Crispy food 94 percent. Editorial phone. Where does the desire to eat something harmful come from?

Surely everyone has heard that in our brain there is a pleasure center. It guarantees: what a person enjoyed, he will remember, and will strive to experience this feeling again and again. It is good when it causes the birth of children or the maintenance of the health of the individual. But nature somewhere miscalculated. A person receives a hormone pleasure not always only from products or actions that are useful to him. This applies to addiction to alcohol, harmful substances, sweets, coffee, or equally unhealthy (junk) products.

When an action is especially pleasurable, the brain releases dopamine, the hormone of joy, a substance that causes a feeling of satisfaction. The memory of it remains, and we strive to experience it again and again. In this case, we can talk about painful dependence on a substance, product or action.

Crispy and melting goodies or junk food

In his book Why People Love Junk Food, Stephen Weatherly writes that the brain loves a mixture of salt, sugar, and fat. He gives a formula for the pleasure of eating: pleasure is made up of sensation and calories. That is, the brain, as the most delicious food, perceives a combination of high nutritional value (sugar, fat) and a certain consistency. Melting, smooth foods, such as cream on a cake, mayonnaise, chocolate, are especially pleasant to the touch with the tongue. Crispy food, such as nuts, chips, seeds, also causes pleasure.

Sweets replace movement, friendship and love

Modern man uses products to stimulate specific areas of the brain in a substitutive way. Those that are responsible for the pleasure of movement and physical activity. For the joy of friendly communication, dates or meetings with relatives. When we are unhappy, very tired, irritated or in a state of anxiety, and there is no one nearby who will understand, comfort, hug, various goodies come to our aid: cheese, chips, cakes and so on.

Chocolate, on the other hand, has a special, unrealistically attractive power for a very simple reason: it affects the same part of the brain that is responsible for sexual desire. flirting.

Delicacy easily occupies an empty niche of an acute need for desired feelings. And everything would be fine if the waist circumference did not grow from the comforting products and various diseases did not appear.

How to escape from delicious captivity?

It is quite difficult to overcome food addiction, if it has already formed, without the help of a psychotherapist, but it is possible. To get started, determine which situations provoke cravings for sweets and fatty foods.

To do this, you need to keep a diary for two weeks: write down:

  • What and at what time did you eat.
  • Did you experience hunger at the same time, or did your hand reach for a delicacy by itself, for no reason to satisfy the need for food.
  • What feelings arose.

Pretty soon you will realize that we react to many sensations as if we were hungry. For example, evening zhor can be caused by a simple feeling of fatigue. But instead of going to bed at 21 o'clock, as your body asks for, you go to the refrigerator, believing that it is too early to go to bed. Or there is no possibility: the lessons of the children have not been tested. Or not done all the necessary work around the house.

When the main causes of attacks of eating sweet, fatty or spicy are clarified, a person will be able to give the body exactly what it really needs: movement, communication, sleep. And do not replace essential needs with food. Then it will become possible to lose weight without diets.

But if you are in dire need of love, suffer from the fact that you are alone, then in this case a good psychotherapist can help you. It is always possible to cope with loneliness, lack of love, and even the loss of a loved one without replacing these feelings with sweets or other food. Books, movies, running, exercises on simulators at home. The specialist will conduct an examination and tell you what is suitable in your case as a consolation or replacement for an addiction to sweet or sour.

At all times, all depressions were perfectly treated by physical labor. This is the best way to drown out the pain in yourself and not run to the refrigerator, seizing suffering or longing. Find a way to get tired of work, not thoughts in your head.

And, for those who are losing weight, here are the five most addictive foods:
1. Chocolate.
2. Cakes and pastries.
3. Cheese, especially soft.
4. Chips and French fries.
5. Nuts and seeds.

These products are leaders in the occurrence of sweet addiction. They should be known “by sight” and, noticing in yourself the desire to consume them constantly, take action. Unless, of course, you have a desire to be treated by a specialist for addiction.

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Everyone knows that junk food is evil. We understand that poor nutrition can cause heart problems, high blood pressure and a host of other health issues. You must have even heard that fast food can cause depression. But if everything is so bad, why do you periodically have an irresistible desire to eat something harmful? Why do we keep eating hamster chips, Big Macs, overcooked thighs, donuts, and tons of incomprehensibly flavored ice cream?

Consider the problem from a scientific point of view. Beware: the data may shock you!

Where does the desire to eat something harmful come from?

Steven Witherly is a well-known food expert who has spent the last 20 years studying what makes certain foods more attractive and tasty. His research proves that when we eat delicious food, there are two factors that give us pleasure.

The first is the sensation of eating food. What it tastes like (salty, sweet, sour), what flavor and texture it has. These "oral touches" can play a very important role.

Food companies spend millions to find potato chip flavors that will blow your mind.

Their scientists are struggling to find the optimal number of gas bubbles in a can of fizz. All of these factors combine to create exactly the sensation that your brain associates with a particular food or drink.

The second is the actual amount of nutrients contained in the product: how much protein, fat, carbohydrates it contains. In the case of fast food and other types of junk food, manufacturers are looking for the perfect combination of salt, sugar and fat that would excite our brain and stimulate us to return to this product again and again.

And here's how they do it ↓

How we instill a passion for junk food

Scientists and food manufacturers use a range of tricks to make food more attractive.

Dynamic Contrast

Dynamic contrast means the combination of different sensations in one product. Stephen Weatherly gives a good explanation for this phenomenon:

Food with dynamic contrast has an edible crispy shell or crust, under which lies something tender, creamy, with a very rich taste. Many favorite but not very healthy products are produced according to this principle: caramelized or chocolate-covered ice cream, a piece of pizza, a chocolate bar - the brain perceives the game “crisp VS soft topping” as something exciting and original.

Increased salivation

Salivation is an essential part of eating. And the more salivating a food is, the longer it will stay in your mouth and the better it will cover your taste buds. For example, butter, chocolate, ice cream, mayonnaise - increase salivation, which helps to cover more taste buds, which means it is better to taste the rich taste of the product. This is one of the reasons why many people like food flavored with sauces or glazes. Foods that stimulate salivation are tap dancing in your brain. Therefore, it seems to us that they are tastier than those that are not covered with sauces or glazed.

Junk food "melts in your mouth" and seems to be non-caloric

Foods that are eaten quickly and literally “melt in your mouth” make you think that you are eating very little (when in fact you are eating a lot). In other words, such food seems to “say” to your brain: “you are not full,” even though many calories have already been eaten. The result: you overeat.

The same Stephen Viterly explains the “disappearing calorie content” of junk food like this:

Chips are one of the most ingeniously created foods on the planet, and a real treat. If something quickly melts in your mouth, your brain thinks that there are no calories in the product, and you can continue to eat it for at least an eternity.

Taste sensitivity

The brain loves variety. When it comes to food, if you taste the same taste over and over again, then over time you will get less pleasure from that food. In other words, the sensitivity of this specific taste sensor decreases over time. For this, a few minutes are enough.

However, junk food can fool the taste sensor. These foods are just so full of flavor that your brain won't get tired of eating them. At the same time, junk food deftly balances on the edge and does not provide excessive stimulation. Therefore, from its consumption, taste sensitivity is not dulled.


Junk foods, in particular, are designed to convince your brain that you are not full, but just snacking. Taste buds in your mouth and stomach send information to your brain about how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates a particular food contains, as well as how nutritious it is for you. In the case of junk food, the brain seems to say: “Yes, this will give us some energy, but not enough to feel full.” At first, there is an irresistible desire to eat this attractive muck, but in order to fill up on it, some time must pass.

Memories of past taste experiences

This is where the psychobiology of far from useful products is specifically aimed at working against us. When you eat something unhealthy but delicious (like chips), your brain remembers that feeling. The next time you see this product, smell it, or even just read something about it, your brain will begin to remember all the sensations that you experienced while eating it. These memories can trigger physical responses such as salivation, increased appetite, which is what you feel when you think about your favorite foods or dishes.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude the following:

Food companies spend millions of dollars to develop addictive products.

But what can we do about it? Is there a way to resist all this junk food science?

How to break the habit of eating junk food

Good news right now! Research shows that the less junk food you eat, the less you crave it. After you start eating right, you will gradually notice that you crave ice cream, chips, crackers or some purple-green marmalade less and less. But it will take some time for you to reprogram.

Here are 3 methods to help you transition into a life without junk food with minimal waste:

Bulk products and the 5-ingredient rule

Best strategy: Avoid packaged foods. Instead, opt for whole foods that you can feel in your hands: fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, etc. Of course, not all products in the package are harmful. However, by following this strategy, you will be able to avoid buying a lot of junk food.

Also follow the 5 Ingredients Rule when shopping for items in the store. If something has more than 5 ingredients, don't buy it. Avoid such products and try to choose natural and organic ones.

Eat a variety of foods

As mentioned above, the brain craves novelty. You can vary your diet so that the products do not bother. To do this, just add new spices and seasonings to your dishes. Then the food will sparkle with new colors and aromas, become more appetizing and desirable. Even if you dip an ordinary carrot into a creamy sauce, it will no longer seem so bland and boring.

It doesn't have to be something bland or tasteless. Mix foods for different flavor combinations and sensations. Believe me, it is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance.

Find alternative stress management options

One of the common reasons why people eat so much junk food is to try to cope with stress. The fact is that stress stimulates certain areas of the brain to produce certain chemicals (in particular, opiates and neuropeptides). They can cause something similar to a craving for fatty or sugary foods. In other words, when you're stressed, your brain crave something fatty or sweet - so you eat junk food again and again.

Stressful situations are present in everyone's life. However, the ability to deal with stress in a different way can help overcome. It can be anything: both simple and both physical exercises and art classes.

The habit of eating junk food and fast food is flawed. These products are like drugs - they make you "prick" them again and again.

Agree that the words that you must show willpower, stop eating this garbage and start eating exclusively healthy food from tomorrow will not work. It is much more important to understand the science of junk food, the psychology of its creation and promotion to the masses.

Plate with snacks

Put on a CD with your favorite movie, wrap yourself in a blanket… What could be nicer?! Perhaps only one thing is missing - something to crunch!

Those who are on diets can cut a cucumber beautifully or carrot. But at least once in your life you can treat yourself to not always dietary, but so tasty snacks, How snacks , chips and other homemade crisps.

Today has the best recipes for crispy snacks!

Crispy appetizer of king prawns

Recipe for king prawns with soy sauce.

What do you need:

  • 900 g king prawns
  • 1 egg
  • 1 st. a spoonful of flour
  • 3–4 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce
  • 1–2 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs
  • Olive or sunflower oil for frying
  • Salt to taste

How to cook crispy king prawns appetizer:

  1. Peel the shrimp and pour over the soy sauce. Leave to marinate.
  2. At this time, prepare the batter: combine the egg, flour, salt and 2-3 tablespoons of water. Mix well. The batter should be fairly liquid.
  3. Dip the shrimp one at a time, first in the batter, then in the breadcrumbs. Fry very quickly in oil on both sides.
  4. Serve with cream or garlic sauce.
  5. crispy snack of king prawns is ready.

Bon appetit!

Spicy almonds with paprika

Recipe for an appetizer of almonds with paprika.

What do you need:

  • 300 g almonds
  • 1/3 teaspoon paprika
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Salt to taste

How to cook spicy almonds with paprika:

  1. Roast almonds for 1 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil until brown.
  2. Let cool.
  3. Sprinkle with paprika and salt to taste. Put the almonds in a container with a lid and shake well so that the spices are distributed over all the nuts.
  4. Spicy paprika almonds are ready.

Bon appetit!

Potato chips

Potato chips recipe.

What do you need:

  • 4 potato tubers
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil to taste

How to make potato chips:

  1. Mix flour, baking powder, salt. Add a little water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Potato clean, cut into thin slices.
  3. Dip potatoes in batter and deep fry on both sides.
  4. Fried potato slices can be lightly dried with a napkin.
  5. Potato chips ready.

Bon appetit!

Fried cheese slices

Fried cheese and egg appetizer recipe.

What do you need:

  • 300 g hard cheese
  • 1–2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • Vegetable oil to taste

How to cook grilled cheese slices:

  1. Cheese cut into thin slices. In a bowl, break and mix the eggs.
  2. Dip the cheese first into the egg mixture, then lightly roll in the flour. Fry on both sides in a pan with oil.
  3. Fried slices cheese ready.

Bon appetit!

Caramel Crispy Popcorn

Brown sugar popcorn recipe.

What do you need:

  • 4-5 cups freshly made regular popcorn
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons

How to make caramel crunchy popcorn:

  1. Oil and sugar whisk together until fluffy.
  2. Mix popcorn with sweet "sauce", put in a large form. Bake 8 minutes.
  3. Caramel crunchy popcorn is ready.

Bon appetit!

Carrot snacks

Recipe for snacks from carrots and semolina.

What do you need:

  • 3 carrots
  • 3 art. spoons of semolina
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar
  • Vegetable oil to taste

How to make carrot snacks:

  1. Carrot boil until done. Remove the skin, grate.
  2. Mix carrots with sugar and semolina.
  3. Make strips or balls from the carrot mixture. Fry in oil on both sides.
  4. Carrot snacks ready.

Bon appetit!

Mushrooms in a crispy "fur coat"

Recipe for champignons with flour, cumin and egg.

What do you need:

  • 300 g champignons
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil to taste

How to cook champignons in a crispy "fur coat":

  1. Divide mushrooms into stems and caps. Boil with cumin and salt until tender. Dry with a towel.
  2. Beat flour, egg, sugar and a little salt.
  3. Dip mushrooms in batter and fry in oil on both sides.
  4. 1/4 teaspoon soda
  5. Vegetable oil to taste
  6. How to cook prunes in batter:

    1. Pour prunes with boiling water for 5 minutes. Dry, stuff with crushed nuts. Prick each berry on a skewer or toothpick.
    2. Whisk eggs, flour and soda together.
    3. Dip prunes in batter and deep-fry until appetizing crust.
    4. Prunes in batter are ready.

    Bon appetit!