What happens to a child at 7 weeks. How does the unborn child develop? week of pregnancy: how a woman's body outwardly changes

Mom's mood at the 7th week of pregnancy changes, like the weather by the sea. Attacks of fun against the background of hormonal changes can be replaced by periods of increased anxiety and even panic for the health of the unborn baby. An ultrasound procedure, which is safe for both, will help to dispel doubts and calm the woman. In what cases during this period such diagnostics are required, how it is carried out and what can be seen on ultrasound during this period, we will tell in this material.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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Objectives of the survey

At obstetric week 7, an ultrasound scan is not considered mandatory. If a woman feels good, then there is no need for him. However, it is during this period of time that many women think about registering with an antenatal clinic. From the moment of conception, it is 5 weeks, from the first day of the delay, 3 weeks have already passed. There are practically no doubts about the "interesting situation", and the onset of toxicosis leaves no room for speculation. It's time to see a doctor, register and start taking the first tests.

    confirmation of the fact of pregnancy is required, if the size of the uterus during manual examination does not indicate this;

    there is reason to believe that the pregnancy is multiple;

    conception occurred with the help of IVF;

    the risk of an unfavorable outcome is increased - previously the woman had miscarriages, frozen, ectopic pregnancies, intrauterine fetal death in the early stages;

    a woman complains of severe toxicosis, pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, as well as discharge uncharacteristic of pregnancy.

An ultrasound examination in the seventh week is sometimes used to find out the exact timing of gestation.

Such measures may be necessary if a woman's cycle is irregular, she does not remember the date of the last menstruation. Finding out this now is important in order to know exactly when to send the expectant mother to the first screening. It runs from 11 to 13 weeks, and even one extra or missing week can affect its accuracy.

Do you need preparation?

Examination at 6-7 weeks of gestation is most often carried out by the intravaginal method. The term is still too short for the child to be clearly seen through the anterior abdominal wall. But through the vaginal wall the embryo is perfectly visible and you can find out all the questions of interest to the doctor regarding this pregnancy.

Transabdominal (through the stomach) ultrasound at this time is also performed, but only in exceptional cases. With this method, you can consider a baby in a woman of thin physique, but in the owner of extra pounds and curvaceous forms, visualization will be insufficient.

Preparing for an ultrasound scan at such a short period of pregnancy includes filling the bladder if the examination is carried out externally through the anterior abdominal wall. A few hours before visiting the doctor's office, the expectant mother should drink tea or juice, mineral water without gas. It will be enough 2-3 glasses so that by the time the diagnosis starts, the bladder is sufficiently filled.

You do not need to drink liquid before performing a transvaginal ultrasound. On the contrary, if you want to go to the toilet, it is better to go so that both the bladder and the intestines are emptied of the contents and do not interfere with the examination. Intestinal gases can also distort the results if they accumulate in large quantities.

Increased gas production is not uncommon when carrying a child at any time, and therefore it is advisable not to eat foods that can contribute to flatulence for a few days. These include kale and yeast baked goods, legumes, sodas, sweets, and high-fat dairy products.

Intestinal loops swollen from gas can compress the pelvic organs. To prevent this from happening and the results of the survey were more reliable, a few hours before the ultrasound, it is recommended to take a dose of Simethicone or Espumisan.

The examination takes about 5-7 minutes. Everything is painless. The results are handed out immediately.

What does it show?

In the seventh week, the baby is still officially considered an embryo, although there are only a few days left until it becomes a fetus. A week earlier, it was difficult to examine at least something on an ultrasound scan, except for dark spots and spots. Now the embryo has approximately doubled and is already well visualized on the screen of the scanning equipment. The size of the fruit is now 2.5 to 5 mm. Its weight is approaching 1 gram. To imagine the true parameters of a baby, it is enough to imagine a white bean. These will be the dimensions of your child along with the shells.

On ultrasound, the ovum with the embryo inside looks like an oval spot. However, a rich life boils inside. The baby this week began to unbend from the posture characteristic of the embryo, and also learned to move. Brushes appear on the arms at 7 weeks, and feet form on the legs. Instead of fingers, rudiments are still showing off.

The embryonic tail gradually decreases, which was a logical continuation of the line that will become the spine. In the head, large in comparison with the rest of the body, the formation of the brain begins, both hemispheres. The formation of the nose begins on the face.

The baby's heart is already four-chambered, just like that of mom and dad. The formation of the bronchi began.

It is clear that it will not be possible to see all these interesting and numerous processes on an ultrasound scan. Also it makes no sense to ask the doctor a question about the sex of the child. Sex, although it is predetermined from the very moment of conception, cannot yet be considered - there are no external genital organs. Between the legs, the formation of a genital tubercle began, from which the main sexual differences subsequently formed, but for now the female embryo is absolutely no different from the male embryo.

On an ultrasound in the seventh week, the place of attachment of the ovum is visible, and if the apparatus is good, then you can listen to the baby's heartbeat. If the technique in the ultrasound room leaves much to be desired, then the doctor will still be able to determine the pulsation in the heart area, and he will note that the fetus is alive.

Norms and interpretation of results

So far, the number of measurements carried out by the ultrasound diagnostician is as small as the baby itself. Therefore, a huge number of numbers and abbreviations in the conclusion after passing the diagnosis, as at a later date, will not be. Only the most basic parameters, which are still the only and decisive ones.

First of all, the doctor describes how many eggs are located in the uterus and where exactly they are fixed. If a woman is carrying twins, then this week it is already perfectly visible whether they are identical twins or not.

In relation to the embryo, the viability is determined - the heartbeat is recorded, and if you are lucky, then the physical activity. The size of the ovum indicates the development of the baby. It is measured between the inner walls, and therefore it is called SVD - the average inner diameter. The normal values ​​of the ovum increase rapidly.


The doctor is not limited to measuring SVD, he also assesses the contours of the ovum. In normal pregnancy, it has the correct oval or round shape, clear and even contours, does not look squeezed and deformed.

From this week, another parameter appears, which from this moment will be more informative in terms of adjusting the exact timing of pregnancy. it coccygeal-parietal size- distance from the coccyx to the crown of the head, CTE. Now that the baby has learned to unbend, this parameter can be measured on an ultrasound machine of any level.


The results are decoded in accordance with the table:

The yolk sac, which provides the embryo with food, at the seventh week has a size not exceeding 4 mm. The baby's heart is picking up "speed" and the heart rate (heart rate) this week is in the range from 126 to 149 beats per minute.

In addition, the doctor examines the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries for pathologies and signs of threatened abortion.

Possible problems

As a result of an ultrasound scan at the 7th week of pregnancy, some problems may also be revealed, which cannot be ignored. The most common ones.


This problem has a second name - empty ovum syndrome. With anembryony, there is a fertilized egg in the uterus, but there is no embryo in it. This happens not so rarely - about every fifth pregnant woman, according to statistics, may lack an embryo. The reasons for science are not known for certain, but doctors suspect that severe genetic "mistakes", previous infections, sudden jumps in hormonal balance, and an unhealthy lifestyle of a woman lead to the death of an embryo at the very initial stage. Incidentally, it’s unbelievable, but true - anembryonia is diagnosed quite often in professional athletes.

Doctors say that serious physical exertion is to blame. It is at the 7th week that diagnosticians usually make the final verdict - is there a baby in the uterus or not. Unfortunately, medicine is powerless in this situation. The fertilized egg is subject to scraping.

The embryo at the 7th week of pregnancy can rightfully be called a fetus, that is, a small person. The embryo at 7 weeks becomes similar to a newborn baby, although it is still very far from the end of the formation of all organs.

Fetus of a baby at 7 weeks

The embryo at 7 weeks, of course, has little resemblance to an adult in appearance. The size of the fruit barely reaches 10 mm, and its weight does not even reach one gram. At 7 weeks, the eyes are still located on the sides of the head, but the iris has already begun to form. Tiny nostrils can be seen in the outline of the nose.

The arms of the embryo at 7-8 weeks already bend in the wrists, and the forearm also begins to stand out. In addition, a tubercle appears between the legs, which is the beginning of the development of the external genital organs. At 7 weeks old, the baby still has a small tail, which will disappear a little later.

Fetal development at 7 weeks

At the age of 7 weeks, the brain is actively developing. The cardiac system is also formed - the baby already has a left and right atrium, and very soon the heart will move from the middle of the chest to its rightful place. In addition, even if you place the ultrasound sensor on the mother's belly, you can listen to it at 6-7 weeks.

Although the baby will take his first breath only after birth, the respiratory system is already developing - the lungs and bronchi. Big changes take place in the intestines - the colon finishes forming, and the pancreas begins to produce insulin.

At the end of 7 weeks, the umbilical cord will be fully formed, which will take over all the functions of providing the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. The placenta becomes denser, a barrier appears that protects the baby from some harmful toxins and substances in the mother's body.

7 weeks of pregnancy for the expectant mother

The first trimester of pregnancy is hardly a pleasant time. The reason for this is toxicosis, which occurs in every second woman, as well as hormonal changes in the body. And although the abdomen is still not visible, a woman can gain a couple of kilograms, of course, if constant bouts of nausea make it possible to eat normally. Due to toxicosis, slight weight loss can also be observed during this period. In any case, at 7 weeks, you need the correct full

The 7th week of pregnancy is one of the most important and difficult periods of pregnancy. In the development of the future baby, the embryofetal period begins: now he ceases to be an embryo and becomes a fetus - by the end of the 7th week his gills will completely disappear, the body gradually takes on the desired shape, organs and systems are formed.

During the period of intensive growth of the baby, the most important task of the expectant mother is not to harm him and prevent the formation of malformations. Therefore, you need to give up smoking and alcohol, junk food, regularly consult a doctor.

Of course, the body of every woman behaves individually during pregnancy: someone feels all the "features" of the early period, and someone feels great. However, there are changes that are typical for every expectant mother. And also one of the most important principle: the health of the unborn baby completely depends on how a woman treats her health during pregnancy.

A woman can be subject to sudden mood swings: from emotional uplift to irritability, tearfulness and feelings of intense anxiety. Sometimes pregnant women experience severe headaches and dizziness.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, toxicosis increases significantly and this turns out to be the main problem of a woman. Toxicosis manifests itself as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation or bloating: one or several symptoms may appear at once throughout the day, but especially in the morning. You must understand that frequent vomiting is a difficult process for the body, so in this case it is better to seek help from your doctor. Food is often no longer enjoyable due to a distorted taste perception.

Most women who experience early toxicosis get rid of it by 14 weeks, and some are accompanied by it even before 17-18. But then the unpleasant manifestations will cease to be felt.

Many expectant mothers complain of constant drowsiness. Do not forget that a pregnant woman needs more rest: go to bed earlier and get up later than her usual schedule. The night sleep of a pregnant woman should last at least 8-10 hours. Sometimes it is good to relieve the condition of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy, a short daytime nap.

Feeling of heaviness in the legs and their swelling often accompany pregnant women in the early stages. This is a natural process caused by an increase in blood volume - after all, at week 7, the volume is already 10% more than usual and continues to increase.

7 week of pregnancy: how a woman's body outwardly changes

Although it is still difficult to guess about the woman's happy position by the shape of the tummy, it is already easy to notice that by the 7th week, your favorite jeans become tight. Weight gain by 1-2 kg is possible. Experts note that an increase in the weight of a pregnant woman occurs on average by 300 grams per week. The whole reason is the redistribution and accumulation of adipose tissue under the influence of hormones - the mother's body is preparing to protect her unborn child from the outside world. However, if a woman suffers from severe toxicosis, then she may even lose a couple of kilograms of weight - if this happened, you should not worry.

As for the condition of the skin, then everything here is also very individual. Some girls report an improvement in their appearance and the appearance of a special radiance. And others lament that the skin of the face becomes fatter than usual, that age spots or pimples appear even in those who have never been prone to this.

By week 7, pregnant women notice that their nipple areola has darkened, and a dark strip from the navel to the lower abdomen has also appeared. All these are absolutely natural manifestations of hormonal changes. The body begins to prepare for breastfeeding, so breast tension and soreness increase, and the breast itself increases significantly in size. Already now you can think about purchasing a special bra for pregnant and nursing mothers. These bras are made from natural soft fabrics that add extra comfort.

7 weeks pregnant: how to relieve signs of toxicosis

  1. Switching to fractional meals can help: eat a little, but 5-7 times a day. It is not worth giving up food altogether, even if there is no appetite, because the fetus constantly needs nutrients.
  2. Try to find a product that doesn't cause nausea. For some, these are dried fruits, for others, cookies.
  3. In the morning on an empty stomach, you can eat a crouton or a small apple.
  4. For some expectant mothers, eating cold foods helps to get rid of nausea.
  5. Some pregnant women relieve morning sickness with a strong minty toothpaste or chewing gum.
  6. After consulting your doctor, you should start taking vitamin and mineral complexes. These substances are now more than ever necessary for a woman's body and a developing fetus.
  7. It is important to drink enough liquid, especially for expectant mothers who are worried about vomiting. You can get the necessary liquid with juices, still mineral water, fruits and vegetables.
  8. Limiting the use of highly scented perfumes and cosmetics can also help reduce irritability and nausea.
  9. Limiting stress (physical and emotional), especially in the morning, allows the body to better cope with the major changes that pregnancy causes.
  10. Avoid using aggressive cleaning agents and detergents in the home and breathing their vapors.

7 week of pregnancy: what happens to a woman's body

The woman's body reduces the amount of hormones produced, transferring this function to the placenta. If the development of the placenta by this time is normal, then you do not need to worry - it will easily cope with this task. But if there are pathologies in the development of the placenta, there is a threat of miscarriage. Pathologies of the development of the placenta are possible with diseases of the uterus or genital organs, as well as in women who have recently had an abortion or an infectious disease. Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women with thyroid diseases. The development of the fetus also, in some cases, can provoke inflammatory processes in the uterus, which are accompanied by an increase in temperature. The main thing is to constantly keep in touch with the doctor and, if the condition worsens (especially if spotting or pain appears), inform him about it, then the pregnancy can be saved.

But yellowish discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy is a completely natural phenomenon and should not be feared. This is due to the constant renewal of cells in the vagina. The uterus of a pregnant woman at 7 weeks becomes the size of a large orange. It is because of the growth of the uterus that a woman can from time to time feel cramps or stretching in the lower abdomen. Some pregnant women also describe a feeling of tension in the uterus and its contraction.

The placenta continues to develop and becomes thicker, keeping toxic substances from entering the developing organism of the fetus, uteroplacental blood circulation is established between the body of the mother and the unborn child. At 7 weeks, the uterus is separated from the outside world by the so-called mucous plug. Thus, the woman's body protects the fetus from foreign influences and infections. This protective membrane is formed from thick mucus, which is produced by the tissues of the uterus itself. The mucous plug will come out of the cervix just before the baby is born.

The enlargement of the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which makes urination more frequent. If the manifestations of toxicosis gradually disappear, then the pregnant woman will have to visit the toilet more and more often as the fetus develops. If during urination a pregnant woman feels a cutting pain, then you should immediately consult a doctor - the pain may be a sign of cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder).

7 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus

The fetus is actively growing, its body straightens: if at the beginning of the week its coccygeal-parietal size is only 4-5 mm, then by the end of the week it reaches 11-13 mm. At the 7th week of fetal development, it can be compared to a small bean, the weight of which has not yet reached even 1 gram.

The blood circulation of the fetus significantly changes precisely at the 7th week of pregnancy: the umbilical cord is formed and nutrients (uteroplacental blood flow) begin to flow into the upper part of its body from the maternal blood. That is why, at this stage, the development of the brain and upper limbs occurs faster. In addition, the body of the fetus begins to independently produce red blood cells (erythrocytes), which transport oxygen to all developing tissues.

Now half the size of the body of the unborn child is the head, while a neck begins to form between the head and body. In the area of ​​the tailbone, you can still consider its continuation - a small tail, but a couple more weeks will pass and the tail will disappear.

The rapid development of the brain continues: it is already divided into two hemispheres, the formation of five cerebral vesicles is coming to an end, from which parts of the brain will develop in the future. To understand how quickly a fetus develops, imagine that about 100 nerve cells are formed in its brain in 1 minute. The brain and spinal cord are already able to send impulses to the developing muscles and cause their contractions - the fetus begins to move.

It is at the 7th week that facial features begin to appear: the area of ​​the nose and mouth is outlined, the upper lip appears, the primary formation of the jaw and milk teeth occurs, and the hearing organs develop. The iris of the eyes acquires pigmentation, the formation of the lens of the eye and eyelids is completed.

The heart is already contracting and distills blood through the body, a septum is formed, which divides it into two chambers. The development of blood vessels continues. The heart is located in the middle of the sternum and protrudes slightly forward, but after a while it will take its natural position. With the help of an ultrasound machine, you can already hear the heartbeat of the future baby, the frequency of beats of which is 150-160 per minute. Do not worry that the fetal heart rate is accelerated - this is due to the current stage of its development.

The lungs develop and the bronchi are formed, although the function of providing oxygen is now not assigned to them. The liver, kidneys and colon are in their final stages of formation. And the pancreas is about to start producing the first portions of insulin.

During this period, the arms and legs of the fetus are rapidly developing, although if you look at the ultrasound, this will not be clearly noticeable yet. Fingers begin to form on the hands and feet, the area of ​​the shoulder, forearms, elbows and knees is highlighted, and the length of the limbs themselves increases.

The sex of the unborn child is still impossible to determine. Only by the end of the 7th week is the genital tubercle formed, from which the genitals will subsequently develop.

The fetal skeleton begins to gradually ossify, and the skin becomes two-layered: it is at the 7th week that the epidermis forms and the sebaceous glands begin to work.

7 week of pregnancy: photo of the fetus

7 week of pregnancy: what tests need to be passed

At the 7th week of pregnancy, it's time to register with a antenatal clinic. At the same time, all primary examinations are carried out. The gynecologist must take smears to exclude the likelihood of infection, the expectant mother takes urine and blood tests. In addition to a general blood test, a test for HIV infection, hepatitis and syphilis (RW), tests for human chorionic gonadotropin (HRG) are also required. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh blood, and the father of the child is positive, then at the 7th week of pregnancy it is time to get tested for Rh antibodies in order to find out about a possible Rh conflict.

Be very careful about taking medications, especially in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, when the foundations of all organs and systems of the baby's body are laid. Try to stop taking any, even the most familiar drugs. If this is not possible, then continue taking it only with the permission of your doctor. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) in the seventh week is prescribed extremely rarely, only with the likelihood of multiple pregnancy.

7 week of pregnancy: blood test for hCG

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is an essential hormone. It is formed in the chorion (which subsequently develops into the placenta) already in the first hours after fertilization of the egg.

HCG affects the female genitals and rearranges them to support the embryo, stimulates the production of hormones necessary during pregnancy (progesterone and estrogens).

The normal level of hCG in the mother's body is an indicator of the correct development of the fetus and its protection from external factors.

HCG, acting on the adrenal glands, helps the fetus' body to start producing hormones on its own and plays an essential role in shaping the sex of the unborn child. The effect of home pregnancy tests is precisely based on the analysis of hCG excreted from a woman's body in the urine.

7 week of pregnancy: what is the purpose of the hCG analysis

  1. Identifying the causes of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).
  2. By the content of hCG, pregnancy is diagnosed in the early stages.
  3. Exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.
  4. After induced abortion to evaluate its results.
  5. Monitoring the correct development of pregnancy.
  6. In case of risk of miscarriage or missed pregnancy.
  7. To diagnose the condition of the fetus and identify defects in its development.
  8. Diagnosis of chorionepithelioma - a rare malignant formation, the appearance of which is possible during pregnancy.

7 week of pregnancy: how to decipher the results of the analysis of hCG

HCG analysis at week 7 is needed to diagnose pregnancy disorders. When exactly it is necessary to take the analysis, each woman should be told by the doctor.

At week 7, the amount of hCG in a woman's blood grows very quickly (2 times every 3 days), reaching its maximum at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.

The hCG level at 7 weeks of gestation can range from 2,560 mIU / ml to 151,000 mIU / ml. Such a large difference between the indicators is due to the fact that the time between fertilization and implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus can be different.

The absence of hCG in the blood may indicate that the analysis was done too early, and its low level is an erroneous determination of the duration of pregnancy or serious violations of it:

  • undeveloped pregnancy;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • the threat of breakdown;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

The level of hCG rises:

  • with toxicosis;
  • if a woman bears more than one fetus (multiple births);
  • with fetal pathologies;
  • error in establishing the gestational age;
  • if a woman suffers from diabetes.

Having received the results of the analysis of hCG, do not try to decipher them yourself, you may not take into account many factors and not know your rate. Leave this question to a qualified gynecologist who will compare the results of hCG with the results of other examinations and give you the necessary recommendations.

7 week of pregnancy: physical activity

Having learned about pregnancy, you need to give up active physical training. This is especially true for cycling, alpine and water skiing, horse riding, rhythmic gymnastics, weight lifting, volleyball, basketball, etc. Intensive training can cause bleeding and negative consequences for the fetus. However, this does not mean that sports are completely contraindicated for a woman. If the doctor does not forbid, then you can swim, run, play badminton or tennis, do yoga or Pilates.

A woman may feel a lack of oxygen, so it is very important to be outdoors often. Walk in the park every day for at least an hour, and if possible even more. Filling the lungs with oxygen helps to increase blood flow, which means that the fetus will receive more of the substances it needs.

There are also special gymnastic exercises for pregnant women at different stages, and they should not be neglected if your state of health allows.

7 week of pregnancy: the benefits of gymnastics during pregnancy

Exercise complexes are developed by doctors and are intended for expectant mothers in whom pregnancy proceeds without complications. If gymnastics is not contraindicated for a woman by a gynecologist, then it is worth giving her a little time to help her body feel better.

  • blood circulation is activated;
  • the birth canal is trained to prevent rupture during childbirth;
  • a woman learns to breathe correctly during childbirth;
  • extra calories are burned;
  • strong abdominal muscles will more easily cope with their task during childbirth;
  • there is a prevention of the formation of stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite;
  • back muscles relax;
  • immunity increases;
  • the body adapts faster to the changes occurring with it;
  • will provide a burst of energy and good mood.

Even special gentle gymnastics for pregnant women has a number of contraindications:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • bleeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • stomach ache;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • flu.

If a woman's health worsens during classes, gymnastics should be stopped immediately:

  • too fast pulse (120 beats per minute or more);
  • dizziness and darkening in the eyes;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of discharge;
  • abdominal pain.

7 week of pregnancy: general nutritional rules

The first thing to give up during pregnancy is diet. Proper and nutritious nutrition is literally vital for the healthy development of the unborn baby throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and especially during the formation of his body. And a lack of nutrients can even provoke a stop in its development or miscarriage.

You can often hear the opinion that during pregnancy a woman should "eat for two" - this is a delusion. Proper nutrition while carrying a child does not consist in increasing the amount of food, but in eating foods rich in essential substances: minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Special attention should be paid to the intake of proteins into the body, because it is proteins that are used to form the organs of the fetus. Proteins of animal origin are very well absorbed by the body, so their amount in the diet should be at least 200 grams per day.

The fat that is in the mother's body (even if she is very slim in appearance) will be enough for the fetus. Therefore, try to use fatty foods and flour in a minimum amount. Otherwise, the accumulation of fat will occur in the body of the unborn child, its size will increase too much, which will complicate childbirth.

Iron is very important in preventing maternal and fetal anemia. To replenish iron stores in the body, regularly eat buckwheat, apples and nuts.

If a pregnant woman is worried about an upset stomach, then boiled rice and blueberry compote will help restore its normal work. Until the condition returns to normal, it is better to stop eating vegetables and fruits.

To prevent constipation, include kefir, prunes, apples and foods containing fiber in your diet: oatmeal, wholemeal bread (in small quantities).

  1. Dairy products contain proteins, as well as calcium, which is required for the "building" of fetal bone tissue. It is advisable to consume hard cheese and at least 0.5 liters of dairy products per day.
  2. Meat products are rich in B vitamins and, of course, proteins. Better to give preference to less fatty poultry and fish. And if you are cooking pork or beef, remove the fatty areas. Meat should be eaten 2 times a day, boiled or baked. Smoked or too salty meat products can increase the manifestations of toxicosis. It is better to exclude sausages from the diet altogether, because they contain too much fat.
  3. Vegetables and fruits. Everyone knows that a pregnant woman's body needs fruits and vegetables to replenish its vitamin reserves. Also, plant fiber is very good for digestion. Therefore, vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet of a pregnant woman and consumed at least 4 times a day.

7 week of pregnancy: what products should a pregnant woman refuse

  1. Fatty and spicy dishes, mustard and vinegar provoke too intensive work of the liver and kidneys - they must be excluded from the diet during pregnancy.
  2. Table salt is able to retain water in the body, which leads to swelling. Try to reduce your salt intake to a minimum (12-15 grams per day).
  3. Smoked and salted products.
  4. Coffee. Even if you could not live without this drink before pregnancy, try to give it up completely. Scientists have found that caffeine provokes vasoconstriction and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  5. Soft cheeses (such as Brie or Camembert) can trigger food poisoning.
  6. Raw eggs or soft-boiled eggs.

7 week of pregnancy: video

7 obstetric week is the period when the expectant mother begins to celebrate new changes in her body, carrying the baby under her heart. External and internal changes are associated with hormonal changes in the body. A pregnant woman feels on herself all the "charms" of the influence of the hormone progesterone. Today we will tell you what happens to the fetus and what a woman feels at this stage of pregnancy.

Baby development at 7 weeks of gestation

The baby in the womb weighs only 0.8-0.9 g, but, despite its low weight, by this week it begins to actively move in the uterus. There is still enough space in it, so the fetus moves freely in the amniotic fluid, pushing off the walls of the maternal organ with tiny legs. Due to active movement, blood circulation in a growing organism improves, its body tissues form faster. Very soon, the embryo will be able to recognize light and sounds from the outside.

How does the fetus develop at 7 weeks

In the future baby, at 1.5 months of intrauterine development, outwardly there is a strong protrusion of the lower jaw, a flattened wide nose and a low location of the auricles. The head now makes up about half of the entire small organism. Nevertheless, already at this stage, parts of the face of a real man can be found in a well-defined form. The eyes are round protrusions, but already clearly outlined, thanks to the beginning of the formation of the eyelids.

The epithelial layer of the skin in the embryonic period is still extremely thin, as a result of which the color of the underlying layer of vascular tissue shines through from the outside. There is absolutely no fat under the skin, so the baby still does not at all resemble the image of a newborn baby that we are used to.

What happens to the fetus:

  • the embryonic period comes to an end and the embryofetal period begins. The baby can already rightfully be called a fetus;
  • the placenta develops intensively, the formation of the "mother-placenta-fetus" system is formed;
  • the fetal brain develops by dividing into hemispheres;
  • the heart complicates its structure, by the 7th week it begins to divide into chambers;
  • the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, appendix and large intestine are formed;
  • a tubercle is formed in the perineum of the fetus - the future genitals of the baby;
  • the legs become like miniature fins, very soon they will separate;
  • forearms and shoulders are formed, fingers and toes are lengthened.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

The condition of a woman is entirely dependent on the hormonal background. With increased production of hormones, symptoms of toxicosis appear, mood often changes, weakness and impotence become frequent companions. Meanwhile, the skin condition improves, it becomes clear and healthy, even if the skin was problematic before pregnancy. The amount of discharge remains the same, the chest pours, the need for more frequent urination increases.

What the belly looks like at week 7

Every week the expectant mother wants to see the main sign of pregnancy in the mirror more and more - a grown tummy. At 7 weeks, the uterus enlarges 1.5-2 times compared to the "pre-pregnant" size, but it is still in the small pelvis behind the pubic bone. Therefore, a rounded tummy does not have to wait yet, too little time has passed since the moment of conception.

Sometimes women notice a slight increase in the lower abdomen by this time, which may be due to relaxation of the abdominal muscles, but not an interesting position.

On a note! In order not to miss the moment of the appearance of the tummy, from week 7 you can keep a photo diary, taking a photo of the belly as a keepsake, for the family archive. So it will be easier for the expectant mother to track down exactly when her pregnancy became outwardly noticeable.

What does a woman feel during this period of bearing a child

The following changes in the body may occur:

  • frequent dizziness, especially when bending down, a feeling of loss of balance;
  • changes in smell, smells seem to "surround" a woman from all sides, many familiar aromas of dishes, perfumes, premises become sharply unpleasant, causing lightheadedness;
  • feeling of lack of oxygen, I want to spend more time in the fresh air, it is stuffy and hot in the pregnant room;
  • pulling and painful sensations in the chest. The chest is full, tingling, touching brings discomfort, the sensation of wearing underwear becomes unpleasant;
  • the constant desire to sleep does not allow to concentrate on work, fatigue literally "knocks down";
  • the desire to go to the toilet "in a small way" arises more often than usual. It becomes more difficult for a woman to control her bladder;
  • increased emotionality confuses both the pregnant woman herself and those around her. The mother-to-be may suddenly become moved or angry in an ordinary situation;
  • occasionally there are short-term tingling pains in the lower abdomen.

Doctor visits and check-ups at week 7

At this time, the expectant mother usually contacts the antenatal clinic for the first time in order to register for pregnancy. The obstetrician-gynecologist at the first appointment starts a personal card and prescribes many tests, such as:

  1. Clinical blood test examining the levels of bilirubin, protein and glucose. An increased indicator of these substances in the blood may indicate possible complications of pregnancy with an increase in the period in weeks. If there is a risk, the doctor will repeatedly refer to this analysis in order to closely monitor the change in parameters.
  2. Analysis of urine for inoculation for sterility. The study will reveal if there is an inflammatory process in the body. If bacteria are detected, treatment is prescribed.
  3. Blood test for antibodies to HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C... The test result must be negative, otherwise there is a risk of infection of the fetus with dangerous infections. If the result is positive, preventive treatment is carried out.
  4. Blood for the determination of the Rh factor... The analysis is carried out repeatedly with a negative Rh and allows you to track the possible development of Rh - a conflict between a carrying child and an expectant mother.
  5. Analysis for TORCH infections(rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes and cytomegalovirus). The result helps to determine whether a woman is a carrier of the infection and whether she has antibodies to the listed infections. If there are no antibodies, then the pregnant woman is included in the risk group, and the analysis will be carried out additionally in each trimester, because in this case there is a possibility of infection during pregnancy, which is extremely detrimental to the fetus.
  6. Vaginal, cervical and cervical swab also taken at the first appointment. It is necessary to identify atypical cells, as well as to identify the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.).
  7. Ultrasound at 7 weeks helps to determine the exact timing of pregnancy. Answering the question, how many months are these, it is worth noting that seven weeks is just over one and a half months. Ultrasound is not prescribed for everyone, a referral is given by a doctor only in the presence of certain risk factors (suspicion of multiple pregnancy, exclusion of ectopic fetal development, fetal freezing, etc.). During an ultrasound examination, the fetal heart rate is studied, now it should be 130-160 beats per minute. The sex of the child at such a short time cannot yet be determined.

Menstruation during pregnancy at week 7: pathology or norm?

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of whether menstruation can continue in the first two months of pregnancy without interrupting it. Such an unusual condition is accompanied by symptoms like menstruation: brown discharge appears, pulls the lower abdomen, weakness and lack of appetite occur.

Important! Every expectant mother needs to know that if a pregnancy has occurred, then there can be no menstruation. Bloody discharge is the first sign that there is a threat to the life of the fetus and possible termination of pregnancy. Sometimes this threat coincides with the estimated dates of a woman's past menses, but this is not menstruation in any way.

Pain at week 7 and atypical spotting require medical advice, an ultrasound of the uterus and a determination of what needs to be done to keep the unborn baby in the womb. Any alarming symptoms that have arisen in the early stages cannot be ignored, but you should not panic too much either: this does not always lead to an abortion. You just need to seek medical help in time.

Diet of a pregnant woman

Both her health and the health of the unborn baby depend on the nutrition of the expectant mother. But in the early stages, it is sometimes so difficult to adhere to a certain diet, because toxicosis does not sleep and many products become unbearable to smell and taste. There are a few tips to help you improve your pregnant diet to help you cope with nausea in the first trimester:

  • Before getting out of bed, you need to eat something from the fruit. This will help stop the morning sickness and make it easier to reschedule the start of the day.
  • When preparing food, you should give preference to boiled, baked and steamed dishes. Thus, more nutrients with nutritional value will be retained in the products.
  • In order to avoid heartburn, bread products can be eaten only until 12.00, opting for varieties with cereals and bran.
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits should form the basis of a pregnant woman's menu.
  • At the time of gestation, it is worth completely abandoning canned food, fast food, spirits and caffeine.
  • After 19.00, you do not need to eat heavy food; to satisfy your appetite, you can have a snack with fresh fruit.
  • A glass of kefir before bedtime saturates the body with calcium and relieves stool problems.

Here's what a sample menu might look like in the seventh week of pregnancy:

Why is calcium important in the first months of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you need to consume about 1000 mg of calcium per day, and only a fifth of it will go to the development of the crumbs. You can determine the rate of calcium using a special analysis, which will be prescribed by a doctor. A sufficient amount of calcium in the diet of a pregnant woman is a good prevention of premature birth and miscarriage. Also, this macronutrient is involved in the formation of organs and tissues of the baby, which is in the mother's tummy - the heart, muscles, nerve cells, etc. A glass of yogurt per day is half the daily requirement of calcium, and together with a couple of slices of cheese, this snack fully compensates for the calcium needs of the baby's and mother's organisms.

On a note! It is worth knowing that magnesium and sodium can inhibit the absorption of calcium. This means that salty cottage cheese dishes will not bring much benefit. But moderately sweet recipes with dairy ingredients will go to the full both for the good of the body and for the pleasure of mom.

What can be troubling at the 7th week of pregnancy?

Heaviness in the abdomen

Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, such as feeling of heaviness, bloating, stomach discomfort, can occur in expectant mothers in early pregnancy for a number of reasons. These include intra-abdominal pressure, stress, and poor nutrition. Most of them do not require medical intervention, but it is still worth knowing how to cope with these unpleasant phenomena.

Enzymatic pancreatic insufficiency

With this problem, the pregnant woman feels pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen; after eating, heartburn, belching, indigestion, diarrhea may follow. The development of this condition is facilitated by pregnancy itself - under the influence of hormones, the motor function of the stomach is disrupted, which causes a failure in the digestive organs. To neutralize abdominal discomfort, it is important to reconsider nutrition: switch to fractional meals and smaller portions, avoid foods that cause gas and flatulence (these include peas, beans, apples, cabbage, onions, white bread, carbonated drinks, etc. .).

High blood levels of the hormone progesterone

A large increase in progesterone in the first trimester can lead to bowel problems. This hormone reduces the muscle tone of internal organs (in order to maintain pregnancy and prevent miscarriage), but if it fails, it leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A woman in such a situation feels short-term aching pains, seething, bloating, and may suffer from constipation. The main solution to the problem is to improve the work of the intestines by including fiber-rich foods (cereals, nuts, fresh fruits and stewed vegetables) in the diet. It is important for a mother-to-be to consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

On a note! Diet therapy is prescribed only by a doctor supervising the pregnancy. He, in addition to changing the diet, comparing the sensations and signs of a disturbance in the state of the body, is likely to select the correct therapy to regulate the hormonal background and prescribe antispasmodics.

Early toxicosis

The seventh week of pregnancy often darkens the life of the expectant mother with beginning toxicosis. When his symptoms appear, you should not despair, because there are ways to help yourself in times of ailment. Here are some helpful guidelines:

  • You need to eat often, but in small portions. Eliminate fatty foods, it is she who provokes nausea. Banned in the first three months of pregnancy and coffee.
  • An infusion of lemon balm will save you from the morning state of weakness and faintness. 1 tsp crushed lemon balm plant should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Take the resulting infusion in 3 divided doses before meals.
  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, you can dissolve an ice cube with lemon (200 g of water and 1 squeezed lemon).
  • You should always carry a bottle of plain water with you - a couple of sips will help stop an attack of nausea anywhere;
  • Mint lozenges or barberry can distract from toxicosis from poor health in transport.


By what happens to the mother while carrying the baby, it is not difficult to guess what month of pregnancy she is running. At the end of the first - beginning of the second month, almost every woman feels sleepiness and a feeling of fatigue. These conditions occur due to the large amount of the hormone progesterone produced. Nature itself made sure that during the important weeks of the formation of the baby's organs, the pregnant woman had more rest and took care of herself. You should not worry about drowsiness, but it is imperative to revise your daily routine and diet. Here are the basic tips for this period:

  • try to go to bed no later than 23.00 and sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • during the working day, take short breaks - five minutes, during which you breathe fresh air and ventilate the room;
  • light physical activities are useful, for example: swimming, yoga, breathing exercises and walks in a forest park area. They will help to replenish the lack of oxygen, get a boost of vivacity and keep the body in good shape;
  • take additional vitamin and mineral complexes on the recommendation of a doctor.


By the 7th week of pregnancy, age spots may appear on the skin of the expectant mother. During the period of expectation of a child, this is not uncommon. The reasons for its occurrence are simple - changes in the hormonal background, increased production of estrogen and melatonin, as well as a lack of folic acid, can cause spots on the face, the appearance of a vertical dark stripe on the abdomen, or increased pigmentation in the chest area. As a rule, all this passes shortly after the birth of the child.

Important! As a prevention of skin pigmentation, do not neglect the rules of caring for it. When going for a walk, use maternity creams with UV filters of at least SPF 2-4, special oils and body milk.

We replenish our wardrobe by week 7: what to look for

The main difference between clothes and shoes for a future mother from ordinary ones is that they should be as comfortable to wear as possible and not cause any psychological, and even more so physical, inconvenience.

  • Expect to buy a bodice a couple of sizes larger than your normal size. Already from the first month of pregnancy, both the calyx and the girth of the chest can increase. Choose a natural composition of the bra fabric, and make sure that there are no uncomfortable seams in the cup.
  • When carrying a baby, you should choose natural materials for underwear, such as cotton, linen. With a changing hormonal background, synthetics can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases (like thrush) and the appearance of allergies. Seamless panties are the perfect choice for the expectant mother, they are breathable and comfortable to wear. Of the models, it is optimal to wear panties - slips or shorts.
  • When choosing shoes, note that the optimal heel height for pregnancy is 4 cm. You should not choose shoes with completely flat soles, with an increase in the load on the legs, flat feet may occur. Shoes should be such that you don't have to bend over to it again, tying or pulling something - in the early stages, frequent bends provoke dizziness.

There are not many women for whom pregnancy was easy, without toxicosis, poor health, and strong emotional changes. But, despite this, pregnancy is a great time, and making the expectation a holiday is not difficult at all. Smile, rejoice in the little things, feel the unity with the little man growing inside you.

  • Adhere to proper nutrition: regular, varied, and most importantly - complete, it is no secret that a balanced diet of a mother largely determines the parameters of the growth and development of the fetus.
  • For light snacks with toxicosis, prepare a mixture of dried fruits with honey and lemon. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and the elasticity of blood vessels, saturates the body with essential vitamins.
  • Practice moderate physical activity such as walking, swimming. If there are no contraindications - sex.
  • Gently massage with a soft brush in the shower from the feet and up to the knees will help relieve tension in your legs. Wrapping the feet with a cool wet towel is also good.
  • While your tummy is not too big, take a moderately warm bath with sea salt, clay, or herbal decoctions. They will help you calm down and relax after a tough day at work.