If there is an odor in the urine. Unpleasant strong smell of urine in women: reasons, why it is dangerous and what to do

The bodily fluids of a healthy person do not have any strong aroma. Therefore, if fish is fish, it should be cause for real concern. This manifestation indicates the presence of malfunctions in the body.

When does urine smell like fish in women? What can be done to eliminate discomfort? We will try to answer these and other questions later in the material.


If a person suffers from a pronounced fishy smell of urine, to determine the real cause of the phenomenon, he should go through the following diagnostic procedures:

  • pass urine for analysis;
  • perform a smear from the ducts conducting urine to determine the nature of the microflora;
  • make a bacterial culture;
  • to conduct an ultrasound of the organs of the reproductive and urinary system.


Why does urine smell like fish? This can be facilitated by such a specific female disease as trimethylaminuria. The presented deviation is also called the fish smell syndrome. A malfunction in the body affects the change in the aroma of other bodily fluids, in particular sweat. Thus, with trimethylaminuria, not only the urine smells like fish, but the whole body.

It should be noted that this condition does not pose a physiological danger to humans. In most cases, a woman does not feel a strong unpleasant scent from her own body. People around you notice the stench. The phenomenon negatively affects the social life of a person, brings emotional irritation, causes moral dissatisfaction.

Why does urine smell like rotten fish if trimethylaminuria develops? The indicated malfunction in the body is a genetic pathology. In this case, trimethylamine, a chemical compound with an extremely pungent aroma, is not sufficiently excreted from the body. The substance is synthesized during digestion in the intestines. It is found in significant quantities in seafood, fish, eggs, legumes. Therefore, in the presence of a disease, after fish urine smells like fish.

In a healthy person, the liver produces a specific enzyme - flavin. The substance promotes the processing of trimethylamine into its oxide form, without a pungent odor. Subsequently, these compounds are excreted from the body along with urine. The whole process is controlled by the FMO3 gene. In its absence or failure in functioning, there is an accumulation of trimethylamine in the tissues of the body. In a person susceptible to the disease, urine smells like fish, foul breath is felt, sweat has an extremely repulsive aroma.

What treatment is used for trimethylaminuria?

The consequences of fishy smell syndrome cannot be remedied with medication, based on the genetic nature of the problem. In this case, the only more or less effective way to eliminate the trouble is to prescribe a special dietary program to the patient. All foods that are a source of trimethylamine oversaturation are gradually eliminated from the diet. As practice shows, even such actions have only a small degree of positive effect. Doctors have not yet developed an effective method for a complete cure of trimethylaminuria. Therefore, people susceptible to the syndrome have to struggle with eliminating unpleasant odors throughout their lives.

Bad urine odor from medication

Why does an unpleasant odor of urine appear in women? The reasons may lie in the intake of certain medications. Most often, this leads to the use of B vitamins, as well as strong antibiotics containing ciprofloxacin. The problem usually resolves naturally. It is enough to stop taking medications.

Unpleasant in violation of metabolic processes

If the urine is fishy, ​​it may indicate a change in the balance of substances in the body. This happens with dehydration, as well as with diets. To eliminate the unpleasant, repulsive odor, it is recommended to consume at least 1.5 liters of water daily. With strict adherence to the diet, it is necessary to balance the diet by saturating the food with foods high in a variety of vitamins. Such actions will allow to bring metabolic processes back to normal, accelerate the breakdown of chemical compounds in the body, which are the source of an unpleasant odor.

Which doctor should I go to for help?

If the urine smells like fish, it is recommended to make an appointment with a gynecologist. When there is a violation of metabolic processes in the body, an endocrinologist will help. If there is a suspicion that the root of the problem lies in the wrong, unbalanced diet, it is better to go to a dietitian. To rule out the genetic nature of the phenomenon, it will be helpful to visit a geneticist.

What other diseases cause bad urine odor?

Why is there an unpleasant odor of urine in women? The reasons often relate to the development of cystitis. The disease develops against the background of inflammation of the urinary tract as a result of hypothermia. With such an ailment, the unpleasant aroma of bodily fluid is almost imperceptible. More discomfort is caused by pain in the lower abdomen. To eliminate the unpleasant odor of urine with cystitis and remove discomfort, doctors prescribe antibacterial medications, as well as baths with medicinal herbs.

There are a number of other diseases that can lead to bad urine odor. These are primarily sexually transmitted diseases such as ureaplasmosis and chlamydia. Without a timely visit to a doctor, these diseases quickly turn into a chronic form. Usually, these infections not only affect the appearance of an unpleasant urine smell, but also lead to a change in its composition and color. In this case, potent antibiotics of a specific action are prescribed for treatment.

Diseases of the digestive system, in particular dysbiosis and gastritis, can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor of urine. In these cases, bodily fluids acquire a pronounced acidic odor.

Features of therapy

To eliminate the fishy odor of urine in inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary sphere, antibacterial agents are prescribed. Patients may be prescribed immunomodulatory drugs, vitamin complexes.

During therapy, alcohol abuse is contraindicated in patients. Doctors also advise to refrain from regular, active sex life. To reduce the feeling of unpleasant urine odor, you will need to comply with all the instructions of the specialist. It usually takes months to eliminate severe discomfort.

Improving the quality of life and eliminating the discomfort associated with unpleasant body odor is facilitated by:

  • regular hygiene procedures using soaps and shower gels with a pH level of at least 5.5;
  • a decrease in the number of serious physical exertion, during which metabolic processes in the body are activated;
  • avoidance of emotional turmoil and stress;
  • the use of activated carbon after meals;
  • frequent change of clothes.


Trying to find out why urine, like the body, acquire an unusual, unpleasant smell, women often resort to therapy using all kinds of folk remedies. But it is much more effective to immediately determine the real cause of the problem. To do this, it is enough to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and consult a doctor. In any case, do not be embarrassed if you have such a delicate problem. After all, having applied for qualified help, it will be possible to start effective treatment much earlier and quickly eliminate the trouble.

The appearance of an unusual aroma of urine is not always a sign of illness. But if the unpleasant odor does not disappear 2-3 days after the onset, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

The human body reacts sensitively to any changes in internal balance, therefore, when a malfunction occurs in the body, the excretory system can "warn" about the problem - for example, the smell of urine changes. She normally has almost no smell in healthy adults and children. However, after standing for a while in the air, urine oxidizes and after a while acquires a more pronounced odor, reminiscent of ammonia.

Noticing the repulsive, pungent smell of urine, you should be alert. This phenomenon is a common sign of pathologies. It is better to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an examination, identify and eliminate the causes of the problem.

Types and origin of odors

Urine removes metabolites of bacteria and viruses from the body. Our own metabolic products also enter the urine flowing from the kidneys into the bladder, so sometimes you can suspect an ailment just by sniffing the patient's urine.

The causes of the stench are varied. For example, when an adult's urine smells like acetone, this is a clear sign of diabetes. Other possible causes of this condition include pregnancy, dehydration, or infections.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs can provoke a side effect - a change in the smell of urine. Urine smells like drugs after Augmentin, Penicillin, Ampicillin and Ceftriaxone. A similar phenomenon is possible in those who take vitamins (B1, B6, B12).

But sometimes the stench is not related to illness. Those who like to eat smoked meat or fish, those who generously spice up food with spices and seasonings with a bright aroma, spicy cardamom seeds, when urinating, they may feel an uncharacteristic smell. Urine starts to smell after the abuse of such products:

  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • asparagus.

Periods of hormonal fluctuations in adolescence, as well as on premenstrual days during menopause in women, can also be accompanied by a change in the smell of urine. At this time, due to the high (or, conversely, too low) content of biologically active substances in the blood, the liquid filtered by the kidneys acquires a sharp “aroma”.

Many people notice that in men, urine has a special, more pronounced smell than in women. This is the norm. The phenomenon is associated with a high content of testosterone hormone in the urine. But often the smell appears after drinking a lot of alcohol, especially beer.

Acetone smell

The "aroma" of acetone in the morning speaks of stagnation in the kidneys. The condition develops if a person drinks little liquid or spends a lot of time in a sitting position.

About phenylketonuria - a congenital genetic pathology - is warned by a smell reminiscent of a mouse. In this disease, the synthesis of the amino acid phenylalanine is disrupted. As a result, the chemical composition of urine changes. If treatment is not started on time, the disease leads to severe disorders in the central nervous system, mental retardation. Diagnosis of this pathology in an infant is carried out already in the first day of life.

Fishy smell

The harsh smell of fish emanating from urine indicates another health problem - trimethylaminuria. Its cause is a violation of the enzymatic function of the liver. Because of this, tretylamine accumulates in the body, which is later excreted in the urine and sweat. Sometimes the smell is so pungent that a person suffering from trimethylaminuria experiences psychological discomfort in the company of other people.

Other possible diseases and their manifestations

The reasons for the unpleasant smell of urine most often lie in pathological processes. Infectious lesions of the genitourinary tract are common problems. Among them the leading ones are urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. A timely diagnosis and prescribed treatment will help to avoid other unpleasant symptoms and complications.

With infections, doctors explain the smell of urine as follows: a large number of pathogens and toxins secreted by them enter the urine. If you notice that the smell has changed, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Urine smells like rotten, spoiled eggs with such infections of the excretory system:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • prostatitis.

Ailments also manifest themselves with other symptoms. When urinating due to irritation of the mucous membrane, pain and burning are felt, aching pains occur, which radiate to the lumbar region, cloudy urine is released, sometimes with traces of blood. When the smell of rot is added to the listed symptoms, experts check for purulent foci in the kidneys, rectal fistulas.

Stench from urine combined with difficulty urinating in men indicates prostatitis. Another manifestation of this disease is a weak erection.

Infections of the reproductive system worsen the smell of secreted fluid: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and syphilis, which can no longer appear for a long time (especially in men). Violation of the bacterial flora of the vagina in women, in addition to the unpleasant odor of urine, is accompanied by specific secretions.

It is possible to notice not only a pungent smell, but also that the urine has become dark in color, is possible with liver failure. In this case, the pigment bilirubin enters the bloodstream and is excreted by the kidneys. Normally, this should not be the case.

Advanced cancers also worsen urine odor. For cancer patients, it smells like spoiled meat.

Ketoacidosis in adults is one of the complications of diabetes mellitus. Most often, it occurs with insufficient production of insulin or untimely administration of this hormone. A pathological condition manifests itself as headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as specific from the mouth and from urine. A sweet smell in urine is another sign of high blood glucose (diabetes).

Conditions when the urine smells of sulfur or rotten eggs, acquires a sweetish or other aroma, are usually accompanied by general intoxication of the body. It is manifested by weakness, headaches, and bouts of nausea.

Urine in a child

The urine of newborns is odorless. When breastfeeding, she can acquire a subtle aroma of the foods that mom eats. With the introduction of complementary foods and with age, urine begins to smell brighter, sometimes not too pleasant.

When the aroma of baby urine becomes harsh, with different unusual shades, it is important to look for the cause. With congenital pathology, the stench will be noticeable from the first days of life:

  • leucinosis - the sweet smell from time to time changes to acetone;
  • homocystinuria - urine smells like cabbage broth or beer;
  • tyrosinosis - urine with beer and the smell of boiled cabbage;
  • diabetes mellitus - urine with the aroma of pickled apples.

All of these conditions without timely treatment lead to serious consequences and even the death of the baby. As soon as they notice an unusual smell from a diaper or diaper, parents should take the child to the pediatrician.

Another metabolic disorder characterized by a strong specific odor is acetone syndrome. It is characterized by a lack of glycogen stores in the liver. Nondiabetic ketoacidosis can develop from diarrhea and vomiting, leading to dehydration. The condition is not a pathology, but it is especially dangerous for young children.

Any viral or bacterial infection with an increase in body temperature also causes moisture loss. At the same time, urine becomes more concentrated, a pronounced ammonia odor appears. To normalize the water balance in the body, doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids. It is best to offer the crumbs dried fruit compote, weak tea with lemon.

If mom noticed that her son or daughter's urine smells like rotten eggs, you should not postpone going to the doctor. Most often this is an early sign of pyelonephritis.


Professional medical assistance with an unpleasant urine odor always depends on its cause. Severe conditions - renal failure, hepatic failure, diabetic ketoacidosis - require urgent hospitalization. Inpatient treatment is prescribed individually.

With high or adults (pregnant women, diabetics), patients are helped by drugs that reduce its concentration (Stimol, Citrarginine). A prerequisite for therapy is abundant rehydration with polyionic solutions: Trisol, Ringer-Locke, Lactasol. Doctors recommend drinking alkaline mineral waters, and babies are given enemas with soda solution.

Treatment of urinary tract infections is carried out with antibacterial drugs, it is impossible to do without washing the affected organs with antiseptics. To avoid stagnation of urine in the kidneys, experts prescribe diuretics. When the cause of an unpleasant odor is dysbiosis, antifungal agents and drugs to restore microflora are prescribed.

To avoid the manifestation of genetic metabolic pathologies that cause an unpleasant odor, it is very important to adhere to a strict diet. For example, there is no specific treatment for trimethylaminuria. Doctors recommend excluding fish, legumes, meat products from the diet, and taking activated charcoal every day.

For seasoning lovers who are worried about the smell in urine, it is better to minimize hot and spicy ingredients.

Experts advise fans of fashionable diets to diversify their meals so that protein and carbohydrates enter the body in the right amount. The drinking regime is also important: normally, if there are no problems with the kidneys, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Bad urine smell is not a cause for panic. But if the stench persists for several days, a doctor's consultation is necessary. To find out exactly why there was an unusual smell in the urine, turbidity, pain and weakness appeared, a specialist will prescribe an examination. We'll have to pass a clinical urine test, according to Nechiporenko and others, possibly undergo ultrasound diagnostics.

The urine of a healthy woman should normally not contain various impurities. It should be transparent, sterile, bright straw-yellow color, with a slightly acidic reaction. Water-soluble chemicals are part of the urine, which is normally excreted from the body through the urinary system.

With the help of biochemical processes in the body, ammonia is formed, proteins are decomposed into amino acids, which is why urine has a characteristic odor. A sharp and strong smell of urine indicates pathological changes in the woman's body or some food. Do not panic if pain or other warning symptoms are not present when emptying your bladder.

Urine analysis is an important indicator of the health of the human body. It is a serious mistake to ignore the unpleasant smell of urine.

What could it be?

If a woman's urine has a strong unpleasant odor, this is a sign of various disorders in the body.

The smell of fish

The fishy smell of urine, which cannot be eliminated after a hygienic bath, is an indicator of a violation of the liver.

The reasons for this stench are:

  • Hereditary disorder of phenylalanine metabolism.
  • Depletion of the immune system.
  • Leukocytosis in urine tests.
  • Infectious process in the genitourinary system.
  • Pathogenetic disorders.
  • Fungal infection (thrush)
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina
  • Women's diseases (gynecological).

Acetone smell

Disorders in the work of the endocrine system are the main reason for the appearance of acetone in the urine. With diabetes mellitus occurs blood glucose oversaturation due to insufficient absorption of this substance by cells. There is a lack of energy. An overloaded liver begins to produce ketone bodies, which contain fermented glucose (acetone).

Ultimately, acetone is excreted from the body in the urine, which is the cause of the unpleasant odor. The appearance of ketonuria during pregnancy is a serious indication for referral to a medical institution.

Smell of ammonia

The kidneys, by their very nature, get rid of toxic substances, including ammonia. There is a development of pathological processes in the body, such as infections of the genitourinary system. At the same time, urine has a specific ammonia smell, and changes in its composition also occur.

Excessive uncontrolled intake of vitamins, preparations based on iron and calcium is accompanied by disturbances in the normal biological reactions of the body, which are the cause of the pungent smell of ammonia in urine. Urine can also give off a strong fetid odor due to its stagnation in the bladder for a long time.

Insufficient fluid intake has a detrimental effect on the female body, causing it to dehydrate, so the urine darkens and, accordingly, the amount of ammonia in it increases.

Excessive consumption of protein products leads to excessive formation of ammonia in the body with liver disease, so microbes enter the urine. In this case, urine takes on the smell of rotten eggs.

After intercourse, urine may become cloudy and smell unpleasant, but strict adherence to hygiene rules will relieve this problem.

A number of pathologies provoking the appearance of the smell of ammonia in the urine:

  1. Immunity dysfunctions.
  2. Liver pathology.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis)
  4. Consumption.

Causes of Unusual Urine Smell

  • Hop Disease can cause hop odor.
  • A beer or putrid smell occurs when there are disorders in the absorption of amino acids and monosaccharides, as well as in inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • Diabetics have a sweet or sour urine odor.
  • Dysfunction of enzymes gives the urine an unusual smell of sweaty feet.
  • If there is pus in the urine, a fetid, unbearable odor arises.
  • A pungent odor appears with helminthic invasions.
  • The smell of intestinal contents can be in the presence of Escherichia coli.

Why is it dangerous?

In any case, if the urine smells bad, this is an alarming sign of the appearance in the body pathological process... If you take this unreasonably, then the infection will spread rapidly, which can lead to irreversible consequences and difficult long-term treatment.

In addition to an unpleasant smell, there is pain during emptying of the bladder, blood in the urine, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, discomfort during intercourse.

In the presence of at least one of the symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in order to prevent a pathological process destructive to the body.


To identify the cause of the unpleasant odor of urine that appears, the doctor must prescribe laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as carry out various manipulations with a diagnostic purpose.

The complex of diagnostic measures is as follows:

  • Analysis of the daily volume of urine (sample according to Zimnitsky)
  • Finding out the history of a woman's life, a hereditary factor.
  • Visual inspection.
  • Careful collection of anamnesis of the disease.
  • OAM, UAC, LHC.
  • Culture of urine.
  • Urine analysis according to Nicheporenko.
  • X-ray of the organs of the abdominal cavity.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Tomography.

After the results of the diagnostic measures, the specialist will select the most effective treatment.

What to do, how and how to treat

Due to the variety of reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant urine odor, treatment is carried out after a comprehensive examination of the woman.

The pathology of urine formation is treated with diuretic drugs, which accelerate the formation of urine, and with it the infection is also excreted.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus and impaired renal function is long-term and complex, usually carried out in a hospital.

Antibiotics and antifungal agents reduce inflammation, destroy pathogenic microflora.

Special attention should be paid to food products... Absorption of sweets, muffins, spices, seasonings, artificial additives, and fatty foods should be minimized. It is recommended to consume large quantities of vegetables and fruits.

Personal hygiene is essential. Ideally, flushing should be performed after each bowel movement, as the distance between the opening of the vagina and the anus is too small. Such water procedures will help to avoid the introduction of infection into the urethra.

It is important to drink more water, compotes, fruit drinks (at least 2.5 liters per day), this will not only reduce the concentration of urine and eliminate the unpleasant odor, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

There are a lot of factors that provoke the appearance of an uncharacteristic smell of urine in a female, some of them lead to the development of serious pathology. Only a doctor can identify the cause and choose the right treatment. Self-healing attempts will not be successful, and even harm the body.

When urinating in a healthy person, clear, yellowish urine is excreted. The smell of urine is specific, it increases with prolonged contact with air molecules. After oxidation with air, the smell of acetone appears. Sometimes a woman notes that changes have occurred and an unpleasant smell of urine is present.

Sometimes this is the reason for eating food with a strong specific odor. Taking certain medications or fasting can also cause a pungent urine smell in women. To determine the relationship, a woman needs to conduct a little observation of her urine. If over time the unpleasant smell of urine does not change, then it is necessary to go to a specialist doctor for examination and consultation, for consultation and examination, in order to determine why the smell and the reason for the change appeared.

More often, a strong smell is a witness to existing diseases in the body.

The specialist will prescribe the necessary clinical diagnoses, which will help to establish an accurate diagnosis. It should be remembered that a timely visit to a medical institution is the key to successful treatment of most diseases. Therefore, dear women, you should not postpone going to the clinic until tomorrow.

Bad urine odor caused by infectious diseases

Urine smells like ammonia most often from diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature of the urinary system. The main, most common diseases are the following pathologies:
Cystitis is a common disease in women. It is a bladder disorder and is often accompanied by frequent chronic complications, and there is a smell of ammonia in the urine.
Urethritis is more common in men, but women can also be affected. Urethritis is an inflammatory process of the urinary tract that occurs with various infections.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys of an infectious nature. The main factors that cause the development of the disease are bacteria of the Escherichia coli group and the anatomy of the female calving.
The main symptoms of diseases include:
The urine smells like ammonia.
Frequent urge to urinate, with urine excreted in small portions.
Pain localized in the lumbar region. can be both short-term and regular.
Urine has an admixture of blood, white flakes, pus, mucus.
Painful urination, with cutting, burning.
Increased body temperature.
The color of urine changes.

Sexual diseases also affect odor.

A feature of the anatomy of the female body is the close placement of the genitals and urinary tract, therefore, the genitourinary system is often affected. An alarming symptom is discomfort during sexual intercourse and discomfort after it. This can be caused by such diseases as thrush, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc. Changes occur due to the pathology of the microflora of the reproductive system and an unpleasant odor of urine appears, urine smells like ammonia.

Metabolic pathology and dehydration

Metabolism is the most important for the body, both women and men. Violation and pathology of metabolism can cause a variety of consequences. There are quite rare cases when an unpleasant smell of urine appeared due to metabolic disorders in the body. At the same time, the smell is very pronounced and specific, which allows you to determine the cause:
The strong smell of mice, mold indicates phenylketonuria. Amino acid metabolism pathology that can develop in men and women.
The aroma of burnt sugar, maple syrup speaks of leucinosis, a disease in which the fermentation system is inactive.
The unpleasant amber of murina has a fishy, ​​pungent smell, speaks of trimethylaminuria... More common in women than men.

Poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss, insufficient drinking in men and women leads to dehydration. In such cases, the concentration of urine changes and an unpleasant-smelling urine appears. It is important to remember that the daily fluid intake for both men and women is about two liters of water. Not drinking enough liquid can have unpleasant consequences. Often men are faced with an unpleasant odor after drinking alcoholic beverages.


Sometimes the cause of an unpleasant sharp amber urine in women and men can be the development of diabetes mellitus. The main signs that may indicate diabetes are:
Constant thirst and acute lack of fluid.
Sharp, lacking in body weight.
Urination occurs in very large portions.
The urine smells like ammonia.

It should be noted that with already diagnosed diabetes mellitus, an unpleasant odor of urine may indicate a high level of hyperglycemia. This symptom should be the reason for an urgent visit to a specialist doctor, otherwise it can lead to major complications and, which is very bad, up to a diabetic coma.

Reasons for change during pregnancy

During the period of gestation, women are forced to visit the toilet much more often. Frequent urge to urinate is normal in pregnancy, and bad urine odor can be normal, such as hormone changes and can be caused by inflammation and urinary tract infections. Sometimes the reasons why a pregnant woman observes an unpleasant smell of urine is caused by an increased sense of smell. The absence of menstruation causes a change in the microflora of the mucous membrane and leads to a change in smell. If during pregnancy a woman consumes less water, then the concentration of urine changes and, as a result, an unpleasant odor of urine appears.

In contact with

This is not to say that the unusual smell of urine in female representatives is a rare occurrence. Moreover, every day many women turn to their doctor with such a complaint. Allocation with the smell of ammonia makes you worry in earnest. And rightly so!

If the urine smells like ammonia or acetone, then this means a certain disorder that has appeared in the female body. It is unrealistic to identify it on your own (unless the woman, of course, has the necessary qualifications). Therefore, the diseases that provoke such a phenomenon can only be determined by a specialist. Moreover, it is necessary to apply immediately, and not to hope that the body itself will cope with the problem.

Only professional advice and a series of examinations in a special laboratory will be able to establish the reasons that women’s urine smells like ammonia. Below we list the main factors provoking this symptom.

If an ammoniacal odor emanates from urine, then this can have both pathological causes and natural physiological ones. It should be noted that organs are responsible for the process of urine excretion from the body:

  • kidneys;
  • ureters;
  • bladder.

If one of them begins to function worse or inflammatory processes appear, then this will immediately make itself felt by a change in the type and smell of urine. This phenomenon is hard to miss.

The appearance of a pungent ammonia odor is often accompanied by bleeding. An unpleasant odor can occur when the vagina is burning or irritated. In some cases, there is severe or moderate itching.

The smell of ammonia in the urine of women is a consequence of the high concentration of ammonium phosphate in the body. This happens if there are serious health problems.

It is not difficult to understand that urine has changed in quality and composition. In a healthy woman, the liquid that removes decay products from the body has either a light yellow or amber color and practically does not smell. The more water is consumed and the toilet is visited more often, the lighter the urine is. If the urine is cloudy and gives off an unpleasant odor, regardless of the amount of liquid drunk per day and visits to the ladies' room, then this is a reason to be alarmed.

A qualified professional can help you find out why urine smells strong. In no case should you resort to self-medication based on the advice of "seasoned" girlfriends. With this complaint, a set of examinations should be assigned, which can only be carried out with the help of professional equipment.

Physiological causes

Often, the smell of ammonia in urine is caused by completely natural processes in the female body. In this case, there is no reason for panic, and everything will return to normal by itself. Physiological factors affecting urine color:

The diet contains a large amount of protein-rich foods. Once in the body, proteins are broken down into trace elements - amino acids. These, in turn, release ammonia during decomposition.
Delayed urination. With a long stay in the bladder, urine changes color and takes on an unpleasant odor. This can often be observed if you have to refrain from going to the toilet (being in transport, visiting, at an important meeting). After the bladder is finally emptied, a dark and strong-smelling fluid comes out. If you resort to abstaining from urination too often, then the likelihood of developing diseases of the genitourinary system is high.

Insufficient water intake. If the body does not receive the proper amount of fluid for a long time, then dehydration begins. The urine becomes more concentrated and odorless, but also darker in color. As a rule, it gives off an ammonia aroma, but in some cases there is also the smell of acetone.

The period of menstruation is often accompanied by the appearance of a bad odor and discoloration of the urine. Hormonal imbalances and metamorphoses in the microflora are typical reasons for the appearance of abnormal phenomena in physiology. The same can be observed during menopause.

Pregnancy is characterized by hormonal changes, hypotension and constant dehydration. Also, during the period of gestation, the lifestyle changes. As for the microflora, it does not remain unchanged either. You can not pay attention to what color the urine becomes, because with the combination of all the above factors, the normal color of urine is excluded.

Certain medications contribute to metabolic disorders. The smell of alcohol, ammonia and acetone emanating from urine is quite normal after taking a medicine that contains calcium or iron. The same can be observed after taking certain groups of vitamins.

All physiological reasons for a change in the state of urine have characteristic indicators:

  • short duration;
  • fast normalization;
  • lack of pain and other signs of violations.

Otherwise, changes in the state of urine have a pathological cause.

Pathological causes

If the above factors of a natural nature are absent, and urine still has an unpleasant odor, then this indicates a negative effect of the pathology developing in the body. The main causes are the following diseases:


The smell of ammonia in urine often appears due to inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the bladder. As a rule, cystitis develops due to infection, but the usual hypothermia (swimming or winter walks in light clothes) often becomes the cause. Symptoms of pathology depend on the form of the disease. If the stage is chronic, then the disease is manifested by frequent urges, sharp pain at the exit from the urethra, blood impurities in the urine and heaviness in the bladder. If an acute phase is detected, then during urination, cramps and abdominal pain are observed. Weakness is possible. It takes more time to urinate due to pain. Another symptom of an acute form of cystitis may be turbidity of urine.


The most common cause of inflammation of the urinary system is the ingress of pathogens. The manifestation of the disease is cutting pain, as well as a change in the characteristics of urine.


Inflammatory processes in the kidneys caused by infection. Symptoms such as fever, chills and back pain are observed along with changes in the characteristics of the fluid that removes waste products from the body. With inflammation of the kidneys, urination disorders are not excluded.

Venereal diseases

Infection and bad urine odor are two interrelated things. Changes occur due to inflammation of the genitourinary organs.


With this disease, the content of ketone bodies increases. Also, the reason for the change in odor is constant dehydration - one of the main symptoms.


With an infectious lesion of the liver, there is a change in the characteristics of urine. It becomes dark, and this appearance persists throughout the entire duration of the disease.

Metabolic disease

Another common reason. Metabolic disorders provoke various abnormalities in the body. This also applies to changes in the properties of urine.

Also, the factors due to which there is a change in color and odor include tuberculosis and oncological pathologies. Do not forget that these diseases are often treated with medication. Medicines, as already mentioned, contribute to a change in the color and odor of urine. It may start to smell like acetone or ammonia.

With pathology, a large amount of ammonium phosphate accumulates, which leads to these metamorphoses.

Urine that smells like ammonia during pregnancy

Almost all women notice changes in the properties of urine during the period of bearing a child. It starts to smell unpleasant and changes color. This scares a lot of people. As statistics show, in most cases there is no danger to health, and such manifestations have the following reasons:

  • hormonal changes occur in the body;
  • constant dehydration due to the high water intake of the baby;
  • the use of certain groups of vitamins.

But not always everything is explained by the listed factors. Often, a change in the color and odor of urine is a harbinger of developing diseases.

During pregnancy, the ureters are compressed, which contributes to prolonged urinary retention. Such conditions are favorable for the appearance of harmful bacteria in it. They, in turn, contribute to the development of infections.

Changes in urine color and odor can also occur with gestational diabetes. It appears due to insufficient production of insulin. This phenomenon is explained by the large release of various substances necessary for the development of the baby. They also inhibit the production of the hormone.

Unpleasant odors during urination can also occur due to inflammatory processes, which are often exposed to pregnant women. It is especially worth highlighting kidney disease, which occurs due to constant squeezing and imbalance in the water balance in the body.

Do not resort to self-diagnosis and treatment. Only a special analysis of urine can show the true cause of the deviation. And only on its basis a course of treatment can be prescribed.

What to do

If there is a sharply arising disgusting smell, then this cannot be ignored, especially if mucus is secreted from the vagina, and this discharge smells like ammonia.

It is possible to eliminate the ammoniacal odor of urine in women only after identifying the causes that caused it. Each of them requires a different approach.

If the changes are caused by dehydration, then it is enough to start drinking a lot of fluids. This will dilute the contents of the bladder. You should also not drink too much. The normal dosage is 1.5-2 liters per day.

Attention should be paid to daily nutrition, because excessive consumption of protein products can also serve as a provoking factor. In this case, you need to revise your diet.

An unpleasant aroma caused by sexually transmitted diseases is a direct route to a venereologist. After the analysis, the appropriate medicine is prescribed. Other indicators will also help determine sexually transmitted diseases - discharge, cutting sensations and stains on linen (checked in the morning).

Often, the ammonia smell is an indicator of the development of pathology. In this case, a visit to the doctor is inevitable. Only a qualified specialist will be able to prescribe the latest diagnostic and treatment methods.

To establish the cause of the changes, you will need a blood and urine test, which can only be carried out in a professional laboratory. As a rule, treatment takes place by taking medications. You can get rid of the discomfort when urinating within a few days or several weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.


In order to avoid the appearance of an ammoniacal odor, you should carefully monitor your health. Drinking more water is recommended. The normal dose is 2 liters per day. It is also necessary to minimize the amount of protein-rich foods in your diet and include more vitamins.

An excellent way of prevention will be the use of the following products:

  • yogurt with honey (1 tsp);
  • cranberry juice;
  • fruit drink.

You must always follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Do not forget about periodic check-ups in the hospital in order to monitor your health.