What is physical culture concept. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture. Basic concepts. Physical education is ...

Basic concepts

Sport - part of physical culture, actually competitive activity and special preparation for it. The generally used term "Physical culture and sport" is not entirely correct, because sport is a part of physical culture, although in some cases the concept of "sport" goes beyond the concept of "physical culture". Physical perfection - the highest degree of development of individual physical abilities. Physical education - a pedagogical process aimed at mastering personal values ​​of physical culture by a person. Physical development - the process of changing the morphological and functional properties of the human body during his life. Physical recreation - means of physical culture used in the mode of active recreation. Physical activity - human motor activity, ensuring his physical and mental development. Psychophysical preparedness - the level of formation of physical and mental qualities of a person for solving life and professional problems. Physical fitness - the result of physical activity, providing the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities, an increase in the level of physical performance. Functional readiness - the state of the body systems (musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, etc.) and their response to physical activity. Professional orientation of physical education - development and improvement of professionally important physical and mental qualities, as well as an increase in the general and nonspecific stability of the body in an unfavorable environment. Essential skills and abilities - natural forms of manifestation of physical activity (walking, skiing, swimming, throwing, etc.), providing purposeful active human activity in the natural environment. Physical education - a special kind of cultural activity, the results of which are useful for society and the individual. In social life in the system of education, upbringing, in the field of work organization, everyday life, healthy recreation, physical culture movement contributes to the joint activities of people to use, disseminate, increase the values ​​of physical culture. Sport - participation in competitions, striving for victory, achieving high results, requiring the mobilization of all forces and personality traits. Sport has certain rules and norms of behavior. Health-improving and rehabilitation physical culture - the use of physical exercises as a means of treating diseases and restoring body functions after diseases, injuries, overwork, etc. Fixed assets:

Therapeutic gymnastics - Dosed walking, running.

Physical recreation Physical recreation is not associated with great physical exertion and volitional efforts, however, they create a good mood, well-being, restore mental and physical performance. Fixed assets for recreation:

Tourism; -Physical and recreational entertainment.

Physical education Through physical education, a person transforms the general achievements of physical culture into personal values. The purpose of physical education - solution of interrelated tasks: 1. Wellness and developmental (health promotion, harmonious development of the body, ensuring high physical performance ...) 2. Educational (acquiring the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of physical culture to ensure life well-being ...) 3. Educational (formation of value attitude to physical culture, the need for exercise, physical self-improvement ...) The social functions of physical culture and sports are in the comprehensive formation and development of the personality, they will never lose their importance and will become more and more important as civilization develops

42All schoolchildren, after passing the medical commission, depending on their physical and physiological state, are divided into medical health groups.

The pediatrician issues a conclusion in which the health group is indicated, assigned on the basis of diagnoses that were determined by medical specialists during the examination.

This conclusion will play a significant role in physical education.

There are three medical health groups for schoolchildren:

1.Main health group. This health group includes children with good health, corresponding to the standard of physical and psychological development in accordance with the age group, as well as those with mild diseases that do not affect overall physical development (for example: slight excess weight, uncomplicated skin-allergic reactions and etc.)

Children whom the doctor assigned to the main group are recommended to engage in physical education within the limits of school standards, are allowed to participate in various kinds of competitions and sports events.

2.Preparatory medical group. This group includes children who have a slight lag in physical development due to a previous illness or who have chronic diseases with frequent exacerbations. The preparatory group of children is engaged in physical education at the level of the main group, only without intense loads and with lower standards. The teacher needs to choose a set of exercises that will not worsen the general physical condition.

3.Special medical group... This medical group includes children who need physical education according to a special program. Most often, this group of children is left by physical education teachers sitting on a bench, that is, they are completely freed from a physical education lesson. Although these children more than anyone else need physical exercise, only selected specifically for them. Complete release from physical activity does not benefit their health.

The motor regime in mass physical education differs from that in physiotherapy exercises in that it is aimed not so much at treating diseases as at eliminating or mitigating their residual symptoms, strengthening health, increasing physical fitness and performance, instilling the necessary skills and striving for a healthy lifestyle.

The motor mode differs from the sports training regime in that it does not aim at achieving sports results. In all modes, all 3 types of adaptation are used: developmental, health-improving, corrective.

There are the following types of motor regimes in mass health-improving physical education:

1 Gentle.

2 Recreational and recreational.

3 General physical fitness.

4 Training.

5 Maintaining fitness and longevity.

Modes differ from each other in tasks and contingent of those involved.

Distribution of trainees into groups for the appointment of a motor mode

A. Healthy people, sufficiently physically prepared, mainly young and middle-aged.

B. Minor chronic diseases, in the phase of stable compensation, without a tendency to exacerbations, not dangerous in conditions of physical exertion.

B. Chronic diseases with frequent exacerbations, insufficient compensation with satisfactory or poor physical fitness.

D. Significant deviations in health with unstable remission, burdened history. Physical fitness is weak or very weak.

D. Regularly practicing senior citizens and veterans of sports without significant deviations in health.

The first mode corresponds to group G, partly to C; the second - C, partly - B; the third - A, partly B; the fourth - A; fifth - D.

Mode characteristics

I. Gentle, or exercise therapy regimen is one of the methods of treatment. It is prescribed by a doctor, performed by a methodologist in hospitals, clinics, health centers, sanatoriums, partially individually with preliminary detailed instructions from the patient. Exercises are selected depending on the diagnosis, the period of illness, the patient's condition according to the exercise therapy program. If the conditions and condition of the patient allow, along with special exercises, general strengthening exercises should be included - walking at a slow and medium pace, starting from 100 m, with a daily increase of 250-400 m per day, up to 2 km, with a heart rate of 90-110 beats / min and recovery after 5-10 minutes. If you are in good condition, you can switch to accelerated walking, and then alternate between accelerated walking and slow running. At 20-30 m walk - 1-3 minutes of light jogging. If exercise therapy is carried out to eliminate defects in posture, scoliosis, flat feet, etc., if the patient is in good condition, as well as if the necessary conditions are available, the arsenal of general strengthening agents used can be expanded by skiing, swimming, outdoor games, gymnastic exercises without complex equipment and etc. The nature of the exercises and the magnitude of the load in each individual case is determined jointly by the doctor and the exercise therapy methodologist, the state of the practitioner and his reaction to the load are constantly monitored.

II. The health-improving regimen is aimed not so much at treatment as at elimination or mitigation of the residual effects of injuries and diseases, body defects, chronic diseases, bringing the basic functional indicators to an average physiological norm, strengthening health and increasing physical ability. The range of means used is expanding, the density of occupations is increasing. Special attention is paid to the development or restoration of lost physical qualities and skills, but without significant stress.

Walking and running are mandatory - the natural movements of a person, covering large muscle groups, favorably affecting respiration, cardiac activity, vessels, enhancing intestinal motility, preventing the development of arthrosis. Beginners are allowed to walk slowly at first, then average walking and, if they are sufficiently prepared, fast, which is a powerful factorial influence.

Walking very quickly is difficult to tolerate and therefore inappropriate. If the practitioner tolerates brisk walking well, it can be assumed that he is ready to run.

Jogging provides, depending on the state of the person, 4 stages: accelerated walking, alternating walking and running, alternating and smooth running with a gradual increase in distance and, to a lesser extent, speed. The pulse rate is set by the trainer depending on the dynamics of the state and the age of each practitioner. After 1-2 minutes, the heart rate should not exceed 100 beats / min. The circle of general strengthening and developing corrective exercises is also expanding, taking into account their effect on the body and the interest of those involved - gymnastic exercises without complex apparatus, water sports, skiing, short-range tourism, low-intensity outdoor games, exercise equipment. Outdoor activities are very important. Classes are held 2-3 times a week. The groups can be combined as follows: cardiovascular diseases and nonspecific respiratory diseases; metabolic diseases; peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Competitions within the group are allowed to increase interest. Groups of relatively healthy people can be formed by age. Classes are held at polyclinics, dispensaries, DSO, rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums, individually.

III. The general physical training regimen is designed for practically healthy physically fit people. The goal is to improve health, expand functional capabilities, eliminate disorders associated with chronic diseases, increase the level of physical development, optimize physiological functions, prevent diseases, increase the body's resistance and its reliability. Various physical exercises are used, taking into account their usefulness and the desires of those involved, including from the arsenal of certain sports, as well as aerobics, training on simulators, short-range tourism and other health-improving types.

Particular attention is paid to the development, maintenance or restoration of lost physical qualities, maintaining interest in classes. The volume and intensity of the load is set by the trainer in consultation with a doctor. Elements of competition are allowed to maintain interest in classes, instill healthy lifestyle skills, and eliminate bad habits. When forming groups, age and level of preparedness are taken into account. Classes 2-3 times a week in sections, "Health groups" at sports complexes, DSO, recovery centers, large industrial enterprises, institutions, educational institutions.

IV. The training regimen unites healthy, physically prepared people, mainly young people who have previously played sports or are preparing for it. In addition to achieving high stability, reliability and resistance of the organism due to cyclic exercises, general developmental and corrective exercises, exercises of the chosen kind of sport are included in the classes. The purpose of the classes is to increase the functional capabilities of the body and its reliability while maintaining and strengthening health and preventing diseases, developing and maintaining physical qualities and skills, a gradual transition to sports. Classes are conducted in accordance with the methodological guidelines of sports training, the chosen kind of sport, but in general with lower loads and lower density, a greater specific gravity of general physical fitness. The density of classes is less, the introductory and concluding parts are lengthened. The load gradually increases. Competitions are included in the training plan. Regular medical supervision is especially important due to the rather high level of applied loads. Classes are held in the appropriate sections or individually 2-3 times a week. Particular attention is paid to the process of restoration and implementation of a healthy lifestyle.

V. The mode of maintaining fitness and "sports longevity" is designed for sports veterans who want to maintain their health, physical fitness and special skills. The usual workout continues, but with a gradual decrease in volume and intensity. The load is varied, but without prejudice to health, taking into account age, with an emphasis on maintaining the functions and exercises of "one's" kind of sport that are most suffering in the process of age-related involution.

structure and content of a health-improving aerobics lesson

A wellness aerobics coach should possess the following skills and abilities:

1. Conduct classes in accordance with the assigned tasks.

2. Use different means depending on the purpose of the lesson.

3. Conduct the lesson, observing its structure.

4. Select exercises in accordance with the parts of the lesson and taking into account the age, the field of physical fitness of the trainees.

5. It is logical to build a sequence of exercises throughout the session.

In accordance with the established tradition, supported by scientific research and many years of practical experience, the optimal structure of a health-improving aerobics class, like any other organized form of physical exercise, is a structure in which three parts are distinguished: preparatory, main and final. Each part, in turn, consists of several blocks that allow you to solve certain specific problems.

□ Preparatory part

□ Main part

W The final part

Rice. 2. Duration of parts of aerobics lesson

Definition of "physical culture"

"Physical culture is part of the general culture of society, one of the spheres of social activity aimed at strengthening health, developing the physical abilities of a person" (Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Physical culture is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Physical culture combines many components: the culture of physical activity, hardening, breathing, massage, nutrition, the use of natural factors. Physical culture should be talked about first of all taking into account these components, then it becomes obvious that it is the basis and driving force for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. If we conditionally take the level of health as 100%, then 20% depends on hereditary factors, 20% - on external environmental conditions, on ecology, 1% - on the activities of the health care system, 50% - depends on the lifestyle that a person organizes for himself ...

The theory of physical culture proceeds from the basic provisions of the theory of culture and is based on its concepts. At the same time, it has specific terms and concepts that reflect its essence, goals, objectives, content, as well as means, methods and guidelines. The main and most general concept is "physical culture". As a type of culture, in general social terms, it is a vast area of ​​creative activity aimed at creating people's physical readiness for life (health promotion, development of physical abilities and motor skills). On a personal level, physical culture is a measure and method of all-round physical development of a person.

Thus, physical culture is a type of culture, which is a specific process and result of human activity, a means and method of physical improvement of a person to fulfill social responsibilities.

The structure of physical culture includes such components as physical education, sports, physical recreation (rest) and motor rehabilitation (recovery). They fully satisfy all the needs of society and the individual in physical training.

Physical education- pedagogical process aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills, as well as the development of versatile physical abilities of a person. Like education as a whole, it is a general and eternal category of the social life of an individual and society. Its specific content and focus are determined by the needs of society for physically prepared people and are embodied in educational activities.

Sport- game competitive activity and preparation for it; is based on the use of physical exercises and is aimed at achieving the highest results, disclosing reserve capabilities and identifying the maximum levels of the human body in physical activity. Competitiveness, specialization, focus on the highest achievements, staginess are specific features of sport as a part of physical culture.

Physical recreation (rest)- the use of physical exercises, as well as sports in simplified forms for active recreation of people, enjoying this process, entertainment, switching from ordinary activities to others. It is the main content of mass forms of physical culture and is a recreational activity.

Movement rehabilitation (recovery)- a purposeful process of restoration or compensation of partially or temporarily lost motor abilities, treatment of injuries and their consequences. The process is carried out in a comprehensive manner under the influence of specially selected physical exercises, massage, water and physiotherapy procedures and some other means. This is a restorative activity.

Physical training- type of physical education: development and improvement of motor skills and physical qualities required in a specific professional or sports activity. It can also be defined as a type of general training of a specialist (professional) or an athlete (for example, the physical training of a gymnast).

Physical development- the process of changing the forms and functions of the body under the influence of natural conditions (food, labor, everyday life) or the purposeful use of special physical exercises. Physical development is also the result of the influence of these means and processes, which can be measured at any time (the size of the body and its parts, indicators of various qualities, the functionality of organs and body systems).

Physical exercises- movements or actions used to develop physical qualities, internal organs and systems of motor skills. It is a means of physical improvement, transformation of a person, his biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. It is also a method of human physical development. Physical exercise is the main means of all types of physical education.

1. Basic concepts

Physical education- a part of universal human culture, the whole set of achievements of society in the creation and rational use of social means, methods and conditions for directed physical improvement of a person.

Physical education- pedagogically organized process of development of physical qualities, teaching motor actions and the formation of special knowledge.

Sport- an integral part of physical culture, based on the use of competitive activity and preparation for it, with the desire of those involved to achieve the maximum result.

Physical development- the process of changing the natural morpho-functional properties of the human body during an individual life.

Physical perfection- the process of physical education and upbringing, expressing a high degree of physical preparedness for life, work and defense of the Motherland.

Physical and functional fitness- the result of physical training, achieved in mastering motor skills and in the development and development of physical qualities with a simultaneous increase in the level of activity of his functional systems: musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and other systems.

Physical activity- natural and specially organized human motor activity, which ensures the vital activity of the human body.

Professional orientation of physical education- this is the use of physical culture means to prepare for highly productive work, ensuring high human performance.

2. Physical culture is a part of universal human culture

Physical education- constitutes an important part of the culture of society - the totality of its achievements in its creation and rational use of special means, methods and conditions for directed physical perfection of a person.

Firstly, everything valuable that society creates and uses as special means, methods and conditions for their use, allowing to optimize physical development and ensure a certain level of physical fitness of people (functionally providing side of physical culture);

Secondly, the positive results of using these means, methods and conditions (the productive side of physical culture).

Along with its role in the physical improvement of a person, physical culture can have a significant impact on his spiritual world - the world of emotions, aesthetic tastes, ethical and worldviews. However, what kind of views, beliefs and principles of behavior are formed in this case depends primarily on the ideological orientation of the physical culture movement, on what social forces organize and direct it.

Physical education- a product of the development of certain historical conditions.

The state and level of development of physical culture at one stage or another depends on a number of conditions:

Geographic environment;

Working conditions, everyday life, living conditions and the level of development of the productive forces;

Economic and social factors.

Indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

Mass character;

The degree of use of physical culture means in the field of education and upbringing;

The level of health and all-round development of the physical abilities of people;

Level of sporting achievements;

Availability and level of qualifications of professional and public physical culture personnel;

Promotion of physical culture and sports;

The degree and nature of the use of the media in the field of tasks facing physical culture;

The state of science and the presence of a developed system of physical education.

In the history of human society, there have been no times, peoples that did not have physical education in the most elementary form.

The first and most ancient means of physical culture were the natural movements of a person associated with his life. Initially, the form of organization of physical education was a game, game movements. Play and exercise contributed to the development of thinking, quick wits and ingenuity.

In a slave-owning society, physical culture acquired a class character and a military orientation. It was used to suppress the discontent of the exploited masses within the state and to wage aggressive wars. For the first time, systems of physical education and special educational institutions have been created. The profession of a teacher of physical education appeared. Physical exercise was regarded on a par with poetry and music. The participants in the ancient Greek Olympic Games were: Hippocrates (physician), Socrates (philosopher), Sophocles (playwright), etc.

During the period of capitalism, physical culture was placed at the service of strengthening the foundations of its political domination by the ruling class. A feature of the development of physical culture during the period of capitalism is that the ruling class is forced to deal with issues of physical education of the masses. This, first of all, was explained by the intensification of labor, as well as constant wars for the colonies, sales markets, which required the creation of massive armies well physically prepared for waging wars. During the period of the establishment of capitalism, the sports and gymnastic movement was born, circles and sections for individual sports appeared.

At the present stage, the main social function of physical education is the formation of perfect physical, socially active, morally stable healthy people.

3. The system of physical education

The concept "system of physical education" reflects in general a historically defined type of social practice of physical education, i.e. expediently ordered set of its initial foundations and firms of the organization, depending on the conditions of a particular social formation.

Together with its defining provisions, the physical education system is characterized by:

Ideological foundations, expressed in its social goals, principles and other starting ideas, which are dictated by the needs of the whole society;

Theoretical and methodological foundations, which in a developed form represent a holistic concept that combines scientific and practical knowledge of the laws, rules, means and methods of physical education;

Regulatory framework, i.e. program material, selected and systematized according to the targets and the adopted concept, and the standards established as criteria for physical fitness, which should be achieved as a result of physical education;

The way in which all these initial foundations are institutionalized and implemented in the activities of organizations and institutions that directly carry out and control physical education in society.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the system of physical education is characterized not so much by individual phenomena of the practice of physical education, but by its general orderliness, and by what initial system-forming foundations ensure its orderliness, organization and purposefulness within the framework of a specific social formation.

The general principles on which the modern system of physical education is based are:

The principle of all-round harmonious development of the personality;

The principle of linking physical education with labor and defense practice;

The principle of a health-improving orientation.

4. Components of physical education

Sport- a part of physical culture based on the use of competitive activity and preparation for it. In it, a person strives to expand the boundaries of his capabilities, this is a huge world of evolutions, the most popular spectacle, there is a complex process of interhuman relations in it. It clearly shows the desire for victory, the achievement of high results, requiring the mobilization of the physical, mental and moral qualities of a person.

Physical education- pedagogically organized process of developing physical qualities, teaching motor actions and forming special knowledge.

The purpose physical education is the education of physically perfect people, all-round physically prepared for creative work and defense of the Motherland.

In the process of physical education, the following tasks are solved:

Wellness (health promotion, body building, achievement and collection of high performance);

Educational (formation and bringing to the required perfection of applied and sports skills and abilities, acquisition of special knowledge);

Educational (the formation of moral and volitional qualities, assistance to labor and aesthetic education).

Physical education is included in the education and training system, starting with preschool institutions.

Physical development- is a process of changing the natural morpho-functional properties of the body during an individual's life. Physical education is of primary importance in the development of a person's physical qualities, his motor abilities and the natural properties of the human body directly related to them. If physical education is carried out systematically during the main stages of ontogenesis (individual development of the organism), it plays the role of one of the decisive factors in the entire process of physical development of the individual.

Physical development- not only natural, but also socially conditioned process. This is a natural process because it unfolds on a natural basis, inherited, and obeys natural laws. However, the effect of these laws manifests itself in dependence on the social conditions of life and human activity (education, labor, everyday life, etc.), due to which physical development is socially conditioned, and to a decisive extent.

Concept "physical perfection" generalizes the idea of ​​the optimal measure of harmonious physical development and all-round physical fitness of a person.

Professionally applied physical culture creates the prerequisites for the successful mastering of a particular profession. The content and composition of PPFC funds is determined by the characteristics of the labor process.

Wellness and rehabilitation physical education. It is associated with the targeted use of physical exercise as a means of treating diseases and restoring body functions, impaired or lost due to illness, injury, overwork and other reasons. Its type is medical physical culture.

Background types of physical culture. These include hygienic physical culture, included in the framework of everyday life (morning exercises, walks, other physical exercises in the daily regimen that are not associated with significant loads) and reactive physical culture, the means of which are used in the mode of active recreation (tourism, physical culture and recreational entertainment ).

The following are used as physical culture:

Physical exercises;

Natural forces of nature (sun, air, water);

Hygiene factors (personal hygiene, daily routine, diet, etc.)

5. Organizational and legal foundations of physical culture and sports

6. Physical culture and sports in a higher educational institution

In accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education, physical culture has been declared a compulsory discipline of the humanitarian educational cycle since 1994.

One of the most important tasks of higher education in Russia at the present time is the unity of the fundamental professional and humanitarian training of specialists. The humanities are a means of obtaining valuable worldview knowledge, contribute to the development of intelligence and erudition, and form the culture of the individual.

The contribution of physical culture to higher education should consist in providing students with all aspects of knowledge about human life, about his health and a healthy lifestyle, as well as mastering all the arsenal of practical skills and abilities that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, the development and improvement of his psychophysical abilities and personality traits. With the help of the knowledge gained in physical culture, students must create a holistic idea of ​​the processes and phenomena occurring in living nature, more fully understand the possibilities of modern scientific methods of cognizing nature and master them at the level of professional functions.

The purpose of physical education of students is the formation of physical culture of the individual.

To achieve this goal, the following educational, educational, developmental and recreational tasks are planned to be solved:

Understanding of the role of physical culture in personality development and preparation for professional activity;

Knowledge of the scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of a motivational-value attitude to physical culture, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular exercise and sports;

Mastering the system of practical skills and abilities that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in the field of physical culture;

Providing general and professionally applied physical fitness, which determines the psychophysical readiness of a student for a future profession;

Acquisition of experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals.

The educational material of the discipline "Physical culture" includes the following sections of the program:

Theoretical, forming the worldview system of scientific and practical knowledge and attitude to physical culture;

Practical, promoting the acquisition of experience in creative practical activity, the development of independence in physical culture and sports in order to achieve physical perfection, increase the level of functional and motor abilities of a person;

Control, defining differentiated and objective accounting of the process and results of students' educational activities.

Based on the state educational standards of higher professional education, the curricula of universities in all areas and specialties of higher professional education provides for the allocation of 408 hours for the discipline "Physical culture" in the course for the entire period of study with final certification.

The distribution of compulsory study hours by courses is as follows: 1 - 2 courses - 2 times a week for 2 hours. 3 - 3 courses - 2 times a week for 2 hours.

Compulsory final certification in physical culture is carried out at the end of the 8th semester, in the form of an oral survey on the theoretical and methodological sections of the program. A student who has completed training in the discipline "Physical culture" must find:

Understanding the role of physical culture in human development and specialist training;

Knowledge of the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;

Motivational-value attitude and self-determination in physical culture with an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement and self-education, the need for regular exercise and sports.

The condition for admission to the final certification is the fulfillment of compulsory tests in general physical and vocationally applied physical training (not less than "satisfactory"), provided for during the last semester of study.

Table 1.1 Compulsory tests of physical fitness of students of the main and sports educational departments

Test for speed, strength and endurance

Score in points

Run 100 m (s)

Pull-up on the bar (number of times)

Run 3000 m (min, s)

Run 100 m (s)

Raising the body from the "supine" position, hands behind the head, legs fixed (number of times)

Run 2000 m (min, s)

Table 1.2 control tests for assessing the physical fitness of students of the main and sports educational departments

Score in points

Run 5000 m (min, s)

Cross-country skiing 5 km (min, s)

or 10 km (min, s)

Swimming 50 m (s)

or 100 m (min, s)

Standing long jump (cm)

Long jumps with a run (cm)

or height (cm)

Flexion and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars (number of times)

Flip force point-blank on the crossbar (number of times)

Raising legs on the hang until touching the bar (number of times)

Run 3000 m (min, s)

Cross-country skiing 3 km (min, s)

or 5 km (min, s)

Swimming 50 m (min, s)

or 100 m (min, s)

Standing long jump (cm)

Long jumps with a run or high (cm)

Pulling up in the hanging position (crossbar at a height of 90 cm) (number of times)

Squat on one leg with arm support on the wall (number of times)

For practical training, students are assigned to educational departments: basic, special, sports.

Distribution is carried out at the beginning of the school year after a medical examination, taking into account the state of health, gender, physical development, physical and sports fitness, interests. Students who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to practice.

Those who are assigned to the main and preparatory medical groups are enrolled in the main department. Students assigned to a special medical group are enrolled in a special educational department, taking into account the level of their functional state, gender.

Students of the main medical group who have shown good general physical and sports readiness and who have shown a desire to deeply engage in one of the sports organized at the university are enrolled in the sports department, consisting of training groups for sports (systems of physical exercise).

Students exempted from practical classes for health reasons are enrolled in a special educational department to master the available sections of the program.

A student can be transferred from one academic department to another at his request only after the successful completion of the semester or academic year.

When carrying out tests, students who are exempted from practical classes for a long period perform written thematic test work related to the nature of their diseases, and pass the test for the theoretical section of the program.

7. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture. Basic concepts

The human body is a single, complex, self-regulating and self-developing biological system that is in constant interaction with the environment, which has the ability to self-learn, perceive, transmit and store information.

Functional system of the body is a group of organs that ensure the coordinated course of vital processes in them. Allocation of groups of organs in the human body into systems is conditional, since they are functionally interconnected. The following systems of the human body are distinguished:

nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, digestive, endocrine, excretory, etc.

Homeostasis- the relative dynamic constancy of the internal environment of the body (body temperature, blood pressure, blood chemistry, etc.)

Resistance- the body's ability to work in conditions of unfavorable changes in the internal environment.

Adaptation- the body's ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Hypokinesia- insufficient physical activity of the body.

Hypodynamia- a set of negative morpho-functional changes in the body due to insufficient motor activity (atrophic changes in muscles, detraining of the cardiovascular system, demineralization of bones, etc.).

Reflex- the body's response to irritation, both internal and external, carried out through the central nervous system. Reflexes are divided into conditioned (acquired in the process of life) and unconditioned (innate).

Hypoxia- oxygen starvation, which occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the inhaled air or in the blood.

Maximum oxygen consumption- the largest amount of oxygen that the body can consume per minute during extremely intense muscle work. The value of the BMD determines the functional state and the degree of fitness of the organism.

8. The human body as a single self-developing and self-regulating biological system.

When considering the human body and its systems, medical science proceeds from the principle of the integrity of the human body, which has the ability to self-generate and self-development.

The human body develops under the influence of the genotype (heredity), as well as factors of the constantly changing external natural and social environment.

The integrity of the organism is determined by the structure and functional connection of all its systems consisting of differentiated, highly specialized cells, united into structural complexes that provide a morphological basis for the most common manifestations of the vital activity of the organism.

Physiological regulation of the processes taking place in the body is very perfect and allows it to constantly adapt to the changing influences of the external environment.

All organs and systems of the human body are in constant interaction and are a self-regulating system, which is based on the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems of the body. The interconnected and coordinated work of all organs and physiological systems of the body is provided by humoral (fluid) and nervous mechanisms. In this case, the central nervous system also plays a leading role, which is able to perceive the effects of the external environment and respond to it, including the interaction of the human psyche, its motor functions with various conditions of the external environment.

A distinctive feature of a person is the ability to creatively and actively change both external natural and social conditions to strengthen health, increase mental and physical performance.

Without knowledge of the structure of the human body, the regularities of the activity of individual systems, organs and the whole organism as a whole, the processes of vital activity occurring under conditions of exposure to the body of natural factors of nature, it is impossible to properly organize the process of physical education.

The educational and training process in physical education is based on a number of natural sciences. First of all, this is anatomy and physiology.

Anatomy is a science that studies the shape and structure of the human body, individual organs and tissues that perform any function in the process of human development. Anatomy explains the external shape, internal structure and mutual arrangement of organs and systems of the human body.

Physiology is the science of the laws governing the functioning of an integral living organism.

Functionally, all organs and systems of the human body are closely related. The intensification of the activity of one body necessarily entails the intensification of the activity of other bodies.

The functional unit of an organism is a cell - an elementary living system that ensures the structural and functional unity of tissues, reproduction, growth and transmission of the hereditary properties of the organism. Due to the cellular structure of the body, the restoration of individual parts of the organs and tissues of the body is possible. In an adult, the number of cells in the body reaches about 100 trillion.

The system of cells and non-cellular structures, united by a common physiological function, structure and origin, which forms the morphological basis of the body's vital activity, is called tissue.

Taking into account the mechanism of exchange and communication of cells with the environment, storage and transmission of genetic information, energy supply, the main types of tissues are distinguished: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous.

Epithelial tissue forms the outer cover of the body - the skin. The superficial epithelium protects the body from the influence of the external environment. This tissue is characterized by a high degree of regeneration (recovery). Connective tissue includes the connective tissue itself, cartilage and bone. A group of body tissues that have contractile properties is called muscle tissue. Distinguish between smooth and striated muscle tissue. Striated tissue contracts at the request of a person, smooth - arbitrarily (contraction of internal organs, blood vessels, etc.). Nervous tissue is the main structural component of the human nervous system.

Functions of physical culture


· The concept of physical culture

The structure of physical culture

Functions of physical culture, concept, classification

Characteristics of general cultural functions

Aesthetic function of physical culture

Social functions of physical culture

Characterization of specific functions

Specific educational functions

Application-specific functions

Specific sports functions

Specific recreational and health-improving and rehabilitation functions

Characterization of private functions

· Bibliography


Physical culture is, in essence, a social phenomenon. As a multifaceted social phenomenon, it is connected with many aspects of social reality, is being introduced more and more deeply into the general structure of people's way of life. "The social nature of physical culture, as one of the areas of socially necessary activity of society, is determined by the direct and indirect needs of labor and other forms of human life, the desire of society to widely use it as one of the most important means of education and the interest of the workers themselves in their own improvement" (In . M. Vydrin, 1980).

Influencing the physical nature of a person, physical culture contributes to the development of his vitality and general capacity. This, in turn, contributes to the improvement of spiritual capabilities and, ultimately, leads to a comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. “Physical culture cannot be reduced only to its health-improving effect, to strengthening the body - that would be an oversimplification. This means not to see its inspiring role as a source of creative strength, vigorous, cheerful feeling ”(VP Tugarinov, 1965).

Physical culture is a historically conditioned phenomenon. Its origin dates back to ancient times. It, like culture as a whole, is the result of the socio-historical practice of people. In the process of labor, people, influencing the nature around them, at the same time change their own nature. The need to prepare people for life, and, first of all, for work, as well as for other necessary types of activity historically conditioned the emergence and further development of physical culture.

The selected topic is relevant, because physical inactivity is becoming the dominant state of most representatives of modern society, who prefer to live in comfortable conditions, using transport, central heating, etc., without systematically engaging in physical education. And at work, in most cases, mental labor has practically supplanted physical labor. All these achievements of modern civilization, creating comfort, doom a person to constant "muscle hunger", depriving him of physical activity, as necessary for normal life and health.

Physical culture concept

The broadest, collective and multifaceted concept is "physical culture". For a deeper and more correct understanding of the content of this concept, it is advisable to compare it with the term "culture", which appeared during the emergence of human society and was associated with concepts such as "cultivation", "processing", "education", "development", "Veneration". M.V. Vydrin (1999) identifies the following definitions of culture that are closest to the theory of physical culture:

culture is a measure and method of human development;

culture is a qualitative characteristic of the activity of a person and society;

culture is a process and result of storage, assimilation, development and dissemination of material and spiritual values.

Each of the listed definitions can be taken as a basis when considering the concept of "physical culture".

Culture is inextricably linked to activities and needs.

Activity is various types and methods of the process of mastering the world, transforming it, changing to meet the needs of a person and society.

A need is a need for something, a vital or everyday need, the most important sources and conditions for the development of an individual and society, the incentive reasons for the social activity of people. V
In the process of cultural development, its most important components have become such activities that are specifically aimed at improving oneself, at transforming its own nature. Physical culture belongs to such components of culture.

The sphere of physical culture is characterized by a number of characteristics inherent only to it, which are usually grouped into 3 groups:

1) active motor activity of a person. Moreover, not any, but only organized in such a way that vital motor skills and abilities were formed, the natural properties of the organism were improved, physical performance increased, and health was strengthened. The main means of solving these problems is physical exercise.

2) positive changes in the physical state of a person, an increase in his working capacity, the level of development of the morphological and functional properties of the organism, the quantity and quality of mastered vital skills and exercise skills. improving health indicators. The result of the full use of physical culture is the achievement of physical perfection by people.

3) a complex of material and spiritual values ​​created in society to meet the need for effective improvement of human physical capabilities. These values ​​include various types of gymnastics, sports games, exercise complexes, scientific knowledge, exercise techniques, material and technical conditions, etc.

Thus, PHYSICAL EDUCATION- the kind of culture of a person and society. These are activities and socially significant results to create people's physical readiness for life; this, on the one hand, is a specific progress, and on the other, it is the result of human activity, as well as a means and method of physical perfection (V.M. Vydrin, 1999).

As an example, you can give a few more definitions of this

PHYSICAL EDUCATION- this is a part of the general culture of the individual and society, which is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created and used for the physical improvement of people (BA Ashmarin, 1999).

PHYSICAL EDUCATION- part of the general culture of the society. Reflects the methods of physical culture activity, the results, the conditions necessary for cultivation, aimed at mastering, developing and managing the physical and mental abilities of a person, strengthening his health, increasing efficiency. (V.I.Ilyinich, 2001)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Is an element of personality culture, the specific content of which is rationally organized, systematic active activity used by a person to optimize the state of his body (V.P. Lukyanenko, 2003).

So, physical education should be considered as a special kind
cultural activities, the results of which are useful to society and
personality. In social life in the system of education, upbringing, in the field of work organization, everyday life, healthy recreation, physical culture manifests its educational, educational, health-improving, economic and general cultural significance, contributes to the emergence of such a social trend as physical culture movement.

PHYSICAL MOVEMENT- this is a social trend (both amateur and organized), in the mainstream of which the joint activities of people are developed to use, disseminate, and augment the values ​​of physical culture. (A.A. Isaev)

Let's dwell on the concept of "physical education". The formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of purposeful and effective use of physical culture means is carried out precisely in the process of physical education. Consequently, this process acts as an active side of physical culture, thanks to which the values ​​of physical culture are transformed into a person's personal property. This is reflected in improving health, increasing the level of development of physical qualities, motor fitness, more harmonious development, etc.

Physical education is often characterized as one of the parts of physical culture. This interpretation of the relationship between the two concepts is not devoid of meaning, but, in the opinion of many authors, it is insufficient and correct (L.P. Matveev, B.A. Ashmarin, Zh.K. Kholodov, A.A. Isaev). More precisely, physical education in relation to physical culture is not so much a part as one of the main forms of functioning in society, namely, a pedagogically organized process of transferring and assimilating its values ​​within the educational system. Physical education has all the features of the pedagogical process, namely: the leading role of a specialist teacher, the organization of the activities of the educator and the educated in accordance with didactic and pedagogical characteristics, the focus of activities on solving the problems of education and upbringing, building classes in accordance with the laws of human development, etc. ... It is necessary to learn that physical education differs from other types of education in that it is based on a process that provides training in movements (motor actions) and the education of physical qualities.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a healthy, physically perfect, socially active person, including training in movements (motor actions) and education (development management) of physical qualities. (Zh.K. Kholodov, 2000).

PHYSICAL EDUCATION(in the broad sense of the word) is a type of educational activity, a specific feature of which is the management of the process of using the means of physical culture in order to promote the harmonious development of a person (V.P. Lukyanenko, 2001).

Along with the term "physical education" the term "physical training" is used. In essence, they have a similar meaning, but they use the second term when they want to emphasize the applied orientation of physical education in relation to work or other activities.

PHYSICAL TRAINING Is the process of motor skills formation and the development of physical abilities (qualities) required in a specific professional or sports activity (YF Kuramshin, 2003).

PHYSICAL PREPAREDNESS- the result of physical fitness, embodied in the achieved working capacity, the level of development of physical qualities and the level of formation of vital and applied skills and abilities.

GENERAL PHYSICAL PREPARATION- a non-specialized process of physical education, aimed at the general prerequisites for success in various types of activities.

SPECIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING–Specialized process of physical education, aimed at in-depth specialization in sports or professional.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Is a systemic mastering by a person of rational ways of controlling his movements, acquiring in this way a fund of motor skills, necessary in life, and related knowledge.

The meaning of physical education according to P.F. Lesgaft is to learn to consciously control the movements, to compare them with each other, to "get used to" with the least difficulty, perhaps in a shorter period of time to consciously do the most physical work.

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT- the process of changing the natural morphological and functional properties of the organism during an individual life.

This process is characterized by the following indicators:

1.Indicators that characterize the biological forms or morphology of a person (body size, body weight, posture, the amount of fat deposition).

2.Indicators of functional changes in the physiological systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular systems, digestive and excretory organs, etc.).

3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities).

Each segment of life has its own indicators of physical development. They can reflect the processes of progressive development (up to 25 years), alternating with stabilization of forms and functions (up to 45-50 years), and then involutionary changes (aging process). Physical development is due to many factors, both biological and social. This process is controlled. Depending on the totality of factors and conditions, physical development can be comprehensive, harmonious or disharmonious, the aging process can be postponed.

Physical development is determined by the laws of: heredity; age grading; the unity of the organism and the environment (climatogeographic, social factors); the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of forms and functions of the body.

Indicators of physical development are of great importance for assessing the quality of life of a society. The level of physical development, along with such indicators as fertility, mortality, morbidity, is one of the indicators of the nation's social health.

PHYSICAL PERFECTION- this is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, optimally corresponding to the requirements of life. Society in its historical development has made various demands on the physical improvement of a person. Hence it follows that there is not and cannot be a single ideal of physical perfection.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

1. Good health, which provides a person with the ability to quickly adapt to various conditions.

2. High overall physical performance.

3. Proportionally developed physique, correct posture.

4. Mastering the rational technique of basic vital movements.

5. Comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding the one-sided development of a person.

6. Physical education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to use their body and physical abilities in life, work and sports.

PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE- the potential of a person to perform physical effort without reducing a given level of functioning of the body, primarily its cardiovascular and respiratory systems (T.Yu. Krucevich, 2003).

Physical performance is a complex concept. It is determined by a significant number of factors: the morphofunctional state of various organs and systems, mental status, motivation, and other factors. Therefore, a conclusion about its value can be drawn only on the basis of a comprehensive assessment.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES Is a form of a person's attitude to the surrounding reality, in the process of which the creation, preservation, assimilation, transformation, dissemination and consumption of the values ​​of physical culture is carried out.

The successful implementation of the processes of physical education, physical training, sports training is possible only on the basis of organized physical activity. Physical culture should be considered as one of the fundamental types of human activity, ensuring the effective development of organs and systems, a high level of health and performance.

SPORT- a specific form of cultural activity of a person and society, aimed at disclosing the motor capabilities of a person in conditions of rivalry.

SPORT- an integral part of physical culture is actually competitive activity, special preparation for it, specific interpersonal relationships.

In the latter view, the term "sport" is included in the concept of "physical culture". It makes sense to consider “sport” as a part of physical culture while it plays the role of upbringing and is a part of the social and pedagogical system of preparing a person for effective activity.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that lately sport has been acquiring its own independent significance: the development of sport is reflected in the Constitutions of many countries, discussed in the United Nations, huge material and financial resources revolve in the field of sports, incentives for material character. The presence of enormous physical exertion, the mindset to achieve the highest result and victory "at any cost" do not allow considering sport as an element of physical culture. Sports activity, especially if it is represented by professional commercial sports, acts as a counterculture.

PHYSICAL RECREATION–Kind of physical culture: the use of physical exercises, as well as sports in simplified forms for active recreation of people, getting pleasure from this process, entertainment, switching from one type of activity to another, distraction from ordinary types of work, household, sports, military activities.

PHYSICAL REHABILITATION- type of physical culture: a purposeful process of using physical exercises to restore or compensate for partially or temporarily lost motor abilities, treat injuries and their consequences.

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- culture Is the process and result of storage, assimilation, development and dissemination of material and spiritual values. Each of the listed definitions can be taken as a basis when considering the concept of "physical culture". Culture is inextricably linked to activities and needs. Activity is various types and methods of the process of mastering the world, transforming it, changing to meet the needs of a person and society.

The sphere of physical culture is characterized by a number of characteristics inherent only to it, which are usually grouped into groups:

Active motor activity of a person. Moreover, not any, but only organized in such a way that vital motor skills and abilities were formed, the natural properties of the organism were improved, physical performance increased, and health was strengthened. The main means of solving these problems is physical exercise.

Positive changes in the physical condition of a person:

Increase of its working capacity, the level of development of morpho - functional properties of the organism, the quantity and quality of mastered vital skills and exercise skills;

Improvements in health indicators.

The result of the full use of physical culture is the achievement of physical perfection by people, a complex of material and spiritual values ​​created in society to meet the need for effective improvement of human physical capabilities. These values ​​include various types of gymnastics, sports games, exercise complexes, scientific knowledge, exercise techniques, material and technical conditions, etc.

Thus , physical education- the kind of culture of a person and society. These are activities and socially significant results to create people's physical readiness for life; this, on the one hand, is a specific progress, and on the other, it is the result of human activity, as well as a means and method of physical perfection (V.M. Vydrin, 1999).

For example, there are several more definitions of this concept: physical education- This is a part of the general culture of the individual and society, which is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created and used for the physical improvement of people (BA Ashmarin, 1999).

Physical education- part of the general culture of society. Reflects the methods of physical culture activity, the results, the conditions necessary for cultivation, aimed at mastering, developing and managing the physical and mental abilities of a person, strengthening his health, increasing efficiency. (V.I.Ilyinich, 2001)

Physical education Is an element of personality culture, the specific content of which is rationally organized, systematic active activity used by a person to optimize the state of his body (V.P. Lukyanenko, 2003). So, physical culture should be considered as a special kind of cultural activity, the results of which are useful for society and the individual. In social life in the system of education, upbringing, in the field of work organization, everyday life, healthy recreation, physical culture manifests its educational, educational, health-improving, economic and general cultural significance, contributes to the emergence of such a social trend as physical culture movement. There are many terms and concepts used in the theory and methodology of physical education.

Physical education- this is a set of achievements of society in the creation and rational use of special means, methods and conditions for the purposeful physical improvement of a person.

Physical education- this is part of the general culture, therefore, the level of its development depends on the level of social and economic development of society.

Physical education has many functions. You should be aware of features such as:

- regulatory, consisting in consolidating rational norms of activity;

- informational, reflecting the ability to accumulate cultural information, to be a means of its dissemination and transmission from generation to generation;

- communicative, characterizing the property to promote communication, the establishment of interpersonal contacts;

- aesthetic, associated with the satisfaction of the aesthetic needs of the individual;

- biological, associated with satisfying the natural needs of a person in movement, improving his physical, condition and ensuring the necessary level of capacity for daily life, fulfilling the duties of a member of society.

Functions underlie the classification of types of physical culture, which can be presented as basic physical culture, sports, applied and health-improving physical culture.

Basic physical culture provides physical education and physical fitness, which are necessary for every person as the fundamental principle of physical improvement for in-depth specialization and active life in general. Depending on the age of the students, it changes, acquires peculiar features.

The initial type of basic physical culture can be conditionally called "preschool and school physical culture". This designates the obligatoryness of classes in preschool institutions, as well as physical culture as a subject in general education, vocational schools and other educational institutions for school-age children, where it is aimed at laying the foundations of general physical education, ensuring the diversified development of physical abilities, good health, thereby guaranteeing the basic level of physical capacity that everyone needs.

School physical culture is in this respect a fundamental part of basic physical culture.

Basic physical culture is not limited to preschool and school forms: it also includes further physical training, which provides a higher level of physical fitness than at school.

Applied physical culture divided by professionally applied and military applied.

Their features are determined by their direct inclusion in the sphere of professional activity, as well as in the system of special training for it, depending on the specific requirements and conditions of the profession.

Applied types of physical culture are closely related to basic physical culture. Their organic connection is expressed in the fact that professional-applied and military-applied physical training is based on general physical training. In addition, the content of applied types of physical culture includes the corresponding elements of basic physical culture and sports.