How is a real man different from an ordinary man? How to tell a strong man from a weakling "Stone wall" vs abuser

Often, in conversations between married and unmarried women, the former offer the latter to “find a normal guy” in order to solve all the problems at once. But what is he, a normal man? And can all married ladies boast that they have found him? In this article we will talk about the signs of a normal man, give a portrait of this master to establish someone else's life and describe in detail those unmarried girls dream of.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What kind of men do women consider normal
  • What are the signs of a normal man from a masculine point of view

Who is he - a normal man

Speaking of a normal man, many ladies confuse him with an ideal prince on a white horse from girlish dreams. This fairy-tale prince is handsome, rich, confident. But in life, more often than not, it turns out that persons of royal blood are completely unsuitable for life and that a woman really only needs a normal man. But who is he? And by what criteria can you define normal - mature, ready for relationships, balanced?

In most cases, before meeting a normal man, a woman communicates with “abnormal” for many years - she kind of pays her karmic debt in advance, works off for future happiness. Ladies tend to consider this enumeration of unsuitable candidates as a kind of training, as a result of which they develop effective tactics of behavior with unworthy candidates. Having met the "abnormal", a woman can talk to him for 30 seconds, and on the thirty-first, her legs should spontaneously turn in the direction of the exit, and then run away with such a speed that only strength and heels allow.

Having run in heels from those who are clearly not suitable, a woman will find signs that distinguish a normal man:

  • Defeating your own fears

Nobody says that a normal man is fearless and reckless. A person may dislike doctors, fear failure in bed, fear poverty or car accidents.

A normal man will not wait for his physical condition to call for an ambulance. He will not panic if he cannot fulfill his marital duty, he does not sit down, drinking, behind the wheel and finds ways to earn money so that the family does not go begging. The sign of a real man is that he takes responsibility for his life, solves his problems on his own, and does not look for someone to blame for his failures.

  • Knowledge of physiological differences

We are not talking about those who neglect personal hygiene, believing that the smell of male sweat is an aphrodisiac for women.

A normal man is one who understands that women (including his beloved) have menstruation, and the baby can spit up after feeding.

It is the disdainful representatives of the stronger sex that will become good husbands and good lovers, because they are sympathetic to the peculiarities of the female body.

  • Understanding the differences between men and women

The symptom is similar to the previous one - normal men know that women are more emotional, often more complex natures, less predictable. Based on this knowledge, the guys do not try to remake their girlfriends, they do not put forward impossible demands on them.

  • Keeping promises

A sign inherent in a normal man is the fulfillment of his obligations. He always keeps his word. In those matters that depend on the man, he makes a decision and behaves in accordance with it.

  • Reasonable savings

A normal man will refrain from useless spending himself and keep his loved ones from them. He does not hope to hit a big jackpot in a casino or lottery and does not participate in gambling at all, realizing that such leisure is more likely to shatter the nervous system than make the players rich.

  • Truthfulness even in small things

The hallmark of a normal man is honesty. He will not lie about his marital status, or about the size of his salary, or about the time he leaves work. Normal men believe that it is easier to tell the truth - you will not have to explain the lie later, remember where and what you lied.

  • Opponents of quarrels, scandals

Balanced, normal men do not tolerate the noise of scandals around them. If they become participants in a quarrel, they will try to settle the situation so that the scandal ends.

  • Ability to love

Romantics who are able to maintain feelings for a very long time, right up to old age, caring spouses who protect their girlfriend and take care of her peace all their lives are normal guys who know how to love. They do not flee from strong feelings, but are able to accept heartfelt affection.

  • Ability to apologize

Men who are able to admit their own mistakes, who know how to apologize, who are not afraid to be the first to put up - this is who is often considered normal men. Another sign is the ability not to repeat their mistakes, they really repent and change their behavior, not giving new reasons for resentment.

  • Devotion to one's own children

A normal man does not abandon his own children and maintains a relationship with his offspring even after a divorce from their mother. A real man participates in the upbringing of his descendants, helps them in any case.

A normal man ... from the point of view of a normal man

Of course, normal men have their own idea of ​​what is expected of them, what kind of behavior, below we give their own list of signs.

Unfortunately, it can be stated that strong, successful men in our country are in the minority. However, this does not prevent some representatives of the majority from considering themselves the standard of male behavior. There is such an image of the head of the family - when he comes home from work, he only crosses the threshold, lies down on the sofa and turns on the TV. He expects respect and care from the household - the spouse should set the table, and the children should not make noise while dad is resting. This husband considers himself the only breadwinner in the family, the person on whom everything rests.

Such men have a very narrow range of hobbies - they are only interested in sports on TV and with beer, as well as computer games and some brands of cars. These fathers of families do not go to theaters and museums, explaining that they work. By the way, their spouses can combine work with visiting cultural institutions: according to statistics, 70% of visitors to cultural events are working women. Men lying on the couch would like to remind them that the craving for something new, the need for impressions from art, the ability to feel music, painting - this is also one of the signs of a normal man, another sign of wealth.
Very often he asserts himself at the expense of his family, requires an external demonstration of self-respect, “includes a macho,” the so-called underestimated genius. At the age of 10, the boy began to show hope, and then, growing up, he continued to give, but still did not realize himself. By the age of forty, it becomes clear that a brilliant career did not work out. And then the man begins to look for those to blame for his failures, and, of course, finds. The wife-saw, the fool-boss, the intriguing employees and other spiteful critics - everyone around did nothing but interfere with the person, put a spoke in his wheels.

Anyone who has some achievements at work does not assert himself at home, but, on the contrary, devotes time and attention to his loved ones. Such men are happy to read a book to a child, hug a spouse, tell the household that he loves them. Unfortunately, only a few are capable of this, only strong, self-confident men. In addition, notorious, weak fathers bring up sons who are similar to themselves, they are simply not able to raise mentally balanced boys.

What are the signs of a normal man noted by real men themselves:

  • He counts only on himself.

Despite the changing public consciousness, the changes in the way of life of people, this sign of a normal man remains the same. Society as a whole is loyal to women living at the expense of a husband or father. A guy, unlike his peers, must barely graduate from school, become completely independent, move out of his parents. A young man living with his mother is not rated highly, he looks unattractive to girls.

  • Self-sufficient.

The sign of a normal man, also related to independence, is another facet of it. A self-sufficient man will not consider others as a way to solve his own problems, including psychological ones. He does not cling to friends or parents.

  • Independent.

This feature expands the meaning of the previous one. A normal man has no dependence on other people, nor on cigarettes, vodka or drugs. Addiction tendencies (as well as laziness and procrastination) are formed in childhood, mainly due to the fact that the child does not feel the support of his family.

  • Does not ask for help from others.

This means that it is not typical for a normal man to constantly use someone else's help. Of course, in extreme cases, he can apply for it, but he does not do this regularly, does not make his plans in the expectation that someone will assist him.

  • Doesn't compromise.

In the sense that a real man will not tolerate an unpleasant situation for himself in order to maintain a relationship. He will not adjust to someone or "bend" for the sake of "perspective." For example, the signs of a normal man - he does not work where he does not like, does not live with an unloved woman, does not allow either his mother or his wife to manipulate him and does not rush between them, in the event of their conflict, trying to please both of them.

  • Doesn't compare himself to others.

A man cannot but compare his successes with the achievements of others, he is so arranged, this is his nature. However, a confident person is able to control this internal process and not chase everyone at once. Moreover, an emotionally mature person prefers to compare himself today with himself yesterday - this is both more productive and gives a good motivation for development.

  • Accepts himself.

Today, those who are always dissatisfied with themselves are respected, those who lack their results, are true perfectionists. On the contrary, the self-satisfied are considered “resting on their laurels,” a kind of lazy losers. Such a point of view, of course, has the right to life, but truly masculine behavior, one of the signs of a normal man is self-acceptance, that is, a good attitude to one's own appearance, size, figure. Acceptance is much nicer than an uncertain grumbling: "Maybe I should pump up?"

Love for others also depends on self-confidence. If a man does not accept himself, then he is probably not able to love someone else. The more he sees his shortcomings, the more claims he has towards his woman.

  • Doesn't run after an indifferent woman.

Girls will probably be disappointed, but one of the signs of a normal man is not to be humiliated by running after a woman who rejects him. A balanced, strong man will not “lose himself” and destroy his personality, fighting for the attention of a woman who is not interested in him. As a man, it is to leave alone an indifferent woman and find another.

How to identify a real normal man

As we can see, the signs of a normal man, in men themselves and in women in general, do not contradict each other. There are some differences, but to sum up, we can say that a normal man is a decent man.

To the already mentioned qualities, psychotherapists add a few more signs, thanks to which a man avoids conflicts:

  1. A normal man does not speak so much as he listens. An emotionally balanced person understands that it is important to listen to a woman, this is no less significant than showing her your feelings. In cases when a loved one wants to say something, a worthy person will find strength in himself and, without being distracted, will listen to her. Himself not a normal man will not chat in vain. What he said will be carefully considered beforehand. The opposite option is a balabol man, chattering incessantly. Think about whether a chatterbox is right for you, he is unlikely to actually turn out to be a worthy person.
  2. The man asks what you want, and does not try to guess. There is such a delusion that when feelings are true, an almost mystical spiritual connection appears between loving people, thanks to which they know about the desires and thoughts of each other. This, of course, is a very beautiful romantic theory, but, unfortunately, it does not correspond to the truth. Cases of such unity are extremely rare. Therefore, a sign of a normal man - he will ask what his woman would like. He is able to ask a specific question, asks to tell. A worthy man will not choose gifts at random, and then get upset and repentant in case of wrong guesses. The normal man needs concretely formulated "tasks" that he will willingly complete.
  3. A normal man is able to voice his concerns and doubts. Unconscious and unspoken fears can cause conflict and undermine trust in a couple. This is not a fear of spiders or snakes, but psychological problems. Many men are afraid that the woman will leave them or that he cannot give her something important. There is a fear that the spouse will hurt his wife with some of his actions and the like. One of the hallmarks of a normal man is the ability to deal with his fears. Despite the fact that talking about what you are afraid is always not easy - a worthy person does it so that the beloved will trust each other more.
  4. A man feels good next to you, despite the everyday inconveniences. A truly courageous person will not lament that your apartment is not large enough or, for example, swear that the bathroom is full of jars and bottles that he does not understand, that he cannot find his only shampoo among them. A sign of a normal man, one with whom it is possible to build a relationship, is the absence of claims on his part. He does not just coexist with you, but enjoys your presence without making any demands on you.
  5. A worthy man accepts the surrounding reality as it is, is able to control his emotions, does not look for the guilty and does not break down on his loved ones. Our life is unpredictable and not always everything goes according to a pre-planned plan, often we are in wait for disappointment, discontent, anger. The hallmark of a normal man is the ability to admit the fact that the world is not only welcoming. A worthy person controls his emotions and does not splash out negativity on household members. Any incidents not related to you should not affect your relationship. If a man can be unsettled by, for example, the reprimand of the boss and, having come home, this man begins to break down on you, accusing you of all mortal sins, or, perhaps, raises his hand against you, then obviously you need to stay away from this person. The natural reaction of a person to look for the culprit in trouble is one of the responses of the psyche to external stimuli. But acting like a man is about solving problems, not looking for an extreme, at whom to yell at.

5 signs of a decent man:

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hi, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy halves, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

Most of all, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

What does a real man look like from the point of view of women? What signs tell a girl that there is a man in front of her who can rightfully be called real?

Significant transformations are taking place in modern society. Today you can often hear from the lips of the male representatives of the complaint that supposedly "true women" in the daytime with fire will not be found. Strong, independent, self-sufficient girls are just an anomaly for men who are accustomed to the image of a sweet, quiet and calm homemaker.

But after all, everything is always interconnected, isn't it? And the manifestation in women of such character traits as perseverance and the ability to take any life situation into their own hands is nothing more than a result of the fact that men suddenly began to lose these qualities, to throw off responsibility. In a word, we can also complain about the fact that "real men are extinct"! But before we complain, let's figure it out: what kind of beast is this - a true man?

1. Not a word, but a deed

A distinctive feature of male psychology from female psychology is that representatives of the strong half of humanity think in a narrow-profile way, and they see any life situation as a task with a clear algorithm of action that must be solved. Long and meaningless conversations “around the bush” are exclusively female prerogative, so a man who only speaks, speaks, speaks and does nothing is far from the concept of “real”.

2. A clear awareness of their desires

A true man always knows what he wants and strives to achieve his goals and desires. And an important point - a real man has these very goals and desires!

3. Responsibility

Have you ever wondered how the word "married" even appeared? It literally means that the wife will be behind her husband, behind his broad and strong back. Therefore, an important quality that characterizes a real man is his ability to take responsibility. For your words, for your actions, for the well-being of your woman, for the future.

4. Own opinion

A real man always has his own opinion about something and acts according to it. Undoubtedly, he listens to the advice of loved ones, shares his thoughts with them, discusses certain options for the development of events. But nevertheless, he makes the decision himself and only himself.

5. Ability to appreciate and be grateful

Look at how a man communicates with his family, friends, and a loved one. This will tell you a lot about him. A real man knows how to be grateful and attentive to those who give him care and love. He does not take it for granted, otherwise it is the brightest manifestation of complexes.

6. Generosity

No, this is not about the fact that he should give you roses for his last money! Successful men know how to manage their budget so that they always have some kind of capital. But it is completely different if he counts down the payment at the restaurant to the smallest penny or, even worse, tells you that "it's too expensive." A real man, even if his capabilities do not allow him to do something, will never admit it, because in this case it is about his dignity. After all, we know that you don't need money for romantic gestures. A bouquet of wildflowers and his loving eyes will delight us much more than the most expensive diamond in the world, chosen by his secretary.

7. Devotion

A real man respects his own choice, and therefore he is truly loyal to his beloved and his friends. If not, he is, first of all, not sure of himself.

8. Reliability

The words of a real man can be trusted. He always keeps his promise since he made it. Support and support are those qualities that arise in the head as a direct association with him. You don't expect a dirty trick from a real man.

9. A real woman next to him

The most important quality of a real man is the ability to give you the feeling that you are the most desirable and beloved woman.

Over the years of practice and helping 10,000+ women, I was faced with the fact that many students did not have an understanding of who a worthy man is.

Some identified him by external signs - he gives flowers and makes compliments, others laughed and said that the worthy ones had been dismantled. In this article, you will learn:

  • How to understand that there is a standing man in front of you
  • How to match and become a real woman yourself
  • Where to find a decent man

An article for girls who are temporarily without partners, have started a relationship or even have been in it for some time.

Before talking about the signs of a real man, let me dwell a little on what will happen if you choose the “wrong” one.

In a relationship with an unworthy manin addition to wasting time, you run the risk of:

  • Get into a codependent relationship. From the experience of my clients, I can say that unworthy men very often turn out to be dexterous manipulators. They impose their desires and needs on the woman they love and make them live only by their own interests.
  • Lose self-esteem.Constantly meeting the wrong men, many girls have forgotten how to believe in themselves and for a long time plunged into thoughts: "What is wrong with me, since there are not the same ones around?"
  • Completely disappointed in men. I also saw many cases of girls becoming disappointed in men and suffering from their loneliness for years.

If you don’t plan to spend a lot of time and energy meeting the wrong people, read below what signs distinguish a real man.

7 subtle signs of a decent man

Achieves goals, and does not play "terpily".A worthy man will not fantasize about: it would be nice to make a million, open a business, but he will go and realize his goals.

It doesn't matter what he does - works as an engineer in a factory or writes songs for celebrities - what matters is that with the help of his skills he knows how to make money and perfectly understands why he needs to get up half an hour earlier in the morning.

He does not play as a couch driver and does not freeze for years in search of himself / depression / hesitation from one job to another, but chooses a business that captivates, and becomes a pro there.

When something goes wrong, he does not blame the tyrant boss or the crisis in the country, but looks for what he has screwed up and corrects his mistakes. He will not demand money from a woman and whine that everything is bad in the country, therefore, he, the king, has nowhere to go.

Doesn't run away from responsibility. Covering you with a blanket and bringing coffee to bed is not about responsibility. And even the proposal for marriage does not apply here.

Let's take a look at what I mean by the concept of responsibility.

Alexey has his own business and team. If he does not act, then there will be nothing to pay people a salary. He bears financial responsibility for them.

Andrey works in a taxi and, except for his own car, is not responsible for anything. I have nothing against taxi drivers, I mean that the level of responsibility of a business owner is much higher than that of a driver.

A worthy man is not afraid to take risks, to expand the boundaries of his comfort, which, a priori, increases his area of ​​responsibility.

He can provide for his woman, if he cannot, then he does not start a family, but works to increase his income.

I would also like to say about marriage. The notorious stamp in the passport and a blessing from an aunt in a tapestry suit does not guarantee that a man will take responsibility in a relationship. I think you yourself have come across examples where, after the wedding, the husband sits on the sofa, and the woman is forced to work two jobs.

Doesn't live with parents.Your chosen one is not ready for a relationship if, after 25 years, he lives with his mother / grandmother or shares a room with his younger brother. He has not yet grown as a person, has not achieved independence.

Doesn't waste time on nonsense.He won't mindlessly stick on social media or call you every five minutes. Only loafers do this. People who do what they love and want to become a pro know how to prioritize.

Of course, a worthy man devotes time to his beloved, if a woman does not eat out his brain with a teaspoon and herself invests in relationships.

Does not live by the principle "And so it will come down."He understands that without constant development there will be degradation, so he always strives to be better than he was yesterday: to make more money, to become a good father, a professional employee, to look better physically. Self-development for him is a lifelong path.

He doesn't need all the money in the world out of greed, no. He works not only because of money, there is always an idea behind it to make this world a better place, to bring something valuable and important into it.

Doesn't criticize without feedback.“You are fat, the soup is not tasty, you didn’t iron your shirt! Ugh!" - you will never hear such phrases from a real man. Yes, if he doesn't like something, he can say about it, calmly, without getting personal.

And also offer a solution to the problem. For example, instead of the reply: "You are fat," say: "Honey, I care about your health, I see you recovered after giving birth, perhaps we should enroll you in the gym?"

Only an insecure person who wants to assert himself at your expense or instill a sense of guilt criticizes and calls names.

How to match and become a real woman yourself?

First, develop... When a girl says that she wants to vacation in Monaco, receive diamonds and fur coats as a gift, but at the same time, the last time she read a book last year, her requests are unrealistic.

A financially independent and intellectually developed man will look for a girl to match.

In 90% of cases, he will not want to build a relationship with someone who does not invest time and money in her development, is not addicted to anything and does not take care of herself.

You don't have to learn to make millions or be a tough businesswoman to meet a real man. However, it is important to pump up your femininity, find your favorite business and develop in it.

Secondly, get rid of negative attitudes towards life.If you constantly complain that everything is bad, there are no worthy ones around, then do not be surprised why there are only gigolos and alcoholics around you. What we broadcast to the world comes back to us.

Third, learn to be easy-going.Do not overload the man with your problems from the first date, listen more and talk less.

Decent men value gentleness and ease of communication, not attempts to please in an unnatural way or manipulate through sex. Just in this video I tell you that, in my understanding, a worthy woman:

Where to find a decent man?

Perhaps now you are expecting from me the coordinates of the location of the field or the place with worthy men and you will be a little disappointed that I will not give them to you. Well, please forgive me.

I have prepared more valuable information for you - a free course. Just from him you will learn:

  • What to do for a worthy man to find you on his own
  • How to be a decent woman for a decent man
  • How to build a harmonious serious relationship
  • How to be happy in a relationship without drama and manipulation

Just she will help to remove all doubts. Use the tips and don't waste your precious time on * blows. You deserve the best this life can give you!


  • Worthy men have attributes. These are not mythical creatures, but quite real people.
  • To meet a real man, you need to match yourself: to develop, do what you love and be easy to communicate.
  • There are no definite coordinates where real men are "found". You can meet them anywhere. Be open and feminine, then a worthy man will find you himself.
  • I will help you with everything else in my free course.

The concept of "a real man" has long been erased to the core and turned inside out. And the poor representatives of the stronger sex do not even understand exactly what criteria must be met at this time of year. Our task is to recognize among millions of those with whom it would not be a pity to spend not only the best, but all the years of life.

What kind of ideal is he?

Admit it, you createdthe image of the ideal chosen one? To be handsome, strong, generous, reliable, not drink, smoke, always give flowers, in a word - a real man. The list is long, but in fact it often turns out that the new Alain Delon is completely helpless in everyday life, and Vin Diesel has been unable to achieve a promotion at work for years. How to recognize a man with whom you will be like behind a stone wall?

There are only four criteria. These are the spheres of life in which a man manifests himself.

Intelligence... Smart men are so attractive. But there is a difference between erudite and boring, intelligent and wise, well-read and understand what he read. One can be mistaken in judging a man's mind by how colorfully he talks about painters of the 19th century. But one thing will never deceive you: his ability and desire to learn further.

And even if after the first meeting you tell your friends with delight how smart he is and how interesting it is with him, see if this delight diminishes in a month or two. Are the conversation topics repeating? And what new has he discovered for himself lately.

Heart... Even if you consider men to be heartless egoists, they have hearts, they regularly pump blood and perform another important function - they show the way. A real man lives by vocation. Most likely, he was determined in the middle classes and is systematically developing in this direction. Or he actively seeks, tries, being honest with himself and with others.

A man who lives by heart also knows what kind of woman he wants. And, having chosen her once, stays with her. Because he respects his choice. He thinks simply: he knows what and who he wants, and goes to it. “Because it pulls,” as one movie hero used to say. You recognize such a man in relation to: if he is disposed towards you, then he is fully disposed. If not, then no amount of tricks will help to fall in love or seduce him.

Soul or strength of mind... They say about such people: "He has a core." Life circumstances do not break him, he falls and rises again. He is self-sufficient and confident in himself, he knows that he will succeed in everything conceived. And he does it until the dream comes true.

In the realm of the soul, it is important for a woman to distinguish between loud slogans and true confidence. There is a small secret, proven over the years: in any company, pay attention to the man who sits in the corner, watches, but says little. It is he who will ultimately prove to be the most self-confident and strong spiritually.

Body... And here I would be delighted: finally, we are talking about beauty. But no, it's not that simple. In the bodily sphere of life, real actions, deeds, discipline and, as a result, realization in the world are important. A man, developed in the sphere of the body, acts: he wakes up, gets up, goes to work, meets people, and solves questions.

He can work with his hands, cook food, fix equipment - whatever. And all this is organically woven into his daily life. You recognize such a man by his minor manifestations: what does he do with his hands and body in his free time. Is it developing or destroying itself?

On guard of happiness

Bad news: all 5 senses deceive us. They don't help in any wayrecognize the ideal man... The eyes choose the handsome. Smell - someone whose scent is genetically suitable. Hearing is the one who best delights with compliments. The taste is of the one whose kiss is pleasant. Skin - the one whose touch is maddening. But none of this is an indicator of a man.

Good news: on guard of happiness - heart and mind. When choosing a man to start a family, mark someone who is equally well shown in all areas of life. Is he developing, has he found what he loves, does he know what he really wants? A real man goes to the goal, believes in himself, feels that he can and, most importantly, that he is worthy of what he has planned.

Unexpected news: and in order to think soberly, it is better to keep your distance. It's harder to see someone who is too close. Close your eyes and listen with your heart, do not allow yourself to be touched too early, just watch his actions and how they resonate in your heart. And you will understandhow does a real man behave.

And finally, 5 things Mister Perfect never does.

  • Does not complain
  • Does not brag
  • Does not demean
  • Doesn't stop there
  • Doesn't waste time on what he doesn't want

According to psychologists, there are 10 main signs that women are looking for in potential partners.

1. Strength and mind. A man must be smart. When a man is smart, he is able to assess the woman's needs as well as give advice. Strength must be both moral and physical. The will to make decisions and responsibility for their actions should come first. This is male strength, no unnecessary emotions and fear.

2. Purposefulness. Purposeful men have always been popular with the female sex. Such men do not kill time in pursuit of mirages, they do everything only in essence. They set themselves the goal of making money, creating a strong family, climbing the career ladder, making some kind of discovery. These are the key goals in a strong man.

3. Attention to family values. A real man will always understand the role of women and children. He will not shy away from raising a child, he understands that there must be a team in the family, and unity is also very important.

4. No unnecessary talk and gossip. A man does not gossip about any things, especially those about which he has no information. Knows how to keep other people's secrets.

5. The words of a man should be stronger than a stone. If a man gives a word, then its observance must be guaranteed. If a man is unable to keep his promises, then failure to fulfill them can become a habit. Men will soon cease to be friends with such a person, and more than one woman will no longer want to start a family with him.

6. No weakness. A man should be a role model. A woman is always looking for someone from whom to take an example. You can only take an example from strong people. Such a man will become an excellent example for his children.

7. Self-reliance. For a real man, taking money from others is not an option. He will achieve the goal only on his own. It is these men who can mobilize all the best in themselves, who achieve high results in their careers or business.

8. Appearance. Women love not only with their ears, but also with their eyes. A man should always look neat, clean and beautiful.

9. Cleanliness and order. Although a woman often puts things in order in the house herself, she greatly appreciates the man's desire for cleanliness and tidiness. If she comes to visit a man, and his clothes are scattered about, dirty socks are lying around, garbage is everywhere, it is unlikely that a woman will think that she was visiting a real man. It's another matter when the house is clean and tidy.

10. Struggle. A real man, according to the weaker sex, should always be ready for confrontation. The ability to fight at work, to defend your rights, interests, the ability to rebuff the offender is the advantage of a real man.

Of course, there is hardly a man who combines all 10 qualities. However, it is quite possible to meet just such a man who has at least half of them, and strives for the rest.