What is eating chinchillas at home - lists of permitted and prohibited food. Fresh products that can not be given chinchillas

Feeding chinshill - An important component of the care of these fur animals. By the nature of the power of chinchillas are roasting, and with pleasure, any parts of the plants are eaten: grassy, \u200b\u200bwood or shrub. They are also pleased to eat their seeds and fruits.

In nature, they eat little, but at the same time their feed is high calorie and contains all the substances necessary for their development, chinchilla at home also requires that its nutrition is optimally balanced - it should be highly eligible and contain many minerals and vitamins.

All feeds that should consume chinchillas at home are divided into concentrated feed, grain mixes and greens. At the same time, fresh water in the drool must be in the cage.

Concentrated feed

Concentrated feed should be present in the diet of chinchillas, as they are the most easily dismantled and nutritious. Such feeds include grain, legumes and products of their recycling.

In the grains of wheat, millet, barley and corn contains a lot of minerals, starch and vitamins, so they have a high nutritional value. In addition, they contain lipids and fats that play a big role in the diet of chinchillas.

Bean cultures - beans, lentils, beans, peas contain in its composition amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, zinc, potassium and other vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the organism of animals.

You can feed chinchillas and finished feed, which is sold in pet stores. It is well balanced and contains all the necessary organism of the substance.

Hay and greens

In the diet of any breed of chinchillas must be attended by the hay.

The animals can be fascinated by the young greens of dandelions, wheat and oats sprouts, which contain fiber, proteins and various minerals. Herbs can be used both ordinary and meadow: horse sorrel, plantain, burdock, strawberry leaves, nettle, etc. It should be borne in mind that the greens should be additive to the main diet and necessarily dried or completely dry, as it can lead to Stomach disorder.

The hay in the cells should be present year-round, as it helps the absorption of other nutrients and its absence can lead to the death of the animal. In a day, chinchillas should eat it at least 25 grams. The hay can be given both from meadow herbs and from legume plants - clover, donel, alfalfa. It is well suited for feeding chinchillas and hay of cereal plants - fessels meadow, Timofeevka, a meadow meadow.

At the same time, the hay must be well dried. When it is wetting or the presence of plates on it, it is impossible to feed his animal
In addition to the above plants, the animals consume leaves, shoots and a bark: pears, apple trees, flashes, blackberries,

Often, animals are fettered by the fruits of trees and shrubs, such as a rosehip, hawthorn, a pear, an apple tree and many others. Chinchillas eat them with pleasure in dry form.

In no case do not acquire the feed mixture in which the main component is corn: it does not contain useful and necessary nutrient rodents. In high-quality corn feeds, it is used only as a binding agent and filler.

The hay in the chinchilla cell should be throughout the year (animals require about 25 g per day), as it contributes to the absorption of other nutrients. The absence of hay in the diet can lead to the death of the animal.

The hae contains a lot of fiber and carotene necessary for normal metabolism, growth, development and reproduction of chinchillas; To a large extent, it affects the state of the nervous system.

The hay may be different in composition. It is harvested from meadow (non-swamp), better leguminous plants (clover, donnik, alfalfa, etc.), as they have the greatest nutritional value and contain all the necessary substances - digested protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, etc. .

For feeding chinchillas, you can use hay of cereal herbs (meadow meadow, meadow meadow, Timofeevka, hedgehog team), which is perfectly absorbed by chinchillas, although it is much less valuable protein and minerals.

It should be especially easy to ensure that there are no poisonous and harmful plants for chinchillas in the hay: the worsion of the eye, the buttercup is poisonous, the essay, the milestone is poisonous, Belen, Durma, Sitnik, St. John's wort, ferns, chests, bow, whites, whites and others.

The nutritional value of the hay is largely depends on the time of the bowel and the quality of the drying. Each plant has a certain collection time when it reaches maturity and contains the greatest amount of useful substances. So, for example, legumes, meadow and other herbs are recommended to be collected before the start of the bootonization, cereals - during the period of rings. Plants It is advisable to select frightened: in the leaves it contains much more than in stems, minerals, proteins, fats; In addition, they are better absorbed.

The hay, along with the combined feed, is the basis of the diet of the chinshill. Therefore, it is very important that it is high-quality, harvested on the desired time and properly dried; Love and moldy hay destroy.

It should be remembered that in plants, beveled later than the desired terms, the content of beneficial substances and carotene is sharply reduced.

The quality of the hay is largely dependent on the drying method. Sew and store hay is necessary under a canopy, in the attic, in a barn or shadow on the lattices. Folded in a stack of outdoors, it after a while loses a lot of useful substances, especially vitamins. Properly dried hay should be dark green, not yellow. It is impossible to allow stinking and hay ripening, since toxins allocated to mold fungi are deadly dangerous for chinchillas.

A special diet is required by pregnant and lactating females, young and aging animals. It should be known that females and young puppies the need for calories and nutrients is significantly higher than in adult animals, and aging - below.

Nutrition of pregnant females as a whole remains the same, but during this period, they need to give a high-quality, easily-friendly and vitaminized, with sufficient content of vitamin E and glucose.

During the lactation in the diet of nursing females and puppies, it is recommended to include oatmeal (for female - 6-9 g, for puppies - ground, 2-3 g per each) and a children's milk mixture (respectively 5-7 g and 1-2 g ). Despite the fact that the lactation of Chinchillius continues up to 2 months, in weekly puppies you can already give some feeds intended for adult rodents: dried fruits, additional feed. Green and juicy feed before 1.5-2 months can not be given.

In the event that the females do not have milk, puppies are transferred to artificial nutrition. They feed them from pipette with 26% dry milk (diluted at the rate of 2 tablespoons on 0.5 glasses of warm water) 5-6 drops 6 times a day. After about 3 weeks, they are transferred to 5 meals a day, and after another 1.5-2 months - on a 2-time. Feeding produce 2 times a day in the morning and evening.

When the puppies reach 1.5-2.5 months of age, young branches of willows and dandelion leaves, then clover and various cereals are introduced in their diet. You can offer them dried carrots, apples, crushed walnuts

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Farm food

Farm food

Hay meadow

In the diet of chinchillas must be attended by the hay. The hay is better to give an injection. High-quality hay - dark green, dry and fragrant, without straw, stick, leaves and other garbage

Hay meadow

Clover and Lucerne

The best is considered to be hay, consisting of legumers, such as Lucerne and clover. It is most nutritional, contains the most digestible protein and necessary for mineral nutrition of calcium and phosphorus animals, the main vitamins.

Clover and Lucerne


It is extremely rich in vitamins, mineral salts, microelements, vegetable hormones, from here the expediency of application. Stimulates the secretory function of the stomach, pancreas, liver and has a positive effect on the intestinal peristalsis.



The leaves and branches are rich in vitamins and sugars, contain many phytoncides, substances with antimicrobial properties. Animals, divorced in captivity, they are usually lacking, especially young. In young birch leaves, many ascorbic acid (vitamin C), in the kidneys - vegetable fats and other valuables. In the leaves, substances that stimulate the processes of the vital activity of animals of organisms resembling similar substances ginseng in their composition are detected. The branches are collected in summer and winter, the leaves - in the spring and until the middle of the summer, the kidney is early in spring during their swelling, to the dissolution of the leaves.



Fruits are used rich in vitamins C, B, B2, K, E, P, RR, carotene, organic acids (lemon, apple, etc.), pectins, potassium salts, iron, calcium, magnesium and manganese, essential and oily oils, Sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose), protein and tanning substances. Fully ripe fruits are collected in autumn


Normalizes the operation of the digestive tract, has antimicrobial properties. Fuck is useful as a tousing agent. Roots and chree leaves are rich in vitamin C, contain a large number of group vitamins, carotene, essential oils, potassium, calcium and trace elements. The plant contains many phytoncids that have a destructive effect on pathogens of microbes.

Various types of IV are a good pryryzushushka for chinshill. Use leaves and branches, as well as the bore, in which are contained: a whole set of biologically active compounds - flavones, tanning substances, glycosides, vitamins, mineral elements; Tanin, vitamin C, resinous substances, sugar, etc. branches are harvested during the winter, the bark is an early spring, from the branches of the middle thickness.

Basement (linden color) containing vitamin C, carbohydrates, carbohydrates, tanning and sugar substances are used. Inflorescences (together with a crumbling sheet) are collected from the 1st to the 4th day of complete flowering, since it is at that time they contain the greatest amount of useful substances. Inflorescences (together with a crumbling sheet) are collected from the 1st to the 4th day of complete flowering, since it is at that time they contain the greatest amount of useful substances.

Today, chinchillas are becoming increasingly popular with rodent lovers. They are acquired not only the stars of Hollywood or famous individuals of our country, but also ordinary people.

And it is not surprising, because chinchillas are very good-natured, living and very cute creatures. Their unique silver-gray, thick and fluffy, very gentle to the touch fur will not leave anyone indifferent.

Chinshill love all children, because These animals are very quickly getting used to people and become manual. Chinchilla care does not require high time and strength. The main thing is to observe the conditions suitable for chinchillas in the room, to change water and feed daily. As a feed, you can use the usual feed for rabbits, adding a good hay. For maintenance at home, you must purchase a cell that you can put into any cool and slightly darkened place of your apartment.

At the same time, the smaller the cell will be, the better. These funny animals love to "swim" in the sand. Sand cleans their wonderful fur, and also remove the tension, if any can be. It is enough once a day to put a bath with sand into the cage - and your pet will be fine.

By purchasing chinchilla, take care that the breeder supplies you to those feeds to which he has already taught the animal, for a sharp and cardinal change of the diet of the chinchilla may not survive.

It must be remembered that there is no absolute delicacy for chinchilla. What really likes one animal can easily leave indifferent than the other.

Whatever feed, herbs, plants you do not use to feed your pet, be sure to make sure that the food is clean and without impurities or pests. If you have slipped dried fruits for it, then they must be rinsed and thoroughly dry!

The main rule when choosing feed for chinchillas: if you have at least some suspicion in the stated as feed for the animal, do not buy it in any case.

Do not translate the animal with kicking with hay to meals the grass sharply, otherwise it is most likely a stomach disorder comes.

You should always have a grain mixture at hand, in the diet should be present: cellulose, plant fiber, food fibers. It is not necessary to bypass the attention and concentrated feed, many of them can form the basic ration of the animal. And be sure to purchase the seeds of passenger crops!

Than feeding chinshill

The feeding process of chinchilla is very difficult, but an important thing. If feeding the animal is not correct, then the likelihood that the animals will begin to hurt and eventually there will be a case.

If the cause of the case becomes incorrect feeding, then this most often happens with novice breeders, with people who still do not understand that this animal, like any living being, is very dependent on the means and methods of its content, regularity in feeding and Correctly selected diet.

But in fact, Chinchilla is quite difficult to call mom. By nature, chinchilla herbivores and they eat all parts of the plants. In captivity, they from the first day are accustomed to feeding specific feeds.

As vegetable food for chinchilla grown at home, the "local" greenery growing in the garden or in the country area is suitable.

The best grain feeds for chinchillas are oats and corn. Oats can be given animals as integer and crushed. Oats certainly will not hurt the animal, but on the contrary will improve his digestion. Corn will be bubbling oats. It must be given in mixtures. Before feeding the grain, you need to either detail, or tweet in water.

How to feed chinshill?

On the day, a healthy adult chinchilla should receive no more than 25-30 g of the combined feed and plenty of hay. But since this average value and the norm of each animal has its own, then it is possible that it is your chinchilla that will ride a smaller volume.

This is yourself determined as a result of meal monitoring, when, counting the volumes of a used nutrient mixture, you will see that your animal eats exactly as much as it is necessary, but not less than 12 g per day.

Ideally, if you fill the bowl just once a day, but so much feed, which one chinchilla eats exactly per day. This little trick will ensure that you will wait for an empty feeder with the next feeding.

If, with the next feeding from the previous reception, any food still remains, then it is better not to use it, but just the next time to pour less new feed.

"Kitchen" utensils for chinchillas

I would like to say a couple of words about the "kitchen" dishes for chinchillas. Feeders intended for these animals are divided into two types - outdoor and suspended.

It is better to put the cells better on the bottom of the cell, since with the shelves of the chinchilla it will simply score. Moreover, the harder the outdoor feeder, the better.

The animal will not be able to use his "dining plate" as a toy, chasing her, like a hockey player washer, from the corner into the angle floor feeders easily wash and change food in them, and it is their big plus. But their disadvantages include the fact that there are many garbage from the floor of the cell. Produced outdoor bowls of ceramics, glass, metal, plastics.

Honestly, I would have a miracle at home, I would give him my cup, a spoon and a plate :) This animal I want to devote a whole release of articles, so I will try not to miss any details. I will be glad if you become my regular reader.

- Is it possible to give chinchilla cedar nuts?

Cedar nuts can not be given! They are for chinshill just fat! Instead of them, offer chinchilla peanuts, hazelnut (forest walnut), dried apples and pears - all in "homeopathic" doses.

- Are there a special diet in the hot period of chinchillas, vitamins for the heart?

A special diet of the beasts will arrange themselves - almost no longer eat, can more drink water.

- If so, then in what quantities?

You can treat a couple of dried petals, the chinchillas will like it (the petals should be clean!). If chinchillas offer fresh roses, then they must be their own, i.e. Grown on their plot, not purchased in the store. The fact is that industrial roses, i.e. Those sold in flower shops and on trays are necessarily treated with chemicals, and several times!

- Is it possible to give chinchillas tea?

Chinchillas are very like dry tea leaves. You can give green tea, and black, and MEE, but necessarily natural. It is undesirable to give tea with artificial flavors. Remember also that tea contains tannins that have fastening properties. Therefore, let's give tea a portion of no more than 1/3 coffee spoons and is not preferably every day.
You can give "CARCADE tea" (dry petals of Sudanese rose) in limited quantities, as it causes an easy laxative effect.

- What plants can be given chinchillas?

4-5 rose rose and roses wrinkled (from which jam is boiled).
When the gardens bloom, you can give 2-3 brushes of blooming cherry, i.e. A small twig with small leaves and flowers.
2-3 small birch twigs with young, but not sticky, leaves.
Flowering Linden Buds: 5-6 pcs.
4-5 leaves of dandelion and plantain. These leaves need to be thoroughly flushed under running water and flush almost to dryness with a napkin.
1 sheet salad.
You can give leaves strawberries and strawberries.
Lucerne and Klever Chinchilla love very much! But they need to give them in limited doses: both in fresh and dried (fresh not more than 4-6 g per day, dried no more than 8 g per day).
As a rule, chinchillas do not eat what they can definitely choose. However, before Something to offer chinchilla, check with a list of allowed plants, and if there are doubts - do not let's risk!

- How to disinfect the purchased hay?

Put the hay 1 minute into the microwave on 2/3 of the power (I have 90 W). The hay becomes practically sterile, although practically does not heat. Before processing in the microwave, look at the hay (when cutting the hay and weighing portions it will happen by itself). In the hay can come across metal or other alien items, such as nails ...
Sat the hay carefully and carefully set the mode, and you can arrange a fire.

- How much can chinchilla be hungry, without harm to health?

Chinchilla can no longer starve a week without any harm (with water and hay, of course).

- Is it possible to give chinchillas a lot of carrots?

In the sixties of the last century, E. Barsheva and her colleagues in VNIIIZE scientifically proved that when consumed by chinchilla, more than 4 grams of carrots per day almost double the digestibility of the main feed decreases.
If even Chinchilla loves carrots, it does not need to push her, otherwise it will not live for a long time!

- How to correctly give ice cream currants or cranberries? Her need to defrost, but then the juice will go?

I can only advise defrosting in the usual compartment of the refrigerator, putting on the siter. I so defrost fruits and berries for pies. Excessive water, of course, suits, but the berries will still remain wet ... Will there be chinchillas? As a rule, chinchillas prefer fresh unknown or dry fruits and berries at all.

- In what quantities you can give dried rose hips chinchillas?

1-2 berries every 1-3 days.

- Can I give clover without adding hay? Or is it better to mix and in what proportions?

The hay dried clover cannot be replaced! It is better to add it to the Seine, but very carefully, the first time is completely gradually and not every day.
I give my own approximately 1 tablespoon on the face 1 time in 2-3 days.
Todders up to 2 months, clover is not recommended at all. From 2 to 5 months, you can give dry 1 teaspoon once every 3-4 days.

- Is it necessary to clean the rosehip before the feeding of chinchillas?

In berries inside there are spiny villi. Here these porks and bones can be cleaned before serving chinchillas for dinner.
Well, if you do not clean, then there will be chinchillas and so, but they will be departed with bones, and rubbed the muzzle to rub, and the tongue will redden a little from the villion.

- Bones which fruit and berry can be given chinchillas?

"Peach nuts" (bones) I did not try to give, but the bones of apricots gave, the truth was pre-tried, they were not bitterly. If peach bones are not proud, then it is probably possible to try. For the first time, give half the bones if the beast is there and if the next day it will be all right, then you can give a couple. Chinchillas should not eat cherry bones!

- I read that chinchillas can be granted germinated wheat. Is it so?

As for the fresh gentle wheat (consisting mainly of water), then it should be given to the animals for more than 6 g per day, and this is such a small amount that it will not affect the balance of the diet for proteins and fat.
Chinchillas can give "wheat embryos" in 2 g per day, unless, of course, they are on sale in healthy nutrition departments. You only need to pay attention to the fact that there are no impurities in this product (spirulina, sugar, preservatives, etc.) - only pure crumbs of the embryos.

This FAQ was drawn up by the correspondence of the Forum
The authors of this FAQ - participants of the conference.
Compiler:, edited by Alena McLakova
No part of the FAQ cannot be reproduced (on paper or on the Internet) without the written permission of the author and the compiler.


Chinchilla is pure phytophage, that is, it is powered by one plants. With that, all of their parts are edible - from roots to fruit. Only not all of them are equally useful for him and need. And if the wild animals are harmful and dangerous for them, food will be bypass, then the homemade will not do this. They have lost this instinct. However, as in people who, instead of not sweet and salty, lie on buns and smoked. As a result, the duration and quality of life both at Chinchilli and people are sharply reduced.

Let's regret if you are not yourself, then at least our pets will not pamper them. And for this it is necessary to armared knowledge and understand the basic principles characteristic of their nutrition.

Important principles

The basis of any feed is its benignness. That is, he can not be

  • moldy
  • falch
  • non-letters,
  • rubbed.

It is impossible to harvest green food in polluted places:

  • on roadside roads
  • in industrial zones,
  • in the fields that have passed chemical treatment from pests.

It is possible to feed only washed and dried vegetables, fruits and greens. Green leaves must be enhancing. Do not feed wet greens, only dry.

Acqualing to new, especially green feeds need gradually. After each increase in the volume of portions, observe the state of your pets.

Observe feeding mode.

  • Daily.
  • Single.
  • Regular.
  • Late-evening.

Evening feeding is explained by the fact that these animals are actively active. This is written in detail in the article (Farm 27, "Chinchilla at home").

In the morning you can finish it only when everything is eaten yesterday. The main evening feed must be covered only in an empty and clean feeder.

The chinshill organism is designed for adverse ascetic living conditions. They have a very long intestine designed to extract the maximum benefit from poor food, behind which they still need to run. This happens in nature. Therefore, creating such approximate conditions to natural conditions, you will save your pet from premature death. And for this it must be smaller than pampering, feeding all sorts of snacks.

Power structure

The power structure of the chinshill should be formed as follows:

  • granulate, main feed - 70%,
  • lure - 20%,
  • parehomas - 10%.


Mostly chinchilla feed granulate - special dry food. Many breeders recommend the Vitakraft feed feed. For one chinchilla, a pack of 400 grams grabs for a month. Its cost in online pet stores 54 rubles, and in conventional pet stores about 80 rubles.

The open pack is better to shone into a sealed container. So she will not disperse.

This feed is granulated. In its composition, it corresponds to the nutrition of chinchillas living on the tops of South American Andes. It is easily absorbed, as there is a ballast with a low nutrient content. On one feeding one animal, two tablespoons of food are sufficient.

In addition, it is solid. It is important. Since when eating it, the chinchilla is stepping, constantly growing teeth.

Granules are made up of herbs, vegetables, cereals and are enriched with vitamins and minerals. It should not be present proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

Try to buy constantly alone and the same feed. If you change them, then accustom to new gradually (at least a week). Otherwise, Chinshill can upset digestion.

In a cage or shop window in which your pets live must be hay. For him, a special Stennica is installed. Put it gradually, but change daily. The contaminated hay needs to be removed immediately.

Signs of a good hay:

  • Not beast.
  • Dry.
  • Without mold.
  • Salad color.
  • It smells like.

The principles of independent workpiece of the hay was written above. Finding suitable places for this event to urban residents are problematic. Therefore, it's easier to purchase it in the store. Just buy unfastened briquettes and move it before use. And then there you can find sharp roots and spines.

The best hay for chinchilla is a hay of legumes

  • alfalfa
  • wiki
  • clover.

It is useful due to the presence of a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and digestible protein. It is necessary to make it necessary when the buds appear or at the initial stage of flowering.

In the absence of hay of leguminous grasses, you can use cereals. That is cooked

  • from Timofeevka,
  • meadow
  • meadow meadow
  • jerzy team.

But in its nutritional property, it is inferior to bean.

The difference is also useful. Especially if it consists of legumes, cereal herbs with a small admixture of buckwheat birds, Kozorodnik meadow. Only harvested it should be until the first flowering of these herbs. Late herbs do not possess the useful qualities that are characteristic of early.

When harvesting hay, avoid the following herbs:

  • fern
  • dope
  • whites,
  • vasilka
  • thin.

In general, all poisonous plants.

Chinchilla drinks too. For drinking, you need to use filtered or bottled, but not carbonated or mineral water. The temperature of its 18-20 degrees.


This is an additional meal. Its amount in the general diet of chinchilla should not exceed twenty percent. If the weight of the animal starts to increase, then, it means that you remove with your bait.

In stores, it is also sold in the form of granules. But externally different from the main feed. His granules are softer and, as a rule, color.

For example, Baaphar Care + feeding, satisfying the food needs of chinchilla, contains little sugar, moisture and fat. It is enriched with vitamins, amino acids, minerals. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation. In addition, this lure strengthens the immune system, which increases the resistance of diseases. It reduces unpleasant fecal smell.

The lore can be collected by himself. It consists

  • from cereals (you can take oatmeal),
  • from dried berries, plantain leaves, roots,
  • from apples, carrots, topinambur, rosehip fruits.

All this should be necessarily dry and in very small quantities. Since much of this is at the same time is a delicacy for them and is not very useful for them.


There are useful delicacies. They can be collected independently, to make stocks from them. And constantly delight your chinchilla. Useful the following

  • Kalina. Improves digestion. You can give one thing no more than two times a week.
  • Corn. Contains potassium, calcium, magnesium. Dosage - no more than three grains per day.
  • Carrot. It is useful for the heart, improves the appetite and the state of the fur. Dosage - one mug no more than three times a week.
  • Korni Aira. Antispasmodic. Dosage - no more than one centimeter root once a week.
  • Carcade. Protects the liver, improves metabolism. Dosage - once a week no more than one teaspoon.
  • Clover meadow. Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent. Dosage - once a week no more than two pieces.
  • Leaves of plantain. Adjusts the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Dosage - twice a week One sheet of medium sized.
  • Chicory. Soothing, diuretic. Dosage - once a week one flower or stem.
  • Weeping willow. Many vitamin C. supports the immune system. Dosage - once a week on one medium branch.
  • Rosehip. Lusting agent. Dosage - once a week in one thing.

In addition, from berries and fruits can be given

  • lingonberry
  • blue honeysuckle
  • solk apples,
  • mint Rowan,
  • hawthorn,
  • blueberry
  • currants
  • cranberry.

From herbal plants good use

  • parsley
  • chamomile
  • alfalle
  • calendula
  • blooming Sally,
  • nettle and mint (pregnant women can not),
  • oily
  • soul.

From trees

  • aspen
  • willow
  • mulberry (leaves and branches),
  • birch
  • apple
  • ash.

Oak can not be given. He is very fastened. Unless with diarrhea in small quantity. Pear is also attached. Therefore, it is given with caution.

Forbidden products

Chinchilla eats and nibbles everything, even these forbidden products. Therefore, your task so that they do not get to it. Otherwise, her life will decline much.

Here is a list of these products. And he is not yet complete.

  • Purchased treats
    • grain sticks
    • dried fruits,
    • fruit mixes
    • waffles.

All that contains sugar, honey, artificial additives. Since these products make it difficult to work the intestines. Cause constipation and diarrhea

  • Raw fruits and vegetables
    • cabbage,
    • cucumbers
    • watermelon,
    • dates
    • melon,
    • dried apricots,
    • peaches
    • prunes
    • raisins,
    • sweet cherry.

All this leads to severe fermentation in the intestine. And, as a result, to diarrhea and bloating, which can cause shinchilla.

  • Tropical fruits
    • citrus,
    • pineapples
    • coconuts
    • bananas
    • mango.

They lead to the baldness of chinchillas, and their branches are toxic for them.

  • Seeds and nuts. Punch on the liver, as it is too fatty food for chinshill. It would seem that nothing happened from once, but the fat accumulates gradually until the liver obesity occurs and the fur will not begin to climb. Then it's too late.
  • Mushrooms. The protein contained in them is dangerous for the intestine of chinshill.
  • Human food. Our food contains a lot of artificial additives. Including sugar, in large quantities, yeast, fats. It's all and we are not useful, not to mention chinchilla.

Therefore, if you love your little animal, then do not let it be forbidden products. Do not overflow it. Let him actively run around the cage in search of food, and not having fun in the corner. Cut it right and then your sweetheart, and funny chinchilla will live a long and happy life.