How to wipe paint off jeans: simple tips. How to remove paint and other stains from jeans

Jeans are considered practical and durable clothing. This is true, but if they accidentally get dirty with oil paint, varnish or water-based emulsion, then it will not be so easy to wipe the paint off jeans. And when using active cleaning agents and stain removers, the material itself may shed. How to remove the stain?

How to wipe paint off jeans?

How to wipe paint off jeans

Jeans, especially high-quality denim, due to their density and special type of weaving of threads, absorb any dirt well. Therefore, if you stain your clothes with paint, you need to remove the stain as soon as possible. And a simple rubbing with a napkin will not help here, it will only get worse.

Cleaning methods depend primarily on the type of colorant.

  1. Water-based paints can be cleaned well with laundry soap. To do this, you need to wet and soap the place of pollution, rub it with a clothing brush and rinse. If the stain cannot be removed completely, then you need to leave the jeans soaked for several hours, and then wash in the machine.
  2. The composition of the paints can be different. If laundry soap does not help, then you can try dishwashing detergent. It removes such stains well.
  3. Oil paint is more difficult to remove. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of washing powder and butter. Then apply it to the stain, rub in with your fingers, leave for a few minutes and wash.

There are also various folk remedies, for example, toothpaste or a mixture of crushed chalk or white clay with gasoline. But the last method is only good for light colored jeans.

Can jeans be cleaned with solvents?

Special solvents such as acetone, kerosene, refined gasoline and white spirit are best for removing stains from any paint. Moisten a cotton pad with the agent and rub the dirt spot, after putting a cloth from the inside out.

However, there is a possibility that corrosive substances will not only remove the stain, but also etch the paint on the fabric itself. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Acetone cleans paints well, especially various varnishes. But it is most dangerous for colored or black jeans, therefore it is suitable only for white or very light fabrics.
  2. Gasoline and white spirit work best with oil paints and are more gentle on colored denim than acetone. In addition, gasoline is effective even against stubborn stains.
  3. If you're unlucky enough to have more than just one stain, you can use oxygen bleach by adding it to the wash. The effect will be better if the jeans are pre-soaked with this product. Make sure you are using a non-chlorine bleach before you wipe the paint off your jeans, as chlorine

If you find a stain on your jeans, this is not at all a reason to throw it away or run to the dry cleaner. You can get rid of paint using chemicals and folk recipes. Here are some of the most effective ways to remove fresh and stubborn stains.

How to remove paint stain: 3 chemicals

We will need funds that are either on hand or can be easily found at the nearest store or pharmacy. You can easily remove the stain at home if you apply:

Image Procedure
Method 1. Refined gasoline

If there is oil paint on the jeans, you can remove the stain with refined gasoline.

On the inside of the area to be treated, lay several layers of light colored fabric (preferably natural).

Treat dirt with a cotton pad or light-colored cloth. After that, it is advisable to wash the jeans in a typewriter or by hand using laundry soap.

Method 2. Acetone

One of the most effective remedies is acetone. It is as easy to use as gasoline - use a damp cotton swab to gently clean the paint stain.

Acetone can even corrode the dye of clothes, so it is better to remove stains in this way only from light-colored trousers. Test how acetone will behave by applying it to an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. If the fabric has not changed color - feel free to use it.

Method 3. Stain remover

Find a stain remover that works with your jeans. This method is the safest and fastest, since instructions for use are on each package.

The cleaning components of the stain removers are selected in the right concentration to quickly remove paint from jeans.

There are many positive reviews from the use of the Sarma stain remover, the price of which is only 100-150 rubles.

How to remove paint: 3 popular recipes

If you're looking for how to clean paint off your jeans without going to the store, here are some healthy recipes made with homemade ingredients:

Image Instructions

Recipe 1. Dishwashing liquid

Apply a concentrated solution to the stain on your jeans. If the contamination is dry, then it is better to leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse the clothes.

Recipe 2. A mixture of butter and washing powder

The oil and powder are mixed in approximately equal proportions. The resulting mass is applied to the stained area for only 5-10 minutes.

The jeans can then be washed as usual. This method is good for fresh stains.

Recipe 3. White clay

Pour a spoonful of dry clay with the same amount of warm water or the same amount of refined gasoline.

Stir the white clay thoroughly, then apply it to the fabric. Let the mixture dry, then rinse the jeans and wash in the washing machine or by hand.

If the stain is ingrained

The easiest way to clean your jeans is to remove recent dirt. If you need to remove paint that has already eaten, then the detergent will not be enough and it is worth using stronger substances.

I will describe the process step by step so that you can cope with the problem with your own hands.

Step 1: soak

To soften the stain, you can use regular glycerin:

  • dilute 1-2 teaspoons of glycerin in a glass of water;
  • liberally moisten the contaminated area with the resulting solution;
  • after half an hour, you can start removing.

If glycerin is not at hand, and you need to wash the item urgently, soak your jeans in soapy water.

If the dried layer is thick enough, you can first scrape it off with a knife. Take a knife with a dull blade to avoid tearing the piece and carefully peel off any dried paint.

Step 2: removing the stain

To remove old jeans stains, choose concentrated stain removers or pure gasoline. Laundry soap, powder or dishwashing liquid is unlikely to cope with such a difficult task.

If you want to remove ink, use regular rubbing alcohol. They need to treat the stain and leave it on for a few minutes. After that, the jeans can be washed, preferably by hand, in order to more thoroughly work out the contaminated area.

If the ink is too strong, mix the rubbing alcohol with glycerin to soften the fibers of the fabric and make the stain easier to remove.

Step 3: wash your trousers

Once removed, rinse the gins in warm water to rinse off any remaining cleansing emulsions. Then wash your jeans by hand or in a typewriter.


I told you how to wash paint and ink from jeans, what to do with a stubborn stain, and what homemade recipes can be used instead of industrial products. For visual instructions, see the video in this article. Do you have your own signature stain removal recipes? Share them in the comments!

Cloth with dense fibers quickly absorbs various substances, therefore, problems may arise during the cleaning process. Today we are looking into the question of how to remove paint from jeans using homemade products. Please share your results in the comments.

Ways to remove paint from jeans

Before wiping the paint off your jeans, select a suitable compound and test it on an invisible area of ​​the fabric. If everything is ok, proceed with a full-scale cleaning.

# 1. Turpentine, white spirit, acetone, etc.

1. Any harsh remedy will do. But before using it, you need to do a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. If the material is not damaged, then proceed with the treatment of the stain.

2. Spread the jeans on a flat surface, place a board under the fabric to be treated so that the ink does not get reprinted on the second part of the garment.

3. Soak the cosmetic discs in turpentine (acetone, etc.). Start rubbing the stain from the edges to the center.

4. When the cloth is sufficiently dampened, let it sit for 10-20 minutes. Then, if necessary, treat with new sponges moistened with the product and carry out a typical wash.

# 2. Soap

1. You can use laundry soap to remove dirt. Soak a block in water, rub a cloth and let sit for 10 hours.

No. 3. Gasoline for lighters

1. Since you can remove paint from jeans with refined gasoline, we recommend using the composition for lighters at home.

2. Fuel intended for refueling motor vehicles can be used if the octane number is 95 or 98 units (AI-95, AI-98).

3. If the paint stain is old, scrub it with a stiff brush or clean it with a knife. Then start processing with gasoline. Wet the sponge and squeeze, wipe the paint from the sides to the middle.

No. 4. Detergent

1. If you don't know how to remove paint from jeans, you can use a dish detergent at home. Spread the composition over the stain.

2. Use a brush to scrub the dirt for a while. Finally, machine wash your trousers with quality powder.

No. 5. Chalk with gasoline

1. Since you can remove paint from jeans in a variety of ways, do not overlook simple chalk. Turn the chalk into flour and combine with an equal amount of gasoline.

2. Homogeneous gruel should be rubbed over the contaminated area. Leave the fabric as it is and wait for the composition to dry. Remove residue and wash jeans.

No. 6. Butter

1. Saturate the stain with any vegetable oil. Leave the product for 40-50 minutes. On the seamy side, place a material that does not get wet.

2. Then proceed to hand wash. To cope with the task, you should use a powder that is able to remove serious dirt.

No. 7. Gasoline with clay

1. The method is similar to the previous one. To prepare the paste, you need to mix in equal proportions refined gasoline and white cosmetic clay.

2. Spread the compound in a dense layer over the contaminated area. Wait a while, the gasoline should evaporate. Remove clay and wash pants as usual.

Have you stained your favorite jeans with paint? Not sure how to remove a stain like this and not ruin your denim? Don't worry, you can deal with this problem. So that you can do that, let's find out how to remove paint from jeans.

How to remove a stain of paint if it is completely fresh? Ordinary soap can be used for this purpose. You need to act like this:

  1. First, you should thoroughly lather the speck. If you notice that the paint from such an effect begins to leave the fabric, you should leave the soapy trousers to sour for a day.
  2. After that, the jeans should be washed again and be sure to rinse well. Some types of paint, for example, acrylic, are completely removed in this way.

If you smeared a thing in oil paint, you will need to act a little differently: you should mix powder and butter in equal amounts, and then apply the resulting mass to the stain itself and leave for a few minutes. If you do this right away, the dirt can be removed with little effort.

If you are unable to immediately remove paint stains from denim, you will have to resort to other, more effective means. Let's take a closer look at them so that you can choose the right composition for the type of paint.

How to remove water-based paint

How to clean jeans from water-based paint? The easiest way to do this is with a regular powder and stain remover. To do this, you must initially soak the product in soapy water, and then wash it in a typewriter, putting powder and stain remover in equal parts in the detergent compartment. It is best to take specialized means for this purpose, for example, Vanish.

How to clean a speck that has appeared quite a long time ago? It can be removed with refined lighter gasoline. This product will need to be collected on a cotton pad and gently wipe the cloth with this pad, moving towards the center of the pollution. After that, the jeans also need to be washed with powder and rinsed thoroughly.

Important: if you are dealing with light denim, you can use ordinary acetone-based nail polish remover instead of gasoline. Before using it, make sure that it will not damage the product. To do this, simply apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric: if the material does not change color or deform under the influence of such a liquid, you can safely apply it.

How to get rid of ink stains

How do I remove ink stains from denim? It is best to treat them with regular alcohol. In this case, you will need to act like this: take a small amount of alcohol and apply it to the fabric, leave the stain to sour for a few minutes, wait until the product is completely absorbed, and then wash your pants in the washing machine. If you are dealing with old dirt, mix alcohol with glycerin - this composition softens fabric fibers well and makes it easy to remove any dirt.

Important: do not use this product against other types of dyes, for example, oil paints. He simply cannot cope with them.

How to deal with oil paint

How to clean oil paint from jeans? You will need to work with such pollution like this:

  1. First, you will need to remove excess paint from the fabric with a dull knife.
  2. After that, you will need to take some oil thinner, apply it to the stain and rub the dirt well with a cloth or toothbrush. In this case, you need to move from the edges of the stain to the center so as not to smudge the dye. If you do everything right, it will easily come off the fabric.
  3. If the stain cannot be removed with solvent, you will need to apply glycerin to the stain itself and leave it on the fabric overnight. After that, you will need to remove the remaining dirt with a clean toothbrush and wash your pants in a typewriter.

Important: you can use not only oil thinner, but also an industrial paint thinner to remove oil stains. This product requires extreme care as it can damage the fabric. Before using it, apply a small amount of solvent to an inconspicuous part of your trousers to make sure they won't ruin the material.

How to remove an old stain

Dried paint, especially oil paint, is best removed with white spirit. It must be applied to a cotton pad or an ordinary cotton cloth and gently wipe off the remaining paint with this cloth. After that, the thing needs to be rinsed well and ventilated. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of the pungent smell of this solvent.

Important: Never use this product on low quality denim. Under the influence of white spirit, it can shed.

You can also use a mixture of crushed chalk and gasoline to combat such contamination. These funds are taken in equal amounts, mixed, applied to the fabric and left for a third of an hour. After that, you just have to remove the remnants of the mixture from the material and wash the product thoroughly in cool water.

Important: If you don't have chalk on hand, you can use dry white clay instead. She copes with paint stains just as well.

Video: remove old stains of unknown origin:

Oil stains, paint from a bench and other similar stains can be removed quickly and easily if you take into account some considerations when working with such stains. They are as follows:

  • Always start working on any such stains with regular powder or stain remover. Only resort to more sophisticated remedies if such products have not worked for you.
  • Don't hesitate to figure out how to wash the paint off your jeans. Start removing the stain as soon as you notice it. The sooner you do this, the more chances you have to completely remove the contamination.
  • If the stain does not come off the fabric the first time, do not be discouraged. In most cases, a stubborn stain from paint can be removed only for 3-4 washes.

  • If after removing the stain with oil products you still have greasy spots on your clothes, just drip a small amount of Faerie or any other similar product on them. It will dissolve fat very easily.

If you have tried all the methods on how to quickly remove paint from jeans, but still have not achieved the desired results in this matter, it is better to take the stained trousers to a dry cleaner. There they will be able to put them in order in just a few days.

Unfortunately, a stain on jeans can ruin their appearance, regardless of price or quality. But it's not all bad, there are many ways that you can help you remove stains from jeans. Have you noticed the stain on your jeans? Do not be discouraged, the situation is not hopeless! Read this article for helpful tips on how to remove stains from jeans. Don't throw away your favorite jeans, you can still save them!


Getting Started

    Do not rub the stain with water. This is especially important if you have put on a greasy stain. Grease repels water, which means that if you start washing the stain with plain water, you will not be able to remove it at all, but will only aggravate the situation.

    Don't wash your jeans until you've removed the stain. This is a common mistake that should be avoided. Once the stain on your jeans comes into contact with water, the chances of you being able to remove it are significantly reduced.

    Place your jeans on a surface you are not afraid to stain. Find a surface that you can place your dirty jeans on. Expect this surface to get dirty. For example, when a stain is removed, jeans may begin to shed, thereby staining the work surface on which they lie. The bathroom can be a suitable place to remove the stain.

    Take an old but clean rag. You will need a rag to remove the stain. Old socks, T-shirts, and / or kitchen rags will work fine, provided they are light and clean. Avoid using colored rags to prevent them from shedding or staining your jeans as you try to remove the stain.

    Take a medium-sized bowl. You will need to soak your jeans in water before washing. A plastic bowl is perfect for this.

    The sooner you start, the more likely you will be able to remove the stain. Old stains are much more difficult to remove. You may not be able to remove the stain as soon as you put it on, but do it as soon as you get home.

Removing blood stains

    Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of cold water. If the stain is fresh, use carbonated water instead of regular cold water. Stir the salt in the water well until it is completely dissolved.

    Dip a cloth into the salt solution. Soak a cloth well in this solution.

    Rub the stain until it disappears completely. Try blotting the stain. If you don't see a result, wipe the stain. Evaluate the result.

    • You can also turn the jeans inside out and soak the stain with a cloth soaked in a solution of salt and water.
    • If you are unable to remove the stain, try other methods.
  1. Pour a quart of cold water into a bowl. Add two tablespoons of salt or the same amount of ammonia. Mix the ingredients. If the blood stain is stale and dry, pour the salt / ammonia water into a plastic bowl and soak the jeans in the solution. The duration of soaking varies from 30 minutes to 8 hours. You can check periodically to see if the stain has been removed.

    • Avoid using warm water as this will not only not remove the stain, but will make it more resistant.
    • If this method doesn't help you remove the stain, try the next method.
  2. Soak the stain in cold water for one minute. This method is quite effective for old, stubborn stains. After soaking your jeans in cold water, wring them out and place them in a plastic bag. Add two cups of lemon juice and half a glass of table salt. Leave the jeans in the bag for ten minutes and then hang the jeans to dry. After they dry, machine wash them.

    • Note that lemon juice can discolor your jeans. It is best to use this method on light colored or white jeans.
  3. Make a paste with the meat tenderizer. Due to its ability to break down proteins, the meat tenderer can be effective if you need to remove blood stains. Use a quarter teaspoon of softener, add some cold water and make a paste. Apply to stain. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, then wash off with water.

    • You can buy meat tenderizer at any store.
    • If none of the above methods are effective, try another method.
  4. Take hairspray. Hairspray can be another effective remedy that can help you remove blood stains. Saturate the stain with hairspray and let sit for five minutes. Then take a damp cloth and gently wipe the stain.

Grease stain removal

    Sprinkle baby powder or talcum powder over the stain. This method is good for both fresh and old stains. Powders absorb grease well, so you can easily remove grease from your jeans. Simply sprinkle some baby powder or talcum powder over the stain and let the jeans sit for a few hours. Then remove the powder (use dry paper towel, toothbrush) and wash jeans in hot water.

    Dishwashing detergents work well with grease. Apply two drops to the stain and add some water. Take a rag and rub gently until the stain is completely gone. Then wash your jeans in the washing machine.

    • If you are unable to remove the stain by following this method, you can try the next one.
  1. Use an artificial sweetener. This product is not very good for your health, but it does a great job at removing stains. Just sprinkle some sweetener on the stain.

    • Artificial sweeteners are great if you need to remove stains very quickly.
    • If this method does not work, try another one.
  2. Use white vinegar. Pour some undiluted white vinegar onto a paper towel. Use it to blot the stain on your jeans. This method is most effective for stubborn stains.

Removing makeup stains

    Don't use water. Most cosmetics such as lipstick and mascara are oil-based. This means that you should not use water when removing the stain.

    Rub the stain gently. Many cosmetics are not liquid, so you will need to gently remove any cosmetic residues such as lipstick or mascara. But be very careful when you do this, so as not to rub the product even deeper.

    • If you are unable to remove the stain, try another method.
  1. Use a shaving cream. Shaving cream is especially effective on foundation stains. Just apply shaving cream to the stain. Then put your jeans in the washing machine.

    • Alternatively, you can use another way.
  2. Use hairspray. If you have a lipstick stain, hairspray can be quite effective in this case. Apply hairspray to the stain and leave on for 15 minutes. Then blot with a damp cloth or tissue until the stain is gone.

    • If you don't like the smell of hairspray, move on to the next method.
  3. Use dishwashing detergent. If your stain is from foundation or sunscreen, use a mixture of warm water and dish soap. Dip a cloth in the resulting solution and then, wring it out a little, wipe the stain on the jeans. It must disappear.

Removing yellow and sweat stains

    Use vinegar. Prepare a mixture of two parts white vinegar and one part water (cold or warm). Pour the mixture over the stain and let it sit overnight. Then wash your jeans.

    • Some people hate the smell of vinegar. If you don't like the vinegar smell either, move on to the next step.
  1. Use baking soda. Make a paste with baking soda and warm water. Use enough baking soda and water to make a paste-like mixture. Then take a clean toothbrush and dip it in the paste. Apply the mixture to the stain. Rub the stain gently. Leave it on for a few hours. Rinse the stain.

    Crush three aspirin tablets. Place them in a cup. Then add about two tablespoons of water. You should have a paste-like mixture. Apply to stain and let sit for an hour. Wash your jeans.