What can you give your child for his birthday. List of unnecessary gifts. Who is the gift from

There is a joyful event in a friend's family - his baby is exactly one year old. And if the child still knows little about this, adults are determined to celebrate this day in full. Well, what a holiday without gifts. And this is where the fun begins. It's easy and simple to give gifts to happy parents. As a sign that they lived with their beloved miracle for exactly one year. And what they will be happy about is not difficult to guess, in extreme cases, you can get off with an envelope with money. But a gift for a child for 1 year is not an easy question. And personal experience will not help here in any way, because hardly anyone remembers what they gave him on the anniversary of his life. But you can give some advice on this matter.

Psychology "one year old"

Despite their individual characteristics, children by the end of the first year of life acquire approximately the same communication skills with the outside world. Usually at this age they begin to walk, and understand that the world around them is not limited to the edge of the crib or sofa cushions. The desire to learn everything around within reach collides with the understandable desire of parents to protect the baby from various injuries. Hence the first conflicts between "fathers and children".

To avoid tears and resentment, it is best to switch your thirst for knowledge to safer subjects. Moreover, yearlings can already briefly keep their attention on one thing. Therefore, it is already possible to give a particular toy to a baby. It is only necessary that there are not so many of these toys. The child simply does not have time to examine them all and touch them with his hands.

The baby already remembers object games, he happily sways on his knees under the familiar words "We are driving, driving, driving ..." magpie. He already understands what a drawing in a book is. So, as an option, a baby book with large bright pictures can become a gift for a child for 1 year. Looking at them, the baby remembers the objects drawn on them and tries to name them. In this case, imagination and memory begin to develop.

What is the best gift for a baby?

Since this is the first birthday in life, the child does not understand well what is happening. But seeing familiar cheerful faces around, he begins to have fun with everyone, rejoice in a new dress or suit. And when he sees a burning candle on a beautifully decorated cake, he will definitely reach for it with a pen. You just need to catch it and turn your attention to a new toy.

It remains to think about what it will be. As you know, the first years of his life, a child actively learns the world around him. This can be helped by special educational toys that you can not only buy, but also make yourself. For example, a developmental mat. It will not be difficult to find a description of this rug on the Internet. You just need to take care of this in advance so that the rug is ready for the baby's birthday.

A favorite toy can be a large pyramid with multi-colored rings, or bright plastic cubes. For both boys and girls, large, bright objects for their first birthday will be very suitable. They develop memory, logical thinking, teach to distinguish color, size, shape. Just don’t buy and donate toys "for growth". Each age has its own level of development.

If the size of the children's room allows, you can install the first swing for the birthday person in it. Many children love to be thrown up. Delight and horror simultaneously overwhelm them. The swing will free your hands, but be sure to follow the installation and check the reliability of all connections with your own hands to avoid falling. Having fallen only once, the kid will then be afraid for a long time even to approach the swing. But they develop the vestibular apparatus, teach to maintain balance.

The most popular gift is a soft plush toy. All children love her. It so happens that a child will carry a teddy bear presented on his first birthday with him throughout his life. And even if he does not have one ear, and buttons have long been sewn instead of eyes, he still comes from our childhood. An excellent gift for a girl for 1 year is a bright elegant doll. You just need to check what it is made of. Yearlings pull everything into their mouths, and parents, in order not to fear for the life and health of the child, should take a closer look at the composition of plastics and paints. Formaldehyde, heavy metals are unacceptable in the manufacture of toys.

Of course, there are girls who love cars. But usually it's a boy's toy. A kid should have more than one car in the garage. You can climb into the back of a large bright dump truck, which dad will carry by the string. Or you can load cubes or construction kit parts into this dump truck and transport them with an important look from one room to another. If you give a year-old a set of small cars of different models, it will be funny to watch how the kid carries them around the table with both hands from edge to edge.

To teach a child to perseverance, they usually give a special developing table. First, the baby learns to sit properly at the table. Secondly, sets of different shapes, holes for each shape, multi-colored abacus in the form of balls will occupy the child's attention for a long time. Trying to assemble a pyramid, he remembers the color, size, sequence of the rings.

All children are talented. And if you want a famous artist to grow out of your son, or you just haven't changed the wallpaper in your apartment for a long time, then finger paints as a gift for a boy for 1 year, and for a girl too, will speed up the preparation process. The world around you will bloom with all the colors of the rainbow, and this rainbow will appear not in the sky, but on paper, on walls, on your faces and clothes. But the birthday boy will be just happy.

All children are musical. Only some people like melodic sounds, while others just like loud sounds. But you shouldn't give a drum and a whistle. Otherwise, the baby's parents will simply not let you on the doorstep, and your unsuccessful gift will be returned back in a short time. Better to give a music case. There, the sounds are more pleasant, and there is benefit. The child puts objects of a certain shape into the slots, and with a successful hit, a musical note sounds, and the baby is very happy. At the same time, the eye and ear for music develop.

But with even greater delight, the year-old will start exploring the music phone. Large and bright, when you press the buttons, it not only makes various sounds, but can also name letters and designate figures. A very useful toy, however, after a year. Now they produce whole entertainment installations for kids, or, as it is now fashionable to say, interactive centers. With the appropriate software, they can keep the child busy for a long time and free the parents from fiddling with the child. Such centers will sing a song and blink lights. If you hit the painted cat, it will meow, the dog will bark, and the cow will moan. You can tug on a rattle or a bell, the most varied interests of the child are provided.

According to ancient custom ...

Since ancient times, there has been a custom in the Caucasus and other regions of winemaking. If a child was born in the family, then a bottle of wine from this year's harvest was solemnly buried in the ground. Eighteen years passed, and at the age of majority of the hero of the occasion, the bottle was carefully removed and placed on the festive table. During this time, the wine received endurance and taste, well, and the birthday man got the right to sip this divine drink. In a modern city, wine, of course, is not buried. But you can give a bottle of vintage wine to your parents and take the floor from them to hide it away. Just imagine when this little fellow, running under the table today, grows up and, under loud applause and congratulations, uncorks a bottle sprinkled with dust. And the guests with glasses in their hands will watch the frames of the family video with emotion.

Gifts are out of place

  • Rattles, tweeters and other toys for babies of a one-year-old child will take no more than 5 minutes.
  • Similarly, toys for an older age will not work. Children do not know how to wait and do not want to. Therefore, when the age comes up, this toy will be broken, and you will have to buy another.
  • In no case should you give your baby a toy with small details. He will certainly disassemble it, and wheels, cogs and other trifles may end up in the most unexpected places with him. Up to the point that you will have to remove them from there surgically. And it's good if the baby does not choke.
  • Toys made with environmentally harmful substances are not allowed. It can be plastics with a high phenol content, or poisonous paints based on heavy metals. Therefore, in no case should you buy such toys on the market or from a little-known manufacturer. Better go to Detsky Mir or another branded children's toys store.
  • Well, if the guest was generous and presented the birthday boy with a radio-controlled car, then this toy is more likely for dad. The kid may just be frightened by the sharp sounds and movements of the car. He himself will learn to manage it for a very long time.

The younger the child's age, the more difficult it is to guess with a gift. Therefore, the choice of toys for a one-year-old baby must be approached very responsibly. And to warn about this all guests invited to the holiday. So that nothing can darken the first birthday of your first child. But the most important thing is that the child will share the joy of owning a new doll or a bright car only with his parents. Therefore, what can be more important for mom and dad than collecting a pyramid with him or dressing up a doll. Parents will have to master the new game themselves, so that they can then explain it to the baby and enthusiastically play with him on the floor until sleep.


Children are always looking forward to what they will get for their birthday. When choosing a surprise for a five-year-old birthday boy, use your imagination and common sense. It is worth considering the child's hobbies and features of developmental psychology. Then it will not be difficult to please and surprise a baby at the age of five!

What to consider when choosing a surprise

Of course, in order to see joy and not disappointment in the eyes of the birthday man, you need to start by studying the characteristics of the age of five-year-olds.

Even a person far from interactive entertainment will say that any electronic gadget meets all five criteria: a mobile phone, a tablet, a computer. But psychologists do not recommend giving such gifts: after all, the baby has not yet formed a picture of the world, and any incorrectly submitted information can cause irreparable harm to the child. And what, what, and the extra knowledge devices provide unlimited.

What others will give

This is the very last condition that is taken into account when choosing a present for a child. The main thing is that you have an idea of ​​the interests of the birthday person, and for this it is best to ask the parents what their child is passionate about. Moms and dads in this sense are in more favorable conditions: they just need to listen to the wishes of their son or daughter.

Gift options for a five-year-old boy - video

What gifts are taboo

  • clothes, shoes. Yes, new clothes will significantly save the parents' budget, only a child is not interested in such a gift. True, if the hero of the occasion is a real fashionista, then a new dress or shoes for her will be very useful;
  • substitution. If you have promised the girl to give nail polish, then you should not give the cover from the kit for the doll. Believe me, the little lady will definitely see the substitution and be upset. It's the same with the boys: promised a soccer ball? Do not replace it with an inflatable one for entertainment at sea;
  • hygiene items. Again: if you give something from cosmetics to a girl, then it will be justified by her delight. But for a boy, shower gel is just as useless, in his opinion, as a hockey puck is for playing football;
  • stationery. These are gifts for parents, and for the little one you need something that you can try here and now;
  • dreams from the past. As a child, did you dream of a big teddy bear? Now there is no shortage of toys, so your longed-for soft gift may not cause a response.

In order not to get into a mess, it is worth talking with the child about what he would like to receive for his birthday.

Top five birthday gift ideas

Even if you plan to rely on the "verdict" of your parents, a kind of cheat sheet with interesting ideas will not be superfluous.


Such presentations are aimed at developing the logic, perseverance and attention of the baby:


Well, so what with the fact that in a year and a half to school? Toys are not superfluous even at this age. But for girls and boys, they will be different.

What toys can be purchased for girls and boys - table

A tent can be called a universal gift. Such a house can be placed in the room and taken out into the street. The little boy will be happy to play with his friends as polar geologists, and the girls will play as mothers and daughters.

The tent-house will serve a long service both now and in the future, when the baby goes on a hike with his parents

Both the girl and the boy will appreciate the electric car. One trip to the courtyard on such transport - and your little one will become a local celebrity.


At the age of 5, many kids are already seriously engaged in some kind of creative activity. For example, they are fond of music or drawing. So you can present as a gift:

  • easel with a set of paints, brushes;
  • album of watercolor sheets of A3 format;
  • children's guitar,
  • synthesizer with learning function, etc.
  • origami kits (you can choose them for a boy or a girl);
  • a set of multi-colored Play Doh plasticine will delight a child if he loves to create figures from plastic material, inventing stories with the resulting characters (working with plasticine develops fine motor skills, as well as acting and directing skills);
  • kits for weaving from lumigurumi elastic bands, which boys and girls are fond of, etc.

Creative kit options - photo gallery

Folding origami, the child develops fine motor skills. Lumigurumi sets consist of a variety of multi-colored elastic bands, weaving patterns, filler, tools In addition to the plasticine mass, Play Doh art kits contain special tools that make the sculpting process more interesting.



Physical fitness for a toddler is no less important than for an adult. Moreover, children also fall under the gun of the most common cause of weight and health problems - spending a long time at the monitor. There are many options for sports gifts for five-year plans:

  • bike. Not a single boy will refuse such transport, and for sure 8 out of 10 girls will not mind driving in the yard;
  • rollers. This version of the surprise should definitely be supported by the purchase of special equipment: knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet. For your own and parental peace of mind;
  • skis, skates. A great option for a birthday boy born in winter;
  • twister. This fun can be safely included in the top of your favorite family games;
  • "Small towns" - a game that trains not only arms and legs, but also ingenuity;
  • badminton. If the baby was born in winter, it doesn't matter: you can train at home too.

For a child who loves to dance, an interactive dance mat will be a great gift.

Original souvenirs

Such souvenirs can be called "gifts for a child who has everything":


This gift requires a mandatory agreement with mom and dad, as well as with the rest of the family living with the child. But the benefits of communicating with a four-legged friend for the birthday person will be undoubted. It has been proven that children who were brought up in families with pets grow up more sensitive, empathic and kind. One caveat: the baby's patience for the constant care of the animal may not be enough, so when choosing it is worth considering what kind of animals the parents of the hero of the occasion love. But for 5 years they usually buy.

Do a little miracle on December 31st. The child still believes in a fairy tale and expects it from Santa Claus. You need to give something that the baby has long dreamed of. A present under the tree will not allow you to doubt the existence of a fabulous old man.

If you put a set of sweets "Middle snack pack" in his face in his face, then the usual candy gift will not be required. The whole box is jam-packed with jars of different sizes. Here are 25 mind-blowing flavors for true gourmets. The main thing is to guess with the dosage, excluding the diathesis that nobody needs after the holidays.

Piggy bank-trick "Disappearing coins" is the most New Year thing. She proposes to play a little joke on the child and arrange a fabulous show for him. Offer the little one to put a coin in a transparent box. You can hear how she hit the bottom, but where is the coveted money? The piggy bank will remain completely empty even if you throw all the change from your wallet. The secret is optical illusion. On January 1, create a "miracle" and return the valuables to their rightful owner!

The 3D phone screen magnifier can work wonders too. Is the smallest family member dreaming of a device with a large diagonal? Change it 3-5 times in one second! Here is not a simple optical lens that distorts the picture. This is a full-fledged multi-screen that makes the image more saturated, giving the impression of additional volume. An amazing option for watching videos and saving money on buying a tablet.

It is interesting to give a child a USB-flash drive "Ninja" in every sense. Firstly, he just needs a removable disk to store information, photos, and creative assignments. Secondly, 8 GB is quite an impressive amount. Absolutely all files will fit. Thirdly, the drive in the form of the hero of your favorite cartoon is much more interesting than a banal computer accessory. By the way, it can be carried on a backpack like a keychain.

Soft toy "Turtle" will delight the little ones. It is still difficult for them to build cunning structures from intricate details or study drawings in tabletop quizzes. But the kindest creature seemed to come under the Christmas tree from a favorite cartoon. I literally do not want to let go of him. A special filler helps develop fine motor skills.

The "Hug Fox" headrest pillow will be interesting for children during long trips. It is both a toy and a valuable travel companion! A lycra fox will gently hug the baby's neck. Admiring the beauty of the road, you won't forget about it for long! The animal will remind of itself when the baby's eyes stick together, and he lowers his head directly onto it. The dream of a son or daughter will be very sweet!

By the way, after pleasant dreams, it would be nice to stop and have a snack! The child will always be provided with hot drinks thanks to a thermostat with a photo "Football fan". He does not need a whole thermos of coffee, but an individual portion will be just right. Before giving a similar thing, do not forget to decorate it with a picture of your baby. If he visits the sports section, kicks the ball, it will be doubly effective!

Unfortunately, the birthday is only once a year

Sorry for the child. Parents have to solve a difficult dilemma, weighing desires against possibilities. The main factor here should be the age of the son or daughter. On the eve of school, pay attention to educational games, gadgets, books. If there is still time left, then preference should be given to your favorite toys.

Razor Jetts Rollers are a great choice for summer. Why should a child waste time changing shoes when there are such well-thought-out designs. Just tighten the straps more tightly, and in no time the sneakers will become the rollers. If you give such an interesting thing, then the tomboy will be very difficult to drive home.

The Razor S Scooter also has the ability to take your child out of the house for a long time. Otherwise it can not be! The two-wheeled friend is made for a baby. It weighs almost nothing, which means that it is easy to go down from the upper floor without the help of adults. The rubberized foot platform helps to avoid slipping on corners, and the height of the handlebars is easy to adjust for changing heights.

It is better to present the Razor E200 electric scooter to an obedient kid. An active child will instantly rush off into the distance, only he was seen. The scooter develops an impressive 19 kilometers per hour. You can ride on one charge for at least 60 minutes. It will take about 6 hours to replenish the energy reserve. This model has a premium design: a solid metal frame looks preferable to plastic.

The Sega Super Drive 7 game console will appeal to lovers of home fun. Of course, the modern entertainment industry offers more advanced shooters, adventure games and strategies, but a young gamer is better off starting small. The device is connected to the TV with a complete cable. The set also includes 2 remotes for joint immersion in virtual reality.

The game console "Tetris" is able to take possession of a child away from home, during flights, travel by car. Born in the distant 80s, she made a splash! Even adults liked to assemble a wall of flying rectangles. Present such a little thing to your son or daughter and remember your youth! If you have not forgotten your own records, then invite the younger generation to break them.

The Darth Vader table lamp will appeal to fans of the famous space saga. How many years have passed since the premiere of the first part, how many generations have grown, and your child still continues to be attracted by the plot of the film. You can donate a lamp to create an exclusive interior in the nursery. It is not very suitable as a night light, but it is very interesting to activate a pleasant neon glow while working on a computer.

The high-rise LED glowing sneakers will remind you of another very popular trilogy. You have watched it more than once as a child. Remember how the main character's shoes laced themselves up? They say that these days such sneakers already exist! For now, invite your own baby to remember the magic word. It is worth saying it like the soles of the soles blink with bright lights! Suitable for the dance floor, participation in group games, going on a visit or a practical joke.

The child will be incredibly happy about the flying saucer "Mystery UFO". It's great to watch objects move in outer space on the screen, but it's even more interesting to control one of them yourself. It will take no more than 15 seconds to prepare for the flight. The cymbal rises into the air and hangs between your hands without any power supply! Many peers will want to know where her button is!

The first time in first class

Here came a joyful, slightly exciting moment. It's time to start your journey into adulthood. It is better to give the child something useful that day. It takes so many things to practice.

Smart watches are called smart watches because they can not only show the time. The preschooler mastered the smartphone quickly. Now it's time to expand its functionality with this device. The gadget is always connected to the communicator wirelessly. The screen displays information about incoming calls and messages. In addition, the watch counts the kilometers traveled, shows the owner's location, and calculates the daily load.

It is better to present the "Smart Robot" constructor to a boy who is keen on technology. From the proposed set of parts, he will assemble a real home android. Of course, he will not solve problems, and simply will not help with making the bed. However, the "cyborg" is able to move around the room, recognizes obstacles and makes a route past them. It's great to feel like the creator of the hero of a fantastic saga.

Gift Megabox "Super Boy" involves joint activities with the child. He also had a lot of questions on all sorts of topics. In the classroom, they do not tell everything yet, and the son has not learned to rummage in encyclopedias. Tasks and answers are collected in separate blocks. If you organize a comic quiz, then the kid will very quickly expand his horizons.

VR BOX 2.0 virtual reality glasses are also interesting for a child from a learning point of view. They allow you to view any content with the highest resolution. Photos and videos, films and games will appear in a completely different quality. The smallest details can be seen only by pressing a button on the remote control. The panoramic view is simply breathtaking.

By the way, if you want to organize a home theater and invite the whole family to watch, give your treasure a smartphone projector. It is a very simple and easy-to-use device. You just need to connect a phone to it. For the best result, you can purchase a special screen, or you can do without it. Even a video shot with the main camera of the communicator will surprise you with its quality.

The Zvezda home planetarium projects a picture onto the ceiling. The room will not just light up myriads of lights. A detailed map of the galaxy will be presented to an enthusiastic child's gaze. It is better to start communication with a child with a story about the solar system, show the constellations that can be seen on a clear night right from the window. Who knows, suddenly the desire to learn about the world around you will push you to choose a profession even more?

The C8 touch table will help to introduce children to the computer. Rather, having barely learned the possibilities of the present, they themselves will join him. In fact, this is a tablet with an impressive diagonal, turned into a single unit with a stand. The screen rotates 360 degrees, and the electronic filling matches the best designs on the market. The functionality of the device will satisfy the most demanding users. There is nothing to say about the child!

Selfie stick "Pistol" can become a constant companion of his son. It will come in handy not for competitions in the shooting range, but for classy "selfies". The barrel has a universal smartphone holder. Secure the apparatus, aim and pull the trigger. One shot equals one successful shot! Ammunition is limited by the volume of the phone battery. Properly selected presents work wonders with the child. What if he grows up to be a great photographer?

The choice of gifts for the first birthday for a girl is quite extensive. At this age, children are interested in everything bright, new and unusual, everything that can move or make sounds. Babies also have many special needs, such as special furniture, personal care products, or clothing that they grow out of very quickly. In addition, the first birthday is an important date that the parents of the birthday girl will definitely remember and will probably talk about this event when the girl grows up.

By the beginning of the second year of life, babies have a very active psychological development. They show interest in the study of the surrounding world and its knowledge. In addition, it is from this age that the upbringing of the child begins. Gifts for the first birthday should contribute to the development of the child, the formation of the first social and psychological skills. It is noteworthy that you can purchase a present both in the online store of children's goods, and create it yourself from suitable materials.

At one year old, the girl will benefit from the following gifts:

Talking toysOne of the most important skills a child should develop at this age is speaking. Interactive talking posters and toys, toys, singing songs, declaring rhymes or imitating the sounds of different animals will help in the development of speech
Pyramids and dice setsAlthough at first glance, such toys may seem trivial, children from 12 months need them, as they contribute to color perception, the development of attention and spatial thinking.
Sorter toysThese are toys for matching objects according to their size, shape and color. Promotes the development of cognitive thinking, dexterity and fine motor skills
Soft constructorsComfortable and non-traumatic toys that will suit the smallest. They help develop tactile sensation, imagination and spatial reasoning.
Training shoesIn them, the baby will be able to run around the house when it is cool, and will also develop fine motor skills, practicing tying shoelaces and playing with Velcro
Musical toysSuch as a children's synthesizer, xylophone, or drums. Suitable for children who love noisy games. Develops creativity, ear for music and a sense of rhythm
Finger paints and non-drying sculpting mixesIt is possible to accustom a child to creativity from childhood, this will contribute to the disclosure of his creative potential in the future.
Sand play setCommunication of the child with peers is very important. A set of toys, which includes bright and varied in shape and size figures, will surely attract the attention of other children and allow them to arrange joint games.

A children's development center can also become a universal gift. It is a ready-made game set consisting of various parts and, as a rule, has a sound and color accompaniment. Such sets are aimed at the complex development of the child, including the development of fine motor skills, logic, abstract thinking, color and sound perception, attention and reaction.

By the age of one, children already know how to move independently or by holding onto objects around them. They can also climb furniture and go back down, like to imitate the movement of adults, if they are dancing or doing exercises. A gift that supports the baby's motor activity can be:

Toy nameDescription
1 Gurney, balance bike or miracle carAt this age, children are very fond of moving objects. They like not only to watch them move, but also to be aware of the fact that the object moves at their will. Thanks to such toys, the child will develop coordination of movements, and in addition, self-confidence and self-confidence will be strengthened.
2 Children's bike with parental control handleThese bicycles are perfect for little lovers of long walks in the fresh air.
3 SledIf the birthday girl celebrates her birthday in the cold season, then instead of a bicycle, it is better to give a comfortable sled
4 Play complex like a slideVery active babies can be presented with a small play complex with a slide. Such slides can be combined, for example, with a swing.
5 Toy playgroundMini-playgrounds can be easily placed in an apartment or in the yard of a house. A miniature sports complex can be accompanied by sound and light effects, simulate a game of golf or basketball
6 SandboxIf you have a yard or a summer residence, a small sandbox can also be a good gift. Many models of sandboxes are easy enough to transport, and in addition, they have a special protective cover, so that the sand will always remain clean and dry.
7 Dry pool with ballsWhen choosing such a gift, be sure to pay attention to the age for which the pool is intended, since not all of them are suitable for children from one year old
8 Children's inflatable poolAt one year old, children love to play in the water, splash and swim. Such a gift is well suited for summer birthday people, families who often travel to the country or get together with a child at sea.

When choosing sports goods for a one-year-old child, it is very important to pay attention to what age this or that thing is intended for. If the manufacturer indicates the age of use, for example, from 18 months, then it is worth informing the parents of the birthday girl about this and allowing the gift to be used only under adult supervision or not to use it until the child grows up.

Practical gifts

The little birthday girl and her parents, of course, need not only educational gifts and items that perform an entertainment function, but also practical things, the need to use which arises daily. These useful gifts include:

1 Clothes and footwearBabies grow surprisingly quickly and often the parents themselves barely keep up with buying new things for the child. Before buying, be sure to check for which season it is better to buy clothes, for the current or, possibly, for the next, and also find out the size. If you don't know the exact size, buy things for growth. Dressy clothes or a fun fancy dress can also be a good gift.
2 Bed linen and bath accessoriesSuch a gift is not original, but it will definitely turn out to be necessary and useful
3 A set of dishes for a babyAt one year old, children already begin to eat on their own, learn to hold a spoon. A beautiful and bright set of children's dishes will come in handy
4 Children's toothbrush and special children's toothpasteSince by the year children already have an average of a dozen teeth, such a gift will also be relevant. In addition, it is better to teach a baby to hygiene and self-care from childhood.
5 Children's furniturePerhaps the birthday girl's family lacks furniture for the baby. Some families do without a playpen, toy storage box or highchair to save money. All these things, although they are not basic necessities, can still be very useful.
6 Home securitySince after one year old children learn about the world more and more actively, it will be useful to think about how safe the living space is for the child. Good gifts are things like socket plugs, sharp corners, door latches and barriers, or universal locker locks.
7 Help in organizing the celebrationSometimes parents may have a sorely lack of time to organize a holiday. In this case, you can offer your help by taking care of the organizational issues

Be sure to consult with the girl's parents before buying this or that item, because there is a possibility that the item you have chosen as a gift has already been purchased or is not needed. Trivial, but definitely necessary gifts can be diapers or food for the baby, as well as personal hygiene products.


The first birthday is a significant event in the life of the baby and in the life of her parents. To keep the memories of this day for a long time, you can prepare a memorable gift. Options for such gifts may be as follows:

1 Professional photo session with a child photographerOf course, now photos are not a problem due to the widespread use of digital media, but amateur photography, as before, is significantly inferior to professional photography in terms of quality and beauty.
2 Impression kitAn even more original memorable thing can be a cast of the baby's palms. These sets are easy to order online.
3 Commemorative medal or diplomaThis gift can be considered rather playful, but a beautifully made-to-order medal or diploma will remind you of your child's first birthday for many, many years.
4 Portrait of baby and parentsPhotos are stored for many years and are an excellent memory, but most often they just lie in albums or in computer folders. But a beautiful family portrait can be hung on the wall. It will become a real home decoration
5 Photo collage or print on canvasIf the artist does not have the opportunity to order a portrait, then an alternative to him can be a photo printed on canvas or a beautifully designed collage of photographs
6 Items made of gold or silverPrecious metal products have always been considered good mementos. For a year old, a girl can be presented with a chain or earrings, which she will wear when she grows up a little
7 BooksThe book can also be a memento. This can be, for example, a collection of folk tales. Of course, the birthday girl will be able to view her only under the supervision of her parents, but with age, she will certainly understand the value of such a gift. Remember to sign the book
8 StadiometerPreviously, according to the tradition, children were measured at the doorframe, but now for many it is unacceptable: someone does not want to spoil the repair, and someone is going to move. A beautiful stadiometer will help you to visually observe the growth of the child and will also become a memorable thing over time.
9 Cash deposit in the bankHe will grow with the child and will become available to him on the day of his majority.

When choosing a gift for a little birthday girl, it will also be superfluous to take care of a memorable souvenir for the parents of the baby, because for them this date is also very important and will probably be remembered even more than all subsequent birthdays of the child.

When looking for the perfect gift for a one-year-old child, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind:

1 Pay attention to the age for which the toy is intendedUsually the manufacturer indicates it on the packaging. It is permissible for a one-year-old child to give goods intended for children from 18 months, but toys for children under one year old are not worth buying, since they will no longer cause interest
2 One of the most important factors is the quality of the toy.Remember that poor quality materials can cause serious health problems for your baby. Give preference to products from well-known manufacturers and large stores that value their reputation. Always check product certifications to ensure they are environmentally friendly
3 When choosing toys with sound, check the sounds they makeThey shouldn't be too harsh or too loud.
4 Pay attention to the appearance of the toyIt should only evoke positive emotions and bring aesthetic pleasure. Scary toys or objects that express aggression in their appearance should be discarded.
5 Do not give one-year-old children static, dull objects, for example, soft toys, they will not be of interest to themDo not buy toys that are too complicated, such as radio-controlled toys. At this age, the child will not be able to cope with them and will almost certainly break
6 Avoid toys with small parts that can be easily torn off and swallowed, items with glitter or flaky paintDo not give dolls with hair, it is better to buy them for older children, and for a year, limit yourself to dolls without hair
7 Items such as clothing, furniture, or a bicycle can be donated for growth.But you shouldn't buy them too far.
8 CertificateIf you find it difficult to choose a gift, then give your parents a certificate to a large store, where they can independently choose exactly what they and their child need

Remember to be careful when giving expensive gifts. If you are not in a very close and trusting relationship with the parents of the birthday girl, then too expensive a gift can embarrass the family or even offend. Always think over and order a gift in advance, and do not neglect gift wrapping.

If you are not sure whether the gift you have chosen will suit the birthday girl, try to assess the relevance of the gift using the one-year-old baby skills table. At one year old, the average child:

Motor skillsStands independently, walks, holding onto objects, crawls up and down, crouches and stands
Cognitive developmentCollects pyramids, opens boxes and jars, can easily get objects out of there and put them back, holds small objects, imitates others
Emotional and social developmentShows emotions, hugs and kisses loved ones, recognizes familiar people, reacts to music, examines pictures and reflections in the mirror with interest, expresses dissatisfaction, knows how to imitate the facial expressions of adults
Speech developmentKnows 2-20 words, reacts to his name, can fulfill requests, knows the names of objects and can point to them, understands the word "no", imitates intonation and tries to repeat words
Household skillsBites and chews food, knows how to drink from a mug, tries to eat with a spoon, wipes his face with a towel, does not like being soiled

A child is the most inexhaustible source of warmth and joy for the whole family, especially if it is a long-awaited heir. Therefore, on the eve of the first birthday, many parents have a question: how to celebrate a 1-year-old boy? On the one hand, the child is not yet aware of the importance of the event, but on the other hand, everyone wants to arrange a chic holiday for the baby.

Where to spend?

It is on the parental heads that the organization of the celebration itself and the adjustment of the list of all invited persons falls. The child quite sharply feels the emotional atmosphere, therefore, the choice of a place and a team should be approached very deliberately. Cozy small cafes (restaurants) are best suited for a holiday outside the home, where all documents are in order, and the place is popular with friends or relatives. You should not decide on a name day in popularized fast food places, because the proposed entertainment programs of these establishments are just a trick for the inexperienced consumer.


The best option would be a dry pine forest without thickets and nearby bodies of water. The scenery in these areas is not always photogenic or fabulous, but the safety of children and adults should come first. A pleasant bonus of the forest is the opportunity to "complete" the place in advance. Helium balloons will take on some of the magic that kids need. Letters and lanterns made of colored paper will give the place a comic officialdom, and bright tablecloths, multi-colored dishes and flowers will help to relax those around who have come to wish the baby a happy birthday. A 1 year old boy in a relaxed forest atmosphere is the dream of any active father. After all, there you can fly helicopters, kites and play kwacha with the kids.

Celebrating at home

A home celebration of a 1 year old boy will also require a lot of nerves and strength from his parents, because it is necessary not only to draw up a good menu for the birthday table, but also to decorate the room. This option is convenient in that the hero of the occasion will feel relaxed and confident, within the first hour he will get to know all the guests and will get real pleasure from the crowded company.

Each of the guests will try to present an original gift for 1 year old toddler. The birthday boy already pleases the family with the ability to keep attention on a certain subject, often already stomping around the entire apartment and trying to put his own order in the home. Some children are already coping with cubes, pencils and the simplest constructors. Due to restlessness and thirst for knowledge, kids absorb a lot of information, and the best way to please both the little boy and his mother will be an educational game.


Modern shops and gift shops have a ton of options. So for 1 year? A great option would be a variation on the theme of wonderful pots or caskets. Such toys are created according to the Lego type, but are supplemented with soundtrack. The kid needs to fold the existing props to the pot in shape or volume, or color. This practice perfectly hones the coordination of movements, the perception of the object and the interaction of the hands. Due to the colorful design and pleasant voice of audio support, such fun will become a great place for all children to be located.


Objects made with human hands are excellent. For 1 year old, you can present a little one with cubes decorated by decoupage method. Color solutions can be completely matched to the character of the birthday person - the abundance of napkins and cards opens up unprecedented opportunities for artisans. Cubes can be made not only with letters or berries, but also a picture of a child can be applied to one side like a puzzle. Such a present will be a great reminder for the whole boy's family.


In addition, you can make a small casket or box for the cubes in the same style, in which you can store the figures themselves and at the same time use them as a decor for the room. Adults themselves will be delighted with such a gift, because in the future it can be left as an inheritance for grandchildren.

Armchairs and tables

What other gifts to pick up for a 1 year old boy? For example, it can be armchairs or development tables. Gifts of this kind help teach a child to sit still, and this is one of the most cherished desires of his mother. Tables often include which instills in the child the ability to memorize sounds, as well as a pyramid, which is responsible for the skills of perceiving shapes and sizes. There are a wide variety of models: from plastic and light ones to larger ones with a wooden base, which proved to be excellent in operation, in crazy children's pens.


Young artists will be delighted with the comfortable modern easel. Such a gift to your son will help develop his imagination, as well as teach him to feel the boundaries. The surface for drawing is made of a comfortable coating that is easy to clean and does not get damaged. You can also easily attach real sheets to it and create in an adult way. The whole structure is easily folded and secured, which allows you to transport the easel to any convenient place. Manufacturers often include a fairly durable case in the kit, which will undoubtedly delight moms.


A 1 year old boy? Every kid loves a swing. Vibrations and vibrations soothe kids, and a mobile swing can be an excellent gift. The body of the structure is made of durable metal coated with a material that is pleasant to the touch. The seat is fully equipped with safety belts and convenient fasteners, the cables are often covered with a safety padding that protects the child's handles from scratches. The swing can be easily assembled, rearranged in a place convenient for playing and transported to any distance.


Gifts for a 1 year old boy born in a cold season can also be colorful and useful. One of them is a quality sled. It is worth choosing a multifunctional model, the individual parts of which should be checked for strength even in the store. The child will ride in difficult weather conditions, so the safety of the "unit" must be at the required level. The modern sled market also offers insulated options when the seat is made of several layers. The backrest in such models has also been improved, this is no longer Soviet minimalism, but a strong metal frame and an insulated layer with a protective coating.

What else to choose for a gift? For example, it can be a tent or a wigwam - a colorful combination of fabric, leather and decor, perfectly complemented by a sturdy base and a set of mini pillows. The dimensions allow you to pick up multi-person tents, which are very convenient for families with several kids. In such a cozy hiding place, psychologists say, kids feel protected and free, because they can play and litter a lot. Manufacturers advise caring mothers to play with boys together first, so that the child has a greater sense of peace. In subsequent times, the child will have fun on his own in the tent.

Rocking chair

What other gifts to choose for a 1 year old boy? For example, curly rocking chairs - donkeys, hippos, horses and zebras not only attract children's eyes with their beauty and prettiness, but also develop coordination, as well as a grasping reflex. Figures in most cases have a solid base that does not spoil the surface of the floor. Also, the structure is well sheathed with a soft coating, which does not cause allergies or damage to the children.


What other gifts to choose for a 1 year old boy? Many parents buy mobile holders. The toy consists of a polished wooden base and a container for small parts or sweets. The child will not only enjoy the sweet, but also ponder how to roll the candy correctly along the maze of a wooden base. Many mothers often protest against such gifts, motivating the prohibition with the harmfulness of sweets, but they can be replaced with wooden parts. The main plus of such a gift is the development of thinking, hand motor skills, as well as the spatial imagination of the child. Also, a well-executed base will easily blend into the home interior and create a playful atmosphere.


Now you know which gifts to choose for a 1 year old boy. The main rule in choosing a present for a one-year-old child is thinking outside the box. Children are as smart as their parents put their soul into them. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to toys or travel, but also to fairy tales.