Handwriting analysis as a tool for human psychodiagnostics. What the science of handwriting gives


Graphologists claim that handwriting helps to determine distinctive character traits... To understand the character, you need to know the signs of writing letters. It is noticed that people have a different handwriting, like character.

What is graphology and who are graphologists

Graphology Is a science that studies handwriting, as an example - a graphological analysis of a person's character by his handwriting. Graphologists as follows from the definition - people capable of performing such an analysis. Although until the middle of the last century, the methods of this science were considered in the form of those that help to study the characters of people in psychology, in our time this doctrine of the inextricable connection between character and handwriting is considered pseudoscientific, it is referred to as pro-scientific thinking. In medicine, this term is found in the form of an opportunity to study handwriting as an auxiliary element for tracking diseases of the brain and central nervous system.

Modern scientists are skeptical about graphology, despite the past achievements of science.

The scientific community questions the veracity of graphology. A large number of researchers graphology is recognized as a pseudoscience... The British Society of Psychologists puts graphology on a par with astrology. Despite the fact that initially the science of handwriting and character analysis found support in scientific circles, as well as the fact that individual studies support the reliability of such a theory, most scientists are sure that graphology has no predictive ability.

But still there are many who believe in the ability of graphology to determine the main character traits. Of course, no one guarantees 100% probability and accuracy in judgments, but approximate characteristic of a person will be indicated by handwriting.

Why do we need a psychological analysis of a personality based on handwriting?

It should be noted right away that the handwriting description makes it possible to make likely conclusions but not precise statements. In addition, the analysis of a person's handwriting in psychology with examples is common and it is believed that it provides a general description of human psychology, but not an accurate one. In addition, graphologists need at least a page of handwritten text, and even better a couple, which are written in dissimilar situations.

Why is analysis needed? Often, cadres are required to identify the main personality traits, character traits and state of mind of the applicant. This will make it possible to more accurately determine its compliance with the work. In addition, knowledge of graphology will help a person to decide on a choice or when changing a field of activity. Remember that every attribute should not be regarded as absolute dogma. It needs to be compared with the rest of the features.

The analysis of handwriting will allow you to find the main character traits. This is sometimes important when applying for a job.

An interesting discovery was made by Western scientists. It turned out that people who lost their arms, legs and mouths are trying to deduce the same letters as they wrote earlier. It turns out that we write like this as the brain tells us, and the hands only follow orders.

For this reason handwriting is a mirror of a person... This fact has also been proven by biologist Preyer. He conducted an experiment using hypnosis. The person was inspired that he was angry or boastful, at the same time the text was dictated to him. As a result, the handwriting turned out to be different, with characteristic features.

What does handwriting depend on?

Many are interested in the question what does our handwriting depend on? According to the observations of scientists, our handwriting depends not only on age, but also on profession and position. Moreover, each of us has several handwritings. One is for personal notes, the other is for important statements, the third is for congratulations and letters to friends.

But for graphologists, they are all the same, even parsing a crooked handwriting (for example, as a result of illness or stress) is not difficult. In all the handwritings of one person, only the size of the letters and the quality are changed, the internal structure does not change. It would seem, what is the dependence of character and these scribbles? Scientists have developed feature system, explaining the features of a person's handwriting and his character.

Some of them are immediately visible, others - if you look closely, but still others - have nothing to do with experience. There are many dark spots in this science, or as scientists are sure, pseudoscience, but this does not prevent people from using graphology in practice.

Determination of character by handwriting of a person with examples

So consider signs for graphological analysis and find out what a person's handwriting says with examples:


20-30 degrees to the right... This is the most popular slope. Such people can be called open, but one cannot say that they are impulsive. A person is characterized by the ability to keep emotions in tense, emergency situations.
If the slope is stronger, 50-60 degrees to the right- an indicator of the desire for communication and love. These people are more likely to try to show their feelings. A person with a similar handwriting is receptive to everything new. At the same time, the owners of such an inclination have developed possessive instincts.
Little tilt to the left speaks of the predominance of reason over emotions. Such people are secretive, rational.
Large tilt to the left more common in left-handers. There is great control of emotions, secrecy combined with sensuality.
If no slope- balance of emotions and rationality.


Nowadays, when there are many varieties of pens, it is sometimes difficult to determine the pressure. But if you can disassemble it, then it will help a lot.

Strong pressure- evidence of perseverance, energy, ability to work. They are sociable individuals who love their work and people.
If surface and light pressure, then such individuals are distinguished by their sensitivity, subtlety of nature. They are more often introverts, whose self-control helps them cope with important tasks.
If medium pressure, then such a person is more predictable, she likes to know the outside world.

Combination of pressure and other characteristics

Smooth letters and light pressure - rationality of thoughts, high morality, discipline. Large round letters and light pressure - weak will, non-conflict, altruism. Strong pressure on capital letters - energy, leadership and creativity.

Arrangement of lines

If the lines to the end of the sheet remain horizontal - balance in everything. Such people carefully think over all actions.
If the handwriting goes up - an optimistic nature. In a career - purposefulness.
Lines go down - a skeptic, realistically evaluates events.
Uneven line - changeable mood, poor adaptability.

Roundness of letters

The decoding of round letters in a person's handwriting speaks of the individual's readiness for cooperation. Such a person is not persistent, he is open to others. But he does things worse that require perseverance.

Remember that all these qualities need to be analyzed together. Even an approximate portrait cannot be compiled separately. Everything should be checked against the rest of the features.

Space between lines and words

Often the density of the words is an indicator of frugality. The further the distance, the more wasteful the person is.

Size of fields

This is an indicator that helps to identify the level of wastefulness. Vast fields everywhere - great taste, craving for art. If they are rational, it is an indicator of prudence. Narrow, even on the sides - a tendency towards frugality. If the text takes up the entire sheet, and the margins are very small - the desire to get the maximum.

Letter size

How to understand a person's character from a small handwriting or a large one?

Small letters indicate the ability to concentrate in one direction. These are non-aggressive individuals. If the capital letters are also too large - courage and pride. If they are too small - a lack of courage. Small handwriting with small distances - secrecy of nature, a person who loves loneliness.
Large letters are found in expansive natures, somewhat aggressive. If capital letters are graceful - the ability to attract people to yourself, the romance of nature.
Middle letters are found in many people, therefore they cannot be taken as a separate indicator for analysis.

Printed letters

What does printed handwriting mean? The nature of such a letter consists in writing printed letters where there should be written ones - which means that a person seeks to replace his outdated views on life with modern ones.


How does curly handwriting characterize a person? The presence of various decorations in the letter (a curly "cap" at the letter "y", curls, vignettes, etc.) indicates a person's desire to draw attention to himself and the superficiality of his thinking.


If no bottom loops, then a person is distinguished by independence of thought, prefers a search for simple explanations. They are resourceful and adaptable.
The hinges are narrow at the bottom- an indicator of caution, spirituality, love for the family. Wide extended lower loops - the desire to satisfy material needs. Too large loops at the bottom - the person does not like to be attached to something.
Loops too small at the top and bottom- indecision to set foot on the path of independence.

Breaks in words

If gaps are located in every word, then the person is inclined to believe intuition. Such a sign is correlated with another. If there are no breaks in the words, it is a sign of logic.

Letter sizes

If the words begin with capital letters and then decrease - the person occupies a position where strict adherence to secrecy is very important. Words begin with small letters, and then increase - a person does not know how to keep secrets.

Graphology and signature

A special place in this science is given to analysis of signature... We invent and design an autograph for a long time. For this reason, it is believed that in the writing of the text, the personality of a person is determined, what he is, and by the signature - what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting changes in personality and character, in fate.

We choose the signature ourselves, it contains important information about our goals and aspirations.

Signatures, like handwritten text, are examined according to parameters, which include the length and sharpness of letters, interesting characters and fusion of letters, the distance between them and the pressure force, points, hooks, etc. Let's consider some characteristics:

direction... Here, take a look at where the tip of the signature is looking. If up - optimism of nature, energy, striving for goals. Direct - balance in the personality. Down - pessimistic mood;
length... Long signatures speak of thoroughness, slowness, persistence. Short - a person is constantly in a hurry, does not take business seriously;
letter size... If the first letter is noticeably different from the rest, then the personality is capricious, too demanding of others. With a slight difference with other letters - modesty. Small letter sizes - rationality, economy, concentration. Big letters are a dreamy nature, gullible, impractical;
breaks and ties... If all the letters are connected - evidence of consistency and consistency, conservatism of views. If a small number of gaps are noticed - adaptability and flexibility of thinking. A large number of breaks are daydreaming;

decorations... If a person loves to brag and embellish himself, then this is immediately noticeable in the signature, because it is also decorated with ribbons, curls, etc. The number of curls shows the level of insincerity of the person, secrecy. But jewelry is found in creative individuals: actors, musicians. Then a testament to the richness of the imagination. Mathematicians often have “bare” signatures. The letters seem to lose some parts;
distance between letters... This sign determines the level of generosity: with a long distance - a high level. If the letters are almost on top of each other - stinginess and frugality;
ponytails, underlines... If the signature is underlined below, then a person is characterized by pride, touchiness, he is interested in the opinion of others. If the line is on top - pride, vanity, desire for new things. But the length of the host at the end of the signature speaks of the reaction of people to interference in their affairs. The longer the tail, the less a person tolerates comments and decrees. If the signature is crossed out - evidence of dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism, hesitation;
point... This is a positive sign. If there is a dot in the signature, this is evidence of discipline, the desire to finish what was started. If it is at the end, the person finishes what he started under any circumstances. At the beginning of the signature - the desire to receive complete data before starting work;
repetition of elements... The same signs speak of obsession in actions and thoughts, of established habits. Along with this, this sign is an indicator of perseverance, the ability to easily cope with monotonous work.


This article discusses the most important criteria, the so-called key points for working with handwriting and analyzing its elements that can shed light on the personal characteristics of its owner. But there are still many nuances that help to determine the character by the signature. If you wish, it is possible to master such skills on your own, but for this you will have to analyze a lot of handwritten texts of close friends, whose character is known to one degree or another.

January 19, 2014


You have become familiar with the general rules of graphological analysis. If you are seriously interested in graphology, then most likely you have already started collecting and analyzing samples. Any copies are suitable for this - letters, shopping lists, signatures, short notes, etc. All this can serve as material for determining the nature of your acquaintances. Below we provide some useful tips for performing graphological analysis.

All texts that you will analyze must be samples of ordinary handwriting, and not written specifically for you. The best specimens are those spontaneously obtained. The ideal text for analysis is a personal letter, since it is in it that the true thoughts and feelings of the author are most fully reflected. The narration itself should be carried out in prose, because the arrangement of the verse stanzas strongly influences the character and organization of the handwriting. Several pages of text written at different times will give more complete information about a person's character than a short one-time note. They will also make it possible to trace personality changes both psychologically and physiologically.

Plain paper is preferable to lined paper, since when writing on a blank sheet, a person has more freedom of movement. In addition, a sample of text on unlined paper will give you the opportunity to appreciate such important details as the spacing and direction of the lines. Texts written on postcards or short notes are not suitable for analysis, since the author was forced to reduce the size of the letters, and, therefore, distort his own handwriting.

The writing instrument is also very important. It is better if the person uses the pen with which he is more accustomed to handle. You should not start analyzing the text if it is written with a pencil or felt-tip pen, since these tools will not give a complete picture for analyzing pressure.

In the event that it is impossible to analyze the original handwriting, you can use its photocopy. However, here you will also find it difficult to determine the pressure.

In the sample you are examining, at least one signature must be present, because it is she who will give you a lot of information about what psychological type the car belongs to, and will allow you to determine how a person wants to look in the eyes of others. This view is sometimes strikingly different from what it actually appears.

If you suspect that a person can write in different styles, ask him for several texts, each written in a different manner. Many people generally believe that their handwriting can change every day, but this is not the case: it just reflects an emotional state. Usually, all these "different" handwritings after analysis turn out to be almost identical.

If a person usually writes in almost block letters, then this is his handwriting. Both uppercase and printed letters reveal the character of the personality, although such a spelling is somewhat more difficult to analyze due to the lack of lines connecting the letters and the abundance of individual strokes. To interpret such handwriting, you will need to ask the author to write the text in at least several lines. When analyzing, remember that unusual writing style can negatively affect the characteristics of the overall structure of handwriting. Therefore, pay close attention to the rhythm and general organization of the handwriting in this sample.

When a person uses a particular style when writing, for example calligraphic, it is necessary to find out if this manner is familiar to the author. If not, then the real handwriting should be considered; if so, you can start analyzing right away. At the same time, it is necessary to know that a special style of writing is sometimes only a beautiful facade, behind which the author of the text tries to hide his true character. If you ask such a person when it occurred to him to use this style, then surely find out something about the subject's past.

So, you've got a handwriting sample for analysis. The first thing you should keep in mind is the objectivity of the assessment. See all characteristics of handwriting as neutral and think about how each character trait can act as a negative and positive. The analysis will turn out to be more objective if you manage to discard any preconceptions about the author of the text.

Before you directly interpret the peculiarities of handwriting, try to find out the age, gender and physical characteristics of a person, such as the presence of serious illnesses or disabilities. It is also useful to know if the author of the text is taking strong medications or drugs.

When you first look at the sample, remember the impression it made on you, as well as the general structure of the handwriting. Assess it as a whole: determine its general organization, regularity, size, slope, etc. The obtained characteristics will form the basis for a more detailed analysis and will affect the correctness of the results.

Often one or more of the most striking characteristics become apparent after the first viewing. They usually demonstrate the strongest character traits that affect both the personality as a whole and the nuances of behavior. Mark any of the dominant traits, then forget about it for a while and start compiling a list of other traits that you were able to find. Work out a logical sequence for yourself, which you will adhere to when analyzing all handwritings. Perhaps you will come to the conclusion that first you need to evaluate the structure of the handwriting, and then start working with the details.

You will need a magnifying glass to examine the fine lines of your handwriting. Try to determine what points you are interested in the most. Perhaps those details that caught the eye have a very big impact on a person's character. Then look at the letters in each word and note the features that you notice. Remember: in order to qualify any feature as a characteristic of a person, you need to make sure that it occurs more than once in the text. Every time this sign reappears, make a mark in the text. Then, after you finish viewing the text, you will have enough information in order to describe which character traits affect the personality of the author to a greater extent, and which to a lesser extent. After carefully studying your handwriting, list all the signs you have identified, rating them on a five-point system. In this case, the lowest score will be one, and the highest - five. Remember that the highest rated characteristic is usually negative. Such "outstanding" character traits are often nothing more than a means of compensating for other qualities, most often opposite in meaning.

To "feel" the handwriting and better understand the author of the text, try to put yourself in his place. To do this, you can walk through what was written with any non-writing tool. This will allow you to feel changes in the direction of the handwriting and its structure, which, in turn, will give a more accurate picture of the person.

By identifying different signs, you will discover the uniqueness of the personality, as if having penetrated into it from the inside. Graphological analysis will give you the opportunity to understand that all human characters seem to be woven from different, often completely opposite features. And it shouldn't come as a surprise that some people keep smiling even when they are severely depressed, or they may hate and love at the same time. So the two opposite characteristics of handwriting do not mutually exclude each other, but only reflect the presence of contradictory features in a person's character. In such cases, the graphologist must be able to determine exactly how they manifest themselves.

Next, distribute the features depending on the degree of severity: those that are rarely found in handwriting, and those that appear often. Make a list of signs, sorting them into categories: business qualities, social traits, talents, etc. It should be taken into account that some characteristics will fall into not one, but several categories at once. At this stage, you can begin to synthesize research to determine how different character traits affect the personality as a whole and on each other. At the very end of the analysis, try to draw up a logically accurate and coherent conclusion that characterizes the personality as a whole.

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№1 and №2 ... Typical handwriting of teenage girls. The tendency to lean towards the left, combined with roundness, coherence and stylization. Small variation in height, focus on the center of the forms. The prevalence of inward movements. Shape control through loss of speed.

Authors of handwriting- personality focused on themselves and their subjective feelings. They have inherent decision-making and behavior - in accordance with feelings rather than rationality. Also - a feeling of protest, including - parental influence. From the outside, such girls seem stubborn or selfish, while in reality it is only their attempt to achieve autonomy, independence, adulthood and dissociate themselves from the care and influence of parents who still perceive their daughter as a child. Also - concern about their image, appearance, status among their peers is characteristic. Despite the demonstration of protest and independence, girls are actually very dependent and sensitive to the opinions of others about them, their condemnation, they desperately need the approval of adults.

In handwriting number 2 - the described temporary adolescent phenomena are already beginning to take place and the person looks more "mature", although the chronological age of the author of this handwriting is several years lower than that of the author of handwriting number 1.

№3. Handwriting reveals an almost total control over its attention. Unproductive stylization - the speed and spontaneity of writing suffers. Separation. Clear organization of text on the sheet. Uneven lines. "Forced" right tilt. Narrow "loops", break in "b".

Handwriting author- hides behind the "mask". This is an extremely careful and calculating person. Such a "mask" is that he is trying to create the impression of naivety and openness - although in fact he is watching intensely and may suddenly begin to manipulate a person or use information collected about him (using his trust first). This person is formal, formal in nature, bureaucratic if given the opportunity to show it. Stubborn, dominated by stereotypes and does not change his mind. Thorough, picky about details and details.

№4. The handwriting is narrow - squeezed, right-leaning, the shape of the letters is angular. Connected but short endings. Falling lines. The stroke of the lines, however, is also uneven. Pressure - medium to strong. The absence of right "margins", the text is "solid mass".

Handwriting author- a young woman who is trying with all her might to "stay afloat", but it seems that she is not very successful. She does not live for pleasure, not for her own sake - but for the sake of one moral duty, the concepts "must", "must", "must". This is a person who is extremely critical of himself, ready for self-sacrifice. You can be sure that in her life there was more than one person (man) who simply took advantage of her sacrifice. Until she relaxes, learns not only to give, but also to receive, to appreciate herself and not feel guilt where she does not exist, until she sets the same high level of demands to the people around her that she sets only herself - the described scenario will be repeated and beyond.

№5. Total motor control. Absolute adherence to the standard of writing. Extreme stylization and extremely slow handwriting speed. The narrowness of the "loops" (see the letter "e" in the words "I wish", "you", etc.). Brokenness of the bottom "p" in "March", artificially overcome distances from "y" to "learn", "y" to "your" and other signs.

Handwriting author- certainly not a schoolboy "Vova". This is a grown woman, specially trained to write in "capital" handwriting. Despite this, nevertheless, here some properties of the personality of the writer were manifested. This is how a non-spontaneous, tense person writes (as evidenced by some failures - the hand cannot withstand great muscle tension and concentration and it seems that it is about to "tremble"). Only a person who is internally afraid or does not dare to express his individuality, to be “not like everyone else,” resigned to a routine and monotonous existence, is able to suppress everything personal so much and so “flawlessly” portray a standard. Content is sacrificed to an empty form. In addition, on a deeper look, this self-suppression is clearly visible in the tightness of some letters and lines.

№6 ... A high degree of control in handwriting. Angularity. The narrowness of the form. Acceptable line and word spacing. Partial connectedness. Extra sharpness in uppercase and uppercase "b". Creeping up the letters "n". "Raising" the second paragraph.

Handwriting author- an emotional person who tries to control any manifestations of his emotions, as well as all his words and actions. Restrained. High self-criticism, high moral and ethical level. Despite the fact that he does not show this, he is still very proud and loves respect and recognition. Often stubborn. I am convinced of the correctness of my positions and my objectivity (which speaks of subjectivity). Deliberately demonstrates his affection for people.

№7 ... Maximum filling of the sheet (no margins on all 4 sides). The type of "total mass". Separate spelling. The form is rather printed, very angular. Poor orientation and layout on the sheet. Lack of space between lines, sometimes between words. Instability. Roughness of line flow. Variability of sizes, gaps, shapes, fluctuations in inclination.

Handwriting author- a man, a dominant personality. Rough sensuality is inherent in him. Likes to feel like a winner. He does not like to stand on ceremony, he gets down to business immediately. High pain barrier. Extroverted. He speaks loudly and a lot, interrupting the interlocutor. Poorly oriented in everyday life situations, misses little things. He lives "here and now", impatient and impetuous. Has excellent hands - can tinker, build, is disposed to technique or physical effort.

Experiencing mood swings, subjective. It is difficult to choose the right distance in interpersonal communication.

№8. Unusual handwriting. Left tilt. No nuances of color and pressure. Poor readability. Strong pressure. Uneven lines. The middle zone of letters stretches and takes place in the upper one - contrary to the standard (see "n", "p", "b"). At the same time - shortened processes "p" and triangular loops "y" and "d". Separation. Break of the upper zone - "b", "t".

Handwriting author- an individualist and emphasizes this in every possible way. Possesses great conceit, a sense of superiority. Extremely sensitive to questions of his status, authority and wealth. Thick-skinned and insensitive to others. He tries to look smarter than he is and give the impression of a highly intelligent person, but this is only an appearance. Intimate relationship problems. Detached, sincere relationships are unfamiliar to him. He is cunning, manipulative, uses his intuition for this. Unreliable.

№9. The handwriting is defiantly non-standard. Legal tendency, narrowness, simplicity, low readability. "Climbing" of the lower zone onto someone else's territory - adjacent lines. Fluctuations in shape, inclination, dimensions, distances. Pulse intensity, sharp angularity. "Crawling out" of the middle zone to the place of the upper one ("z", "d"), almost complete absence of fields. A sharp break in the upper zone - "b".

Handwriting author- a man whose main personality motives are internal protest, anger, chronic resentment and a gloomy perception of life. Obstinate rejection of authorities, impulsiveness. There is always someone or something as a reason for dissatisfaction. Emotional constriction caused in part by overwhelming parenting on the part of the writing father. A person is possessed and accompanied through life by a feeling of “victim”, offended and offended. It is characterized by rigidity and lack of spiritual intimacy in relationships.

№10. Handwriting - split, skater, stylized. Oscillating straight slope. Movement curling inward (loop and tail “b” returning to the center, letter “c”, “o”, etc.). Unproductive from the point of view of writing, elements and excesses (see "d", "y", "z", "y", etc.). At the same time - lines losing their straightness, uneven distances between them. The lower elements of the letters "climb" into the territory of the following lines. The gaps between words are also uneven, with a tendency to decrease. The fullness of the space as a whole.

The author of the handwriting - the representative of the classic "mask" that has become "second nature". This woman is inherent in the belief that form, impression, image are more important than the true essence. She is concentrated on herself and her experiences, like a "snail" coiled in its shell, pessimistic.

"Sagging" before difficulties, fear for the future. Criticality, non-spontaneity, emotional perception, subjectivity of judgments.

The writing is characterized by demonstrative, artificial sacrifice, calculation, materiality. This is a kind of compensation, a replacement for the need for spiritual closeness and warmth, not received in the family in childhood and absent in adulthood, but still so urgently desired. For all this, such a "mask" is needed.

№11 ... Autograph. Maximum speed combined with complete disregard for shape. Lightning-fast impulse of movement. Maximum deviation from the standard. Inharmonious location. Angularity with sharpness. Very large size.

Autograph author- "genius and devil" at the same time. He combines a rare sharpness of mind and a rare impulsiveness. Instant perception and imbalance. Authoritarianism to megalomania and manipulativeness. Interests before principles. Aggression is probably not just verbal. The lack of any skills of mutually respectful communication with people around, if such an appearance takes place, then this is exclusively based on personal interests and benefits.

Rudeness, vulgarity, lack of warmth or sincerity.

The likelihood of harsh, if not cruel, attitude, humiliation of dignity in childhood, from members of their own family or close environment.

№12. The autograph is uneven, unstable. Far "acceleration", sweepingness. Closed on top "arcades", partial illegibility, coherence. "Tapered" gradual decrease from beginning to end. Strongly pronounced law-inclination combined with the narrowness of the letters. Small distance between words. The underlining lines, on which the letters seem to be based, have an arched and sharply cut shape.

Autograph author- a woman trying to give the impression of lightness, emotionality and capricious femininity, in fact, is a very suffering and unbalanced person, broken and insecure, with carefully hidden low self-esteem, mood swings, huge fears and nervous tension. An acute need for close, mutual relationships and even a painful dependence on someone is visible. Painfully sacrificial, ready for humiliation for the sake of acceptance. The writer can hardly keep herself, she constantly looks back at her past, her roots, home. Something makes her be very secretive, she keeps a secret in herself. And he is afraid, very afraid of the future.

№13. Autograph rising sharply upward. There are many exaggerated demonstrative elements. If they are "removed" - a rather small, rounded, winding, inconspicuous handwriting remains.

He estimates himself somewhat underestimated. Difficulty sharing intimate and personal. Vulnerability, secrecy and some inner tightness. Perhaps a critical and demanding upbringing.

Personal acceptance and understanding is extremely important, the discomfort in close communication with a large number of people, really gets closer only to the most faithful and trusted people who, in her opinion, “cannot” offend her. Use of a "mask-image" that protects personal vulnerability.

© I. Goldberg, 2006
© Published with the kind permission of the author.

Why is handwriting science so popular these days? Actually, at all intervals, interest in it among the general public did not fade away, but the next round of public attention falls on the 90s of the last century and today. And all because now, fortunately, a lot of information has appeared that reliably tells about how to recognize Books, works of psychologists, popular science articles, documentaries, and so on. But even some thirty years ago in our country the science of handwriting was considered a whim and bourgeois nonsense, unworthy of the attention of a sane person. Fortunately, times change, and with them they disappear into oblivion and

Scientists have proven that the science of handwriting is as serious and requiring a comprehensive approach as any other branch of knowledge. And she does not tolerate amateurism.

So, many want to know about opens the door to it and tells us more than any words. The science of handwriting is called graphology.

According to experts, it is best to take for a person, written on plain paper, not lined, on which there are no geometric shapes, drawings and lines. In addition, it is desirable that, in addition to the sentences themselves or individual words, it would also be present, since it is she who is a real storehouse of information about the character, habits and problems of its owner.

First, look at the lines. Where are they crawling? Up or down? Or maybe they are surprisingly even, straight, as if they were writing them along an invisible ruler?
If the drain rises, then in front of you, most likely, an optimistic nature, believing in himself and in his own success. Such a person is not so easy to break, he will still struggle and climb up. But what if the lines crawl down instead of up? Here he draws conclusions from the contrary. A person tends to underestimate his abilities, he does not believe in himself and is easily confused.

If the handwriting is smooth, without leaps up and down, then its owner is solid and rational. He will think several times before taking this or that step.

By the way, handwriting is not a sentence to a person. It can change depending on the life span of its owner. Perhaps a person has temporary troubles, or grief has happened, which means that the handwriting will be completely different. But a few weeks or months will pass and the lines will again become smoother, regain their former shape. Therefore, one must always take into account that life circumstances make their own adjustments.

If the writer presses on the pen, as it were, presses the letters down, sparing no pressure, then in life he is often, as they say, "rushing like a tank." Conversely, a light touch is characteristic of people who are timid, shy, insecure and avoid the fight with fate.
And one more option, very interesting - some words or individual letters seem to be imprinted on a sheet, while others are written very softly. This means that the nature in front of you is really mobile, easily excitable, unbalanced and contradictory. Take a closer look at such a "copy" and you will surely be convinced of the correctness of your judgments.

The slope of the handwriting is also of great importance. If the letters are too inclined, then the person in front of you is extraordinary, who is often thrown to extremes. If the inclination of the handwriting is not to the right, as often happens, but in the opposite direction, then it is possible that the person is experiencing some internal conflicts and he is torn apart by contradictions.

Graphology is an amazingly fascinating science of handwriting, and by studying it, you can learn a lot, the most intimate, that people usually do not flaunt. And most importantly, everyone can do graphology, fortunately, there is plenty of information about this.

Time does not stand still. Widespread computerization has created the conditions under which we read texts written in standard fonts. But from this we are even more interested in the notes made by the hand of a person. Researchers delve deeper into the peculiarities of human psychology. Handwriting analysis is an important procedure in understanding human character.

D. Sarah's book "The Secret of Handwriting" reveals the picture of handwriting research undertaken in the United States, where, unlike European countries, graphology began to be used relatively recently. Many firms use the services of graphologists when hiring employees.

In the United States, the same work is carried out that was carried out by graphologists at the beginning of the century: studying samples of a patient's writing obtained under hypnosis, studying age characteristics of handwriting, and detecting signs of handwriting associated with diseases. Handwriting analysis is actively used in practice - in career guidance work, in insurance companies, as well as in matters of the heart. The first works on graphology in the USA belong to Louis Rais and de Witt B. Lucas.

D. Sara writes that people often come and tell sad stories of their lives. They expect us to perform miracles and change the characters of people. This cannot be done with the help of graphology, the task of which is reduced only to analyzing the main features of handwriting in such a way that a person understands his abilities and is able to use them in the best possible way, tries to adapt his personality to the personalities of other people in order to gain the greatest benefit from any of the spheres of human relations: personal relations, social, study, business life.

The handwriting analysis technique proposed in the book by D. Sara deserves attention. It's like this: the first thing to do is get a sample. Ideal handwriting should be on a large sheet of plain white paper, not lined and borderless. Do not copy anything from a book or newspaper to create a sample handwriting. It is better to invite the person to write what comes to his mind and put his signature after the written text.

An experienced professional handwriting expert quickly picks up different variations of handwriting and correlates different signs, making accurate conclusions. For a novice graphologist, it is advisable to exercise caution and be more attentive to many mutually exclusive signs before coming to a final decision.

“If the handwriting of a famous person is examined,” writes D. Sarah, “who lived in the past or is living in the present, a skeptic can say:“ But everyone knows him well. ”This is not the case, because the public knows well only the external manifestations of a famous person, his activity or what the press glorifying him writes about. The inner traits of his character remain unknown to everyone, and an analysis of his handwriting can shed light on some aspects of his personality that have remained unnoticed by public opinion and do not always correspond to the well-known portrait of the hero. villains in the theater or on the television screen can reveal that he has a soft, sensitive nature. And the handwriting of a cute ingenue can show aggressiveness and desire for domination. "

Each handwriting is individual for a graphologist. Its task is to point out the strengths and weaknesses of a person, manifested in handwriting.

The analysis of handwriting in the book by D. Sarah is carried out according to the characteristics described below.


The slope, according to D. Sarah, allows you to determine what rules a person - the mind or the heart.

Rice. 6.5. Handwriting tilt samples

A - a warm, friendly nature, openly expressing his feelings. This nature is not characterized by impulsiveness; rather, on the contrary, emotions are kept under control. In the nature of such people, a sincere craving for communication is felt, therefore they are capable of establishing good relations between people. In a state of love, they are not inclined to hide their feelings and want reciprocal love. They do not confine themselves to the framework of the family, taking pleasure in social duties, they like to receive guests.

B - reflects great energy and enthusiasm in the perception of new ideas. Romantic impulses are hot, if they fall in love, then "head over heels" and "at first sight." They can be very hurt if the object of love pays attention not only to them. There are tendencies of jealousy and possessiveness in love. Loneliness is contraindicated. They need constant activity and meetings with different people, bright and interesting surroundings. Such a romantic and emotional nature needs to be constantly fueled by mutual admiration and, perhaps, flattery in moderate doses.

B - leaning back is a sign that the intellect is in control of emotions. The way to the heart of such people is through their head. These people are capable of love, but only if they receive permission from the mind. External manifestations of feelings are not typical, enthusiasm is restrained. Leaning back is typical for young people who wish to become adults and independent. But over time, the slope may change.

D - control over emotions is so strong that it can suppress feelings. People with this inclination of handwriting can be very emotional and at the same time restrained in expressing their feelings at times. There are tendencies towards secrecy here. They can give the impression of coldness and restraint, hiding a storm of emotions. It is difficult to understand such people, communicating with them, you need to be prepared for an emotional explosion. Let them take the initiative to figure out how to spark their interest and love.

D - vertical handwriting reflects the balance between mind and heart. Manners are restrained, there is no susceptibility to random movements of the mind, feelings are stable, everything is reasonably weighed. When they fall in love, one cannot expect an overt expression of an emotional reaction. Attachments are not expressed vividly, feelings can be revealed through the manifestation of devotion, everyday signs of good relations. The joys and everyday concerns of home life are equally accepted, and with such a calmness that shows that the mind and heart get along in harmony and do not rebel against each other.

There are handwritings in which there is a combination of slopes. Sometimes they differ in the slope of the line, sometimes words or letters. This is usually typical for people who are fickle and picky about trifles. Sometimes these are original natures, very changeable, interesting, and sometimes showing indecision under new circumstances, meeting new people.

In all cases, when people are in close contact with each other and do not find an opportunity to harmonize relations, graphology can tell who is under the power of a hot heart, who is controlled by a cold head, and who keeps balance. By understanding their nature, people will be able to achieve the desired relationship.


The peculiarities of writing lines are associated with characteristics such as optimism and pessimism.

Rice. 6.6. Line layout patterns

1. If the line goes up, it is a sign of optimism, presence of mind, faith and hope. People whose lines "fly" upward are quite ambitious, striving to move forward. They are adaptable and friendly to friends. People whose lines go up sharply are incorrigible optimists. Their judgments are often erroneous due to the fact that they walk on the ground with their heads lifted high and do not notice the real situation.

2. The line going down expresses pessimism, which prevents a person from pinning hopes on new ideas, igniting enthusiasm. Sometimes it is a mixture of caution and criticality. The sharper the line goes down, the more convinced the pessimist is the person. Sometimes this is a temporary condition. And the most alert person can temporarily experience depression. As soon as the life situation changes, the line rises up with surprising speed.

3. If words change position and jump up and down, we are dealing with changeable people who depend on the time, place, people around. They find it difficult to adapt to any job. Sometimes they are people of high position and very confident in themselves. Sometimes these are smart people who cannot even achieve what they were created for, it is the changeability that prevents them from doing this.

If the husband and wife have different slopes of the lines - down or up, then this is evidence of conflicts affecting children. Such conflicts undermine relationships between people, so they need correction.


There are two ways to determine if your partner's, client's wallet is tightly locked, or if it is open wide open. This can be seen from the spacing between words and lines, as well as the size of the fields.

Rice. 6.7. Fields design options

1. If there is almost no distance between words, and the lines almost creep on top of each other, this is a sign of thrift. The shorter the distance, the more frugal a person is. If at the same time the letters are also small, then this is a very frugal person.

2. Large spaces between words and lines reveal a person's generosity. The longer these distances, the more the tendency to waste increases.

Small letters indicate that a person is not inclined to spend on himself, but is generous in relation to others. Large letters speak of relaxedness. Those who write in large letters, but there is little space between words and lines, are most likely the soul of society, but at the same time they are tight-fisted. They spend lavishly where they are in plain sight.

If the letters are large, and the distances between words and lines are large, then a person's generosity knows no bounds.

The size of the margins is an additional indicator: wide margins on all sides of the sheet - left, right, bottom, top - indicate good taste, an instinctive craving for exquisite items for which a person is ready to spend money. This is also not only a sign of generosity, but also prudence, allowing you to acquire the most valuable things for money.

Wide margins on the left and right, in the absence of them at the bottom and top, are evidence of generosity without discretion. Wide margins on the left and narrow margins on the right are a manifestation of wasteful behavior that a person is trying to fight. But this struggle can "gain on a penny, lose a ruble", trying to compensate for large expenditures with petty economy.

Narrow margins on the left with wide ones on the right mean that a person is forcing himself to save, but he is not good at it. He may be dying to talk about the family's budget, but it is doubtful that his words are combined with deeds.

The even narrow margins on the left and right show frugality and prudence in shopping. If the entire sheet is occupied and there are no margins, this is a sign that a person is trying to squeeze the most out of his money. But sometimes these people do not always have correct ideas about values. Life should not be measured with money. Money is not an end, but a means that should be treated rationally.

Letter shape

1. Rounded letters show that we are dealing with a person who is inclined to cooperate, who is satisfied only if he works with other people, shares with them the joys and worries of family or work life, social or entrepreneurial activity. Such a person is not inclined to be persistent in affirming his views or plans. He waits for someone else to take the initiative before he explains his position himself. For such people, living alone is a real misfortune. Activities requiring aggressive pressure are contraindicated for them.

2. Angular letters indicate the spirit of competition, the desire for independence, a critical mind, the desire to draw up and implement their plans.

If in a rounded handwriting, angular ones appear among the capital letters, this means that a person with a soft character can "get into a pose" and temporarily assume an aggressive look.

The round handwriting, in which there are small angular letters, reveals a tendency to cooperation with a certain cunning and independence.

If the angular letters are written very large, then we can conclude that they were written by a person who was not inclined to self-assertion. He has no firm personal convictions, he is cautious and insecure, but refuses to cooperate.

Small, rounded letters are rare. This combination is inherent in people with a clear and careful mind, who perform the work with special care, have loyalty and the ability to cooperate.

The letters are large and angular with a strong pressure to speak of an ambitious and assertive nature with a clear system of values, in accordance with which a person will not resort to compromises more often than necessary. He hates being subordinate in both business and personal relationships.

Very small and clear angular handwriting shows the mind of a specialist, a person who wants to do one thing or a couple of things perfectly, concentrating on them until the desired result is achieved. Such a person does not take anything for granted, but wants to get to the very basics, to analyze every idea presented.

Angular handwriting, characterized by unevenness, belongs to a person with great inner strength. He does not want to adhere to the usual routine, he is driven by emotions. His personality is full of vitality and often contradictory. Such a person has a developed sense of rivalry. Sometimes he does not know how to relax and at the same time he cannot concentrate on the goals he strives for.

A person who writes angularly is impatient with someone who writes in rounded letters. The slow adoption of new ideas is particularly annoying. A person who writes in rounded letters sometimes perceives with hostility the one who writes in angular letters, because of his intransigence and his desire to rule.

Thinking habits and many character traits of people who write round or angularly differ greatly from each other, it is difficult for them to establish harmony of relationships, conjugation of tastes, views, actions. Knowing these differences will help you achieve better understanding between people and build fruitful relationships.

3. "Garland" of the letters "y," and "w" characterizes people who love pleasure, comfort and luxury. However, it often happens that such a handwriting is characteristic of people who work by the sweat of their brow and do not know how or have almost no luxury goods. Nevertheless, the "garland" is an indicator of the desire for an easy life filled with pleasures. People with this handwriting have tact and charm that they know how to use. They enjoy socializing jobs that allow them to meet nice people. They are hospitable hosts and show exquisite taste in home furnishings and clothing choices.


1. Light pressure, when the lines are woven like threads, gives out a nature that is sensitive to people and the environment. Such people are greatly influenced by other people, by everything they say and do. People whose handwriting is characterized by light pressure tend to idealize the world, have a delicate taste and a critical mind.

Despite the suggestibility and subtlety of nature, these people can take responsibility, exercise leadership and achieve good results. They can become successful traders, although they are not always pleased to be assertive. In this case, they have to work with renewed vigor.

Rice. 6.9. Pressure options

These people are often called introverts.

2. Strong pressure reveals a determined and energetic nature that takes an interest in new surroundings and active people. People who use strong pressure when writing words manage to combine idealism with an interest in the material side of life, passion in matters of the heart. Shyness is not characteristic of them, but this does not prevent them from choosing activities related to contacts with people, not succumbing to being upset and disappointed, being knocked out of a rut. They do not consider the answer “no” to be final. Failure can only whip up their activity. They are extroverts.

3. Medium pressure is possessed by people who manage to combine excessive sensitivity and sufficiently expressed material interests. These people are easier to understand and more predictable.

The combination of light pressure with strong pressure indicates that self-control does not suppress a person, but, on the contrary, sometimes impatience and unexpected emotional outbursts appear.

It happens that a letter is written with light pressure, and the signature placed under it is strong. This suggests that a person has a sensitive nature, but from time to time demonstrates his ability to be tough, and vice versa, if the entire text is written with strong pressure, and the signature is weak, then this is a person with a strong character who would like to seem soft.

Strong and clear pressure in the original spelling of capital letters indicates that a person's energy can be directed to creative or leadership activities. Such a person does not like to think and act on a small scale. The larger the scope of the enterprise, the more energetic its participation in it.

Strong pressure, giving the impression of dirty writing, is typical for people who have difficulty controlling their energy. Sedentary work is difficult for such people, since it is difficult for them to concentrate on particular details. They are often impatient and overreact to unsolicited advice.

Light pressure with even letters of a small size indicates a person's discipline, a high level of moral development, sensitivity and emotionality.

If light pressure is combined with uneven writing of the line and illegible letters, then this means that the person is waiting for initiative from other people. These people are delicate and perceptive, and they worry for a long time about the hurt self-esteem, regardless of whether it really was hurt.

Strong, medium or weak pressure is a manifestation of a physical factor, and the force that is required with strong pressure is less pronounced than with medium and weak pressure. The variety and instability of pressure is evidence that a person is in the process of his physical growth, mental and spiritual development. The difference in pressure speaks of the contradictions between passion and endurance, optimism and pessimism, orientation towards the ideal and the material.

Letter sizes

Rice. 6.10. Letter size

1. Small letters indicate the ability to concentrate, restraint.

2. Large letters are typical for independent people who do not want to be in a subordinate position.

3. Medium-sized letters are the most common and are not an independent indicator.

Small handwriting with large capital letters is a testament to personal courage and pride.

Small handwriting with small capital letters is characteristic of a person who does not have the ability to stand up for himself because of excessive modesty, which turns from virtue to disadvantage.

If the small handwriting with tightly written tiny letters is hard to read, then we are dealing with a person of exceptional secrecy. Secrecy does not give an opportunity to develop and manifest a number of wonderful qualities inherent in this person. His tendency to loneliness can be mistaken for a lack of friendliness.

Large handwriting occurs in people who want to see a lot and be in the field of vision of others, sociable, sometimes reacting aggressively to a situation when they are not noticed.

Large handwriting with original lettering indicates creative thinking, a tendency to dramatize and a lack of inclination to pay attention to details. This handwriting is often found among qualified specialists who strive to translate their ideas into concrete deeds and are not inclined to secrecy and isolation.

Large graceful capital letters are characteristic of people who are sociable and romantic, capable of commanding and attracting people to themselves. Beautiful and unusually large capital letters are characteristic of persons who feel their greatness. Such handwriting can be seen among representatives of royal families.

Personality features reflected in handwriting

It turns out that the dots above the letter "e" are of great importance in the analysis of handwriting (Fig. 6.11). There are several options for their writing, among which we will consider the following:

Rice. 6.11. Design of the letter "ё"

1) Wavy lines, semicircles, crescents or other funny shapes are evidence of a sense of humor. The more unusual the image of dots, the sharper the sense of humor, as well as the ability to parody other people.

2) If the points are small and not clearly expressed, the sense of humor is also rather restrained. The thoroughness of the dots is indicative of a person's prudence.

3) Carefully put points speak about a person who is inclined to insist on his own.

4) Heavy points - evidence of stubbornness.

5) Dots in the form of a tent indicate that a person has a special mind and subtle humor. His sense of humor softens the overly criticality of his remarks.

6) The dots that soar high above the letter are evidence of a vivid imagination.

7) Dots in the form of circles usually indicate an artistic nature.

The presence of knots and hooks indicates a tendency towards stubbornness. The appearance of hooks at the end of a word is characteristic of people who first accept new ideas and then offer them vigorous resistance. If the hooks appear at the beginning and at the end of a word, then we are dealing with a person who may not even listen to another person. With such people, you should behave carefully and not put forward new plans and proposals without prior preparation.

Modern or traditional ideas(Fig. 6.13) are associated with the laconism of the handwriting and the absence of strokes.

1) The use of a stroke at the beginning of a letter is a sign of the traditional mind.

2) If the initial stroke is missing, then usually such a person has no doubts about the need for new ideas.

3) The final touches are a tendency towards tradition.

4) The absence of initial and final touches is a decisive break with tradition.

5) A long finishing touch indicates self-confidence. Combined with angular letters, a long stroke is a sign of a strong character.

6) A heavy and dull finishing touch is an indicator of a domineering character.

7) A short, breaking off stroke with a slight pressure is an indicator of sincerity and gentleness in relations with people.

8) Letters in the style of the last century are found by people of a romantic warehouse, striving for sophistication and traditional style.

9) Letters written in a modern style - a gravitation towards the "modern" style. Using block letters instead of writing means moving towards new views.

Rice. 6.13. Laconic handwriting and the presence of strokes

Independent or discreet thinking(Fig. 6.14) is associated with the presence of loops in the letters "v", "d", "z", "y", "c" and "u".

1) There are no loops - the thinking of a person with an independent character.

2) There are no loops, but the letters are written with heavy strokes - evidence that a person has directness and the desire to reduce everything to the most essential, but shows self-confidence and impatience in business.

3) A narrow loop is a sign of careful thinking. Such a person restrains his enthusiasm and perceives new ideas with skepticism.

4) A long and wide loop speaks of aspirations aimed at satisfying material needs and emotions of a non-spiritual principle.

5) A short top loop is a sign of careful thinking, modest behavior, a desire for restraint.

6) The bottom loop, which is prohibitively large, is a sign of a cheerful character. The longer and wider the loop, the more sociable the character and the more active the search for pleasure.

7) If the upper and lower loops are disproportionately small in relation to the letters, then this is a sign of a character that does not strive to be independent, is not ready to become a leader and does not have a sufficient degree of sociability. This person can be content with little.

8) A loop that is bent inward like an exaggerated hook is a sign of care and attention to detail.

9) Loops located in a loop are a sign of an independent mind, a desire for originality and unusualness.

10) The loops are turned in the opposite direction and closed - a sign of a living mind, capable of understanding people and clearly expressing ideas.

11) The letter "d" is similar to the number 8 - a sign of an independent mind, capable of perceiving new ideas and able to adapt to a new environment.

12) The angular loop is a testament to courage and determination, which will manifest itself at the right moment.

13) Knots in the noose are a sign of exaggerated persistence in defending their ideas.

14) Gaps between letters indicate that a person relies on intuition and draws conclusions based on quick observations.

15) The absence of gaps between letters is a sign of a logical mind.

Rice. 6.14. The presence of loops

Striking out the seven(Fig. 6.15) - a sign of willpower and the characteristics of its manifestation.

1) The line stops at the oblique line of the figure - a sign of procrastination, postponing things on the back burner.

2) A short and dull stroke directed downward is a sign of a critical mind, a tendency to dissent.

3) Half-line pointing down - procrastination and meticulous criticism.

4) Long stroke - the presence of willpower, self-promotion, enthusiasm.

5) Hooks and knots on the line drawn through the number are a sign of perseverance, as well as expectancy of the maturation of an idea.

6) A funny curl is a sign of gaiety, romanticism.

7) A stroke flying over a number is imagination and enthusiasm, a desire to achieve the impossible.

8) A stroke directed upwards is a sign of a combination of practicality and high spiritual needs.

9) A downward stroke is a sign of the greatest practicality.

10) The stroke closes on the line of the figure and continues along it - the sensitivity of nature in the absence of initiative.

11) The dash corresponds to the size of the number - a sign of high self-control and mastery of emotions.

Rice. 6.15. Striking through the number "7"

Secrecy or frankness manifests itself in uneven size (Fig. 6.16).

1) The word begins with small letters that increase in size - a sign of inability to keep secrets. 2) Letters are large at first, and then small ones are usually characteristic of people who are interesting interlocutors, but show restraint in choosing topics for conversation.

3) The end of the word turns into a straight or wavy line - usually restraint turns into secrecy.

4) The more "open" the letters, the more talkative a person has.

5) Open "in" - a sign of gullibility.

6) Closed letters are a sign of restraint in conversations.

7) Letters with knots are a sign of caution in speech.

8) "Saddle letters" - a sign of the ability to keep secrets.

Rice. 6.16. Irregularity in size

Capital "I"(Fig. 6.17) - the more pretentious letter "I", the stronger the person's attempts to draw attention to himself. If "I" is unadorned, then the person holds on to his ideas, once and for all.

Rice. 6.17. Capital "I"

Signed as a self-portrait(fig. 6.18). When analyzing a signature, it is better to have several samples taken at different times. In this case, you can draw on the features of the change or stability of the stroke. By paying attention to the slope, you can determine the emotional state of a person. Leaning forward is a sign of a friendly nature. A signature tilted back is a sign of emotional control.

Sometimes it seems that the signature has nothing to do with the person's handwriting. For example, the text is written in small handwriting, and the signature is large, or the text is written with a backward tilt, and the signature, on the contrary, with a forward tilt. This suggests that a person has his own desires, but obeys certain requirements of the environment.

1) Short straight line under the stroke - loyalty and lack of aggressiveness.

2) A long and straight dash with a slight pressure - the presence of an assertive character with a penchant for material gain.

3) A long dash with strong pressure is a sign of the presence of goals of enrichment and recognition.

4) Small double vertical dashes in the center with a dash are a sign of business style.

5) A graceful curved line is a sign of the character of a romantic hero who loves a refined life, compliments.

6) The more angularity in the dash, the more ambition, determination and willpower are manifested.

7) A dash, which is a continuation of the last letter, is evidence of perseverance, readiness to stand up for oneself.

8) The signature is underlined in an unusual way - a sign of uniqueness of character, originality and originality.

Rice. 6.18. Signature options

Handwriting legibility:

1) Clear and legible handwriting, letters are written out slowly and carefully, there are no letters in the handwriting that attract attention - a sign of the ability to carefully weigh everything, combined with a desire for independence, a willingness to cooperate in the absence of a tendency to independent work.

2) The handwriting is legible, but the letters are original in the outline - a sign of a creative mind, intellectual curiosity and the ability to think clearly.

3) Illegible handwriting with disordered, connected letters is a sign of a mind incapable of clear and logical thinking, as well as impatience, suspicion. Usually people of this type find it difficult to find happiness in their personal lives due to the fact that they are difficult to understand. Frequent mood swings, unreasonable attitude to finances, combinations of high spending with bouts of greed.

4) At high writing speed, handwriting becomes illegible - evidence of quick thinking.