Sweating in a child: symptoms, treatment and prevention. What does sweating look like in children. Prickly heat in a newborn: photos, symptoms and methods of treatment of prickly heat on the face and body of a baby

Manifestations of rashes on the body during the development of certain diseases are a common occurrence in the 21st century. One of these ailments is sweating in children. Photos, symptoms and treatment will be discussed in the article. This specific form of dermatitis and the processes associated with it is formed during skin irritation that occurs due to excessive sweating of the baby. Usually, children at an early age and newborns are affected by the disease, since their skin is extremely delicate. The prognosis of the disease will be favorable if the disease is recognized in a timely manner and the adoption of effective methods of therapy is started.

What does prickly heat look like in children photo

Children's skin is the element most often exposed to the negative influence of external factors. Indeed, in infants, this organ cannot even cope with a strong release of sweat, therefore, the phenomenon is often accompanied by the occurrence of prickly heat. The disease is red. This disease can manifest itself in various skin areas, with the formation of small and larger vesicles with a whitish tint.

These formations do not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby if timely treatment measures are taken. But often itching occurs, which leads to the desire of the baby to itch, and this, in turn, entails the likelihood of infection.

Reasons for the formation of the disease

There are several factors that cause this disease. There are several highlights among them.

  • Wearing overly tight clothing made from synthetic fabrics.
  • The use of low-quality diapers and hygiene products for the baby.
  • Wearing clothes by the baby that is not suitable for the weather (too warm), in this situation, the baby's skin may not be able to cope with excess heat, so they emit a large amount of sweat.
  • Sometimes the disease can manifest itself due to the fullness of the child, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds formed on the legs, arms, neck.
  • It often manifests itself in case of increased body temperature of the baby, when it releases a large amount of sweat.

To overcome the disease, it is necessary to look for negative factors that affect the state of health, and then proceed to eliminate them. This will prevent all threats to the health and life of the baby.

Sweating in a child symptoms and types

There are several types of the disease, respectively - they all have different symptoms.

crystal prickly heat

This is exactly the direction that is typical for children. The symptomatology is presented by the appearance of vesicles on the whole body or its separate areas, with a diameter of not more than 1 mm. These elements are able to merge and form larger zones. Sometimes they can burst and dry out, during which crusts and peeling, infections form, pustular formations develop.

The disease is localized in different bodily areas - it manifests itself (mainly on the forehead), neck, back, shoulders. Acutely negative processes accompanying the disease include increased skin swelling and itching, especially in childhood, while the disease can be confused with other diseases (chicken pox, measles). There may be an attachment of a secondary infectious process of rapid progression, which entails the formation of diaper rash.

red prickly heat

This form of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of small vesicles and nodules, reaching a diameter of 2 mm. All elements are filled with the contents of a turbid composition; around the formations there is a red corolla with missing clear boundaries. Bubbles cannot merge into a single field, they show severe itching, especially when sweating increases, and the air and skin temperature rises.

Most often, the localization of this formation occurs in areas of natural increased friction - in the area of ​​​​the buttocks, under the diaper, between the ribs of the baby. This type of prickly heat usually occurs in adults, although it can occur in children. There are marked inflammations at the bases of the vesicles, giving the rash a red color. These formations are usually homogeneous and single, that is, they cannot merge.

papular miliaria

This form of the disease usually occurs when hot summer conditions are observed, accompanied by high air humidity. With this type of ailment, rashes form on the skin in the form of blisters that have a flesh color, on average, their diametrical indicator is 1-2 mm. Such phenomena usually occur on the lateral surfaces, chest and abdomen. Also often manifested and. In addition to the main manifestations of the disease, there are peeling and dryness on the skin, which leads to severe itching and discomfort. This type of disease, although less often diagnosed in children, still occurs, and requires the use of timely measures to treat the disease.

deep prickly heat

This is another type of disease, when it arises and disappears extremely abruptly. Sometimes the disease does not require the adoption of measures for treatment. The disease is localized in any place that is affected by the causative factor. Most often in children, the disease is characteristic of the face, groin area, back, neck, face, buttocks, limbs. in this case, it can manifest itself on several skin parts at once, in most situations this indicates that an uncomfortable temperature regime has been created for the child in the room.

Sweating in newborns photos and what it looks like

When there is an increase in the temperature regime in the room, the protection mechanisms are turned on in the body, and the pores begin to open. After that, a body-cooling sweat emerges. If there is a large amount of sebum in the glands, and there is also a blockage of pores with cosmetics, sweating noticeably suffers. There is a slow evaporation of the liquid, during which irritation and redness are formed.

The composition of sweat contains a large amount of salts and other substances with increased active activity, it is these elements that have a very irritating effect on the skin. If you do not take up the timely elimination of excess sweat, the microbes that are there begin to act on the skin. As a result, the sweat glands become inflamed, prickly heat is formed, minor irritability occurs, which is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. which are presented in the article, has a certain form, depending on the type of disease.

Usually, the irritant leaves small spots with a transparent color on the skin, having a maximum size of 2 mm. Sometimes they have smaller parameters. Localization of different types of the disease can occur in all parts of the body, so it is important to know when to take treatment measures to get rid of the rash, itching and discomfort. The appearance of all prickly heat has many similarities, so it will not be difficult to recognize the problem.

Prickly heat in children photos of places of localization

The places where the disease prefers to stay are determined by the type of disease, as well as the factor that provoked the development of prickly heat. However, no one is immune from the formation of this disease, which can occur even in infants. Therefore, parents should know all the places where the disease can be located in order to detect it in a timely manner and begin to implement a set of therapeutic measures.

  • Prickly heat on the inner sides of the limbs - arms and legs. This phenomenon can occur due to restlessness and excessive tearfulness of the baby, because with nervousness, palms and feet sweat a lot.

  • Prickly heat in babies in the groin and buttocks occurs due to neglect of hygiene rules by parents and / or due to wearing low-quality diapers.

  • On the back, prickly heat also occurs frequently, which may be due to wearing poor-quality clothing or excessive activity of the child, unfavorable temperature conditions in the room.

  • Armpit sweating can also occur in children, it is logical that this process is associated with increased sweating of the baby, most often occurs in obese children.

  • On the face and neck, prickly heat appears in the summer, when the heat begins. Overly caring parents tend to dress their baby warmer, which is not always good for him.

  • On the abdomen and chest - in these places the disease also often manifests itself due to increased sweating, poor-quality clothing materials and other factors.

Prickly heat in children, a photo, the symptoms and treatment of which requires a lot of effort, has several places of localization.

Red prickly heat in children treatment

Children do not have special medicines and pills for the treatment of this ailment, but parents are able to create conditions to ensure the removal of itching and discomfort, for this it is necessary to follow the general set of rules.

  • Buy only 100% natural clothes for your baby.
  • Keep your baby without a diaper for as long as possible.
  • Areas with education are regularly wiped with a swab dipped in cool water.
  • After bathing, allow the skin to dry without wiping it with a towel.
  • Keep the child undressed for as long as possible, spend air baths.
  • It is not recommended to use special lotions, ointments and other cosmetics, especially if they are not 100% organic.

With the formation of an abundant type of rash in a baby, it is necessary to consult a specialist. It is also necessary to deal with the elimination of the causal factor that caused the appearance of spots and.

You can add herbs to bathing baths, which have an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This is chamomile, succession, St. John's wort. During treatment, you can not use cosmetics and baby powder. So, we examined what prickly heat is in children, photos, symptoms. And the treatment of this disease should be carried out in accordance with the necessary features.

Preventive measures

  1. strict observance of hygiene rules on the body of the child and cleanliness in the house;
  2. lack of excessive wrapping of the baby and moderate dressing;
  3. indoor temperature should not be uncomfortable and exceed 25 degrees, so regular ventilation of the room and air humidification measures will help solve the problem;
  4. in the hot season it is worth frequent bathing the baby;
  5. regular checks of the condition of the skin will allow timely detection of the disease;
  6. The use of high-quality diapers is the key to good health of the child.

With a competent approach to therapeutic measures, it will be possible to achieve a positive effect.

Ointments and creams for prickly heat in children: the best remedies

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large number of means to eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon as prickly heat. The applied emulsions, solutions, creams will help relieve the baby from the unpleasant sensation of itching and give him a great mood, and parents - maximum peace of mind. We examined what prickly heat is in children, photos, symptoms. And treatment is the only thing left to pay attention to.

home solutions

All remedies are effective in getting rid of rashes caused by profuse sweating. Accordingly, their action will allow you to get rid of itching and other unpleasant sensations.

  • Soda solution is made from baking soda in the amount of a teaspoon and a glass of drinking water. After wetting a cotton pad with the solution, treat the skin several times a day.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate of a pale pink hue with water. If you wipe prickly heat 2-3 times a day with moistened cotton, you can avoid itching, rashes and complications.
  • Starch solution involves adding a small amount of starch to the water (80 grams per glass of water). Such a tool can be used when taking baths (bathing).

Ointments against prickly heat

Special ointments should also not be ignored, because for all their effectiveness they are inexpensive and allow you to quickly achieve results.

  • Zinc ointment is the most popular remedy designed to fight diseases, even in advanced cases. It is necessary to apply it by means of a thin layer on the cleansed skin of the child 3 times a day.
  • NYSTATIN is a popular remedy that is applied alone or together with the previous composition, also several times a day.
  • BEPANTEN - ointment provides the skin with proper nutrition, restoration and gives a healthy and attractive appearance.

Prickly heat in children, a photo whose symptoms and treatment require study, also involves the use of special cream formulations.

Creams for prickly heat

If the skin is prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to use special creams to improve its general condition.

  • DESITIN - is widely used for the skin of newborns.
  • MUSTELA is a versatile and particularly effective product.
  • SUDOCREAM can also be used to eliminate prickly heat in children.
  • EMOLIUM - the benefit lies in the presence in the composition of plants.

Do you know what sweating is in children? Photos, symptoms and treatment carried out? Leave your opinions or

Unlike adults, the skin of a newborn is quite delicate, so it is excessively susceptible to the negative influence of the external environment. In addition, the skin of an infant who is not yet a year old cannot independently cope with profuse sweating.

That is why prickly heat often appears on the skin of newborns.

What is called sweating?

This skin disease is not dangerous if the baby's parents take appropriate medical measures. However, the risk of infection will increase significantly if the child has time to comb the affected skin.

Why are babies most susceptible to it?

As we have already noted, children's skin is characterized by some physiological features. For example, the skin of a newborn is many times thinner than the skin of an adult, therefore, it is more vulnerable and tender.

The skin of the baby also has a huge number of superficial, blood vessels that stimulate the skin to breathe. A plentiful blood supply contributes to the fact that skin infections spread rapidly throughout the body.

The sweat glands and sebaceous glands in a newborn are still poorly developed, so the thermoregulatory function of the skin is imperfect before the age of one. The baby quickly overheats and supercools.

In addition, the skin of young children practically does not produce pigment, so it reacts to heat exposure with the appearance of prickly heat.

Causes of baby sweating

To date, there are many known causes of prickly heat in infants. The most frequent are:

  • too warm clothes
  • loose hair,
  • uncomfortable collar,
  • wearing a support collar during the first weeks of life,
  • tight swaddling baby.

Potnichka, although not an infectious disease, is able to rapidly spread throughout the body, capturing more and more new areas. For example, prickly heat in newborns on the face often appears due to prickly heat in the neck.

A characteristic red rash on the back can appear if the baby is dressed in tight clothes, or if the baby is too active. Also, the disease can manifest itself if the baby has to lie on his back for a long time due to any disease.

Exogenous causes

Improper baby skin care

The most significant cause of the exogenous type is non-compliance with the rules of hygienic care for the newborn. Every fidget child is exposed to pollution every day, so hygiene must be strictly observed every day.

Improper care causes the appearance of pathogenic microbes on the surface of the skin, which multiply and leave their waste products. Such products become a barrier to the optimal excretory function of children's skin.

Synthetic clothing

Among the main causes are also failures of the respiratory function of the skin. In such cases, prickly heat can occur if the newborn wears tight, tight clothing, especially if it is made of synthetics.

Use of oily creams

The reason may also be the use of oily creams with a protective effect for baby skin care. This is explained by the fact that such a cosmetic product is poorly absorbed by the skin, creating a thin, imperceptible film on its surface, which disrupts both the skin's breathing function and the excretion function.

Endogenous causes

Alkaline Ph level of the skin

This group of reasons refers to the physiological characteristics of children's skin. Ph of the skin of a newborn is 6.7, while in an adult, the Ph level is as close as possible to the acid value and is 4.5 - 5.5. Therefore, the excretory and protective functions of children's skin are weaker than those of adults.

Poorly developed thermoregulation

The work of the thermoregulatory system is concentrated in a certain area of ​​the brain, which controls the activity of the sweat glands and sebaceous glands. It is the brain that gives the human body signals that it is overheated or overcooled, in order to increase the release of heat or save it.

This system in the baby still does not work well enough, and therefore prickly heat appears.

What does prickly heat look like in newborns: types and symptoms

Symptoms of a skin disease directly depend on its type. Modern doctors distinguish three types of prickly heat, the rash in which is visually different.

The photo shows how the rash may look externally:

crystal prickly heat

It appears as small but frequent blisters on the skin of the face and body. The diameter of such a bubble filled with liquid does not exceed two millimeters, but over time they can combine into fairly large bubbles.

In most cases, prickly heat of this type does not bring discomfort to the newborn and disappears quickly enough.

red prickly heat

It is characterized by the uniform appearance of bubbles and nodules of red color, which do not merge together. The base of such a rash in newborns becomes inflamed, so the affected skin is likely to itch and bake, which will negatively affect the baby's well-being.

deep prickly heat

In the vast majority of cases, it becomes the result of undertreated prickly heat. It appears as flesh-colored vesicles with an inflamed, red base. Most often, the rash appears abruptly in spots, and also disappears abruptly. Treatment does not require any serious measures.

Where does it most often occur?

The area of ​​localization of prickly heat can be absolutely any, but most often the rash in newborns affects the back, natural folds, inner thighs and arms, inguinal region, appears on the neck, buttocks, and face.

A rash can appear simultaneously in several places, which most often indicates a failure to comply with a comfortable temperature regime for the baby.

How to distinguish prickly heat from an allergic rash?

Most modern parents confuse prickly heat with the manifestation of allergic dermatitis, which is often complicated by infections.

An allergic rash itches much more strongly, so the baby can comb the foci of the disease, injuring the skin. Microtrauma becomes a habitat for pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation. Unlike prickly heat, an allergic rash can be “weepy”, and as it heals, it can become covered with a crust.

An important difference between an allergic reaction and prickly heat is also flaky red spots that appear mainly on the cheekbones, cheeks or chin of the child.

The skin of a newborn that is affected by allergies can dry and crack. An allergic rash also, unlike prickly heat, will never disappear by itself.

How to cure sweating in a newborn?

To cure prickly heat in a newborn, as a rule, you do not need to undergo any serious course of treatment. However, when it first appears, it is very advisable to visit a pediatrician or dermatologist in order to exclude outwardly similar diseases.

In most cases, to eliminate the rash, it is enough to follow the general recommendations for caring for a child - they are also the main preventive measures against the appearance of prickly heat in newborns.

  1. It is not recommended to dress the child too warmly. His clothes should not be tight and synthetic.
  2. Diapers should be used only from breathable materials and from trusted manufacturers.
  3. Particular attention must be paid to the room where the baby lives. The optimum temperature regime is 23 - 24 degrees. The living quarters must be constantly ventilated. Every day before going to bed, it is necessary to open the window in the room where the newborn will sleep for 15 - 20 minutes.


Bathing a newborn baby should also be daily. After bathing, the mother should carefully dry all the natural folds of the child, paying special attention to the inguinal zone and the neck fold zone.

Baths with herbs and potassium permanganate

Baths with potassium permanganate and herbs will help to effectively get rid of the rash. The amount of potassium permanganate for water procedures should not be too large; barely pinkish water is suitable for bathing.

Potassium permanganate in excess can further irritate the skin and even cause burns, so use it very carefully and in small quantities.

If we talk about herbal infusions, a string, chamomile, celandine, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow are perfect.

Powder use

After the newborn takes a healing bath, parents can use talc or a special powder. These products are excellent at drying out the skin.

Most modern powders also include zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Use of ointments and creams

If we talk about medical treatment, you can use ointments. The most popular today are zinc ointment and Bepanten. At the same time, if prickly heat occurs, the child's parents should refuse to apply baby creams to his skin, which make it difficult for her to breathe normally.

When should you urgently see a doctor?

If a skin bacterial infection has been added, the newborn should be immediately shown to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to give the right recommendations and choose the best course of treatment when it comes to treating a complex form of a rash.

Most often, in such cases, the attending physician prescribes a complex treatment, including lotions on the affected skin, the use of immunomodulators, drying ointments, antihistamines and various antibacterial drugs.

Prevention of sweating in babies

Air baths

Preventive measures that are necessary in order not to treat baby sweat in the future are to take not only water, but also air baths. The child should be undressed for 20-30 minutes.

It is best if the mother wears a diaper to the newborn only during walks and sleep. Hygiene care must be daily and thorough.

Refusal of dense protective and moisturizing creams

Also, one of the most effective ways of prevention is the refusal to use creams with a moisturizing and protective effect. Most parents, mistakenly believing the child's skin is dry, use them too often, which often causes prickly heat.

Very often, many parents are faced with such a problem as prickly heat in a child. Initially, it seems that it will not bring anything terrible, but this is not at all the case, because its consequences can be very different. How to cure prickly heat in a child?

Briefly about the treatment of prickly heat in children

Prickly heat is a skin disease that occurs with excessive sweating. As a result, rashes appear in the form of small pink or red spots. Also, the rash may look like bubbles with a cloudy liquid. Over time, they burst, and the skin, as a rule, begins to peel off. After that, there are no traces of the presence of such spots on the skin.

Basically, a baby's sweatshop appears in such places as the neck, buttocks, back, armpits and head.

This ailment does not affect the general condition of the child much. Basically, the main troubling symptom of prickly heat in a child is an unpleasant itch. Because of this, the baby begins to act up more. If you do not start treatment of prickly heat in children in a timely manner, then this phenomenon can go into a more advanced stage with an increase in body temperature, resulting in dermatitis or other skin diseases.

Given this, many mothers want to know how to treat prickly heat in a child?

The main ways to deal with prickly heat at the initial stage

Treatment of prickly heat in a child should begin with a decrease in the amount of rash. To do this, first of all, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Control the room temperature. Normally, it should be no higher than 22ºС. Do air baths.
  2. Try to ventilate the room where your child is located more often.
  3. Change your baby's diapers and diapers on time.
  4. Don't wrap your baby too much as this will further increase the rash.
  5. Choose clothes made from natural materials that are breathable and sweat-wicking, and also protect your baby from overheating.
  6. A good helper in this case will also be baby powder, which can be applied to areas of rashes. Please note that the powder should only be applied to dry skin. If your baby has diaper rash or symptoms of dermatitis, see a doctor. It is forbidden to apply the powder on your own in such a situation.
  7. Bathe the baby at least twice a day, in the summer the amount can be increased. It is also allowed to use herbal decoctions, for example, chamomile and string. Do not dry your child after bathing. Just blot his body a little with a towel and leave him undressed for a while so that the remaining moisture evaporates on its own.
  8. Once every 2 days, you can add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution to the bathing water. This is necessary in order to get rid of germs.

Note! When using potassium permanganate to treat sweating in children, first prepare the solution. To do this, take a small container, dilute potassium permanganate in water in it, so that you end up with a brown liquid. Let stand for a few minutes for better dissolution of the crystals and add to the bath until the water turns pink.

Many children have an allergic reaction to various herbs, so be sure to take this into account when preparing baths based on them.

If you follow all the recommendations on how to treat prickly heat in children, the rash will disappear in a few days. As a rule, the bubbles will dry up and become covered with a crust. During this period, you will need to try so that the child does not bring an infection into such wounds.

What are the local remedies for prickly heat?

If you do not know how to treat sweating in a child and do not seek help from your doctor, then the rash can go to a more complex stage. As a result, not just small red spots will appear on the skin, but blisters that turn into ulcers. In this case, treatment should begin immediately.

The effectiveness of therapy will be achieved only in complex treatment. This includes hygiene procedures with special antiseptic preparations and the use of remedies for prickly heat in children in the form of ointments and creams.

Hygiene measures are carried out using a 1-2% solution of salicylic acid or alcohol-based boric acid. To reduce itching and relieve inflammation, the rash must be treated with a one percent solution of fucorcin or chlorophyllipt.

In addition, the following drugs are used:

Traditional medicine for prickly heat

What else can treat sweating in children? An excellent assistant in solving this problem is folk methods of therapy, especially baths. Here are some recipes:

  1. Bath for bathing on the basis of decoction of oak bark. To prepare such a decoction, take 20 g of oak bark and pour boiling water over it. Do not use the liquid until it has cooled down.
  2. Medicine for prickly heat with bay leaf. Take 5-7 leaves of bay leaf, pour a glass of boiled water and leave for a while so that the solution is infused. After some time, use the decoction to wash the child.
  3. Bath with celandine. Pour 20 g of the plant with two glasses of boiled hot water. After insisting, the decoction can be added to the bath before bathing.

There are many folk methods that will help improve the condition of the crumbs with prickly heat, these are just a few of them. Just remember that it will not be possible to cure prickly heat with folk recipes alone, such recipes must be combined with the main treatment, in a complex. No need to self-medicate.

Remember that for any health problems of the child, you must contact the pediatrician. And timely, correctly prescribed treatment will help to quickly get rid of prickly heat. Take care of yourself and children! Be healthy!

Prickly heat in children occurs at any time of the year, but in summer, when it is hot outside, its manifestations can be especially intense. Potnichka is quite painful and causes noticeable discomfort to the little ones. It is widespread in childhood, and therefore it is difficult to find a person who never suffered from prickly heat in childhood. About how it manifests itself and how to help the child, we will tell in this material.


Prickly heat is one of the most common types of dermatological problems that are common in childhood. It appears as a rash on the skin. So violently delicate and thin skin of babies reacts to the violation of the ratio of the processes of sweat separation and its evaporation.

The glands that produce sweat are formed during fetal development. They begin to function almost immediately after birth. Young children are less sweaty, but already at school age, the glands begin to work more intensively, reaching a peak of activity during puberty.

Increased secretion would not be a big problem for your child's body if sweat had somewhere to evaporate. If there is such an opportunity, no rash is formed. But if evaporation is difficult, the aggressive salty environment of sweat causes local skin irritation. The stronger and longer the aggressive impact, the stronger the irritation.

Children of absolutely all age categories can face this problem. However, more often than others at any time of the year (but more often in summer) babies suffer from the disease. The skin of newborns, its separate layers are arranged in such a way that they are initially many times thinner than the skin of adults or older children. At the same time, the thermoregulatory center in the cerebral cortex of newly born babies does not yet function as it should. Therefore, newborns can quickly become overcooled or overheated.

The ducts of the glands that secrete sweat are narrow in babies. They are yet to be formed. Usually this process ends by 4-5 years. And while the process is going on, prickly heat is more than likely at 1 year and at 2-3 years. Through the narrowed ducts, a large amount of sweat cannot escape in a timely manner, severe prickly heat with the development of inflammatory processes in the ducts and glands themselves is not ruled out.

In this case, miliaria develops - blockage of the ducts. If you do not take action at this stage and do not help the baby, diaper rash will begin. Their depth and area of ​​damage can be significant. But even small diaper rash is dangerous for a child, first of all, because they are a hospitable "entrance gate" for pathogenic bacteria that surround us almost everywhere.

Bacterial skin inflammations are more severe and risk complicating with systemic bacterial infection. To prevent this from happening, parents should respond to the signs of sweating in time and treat it correctly.

Views - what does it look like?

There are several types of children's prickly heat, they differ in the type, nature of the rash, the duration of the pathological effects of sweat, the degree of miliaria. Parents may well encounter any of these types. It should be understood that the specific name of the type of prickly heat does little to resolve the issue of treatment - for almost all varieties of the disease, therapy is almost identical.

We will talk about it below, but for now, let's figure out what prickly heat struck your baby.

  • Crystalline. The classic version, the simplest and rather harmless. Small blisters appear at the sites of sweat exposure, which are not accompanied by signs of inflammation or infection. Small bubbles are most often seen in the hair growth area on the head, on the neck, behind the ears, but other locations are also very likely. Crystalline miliaria often occurs in children after a disease that proceeded with high fever. After a temperature in a day, this small and medium-sized rash may already appear.
  • Red. With this type of prickly heat, it can be assumed that the destructive effect of sweat on the child's vulnerable skin was longer. The rash is red, around the small inflamed elevations (in the area of ​​the ducts), the skin swells a little. Separate elevations - tubercles, do not merge with each other, they are clearly distinguishable.
  • White. With miliaria with this name, the vesicles on the skin contain a whitish or slightly yellowish liquid. If such a bubble bursts, a light “plaque” remains in its place. Such prickly heat itches and gives the baby inconvenience.
  • Deep. In most miliaria, the inflammation is superficial. And only with a deep lesion occurs in the deeper layers of the skin. Blisters with light contents appear on the skin of the child. They quickly burst or spontaneously resolve. After that, at the site of the blister, nothing is absolutely invisible.

Any type of prickly heat can become complicated and turn into diaper rash or an infected form of miliaria. With diaper rash, the inflammation is deep and rather diffuse over the affected area. Quite often, the skin that surrounds the site of exposure to sweat becomes inflamed. Often, diaper rash is represented by weeping and very painful eczema.

Infected miliaria occurs when pathogenic bacteria or fungal flora enter the affected skin (for any type of lesion listed above).

Most often, prickly heat is diagnosed in childhood, complicated by the attached staphylococcus aureus. Complicated miliaria looks like an inflammatory lesion with pustules.

Clinical picture

The main symptom is simple and obvious: the little one develops a rash. Most often it can be seen in the folds, as well as on the head, on the back and chest, under the arm or in the groin, between the buttocks. On the pope, on the back and stomach, signs of local irritation usually appear in children whose parents practice tight swaddling.

There may be no other symptoms. It all depends on the temperament of the child, on the degree of miliaria, on his individual sensitivity. Some children endure the situation quite calmly, while others demonstrate the full range of childhood "suffering" - impaired appetite, whims and unstable sleep. When touching the affected area of ​​the skin, the child feels pain, itching, discomfort.

Infected types of miliaria manifest a clearer clinical picture:

  • the temperature rises (up to 37.0-37.8 degrees);
  • light plaque, bleeding cracks, abscesses appear on the affected skin;
  • the general condition worsens.

When evaluating symptoms, it is important for parents to understand that they can cope with most types of miliaria on their own, without resorting to the help of doctors.

However, eczema, diaper rash and infected miliaria require a mandatory consultation with a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist, since the treatment will differ from the usual scheme just as much as the bacteria that affect the skin, fungi or the depth of the eczema lesion can be different.


To understand why prickly heat appeared to the baby, you need to know that sweat is released for a reason, but in order to cool the body when overheated. If the child is hot, the sweat glands work more intensively, sweat is produced many times more. It gets on the skin and evaporates, giving off to the environment part of the excess heat for the child's body.

But we already know that the ducts of the sweat glands of children are narrow, profuse sweating leads to their blockage. Inflammation starts. Sweat that enters the inflamed areas from neighboring ducts, which are still passable for fluid, leads to a deterioration in the condition of the former.

What factors can cause such pathological processes:

  • non-compliance with the temperature regime (it is hot in the room);
  • the wrong choice of clothes (the child is cramped or too hot in it);
  • uncomfortable shoes (tight shoes or sandals made of “non-breathable” materials cause inflammation on the legs, on the feet, between the toes);
  • excessive use of cosmetics and detergents for the skin (acid imbalance occurs, the skin becomes more vulnerable, and even a small blockage of several ducts can lead to extensive and deep prickly heat);
  • violation of hygiene rules (rare diaper change, insufficient child care);
  • viral and other diseases (at a high temperature, the body is forced to “give up” excess heat in order to exclude the development of hyperthermia).

Parents of children who are wrapped up, protected from any draft, as well as children who are bathed with soap every day, most often turn to doctors with complaints of prickly heat. In the risk group for the greatest susceptibility to miliaria are children suffering from allergies (with its local manifestation), chubby children with excess weight or obesity, babies with congenital or acquired diabetes mellitus. More often than others, miliaria develops in children with rickets, frequent diarrhea, seborrheic dermatitis.

Prickly heat “exhausts” premature babies and babies, for some reason deprived of breast milk and being bottle-fed.

There are reasons that can be safely categorized as common parenting mistakes and blunders:

  • the use of fatty creams and products (“Baby cream”, oils used for massage, if used very often, cause mechanical forced closure of the ducts and the development of miliaria);
  • the use of warming lotions and compresses (wraps, cans, and other methods of warming up, for example, with a cold, quite often cause increased sweating in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which is subjected to intense thermal exposure);
  • things made of synthetic and semi-synthetic fabric (in which the skin is not able to provide normal evaporation of sweat);
  • Poor quality diaper that doesn't fit.

The most important thing to remember is that a child who is dressed for the weather, who grows up in an apartment where parents monitor the desired air temperature, will rarely suffer from prickly heat in particular and other ailments associated with impaired heat exchange in general.

Unlike allergies and other diseases

The biggest problem parents face is the difficulty of differentiating prickly heat and allergies. Indeed, sometimes it can be quite difficult to figure out why a rash appeared - due to overheating or because of the complementary foods that mother treated the little one the day before. And it is necessary to find out.

Look at the child carefully. Miliaria is most often “based” where the separation of sweat can be difficult - skin folds, hairline, area under the diaper, places of touch (rubbing) of clothes, shoes, diapers.

On open and "ventilated" areas of the skin, prickly heat practically does not happen. While an allergy does not choose a location, it can manifest itself on absolutely any part of the body.

Thus, if the baby woke up with a reddish rash on the face, on the forehead, on the arms (open part), on the legs (not on the feet), then with a high degree of probability we are talking about an allergic reaction to something. Rash and redness on the buttocks or on the shoulders (if swaddling is used) is miliaria.

But what if a rash appeared on the body where it could theoretically occur with allergies and prickly heat? Do a simple home test. They call it air. Undress a child with a questionable rash and leave alone for several hours. Without clothes and a diaper, with constant access to air, prickly heat passes quickly, after a couple of hours the inflammation decreases. If the rashes are allergic in nature, no visible changes will occur with them.

From chickenpox, measles and other viral diseases, in which a rash also appears, miliaria differs in the number of symptoms. With miliaria, rashes on the skin are almost the only sign. With infectious diseases, the temperature will rise, symptoms of intoxication will appear, the rash will spread very quickly throughout the body.

You should call a doctor at home if you suspect an infectious disease, go to see him for an appointment if you suspect an allergy. It also makes sense to invite a pediatrician to a newborn for any rash. If the child is not even a month old, it is not recommended to do diagnostics on your own at home. This is the job of the experts.

If you cannot distinguish, you should call a doctor, this is especially important when it comes to the appearance of a rash in a newborn - a child from birth to 28 days.

Therapy - general rules

How and what to use from this list, the doctor will tell. Parents should remember that all these aniline dyes are strictly forbidden to be applied to the mucous membranes, and when using antibacterial ointments, the frequency of application should be taken into account and the mode of use should be observed without exceeding the dosage.

Try to avoid baby powder if your baby has weeping diaper rash or pustules. For other forms of miliaria, use powder in reasonable amounts, infrequently, to prevent excessive dryness of the skin.


It doesn't take much to keep your baby safe. It is important not to overheat the child - do not dress too warmly, do not cover with a warm blanket at night if it is June. Tight swaddling with a “soldier” or “column” is an ambiguous question. If there are no special medical recommendations to swaddle a baby in this way, it is better to refuse him. This will reduce the incidence of prickly heat.

Dress your child in things made from natural fabrics, and this wish is relevant even if you have a teenager growing up - during puberty, under the action of hormones, sweating becomes more intense. In summer, a child can be bathed up to 2-4 times a day, the main thing is not to use soap with each bath.

Complications will help to avoid the timely reaction of parents to the initial elements of prickly heat.

Do not leave them unattended - any manifestation of miliaria is easier to treat at an early stage. Sometimes it is enough just once to rinse well and treat the affected skin area with one of the above drugs so that the miliaria stops and disappears.

Potnichka is called irritation of the delicate skin of the baby, caused by a violation of the processes of evaporation of sweat from the epidermis. It manifests itself in the form of the appearance of redness, small pimples in certain areas of the skin, mainly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds on the body of the crumbs.

Let's figure out what prickly heat looks like in children, determine the main places of its localization, talk about the methods of treating prickly heat, and the measures necessary to prevent its occurrence.

What causes

Baby skin is much more sensitive than adult skin. The skin of children is thinner, especially on the arms, tummy and back, and, therefore, more vulnerable and vulnerable to the effects of an external aggressive environment. In addition, the sweat glands in babies are underdeveloped. The combination of these two factors explains the fairly frequent inflammation of the skin and the appearance of sweating in infants.

The main causes of sweating:

  • baby overheating. Often, the mother is afraid to freeze the child, so she dresses him very warmly. This leads to increased sweating and irritation of delicate skin. Another case is a very high air temperature outdoors and indoors, when even a completely undressed child may experience sweating;
  • insufficient hygiene. Rare bathing of babies, a rare change of diapers can lead to prickly heat;
  • applying a thick layer of cream to the skin;
  • synthetic clothing for a child;
  • very frequent use of soap for hygiene procedures, it washes away the protective secret from the baby's skin.

How to identify prickly heat

Having found a slight inflammation on the body of her child, the mother should not panic. If the treatment of sweating in children is started on time, then it is possible to cope with the disease in a very short time.

Prickly heat is formed in those places where the skin has the least contact with air, as well as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds: on the neck, on the buttocks, cheeks, in the armpits and popliteal cavities, etc.

After looking at the photo of sweating in children, you will definitely understand what this inflammation of the skin looks like, and you will be able to distinguish it from other diseases, for example, atopic dermatitis.


There are three types of sweatshirt:

  • crystalline;
  • red;
  • deep.

Crystalline is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles of a reddish color. This is the most harmless type of prickly heat, for its treatment it is enough to arrange air baths for the baby several times a day.

With red prickly heat, nodules appear on the epidermis, extensive redness, itching and soreness in the affected areas are noted. How to treat such a sweat in a child, the doctor should tell.

Deep prickly heat is distinguished by flesh-colored bubbles that appear under the top layer of the skin. They do not cause inconvenience to the baby and pass on their own.


Every mother will notice the main symptoms of sweating in a child. This is first of all:

  • small rashes on the skin;
  • itching of the skin;
  • increased sweating in the baby;
  • redness of certain areas of the skin.

If they are detected, it is necessary to start treatment of skin rashes in a child in a timely manner.


The main rule that must be followed in the treatment of sweating in infants is the elimination of that factor, as a result of which irritation appeared on the skin of the child.

For example, try to keep the baby not hot if the cause of prickly heat is overheating of the body. Or put on breathable clothes for the baby if prickly heat was formed due to the wearing of synthetic fabrics.

Treatment for sweating should include:

  • frequent bathing of the baby in the hot season, preferably 3-4 times;
  • proper care for wrinkles on the body: wiping them with wet wipes, baby cosmetic oil;
  • infrequent use of detergents for the baby's skin (maximum - 1 time per day);
  • bathing a child in a decoction of medicinal herbs: succession, chamomile, calendula;
  • wiping the damaged areas of the skin with the above herbal decoctions;
  • application to the inflamed skin of therapeutic creams that accelerate tissue regeneration: D-panthenol, Bepanten;
  • the use of baby powder or talcum powder, which are applied to the baby's ass when changing a diaper, can be used to treat wrinkles under the neck, on the arms and legs.


Now you know the symptoms and how to treat sweats. But it is better to prevent any disease, so let's talk about measures to prevent skin inflammation:

  • First, give your child more air baths. When changing a diaper, leave the baby to lie down naked for 15-20 minutes.
  • Secondly, prevent overheating of the crumbs, do not wrap the child.
  • Thirdly, bathe your baby daily, in the summer - several times a day, do not forget about frequent diaper changes.
  • Fourth, buy clothes for children only from natural, breathable fabrics.

Such simple recommendations will allow you to protect your baby from the appearance of sweating. But if you notice a similar inflammation of the skin in the baby, do not worry. With timely treatment, there will be no trace of prickly heat in a couple of days!

Photo sweats in children