What to do to fall in love with a girl. Find a special bond between you. What can be written in VK - psychological techniques



How to conquer a young girl? How to fall in love with a young girl?

A young girl will bring excitement into your life, saturate your life with impressions and make you live again in a frantic rhythm. She is not spoiled by life, does not understand men well, does not have a burden of lovers and ex-husbands. For her, life is a game and she learns it together with you. She is young, beautiful and a little naive. She is Lolita.

We do not know why you need this Lolita, but if you are determined to get it for yourself or just for a collection, we will help you.

Be gallant.

She was not used to being a gentleman. As a child, at best, they wore a backpack to school, and then they beat it on the girl's head with it. When she grew up, her nimble friend showed maximum gallantry, shaking his hand when leaving the bus or car. Distinguish from her slightly rude and arrogant peers in the direction of respect and reverence for her feminine essence.

Do not forget to open and hold the doors in front of the girl, be the first to enter and last to leave the elevator, climb the stairs behind and walk in front when descending, when she sits down to move and pull a chair for her, walk from the outside of the sidewalk, and other rules of male etiquette.

Don't interfere with her life.

If you want her to disappear from the horizon, interfere in her life, like her parents and teach at every step. She already avoids the total control of her parents, she still missed you.

Be her friend and support any of her undertakings, regardless of whether it is right or not. If she decides to work as a volunteer, shave her head, wear men's clothes or stuff a tattoo on her left buttock, then let her try, you still can't stop her.

Express your opinion only if she asks directly, but do not be categorical in your statements. In other cases, when against, you can show your opinion in a veiled form, in hints or, as the best option, in a joke. Remember the words of Bernard Werber: "Love is like a sword, humor is like a shield."

Be confident in yourself.

Even young girls will easily use their feminine charms on men and you will start to worry and make mistakes. Be sure and don’t say too much or too little, don’t stutter and don’t be stupid. She is interested in you, perhaps no less than she is to you, so do not bend over, do not curry favor with her and do not be annoying like a fly. Be a man, then she will be your Lolita.

Treat her like a little sister.

Many guys make a queen out of her and blow dust particles from her imaginary crown. Treat her sometimes like a silly sister: tease, ridicule, joke about. This will remove emotional barriers and help you bond. Tell her the truth about her as a joke, which her friends-girlfriends will never tell her, do not be a hypocrite like many of them. After this evening, she will think of you before bed.

Control the communication time.

If you don't want her to get very close to you and start making plans for a joint vacation, control the communication time. See her no more than once or twice a week. Young girls are very affectionate and she can easily get carried away by you. Also, overly regular meetings will lead to a loss of sharpness and originality. Let her miss you a little, but not so much that she wants to "miss" in the company of other men.

Be firm and reliable.

Young girls often worry more about their relationships with men than they deserve. They relive past falls in love or other troubles in life, dividing the world into black and white.

It is stability and confidence that men of young Lolita are attracted to. Do not try to get involved in her problems and solve them if it is not required. Let her deal with them herself, and just be there yourself as a guarantor of stability in this world.

Let her follow you.

Women are like cats, if you run after her, she will flee from you. But if you sit quietly and are busy with something interesting, the cat itself will fondle you and try to climb onto its knees.

Let her go, give her freedom and she will follow you on your heels like a cat and demand that you begin to restrict her from yourself, well, at least a little.

Get ready for a change.

She is young and her priorities change more often than you can shave. Be ready to accept her new ideas, thoughts, help her grow. Encourage her to change, even if you know it’s dangerous. She may not see you next to her in a year and she will need another man. Regardless of who will be with her in a few years, support her.

Young girls change a lot and you can see that there is already a completely different person next to you, be ready for this and provide support.

Be in charge.

Young girls choose a guy older than them for a reason. They have less experience and they try to learn from him how to act, and how not desirable. Any woman loves when a man takes the initiative into his own hands, allowing her to relax and be behind him like a stone wall.

Keep distance.

Each girl has at least one story in her store of how she was molested by a guy much older than her. "All men are the same and they need one thing" - one of the most frequently spoken female phrases, which is second only to "All men are cool ..." Do not rush things and do not pounce on her like a dog on the bone. She will consider you a sex pervert if you force things.

She herself can touch you, checking your reaction or just flirting. You can jokingly demand to remove your hands or say as in the film: "I am not your property."

Sometimes you can pull a young girl into bed, but it's not a fact that she won't try to scratch out your eyes in the morning with no less zeal than she scratched your back at night. She may hate you until the end of your days, which she will try to shorten, for a minute of her weakness and your inability to wait a little. She needs to be sure that she also wanted sex. After all, you do not want the crazy thought "Didn't he rape me?" came into her sweet head? Do not rush things unnecessarily and do not make her regret communicating with you and everything will be as you want.

When a person falls in love, he becomes like a fool. They say, "Love blinds." And indeed it is. Many mistakes were made by guys who loved and won girls' hearts. As a result, they remained lonely, and their loved ones met with guys who wiped their feet about them and did not show love feelings. How to fall in love with a girl if you love her, but she is not yet ?.

To fall in love with a girl yourself does not mean that the feeling will be mutual. There is such a thing as unrequited love, when you love, but you do not, when your desires do not coincide with the desires of a loved one. There are a lot of similar situations, which is why there are many topics about why unhappy love arises. In order not to add to the lists of unhappy lovers, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations that can help. If you like a girl and would like to date her, you need to do everything to make it so.

At first, the girl may not agree to date you. They do this sometimes in order to be run after them. Sometimes a girl wants to be proved something to her. There are times when a guy proposes a relationship at the wrong time: a girl, for example, suffers from a break in the relationship. However, this does not mean that the abandonment of the relationship is final. Girls are creatures changeable in their opinion. Their opinion needs to be influenced. And we'll figure out how to do it.

Considering all the ways to make a girl fall in love with yourself, you should remember that every girl is different. There are beauties who fall in love because they are looked after. There are girls who fall for cold guys. There are young ladies who are seduced by gifts and compliments. We will consider all possible options for how to charm yourself, but your task will be to choose from all the variety those that work specifically in your case.

There are many ways to fall in love with a girl. If some method doesn't work, then try another option. She will definitely fall for something. The main thing is to notice it in time and continue in the same spirit.

How to fall in love with a girl?

“How to fall in love with a girl?”, “How to please a girl?”, “How to interest yourself?”. In all of these calls, there is a notoriously visible problem that a guy might face. He is not ready for the fact that all his attempts will be successful! First, a person wants to get a universal recipe in order to achieve the desired goal. But, as you know, a good recipe can work in one case, but not in another. There are no universal and permanently effective methods - this is a matter of chance.

Secondly, a person takes an all-or-nothing position in advance. If he succeeds in achieving his goal, then he will be satisfied and happy. And if it does not work out, then he will give up, consider himself a loser or a loser, and the world will instantly turn gray and unpleasant (in such cases, even thoughts of suicide arise!).

There are no situations where you can be sure in advance that success is guaranteed. You need to understand that you can achieve what you want, or you may not. And the whole tragedy lies not in whether the guy will achieve his goal, but in how he is ready to initially react to his defeat.

Often people with appeals "Help!" pre-set themselves up for "death" and "suffering" if they fail. But it is precisely this dramatization of events that destroys them. It is because of this that they subsequently form wrong impressions and beliefs about themselves and the world around them. They begin to think of themselves as losers, and “all women are fools”, if they just once did not succeed. But as the saying goes: "It didn't work out this time, it will work out next time!" - and it is true. From failures, you need to make experience that will help you do the right thing in the next similar situation.

"How to please a girl?", "How to interest yourself?"

It is better to do two things here:

  1. Remove the call for help, since nothing terrible will happen if the person you like rejects you. You must understand in advance that you can lose in a situation where you will win someone's heart. But this is your experience, which will help in the future to act more correctly, decisively and wisely. Be prepared in advance to accept both victory and defeat.
  2. Don't look for universal recipes for winning someone's love. Each girl is individual, despite the fact that everyone is programmed with the same fairy tales and slogans of the media. Act according to the circumstances, because with one partner you may not even have to do anything, they will immediately reciprocate, and with the other, you will have to work hard and even lose. Act, be flexible, gain experience and find the right ways to win the girl's heart yourself.

Think of it as an experience if you fail, or as happiness if you succeed.


All girls are different. It should be remembered that everyone has their own type of guy, which she will definitely like. If you can recognize this type, then you just have to become what your beloved girl wants to see you. As a result, you will win her heart, even if you do not have other wonderful qualities.

You don't always have to be good. Not all smart guys are in demand. Even not every pumped-up guy is in demand among girls. What's the matter? And the matter lies in the ability to communicate beautifully and cheerfully with a girl so that she plunges into positive emotions and does not think about anything else.

The girl needs emotions. If you can teach her to create those pleasant experiences that she needs, then, no matter what person you are, she will love you. Girls fall in love with "goats" because they know how to "show off", that is, create a fairy tale in which girls want to live. And even if these "goats" cheat on them or leave, leave, the girls are ready to run after them and return, because they do not want to live without a fairy tale and those emotions that prompted them to experience.

How to create positive emotions for a girl, knowledge about her will help. What does she like? What is she dreaming about? What kind of prince is he looking for, considering him the only worthy one for himself? Fit into her type, which is far from those ideals that are often promoted. If you match on 3-4 main parameters in this type, then the girl will be interested in you and even fall in love without memory.

TO How to fall in love with a girl who you really like is interesting for many representatives of the stronger sex. It does not always happen that the person you like reciprocates, and you need to approach the acquaintance wisely. In order not to spoil the first impression of yourself, you need to know some of the nuances.

Many men are always in a hurry, thereby scaring girls away. Women love incremental action. You should not immediately jump over all the stages of courtship and try to win a girl in a few days. The psychological component is very important. When a man is confident in himself, then he does not have to make a lot of effort to please the person he likes. However, if subconsciously a representative of the fair sex catches uncertainty, then her response may not be as planned.

Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of yourself. And this applies to both appearance and internal content. A representative of the stronger sex with a bunch of complexes is doomed to failure in advance. There are several approaches to making a girl you like not only pay attention, but also fall in love.

What's the first thing to do?

How to fall in love with a beautiful girl and make contact? Most guys get stuck when they meet an attractive person. They do not know what to do in order not to spoil the impression of themselves. To answer the question of how to fall in love with any girl, you first need to dwell on 1 important nuance. If a woman is in love, then it will be extremely difficult to switch her attention to another person. Sometimes it's better not to take on such an event, especially at the beginning of a relationship.

To know how to fall in love with a girl forever, you should delve into female psychology. However, you should not bypass the work on yourself. Any representative of the fair sex feels confident men. They are attracted by the special energy emitted by such guys. A confident person is pre-programmed for success. He doesn't doubt himself. In this case, the strength of inner intention is important. If the motivation is high, then the possibility of a successful outcome increases several times.

To answer the question of how to please any girl, you need to know 1 psychological technique, which in most cases works flawlessly. The goal should be replaced. One should strive not to receive, but to give. To do this, you need to pay attention to the woman, try to learn as much as possible about her and talk less about yourself. You should not focus on your person and praise yourself. It is recommended to pay more attention to the girl you like.

Literally everyone should be interested: hobbies, work, family, etc. To fall in love with a woman, you must abandon selfish goals. If you subconsciously only plan to use the girl for your own purposes, then such an intention will end sadly.

What are the most effective methods?

How to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love effectively? This task is much more difficult. If enough time has passed after the breakup, then the woman could simply delete the former lover from her life. At the same time, grievances often remain, which intensify the negative aftermath of the relationship. In this case, it is recommended to proceed in stages. First, you should remember the reason for the separation, so as not to repeat previous mistakes.

It is then recommended to start with a correspondence. It is better to show care, interest and focus on friendly communication in it. Don't rush things. After you feel that the ice has broken, you can make an appointment. At the same time, in order to know how to fall in love with a woman again, you need to understand some of the nuances. The girl should not be deprived of attention, but you should not overdo it either.

How to make a pen girl fall in love with you again? It's harder to do this than live. You should write compliments, be interested in the affairs of a woman. Nice words don't have to be vulgar. It is necessary to gently emphasize the dignity of the fair sex.

To figure out how to get a penpal girl, you should have an idea of ​​her interests. Women appreciate it when they are interested in their hobbies. Communication should be unobtrusive. After some time, you should move away a little, keeping the distance. In this case, the girl will be even more interested. However, do not overdo it with such tricks so as not to provoke aggression.

Everyone wants to know how to fall in love with a penpal girl, because this method of communication is the most common. Modern psychology, which studies relationships, determines the elementary nuances in communication that can ruin everything. First of all, you should not show pettiness. Nobody says that only expensive gifts should be made, but attention in the form of a bouquet of flowers will always delight a woman.

To know how to make a girl fall in love, you need to understand her desires and goals. If they do not match, then all efforts may be in vain. You should never show doubts about your own abilities. You should radiate confidence with your whole appearance.

What else do you need to know?

How to interest a friend's girlfriend? This is a very difficult question, and such events are not always crowned with success. In this case, you can lose both a woman and a friend. However, if you do not want to retreat, you can use some trick. You need to act carefully. It is recommended to show signs of attention, try to help in something.

Many people are interested in how to communicate with a girl so that she falls in love. You should not be hypocritical for this. Compliments should be given, but not bombarded. At the same time, it is good if they are reasoned. If a woman tells that she succeeded, it is necessary to emphasize what a great fellow she is, etc.

Basic tips on how to fall in love with a friend's girlfriend or any other can be summarized in a few simple rules:

  1. Compliment occasionally.
  2. Radiate self-confidence.
  3. Do not rush.
  4. Behave appropriately. Follow the basic rules of tactful and respectful behavior.
  5. Show signs of attention.

Sometimes one of the main ingredients is self-confidence. Despite the fact that you need to be actively interested in the life of the person you like, you cannot humiliate yourself. You need to feel a balance and adhere to it throughout the communication.

Falling in love is also formed from how popular a man is. In no case should you talk about your failures in your personal life at the initial stage of communication, otherwise you can scare off a girl, because unlucky people cannot be attractive.

It is also not worthwhile to engage in winding up your own popularity. If a man starts to brag, then besides an unpleasant aftertaste from communicating with him, nothing will remain. Therefore, tactfulness must be observed in everything. There should be no long pauses in the conversation, but you shouldn't talk incessantly. You need to listen more and be interested. When a person feels his own importance, only then can he expect a good result.

Don't ask tactless questions. A woman should be interested, so you can tell an entertaining story from life.

Love is at the same time a specific and important feeling that helps to reveal your own possibilities in front of the object you like.

Contrary to popular belief, many guys are faced with unrequited feelings and think about how to fall in love with a girl. Some just want to see how to sow in a situation like this.

In any case, you need to be aware of some of the subtleties that should not be ignored.

Is a man capable of making a girl fall in love with him? - Someone is capable - the one to whom she is indifferent.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Successful conquest of the world

Why does the guy need this?

Every young man who seeks to fall in love with a girl must initially determine with what he needs it.

According to psychologists, the most common reasons may include:

  • true desire to find your soul mate;
  • desire to learn completely new feelings and emotions;
  • striving to "be like everyone else"(This is especially often observed in the period from 16 to 23 years old), when most of friends and acquaintances begin to acquire girlfriends, and in more rare cases, even families;
  • desire to be known as a macho relevant if we are talking about a constant desire to fall in love with more and more new representatives of the fair sex and, if I may say so, to boast of the victories received;
  • "Love in spite"- I mean, if I may say so, that there is a need to fall in love with a girl in love (provided that she likes her best friend or, conversely, a person who wants to cause suffering).
Depending on some factors, there may be other reasons that the guy is guided by.

How to understand that a girl is in love?

It is no secret that a guy and a girl can communicate and spend a lot of time in each other's company, but this is exclusively about friendly relations and there are no hints of their transition to more tender feelings.

There are situations when a young person does not have a clear idea of ​​what feelings a potential passion has towards him. To form a more realistic idea, you need to pay attention to how the girl in love behaves.

The criteria to be considered are:

  • Behavior
  • Sight.
  • Features of gestures.
Based on the specifics of behavior, it is possible to understand whether a girl is in love for sure or simply demonstrates respect in relation to a guy based on the following features:
  • desire to communicate- if any, even the most, at first glance, insignificant opportunity for conversation is used, one can speak of the absence of indifference;
  • show of concern- if a young man, a girl who previously entered only the friend zone, comes to visit and offers his help much more often than other friends;
  • willingness to sacrifice- for example, a representative of the fair sex is afraid of heights, but in the company of a certain guy is ready to ride in a hot air balloon;
  • present- presenting, albeit insignificant, but souvenirs, without an obvious reason, especially with knowledge of interests and preferences, is another proven signal of falling in love;
  • interest- as a rule, a girl in love seeks to find out as much information as possible, asking, as an option, mutual acquaintances about the young man she liked;
  • jealousy- even if there is no talk of any relationship yet, innocent interaction with other women (for example, a conversation with a classmate or colleague) is perceived as a phenomenon that is not too pleasant for oneself.
Observing how a girl in love behaves, you should not lose sight of the features of her look, characterized by the following features:
  • while in a large company, a guy is able to catch a glimpse of a potential passion;
  • if a young man looks at a girl, but at that moment she abruptly looks aside, we can talk about her embarrassment;
  • one of the indisputable physiological signs is that when you look at a certain representative of the opposite sex, there is an increase in the pupils;
  • the gestures of a girl in love also eloquently testifies to her condition;
  • almost constantly they will be looking for an excuse to sit closer to the object of their adoration, as well as, as an option, touch his hand, straighten clothes or hair;
  • excitement- if we are talking about the presence of feelings for a certain guy, in this case, excitement will be observed (for example, certain phrases can be said out of place, a blush appears on the cheeks);
  • mirroring movements that the interlocutor commits are another sign of passion.
Thus, there is a sufficient number of nuances, the consideration of which necessarily demonstrates a certain feeling of falling in love and creates the preconditions for their subsequent development.

10 ways to fall in love with a girl

Everyone who thinks about how to fall in love with a girl should remember that there are at least about 10 effective ways, the use of which will help to achieve what they want.
  1. Maximum naturalness in the communication process- regardless of what image was originally invented. It must be remembered that sooner or later the natural essence of a person will still become apparent and not every person will be able to relate to this normally.
  2. Significant self-confidence- almost every woman is of the opinion that a man should be a protector and be able to cope with any problem. If he demonstrates the opposite by his behavior, then there can be no question of any serious relationship.
  3. Show respect- you can admire the external data of the girl for an infinitely long time, but ignoring her opinion, as well as interests, to put it mildly, will not help the subsequent development of relations.
  4. Finding common ground is important(common interests), using which, it will become much easier to develop relationships and introduce them to an ever newer level.
  5. At the first opportunity it is necessary to show nobility... In this case, it is important not to overdo it, since the girl will immediately notice the catch, which will automatically zero out all the efforts made.
  6. Sincere generosity- not a single girl, especially when it comes to the initial stages of courtship, will refuse gifts and treats.

    True, in this case, you should be as careful as possible, since sometimes excessive extravagance, especially if it does not have good reasons, on the contrary, is perceived as a negative trait.

  7. Great sense of humor- the use of memorized phrases and "bearded" anecdotes in such a case may not be perceived at all. It is important to learn to sincerely notice funny things, as well as be able to laugh at them correctly.
  8. Show honesty even in the most controversial situations... Even if the incoming information is far from ideal, and you can hardly call it pleasant at all, you need to remember the well-known truth that such an option is much better than any lie.
  9. Maximum expression of care- any girl, even on a subconscious level, is inclined to search for a man who will be like her father. And the most important thing is not in external similarity, but in the constant desire emanating from him to show care, as well as in the ability to provide support.
  10. A smart display of persistence- if there is an understanding that this girl is exactly the same beloved, it is extremely important, if necessary, to conquer her. At the same time, one should not confuse the manifestation of this quality with what is popularly called arrogance, since such behavior can completely scare a person away.
Of course, in an effort to get reciprocity from the girl you like or beloved, do not forget that each person is an individual. So, in addition to generally accepted advice, you must also independently look for ways to fall in love with a girl that will be quite useful.

If you can't get a girl to fall in love with you, make her at least hate you. Hates means he remembers.
James Goodwin. A fool's heart

How to fall in love with your ex-girlfriend?

There are situations when a guy and a girl in love broke up for certain reasons and after a certain time, one of the parties (in this case, a young man) strives to restore relations. One of the most powerful ways is to determine the exact reasons for the relationship broke up.

If the main reason is that she liked certain traits of her ex, and he stubbornly did not want to change, it is time to rethink the behavior.

It is important that the changes are real, and not superficial, because of which a girl in love will again be disappointed in her potential chosen one and after that there will be no real opportunity to improve relations. In order to create an easy intrigue, you can initially carry out mediated communication.

There are now many tips on how to fall in love with a penpal girl. The most significant among them are the following:

  • it is necessary to competently and clearly express your own thoughts, as well as to avoid in all possible ways even a slight, subconscious slyness;
  • correspondence, which may initially begin simply as communication between two old acquaintances, should be accompanied by an unobtrusive emphasis on positive changes, which, at the first opportunity, can be confirmed in reality;
  • in correspondence, it is worthwhile to unobtrusively ask the girl about her problems, find out how she lives now, whether her preferences and priorities have changed after the breakup;
  • if the girl already has a chosen one, do not get upset prematurely. Alternatively, it is permissible to find out what positive qualities he possesses, what he could attract her. Perhaps it is quite realistic to try to adopt the most characteristic features for it yourself. It is only necessary to initially decide whether such a behavior would be acceptable or not. After all, if you just copy what is peculiar to another, but at the same time is alien to you, it is unacceptable to hope for long-term relationships and their development. It is likely that the young man himself will initiate the separation in such a case.

You know, if you cannot fall in love, do not feel stupid, it means that great love is really waiting for you.
Emma Watson

Since love is a complex psychological process, many psychologists pay attention to the basic rules, following which helps to achieve a result when striving boyfriend fall in love with girl:
  1. It is important to be busy and truly love the work that needs to be done.
  2. At the initial stage, it is worth showing all-round development, since a common hobby may not yet exist, but interests that can be discussed are quite present.
  3. The guy's desire for professional self-realization without harming personal relationships is another plus if the girl needs to develop the corresponding feelings.
  4. It is necessary to show courage and demonstrate belonging to the male sex, not only on the basis of physiological characteristics, but also on the basis of individual qualities. For example, you can subordinate certain devices, if a need arose for this, or give advice that can only be generated by a real representative of the male half of humanity;
  5. Attention!
    If you previously had a relationship, in no case should you speak negatively about your former darling. In this case, even on a subconscious level, female solidarity is triggered and the thought appears that the current passion may be in a similar state after a certain period of time. This behavior is often perceived as something that should not be typical for a man.

Summarizing the above

Thus, in order to fall in love with a girl and in the future enjoy her presence in your own life, you need to take into account as many different aspects as possible that allow you to achieve location, as well as a response from the object you like.

What do you, dear readers, think about our advice: which of them have you, perhaps, already implemented, and which seem completely useless to you? Be sure to share your experience with us, it's very interesting!

A woman is a mysterious creature, you never know what to expect from her. Changeable mood, variability of tastes and views - all these qualities are inherent in the fair sex. Many men want to fall in love with a woman, to take possession of not only her body, but also her mind. How to achieve the complete location of your beloved? How to make a lady of the heart feel the same emotions? The answer is simple - you need to become an ideal man in her eyes.

The senses

Do not rush to conquer a woman if you are not completely sure of your own feelings. Listen to the subconscious, remember what emotions her presence near you causes. Is your heartbeat getting faster? Do you feel the blood flow to your cheeks? If there are no special strong sensations, then you should not resort to the process of attaching a lady to yourself. This is fraught with negative consequences and a painful break in relations for both parties. Communication with women is not difficult, the main thing is to know what they want and what you want to get from them. Specificity is the key to the formation of healthy strong relationships. Depending on what goal you are pursuing (relationship for one night, living together), you must calculate your strength.

Do you see reciprocity on her part? Know that only a categorical and cold no is a reason for retreat, and even then after making at least one attempt to fall in love with a woman.

Mystery man

Humans themselves are the most curious creatures on the planet, and women are considered the most curious. Intrigue, that's what every man should have, regardless of the preferences of the lady of the heart. Even a smart woman will buy into the fact that her boyfriend is forever disappearing somewhere, answering her calls only after one missed one, telling practically nothing about her life. To become for her a riddle, an unknown unexplored universe, which she really wants to solve faster.

Don't show all your cards on the first date. After seeing your companion home, suddenly look at the clock / phone screen, say that you are late, but don't say where, and hurry away. In a dialogue with a lady, do not talk about your personal life, work, activities in your free time from meetings with her. Put on a mask of mystery - and the woman will want to get to know you better.

Successful cavalier

Never talk about your own failures and do not allow anyone to do so in the presence of your beloved. Women love the strong, however, there is a separate kind of compassionate ladies who pay attention to losers. If you want to talk about past negative experiences, present the information as a joke. How to make a woman fall in love with you? Show how developed, bright and individual you are.

Do not boast openly about your success - your beloved may suspect you of narcissism and selfishness, vanity. To fall in love with a woman, you need to push her so that she herself sees your achievements and admires them. Even the smallest peak that you were able to reach can delight the lady of the heart.

Mind and sense of humor

As you know, men - with their eyes. It is not at all necessary to have an academic degree or a university, it is enough to competently conduct a conversation and correctly say beautiful words to a woman. And, of course, you should know when to stop in everything - do not allow funny stories with an intimate bias, at least on the first date.


Well-groomed is not only a priori feminine, a man not only has to, he has to look attractive. It is not necessary to have a bright appearance, it is enough to dress not flashy, but also not boring, to have a neat haircut and well-groomed, clean hands. By the way, women love to pay attention to men's palms.

Make it a rule to get your nails done. Yes, it is a manicure - many men just need to put their hands in order from time to time. Don't have enough time for such procedures? At least trim your nails and keep your hands clean.

How to conquer a woman? Use the right wardrobe. There is no need to chase after fashion, you only need to wear something that highlights your strengths and hides your weaknesses. According to statistics, most ladies pay attention to respectable men dressed in elegant suits.


Remember! A representative of the strong half of humanity should not smell like a tire worker, unless, of course, he is going to slay the lady on the spot with his amber. Be sure to use perfume, cologne, eau de toilette - your individual scent should remain in the memory of a woman. If communication succeeds, then your friend will associate the smell of a certain perfume with you. How to conquer a woman? Leave vivid impressions about yourself and smell like the man of her dreams.

Abundance of emotions

The guarantee of a long relationship is unpredictability on the first date. Instead of a banal trip to a club, restaurant, cafe, organize a meeting by candlelight on the rooftop, a joint evening on the shore of the lake. Be unique and unpredictable, then you will make an impression, and all the emotions associated with you will remain in the subconscious of your beloved for a long time. How to make a woman fall in love with you? Give her an unforgettable date.

Silence is gold

Listening puts any man above the rest. Let the woman talk about herself, her preferences, thoughts, friends, even her beloved dog. But stop any talk about things, dresses and clothes, otherwise you risk ending up in the friendship zone. Not a single woman, even the smartest woman with a wealth of experience in dealing with men, can resist an attentive listener.

How to make a woman fall in love. Relationship psychology

Probably every man wondered why he, so wonderful, attractive and successful, cannot win the heart of his beloved. It's all about the bombast and arrogance, selfishness of such representatives of the strong half of humanity. Do you want to make a woman fall in love with you? Become simpler, more accessible, think first of all about her desires and feelings. Give compliments, try to make the lady as pleasant as possible.

Women love and appreciate tenderness in relationships, they are very sensitive and painfully perceive any coldness, when they themselves can be unapproachable. When watching a movie together, walking, dating, talking, intimacy, in order to tie your beloved to yourself, you need to follow some rules.

They don't wait for the promised for three years

To show the seriousness of your intentions, keep your promises. Think before planning any event or a regular dinner with a lady of the heart, consider all the factors that can interfere with the fulfillment of the promise. Women respect men who are responsible for their words and deeds. Be responsible for even the smallest things, be it a promise to buy a bottle of wine at the supermarket, or a phone call when you arrive home. Remember, this is very important for women.

Demonstration of possibilities

Ladies adore men who know how to do something better than others. Show your darling what you are capable of, but unobtrusively. You are excellent at cooking / singing / dancing / driving a car - show it in the presence of her friends, so that she would feel proud of her man.

Intimate question

If your relationship has stepped over the border of the first kisses, then remember - during intimacy, look directly into the eyes of a woman, for them it is a kind of magic, a union of souls. In bed, do not forget to please your lady first, and then think about yourself. Dialogue after sex is not at all necessary, but you do not need to turn away to the wall and give yourself a deep sleep - hug the object of love and wait for the chosen one to fall asleep in your arms.

Morning attention after a stormy night will not go unnoticed. It doesn't matter what it will be: a cup of hot coffee, or an SMS (call) with words of delight and tenderness - the lady will be conquered. Courtship for women should be consistent, regardless of the length of the relationship.


Being generous does not mean buying incredibly expensive gifts and filling your beloved with them. You need to feel what she wants now. It is worth knowing that when a lady openly expresses her demands, hinting that now she needs a car / fur coat / necklace / trip to the Maldives, then she is an ordinary kept woman, who are attracted only by a tight wallet in men.

Give gifts in moderation. Pamper your beloved with pleasant little things: flowers, sweets, plush toys, going to the cinema. Do not forget to pay for visiting a cafe or restaurant - this is the male prerogative.


You do not need to immerse yourself in your beloved, go into a relationship with your head. Dilute communication with her with meetings with friends, family, while letting the woman understand that you are not dependent on anything or anyone, and even more so, on her. As soon as a lady feels your dependence on the relationship, she immediately decides to break everything.

Hint and show the woman that in addition to her, you have someone to communicate with. The sooner she realizes that she has competitors, the faster you become the object of her thoughts and feelings. How to make a woman fall in love? Show her that she is far from, but at the same time takes pride of place in your heart.


Watch your favorite films of your object of passion, listen to your favorite music. During dialogues with the lady, use some phrases from the films, as if inadvertently, include the very same song. Conversations with a woman end with you - she says, you end a sentence. How to do it? Even if you do not know what she has to say now, use this approach: say that she voiced your thoughts. Everything, the job is done - the lady will see a like-minded person in you, which means she will be imbued with feelings. Do not forget to say beautiful words to the woman of your dreams - compliments mean a lot to her.