A script for a New Year's holiday for kids material (younger group) on the topic. Scenario of the New Year's holiday for kids material (younger group) on the topic Scenario of congratulating Santa Claus at home in verse

for children 1.5-3 years old

Guests come and undress. The host meets them. He says that he sent invitations to the holiday to Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden and her friends, forest animals. Leads to the door to the hall, where there is a decorated Christmas tree. To gather the children around her, to attract their attention, the presenter held in her hands a music box with a New Year's landscape, but it could be any other New Year's toy.

MODERATOR: Look through the door slit -
(children look through the door slider)
You will see our tree.
Our tree is tall
Reaches up to the ceiling.
And toys hang on it -
From stand to crown.
(E. Ilyina)

The attention of the children is directed to the presenter.

HOST: The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gate
The tree is waiting for the children.
(J. Akim)

The presenter opens the door, the children are invited to the hall. Music sounds. Children enter the hall to the music and come up to the tree.

HOST: Hello, dear tree,
Again you are our guest
The lights are sparkling again
On your thick branches.
Our tree is great
Our tree is tall.
(encourages children to raise their hands and show which tree is big)
Higher than dad, higher than mom -
Reaches up to the ceiling.
How her outfit shines
How the lanterns burn
Our New Year tree
Congratulations to all the guys.
Let's dance merrily
We will sing songs
To make the tree want
Come visit us again!
How toys shine on it!
Here is an icicle made of ice
Here is a bunny, pussy, bear
And, of course, an owl!
(the host demonstrates all the toys on the tree)
And at the very top
Bright blue crown!
Let's take a look at the toys, who else do you see here?

Children call toys. The presenter looks at the Christmas tree with the children, tells what toys are on it, what a beautiful Christmas tree.

The children looked at the Christmas tree decorations with interest, I think this was facilitated by the fact that at first we looked at the Christmas tree through a crack, which added interest.

MODERATOR: Oh, guys, look, there is some kind of letter hanging on the tree. I wonder who is it from?
(takes the envelope from the tree, opens the letter, reads)
"Look under the tree,
Find the bell there,
Do not twist, do not twist,
Shake it gently.
The bell will sing.
And he will invite guests to you!
I am loading a cart of gifts!
I'll be there soon! Father Frost".
Where is the magic bell?
(children help to find him)

It seems to me that the children did not understand from the letter that they needed to find the bell, but the parents came to the rescue, and when everyone began to ask the children to find the bell, they were looking for it with pleasure. The children looked at the letter from Santa Claus (it was a postcard in an envelope) with interest, since the mothers also looked at it with interest.

HOST: Well, guys, to make it more fun, will we invite guests to our place?

The children answer in the affirmative. The presenter rings the bell. The Snegurochka enters the hall, approaches the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! You recognized me? I'm a Snow Maiden!
I came to you from a winter fairy tale.
I'm all snow, silver.
My friends are a blizzard and a blizzard
I love everyone, good to everyone!

HOST: Hello, dear Snow Maiden, welcome to our New Year's holiday!

Snow Maiden: I have cute animals with me,
My fun family
We got an invitation
And we are glad to be with you, friends!
Guess, guys, who came to the Christmas tree with me?
Here is a spiny bang
(half of the hedgehog's head appears from behind the screen)
Itself is prickly, but not pine.
Can curl up into a ball.
Of course it is ...

CHILDREN: Hedgehog!

The Hedgehog appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Greets.

SNOW Maiden: Whose fluffy red ponytail? Who came to visit you?
(a fox's tail appears from behind the screen)
Which of the animals
Is the tail fluffy and longer?


The Fox appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Greets.
A squeak is heard from behind the screen: "Pee-pee-pee".

SNOW Maiden: Pee-pee, - she said,
Immediately ran into the burrow.
What is this baby?
It's a little ...


The Mouse appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Greets.

Snow Maiden: The ears are long sticking out,
(ears appear)
White paws tremble.
(paws appear)
Who is this? Guess!
This is our coward ...


The Hare appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Greets.
All the animals simultaneously appear from behind the screen and bow.

In children, the appearance of animals from behind the screen caused a cheerful animation. The children guessed riddles themselves, since the riddle was not only pronounced, but also demonstrated by a part of the doll.
MODERATOR: Hello! What good fellows that came to us. And even my invitations were taken!

SNOW Maiden (solemnly): Look, invites
Festive tree for us.
Under the green branches
We'll be spinning now.

Disturbing music sounds, the Crow quickly appears from behind the screen.

RAVEN: What kind of raven is this?
Well, now I'll ask you!
I'm canceling the fun
I'm driving everyone out of here!
You do not expect Santa Claus,
He will not come to you today ...
And gifts, of course,
Nobody will bring you!
I will not let you celebrate the holiday, I will drive everyone away !!!

The crow starts to run and peck at the animals, tries to take away and break the invitations. The animals run away.

HOST: A crow, except for small forest animals, no one here is afraid of you, and we will chase you away now. Children, let's tell the Crow: "Go away!", Let's drive her away!

The children and the presenter wave a pen and say, whoever can, the words "go away", "shoot".

The reaction of the children to the appearance of the Crow was lively, they actively began to say something, to reason in their own language. At the request, they began to wave at the Crow, the adults were very funny.

MODERATOR: Don't offend the children!
Do not scare! Don't threaten!
And for these afflictions
You better ask for forgiveness!

The crow starts to cry.

HOST: What are you crying, Crow? You yourself are to blame, why did you offend the animals, drive them away, wanted to spoil the holiday for us?

THE RAVEN (piteously): Soon the New Year will come,
Nobody will buy a Christmas tree for me!
And on a holiday in the New Year
Nobody will call me.
I want to frolic
Have fun with you!

MODERATOR: If you, Crow, next time want to have fun with us, and you will be offended that you were not invited to the holiday, do not swear, do not fight, do not offend anyone, but just come and politely ask the guys: "Guys, can I come to your party? I so want to have fun with you! " And the guys will definitely accept you. And today would be accepted if you did not behave like that. Really guys? (waves reproachfully) Don't cry the crow, better ask the guys and the animals for forgiveness, and the guys will invite you to the holiday.

RAVEN: Really?

HOST: Of course!

RAVEN: Forgive me!
Can I stay with you
Have fun and laugh?

HOST: Excuse the crow?


MODERATOR: How can we have fun? What to do now, children? After all, Bunny, Mouse, Fox and Hedgehog got scared and ran away! How to get them back now?

SNOW Maiden: I know that the Snowman could find them in the winter forest. Now, if you made a Snowman, then I would be able to revive him.

MODERATOR: Of course, we will make a Snowman. Guys, here's the Snowman in the picture.

Children look at a picture of a Snowman. It is suggested that children, together with their parents, stick three circles on whatman paper: large, medium and small. First, it is proposed to find the largest circle, then the middle, then the smallest. Next, the children show where to stick the bucket, the carrot-nose, eyes, mouth, buttons. When the Snowman is done, take another look at it as a whole.

When they made the Snowman, at the request to find the required size of the circle (snowball), the children brought it with interest, but when they pasted it on whatman paper, the interest diminished and the mothers pasted it, but the children were nearby, everything was very direct.

SNOW Maiden: This is what a beautiful snowman we have! The nose is a carrot, the eyes are coals, just a miracle!
My grandfather gave me a magic handkerchief
And this is what he told me in secret:
"Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave a handkerchief
And whatever you want, you revive them! "

The Snow Maiden waves a handkerchief, the Whatman paper attached to the board rotates 180 degrees, and a snowman appears in front of the children (a boy disguised as a snowman).

The appearance of the snowman was a real surprise for the children, a very good moment, be sure to use it. At first the children looked at him with open mouths in surprise, and then came up and hugged him.

HOST: Oh! Who is this and where did you come from?
We've got a live snowman!

SNOWMAN (looking around the tree): Oh, brothers, what a big broom!

HOST: Yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree!

I guys are a Snowman
I'm used to the snow, to the cold!
You blinded me dexterously
Instead of a nose - a carrot
And on the head is a bucket
It's not full of holes!
I'm not an ordinary snowman
A cheerful, mischievous!

Snow Maiden: We called you for help!
We need to find the animals
And bring them to the tree!
The guys had a holiday here,
Someone was not happy about that.
(The crow covers itself with its wings)
You see, the tree was extinguished
And they drove away all the guests
Get ready for the journey,
Find all your friends
And do not hesitate, come back
To our tree soon!

SNOWMAN: I would be glad to help you children, but who should I look for?

MODERATOR: The invitations contain their photos.

HOST (confused): Only they are torn,
The halves scattered
How to return pictures back?

Snow Maiden: Children, children, help and collect pictures!

The halves of the pictures are laid out on the table (in the pictures there is an image of a chanterelle, a bunny, a mouse, a hedgehog); the second halves of the Snow Maiden are fanned in their hands, the children choose the halves and connect them with those that lie on the table. Pictures with animals are obtained on the table. Snowman looks at them.

SNOWMAN: Everything is clear. I hasten to search.
But where to start?
We will find them on the trail.
Where are the tracks? (thoughtfully) Probably over there!
Come on, children, help
Find the first trail for me.

You need to collect jigsaw puzzles - animal tracks.

They collected the halves of the pictures well and with interest, I think many children at this age like to collect light jigsaw puzzles.

MODERATOR: Well, guys, amicably, boldly
Let's get down to business!
Here is a trail of a hare, such a mouse, such a fox.

Children and mothers, in the place where the snowman pointed, are looking for footprints (footprints are glued on the floor, children find, show the snowman).

Only one girl, Masha, looked at the tracks with special interest, the rest were just interested to follow them by the hand with her mother. The children really liked the obstacle course, according to the scenario we had to go through it once, but everyone wanted to do two more additional circles. Then we went to the forest (another room), changed the environment.

SNOWMAN: Now let's follow the trail
Into the thick snowy forest
On a wide road
Through the snowy fields
Over the snowdrifts, over the mountains ...

Children with their mothers follow the Snowman into another room, slightly decorated with a snowy forest. On their way lies a log, the children step over it. They go further, along the way, a slide, slide down, then the traces supposedly lead under a Christmas tree (they crawl under a chair) and go out to the house. The house is made of a cardboard box with a fairly large window, the light is on in the window, the Bunny, the Fox, the Hedgehog, the Mouse are sitting at the table. The lighting in the room is dim. The Snow Maiden takes a crow in her arms.

SNOWMAN: We came to the winter forest
In a friendly crowd.
Hello, aspen,
Hello, forest stump!
What is this house by the path?
He's a stranger to me.
Well, now I'm in the window
I'll take a look with one eye.

The snowman looks through the window, beckons the children to look in too.
Sad little animals are sitting in the house and conducting a conversation (in very sad voices).

HARE: And the kids have a New Year.
There will be dances, a round dance ...

FOX: Maybe there on New Year's Eve
Masha will sing a song.
Vasilisa will lead
All in a wonderful round dance ...

MOUSE: How I would like with Savva
Play locks together
And fluffy snowflakes
Collect together in a paw ...

HEDGEHOG: Suddenly Mark will tell a rhyme,
That would be good.
It's good to play with children
Round dance to drive, dance ...

SNOWMAN: This house is interesting,
This house is not simple.
I'll call you once
Whose voice can I hear?
(rings the bell)

MOUSE (addressing Fox): Do you hear? They call us again!
I'll run to meet the guests!
Who's there?

SNOWMAN: Who will I be? Snowman!
I am neither small nor great!
The guys and I are behind you,
You ran away in vain
We invite you to the holiday,
We can't live without you!

RAVEN (comes closer, guilty): Forgive me!
I ask you not to be angry,
Let's better have fun!

FOX, MOUSE, HARE, HEDGEHOG (in unison): We forgive you, Crow. Hooray! Hooray! We'll go to the party!

HOST: Get on the sleigh, the kids will take you.

HEDGEHOG: The sleigh is rushing, rushing fast
Through glades and forests,
Sweeping sparkling snow
We are going to visit friends!

The animals are handed out to children, and they are put in a sleigh. A snowman or children (as appropriate) take the sled by the rope and take it to the tree.

Sleighs are a hotel theme, everyone enthusiastically planted and transplanted animal dolls, then they were carried with even greater enthusiasm, the adults were touched.

At the Christmas tree, the children are met by the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Come, guests, into the house,
We have been waiting for you for a long time!
We are now in a spacious hall,
I've been tired of waiting for you.
So let's have fun
Spins around the Christmas tree!
Together we will start the holiday
New Year's this day!

HOST: Happy New Year
Both the big ones and the kids.
Happiness to everyone, we wish you well
And frosty clear days!
Let it sound in the hall today
Your cheerful, ringing laugh.
Happy New Year
With new happiness
Everyone, everyone, everyone !!!

Snow Maiden: It's time to celebrate the New Year,
Light a Christmas tree in the hall!
Our tree is worth
Does not burn with lights.
Clap, clap, say:
"Our Christmas tree, burn!"

Children clap, the tree lights up.

HOST: Hello, festive tree!
Hello, hello, New Year!
Near the tree today
We will lead a round dance!

Children and adults lead a round dance.

SNOWMAN: Now I understand everything.
How do children celebrate the New Year?
They're under the tree on New Years
Merry dance!

Snow Maiden: And now it's time
Play for us, kids!
There are many games in the world
Do you want to play, children?


Snow Maiden: Have you seen how snowflakes are spinning on the street? They spin and sing a song.
We are white snowflakes
We fly, we fly, we fly
Paths and paths
We will powder everything.
Let's circle over the garden
On a cold winter day.
And we'll lie down quietly next to you
With the same as we are.
So we are now going to circle like snowflakes!

Children and mothers dance to dance music, and the Snow Maiden shows the movements: snowflakes whirl in the air (arms to the sides), snowflakes fall to the ground (children sit down).

MOUSE: Pee Pee! Snegurochka, I have a dream to collect a whole bag of snowflakes!

BUNNY: And I dream that I have a whole bag of icicles! (dreamily) They look like carrots!

SNOW Maiden: Now the guys and I will fulfill your dream, here are snowflakes and icicles. Guys, let's put a snowflake in a bag for a mouse, and icicles in a bag for a bunny!

MOUSE and BUNNY (in unison): Thank you!

The game with snowflakes and icicles passed with interest, the children understood the task, mothers suggested something, carried snowflakes and icicles into the boxes with enthusiasm.

FOX: And I want to play hide and seek with the guys, I will catch them, and they will run away from me and hide behind their mothers.
I am Chanterelle, red ponytail,
I'll stand closer to the Christmas tree!
Don't be afraid of me, kids,
I'm so kind today
I will not touch any of you,
Has come to have fun!

The girls played this game with enormous pleasure, and one of them was in the arms of their mother, they hid together, she had a lot of fun.

SNOWMAN: I know the game of snowballs, do you want me to teach? Here are the white snowballs, throw them into the bucket!

The children were delighted, especially the boys. Then the children scattered and collected snowballs around the hall, everyone was interested.

HEDGEHOG: Our tree is so elegant
It's a lot of fun all around
So come on guys
We will sing about the Christmas tree!

Adults sing a song where the kids only need to repeat the word "yes".

Beads shine on the tree
Flapper and star.
We love our tree -
Yes Yes Yes!

Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes Yes Yes!

And Santa Claus is cheerful,
Gray beard
Brings us gifts -
Yes Yes Yes!

(N. Naydenova)

BUNNY: We love to jump to our song in the forest, let's jump!
Bunnies went out for a walk
Stretch your paws.
Jump, jump, jump and jump,
Stretch your paws.
Oh-oh-oh, what a frost
You can freeze your nose!
Jump, jump, jump and jump,
You can freeze your nose!
(rubbing noses for himself and his partner)
Sad bunnies sit -
The ears of the hares are freezing.
Jump, jump, jump and jump,
The ears of the hares are freezing.
(rubbing alternately ears)
The bunnies began to dance
Warm your paws
Jump, jump, jump and jump,
Dance near the Christmas tree!

We had funny music, and the older children jumped on their own, and the younger ones (those who cannot jump) were held by the hands. The children liked it very much, and even those who were held tried to jump at the end. According to the text, the children only managed to rub their nose, and they did it with pleasure.

BUNNY: We danced very merrily
And not at all tired!
I thank the guys
I say thank you to everyone!

Snow Maiden: Known to everyone, on New Year's Eve
Any of us is waiting for a gift!
Here is Santa Claus for us
I brought them in a big basket!

The Snow Maiden pulls out a basket of vegetables from under the Christmas tree and asks the children to give gifts to the animals; she gives each of the children a vegetable. The basket contains a carrot, a fish, a bag of grains, mushrooms, berries.

Despite the fact that the matinee had already lasted a long time, everyone completed the task with interest. Of course, the adults were organizing the children.

Then the Snow Maiden takes out a box with toys for children. Giving out gifts.

Snow Maiden: I congratulate you, children,
I wish you happiness, joy
So that you grow and grow wiser,
Have fun, sang songs,
So that your laughter always rings!
Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

MODERATOR: It's a pity, friends, you have to say goodbye,
It's time for everyone to go home.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a tree, a song, a round dance!
With new toys
With beads, crackers!
We congratulate all the guests,
We wish all the kids
The bright life of a hundred years
And health is a hundred pounds!

Our New Year's songs.

Round dance "The Christmas tree has come to the children"

1. The Christmas tree came to the children

Brought snow on the branches. Round dance

You need to warm the Christmas tree

Put on a new dress.

Losing. Claps - plates

Circling with "flashlights"

2. Stars shine brightly

The lights are on brightly. to the tree

Different beads are hanging

Wonderful outfit. from the tree


3. Musicians soon

Play more fun.

Let's stand together in a round dance "Play the drums"

Hello hello new year! Bow!


" Winter has come"

1. Snow is falling, snow is falling (Handles from top to bottom)

Snow and ice on the paths.

It was winter that came to us (On the knees "go" with your fingers)

Yes, winter! (handles to the sides)

2. The guys, the guys ("Flashlights")

Lots of brand new shovels.

You can dig snow in the garden, ("Dig with shoulder blades")

Yes, dig!

3. And then, and then (" sprinkle with handles)

We'll sand the ice.

You can run and play (clap)

Yes, play!


1. There is a snowball on the ground (children hold their paws in front of


Bunny runs in the snow (wiggle "paws")

Ears are freezing (cover ears with palms)

Paws are cold (squeeze "paws" to themselves)

Without boots (show their legs, spreading their arms in


And without a hat (put palms on head)

Ouch! (keep "paws" in front of the chest)

For children of the middle group

Leading: Happy New Year,

We sincerely wish everyone

So that your hands clap, so that your feet stamp,

So that we all smile, have fun and laugh.

1. We were waiting for this holiday,

When will he come.

Our glorious, our smart

Happy New Year.

2. A Christmas tree has come to visit us,

And shines for us with lights.

May our guests New Year

Meet with us!

3. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a song, a tree, a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys.

4. The circle is wider, the circle is wider

Become a round dance

Amicably, joyfully we lived

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

(After the song, the children sit on the chairs.)

Readers come out and continue the holiday

Leading. What kind of guest came to us?

So smart and slender

All in toys, all in needles,

It's festive. ... ...

Children... Christmas tree!

6. - Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are

That you came to us again

And in green needles

Brought the freshness of the forest!

7. - On the branches of your toys

And the lanterns are burning

Colorful firecrackers

Different beads are on fire!

8 ... Hello, forest Christmas tree,

Silvery, thick!

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for a holiday.

9. You came to the joy of children

We will celebrate the New Year with you

Let's start a song together

Let's go dancing merrily.

Round dance number 2 "About the Christmas tree"

Miracles await us near the Christmas tree!

Do you hear? Here come alive

The music sounds quietly

The first guest is in a hurry here.

Calm music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden.

Winter threats are not afraid

Granddaughter of Santa Claus.

I'm not afraid of a blizzard

I'm called the Snow Maiden!

Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you all

Let's have fun today

Whirl with snowflakes

Snowflakes run out and read poems.

10. Spins and laughs

Snowstorm on New Year's Eve.

The snow wants to fall

And the wind does not give.

11. And the trees have fun,

And to every bush

Snowflakes, like laughter,

They dance on the fly.

12. The wind sings a song

At the edge of the forest

Calls me to dance

In a round dance to the girlfriends.

13. Wind, wind, blow harder,

To dance more fun

Ice circle -

A small snowflake.

Dance of the Snowflakes.

There is a knock on the door.

1. Host. Someone is knocking on our door.

Maybe a beast, or maybe a bird?

2. Host. We will sit quietly.

Who's knocking, let's see!

Fast music sounds, the Polar Bear runs into the hall, he is angry.

Snowman. I am running. I'm running. I'm running

Whirling snow whirlwinds!

How to blow out, how to blow,

I'll make a big cold

They completely forgot about me

They weren't invited anywhere.

I'm angry with you

I'll ruin your holiday now!

(Stamps his feet, scares children.)

1. Host. You Mishutka, don't be angry

Don't be angry, and don't be angry.

Polar bear. I will, I will be angry

I will, I will be very angry!

2. Host

Come on, stop getting angry at everyone, otherwise what example are you giving to little kids?

Don't you know how to celebrate the holiday at all?

Snowman. Oh, I really got really angry.

It even got hot ... and I'm not used to living in a warm place. ... ...

Oh oh oh!

Leading... Children, help, wave to the Bear - the Northern guest!

Cheerful music sounds, children wave and blow at the Bear, which becomes kinder and more cheerful.

Polar bear. How cool it became in the hall

You waved so well!

But ... I'm offended at you!

Snow Maiden. What about now, friends?

1. Host. We can’t be angry.

We urgently need to make up!

2. Host... Let's get together in a round dance

Let the people have fun!

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Let everyone dance and sing! …. ...

General dance (let's all jump ...).

Polar bear. Your dance, just like that,

She managed to make us friends!

1. Host. Now listen to our Northern friend White Bear

We will read you the most snowy and frosty poems.

Come on, Snowmen, come out. Tell us about yourself.

18. Snow sweeps down the street,

The blizzard sings songs

The kids are shouting "Hurray!"

snowman in the yard:

19. Instead of a hat - an old basin,

Coals in place of the eyes.

Carrot - red nose

As if painted by frost.

Oh, the snowman is beautiful -

Glorious snow man!

20. I am neither small nor large

Snowy white snowman.

I have a carrot nose

I love frost very much

All Snowmen:

And you are a bear, look

How we dance from the heart!

Dance of the Snowmen.

Polar bear:

It's a lot of fun with you,

But it's time for me to run.

At the North Pole

I will decorate the Christmas tree.

Goodbye friends

2. Host.

Our Little Bear escaped, but we also have our forest friends. ... .

Snow Maiden.

Look guys

We have animals in the hall

1. Host.

Let's clap more fun

Let them run out soon

Children clap their hands to the music.

The animals come out to the guys.

(21) Hedgehog. What kind of children are walking around here

Don't let them sleep well?

(22) Teddy bear.

What kind of noise and dance?

Let's catch everyone now!

1. Host.

Don't grumble. do not be angry

Have fun by the tree.

And there are still animals rushing to us

Are you guys waiting for them?

Children: Yes!

Animals run out:

(23) Squirrel.

I wish without hindrance

You gnaw nuts for a whole year,

Jump and play burners,

Be fun like squirrels!

And I am a wolf, teeth snap!

I know a lot about toothpaste.

I wish you friends

Be toothy like me

(25) Bunny.

I want under the tree

Only needles were not lying

And candy and crackers,

And favorite toys!

We are ready to dance and sing

At least until the morning!

Happy New Year, new happiness,

Happy Holidays to all of you! Hurray!

Dance of Animals.

1. Host

And now I to you guys

I want to ask a riddle!

He walks, shakes his white beard,

Stamps his foot - only the crackling goes!

Hoarfrost scatters over birch branches. ... ...

Who walks like that?

Children. Santa Claus!

2. Host

Only there is no it. Lost!

Didn't get to our tree.

1. Host.

Apparently something happened.

He should have come a long time ago.

Really lost

And can't find us

27. Child.

I know where Santa Claus is!

He was carrying gifts for you.

I drove a long way

And tired, you see, a little.

I sat down under the tree to rest

Yes, and dozed off a little. ... ...

1. Host.

We need to hurry into the winter forest,

Wake Santa Claus!

2. Host.

Santa Claus is not easy to find

He lives in the forest, far, far away.

Snow Maiden.

Let's stand together in a round dance. The song will be drunk and we will find ourselves in the winter forest.

Round dance. -the game. "Santa Claus walked through the forest"

1. Host.

So we came to the forest and found a bell with riddles!

(Takes a New Year's bell.)

He rings them and then reads the riddle.

It's snowing in the yard, it's coming. ... ...

Children. New Year!

(After the answer, a phonogram with applause starts.)

2. Host.

The needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit is coming. ... ...

Children. From the tree!

1. Host.

The branches rustle faintly

The beads are bright. ... ... Shine!

And the toys swing:

Balls, flags

Children. Crackers!

2. Host.

It pinches the ears, pinches the nose. ... ...

Who's joking like that?

Children. Father Frost!

1 and 2 Leading... Come on, louder!

Children: Santa Claus

(You can hear from behind the door how D.M is answering OW! OW! I'm on my way!)

1 Leading. Santa Claus is near! Let's call him so he doesn't get lost on his way. Let's put it all together:

Children and parents repeat the words after the presenter.

"Santa Claus, go quickly! Together it will be more fun!"

To beautiful music, Santa Claus enters the ass.

Father Frost. Happy New Year to you friends

I am very glad to see everyone!

Of course you are all gathered

At New Year's, light hour.

We haven't met for a whole year

I miss you!

Hello my dear,

Small and large!

It's good with you, but only

The lights on the tree are not lit.

So that the fun does not stop,

So that we do not get bored,

Let's be a festive tree

We all light up together!

Together we will say: "One! Two! Three!

Our Christmas tree, shine! "

The tree does not light up.

D. M. Something the tree is in no hurry

Give us the lights ...

DM asks to help adults repeat the words ...

Children and adults repeat the words after Santa Claus, lights are lit on the tree.

D. M. We did not try in vain with you,

The tree burst into flames.

Santa Claus calls you all

In the New Year's round dance!

New Year's round dance No. 3 "Santa Claus"

D. M. While I was dancing with you, I lost my mitten!

Snow Maiden: This pretty mitten here?

D. M. Yes it is she

SNOW MAIDEN: And we won't give it to you just like that, catch up with it first!

Game "Mitten"

(Children pass the mitten in a circle, D.M. is trying to catch up with her, at the end of the mitten Snegurochka has, she gives it to D.M.)

D. M. What? Just like that!

Freeze everyone now!

Game "Freeze".

Father Frost. I didn't catch up with anyone, I didn't freeze anyone!

Only here's what's interesting. ... ...

How will I get out of the circle?

1. Host. We will not let you out!

Grandfather moro h. How is it, do not let it out? And I'll slip through here!

(He goes to the children, they quickly join hands, not letting go of Santa Claus.)

Well, then I'll jump out here!

(He runs up to other children, but even there he does not succeed.)

2. Host.

Frost is not a problem for us!

We are not afraid of the cold.

Who sings and dances smartly. ... ...

Never freeze!

Father Frost. Thank you, friends, for amusing me!

1. Leading... And now, kids, it's time to read poetry!

(Poems may be different, as chosen by educators or parents.)

26. Kind Santa Claus

He came to us for the evening.

How happy everyone is

New Year's meeting!

He sings songs with us,

Dances in our hall.

We are about such a meeting

We dreamed for a whole year!

27. Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

It has grown to our eyebrows,

He climbed into our boots.

They say he is Santa Claus,

And he is naughty like a little one!

He messed up the water faucet

In our washbasin.

They say he has a beard

And he is naughty like a little one!

He paints on the window

Stars, palms, balls.

They say he's 100 years old

And he is naughty like a little one!

28. Christmas tree, tree, what a miracle!

How beautifully decorated.

Lots of cones, lanterns.

Santa Claus is sitting under it.

29. Much joy today,

New Year has brought us all.

Dancing on New Year's holiday

Dreams together Santa Claus.

30. Santa Claus gathered the animals

Teddy bear, wolf bunny.

And led everyone out of the forest,

To the kindergarten for the Christmas tree.

(Insert this poem last.)

31. Our tree is dressed up!

Even the cat was surprised

How the lights sparkle

Like embers in the stove.

And toys, and toys

All are suspended by the ears.

We celebrate the New Year

He will bring us joy!

Father Frost. To make it more fun, judge for yourself,

We need to call toys

Have fun with us!

Leading. What are their names? They are already here!

They themselves come to visit us!

New Year's toys with objects ... Poems about New Year's toys.

With golden lights

The Christmas tree is shining for us

We'll stamp our heels

That's so much fun with us.

33 ... We are Parsley, we are crackers,

Christmas toys

Clap us better

The dance will be more fun.

Dance "Christmas toys"

1. Host.


Father Frost.

Didn't I give them?

How did I forget about them?

Where is my bag? Can not see…

2. Host

What to do?

How annoying!

1. Host.

We cannot live without gifts.

Father Frost.

Oh. I'll go look for friends!

Where is my bag? Here's the secret!

On the right is not, and on the left is not!

Isn't it on the tree? (No!)

Isn't it under the tree? No!

Not on the stump? No!

No stump? No!

Not on the window? No

Isn't it on the chair? No!

Doesn't mom have? No!

Doesn't dad have? No!

He walks to the door and notices the bag.

Carries a bag to the middle of the hall.

Opens it up. and from there a boy looks out with a gift in his hands.

Father Frost. I'm glad to present everyone.

The main gift is New Year!

Child-New Year:

Hello. Here I am!

New Year's name is me!

Father Frost. May the coming New Year

For everyone on the holiday will bring

Lots of gifts

The best

the brightest.

Father Frost. The Snow Maiden and all the participants in the holiday are helping DM to distribute gifts.

Father Frost. Goodbye, guys,

Dear preschool children,

To you on a holiday in a year

Santa Claus will come again.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka(together). Happy New Year,

We wish you happiness, joy.

Guests and children leave the hall.

Musical material.

Round dance №1 "We came to the kindergarten for a holiday!"

Round dance №2 "About the Christmas tree".

Round dance-game №3 "Santa Claus walked through the forest".

New Year's round dance No. 4 "Santa Claus".

Individual dances:

Dance 1. Snowflakes (girls).

Dance 2. Snowmen (boys).

Dance 3. Animals (girls and boys).

Dance 4. "Christmas toys"

General dance # 5 (let's all jump ...).

Surprise moment in middle group # 2.


Granddad! All the guys had fun today go and deserved New Year's gifts.

Father Frost.

I love children very much. And I give gifts to those whom I love. Where is my cherished bag? (Takes out a small pouch)

Snow Maiden.

Grandpa, this is not the same bag, because all the gifts for the children will not fit in it.

Father Frost.

That's right, granddaughter

Did I leave a big bag at the North Pole?

What to do?


And I know we need to call our friend from the North Pole urgently. To the polar bear.

He will think of something!

Only we don't have a New Year's phone, Grandfather here you are the chief Dispatcher!

Call soon ...

DM pulls out a "New Year's mobile phone"

Hey! Hello! Polar bear. Help urgently. Take a bag of gifts to the children’s Christmas tree ...

The phonogram of the song "Somewhere in this world" sounds, and the Bear on a sled brings a sack into the hall.

Grandfather moro s

Thank you Bear. You helped me out!

May the coming New Year

For everyone on the holiday will bring

Lots of gifts

The best



Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Where am I? That means to the address! Did you recognize me? Who am I? What good fellows! How nice that you do not forget me! Oh, guys, just know, Santa Claus was so tired from the road that he fell asleep. He has been sleeping for 3 days already. And I can't wake him up. One hope for you! Shall we wake up Santa Claus? Then, at the end of each quatrain, repeat in chorus "Grandfather Frost".

Santa Claus (stretching):Oh, something I have completely fallen asleep! Well done, guys, that woke me up, otherwise I would have missed the New Year and did not give presents. So, enough talk, it's time to pamper you with tasty treats (distributes sweets to music).

Well, I pampered you, now it's your turn. Make your grandpa happy with something New Year's.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I happened to hear here that the guys recite poetry well. Can we arrange a competition for the best reader?

Father Frost: Exactly, Snow Maiden! Clever, granddaughter! Well, guys, please me with your talents, and I will reward you for this!

Children recite poetry to music.

Father Frost: Oh, what great fellows! We did a great job! We received well-deserved gifts!

Snow Maiden: Tired, I guess? And Grandpa and I have prepared a fairy tale for you, an interesting New Year's one. See, enjoy!

Scene. Song of the participants of the scene.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, look at our guys, they seem to be bored of something. We ought to somehow cheer them up, stir them up.

Father Frost: I think I know ... Look, granddaughter, what beautiful and smart guys we have. We ought to somehow get a better look at their outfits.

Snow Maiden: I know I know! Let's lead a round dance and sing a song about the New Year, and Santa Claus, meanwhile, will take a good look at your costumes and reward the winners.

Father Frost: Eh, get into a round dance, our merry people!

Someone from the audience: Santa Claus, maybe we'll play already?

Snow Maiden: Indeed, Grandpa, we have completely forgotten that we have prepared various interesting contests for the guys!

Father Frost: And prizes too! It's time to start the competition program!



Outside the window, frost and blizzard.

Well, it's warm in the house,

And a cheerful brush of a friend

Painted glass.

In this house today

Silence, peace, comfort,

And for the New Year's holiday

Guests are expected here today.

And the storyteller lives in this house, so you shouldn't be surprised that various miracles happen around her.

Before the New Year, the Storyteller has a lot of trouble. After all, all children want to receive as a gift not only sweets and toys, but also some kind of fairy tale.

Words of the Storyteller.(addressing things) Sit quietly and do not play pranks! I have a lot to do! And don't make a mess! In the evening we will have guests!

Well, here I am at home! Oh no no no! What a mess! Walkers are standing. The mirror has fallen into disarray ... I think my hair is all disheveled from the wind ... Let me look into it ... (walks up to the Mirror, which quickly turns away.) What is this news?

How is it impossible?

Well, well, well! What kind of guests have visited me?

So this is New Years? ..

Well, I have known Awesome Obalduevich for a long time and I do not expect anything good from him, but you, you, respectable person, how could you go to deception and forgery?

Indeed, the story turns out to be very sad. But, perhaps, today we will be able to change something. In my mirror, now everything is changing and becoming completely different. Try to peer into it.

You are our New Year!

And you, darling, stay in the old year.

How about trying on a new suit?

Calendar Words.

- Oh, I became very thin,

I'm tired of hanging on the wall.

I gave it right on time

One piece of paper every day

I remembered the numbers, I remembered the dates

Knew sunrises and sunsets

The longitude of any day

But take a look at me -

I am an old man and a disabled person.

Oh-ho-ho !. It is you, dear Cuckoo, who speak only out of pity. If you really liked me, you would have married me long ago ... All three hundred and sixty-five days of this year, I offered you my hand and heart.

And that's how life passed. They dragged me apart one piece at a time, and now no one needs me. But how many useful things were in me! In the winter I gave advice on how to treat colds, in the spring I hurried gardeners and gardeners, in the summer I warned against sunburn, in the fall I made preparations with you ... And now I am old and I don’t remember anything. I have only one piece of paper left, and even that will be cut off today. I guess I've changed so much that you can't even recognize me. Who am i?

Look, we found out! But now we will check how you were friends with me. Tell me: what day do you have to be born to celebrate your birthday every four years? Well done, well done! Not a bastard! Perhaps this can serve me some consolation in my old age.

And that's right, I'll go and take a look ...

When the year ends

Your old calendar

Among the December bad weather

January is already growing.

History takes a year

As if there was an episode in a movie.

We accompany him to the gate

And light up the lantern.

- (tearing off the last sheet) Well, it's time for me to rest, it's time for history. Let from now on another year, noisy-seething in the morning.

Wow, this is a new thing! I'm getting married! By God, I'm getting married!

Cuckoo's words.

- (leaning out of the clock) Ku-ku! You're not so disabled! You are still very much nothing!

Oh! We girls shouldn't be in a hurry in this matter ... We need to get to know the person better ...

Something our hostess is delayed, no matter how she gets lost in this blizzard. Light a light in the attic window, Calendar.

Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Ku-ku! So I’ve been pumping for another year! Now they will decorate the Christmas tree, light the lights - and forgive, goodbye for another year!

Song : I am a century-old cuckoo, All my life I am on the clock, I would, a young cuckoo, Cook in my native forests. Here the soul has little space, She has nowhere to turn around. How I would have cuckoo In the middle of my native fields!

How much do you know what is bursting and what is drinking? You've never been on the street!

Today the heart has no rest, Does not cuckoo in the morning. Happened what is it, Maybe it's time for me to get married? ..

At least I have my own opinion, and you have someone else's!

And so that you have never had your opinion, only reflections. As for the appearance, it is only one appearance. But I have a mind ward. It’s not for nothing that Calendar has been wooing me all year round, and no one will marry you, except for the samovar.

- (dumbfounded) Cook! Who is this?

Chevoy, then I do not recognize in any way .. You can, entot .. how is his ... brownie?



Cookies! (faints)

Who are you, you say?

Well, then I am the Swan Princess!

Did you look at yourself in the mirror?

Oh, I, old old lady, the cuckoo clock, have lived a century, but I have never seen such a thing! Do you not recognize yourself in any way? Why, it's you, old one!

You were new 12 months ago. During this time my walkers have run how many laps. Do you want to go through everything in the young? And what kind of sticks are you bringing with you?

You wretch, wretch ... And what's in the sack?

- (rummages in the bag) Well, well, nutshells, candy wrappers, golden grains from chocolates, peel from tangerines ... Wow, gifts! Your time is up, it's over! I will prokukuyu 12 times today at midnight, and you will leave forever!

Ah well! Now raise your hands those who want to continue to learn the same lessons, play the same games, read the same books all their lives! Something you have a little supporters ...


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ugh! Mixed up awake! Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Happy New Year!!!

Words of the Mirror.

Oh, you would cuckle, darling, you would cuckle now. The frost on the street crackles, the snow squeaks under the boots, and you cuckoo!

And the stove told me just now. And they told her firewood. They were so cold on the street that they themselves jumped into the furnace.

Oh, I can't! I'm going to die now! I was already bent! It's time for her to get married! Well, you have conceit!

How foreign it is! How foreign it is!

But I have a golden character! I don’t mind anyone, I obediently reflect everyone, I don’t scandal, I don’t be rude, And I love everyone in my own way! And I even respect.


Oh oh oh! You can't look at me!

Oh, you can't, you can't, you can't! I am now bewitched! Whoever looks at me - everyone will become a freak!

The words of Awesome. - Hold on, old man, I'm coming to your aid!

I'm Awesome Obalduyevich Obalduev. Wherever impatience, deceit and lies are, You will find my presence without a doubt. I'll change everything and turn everything around. I will fool everyone, any fool, any deception! Yes, we are with you for a couple On the New Year's Eve Let's give a couple of heat, We'll start with you, old, Everything is backwards! Agree?

Be silent! Auntie cuckoo! Be your little mouse! I am locking the clock! Don't jump out of the clock! And you, talkative Mirror, will be a distorting mirror. Whoever does not look at you, everyone will become a freak!

Ah, I quite accidentally walked by your house and looked at the light! And you are all the same adorable and charming! Let me wish you a Happy New Year! By the way, he is with me!

Do not dare! Do not dare!

And what about me?

The words of the Old Man. - Hello, old woman! How is your life?

Cook! Long time no see! Put on your glasses, old one! (into the hall) Doesn't recognize! Well, of course, I certainly grew up during this time, matured! Accumulated so to speak life experience! Look closely, old pepper shaker! You will not know?

Look carefully, old lady!

Here is a stupid poker!

I went through all the evil spirits. Is your head bad at all? New year me!

Has she lost her mind completely from joy? Still would! For a whole year, one might say, did not see each other.

New year me!

What are you pouring into, you stupid!

Who is this, my dears?

I am old? I am a new year!

Where are the sticks? What sticks? These are my trees! They stood in my barn all year, waiting for the holiday!

Like what? Hospitality, of course! Who goes to a holiday without gifts?

Leading mom: Guys, tell me what is your favorite time?

Children answer.

Leading mom: And I love winter, because in winter there is such an amazing holiday as New Year. On this holiday, every house where obedient and kind children live comes ... Do you know who comes to the guys who behaved well all year?

Children answer.

Leading mom: Everything is correct! Det Frost comes to the party. But grandfather is not in a hurry to see us ?! Maybe some of you misbehaved this year? Did you hurt your brother or sister? Did you disobey your parents? The children answer: “No! No! We are the most obedient and wonderful children in the world! "

Leading mom: Okay, okay, I'll believe you. All of you well behaved, good fellows! Oh, I think I can hear someone's footsteps. Isn't that Grandpa Frost?

The music of the blizzard is playing. Someone's cautious footsteps are heard. Walking back, with his back to us, looking around, Santa Claus appears.

Leading mom: Hooray! Santa Claus came to us !!!

Santa Claus slips out of surprise (or shudders if you don't want to flop on the floor). The bag of gifts flies to the other side of the room.

Father Frost: Where? What? ( Notices children) Who you are? Are you Baba Yaga's accomplices? Confess!

Children answer that they are a Ninja Turtle, a pirate, a Mickey Mouse girlfriend, a snowflake, etc. depending on their outfits.

Father Frost: O! Very nice. These are the very wonderful guys to whom I was in such a hurry. Children! I watched you all year, saw if you obey your dad and mom, if you help them, read your letters. I want to admit, you all made me happy, and I brought gifts to everyone. Where is my bag?

At this moment, Baba Yaga appears secretly from behind the Christmas tree. She gets close to the bag, grabs and holds it tightly.

Father Frost: Gotcha, robber! Children, that's who is to blame for being late for your holiday! She! She attacked us when we were driving to you with the Snow Maiden and kidnapped her. And now a bag of gifts! Give us Snow Maiden and gifts!

Baba Yaga: Will not give it back!

Father Frost: How can you not give it up? Do you want to ruin the holiday for the children?

Baba Yaga: Yes! You will not have a holiday! (begins to dance with joy and make faces. Santa Claus touches the tip of the staff on Baba Yaga's nose)

Father Frost: Baba Yaga, my staff is not simple, all such wonderful! Whom I touch them, he cannot lie! Made of special wood, the name is true!

Baba Yaga: Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo! - howls.

Father Frost: Say what you want in exchange for my granddaughter and gifts?

Baba Yaga: I want to have fun with you at the holiday!

Father Frost: Whoever is with you, such a harmful one, wants to have fun. You are only on nasty and much!

Baba Yaga: I won't anymore!

Father Frost: Children, will we believe Baba Yaga?

Children answer.

Father Frost: You have to believe! And what do you want?

Baba Yaga: I want Ninja Turtle, this beautiful, green such, to tell you a rhyme, and I will listen at the same time.

The first child tells.

Baba Yaga: Well, yes. It’s great, of course! Nice to tell. But I’ll probably keep the presents for myself.

Father Frost: We didn't agree that way, Bone Leg Yaga! Give gifts! Baba Yaga: Netouushki, I want to have some more fun. Come on, baby, ( calls by name the smallest guys), and everyone else too! Dance and sing a song to granny, amuse my darling.

A merry New Year's song turns on, the children dance. After the song, the kids show their performances that their mothers have prepared with them.

Baba Yaga: Oh, your children sing and dance well, Santa Claus! Well done. I'll give you presents, perhaps. ( Gives the bag to Santa Claus).

Baba Yaga: But I'll keep the Snow Maiden for myself. It’s very sad for me to live alone in a hut on chicken legs. And here is the ready-made granddaughter. An adult, hard-working girl! He will bring water, he will prick firewood! The beauty.

Father Frost: How can I be without my granddaughter? Without her, a holiday is not a holiday.

Baba Yaga: Oh, I don’t know - I don’t know. But I also love it when they guess riddles. Let the children answer me a difficult question: WHAT DOES THE FIR-TREE LOVE? - Give the answers - "yes" or "no", help the parents.

What does the tree like?

Sharp needles ...

Gingerbread, candy ..

Chairs, stools ...

Tinsel, garlands ..

Games, masquerades ...

Boredom from idleness ...

Children, fun ...

Lilies of the valley and roses ...

Santa Claus ...

Ringing laughter and jokes ...

Boots and jackets ...

Cones and nuts ...

Chess pawns ...

Serpentine, flashlights ...

Lights and balls ...

Confetti, crackers ...

Broken toys ...

Cucumbers in the garden ...

Waffles, chocolates ...

Miracles on New Year's Eve ...

A friendly round dance with the song ...

Baba Yaga: Well done boys. You know everything. Ha! And here is the Pirate! My spiteful brother, I didn't notice you right away, I didn't see you! Why are you silent? Sweat your grandmother with a rhyme or some dance, and let your girlfriends help you.

The rest of the children recite poetry. Baba Yaga claps her hands joyfully, smiles.

Baba Yaga:-And now, let's play some old Russian fun. It is called "Crocodile". Santa Claus, whisper the animal in the ears of the children, let them show it without words and without sounds, with gestures, and the other guys guess. You will guess everything - I will give the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus whispers: Child # 1 is a bear, Child # 2 is a giraffe, Child # 3 is a penguin, Child # 4 + # 5 is elephants, Child # 6 is a mosquito. A New Year's melody sounds, to which children show their animal"A giraffe walked across Africa." Everyone is dancing and rejoicing.

Baba Yaga: Well done guys, I give the Snow Maiden to you.

Leads the Snow Maiden by the hand (from behind the door).