Calculate how many full years. Age calculation. Astrology and horoscopes

Calculate age in Excel possible by - in different ways: either only years, or years, months and days. Calculate age for today or a specific date. There are several options.
First option.
How to calculate the number of years, months and days of age in Excel.

How to set the current date, see the article "current date in excel".
In cell C1, write the formula:
Let me explain the formula:
RAZDAT is the name of the function.
y - counts years
ym - counts the months
md - counts days
"year", "month", "day" written between signs & - so the years, months and days in the final date will be signed.
How to calculate the experience with this function so that years, months and days are recorded in different columns for further addition, see the article " Calculate experience in Excel".
How to enter a cell address quickly, see the article "Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division in Excel".
If you need to calculate the age of a person on a specific date (not the current one), then in cell B2 we write this date.
Second option.
If enough count the number of full years, then we do this.
Cell A1 contains the date of birth.
Cell B2 contains the current date, if we need to calculate the age for today, or there is a date for which we need to calculate the age.
In cell D1, write the formula. We put "Equal", then we find the function "SHARE OF THE YEAR". It is located on the "Formulas" -> "Date and Time" tab. In the dialog box that appears, specify the addresses of cells with dates.
In the line "Start_date" we put the address of the cell with the date of birth.
In the line "End_date" we put the address of the cell with today's (current) date. It turned out like this.
In this window, the result of the count (54.85) is already visible. Click "OK". The resulting formula is:
It turned out 54 years. And the numbers after the decimal point (85) are not months. They need to be removed, rounded off, but according to a special formula. It's easy.In cell E1, set the function "ROUND DOWN".
There is also the "ROUNDDOWN" function - it does not suit us now.
So, go to the tab "Formulas" -> "Library of functions" -> "Insert function". The Function Wizard window will appear.
In the "Category" section, select "Math". In the "Select a function" window, select "RIGHT BOTTOM". Click "OK".
In the dialog box, in the "Number" line, specify the address of the cell with the number that we want to round.
In the line "Accuracy" we put the unit. It turned out like this.

Click "OK". The result is already visible in this window (54).The resulting formula is:=RIGHTDOWN(D1,1)
All. It turned out such a sign.
You can hide a column D and column B (for example, in the questionnaire).Right-click on the letter D (column address), select "Hide".
Third option.
How to calculate the number of full years in Excel can be calculated as well.
Cell A1 contains the date of birth.
Cell B2 contains the current date if we need to calculate the age for today.
In cell C1, write the formula:
Date cells must be formatted as "Date".Where to find this function and how to install it, see the article “Excel number. Format"

With Excel, you can calculate a person's age in many ways. The table below shows the main methods you need to follow to do this with datetime functions.

To use these examples in Excel, select the data in the table, then right-click it and select Copy. Open a new sheet, right-click cell a1 and select command Paste Options _Gr_ Preserve Source Formatting.





The result is the person's age - the difference between today and the date of birth in cell A2.

This example uses the year and Now functions.


The age of a person who was born in 1960, without using cell references.


Calculates the yearly difference between dates in A5 and A3.


Calculates the age between the dates in A5 and A6, which is 12.08.

To account for a leap year that occurs every 4 years, 365.25 is used in the formula.


Calculates the number of days between two dates without using cell references (153.


Number of days between two dates using two date functions.


The number of months between cell a3 and the current date.

This example contains calls to the YEAR function, the NOW function, and the MONTH function.


The number of full business days between the two dates in cells A2 and A3, which is 107. Business days do not include weekends or holidays. The last argument, A3:A5, contains a list of holidays to subtract from workdays.

This example uses the NETWORKDAYS function.

= DAYS 360 (A2; A3; TRUE)

The number of days between the two dates in cells A2 and A3, which is 570. This depends on the 360-day year (12 30-day months) that is commonly used in accounting calculations.

This example uses the DAYS360 function.


Convert this value to , which should be 1/2/2014, which is four months (or -4) before the date in cell A3.

This example uses the DATEMESS function to calculate the maturity date of banknotes.

Directly, suddenly it is not such a terrible secret as it might seem to you. In the event that he rudely refused you, do not despair. You can try to find out the age from your mutual friends, usually at least someone has such information. An investigation among the relatives of a mysterious person can also be used, usually other people are not used to making a big secret from someone else's date.

Take a look at your passport , whose age you are so interested in. The date of birth is always mentioned there. Depending on the month, and add or subtract the year as needed. However, remember that fake passports are not uncommon these days. Therefore, if the passport is fake, then the date of birth is unlikely to correspond to the actual state of affairs.

Refer to the various social networks and Internet portals on which this person is registered. Usually in such places the date of birth is indicated, but it must be borne in mind that a huge number of users of such resources prefer to hide their age, and sometimes even indicate the wrong one in order to mislead people like you, or maybe just out of boredom. In any case, do not blindly believe the information in social networks.

Find out the person's belonging to the eastern horoscope. Of course, we are talking about the Chinese interpretation. As you know, the signs are painted by year, so it will not be difficult to determine what year the person you need is born. However, in order to apply this method, it is necessary to at least remotely assume the desired age. Because this or that sign is repeated with an interval of twelve years. In the event that you have seen a person in a photograph or in real life, this will be very easy to do.

It is not always possible to determine the exact date of the founding of cities with a long history. Such settlements were not created in one day, but were formed over decades, or even centuries. This fully applies to Moscow. The day when the capital of present-day Russia was founded is the date when Moscow was first mentioned in the annals.

Year of birth of Moscow

Chronicle legends say that in the early spring of 1147, the Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky went with his retinue to Novgorod, after which he sent a message to his ally, Prince Svyatoslav Seversky. In a letter, which is given in the Ipatiev Chronicle, Yuri invited his comrade-in-arms to come "to Moscow." This is the first mention of Moscow, which has come down to the present time.

Accompanied by his son Oleg, Svyatoslav arrived in Moscow City with rich gifts. On April 4, 1147, a feast took place in the city, news of which quickly spread throughout the Russian lands. After this event, Moscow became widely known. Of course, the city is very conditional, because Moscow existed as a fairly large settlement long before the meeting of the Russian princes.

From the history of Moscow

The settlement, which later turned into a city that became the capital of Russia, apparently existed on the banks of the Neglinnaya River and the Moscow River one and a half to two centuries before it was first mentioned in the annals. It is to these times that researchers attribute the earliest archaeological finds discovered at the site of the ancient settlement. In these parts, most likely, in earlier times the tribes of Krivichi and Vyatichi lived.

According to legend, the Moscow lands were until some time the patrimony of the family of the boyar Stepan Kuchka, who ruled here with his sons. A bunch subsequently fell out of favor, was accused of treason and executed on the orders of Yuri Dolgoruky. The prince turned the lands belonging to the boyar into his own property. Few now remember Kuchka, but the name of Prince Yuri is always mentioned when talking about the founder of Moscow.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Moscow acquired the status of the center of the principality. During the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar army, the city was severely tested. The chronicles of those times contain references to villages, monasteries and churches located near Moscow, which were subjected to devastating raids by foreign invaders. The city by that time was a rich settlement, administrative and economic center.

The growth of the city and the strengthening of its power was determined by geographical conditions. The Moscow River was a very convenient place in military and economic terms, which determined the subsequent importance of the city for Rus'. From here it was possible to get to the Volga trade route and even to the Baltic. Moving from Moscow to the east, the traveler found himself on his way to the Oka and Volga, from where he could even reach the Caspian Sea.

To calculate age or seniority, we will use an undocumented Excel function - RAZDAT()(in the English version of Excel - DATEDIF())

The description of this function is only in the English help, it cannot be called in the standard way, it is saved in Excel only for compatibility with old versions of Excel and Lotus 1-2-3

But despite this, if we write it in Excel, then it will work fine in all versions of Excel without the need to include or install anything additionally.

Function Syntax RAZDAT()with which we will calculate the age or experience of a person as follows:

= RATEDAT(start_date ; end_date ; method_of_measurement)

start_date- this is the date of reference, if we calculate the age, then this is the date of birth, if we calculate the length of service, then this is the date of employment.

final date- this is the date for which we need to calculate this or that value. If we consider the length of service and age, then as a rule, it is required to calculate for today's number. That is, what is the length of service of the employee from the beginning of the date of employment to the present day. Similarly for the date of birth. The current date can be inserted manually, but if you open the file the next day, then today's date will turn into yesterday, so you can use the function TODAY() , which will automatically insert today's date whenever the file is updated. Thus you have work experience or age will be calculated automatically in Excel every time the file is opened.

Particular attention should be paid to the last argument - method_of_measurement An that specifies the type and unit of measure between start and end dates. All possible variants of this argument are listed below:

  • "y" date difference in full years
  • "m" date difference in full months
  • "d" date difference in full days
  • "yd" date difference in days since the beginning of the year, excluding years
  • "md" date difference in days, excluding months and years
  • "ym" date difference in full months, excluding years

RAZNDAT(A2 ;B2 ;"y" )

In the English version of Excel =DATEDIF(A2;B2;"y")

Or you can delete the second column and write the formula = RAZDAT (A2 ;Today() ;"y" )

Most importantly, while date and month of birth will be taken into account, for example, if today would be 04/10/2014 (in the example in the picture), then the age would not be 31, but 30 years, since the birthday in 2014 has not yet arrived.

If you want to specify the length of service in full, for example “2 years 3 months. 4 days", then the formula will look like this:

DIFFERENT(A2 ;B2 ;" y" )& "y" & DIFFERENT(A2 ;B2 ;"ym" )& "month" & DIFFERENT(A2 ;B2 ;"md" )& "day"

in the English version of Excel =DATEDIF (A2;B2; "y")& "Year"&DATEDIF (A2;B2; "ym")& "Month" »&DATEDIF(A2;B2; "md")& " days "

Here we first calculate the number of complete years "y", then the number of complete months excluding years "ym" and the last one is "MD" - the difference of dates, excluding months and years. After that, all these and we get the result we need.

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Calculating a person's age is not the easiest task, because age depends not only on the current year, but also on the current day. And you have to take into account the additional complexities associated with leap years.

In this article, I present three methods for calculating a person's age. These formulas assume that cell B1 contains a date of birth (for example, 2/16/1952) and cell B2 stores the current date (calculated using the function TODAY).

Method 1

Method 2

A more accurate way to calculate age is using the function SHARE YEAR:=INTEGER(YEARSHARE(B2,B1)) . Function SHARE YEAR usually used in financial calculations, but works great for calculating age. This function calculates the fraction of a year represented by the number of full days between two dates. Function use WHOLE allows you to get rid of the fractional part and get an integer.

Method 3

The third method for calculating age uses the function RAZDAT. This undocumented function is not described in the Excel help system: =DIFFAT(B1,B2,"Y") .

If you like precision, then use a different version: = DIFFERENT(B1;B2;"y")&" year, "&RADIAT(B1;B2;"ym"&" month, "&RADIAT(B1;B2;"md") &" day") . This function returns a text string, for example: 24 years, 2 months, 21 days.