Crafts from newspaper tubes with new photo frame ideas. Weaving from newspapers for beginners with patterns: a frame and a tree from newspaper tubes with a photo description Frames for photos from newspapers

Sometimes a craft made with your own hands from a pure heart is valued much more than bought in a store. In this master class, we will tell you how to make a frame from newspaper tubes with your own hands and what is the correct weaving.

For work we need:

- newspapers;
- PVA glue;
- glue moment;
- strips for quilling or colored sheets of office paper;
- ruler or protractor;
- knitting needle and toothpick;
- stain or gouache;
- cardboard.

Let's get to work:

1) The newspaper mode is twenty-four equal strips and with the help of a knitting needle we carefully twist ordinary tubes, fix them with PVA glue.

2) We start making a frame for a baguette. The baguette will be three-tiered. First, we glue three tubes. Why do we glue two tubes and attach them to ready-made tubes. The final step is to glue one last tube to the top of the baguette.

In the same way, we make three more blanks.

3) We take a sheet of cardboard and circle the photo in order to indicate the size of the frame. Now we fit the blanks to the cardboard and begin to measure the edges. Adjusting the corners, we use a ruler or a protractor.

We paint the resulting blanks with a stain or gouache of a dark color and leave to dry.

4) Glue the edges of the frame to the cardboard with moment glue and leave to dry. In order to hide the white edges, you can paste over the frame with dark yarn.

Now we make a hole in order to hang the frame. We make it and a cardboard square and glue it to the frame using moment glue.

You can also make a cardboard frame stand, for this we cut off an ordinary strip of cardboard, fold it and glue it to, as shown in the figure.

5) We twist loose rolls from the strips and glue the flower to decorate the frame.

6) We put the photo you like in and broadcast it on the wall or put it on the table.

As a result of our master class, we get a frame, for beauty, which can be hung on the wall or presented to a loved one.

Surely each of us has special photos that we want to put in a frame. But for a valuable and memorable picture, you need to come up with something special. For example, make a homemade frame using improvised materials. Perhaps your family has a lot of baby pictures, but no suitable framing. The main thing is to have a desire to do something unique, unrepeatable. This can help effective ideas for homemade crafts and design options for finished frames. Do-it-yourself photo frame is very simple, the main thing is to decide on the right material.

Making a children's frame

In order to decorate your product quickly and efficiently, it is not necessary to have a lot of some materials. For example, you can use ordinary puzzles. They can be painted in any color or choose the shades suitable for the photo. For parents, such an activity will be a good opportunity to decorate photos of their baby, and for children - an educational and exciting game. To decorate your frame, it is enough to glue the puzzles in a chaotic manner throughout the frame, observing an even contour along the edges.

A fun activity for a child can be a frame of discs.

For the master class you will need:

  • CDs;
  • PVA glue;
  • colored cardboard for crafts;
  • photos;
  • funny pictures.

In order to make a sun or a fish, you need to cut out a ready-made (you can print) model of a fish from colored paper and stick a disk on it. Then turn the disk over and paste the photo.

Another material for the frame can serve as the most ordinary dough. To prepare the dough, you can use flour, salt, sunflower oil and water. You need to roll out the dough to the desired thickness and cut out of it the shape of the frame that you want. Use the rest of the dough for decoration.

You can cut out some circles, hearts, little animals from the molds or make your own. Your product must be dried in the oven, and then dried for a few more days at room temperature. Then glue all the decorative elements to the base of the frame, which can also be painted in some color. A frame made of dough will look great not only in children's format, but also in various other styles.

And such frames can be sculpted from gypsum. The technology itself is much simpler than even from the test. You need to buy some interesting mold, or you can have several at once, pour diluted gypsum with water into it (the consistency is like thick sour cream). After about four hours, get it out and start coloring your creation. Great activity for kids.

Product decor

An interesting idea of ​​\u200b\u200bphoto frames will be wood decoration. You can take four approximately identical woods, use thread to wind the ends of the branches, and glue a photo on the back side. Or find a clean piece of tree bark and thread some kind of photo.

If ordinary pasta is stale in the house, then you can safely use them as a frame decoration. It is enough to take several types of pasta and glue on the frame in the order your soul desires. If desired, then you can paint the plastered frame in one or more colors. Crafts from pasta look quite extraordinary, they can even decorate the kitchen. This DIY frame will be a great gift for friends.

Everyone in the house has unnecessary pieces of wallpaper lying around after repairs. In order not to throw away such a value, you can make a very light but exclusive wallpaper frame with your own hands. All you need is cardboard, double-sided tape, pins and, accordingly, wallpaper. The frame will turn out to be very light, so you do not need to additionally hang it on nails. It is enough to wrap the cardboard with wallpaper, stick the photo on the back side and hang it on the wall with ordinary pins. Everything is very simple.

You can not stop on your achievements, but try to decorate the frame using the quilling technique. In other words, some voluminous paper crafts. It is enough to cut colored paper into strips, fold it several times, and then twist it into three-dimensional figures, for example, circles. Then stick a lot of such figures on the base of the frame.

Moreover, the same can be done with other materials. For example, a fabric frame, as an option, can be obtained using the same wrapping of cardboard, only with the use of glue. True, the fabric can be additionally decorated with various bows, beads, flowers and other things.

You can also glue foam rubber on a cardboard base under the frame, and then cover it with a cloth to make the frame look voluminous. In any case, here you can apply the scrapbooking technique, that is, already superficially decorate a soft, fabric-covered frame with additional decorative elements.

A very funny photo frame design is obtained from newspaper tubes. Even the most original photographs will look more spectacular in the frame of newspapers.

So, you will need the following materials:

  • old newspapers or magazines;
  • base frame;
  • glue;
  • wooden skewer;
  • scissors.

Now you can try step by step to consider the craft on which you need to work hard. Before you start working on the frame, you need to prepare several dozen tubes. To do this, take newspaper sheets and tightly wind them onto wooden skewers. Then fix the paper with glue.

When the glue dries, the skewer can be pulled out. It is desirable to make 60 such tubes. Then take the base frame and grease with glue. Lay the tubes so close to each other that there are no gaps.

The tubes can be glued as you like, vertically, horizontally or obliquely. It all depends on what effect is expected at the end. An interesting option turned out in the photo below, all options for gluing tubes from magazines were used.

Knitting technique

If you have a talent for knitting, you can use it to crochet a frame. First you need a ring - plastic or wooden. It needs to be tied in a circle with single crochets, and then knit with a second row of double crochets and the next row. For example, 7 double crochets in one loop, skipping 2 loops to go to make flowers. In the middle you need to insert a photo.

And if such a knitting technique does not work out, you can simply make a frame of threads. To do this, you need to take the base under the frame and wrap it with threads (thin or knitting, if desired).

Of course, you can continue and glue additional accessories on top. You can tie the frame with multi-colored threads. It all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

Video on the topic of the article

Even the most original photo will look more impressive if you put it in an unusual frame. And you can make it from almost any material. One of them is old newspapers and magazines. If weaving frames from newspapers (newspaper tubes) seems complicated and tedious to you, then there are other ways to decorate. Do you want to make a frame for a picture or a photo from a newspaper with your own hands? Then stock up on scissors and glue, and let's get started!

We will need:

  • old newspapers or magazines;
  • base frame;
  • glue;
  • wooden skewer;
  • scissors.
Interesting ideas

Decorating frames with tubes made from magazines or newspapers is easy. But this material gives room for creativity. You can cut the tubes into small pieces, and then glue them over the frame. It is not necessary to lay the tubes strictly vertically or horizontally. Asymmetric patterns, multi-colored corners and the ends of the tubes protruding beyond the borders of the base frame also look quite original and attractive. And don't forget the color scheme. By alternating tubes in colors and playing on their contrast, you can create a bright frame that lifts your spirits with just its appearance.

From newspaper tubes, you can create other crafts, for example,

What the human imagination does not invent ... In order to give a particular product, for example, embroidery, a wall toy, a photograph, a complete, neat look, of course, a frame is needed. The most common type is from a baguette, which is sold in abundance on the shelves of specialized stores. This material is beautiful, practical, you can choose any color and texture, there is only one thing - the price is not small. I offer an alternative to our needlewomen - weaving frames from newspapertubules.

This option may seem rough for some products, because newspaper weaving, like basket weaving, looks, in part, voluminous and, as it were, in a vintage style, but in this case, you can play with the color of the finish or, in general, change the weaving pattern.

In this master class, I will focus on the method of weaving "a rope of two tubes". This option is quite easy to perform, all actions are clearly visible in photo No. 2, but if you have any questions along the way, ask them in the comments to the article, we will figure it out together. A complication of this method is also possible: the use of three or more newspaper tubes, they need to be twisted in the same way, as well as when using two. In other words, this is a call for you to experiment and implement your ideas!

What you need for work:

  • newspaper tubes;
  • glue, preferably in the form of a pencil;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • thin object, such as a knitting needle.

We start by measuring the shape and size of the future frame on cardboard. It can be just a square or a rectangle (shown in the example), or maybe a circle, an oval, in general - any shape, even irregular or in the form of a polygon. There should be two such blanks, absolutely identical to each other. Now measure on the first workpiece segments of 2-3 centimeters. On these marks, stick one newspaper tube at a time, so that their edge protrudes 2-3 centimeters inward, but it is not visible from the back of the frame. Fix it well with glue and glue the second frame blank on top of the back side so that the edges match as much as possible, it is advisable to leave it under pressure until the glue is completely dry. Thus, a frame will be obtained, neat on both sides, and working tubes will come out from the middle of the joint, with which we will carry out further maneuvers.

Further, the weaving process is shown in photo No. 2, sections 4, 5. When the length of the tube ends, simply increase it by inserting the edge of the other into the working one and continue until you reach the desired width of the product. Finish: tuck the transverse base tubes one at a time and braid them, and tuck the last one and use a knitting needle to pry it under the first tube, in a word, hide the ends. The main work is done. It remains to paint. As a paint, it is better to choose wood stain, acrylic paints, food coloring. Now turn on the fullness of your imagination: you can decorate a frame of this type as you like, for example, with lace, fabric, paper flowers, ribbons, and so on.

Good luck in creativity!

Such a frame will find application in many needlewomen. You can use it for photographs, for decorating panels, for designing and styling your individual unique products.

What you will need to prepare for work:

. newspaper tubes (how to make them is described in the master class below);
. cardboard;
. ruler and a simple pencil;
. scissors;
. PVA glue;
. knitting needle.

1. We take cardboard, draw the future shape of the frame on it (it can be round, diamond-shaped, rectangular, and generally any creative shape). Then we retreat from the drawn contour about 4 centimeters upwards and in parallel we draw the second contour. Cut out. You need to make two such cardboard frames.

2. Depending on the density of weaving, we make marks on one of the frames along the outer edge every 1.5 - 3 cm.
3. Then we glue the newspaper tubes to the cardboard according to the marks. We do this so that the end of the tube closes the frame by 3 centimeters. When the tubes are laid out, you can go over the top again with glue, then take the second cardboard frame and glue it to the frame with the tubes. The edges of the frames must match.
4. Now it is advisable to put the press on the frame and wait for the glue to dry.
5. We start weaving with one tube, bend it in half, but so that one end is shorter and the other is longer. We put the working tube on the tube - the basics. Weave a "rope of two tubes" in a circle. This type of weaving is shown in the photo, it is not difficult to master it, and when everything works out, you can interpret it in different ways (use not two, but three, four tubes according to the principle of the same “rope”). When the working tubes run out, you just need to build them up by inserting the tubes one into the other and continue weaving.

6. The width of the frame can be different, you need to weave until you decide that the width is sufficient.
7. Now you need to process the edge. To do this, we bend the tubes one after the other. In the end, the last tube must be pushed under the first.
8. We hide our tubes and complete the weaving. We take a knitting needle, bend several rows of weaving under the tube and push the tube of the base inward, bringing it out through several rows, pull it up and cut it off with scissors. It's not worth pulling too hard.
9. When the frame is ready, paint it. The color palette can be very diverse. I advise you to try wood stain, food coloring or acrylic paints as paint.

Experiment with the decor of the frame, you can arrange it, for example, in the scrapbooking style, use watercolor paper flowers (there are master classes on making it on our website)! Let your work always give only positive emotions, and the products will be successful and pleasing to the eye!

Today we will learn to weave do-it-yourself paper photo frames. It will be a very beautiful addition to your photo.

In order to make a wicker frame we need:
No. 1: Newspapers (magazines)
#2: Cardboard
#3: Pen
No. 4: Ruler
No. 5: Knitting needle (one piece)
#6: Glue
No. 7: Clothespins

Let's start manufacturing

First we need to make paper tubes. We take a sheet of newspaper and cut it into strips, then we take a knitting needle and twist the tubes with it.

We grease the tip of the paper with glue, fix it and take out the knitting needle. This procedure must be repeated until you have the required number of tubes.

We take a piece of cardboard and cut out the shape of the future photo frame. Now we need to do the markup. On the right and left sides of the frame, be sure to indent 0.5 cm, then along the bottom edge of the frame, start marking with an indent of about 1.5 cm

Glue paper tubes on the marked lines. To fix, use clothespins and let dry well. Glue the tubes as shown in the photo indicated by the red arrow.

We turn the frame over, take a new tube and start weaving itself. The protruding ends of the horizontal tubes are bent to the other side of the frame, glued and fixed with a clothespin.

When the lower half of the frame is woven, we bend the vertical tubes that go in the center of the frame to the back and glue it.

Start weaving the side of the photo frame. Immediately weave one side, then the other.

The sides are ready, now we start weaving the upper part. Glue the vertical tubes on the reverse side at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other, as shown in the photo. The upper part is done in exactly the same way as the lower one.

When the weaving comes to an end, bend all the ends of the tubes to the back, glue and fix with clothespins.

While everything is drying, we take cardboard and cut out the back wall.

When you glue the cardboard, leave one side not glued, it is needed to insert a photo. Usually do not glue the top.

Also do not forget to make a stand near the frame.

The finished frame needs to be painted and varnished.

Paper photo frame ready.

MK on weaving a frame from a newspaper.

Here is a frame you can weave from newspapers or magazines.

We take 3 sticks, retreat a little and glue the 4th stick to the bottom stick. And we begin to braid it.

We follow the same distance between the tubes

I weave, holding in my hand

This is how we continue to weave

We reach the desired length of the frame (at will or according to the size of the photo or picture), bend the inner stick at an angle of 90 degrees, the middle one is 1 cm longer and the outer one is also 1 cm longer than the middle one. We do this when the stick we are braiding is located at the bottom.

We pass to the other side. The corner is left unbraided.

Weave in the same way as the long side.

Again we reach the desired length and bend the sticks in the same way, and move on to the next side.

We reach the 3rd corner. Opposite sides should be the same (measured with a ruler)

When we switched to the fourth side, you need to measure the length to match the parallel short one, and connect the sticks together (as it turns out: either stick into each other, or just stick together, you can use a stapler)

Here we have reached the first corner (or where we started to weave), the stick should also be below.

Lift it up to the corner

Going around the corner

And we begin to weave

We braid in order

Braided, turn the stick inside out and glue it there.

We pass to the next corner. Glue the stick to the lower base of the corner.