfectly fights inflammatory diseases and can even reduce toxicosis during pregnancy.

Curly cabbage (kale). This species undeservedly remains in the shadow of broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage. Grunkol, or kale (as curly cabbage is also called) contains all the necessary amino acids, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. If these arguments are not enough for you, then we will simply add that in terms of nutrient density it has no equal among all green leafy vegetables.

Onion. Like garlic, it is primarily valued for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in iron and potassium, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, vitamins B and C and many minerals. Onions retain almost all their beneficial properties even after cooking.

Tomatoes. The eternal debate about whether a tomato is a berry, a vegetable or a fruit seems to have been resolved in favor of the latter. Be that as it may, Senor tomato contains not only vitamins A, B2, B6, E, K and various microelements, but also a powerful antioxidant - lycoline, which has an anti-cancer effect.

Sweet potato. Sweet potatoes, despite their high glucose levels, are recommended for diabetics because they can stabilize blood sugar levels. Sweet potatoes contain no fat at all, and their proteins and carbohydrates are better absorbed than regular potatoes.

Green beans. Unlike bean seeds, these green beans are not as rich in protein, but they do contain many vitamins, folic acid, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Thanks to this, they improve digestion and can reduce blood sugar levels and the risk of heart attack.

Fruits and berries

Apples. A fruit that you can always take with you for a quick snack at any time, wherever you are. They are valued for their high fiber, vitamin C and antioxidant content.

Avocado. They differ from other fruits in that they consist of 77% healthy fats. Despite this, they are not only tender and tasty, but also healthy: they contain potassium, fiber and vitamin C - available.

Bananas. Not only is it one of the world's most popular berries (yes, banana is a berry, not a fruit) and a favorite post-workout food, but it's also the best source of potassium, as well as fiber and vitamin B6.

Blueberry. One of the most powerful sources of antioxidants of any food. And you probably have known about the benefits of blueberries for vision since childhood.

Oranges. All citrus fruits have long had a reputation as the main supplier of vitamin C to the body. In addition, like other fruits, oranges are rich in fiber and antioxidants.

Strawberry. It is beneficial for the body not only due to its low carbohydrate and calorie content, but also due to vitamin C, fiber and manganese.


Lentils. A very tasty and filling variety of legumes, one of the best sources of plant-based protein, vitamins and fiber.

Oleg Iryshkin

Ph.D., doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

Lentils are the oldest crop. It is rich in plant proteins and complex carbohydrates, which can keep you full for several hours. Lentils are rich in vitamins: C, B₁, B₂, B₃, B6, B₁₂, as well as many minerals. Plus, lentils contain fiber, which improves intestinal function and serves as food for beneficial microflora.

Beans. In terms of the quantity and digestibility of proteins, it can be compared with meat and fish. Due to the huge amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, this product is recommended for dietary nutrition for heart failure and diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Brown rice Thanks to minimal processing, brown rice contains more fiber, magnesium and vitamin B1 than regular rice. Doctors often classify it as a dietary product and note a positive effect on blood sugar levels, blood pressure and the prevention of colon and pancreatic cancer.

Oats. This cereal, in addition to the numerous minerals and vitamins that are included in its composition, is valued for its high level of fiber (over 30%) and beta-glucans, which reduce the level of “bad cholesterol”.

Quinoa. Does not contain a single gram of gluten, only healthy fiber, magnesium and plant-based protein. Quinoa is an incredibly filling food that can be one of your best allies in the fight against extra pounds.

Nuts and seeds

Almond. These nuts are full of vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fiber. Nutritionists say that almonds help in the fight against excess weight and speed up metabolism.

Chia seeds. The favorite product of the ancient Aztecs has become popular among vegetarians in recent years. Chia seeds are incredibly nutritious and very healthy: 100 g of seeds contain 40 g of fiber and the required daily dose of magnesium, manganese, calcium and other nutrients.

Coconut. Coconut pulp is a source of not only fiber, but also medium fatty acids that will help you lose weight.

Macadamia. Not the most popular nut in Russia, it differs from its fellows in its high level of monounsaturated fats (the healthiest) and low levels of omega-6 fatty acids (not the healthiest). It costs no more than hazelnuts and is sold in large supermarkets; you just need to carefully inspect the shelves.

Walnuts. Just 7 nuts a day (no more, they are very high in calories) can improve human immunity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They contain almost all the vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber necessary for the body.

Peanut. These beans (which many people mistakenly think of as nuts) are rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and can help you shed a few extra pounds. The main thing is not to replace whole peanuts with peanut butter, otherwise everything will turn out exactly the opposite. However, you should also not get carried away with roasted peanuts under any circumstances.

Sweets, baked goods and dressings

Dark chocolate. The sweetest item on our list contains half of the daily requirement of iron, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants required by the human body. Recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Oleg Iryshkin

Ph.D., doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

The most beneficial is dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans and minimal sugar content. Thus, cocoa beans contain antioxidants that eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals. However, when including chocolate in your diet, you need to know when to stop and not consume this product in excess quantities that go beyond the calculated biological balance of nutritional components and individual daily caloric intake.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

The simpler the composition of dark chocolate, the better. Ideally, it should contain cocoa mass, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. The percentage of dark chocolate depends on the amount of cocoa mass, for example, 99% is the largest amount of cocoa. This product is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and contains small amounts of vitamins B and E. Its consumption helps stabilize cholesterol levels and improves mood (due to reduced cortisol production). The average daily serving of dark chocolate should not exceed 25 grams.

Multigrain bread. Western nutritionists advise eating bread made from sprouted wheat grains with the addition of legumes. It will be difficult to find it in our stores, so we offer regular multigrain bread as an alternative.

Homebaked bread. If you want to eat healthy bread, you have to make it yourself. But homemade bread will definitely not contain gluten, and the amount of carbohydrates will not be as high as in regular bread.

Apple vinegar. Indispensable not only when preparing a salad, but also when dieting: apple cider vinegar dulls your appetite and allows you to feel full for much longer. It will also help lower blood sugar levels.

Olive oil. The healthiest oil in the world contains powerful antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Coconut oil. Like coconut pulp, the oil consists of medium fatty acids (90%), which will help you cope with extra pounds. And recent studies have confirmed that it can improve the condition of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Dairy products and meat

Cheese. One slice of cheese contains as much calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and other minerals and amino acids as a whole glass of milk, and it contains even more protein than meat or fish.

Yogurt. The fermented milk product retains all the positive properties of regular milk, and due to the content of beneficial bacteria, it also improves digestion.

Butter. Natural farm butter contains not only saturated fatty acids that are extremely necessary for our body, but also many nutrients and vitamins A and K2.

Whole milk. One of the best sources of calcium, vitamins, minerals, animal protein and healthy fats - my mother told us about this. True, in other words.

Salmon. This fatty red fish is rich in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, essential for improving memory and the proper functioning and nutrition of the human brain.

Sardines. Small but very healthy sea fish that can provide the body with 2 times more calories than white fish. In addition, they contain large amounts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals and vitamins A, D and B complex. Unsaturated fats from sardines are considered healthier than saturated fats of animal origin.

Shellfish. Mussels, snails and oysters occupy one of the first places among all products in terms of nutrients. These dietary seafood with easily digestible protein can completely replace meat in the human diet. But yes, it's expensive. And you can hardly find decent oysters anywhere - except perhaps on Sakhalin and Vladivostok.

Shrimps. This seafood delicacy is very low in fat and calories, but high in healthy protein, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they contain a whole range of nutrients, including selenium, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamin B12.

Trout. An interesting fact that says a lot about this fish: it lives only in clean water. In terms of the content of nutrients, trout can be compared to salmon: a lot of vitamins A, D, B, E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Tuna. In terms of protein content (more than 22%), it easily outperforms all other fish and can be compared with the caviar of some commercial species. Vitamins B, A, E, PP, two dozen micro- and macroelements and omega-3 fatty acids improve eye and brain function and halve the risk of cardiovascular diseases.