Tests for the groom at the ransom of the bride. What questions are asked to the groom at the ransom: cool tasks and riddles. Sentences for the rite of ransom

The ransom of the bride is an ancient ceremony during which the groom showed his material wealth to the bride's parents. Nowadays, it has turned into a real performance and is more entertaining. We offer you exciting competitions for the ransom of the bride, with which the wedding day will become more fun and interesting.


Usually, the creation of a festive scenario falls on the shoulders of the bridesmaids or close relatives. If you want to have a good time and please the main characters of the celebration, use the ideas of playful contests for the ransom of the bride:

  • The test of musical talent takes place on the street, under the entrance. When the betrothed arrives with a team of friends, each is given a musical instrument. The instrument is an old saucepan, two empty bottles, a baby whistle, a rattle, etc. (the louder the better). To the sounds of the "symphony" born, the betrothed sings a loud serenade to melt the heart of his beloved. If he succeeds, the bride will drop a symbol of her location from the window - a “bouquet” of onions or radishes.
  • A funny contest for ransom is a recognition of the future spouse in love. He must talk about how he adores his bride, using only gestures and facial expressions. If the presenters are satisfied with the acting, they let the betrothed go for free.
  • Identikit. In this competition, a lot of printed photographs with parts of the face lie on the floor in the hallway. Of these, the groom must make a portrait-identikit, as similar as possible to the bride. It will be even more interesting if, among the photos of strangers, parts of the face of your beloved (for example, nose or lips) really come across.
  • The bridesmaids ask who the groom came to see. When he answers, the girls ask to draw a portrait of their beloved in order to understand exactly who the young man is talking about. This contest will be funnier if the future spouse does not know how to draw at all.

Interesting competitions for the ransom of the bride will allow the groom to show ingenuity, dexterity and once again prove to his betrothed that he is worthy of her.

  • Bridesmaids draw a road labyrinth on a sheet of paper in large format. Instead of the usual "Finish", they write at the end of the full name. bride. The future spouse is given a small radio-controlled car. He must get to the end and follow all traffic rules. For careless driving, the future spouse will receive a fine.
  • The prank-recognition does not require serious preparation. The host holds out a hat with two dozen pieces of paper - each has a word or phrase written on it. Task for the groom: taking out randomly selected words, he must use all of them in recognition of his beloved. If he stumbles, he pays a coin.
  • The groom is asked why he called the girl to marry, but he must answer by standing on the step in the entrance that corresponds to his reason (Advised, I'm afraid to sleep alone, etc.). "For love" is at the very top step. He needs to guess ask a witness to carry it or pay for the passage. However, especially dexterous men sometimes manage to get to the step without someone else's help.

  • A good way to show ingenuity is the contest "By letter". The maiden name of the bride's girlfriends is written down, broken into letters, on separate sheets of paper. The future spouse must remember and say at least three compliments for each individual letter.
  • Target test. A paper “target” with the names of the gifts is glued on top of the darts target. The future husband should make these gifts to his wife after the wedding, if he gets into them. The hosts offer to play until the number of gifts reaches five. Serious things (an apartment, a car, a fur coat) and comic things (a mop, a poker) can act as them.

In verse

If one of the script writers has the talent of a poet, you can try to compose poems for each task for your future husband.

For instance:

  • Redemption with a kiss. The girls, along with the bride, paint their lips with bright lipstick and kiss a piece of paper. The future spouse must guess what mark his beloved left:

On the leaf - bright lipstick, these prints make out,

You need to guess the sponge bride. If you can't, pay money!

  • They give the groom old childhood photographs and say:

We give you a stack of children's photos in your hands.

Guess your bride or we'll take the money!

  • To make sure of the strength of the future husband, the host says:

Are you ready to carry your spouse in your arms? Let's check on the witness now!

You carry it at least five steps.

Weak? Then open your wallet for us!

  • Dance test. Witness:

“Is the groom not lame?” Come on, stomp your foot!

Does as ordered.

- Don't make people laugh

Sleep a gypsy for us!

Starts to dance, the witness continues:

- The beautiful bride loves fun,

Dance not alone, but together with everyone!

A witness and friends join the dance. If they fail or the participants refuse, then the future spouse pays a large ransom.

The photo shows several options for tasks in verse, which will make simple contests for the ransom of the bride even more fun.

For the groom

There are many different competitions for the groom. Here are some great ideas that are easy to modify and vary according to your imagination:

  • A saucer with flour is placed in front of the future husband. To show how well he will “blow off dust particles” with his beloved, the betrothed must blow off all the flour at once. If he can't complete the task, he pays.
  • When almost all obstacles are passed, such a rally is held: the main character gets to the room of his beloved and finds her barefoot. To take his beloved to the registry office, he needs to guess which of the three boxes contains the shoes. If the betrothed guesses right away, the girlfriends congratulate him and his future wife and let him go. For a mistake, he pays with a coin.

  • The oath. The bridesmaids, together with the bride, come up with ten to twenty abbreviations, of which the husband must choose five. Girls decipher the meanings of capital letters, and the future husband swears to fulfill everything. For example, GSI is a wedding anniversary in Italy, ZB is breakfast in bed, BUT is new clothes, KVDC is giving flowers every weekend, VR is taking to restaurants.
  • A classic prank on the knowledge of the Russian language and your soul mate. The future spouse comes to the door, where his beloved is waiting for him, and on the door there is an inscription: "A blue-eyed / brown-eyed / gray-eyed girl is languishing in this room." Girlfriends give him a marker and offer to correct what is wrong on this inscription. In addition to the grammatical error, the presenters must incorrectly indicate the real color of the betrothed's eyes. If he does not accept the mistake, he pays.

  • There are a dozen inflated balloons in the room next to the bride's door. Each of them contains a piece of paper with a designated ransom amount, and only one of them has the inscription “key”. The test will end when the hero reaches the coveted leaf.
  • From a deck of cards, the groom is offered to choose his betrothed. Funny pictures, caricatures and a photograph of the bride are pasted on their surface in advance. Each new attempt costs money.

An example of the ransom of the bride, see the video:

For the groom's witness

The hosts do not disregard the witness - an important guest in the wife's house. Here are interesting bride price contests for a witness:

  • The witness chooses one of three glasses of water, in one of them it is bitter, in the other - with salt, in the third - with sugar. They say to him: “With what face you will drink water, with such a wife and husband we want to live!” If the witness chooses a glass of bitter or salty water, he should try not to show it. Sometimes the presenters are cunning and add sugar to all three glasses.
  • A test where the witness must show the candidate for husband from the best side. While the groom is walking up the steps, at each step the witness compliments him, names his talent or achievement, in order to present his friend in front of the presenters more beautifully.
  • In order for the groom to practice dancing with his beloved, the witness is offered to choose one of five songs. Only now the witness and the groom will dance to this song with each other.
Anna Lyubimova

Any wedding is a whole complex of traditions and rituals that alternate in succession and denote the union of a man and a woman both on a spiritual and material level. The last one is redemption. This is a very ancient custom, which among our ancestors had a very definite meaning and was significant, and today it has turned into fun. Therefore, the organizers of the wedding prepare questions for the groom in advance for the ransom of the bride, as well as tests for him. Without this, the newlywed is not supposed to go out to the groom.

What is a bride price?

In ancient times, the departure of a daughter from her parental home to her husband's family was extremely practical. Parents lost an additional "working unit", so they reasonably reasoned that the groom was supposed to pay for such a loss. From here came the custom of redemption of the bride, which is still preserved among some peoples.

The wedding ransom from our distant ancestors was expressed in any material values

For the bride they could give money either some real goods, household items. Furs, cattle, fabrics, etc. were used as such payment.

Over time, this rule has grown into a tradition - often fun and optional. Now the groom was required not to pay for the chosen one with money or things, but to show dexterity or ingenuity. Therefore, the tasks for the groom to ransom the bride were prepared by girlfriends and her relatives. All this was accompanied by laughter and jokes. Moreover, often such tasks looked rather tough, intricate.

Perhaps this was done in order to test the character of the chosen one, to make him demonstrate patience along with ingenuity.

Today, many wedding planners oppose foreclosures. This tradition is called archaic and incomprehensible to modern young people. However, despite such criticism, the custom is still included in most wedding scenarios. Therefore, the groom needs to be prepared for the fact that he will be asked tricky questions about the bride or come up with unexpected tests. Is it worth refusing the ransom if it is still considered a natural stage of a bright wedding day?

Photo of the groom at the bride price

Questions for the groom at the ransom

The ransom procedure at the bride's house begins. If she lives in a high-rise building, and even on one of the upper floors, then the fun expands to unimaginable limits. Indeed, according to the scenario, the newlywed must make his way to his chosen one, overcoming many obstacles. They are satisfied with the bride's girlfriends. The witness and friends act as assistants to the groom. The task of the “defenders” is to ask cool questions to the groom at the bride price and for each correct answer they are allowed to move forward. Here it all depends on the imagination of girlfriends and from the length of the path along which the newlywed must pass.

If a guy with the help of friends successfully copes with the next task, he can take the next step. If in response, an error crept in - pays a fine. When preparing the script, you need to think about how the groom will be paid. Perhaps it will be coins, sweets or some small souvenirs.

Meeting the groom at the bride price

What questions the groom is asked at the ransom are decided by the ransom organizers themselves. As a rule, there are quite a lot of such questions, because everyone wants to have fun as long as possible. Most often, the dialogue between the bridesmaids and the groom, one way or another, concerns the newlywed.

Here is an example groom's to-do list:

  1. Name the happy day of the first meeting with the chosen one.
  2. Name the hour at which the first date of the couple was scheduled.
  3. What flowers does the bride prefer?
  4. Her favorite season of the year?
  5. What is the size of the bride's waist?
  6. What dish makes her really disgusted?
  7. What is the name of her favorite perfume?
  8. Name the words with which the groom for the first time explained his love to the bride.
  9. How many friends does the bride have?
  10. What cartoon did she like to watch the most as a child?
  11. Her favorite alcoholic drink?
  12. What size shoes does the bride wear?
  13. What is the best vacation for her?
  14. With what grades did the bride finish school?
  15. What subject did she excel in at school?
  16. What did her relatives call her in childhood (home nickname)?
  17. Which country would she choose to live in?
  18. Does she have a cherished dream, and if so, which one?
  19. What are the three qualities she values ​​most in men?
  20. How many children does she want to have in marriage?

As you can see, many questions about the bride are tricky, so far from all the groom will be able to answer on the fly. But on the same list sometimes there are questions about mother-in-law. For instance:

  1. What words did the future mother-in-law meet the groom for the first time?
  2. When is her birthday?
  3. Does she love to dance?
  4. With what will the mother-in-law serve pancakes to the future son-in-law?
  5. Does she believe in horoscopes?
  6. Does mother-in-law read newspapers?
  7. What is the color of her eyes?
  8. What are the hobbies of the future father-in-law (fishing, summer cottage, etc.)?

Such wedding riddles at the ransom with answers must be thought out in advance. They are compiled together with the bride - because otherwise it will be impossible to check whether the groom is telling the truth or coming up with excuses.

The groom answers the questions of the guests during the ransom of the bride

Grooms, get ready for the ransom!

In addition to funny and not so funny questions, wedding scenarios often contain funny tests for the groom. Often it can be stymied by a trick with a wet towel. A wetted towel is handed to the groom and offered to tie as tightly as his feelings for the chosen one. When the knot turns out to be conscientiously tightened, it is proposed to untie it as quickly as domestic disputes quickly disappear. It is clear that in one second it is tight tied a wet knot on a towel not untie, so it will most likely need the help of friends.

Photo of the bride and groom at the wedding

There are separate tasks for the witness on the stairs. He may be asked to jump up a flight of stairs on one leg, or to carry a witness there. By the way, the witness in the old days called himself a friend and was quite an impressive figure at the wedding. He was the manager, performed the function of the main support of the groom. So the witness participates in the ransom ceremony on a par with the groom. Often it is he who pays the ransom instead of the groom, who does not need to stuff the pockets of his wedding suit with every little thing.

Actually, arrange a bride price at your wedding or not is everyone's business. You can pay tribute to traditions, or you can come up with something of your own. Perhaps in the future your ideas will also become traditional and popular among other newlyweds.

June 28, 2018, 11:20 am Nata Karlin

At all times and among all nationalities, it was customary to entertain guests at a wedding. You can hire a professional toastmaster or do it yourself, but those invited should be satisfied with the program of events. It is very important that the heroes of the occasion are not left out of work. Comic competitions for the bride and groom at the wedding take an important place in the organization of the holiday. Each of these competitions is very important take a picture and then add to the wedding album.

Tests at the wedding for all those present: the first acquaintance

At first, cool contests for newlyweds at a wedding with the participation of guests are called introduce everyone present and defuse the situation. Therefore, they begin immediately after the invitees have sat down at the table and had a bite to eat. To begin with, you can divide the guests into tables and invite each of the teams to come up with as many different congratulations as possible for the newlyweds. After the very first wishes, you can complicate the process, for example, ask to portray your feelings and words using pantomime or song.

Whose congratulations will be more original or there will be more of them, that team will win as a result

Wedding contests for young people

The main contests for the newlyweds at the wedding are always considered a comic prophecy of the couple's future family relationships. The most popular of them:

  • Cat in a bag. For the competition, you need a large bag in which various household items are placed: a ladle, a hammer, a TV remote control, a rolling pin, a garbage bag, etc. The bride and groom are blindfolded and asked to take objects out of the bag one by one. They can keep them for yourself or give them to a partner. After all the items are over, both are unleashed and solemnly endowed with the duties that they have "chosen" for themselves.

Bag for the competition "Pig in a Poke"

  • Memories of the past. This is a fun competition in which the young themselves and even their guests can describe the love story of a couple with humor or a touch of mysticism. The winner is the one whose story turned out to be the most entertaining.
  • stop music. This is a music and dance competition in which all those present take an active part. The cutting of music tracks is turned on, and the participants begin to move in a different rhythm. The task becomes more complicated - the couples throw balls, cubes and other objects under their feet. You need to dance to the final and get a prize.
  • baby doll. The bride and groom stand shoulder to shoulder and hug each other with one hand around the waist. In front of them, diapers, a diaper and a baby doll are placed on the table. They need to swaddle the "baby" with their free hands.
  • Get to know your loved one. More interesting wedding games for newlyweds have not yet been invented. For the competition, young people are planted with their backs to each other. First, the bride is asked questions about her husband. She should silently nod, answering positively or shake her head, which means a negative answer. The groom must say them aloud. The mute answer rule then passes to the groom.

The more coincidences there are in the answers of young people, the better they know each other

There can be a lot of competitions at a wedding. This interesting and unforgettable entertainment can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Small coins are placed in a pre-prepared cake. They cut it into pieces, the bride and groom take a piece and eat. The first one to find the coin will be considered the head of the family.
  2. They take 2 beautiful glasses, pour champagne into one of them, and lemonade of the same color into the other. The one who chooses a glass of alcohol will be the main one.
  3. A strip of paper is taken, a coin is glued to it in the center. The bride and groom take different ends of the strip and pull each one towards him. On whose side the coin remains as a result, he is the main one.

Glasses for the competition "Who is in charge in the house"

Based on the results of three competitions and the winner is determined. An equally interesting and fun event is to make plaster casts of the hands of the newlyweds. Very often, this gift is made by the young themselves or one of the guests. Sometimes the toastmaster includes this process in his entertainment program. To do this, you need to order a set for making casts and a specialist who will conduct the ceremony in front of all the guests. Amazing detail of all the curves of the body, fidelity and realism - this is what will receive the young as a gift. Many years later, they will remember this moment with trepidation and also hold hands.

Registration certificate for the bride and groom

Comic documents for a wedding celebration have long become familiar. However, they are very helpful in holding a wedding celebration. Handing such papers to the newlyweds emphasizes their real status. However, the template for the technical passport of the bride and groom will need to be prepared in advance.

These should not be just sheets of white paper, but beautifully designed sheets with a seal and a place for a signature.

indicative text The "technical passport of the groom" looks like this:

“The groom (name) is intended for the role of husband, then - father, father-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather. A secondary role is assigned as a laundress, dishwasher, nanny, cleaner. A husband is a very useful thing in the household and, if properly maintained, will last for many years.”


  • growth is high
  • weight is normal
  • mind, hearing, sight and smell - there are,
  • character - patient and hardy, a real man,
  • eyes are kind and beautiful.

The kit includes: 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 nose, 2 eyes, 1 mouth, the bride is entrusted to count the hair, 32 teeth and 2 ears.

Groom's registration certificate

During operation it is recommended love, cherish and cherish. To force to work, but to regret. Do not leave unattended, do not trust your friends. Under all conditions, a guarantee of 101 years, spare parts and warranty service is not provided. Bride's signature.

Approximate "Technical passport of the bride" looks like that:

“The bride (name) is intended to be used as a wife, mother, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother and, most importantly, decoration of the whole family. It is used to manage the family budget, work around the house and in the kitchen, raising children.

Registration certificate of the bride


  • growth is the most acceptable for the groom,
  • cellulite is absent
  • hair - a lot and all your own,
  • keen eyes, penetrating gaze,
  • vision, hearing, smell complete and in perfect condition,
  • unbearable character for the unloved and the most accommodating for the beloved,
  • working power is half the strength of the husband, but much more efficient.

The supplier guarantees peace and tranquility in the house, subject to all operating conditions

Tasks for the groom begin from the moment the bride is redeemed. The most popular competitions include:

  1. "Drunk Husband". On the eve of the ransom, the organizers draw footprints on the steps to the apartment, on which the groom will have to fall. Moreover, they should be located so that the young man hits them with his feet for a long time, and possibly with his hands.
  2. "You are the most". In this case, the groom needs to come up with a number of compliments determined by the bridesmaids.
  3. "Groom's Promises to Bride". For this, the groom is placed on the very first step of the flight of stairs and, stepping on the next one, he must give the bride some kind of pleasant promise. For example, washing dishes on Saturdays or walking with a child every evening, etc.
  4. Competition "Kiss the Bride» . This is the most famous of the buyout contests. A large drawing paper is taken for him, the bride and her girlfriends paint their lips with bright lipstick, and then kiss the sheet. The groom is asked to determine where the imprint of the bride's lips is located.

Poster for the competition "Kiss the Bride"

At the end, the organizers are preparing a cool act of handing over the bride to the groom. When the young man gets to the girl, he discovers that his beloved cannot go to the registry office, because there is only one shoe on her feet. bridesmaids propose a guy with a lot of shoeboxes, from which you need to choose the one where the wedding shoe lies. For each miss, the groom pays a ransom.

Tasks and competitions for the wedding for the bride

From the bride at the wedding celebration is required not only shine, but also prove yourself as a hostess, smart, dexterous and resourceful girl. The maximum program is to conquer all the guests with your own perfection. So, there can be many competitions for the bride. You can list the main ones:

  1. Test for the bride "Love Him Again" will show how much the girl loves her husband and is ready to fight for his reciprocal feeling by any, even the most ridiculous methods. The bride will have to eat half a lemon, hammer a nail to the head, jump rope, sing a song, come up with a quatrain, etc. Guests can take part by cheering or helping the bride.
  2. "Queen of the ball". Here the bride is a queen with a real crown on her head. Moreover, the witnesses become her pages. They must follow all the orders of the young unquestioningly.
  3. "Mistress". From that day on, the young woman will have to take care of her spouse. The girl is given a plate "with borscht" in her hands. Of course, plain water is poured into it. While the music is playing, the girl needs to run around the table and put “food” in front of her beloved without uttering a single drop at the same time.

The vow of the bride and groom

The bride's promise to the groom at the wedding can be presented as fun. For example, the bride prepares a document in advance, in which she lists all her obligations to the groom, including: feed, love, groom and cherish, wash dishes, raise children. But in some cases, both newlyweds write the oath in advance and pronounce it in front of the altar. They put their whole soul and love into these lines. These words must come from the heart and do not accept templates.

If you decide to hold a wedding celebration on your own, you can come up with a lot of competitions and entertainment for guests. However, a professional toastmaster will take on this difficult duty and make the evening fun and memorable for a lifetime.

July 17, 2018, 13:00

Traditionally, the entertainment program of the wedding celebration includes games and entertainment that are held especially for the young and in which the bride and groom are the main participants. As a rule, these amusements are connected with the theme of love, fidelity and the skills of the upcoming married life. And even if the newlyweds prefer not to participate in active and spicy entertainment and trials, you can always pick up something to their liking. Our selection is lyrical and funny wedding games and competitions for newlyweds, in which you can find something that is suitable for completely different holiday programs.

1. Wedding contest for newlyweds "Who will pay off the quarrel"

Very relevant for future family life on how they will deal with misunderstandings and conflicts.

The essence of the competition: The host sets a stable candle with a fairly thick wick in the middle, then asks the young people to move away from the candle in different directions (at an equal distance) and lights the candle. Then he announces that this candle symbolizes their first quarrel, and quarrels are extinguished by compromises and the one who is wiser is the first to put up. Now we will see how our young spouses can do it. You can only approach the candle step by step and at every step, you need to “sacrifice” something, take something off yourself, whoever reaches it first extinguishes it.

Depending on the result, the host gives his comments, for example, the groom was the first to reach, which means that nothing is scary with the wise head of this family, but the wife is even wiser, who not only sacrificed a shoe, beads, etc. to extinguish the conflict. - enumerates, but also wisely conceded the palm to her beloved. If the bride was the first, then the comment is also positive, but the emphasis is placed differently.

2. Fun wedding game "Route of Love"

In order for the young spouses to be in the spotlight once again, we suggest playing the “route of love” with them. As a preamble, the presenter may remark that all men at heart are real Schumachers and are very fond of cars, speed and obstacles. But now they are newlyweds - one team, one crew, so they must understand each other not just from a half-word, but from the same sound.

After this eyeliner, the newlyweds must agree on what sounds they will indicate different directions. For example, “to the left” - with the sound “beep!”, “to the right” - “fyr-fyr!” etc.

Then the young spouses are separated on different sides, the husband is blindfolded, and an obstacle course is arranged between them, arranging chairs and guests in unusual poses in disorder. The main task of the newlywed is to carefully pass all the obstacles, guided by the prompts of the wife, who can only “beep” and “snort”.

It turns out a lot of fun: the guests and the newlyweds themselves laugh heartily.

3. Game "Connected by one thread"

The host tells the audience a beautiful legend about the ancient god of love, who at birth connects boys and girls with an invisible thread and their whole life is just a constant search for who is at the other end of the thread. This search is, of course, very complicated, but it is precisely the invisible thread that prevents people destined for each other from making mistakes. So our newlyweds were lucky, - continues the toastmaster, - the thread of love did not let them down, and they found each other. And let's check how strong this invisible thread is!

After such an offer, the presenter ties scarlet or gold to the waist of the bride and groom. satin ribbon (as long as possible) and spreads the lovers to opposite ends of the hall. The conditions of this kind of game are as follows: the host asks the young people in turn, with the correct answer, each of them makes one turn towards his beloved so that the tape is wound around the waist. The host will need a total of at least six questions, provided that the length of the tape is three meters. Questions should not be too tricky, otherwise the “meetings” of the young spouses will not work. And who needs it on the day of the wedding?

Question options:

(bride) What does her husband usually say to her when they meet?

(to the groom) When is his mother-in-law's birthday?

(bride) what kind of bread - white or black - does her lover prefer? Etc.

When the newlyweds are finally “attracted”, the host announces a dance: the couple is waltzing around, wrapped in a scarlet ribbon. By the way, a great moment for photographers.

4. Game "Family Ties"

It is quite acceptable to hold such a one - the host asks them to go to the center of the hall and tightly clasp their hands (the groom gives the left, the bride - the right). With a quick movement of the hand, the host puts toy handcuffs on their hands, personifying the strong bond of the young spouses. Then the toastmaster blindfolds the newlyweds and invites each of them to cut out their big loving heart from sheets of red cardboard.

Having freed the newlyweds from bandages and handcuffs, the host invites them to write their declaration of love on their hearts and exchange these peculiar messages. “In moments of joy or failure, in moments of quarrels or special love, when excitement makes it difficult to find words - you can read what you have written now,” concludes the toastmaster.

5. Game "Tender words"

Both the bride and groom are given a sheet of paper, on which the phrases “I am always with you, my love!” are written along the left vertical edge! and “I am always with you, my love!”

The task of the newlyweds is to choose for each letter that is part of this phrase, an epithet or an affectionate word that just begins with this letter: “I” - “my clear”, “v” - “magnificent”. Of course, the letters “y” and “y” can be skipped, although if the spouse works as a doctor, then it is quite possible to caress him with the word “iodine”.

This game really relieves the situation when everyone is tired of big words and wants to have fun from the heart. By the way, the host should not be hindered if suddenly guests come to the aid of the newlyweds and prompt a couple of affectionate words, because there is always something to learn from older comrades.

6. "Happy" prank of the young

For this prank, the presenter asks the newlyweds to approach the free wall, turn to face it and rest their hands on it at waist level. Then the rules of the game are explained: the toastmaster asks a question and, if the answer of the newlyweds is “yes”, then each of them takes a “step” up with one hand.

The facilitator must prepare such questions that will require only “yes” answers (will you live in peace and harmony? Do you plan to have children? and so on). And when the spouses are already on tiptoe, they are presented with the last question: are you happy today? Trying to give a positive answer, the young of the last forces reach up with their hands.

Do you want to answer yes? - the presenter is “surprised”.

Yes! the couple exclaim.

Then why are you climbing the wall? - Here the newlyweds understand that they have been played and, happy, drink for their happiness.

7. Comic gifts for newlyweds "Collar and pipe"

To some, this prank game may seem funny, but to someone - not so much. Therefore, we advise you to discuss its content with the spouses in advance. Of course, in this way, the wedding host, as it were, enters into an agreement with the newlyweds, and they have a common goal to shock the wedding guests.

What's the matter? The toastmaster solemnly announces that the lovers have also prepared gifts for each other and, of course, want to give them. To the surprise of all those present, these will not be sentimental and romantic presents, but a collar - from the bride and a pipe - from the groom. The collar can be depicted as a silk ribbon with a bell hanging from it. By the way, a young woman can argue her gift with the ancient tradition of newlyweds, when there were no rings at all, to give her soul mate a collar.

In every possible way showing his dissatisfaction with the ringing design, the groom gives his narrowed pipe, while commenting on his gift: it is under it that you will dance!

The newly-born spouse immediately demonstrates the wonderful property of the pipe (instead of playing this instrument, a soundtrack of an incendiary song sounds). And the bride, as if against her will, starts dancing.

Of course, the guests will understand that all this is a joke, and the host can safely invite everyone to come out and dance.

8. Game "Points of Common Ground"

A wedding is the first holiday for every family, because it is from it that a new unit of society begins. Therefore, the bride and groom want to make their celebration as bright, rich and memorable as possible.

The wedding scenario helps them in this, in which the whole day is planned, starting with the arrival of the makeup artist and ending with the farewell to the young spouses. But the first joint memories will be those of the groom passing the ransom test. Therefore, it is necessary to create original contests for the ransom of the bride, which, with their variety and symbolism, will set the mood for the whole holiday.

The ransom of the bride is one of the traditional rites that are always performed at the wedding. Initially, it was associated with the fact that the groom's family compensated the bride for the loss of a pair of working hands.

But over time, the custom underwent a change, gradually becoming one of the ways to prove to the betrothed's parents that a man was worthy of becoming her husband, that he could overcome all obstacles for her sake. And also it was an indicator that the groom is purposeful and hardworking, and the future family will not know the need.

Gradually, the tests became less severe and more playful. But they have not lost their main mission, being a symbolic expression of the fortitude of the future head of the family.

At the ransom of the bride, there are two teams that oppose each other - these are the bridesmaids, who come up with various tests, and the groom. To equalize the chances, the young man is helped by his friends.

Due to the fact that the wedding day is literally scheduled to the minute, all competitions must be held quickly, so you need to take care in advance of the selection and preparation of a script for the groom and the witness.

Traditionally, this is done by those who will conduct it - girlfriends.

Competitions must be:

  • easy to pass, but not to cause a feeling of insignificance or excessive simplicity;
  • short to meet the allotted time;
  • funny to please guests and newlyweds;
  • leaving behind vivid memories;
  • symbolic, demonstrating the feelings of the groom for the bride.

The ransom should not last longer than 1 hour, and a time of 15–30 minutes is considered optimal. During this time, it is advised to hold 3-4 competitions. So that the guests and the groom with friends do not get tired, and also do not get tired before the start of the main celebration, it is necessary to create several diverse competitions, thanks to which they can demonstrate valiant prowess or cunning.

And for the groom, this will be a good test, showing how much he loves and knows his future wife.

"Love lips"

To carry out, you will need several sheets of paper on which the bride and her girlfriends leave a lip print.

Most often, different shades of lipstick are used for this, so that it is easy for the presenters to distinguish the correct sheet from the rest.

The groom must recognize the imprint of the lips of his beloved, but if he is mistaken, he is required to pay a symbolic fine or perform some action. An easier option for such a contest is the possibility that the sheets need to be sprinkled with your favorite perfume.

Then it will be easier for the groom to recognize his beloved, because he will have not only prints, but also smells.

Unusual treat

Choose three identical fruits, most often apples or pears. In one of them, a strong alcoholic drink is injected with a syringe, so that the puncture of the peel is not noticeable. This is done before the redemption begins.

After the groom and his friends are “treated”, so that he gets the unusual fruit. If he does not show his confusion by calmly eating the whole apple, then he wins, if not, then he pays the ransom.

Due to the unusual situation and taste sensations, suitors often show very funny reactions.


To do this, needles, toothpicks or matches are inserted into a large apple in advance, so that on one side it resembles hedgehog needles.

Sometimes they even draw eyes and a nose on it or depict them with the help of beads, such an inventory decoration looks very unusual and beautiful. The main task of the groom is to take out one toothpick and compliment the bride and her mother. It is important that affectionate words are not repeated, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

You can complicate the competition and ask an additional cool question. If there are a lot of needles, then you can be allowed to tell what the groom will do in his married life, how he will look after his wife. To make the competition more fun, you can set a certain time limit for which the hedgehog must lose all the needles.

If the groom meets the deadline, then he won, if not, then he will have to pay a symbolic ransom.

What are you willing to do for love?

This competition should be held if the bride lives in a private house or in an apartment on the first or second floor. The groom, walking up the stairs, stops at each step, tells what things he will do in the future family. What is he willing to do for his beloved?

These can be both serious duties and comic, but pleasant bonuses. At the same time, each promise is solemnly recorded, and upon reaching the door, one of the girlfriends gives a contract for signature, which lists all the phrases.

Most often, it is left in the future family, or given to the father-in-law with the mother-in-law.


To do this, they make a large chamomile with multi-colored petals, on the back of which important dates in the life of the bride are written. Sometimes these may be keywords or other clues.

The groom, tearing off the petals, must answer what the written number or phrase refers to, how exactly it is connected with the future wife. This competition demonstrates that a man is interested in the life of his soul mate and knows her well.

When he cannot answer correctly, he must perform a certain penalty task.

The heat of love

For this competition you will need the key to the apartment, as well as a glass of water. At night, the container with the key is placed in the freezer - so that the water evenly covers the iron.

When the groom reaches the door of his future wife in competitions, he is handed a glass, and he must figure out how to melt the ice faster. In this case, you can not use lighters, and the glass must remain intact.

It is imperative to set a deadline for which a man must complete the task, or redeem a second key to the door. Friends can help in this competition, the groom himself is unlikely to cope.

In addition to the competitions that the groom must go through, there are many games and tasks for witnesses in which they must demonstrate strong friendship and mutual assistance.

Accuracy and quality

For this competition, 10-15 balloons are hung in front of the bride's door or nearby on the wall.

The friend is given the same number of darts for darts, and he must knock down all the obstacles. At the same time, he names the important qualities of the groom, which demonstrate his positive aspects and allow him to show how he will be in marriage.

If the witness cannot knock down all the balls at once, he must buy additional darts. The door to the room will open only if all the balls are destroyed. To make it easier to hit the balls, they must be securely fastened.

To do this, they are hung on the wall, or special threads are created, which are attached to the ceiling at one end, and a weight is hung on the other. Or they are stretched between the walls.

Festive bouquet

The witness must make a beautiful bouquet for the bride from wire, colored paper and sweets.

In this video - a few more contests for the ransom of the bride:

To complete this task, 3-5 minutes are allotted, and if the artificial flowers are not beautiful enough in the eyes of the girlfriends, then it will be necessary to pay compensation or take some action as a fine.

Find out your favorite

For this competition to succeed, you must have the same bathrobes. They are worn by girls who look like a future spouse. Each hair must be pinned up in the same way as the bride, or you will need to rent wigs. Further competitions may diverge, but the main thing is that a man must find his betrothed.

The groom can be blindfolded, and he must determine by touch where his beloved is, for this he can touch his shoulders, hair, waist, or feel his face. For each attempt, witnesses pay a certain symbolic amount.

A more complicated option is when the groom is not blindfolded, but a translucent screen is placed between him and the girls, and he only has to guess by the silhouette where his beloved is. If he makes a mistake, then he is obliged to complete the penalty task, conceived by the future father-in-law or mother-in-law. A very difficult option is when 5 girls are seated on chairs and covered with bedspreads. And the groom must guess the betrothed by her feet.

If the girlfriends want to complicate the test, then the man is given a shoe, offering to guess which girl it suits.

Kidnapping the bride or her shoes

The last competition is most often a surprise for the groom, because he believes that after he saw the bride, all difficulties are behind. Therefore, when she disappears, he must come to terms with the fact that they will return his beloved only after certain requirements or tasks have been completed.

A more benign option is a stolen pair of shoes - the bride cannot leave the house barefoot. Here you can conduct a real treasure hunt.

At the same time, not only the groom's friends can help, but everyone who wants to. At the same time, in order to get a hint, you will need to do some funny action (dance of little swans, crow, etc.), which the extortionist who stole the value will guess.

Funny contests for the ransom of the bride in verse

Poems are always an interesting option for any holiday. But in order for such an event as a ransom to be successful, it is necessary to select poems describing the contests so that they look created in the same style.

Holding a holiday in verse is associated with certain costs of both time and effort. Although you can use small folders with hints, it is better if all the words are learned.

It is also important that they be told by a person with a deep voice, who can draw attention to his words even when there is a crowd around him.

You should refuse to hold poetry contests if the bridesmaids have sonorous voices and rather weak lungs. For competitions in poetic form, you will have to tighten your ligaments and use a lot of air so as not to interrupt the rhythm of the story.

If the competitions are well chosen, and the poems are funny, then the beginning of the holiday will be remembered for a long time. If the ransom is held in a certain theme, then the bridesmaids can use special paraphernalia or outfits.

In this video you will hear a lot of useful tips for organizing a bride price:

So, for a ransom organized in the form of an invasion of pirates, special hats or bandanas, belts with swords and old pistols are suitable.

It is known that as you start a business, so it will continue. Therefore, the wedding day should begin with fun interesting contests, because the ransom portends not only a well-spent holiday, but also a successful family life. And what contests would you choose to redeem your best friend?