Esoterics - Secret Knowledge or what everyone should know? Esoterics and its meaning. Why go to esotericism

"Interpretation of the symptoms of diseases (Metaphysical causes)"

Interpretation of the symptoms of diseases (Metaphysical causes).

The following classification should help you find the symptom you are looking for and make it easier to understand the individual symptoms in their relationship.

Skin rash

A skin rash may indicate that you feel threatened by your boundaries and are trying to "pour" on someone to protect yourself. At the same time, you also try to be noticed. Because of your insecurity, you suppressed emotions, and they break out into a prominent place.
- The threat can, however, exist only when you close yourself. Reiki will help you regain lost trust and become aware of all repressed feelings. Be open to yourself, then you can open up to others and receive the attention you desire.


Something in you itches, excites your skin. Perhaps it is an unsatisfied desire, perhaps an unconscious desire for bodily contact, or anger that bites you. Something is tearing from the inside to the surface of the skin and wants you to finally pay attention to it.
- Scratch better in your mind, what's itching there? Respect your desires and anger as an expression of life, but don't project them onto others. Then you will soon find a solution to the problem.

Thrush (eczema in nursing infants)

When a baby has thrush, he wants to show you that he feels abandoned and needs more body contact, wants more touch. This is the child's attempt to break through the isolation they feel.
- Let him feel your love and attention. Hug him, stroke him and give him Reiki as often as you can.


Psoriasis is a kind of shield that covers very sensitive people from fear of emotional abuse. Now nothing will come out and nothing will penetrate inside - the border is perfectly protected. This is how the conflict between the desire for intimacy and the simultaneous fear of it manifests itself. Scars and open wounds are an indication to reopen, even if it means vulnerability.
- Open up to life, in whatever form it comes to you. Be prepared to experience emotional pain and abuse as well, and don't close in fear of them. Just watch them, then they will stop hurting you very soon. Allow your feelings to flow freely again, both inward and outward.

Skin burns

A burn also means a violation of the border between "I" and the outside world. To learn true love, you have to break this border. Perhaps it burns on the skin a desire for love, which you deliberately do not allow. The reason may also be the mishandling of the "fire of love", which "ignites" in you as annoyance or anger. Further, it is possible that you misjudge the danger and therefore burn your fingers. Fire is a living expression of energy. If it manifests itself as love, it can melt hearts. Let it be that way. But if the fire of anger burns in you, then sit down and, instead of projecting onto others, carefully consider it. If you consciously allow it to burn, you will be able to observe how, after the last "flash", it will gradually turn into smoke and again make room for peace, harmony and the radiance of love.


Warts show you that you think that something inside yourself is terrible, that you think you are guilty of something.
- You must understand that everything in you is only an expression of the game of life in its most diverse versions. Therefore, everything has the right to exist and is beautiful in its own way - if you do not judge and condemn. And you yourself are also beautiful and worthy of love. If you finally realize this, you will no longer need warts.

Locomotor apparatus

The motor apparatus symbolizes mobility and flexibility, as well as our internal and external behavior. So, we are talking, for example, about a straightforward person, about a person who is frozen or bowed under the yoke of circumstances. The motor apparatus consists of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Bones form our inner structure that supports our entire body. Therefore, bones have to do with strength and with the scale and rate that a person must support. If these scales are fixed, then our bones, as an analogue, will be inflexible and brittle - or they will break us. Muscles and joints symbolize mobility and activity. With our hands we feel and grab, so they deal with grasping ("he grasps everything on the fly") and the ability to act. With our feet we go forward through life. Foot problems indicate difficulties in the area. Our knees have to do with humility (kneel down). They should bend easily in old age. And with our feet we stand - more or less firmly - on the ground. They indicate areas of perseverance and rooting, but also understanding and humility.

Acidosis (tissue oxidation)

The symptom shows you at the bodily level that you have "cluttered" your subconscious with undigested topics that you cannot or do not want to resolve. However, crowding out is not the ultimate solution to the problem, even if it initially appears to be. Eventually, your body will be so "over-oxidized" that you will get serious illnesses such as rheumatism.
- Consider your annoyance and your problems, it is better to process them consciously than to displace them into the subconscious. Everything that you decide at the level of consciousness, you do not have to settle at the level of the body. The treatment of this symptom is very painful, and the conscious resolution of conflicts brings a lot of joy and
feeling of liberation.

Senile immobility

Senile immobility, stiffness finds its expression at the level of the body, when such a phenomenon is not taken into account at the level of the spirit. At the level of the spirit, in this case, one can very clearly observe inflexibility, a certain rigidness and too narrow moral norms. Often the patient stubbornly clings to the usual rules and norms of behavior, his psyche has become frozen and unable to adapt to changes in the world.
- Therefore, part with your inert thoughts and ideas.
Then your body will be free and flexible again. Open up to the world!

Arthritis (joint inflammation)

Arthritis forces you to rest, while compensating for the corresponding excessive activity. This excessive activity, however, was observed only at the level of the body, while your spirit became u-straight and frozen, even motionless.
-Ask yourself honestly, is that so? Are you too moral and too conscientious? Bitterness, anger and cowardice are natural consequences of such a state of mind. You don't feel loved. Love is all around us, you just need to open up and let it in. Be friendly to yourself, full of love and understanding, then you can give this to other people, as well as receive from others (the law of equality). Be free yourself and let others be free too. Forgiving others is also an act of love if forgiveness is sincere.


In arthrosis, we meet the next phase of escalation of the symptoms described above. Obviously, you have not changed anything in your inner world, but you have become even more rigid in your ideas and opinions. So you're finally stuck and starting to rust.
- And in this case, the reasons should be sought in the spiritual realm, because your body only follows the instructions of the spirit. Internal mobility will gradually restore external mobility. The whole creation is in motion, and this is his play, his dance, his joy. Say yes!" this game, this movement!

Intervertebral disc prolapse (prolapse)

A certain indecision manifests itself here, often associated with a feeling that others do not support the person emotionally. Something is trapped in you, so you become "frozen" and "motionless". Perhaps you have been too "loaded", going in search of love and recognition, and now you are under pressure.
- Therefore, you are forced to rest, this is a great opportunity, as well as a requirement: to consider the current situation and reorganize life in a new way. Have the courage not to depend on the opinions of others and open yourself to both external and internal life, then you will again become mobile and free. If you have confidence in life, then it will always support you - be only open to this support.

Foot problems

With our feet we step into the future, and if you have a fear of the future or you understand that you can no longer live the way you live, but you do not consciously admit this to yourself, then your feet will clearly show you the current situation - they will hinder you step forward.
- Take a conscious look at your life situation and acknowledge the presence of this fear. If you cannot move forward in the outer life, then go inside yourself, collect calmness and strength there, and then ask yourself what you really want and what you can easily and without problems achieve. Choose this and then take steps in that direction. This way you will be able to walk forward confidently and joyfully again. (See also Foot Problems.)

Weakness of connective tissues

Brittle bones

Our bones give us a solid core, just as our moral standards and beliefs should. If, however, our moral standards have become ingot, narrow and ossified, then our bones will show us on the physical level.
- Renouncing internal ossification and narrow and inert scales in your life. It requires a conscious rejection of a moral assessment of what is happening, allowing it to happen, to happen to everything that happens, the ability to accept what is happening. Then you will again become flexible and able to adapt to life.

Hump ​​(severe curvature of the spine)

A curvature of the spine indicates that you need to learn humility. Because you lack humility, anger and anger build up in your back. The body clearly shows you what your consciousness lacks. If you were already born hunchbacked, then the task of your present life is to learn humility and integrate it into your life. You have chosen this task for yourself, so accept and respect your decision. Everything is right and good the way it is, and no one has intentionally harmed you - you should know that. Other people only help your destiny come true.

Contracture (adhesion of the tendons in the hand)

Illness makes you honest! And here it is especially clearly shown to you what your consciousness lacks. Your hand clenched forcibly - obviously, you lack openness. You want to hide aggression and hostility, and a clenched fist becomes a coercive symbol of aggression.
- Open your spirit, openly live your feelings, and then you will be able to accept life with outstretched hands.

Fractures (bone fractures)

Bones are a symbol of strength, adherence to norms and an inner core in life. Therefore, a bone fracture indicates to you a "fracture", which you, obviously, overlooked at the end of the next phase of development. It is always necessary to complete something, to interrupt, for a new breakthrough to occur. Often a fracture also shows that a person is too active in the body, while forgetting about the activity of the spirit.
- Allow me to interrupt, or even better - interrupt your own path that is too frozen, be flexible in spirit, and you will also become flexible and unbroken in life. Be flexible, then your bones will also be flexible and they will not need to break.

Foot problems

Foot problems are generally similar to foot problems. If, for example, the toes are affected, then the problem relates to some details of the future. And here we are dealing with a certain fear of the future, caused by a lack of understanding of the laws of life. Foot problems show this clearly when the feet prevent you from walking forward effortlessly. Often, problems with the feet indicate too rapid volitional progress, which is somewhat inhibited in this way.
- Understand that progress always arises from the interaction of two poles - activity and rest. Follow the requirements of your body and consciously enter the resting stage. Find in yourself that inner silence from which truth and understanding grow, as well as love and strength. Then you will be able to move forward with joy again.


If you suffer from gout, you become stiff and stiff in body. Obviously, in your mind you have long been inflexible and stuck. Anger and impatience are deposited in your thoughts, and you are forced to inaction. Perhaps you, being a domineering nature, wanted to dominate others, and now gout will dominate you.
- Consciously surrender yourself to peace and silence, be inside yourself again wide and capable of perception and let others go their own way - let them remain as they are. Everyone has the right to freedom, and everything is always okay if we can say yes to it. Reiki will help you a lot with this.

Hand problems

With our hands we grab, we grasp the opportunity and grasp new thoughts and ideas. Hand problems indicate a certain fear of getting down to business or accepting new ideas while leaving old ones.
- If you can't or don't want to grab, then just open it, put your hands up and see what they put in them. Open your soul, your willingness to accept, and be curious about life.

Hip problems

Hip problems also indicate a certain stiffness and stiffness caused by fear of the future and inability to make decisions in important situations.
- Do not force yourself to move forward. Reiki will help you develop inner peace, vitality and trust, on the basis of which you can again make decisions with joy and freedom and step forward. Then each step will be a true movement forward.

Sciatica (lumbago)

Sciatica forces you to rest more, your activity is forcibly reduced. Obviously, there is a certain overload, which often goes hand in hand with fear of the future or concern for money. Often, a person tries to compensate for the feeling of insignificance or an inferiority complex with "great deeds."
- Follow the requirement of peace here, but let it be a consciously experienced peace and inner silence. Reiki will help you a lot with this. Accept and observe all your fears and boundaries as well, instead of not noticing them or trying to compensate. Look within yourself and accept yourself and life as they are, without judging. Then you will see that there is a good side to everything, that you are protected and supported. Have confidence and enjoy the joy of life!

Knee problems

If you internally cannot or do not want to bow down - out of pride, stubbornness, selfishness or unconscious fear - then this manifests itself at the level of the body in inflexible, unbending knees. You can avoid uncomfortable knee pain by developing tolerance and empathy, as well as the ability to forgive. Reiki helps wonderfully in this. If you can humbly bow inwardly, then your knees will soon begin to bend painlessly.


Paralysis always shows a certain escape from responsibility resulting from fear or shock. Often, in addition, there is a certain spiritual inflexibility, which, however, is not noticed or is repressed into the subconscious.
-You must understand that you are one with all life, and gladly accept everything that happens, new experience and movement of life.

Hernia (groin or umbilical)

Too much effort, pressure or burden of thoughts, as well as the desire to punish oneself are always the causes of a hernia. Your creativity is on the wrong path.
- Realize this and swim softly and harmoniously, full of love and subtle feelings - in your own life. Accept yourself as you are. Give yourself love and more Reiki.

Bechterew's disease (chronic curvature of the spine)

Here we can see the manifested, but not consciously experienced, inflexibility that arises as a result of too much pretensions of our ego. The patient now sees how rigid and rigid he really is. Therefore, it is always better to bow down to oneself (humility) than to be bent. Do not think constantly only about yourself, about your own claims and needs. Become flexible in thoughts and able to give again, then you can go straight through life, experiencing inner joy both in friendship with yourself and with the world.

Multiple sclerosis

Often the cause of multiple sclerosis lies in the desire to always have everything under control. Your body does not want to participate in this and forces you to abandon your iron will and inflexibility. Your heart and spirit probably hardened from the inside as well. You need to flow joyfully and freely along with the flow of life, completely surrendering to it. Give yourself as much Reiki as you can. You may also find some relaxation or meditation technique very helpful.

Muscle cramps

A cramp always means a strong tension, a desire to hold something by force, an inability to leave the past behind. At the same time, we are often talking about things and situations that have remained in the distant past and which should have long been forgotten. This creates a congestion that you experience as a cramp.
- It is better to voluntarily put aside everything you have experienced and unnecessary, be free and relaxed, let your life flow easily and harmoniously. Meditation technique can also provide you with valuable help - meditation (spiritual and psychological practice), like Reiki, teaches you to leave the past behind.

Back pain

Our nape is closely related to straightness. Often, in this case, it is a question of unwillingness to consider all aspects of any case, that is, of a certain waywardness and stubbornness, which you obviously do not notice in yourself.
- Be mobile and tolerant, allow others to express their opinions in a friendly way, then your back of the head will not need to be firm.


This symptom indicates a person who, as if under duress, demonstrates supermoral and super-conscientious behavior, from which one can also conclude that he is stubborn and stupidly constant in his beliefs. Usually there is also a tendency to sacrifice oneself, behind which, however, is hidden aggression actually repressed into the subconscious, in which even one does not admit to himself: "Others must finally understand how hard it is for me!"
- Although self-sacrifice is commendable, but finally look honestly at your intrinsic motivation. Does it reflect truly selfless love for others? Are you giving others freedom of action, are you allowing them to live their own lives? And there should be no compulsion in your mind either. Love, forgiveness, freedom and harmony are virtues that are especially important to you. Be open to them.


In your childhood, feelings played a secondary role, and if you have rickets in old age, it means that you have been insensitive for a long time. You lack love and a sense of security, and therefore an inner core. In this case, we can talk about insufficient emotional nutrition.
- Pay attention to the area of ​​feelings and think that we are all constantly fed by universal energy, that we feel protected by universal love, if only we let it in. The flower only needs to dissolve the petals - and it will receive warm sun rays. A similar process occurs with Reiki therapy. Open wide to the world!


There is no true love in your mind. Therefore, annoyance, anger, bitterness and a desire for revenge have accumulated in you, and all these untouched energies are discharged in your own body in the form of inflammatory processes. Why don't you admit your feelings and aggressiveness? Why are you blocking them and driving them out of consciousness?
- Take a closer look at yourself, consider your stubbornness, inflexibility and thirst for power. But don't judge them. Have compassion for yourself and others, and learn to accept and love yourself with all your feelings. So you can free all your negative emotions from exile and finally
get rid of them. You will become peaceful and generous again. Use more Reiki!
Back problems
The back supports our body in a straight position, so it symbolizes support, sincerity, straightforwardness. Back problems indicate too much stress, which you are probably trying to ignore. You certainly also have the feeling that you lack support. If the pain is in the upper back, then it usually indicates a lack of emotional support and a lack of an inner core. Perhaps you yourself are trying to avoid love. Lower back pain indicates a perceived lack of materiality or finance, fear of the future associated with money.
- The force that created and sustains the existence of the Universe has created you too. This power will protect and support you in all areas of your life. You should only open up to her, and not always rely only on your small, limited self. Give others love and trust, according to the law of balance, they will certainly return to you.

Crooked neck

A crooked neck speaks of inner insecurity, you don't want to face the truth and try to avoid confrontation. Therefore, you are forced to turn away, not wanting to admit to yourself your antipathy. And here the symptom points you to it.
- Give up your inner one-sidedness and look without fear at the opposite side. Through conscious consideration and acceptance, this side will lose its "awfulness" and your neck will be free to move again.

Bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule)

If you are experiencing inflammation of the joint capsule, then it shows you that you suppressed anger and anger for too long, kept your aggression in yourself, and this led to the formation of a congestion. You would like to hit the table with your fist at least once, or perhaps slap someone in the face.
- Let your anger out in a harmless way - of course, you will find an opportunity for this. Don't hold it back with all your might. And don't judge it, consider it consciously. Anger is energy and strength, and if you accept it, it can be transformed into positive energy and the power of love can again flow freely in you.

Writing spasm

Writing spasm clearly shows you that you are forcing yourself into extreme ambition and your pretensions are superior to your strength. Perhaps you want to impress others with your accomplishments. A spasm, however, always indicates a convulsive grasping, an artificial effort, a desire to present someone or something different from what they, in essence, are.
- Live more in being, and not in wanting, life will become more fluid, easy and free. You are valuable even without your exaggerated ambition! (See also Muscle Cramps.)

Shoulder problems

You've probably put too much on your shoulders - and now it's too heavy for you to carry this load. Take a closer look, than you are so loaded, do you really need all this? And then find the courage to throw away all that you can do without, take the load off your shoulders. So the body will not need to give you instructions, and you will again live freely, joyfully and easily - without overloading.

Insensitivity of members

This symptom has long existed on a spiritual level and has now finally manifested itself in the body: you live in emotional poverty and have given up the love and respect of others. Your senses are deaf, as are your limbs.
- React openly to life and open up to feelings of love, happiness and harmony. Feel and feel the fullness of life! Reiki will be a good helper for you.


And in life we ​​often twist someone. And if we ourselves do not notice this, then we unconsciously attract dislocations to ourselves at the physical level, which draw our attention to the problem.
- But why should others necessarily fit into the scheme we have created? They will be much happier if they live freely, as their own life tells them. Then you don't have to suffer from dislocations. How wonderful!

Spine fracture

A broken spine speaks of inflexibility, inflexibility and one-sidedness in spiritual aspirations. Your behavior was too stubborn, so fate bent you, because you did not want to voluntarily bend. Generally, the ability to bend has to do with humility, which is always best practiced voluntarily.
- Well, now you have time to examine the state of affairs in detail. You will learn that life is movement and transformation and there is no point in resisting it. Swim in the stream of life, live all its aspects, and everything will be fine with you!


Any infection indicates a conflict, a confrontation that is not lived through and is not resolved at the level of consciousness. Either you did not consciously perceive this conflict, or you shy away from it, or do not recognize its existence. Ask yourself what is the problem?
The excitement that you avoid on the mental level has allowed the causative agents of the disease (viruses, bacteria, toxins) to penetrate into your material area, so that you finally recognize its existence. The body's defenses are mobilized, and the excitement that you have avoided until now, the conflict rages in your body in the form of inflammation. The existing inflammation is always a requirement to be aware of something. Inflammation, which has become chronic, indicates a long-standing conflict. In all likelihood, you are hesitant to make a final decision to resolve the conflict, because you think that in doing so you can lose something or refuse something. Therefore, stagnation develops, an energy blockade, all the energy gathers around the area of ​​inflammation, and the body feels like a squeezed rag, tired. The part of the body where inflammation manifests itself always indicates the mental area in which there is a conflict that you have not resolved. Therefore, our task is to very accurately observe how what is happening in the disease is manifested, in order to then recognize its true meaning and cause.
- If you do not voluntarily take the next step on the path of your development, then a conflict will certainly arise. Look around: what can your soul learn in this situation? Don't avoid her. Consciously and voluntarily embrace the challenge of learning and growing. And in a chronic conflict, it is very important to end it by making a final decision.


A cold indicates that some conflict is stuck and wants to start moving again. The channels are clogged and want to be free again. Usually, with a cold, the body releases toxins, so when you recover, it usually means that you have taken another step in your development.
Respect in this case your desire to be alone for some time and try, if possible, to come to inner peace. Work through the conflict internally by considering and accepting it. You will come out of this process refined and stronger.

Temperature (overall)
The temperature indicates to you mental excitement, boiling anger or anger that has not been released outside and is manifested at the bodily level.
- Take a closer look at what makes you angry or aroused. This is also a part of your life, and each conflict tells something about yourself and your life. Accept what makes you angry or aroused, just as you accept the wonderful things that happen in your life. Then you can move forward on the path to wholeness and radiate true love.

Influenza (in general)
Influenza is an indication of too much overload or a crisis situation that you would like to get out of, but you do not want to admit it to yourself. You are tired of everything and you want to send everything to hell.
- Respect your desire for peace and gather new strength. And then consciously accept the situation in which you find yourself. As always, she also contains a chance for growth.


Allergy is an exaggerated reaction of the body's defense against a substance that is recognized as harmful, since for an allergy sufferer it symbolizes the area that he rejects, displaces into the subconscious or which he fights. Defense against the enemy, which we ourselves have made our enemy, always means aggression. It is an unconscious struggle with an area that we are afraid of, that we do not want to include in our life. Defense is the opposite of love, for love always means accepting and forming oneness. A substance that is used as an allergy-causing symbol indicates an area that you are avoiding, against which you are unconsciously defending yourself.
- If you suffer from allergies, then ask yourself, what does your symbolic enemy want to point out to you, what are you allergic to? What areas of your life do you repress or avoid because you unconsciously fear them? Then deliberately examine these areas, observe also your defenses, your fear and your inner aggression. You will find out: there is nothing in the world that would be evil or bad in itself, you yourself make it so. (See the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verses 39 and 44 on this matter.) Make peace with everything that lives in you and with everything that exists in the world. True healing is possible only when you consciously include in your life the areas you avoid, no longer defend yourself against them and declare them to be enemies. This is the path of love, the path of Reiki.

Allergy to antibiotics (such as penicillin)
The word "antibiotic" consists of two words: anti - against and bios - life. That is, these are means directed against life, means that kill something in you. In this case, allergy is a very healthy reaction. It is an indication to accept all living things, even if it manifests itself as tension or conflict.

House dust allergy
House dust allergy indicates a fear of everything that you perceive as dirty or unclean, often this also applies to the sexual sphere.

hay fever
It is an allergy to pollen, which is a symbol of fertilization and procreation. Therefore, there is a special protection against the field of sex. Usually in the subconscious there is a very great fear of sexuality.

Allergy to animal hair
All types of animal allergies indicate the area of ​​love, sexuality and procreation.

Allergy to dogs
Dog hair allergy indicates suppression of the aggressive component of sexuality.

Cat hair allergy
Cat hair symbolizes feminine sexuality, softness and affection. A cat allergy indicates a problem in this area.

Horse hair allergy
Horse hair symbolizes sexual instinct. There is fear or defense against the sexual instinct. And here the latent illness makes it clear!

Childhood diseases

In all childhood diseases manifested through the skin - such as chickenpox, measles, rubella and scarlet fever, announces itself the next step in the development of the child. Something that is still unknown to the child and therefore cannot be processed freely, without difficulties, appears on the surface of the skin with all the evidence. After one of these diseases, the child usually becomes an adult, and everyone around him feels it.
- Tell the child that everything that happens to him is good, that this is how it should be, that life is a journey, during which time and again people encounter new things, and that in every treasure that the child will discover in himself, is a piece of growing up. Pay him more attention at this time, show confidence and give him Reiki as often as you can.


Cancer symbolizes life that has fallen out of order, it is born from the disharmony of cells with each other. In cancer, a single cell is no longer willing to obey the general structure of the body. She wants to lead her own, independent life. Therefore, it begins to multiply uncontrollably, not paying attention to the needs of the rest of the body. Psychologist Thorvald Detlefsen in his book "Disease as a Path" compares the processes taking place in cancer with the processes taking place in the modern world. Our time is characterized by unrestrained expansion and the realization of selfish interests. In political, scientific, economic and personal life, only personal interests and goals are pursued, defenses (metastases) are being built everywhere, which should ensure the implementation of their own ideas and goals. Lost awareness of the integrity of life. Other people, as well as nature, are viewed from the point of view of serving self-interest. We declare the whole world to be our farm.
In the same way, for a cancer cell, our entire body is just a household, which it uses without constraint and without restraint for its own purposes. When the body dies, cancer will inevitably die too - however, it seems that this circumstance is as little concerned with the cancer cell as it is with us humans; it does not care much about what will happen tomorrow to the world in which we are so exploitative. Ultimately, cancer dies because it raises the question "I or union" - and resolves it in favor of its own "I". And, as soon as he begins to act according to the decision made, his path to death begins. He does not understand and does not accept the fact that he can live and withstand only in unity with the whole body, with all the other cells. He lacks the awareness of all-encompassing unity. And just as a cancer cell is only a part of our body, so we are all just a small particle of a single world body.
- So, if you have cancer, ask yourself, where have you fenced off from the integrity of life, or what fenced you off? The part of the body in which cancer develops will tell you with its symbolic meaning in which area to look. Therefore, accept yourself as a whole, with all your positive sides and weaknesses, respect both the good and the bad in your life. All events and everything in you contributes to the process of your gaining integrity, if you accept and integrate them as they are, without cutting off any unwanted part. You can open up to the integrity of life and know the area in which all life - both internal and external - is a part of ourselves, the area where everything lives and acts in harmony with everything. A healing method such as Reiki, as well as any technique for expanding awareness will be very useful to you.


At night, the child throws out what he was afraid to throw out during the day - the pressure of parents, school, etc. Bedwetting is related to a certain degree of crying. Both the one and the other process is deliverance, release from tension.
- Free the child with the help of love and understanding from his inner pressure.

Depression is intense pressure in which a person tortures himself with reproaches and feelings of guilt. Some outward aggression is perceived as guilt and is directed inward, towards oneself. Depression is a form of release from responsibility that finds its highest expression in suicide. But it is the feeling of guilt that makes you forcibly turn to the issue of responsibility. Often depression manifests itself if you have to enter a new phase of life, for example, there is a depression of the day off. Or you will be forced to deal with those areas of your life with which you have not found reconciliation - such as aging, death, loneliness.
- Look carefully at the areas that caused your depression, deliberately analyze them. Observe and feel them. In everything that life brings you, there is a certain challenge, in this case you need to integrate this area into life. Reiki will be very good for you

If you feel a tendency towards exhibitionism, it means that the free expression of your sexuality is absolutely suppressed. You have consciously or unconsciously rejected sexuality as something impure, and in this way it proves to you its right to exist. Therefore, you will have to do exactly what you never wanted to see, always pushed away from yourself.
- Recognize that sexuality is a wonderful and very important part of life. Give yourself more Reiki in your sacral chakra so that your sexuality can regain its original expression.

Mental illness (psychosis)
There are very conflicting opinions about the various forces and mechanisms that play a role in the development of psychosis. The results of scientific research in this area are also very controversial. Usually, mental illness is an attempt to escape from a reality that a person was unable to cope with, which was perceived as too cruel, dissatisfying or unworthy to deal with its problems. Therefore, consciousness opens up to those areas that were previously available only to the subconscious. From now on, it is they who determine the patient's behavior, which he does not consciously control. Often, a mentally ill person lives in his illness exactly what he could not, did not have the right or did not want to experience before because of the forced coordination of his actions with those around him. He is forced to become familiar with these forces in order to integrate them.
- A healer with the second stage of Reiki is especially suitable for the treatment of mental illnesses. Use the symbol of increasing strength in each treatment session and, with the help of mental treatment, support in your patient, first of all, the process of internal integration and awareness of his inner Self, since the inner essence of a person does not depend on any external forces. She can consider and integrate all the forces of the Universe, without becoming dependent on them. If the patient is very restless, then you can just as successfully apply the treatment from a distance. The method of aligning the chakras has shown itself very well in the treatment of mental illnesses.

Legastasia (poor learning ability)

It is quite obvious that the vital tasks of the legacy, at least in this time interval, are not the intensive memorization of conservative thoughts, which are the written words.
- He must open himself more to the intuitive and emotionally versatile side of life, which is forced by his symbol of illness. If the legacy consciously takes this step, then legation will lose its meaning, meaning, then it will disappear by itself. And with this symptom, first of all, pay attention to what he forces a person to or what prevents him from happening.
Adults can help children understand this important knowledge.

Fatigue and fatigue

Too much fatigue shows that life or responsibility is too great for you, that you would like, even unconsciously, to plunge into unconsciousness - a dream.
- Allow yourself the rest you yearn for. Do not force yourself to be active as much as possible, but go inside yourself and gather new strength there so that activity can become an expression of the joy of life. Give yourself more Reiki. You can also be greatly helped by some simple meditation technique.

The habit of biting your nails

We scratch with our nails, protect ourselves. The habit of biting your nails indicates a fear of externally existing aggressiveness. In a child, the reason is very often parental pressure associated with a lack of self-confidence.
- If your child bites his nails, try to help him develop confidence in himself. Give him more living space in which he could freely express his strengths and feelings without feeling guilty.


A nervous state is an indication of a lack of inner peace and detachment, which arises from too much fear, haste, concern, or the desire to do everything "perfectly."
- Trust the flow of life. Think that you are on an endless journey into eternity. Therefore, nothing can escape you.

Loss of consciousness, fainting

Symbolically, loss of consciousness means inner helplessness, fear of not coping with business or losing power.
- Keep up with the events of life, accept what is happening to you, then you will soon be convinced that the strength and knowledge with which you can get everything in your life have already been in you for a long time.

Travel illnesses (motion sickness, air sickness, etc.)

During the journey, you leave the protected safety of your familiar surroundings, unable to predict what might happen to you. You have to process too many new impressions. The unconscious desire to hold on to the familiar and the fear of letting in the new lead to the fact that you feel bad - you feel dizzy, you feel sick. Being in a car, train, or plane also means that you cannot instantly change the situation.
- Swim with events, swim with the movement of a car, ship or plane. Do not defend yourself, surrender yourself to what is happening and open yourself voluntarily to new impressions. You will learn: the world is beautiful if you live with it, and not against it.

Insomnia (as well as trouble falling asleep)

Falling asleep requires complete trust, the ability to let go of control and activity, and the ability to surrender to the unknown. This process is a "little death" every time. In a dream, those areas that we drive into the subconscious in the light of day come up again. Problems falling asleep also usually indicate problems with the issue of dying because the person is unwilling or unable to leave their attachments behind.
“So deliberately end the day and surrender yourself to the night. Curious about what will happen to you. Get to know this side of life, consciously accept and integrate it. Do not think about tomorrow, he will take care of himself. Have trust!

Sexual perversions

With all sexual perversions, a person has to deal with precisely those aspects and areas of being that he has avoided until now, and perhaps even fought against them. Now life will show what he lacks for integrity, be it masculinity or femininity, humility or superiority or something else. Therefore, perversion returns to some kind of integrity. What was previously banished in one-sidedness must be experienced in this way.
- Integrate opposites so that they become unity, then you will not be forced to do this in such an extravagant way. And then you will learn to enjoy truly.


When stuttering, speech, the ability to communicate, cannot be exercised freely. If you stutter, it means that your thoughts, feelings and instinctive desires cause you to be insecure and that you unconsciously want to control what to let out and what not.
- Open up to your thoughts, feelings and desires, respect them, do not condemn any part of them. So the necessary self-confidence will grow in you and you can more easily open up to others.


Behind the mania there is always a search for completeness, which they cannot achieve on their own, so they grab onto the ersatz. At the heart of the abuse of alcohol (see also "Alcoholism"), hashish and marijuana is the search for a problem-free world that cannot be found otherwise. Such remedies reduce the severity and rigidity of life. Addiction to cocaine and some other drugs is associated, as a rule, with the desire for success and, at the same time, with the search for love and recognition. The maniacal use of LSD, mescaline, heroin and mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms) manifests a search for new experiences and a desire to expand consciousness. You are content with this replacement, because a different path to your own goals seems impassable, too difficult or too tedious to you. And so you stopped at the very beginning of your journey. Perhaps you did not try to follow them out of a lack of confidence in yourself or out of self-deprecation. "Seek and you will find" (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7, verse 7).
When you are addicted, try to first understand what you are looking for, what you are striving for. And then look around for an accessible road to your goal. Of course, there is such a path, otherwise you would not have an aspiration. Of course, Reiki will help you regain lost confidence in yourself and give you the strength you need to abandon substitutes and continue your interrupted path to achieving the goal. However, as a rule, you will need a whole series of treatments to achieve some success. And the meditation technique can also help you to know and realize the area that you were looking for with the help of drugs. Finding your goal without any artificial means is much more worthy. So hit the road again!


Alcohol abuse often results from fleeing conflict. A sip from the bottle should replace the hard nuts that life makes you swallow. Often the urge to drink also hides feelings of meaninglessness, inferiority or guilt, which are further exacerbated by alcohol dependence.
- Love and respect yourself along with all your weaknesses and inferiority. Admit your weaknesses, this is the first step to get rid of them. In addition to healing with Reiki, the meditation technique can also be of great help in gaining peace, self-respect and well-being. The combination of these methods will give you the strength to consciously resolve your conflicts, not avoid them.


If you constantly want to eat, then this is an indicator of hunger for life, for love and for emotional support. There is a certain void that you are trying to fill at the physical level, because it fails in the respective areas. Often, the symptom hides uncertainty or fear of loss.
- Respect and love yourself as you are, then it will be easier for you to open the boundaries of your own Self and let in spiritual nourishment. However, understand also that within you there is a source of love and integrity from which you can always draw. Take a look at it once.


Waste suffers almost exclusively from women, and most often during adolescence. Exhaustion symbolizes an unconscious escape from corporeality, sexuality and femininity, which manifest themselves outside also in an exaggerated desire for purity and abstinence.
- It is necessary that you return from exile your feminine side, the desire for warmth, intimacy and sexuality - and accept them. Only voluntarily accepting all areas of life, you will find inner integrity and with it - true freedom.
Painful desire to feast on (sweet tooth)
If you constantly crave sweetness, then first of all you miss the sweetness of life. An unsatisfied hunger for love is manifested. In children, this is very often a sign that they feel that they are not loved enough.
- Give yourself the love and recognition you desire, accept yourself as you are, then you can give others true love, and the exchange will be possible. If your child is constantly asking for sweets, give him more love, recognition and attention. (See also the Gluttony section.)

Tobacco abuse (smoking)

The lungs symbolize the area of ​​freedom and communication (see also the section "Breathing"), which you are trying to stimulate with the poison of cigarettes. At the same time, true desires are clouded and replaced by cigarette smoke.
- Realize your true desires, then you can more easily live by them.
True communication occurs only with unclouded feelings.
Have the courage to completely surrender yourself to communication with life.

Neurosis (obsessions in general)

And here we are talking about the global displacement from consciousness of some area of ​​life, which seems very bad. Your obsession will be associated with this particular area, with which you will be forced to interact most closely in order to learn from it and accept it. After which you will no longer need any compulsion. Accept, integrate what you have avoided is all the obsession wants to tell you.
- Look around - what area of ​​life your rejection concerns. And then contemplate this area precisely, without judging, without judging. If you do this, then the disease will not need to align your one-sidedness, you will again become healthy, whole and whole.

Senile ailments

Symbolically, all senile ailments indicate those problems and one-sidedness that have not been resolved in life.
- Therefore, consider the inner meaning of the symptoms in order to find what you still lack for integrity. When you find this, you can try to add the missing part to your life - you can have time to do it. If you succeed, there will be no senile ailments.
Then accept our heartfelt congratulations!

Natural flaws from birth

Natural flaws indicate unresolved problems in a past life. You chose them yourself when you came into this world, so do not blame others.
- The symbolic meaning of the corresponding symptom will show you in which area you still need to learn something. Try to accept your suffering or ugliness as a chance to evolve towards greater wholeness.
Health disorders due to the influence of radiation from the Earth (water flows, points of intersection of lines of force, etc.)
In this case, the symptom, as well as its external causes, want to point out to us the need to change something in our life, rearrange it. First, you should consider the painful symptoms that have arisen, and then draw conclusions about the possible causes of the ailments. Naturally, our sleeping or working place also needs to be changed - but not only the furniture needs to be rearranged. This is primarily about the need for a spiritual or mental correction of our worldview. A one-sided aspect has been created and strengthened here, making you sick.
Therefore, not only change the spatial arrangement of your sleeping or working place (the dowser will be a good helper for you in this), but also examine accurately and critically your spiritual and mental views that have become one-sided.
Change your point of view - this is the magic formula here.


Pain always means a congestion that has blocked the flow of life. Pain is often the result of pent-up aggression directed at another person or a situation. The area of ​​the body where pain nests indicates symbolically where you are bound or not free at the spiritual level.
“Don't try to condemn pain or banish it. She just wants to point you to something very important. Give her all your attention, deliberately immerse yourself in her, perceive her and tell her "Welcome!" So she will fulfill her purpose and can disappear again. So that she does not come back, pay attention to that mental area to which the pain points you. This is the area in which you must give up something - for example, the desire to be punished for something. Swim again freely in the flow of life!


We all bear full responsibility for our entire being, for every aspect that we cognize and experience in life. Therefore, accidents are also created or sought by ourselves, although very often and unconsciously. An accident is a question about the correctness of the chosen path. If you ask yourself how it all happened and try to define the meaning of the accident, then very soon you will stumble upon the problem behind the accident. For example, did you get carried away in life? Have you lost control? Have you lost control or power? Or have you been thrown out of the rut? Perhaps you can't stop anymore, or have you missed something very important? Accordingly, it may happen that you fell asleep or bumped into an obstacle! Scroll again absolutely exactly the accident in your mind and pay attention to speech patterns that can be easily interpreted. Interestingly, statistical assessments of accidents clearly indicate that there are individuals with whom accidents often happen, since they unconsciously try to solve their problems and conflicts in this way.
- Very accurately and carefully analyze the possible interpretation of your accident, and you will receive a clear indication of what problem you need to solve, what the incident with you wants to point out to you, so that you correct yourself or your life. And here you have a good chance to gain new knowledge, to grow mentally and spiritually.


If you constantly forget about something, then this may be an indication that you must learn to forget, including what you are clinging to, which in your soul you do not want to give up. Often these are some events from the past that make you not free. Over and over again you return in your thoughts to the same unsolved chains of problems, but at the same time they are still not solved.
- Leave them, these problems, in full awareness, may yesterday rest in peace, do not cling more to the events of the past, live consciously here and now. Open up to life! Every day is new and full of miracles, you should not pass by them. If you can truly forget, you will no longer be forgetful because the symptom will fulfill its purpose.

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Interpretation of the symptoms of diseases (Metaphysical causes)
  • The following classification should help you find the symptom you need and make it easier to understand the individual symptoms in their relationship ...
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There is hardly a person who has not wondered what a dream is? Why do we see and even participate in plots, sometimes far from reality, at the moment when our body is asleep?

From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, the Universe is multidimensional and is not limited to only four dimensions accepted in the physical world. Man is also multidimensional and manifested in every dimension by a special energy body. Therefore, a person consists of several energy sheaths. These shells are interconnected by an ethereal substance, which represents the person's own personality. The exchange and transformation of the energies of these substances occurs through the energy channels and centers of a person. Just as the arms and legs are the organs of our body, inseparable from it, cannot walk by themselves, also the etheric sheaths are inseparable from the body and do not "travel" separately from one another. In this sense, it is a delusion to think that “going out to the astral plane”, which is very fashionable now, is the flights of our soul across other worlds.

Buy a recording of an empathy workshop

What kind of shells are they? Today we will touch on the main ones - there are three of them.

This Etheric body, as I have already noted, is the personality itself (it is she who remembers the Name of a person and his qualities), the Astral body and the Mental body.

It is the Etheric body - our personality that accepts the vital energy of Chi, holds it, transforms and redistributes it between all other systems (energy and physical) of our body. Sunlight is the horse of prana (life energy). Thanks to him, we receive vital energy.

At the same time, our Astral body receives and accumulates the energy of our emotions (fear, anger, joy, longing, envy, jealousy, etc.).

The mental body is formed under the influence of our thoughts and feelings (love, kindness, will, this also includes pain, etc.) and serves to keep us in this reality.

The uniqueness of a person also lies in the fact that with his voice (reading prayers, songs, poems, texts that have a rhythm) he is able to change direction, create powerful flows and vibrations of various types of psycho-energies, which have a strong influence on all his etheric shells.

Each of these types of energies can be written in a separate book. But, since we are talking about dreams, today this article is about our astral body and the astral world. Because, thanks to the energy of our astral body, we see dreams and "travel" through the mysterious astral worlds.

There is a certain hierarchy of development of the worlds that we are considering: the lowest - astral, then - physical, higher mental. Matter of the astral plane cannot penetrate into the mental world, but in this case a person is a conductor between them. Therefore, the "hunt" goes just for the person.

The astral world, like the physical, is inhabited by various and varied forms of matter, which go through different stages of development. And at each stage of development, they need different types and different amounts of energy to "feed".

Just like a person eats a variety of foods: plant, animal, and thus receives not only trace elements, but also "memory" -information of the eaten product, in the form of energy, which is captured by each cell of matter. At the same time, a person himself generates a variety of energy with his emotions.

The astral body is a shell for the accumulation of such energy. The consciousness of a person is like a kind of switchman, a switch that allows each type of energy to be directed along its own path. Otherwise, we would simply burn out like candles or go crazy at a young age from an overabundance of feelings and emotions.

At the moment when a person falls asleep, consciousness "turns on" the Astral body, which manifests itself at that moment in the astral world. Our Etheric body (our personality) seems to be turned inside out and dump the surplus of accumulated emotional energy into this astral plane, where everything burns out. This effect is also called astral fire. In other words, part of the energy is absorbed by the matter of the astral plane. At this moment, a person sees dreams and lives according to the laws of the astral world. And there are laws and rules. There are no distances. Distance takes on the quality of information. It is inhabited not only by the mental images of people, but also by the souls of the dead, suicides, people who, for whatever reason, could not develop the qualities necessary for rebirth, abortion children who will leave for other worlds only after the death of their mothers, etc. There are levels there, like in our life there are slums, palaces, jungles, deserts, oases. If you like, a world created by our emotions. Billions of people, falling asleep, each time fill it with their images, everything that they experienced during the day. There are no boundaries of consciousness and we easily penetrate the thought images of other people and participate in events generated by someone else's mind.

The strength of feelings and emotionality of a person generates waves of a different nature. And as in a radio receiver we "catch" a wave, so during sleep we are carried to the wave that corresponds to our emotions.

If a person suffered very much during the day, was sad, etc., other people also participated in this, who gave part of their energy to this person, then his astral energy receives a certain density and awareness - he glows in the astral world like a light bulb and leaves an astral trail when moving.

You know the laws of nature: to keep "informational silence", the principle of camouflage. Those. give information about yourself when you deem it necessary. And in the amount that you can give, otherwise you will perish, the strong will eat you. Likewise, here, having turned on such a light bulb in the astral world, a person runs the risk of "being lit up". It is noticed by those entities that need vital energy. Worst of all, if these are the souls of the dead, as I described earlier. In Tibetan medicine, they are defined as hungry ghosts (certain entities endowed with consciousness). They can attach to the astral body of a person, and he will draw them into his etheric body when he wakes up. The number of these entities is limited by the amount of human vital energy.

Usually, this attachment manifests itself in a sudden, sharp awakening to the emotions of fear or nightmare. The person shudders and jumps violently, releasing a huge amount of emotional energy. This creates a channel through which the entity will make its contact and take away the energy it needs. In this case, they say about such a person: it is as if he was replaced, he is not himself, etc.

A certain prism is created, a distortion of reality. A person begins to see the world from a certain angle. The task of the entity is to create conditions under which a person will experience those emotions on the vibration of which it sits. A person is jealous, which means that everything surrounded by a person will give rise to reasons for jealousy.

You've probably noticed that jealous people are usually biased. From the outside, this is especially noticeable, but you will not prove anything to the jealous yourself that would calm his violent imagination. A person destroys himself, the life of his loved ones and those around him.

During the day, a person affected by such ailment begins to fall into a state of immersion. A person thinks about something all the time, staring at one point. At this moment, he does not see and does not hear the world around him, turns off and falls into the astral plane and pays there with his energy. This absorption steals the elements of sleep from a person, thus, a person cannot then fall asleep at night, etc. The human etheric body begins to disintegrate. The person cannot concentrate, he feels constant fatigue. Over time, this condition turns into neurosis, depression and other mental disorders, including alcoholism.

It is important to remember that the strongest human defense mechanism is the manifestation of will. This is the divine power given to us by the Creator. It is thanks to the manifestation of will that a person is able to change everything himself, including cleanse himself from the manifestation of any interference in his space.

That is why a person is warned not to run around grandmothers and healers in order to drive out demons, remove damage, etc. Because if a person himself does not include the will, but someone is coping with the problem for him. The emotions that gave rise to problems will return again and again, everything will repeat itself with greater force and with great consequences.

According to Tibetan philosophy, everything is considered to have a causal relationship. Remove the cause to cope with the consequence ...

A woman came to see me. Slightly hunched over and hunched over, she sat down on the edge of the chair. She folded her hands limply in her lap. Her large sunken brown eyes and haggard face betrayed severe psychological fatigue.

- Julia, I beg you, help me, everything is bad with me ..

- What is wrong?

- Everything..

It was hard for the woman to speak, the words were intercepted by sobs.

For 2 years now, I have not slept at all at night, my life has turned into a nightmare, no pills help. At work, everyone pity me, thank God, until they fired me ..

“You won't mind if I record a part of our conversation on a dictaphone,” I asked her.

- No, I don't mind, please ...

The client for some time confusedly talked about her life, or rather about what was left of it.

Paradoxically, but the pity of colleagues completely paralyzed the will of this once beautiful and energetic woman ... And the trigger was the fascination with meditative practices with "access to the astral".

At the end of the meeting, I invited my client to listen to a recording of our dialogue.

To say that She was amazed is to say nothing. The woman did not recognize herself and admitted that if this had not happened within one day, she would have decided that this was a recording of a conversation with another person.

So what if you already have a problem with sleep, you have nightmares at night, during the day you are haunted by despondency, resentment, jealousy, etc. But you cannot understand the cause of the emotion? Not ready to be "dinner" anymore?

You can do the practice itself anytime, anywhere. But be sure to drink 1 tsp on an empty stomach in the morning of this day. soda, diluted in 1 glass of water at room temperature.

You will need 3 candles, any, you can floating, a sheet of paper, a pencil of any color.

  1. If you asked yourself this question, this is already a victory. You are already showing will.
  2. Try to show the emotion that prevents you from living. For example, everyone hates me.
  3. At this point, interrupt the flow of thoughts. Listen to some "tinnitus". Hold out for at least 1 minute. This is how we stop the “wind of thoughts”, which greatly prevents us from feeling reality.
  4. Based on the above, feel that your perception of the real world is closed by the prism of energy created by your own emotion. And it's not entirely yours anymore. There is no one to blame, and there is no fault of yours either. The energies that we do not see are very ancient and quirky, they use any human weakness with interest.
  5. Feel inside yourself the place of "dislocation" of your emotion, this is the place of clamping, a feeling of heaviness, pulsation, pain. (By the way, for jealous people - these can be fracture sites). It can be anywhere on your body, even your teeth or hair. Feel its shape, color, smell, quality (soft, slippery, sharp, prickly, sticky, cold, hot, etc.). Fix this as an "object"
  6. Place in front of you and light 1 candle, look at it. Imagine that a dark channel, like a tube, stretches from the "object" that you felt at the point of clamping to the candle. The flame of a candle as if heats up this "object" and changes its properties, it becomes liquid and flows through a tube directly onto the candle and burns out. At the same time, you will smell or feel something sticky or viscous, immediately extinguish the candle.
  7. Place a piece of paper in front of you. Light the 2nd candle, look at it. Imagine from the place where the "object" was a dark tube stretches towards your candle and this tube begins to smolder and burn towards the candle. Try to get a feel for the material your tube is made of (paper, plastic, rubber, etc.). The tube burns out and the burnt substance falls on a sheet of paper. As soon as you feel that the pipe has burned out, extinguish the candle.
  8. Take a pencil and paint over the area where the smoldering pipe "crumbled", light the 3rd candle and when the wax begins to melt, drip wax onto your drawing until you cover it all. Then extinguish the candle. Wrap the candles in this sheet of paper and discard.
  9. Sit comfortably, concentrating on the solar plexus area. Take a deep breath through your nose. Then exhale slowly with the sound of uh-uh.

Make another deep entrance through the nose, exhale slowly with the sound of ma-a-a-aa-a.

And breathe in again through your nose, exhaling slowly with a ho-oh-oh-oh-oh sound.

After this practice, you may feel a little dizzy. But that's good. This is a very powerful practice for clearing negative emotions. It completes our shutdown ritual.

  1. Take a regular money rubber band, put it on your wrist and lightly flick yourself. Feel yourself in reality - I am here and now. (do not remove the rubber band. Walk around with it for a few days. As soon as thoughts about your problem appear in your head, click the rubber band so as not to lose reality.) Try to listen to tinnitus for as long as you can.
  2. Change the route from home to work, rearrange papers and things in a new order on the desktop, rearrange furniture at home, buy something new from things, be it a ballpoint pen, hairpin, wallet.

The main law of esotericism is to enjoy life. Ask yourself the question: What gives me pleasure in this life?

If you have forgotten what it is, then let it be trite - something from food, for example, fried meat or a glass of milk. Eat like this. To feel the pleasure in your stomach from the taste of your food. Remember this sensation in the stomach. Do this consciously for at least 1 week.

Include sesame seeds in your diet, you can eat sesame kazinaki if you like sweets.

Make a rule for yourself: Live, not seem.

By the way, after this practice, you will have a dream, as if something is crawling out of you. These can be seeds, insects, even worms or nails. This is how the etheric bodies are cleansed. The state of fear and tension goes away.

If, nevertheless, you cannot determine the emotion that makes you suffer, everything has gathered in a lump and problems and illnesses, it is impossible to untangle, because the reasons may be hidden in your deep childhood. I recommend contacting a specialist in order to voice the reason for the formation of negative emotions. You need to get guidelines and practices for stabilizing yourself in the real world. But the intention to get out of this state must be truly yours. Then everything will definitely work out, life will shine with bright colors, health will be restored, sleep will be strong and healthy, vital energy will return you youth and desire to act.

I wish everyone good luck, bright life, good night, sweet dreams.

In order to understand the mechanisms of empathy, you can acquire

The article was written by me specifically for the magazine "Chronicles of the Tarot", No. 7, 2015

In the past few years, in Russia and other CIS countries, interest in esotericism and the occult has been constantly growing. There are two reasons for this: the desire to be different from everyone else and the desire to realize the potential inherent inside, which can be called a human mission. This potential is a guide whose task is to awaken in the world of the blind those who are looking for their own way. And it is these people that can and should be called esotericists. All others can achieve some quite satisfactory success, however, worldly life for them has a higher value than something invisible that they cannot touch with their hands.

The formation of an esotericist is a long process and is calculated in more than one year of life. During this period, many mistakes are made, all of them are subjected to careful analysis and in the end are transformed into what is called experience. Can a person under the age of thirty or thirty-five be considered a true esoteric? Many of you who are familiar with practices younger than the age I have indicated will answer in the affirmative. And they may well be right, but I obviously disagree with them. A person who has not gone through the basic aspects of the cleansing that are lived on the Arcana of Death cannot be considered esoteric due to the lack of life experience, which includes not the basic mistakes of youth, but deep experiences and polishing of the human soul.

From childhood, true esotericists are not like everyone else, because at an early age they bear the seal of the Hermit and the Priest in one bottle. They do not know what loneliness is, because this concept is incompatible with spiritual development and growth. For them, loneliness is inner freedom when you feel good with yourself. And this is solitude, and not loneliness in its purest form, as it might seem at first glance. So, in order to delve a little into the world of the growing esotericist, let's try to come closer to him and look into his eyes.

The Hermit's eyes are surprisingly deep and piercing. They contain the wisdom of dozens or even hundreds of incarnations on our mortal Earth, which is the true hell for the Spirit who has lived here for a hundred lifetimes in order to escape to the Divine abode as a higher order entity. Yes Yes. As crazy as it sounds, but it will be so. These children spend most of their free time reading books, sometimes not very correct from the point of view of adults. The society of their peers is alien to them, not because they are not accepted there, but because they are not interested there. It is much more interesting to sit in silence, leafing through old tomes and reading, to imagine the world that they have never seen in real life. But ... they saw him, they just forgot everything. The turn "wrong", from the point of view of public opinion and the opinion of parents, occurs precisely when the wrong book falls into the hands. Actually, this happened before, when there was no Internet and social networks. There was no television and everything esoteric was covered with the age-old dust of forbidden secrets. Who knows how many children, under the influence of the Science and Life magazine and works on quantum mechanics and physics, began to delve into what led them to understand that life is not what we are used to seeing. Life is something else, about which we have no idea, because for us it is like the foot of a person who accidentally or deliberately steps on an ant crawling on the ground. This is a very good interpretation of Arcana's Wheel of Fortune work. It seems to be not there, however, it exists and every turn of it brings us victory or defeat.

And after such a turn, everything changes in the life of this child. He is not yet able to realize this, however, peers are already beginning to feel that he is not like everyone else. And not like everyone else, they scare everyone. They are shunned because they do not understand either their views, or their moods, or the reasons that induce them to say some words and phrases, the meaning of which is not clear to the majority. That is, to put it quite simply, a child who is prepared for the path of an esoteric from childhood is smarter and wiser than his peers. And there's nothing you can do about it. He was born this way and he will live like this until the end of his days.

I think the period of adolescence can easily be skipped, because there is nothing remarkable there, except that the subconscious part of the Hermit very clearly builds those guidelines by which he will live further. Such Hermits have few friends, literally a couple - three, or even just one. And this is an absolute norm for them, because, in their opinion, there cannot be many true friends. And they do not agree with anyone, but only with those who are able to feel them at least a little. There are very few such people even in adult life, let alone adolescents with their youthful maximalism. And now such a child lives - lives for himself, reads books, learns the world around him and realizes that something is wrong in this world. There are those who are able to feel the breath of nature and enjoy sunsets and sunrises; but there are those who live, enjoying material things and sunsets - sunrises for him are nothing more than a natural process, without any sacred meaning. However, what is this sacred meaning, our growing Hermit, also not every time can explain coherently. Here's a question for you: waking up and falling asleep, have you ever thought that your state of immobility is nothing more than an illusion? After all, while it seems to you that you are motionless, you are rushing at a speed of 254 km / sec around the center of our galaxy. Although this information can be questioned. Caesar's Caesar, as they say.

Despite all his life twists and turns, the esoteric, being the conductor of the Hermit's energy, thinks about relationships. A small remark. The twists and turns. Everyone has them, but if you carefully analyze the life of all esotericists significant for the world, you will see that on their life path there are such events that, from the point of view of society, are mistakes / fatal accidents and it is they who make them who these people are. in the end they become. Those who are fortunate enough to have a family become normal members of the family. Those who are less fortunate become her outcasts by analogy with the saying "There is a black sheep in the family." And they are seriously considered underdeveloped, because they do not profess spiritual bonds, which everyone else, however, professes only for the sake of forgiveness from above, and even then only on holidays. And a true esotericist is neither Catholic, nor Christian, nor Buddhist, etc., in their pure form. It is always a kind of symbiosis that carries in itself a part of the Higher Cosmic Reason, of which we are all a part. And this philosophy of life makes them the last of the Mohicans, those who are able to see and feel the beauty of our home, our mother Earth, who once gave us life, and who will one day take our physical body into her arms.

So, this background is quite enough for each of the readers to draw their own conclusions about where it all begins and draw an analogy with his own life. If you suddenly realize that you are the same "esoteric" who just wants to be different - do not be alarmed. There is nothing wrong with that. This is simply the first step that you must go through in this incarnation in order to throw off the chains of society and find individuality. Just gain experience. It will be useful to you. In future. Perhaps not in this life, but ...

A person who has embarked on the path of spiritual growth, in most cases, will always be alone. Even if she is a couple, she will always feel lonely. His head will be filled with different thoughts and they will all lead him away from the present, into worlds that do not exist in our understanding. It is not for nothing that I have mentioned the Hermit so many times in this article. The fact is that the Hermit and the Pope are the key energies through which esotericists pass. People who are under their direct influence simply cannot create stable couples, because an ordinary partner is not able to accept their detachment from everyday problems that require daily participation. The main paradox here is that both of these Arcana conduct the energy of the Earth, although their highest hypostasis is the sphere of influence of high cosmic energies. No wonder, in the chakra layouts, the Pope in the seventh chakra is an indication of a direct connection to the vibrations of cosmic energies or cognition of the Divine, which we are not able to fully cognize. This is a reflection of the fact that a person lives in accordance with the laws of the Universe, and his karma is different from the karma of most people. However, we deviated a little from the topic.

At the very beginning of my story, I focused your attention on two types of esotericism. For ease of understanding, let's call them "pseudo" and "true" esotericists. Dear reader, I ask you not to be offended if the word "pseudo-esoteric" seems rude or inappropriate to you. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. And if you want to go over to the side of true esotericists, you must understand that there is nothing worse than lying to yourself. Therefore, I leave this topic as it is. it is able to turn all "pseudo" towards the "true" ones.

A true esoteric needs a relationship as much as a pseudo. But for the first, these relationships are easier to create and maintain, in contrast to the second. The point is that the first is more in need of worldly goods and another person than the second. The second is quite aware that it is almost impossible to find a couple who will accept him as he is. Being a true esoteric, he is not very worried about his next, broken up relationship. It cannot be said that this does not bother him at all, because he is still a man, despite the fact that he is esoteric. And the need to love and be loved is just as natural for him as for other people. However, life dictates its own rules, so after burning a little in the next ashes, he returns to square one.

His energy is so powerful that if he smiles, everyone who comes into contact with him at that moment smiles. If his soul cries, he either goes to his cell, or quite accidentally tunes everyone else to the same wave.

Why are most of those who embarked on this path alone in life? Each of you can come up with your own options. However, the key one is the impossibility of building relationships due to the fact that the esotericist is not able to devote much time to either his family or his loved one. His periods of solitude are much longer than the time he can spend with a partner. And it's not that he doesn't want to balance love and mission on the scales. He wants to. But sooner or later a moment comes when the other party stops waiting. The partner leaves, and the esoteric is often left alone, and continues to love him. Here, by the way, one more important feature should be noted. Everyone who lives in the esoteric world has a very delicate musical taste, vivid imagination and loves to read books. But that's not even the main thing. The main thing is that they know how to love unconditionally. Even if a person has hurt you more than once. Even if you know for sure that you will never be together. And this love is not suffering and torment, but happiness and the realization that somewhere on Earth there is a person whose existence helps you to create and to study the space in which you are with renewed energy. Ordinary people are deprived of this. They are too down to earth and, in most cases, love for them is the desire to have someone who will idolize them. The desire not to live life with someone in order to come into contact at the level of anahata, but simply to be like everyone else. And “like everyone else” is the lot of the crowd, not the individualists. Not those who can be ranked as “sighted in the world of the blind”, because society is blind. He wants one thing - to submit you to his own rules. As soon as you obey, you will immediately turn into one gray man, meekly walking in a crowd of the same gray as you. Only one fact is regrettable here, the "gray" himself will never know that he is gray. Awareness is beyond his capabilities, for he is initially grounded, and the esoteric person flies in the sky. He is constantly in flight and his thoughts are far from the place in which he is.

He is an observer who sometimes experiments on himself, letting relationships into his life. This is necessary in order to synthesize new experience and analyze it, to identify the cause-and-effect relationships of certain phenomena that occur between the energies of yang and yin. Can the observer be in a relationship all the time? In theory, it can. If next to him is someone who shares his philosophy of life. It divides. Otherwise, the partner will simply tolerate your strange, in his opinion, inclinations and will periodically begin to criticize you. Or even worse, put a condition to stop everything. Those who play esotericism will open their chest and quickly hide their esotericism there until better times. And those who live by it will put all the points and finish their fairy tale, even if it hurts a lot, but there is no other way out. This is one of the hallmarks of the Hermit. It's always easier for him to leave than to explain something. He does not see the point in explanations, because he knowingly knows that his words will be misunderstood and misinterpreted. And the Priest in the Sahashra will no longer allow one to abandon his principles and his picture of the world. Not because it is the only true one, but because a stable feeling lives inside the Hermit that he is walking exactly along the path that reveals to him himself and the world in which he lives.

Every time staying in an open area, the Hermit, like a bird, soars into the sky and revels in the bliss of this freedom and the knowledge that it carries in itself. Does such a person need a partner? No. Although, at first glance, the opposite will seem. But he has his own cross. He knows that we come to this world alone and leave the same way. And we also live most of our lives alone, so why be afraid that there is no one next to you? Not worth it, although while we are on Earth - we are paired creatures and we need a partner. And an esoteric person can at times fall into regret that he never managed to create a happy couple. And that's okay. Truly happy couples develop only for those who have found the very soul with which they have traveled more than one path. And given that esotericists do not accept surrogates, it is easier for them not to tie themselves in marriage to anyone than to associate with the wrong person.

I deliberately do not mention in this article the gender of the esoteric in question. However, I can say that it is much more difficult for an esoteric woman to find her mate than for a man. This is almost the same as looking for a couple for an ordinary woman, only it has its own nuances. Esoteric men may not enter into long-term relationships quite deliberately, but women ... women are different. Therefore, the phrase of Anna Simonova: "There is no way out of esotericism!" perfectly accurately reflects the true state of affairs in this area and you must be aware of it. If you suddenly decide to embark on the path of a true esotericist, remember, the payment for this is your life. They will take from you exactly as much as they should take. And among these things there will be many people, habits, etc. that are most dear to you. This is how the law of communicating vessels works. Arrived in one place - departed in another. The law of the eternal circulation of the universe. Therefore, everyone who decided to embark on this path consciously wants to say: do not look for reasons in yourself if the relationship does not go well. Just know that this is your membership fee for those on the other side of the mirror. Your vow that you pledge to remain silent and to be an ascetic in all areas of life.

Chief evangelist of the Alchemy project, practitioner and Tarot researcher, author of a methodology for changing the matrix structures of consciousness, business trainer, author of the book on working with the Deviant Moon Tarot deck "In the Power of the Mad Moon"

In recent decades, the importance of esotericism for many seekers has steadily increased. Perhaps because this territory is so tempting with unlimited freedom of choice. They go to esotericism as to an unknown country in the hope of a miracle of finding - a better life or better quality of themselves. It happens that they go after one, and find something completely different. It is possible that they were coming here precisely for “the other” and, as in a fairy tale, they suddenly “found that, not knowing what” ...

With what questions, for what purposes, for what answers really and in general why do they go into esotericism?

The first obvious answer that comes immediately: "Of course, for knowledge!" Yes, for knowledge ... but knowledge is different. Some "esoteric formulas" will contribute to the development and self-knowledge, the growth of consciousness and access to a new level of understanding of the structure of the world, others are aimed at solving everyday issues and are far from "higher truths" and aspirations to the divine, while others will do nothing but waste money, time and energies are not famous.

And, nevertheless, every day the discordant ranks of “willing” and striving for completely different and often contradictory goals go deeper into esoteric doctrines and dogmas of different directions and time periods ... What unites them? Why do they go to esotericism? What distinguishes esoteric knowledge from other generally known and more socially approved scientific or psychological theories and approaches?

So what is esotericism in essence?

The secrets of mysticism and occult heresy, ancient truths and sacred "pills from everything" are closely intertwined and somehow coexist under the general name "esotericism".

According to one version, esoteric knowledge comes from the Greek word "internal". Based on this, esoterics is a set of internal knowledge, various postulates, opinions, laws, principles, formulas and information that contain information about the internal processes underlying visible, external events and processes of the world around us. Thus, one of the answers to the question “why do they go into esotericism?” known, ready and often offered to us as the only true and approved, verified for us and "correct" truth for us.

It is believed that, unlike ready-made, well-known universal answers “for everyone,” esoteric knowledge is inaccessible to the uninitiated, that is, it is not final and obvious, immediately perceived “as is”. It arises in the process of long-term learning, research, practice, experimentation and initiation into various basics of theories and concepts that require the student to have practical testing, critical thinking and discernment, confirmation and mastering on oneself, by example, adaptation to the current reality in order to comprehend internal level. This usually takes years.

They go to esotericism to ...

Another key difference why they go into esotericism is the possibility of free choice and verification of the truth of the postulates on oneself - what to believe and how to describe what is happening, how to evaluate events and what criteria to measure achievements, in a broad sense - what models of describing the world to be guided by in life. Esoteric knowledge is born on the basis of internal understanding, and not on the basis of an external norm, blind adherence to which does not guarantee the success of the life path, but unequivocally transfers responsibility for one's life into the hands of “normocontrollers” and ideologists of “public opinion”.

In esotericism, everyone who wishes to his unique request can find more than a dozen contradictory answers and paths corresponding to his current worldview ... Recommendations for choosing a path, the ability to choose a method of choice - this, of course, is a more difficult and deeper task, but closer to the inner world and human evolution, than be content with an external ready-made answer. Here the person faces a dilemma:

"What should be taken as a basis?"

This is how a new unique experience is born, which becomes part of the path.

The choice of a theory of the world order that is close to one's way of life only precedes the path of the esotericist, and real living, self-realization and research of the hypotheses of the world order in practice sometimes lead to a radical paradigm change as consciousness grows, sensitivity to changes and goes beyond the limitations of current teachings and confessions.

Gradually, parts of disparate teachings are collected in a common harmonious channel of individual experience, which is filtered, supplemented, structured, changed, in accordance with the current experience and the inner basic needs of a person for self-development.

Requests with which go to esotericism

  • quick problem solving;
  • craving for the new;
  • magic solution without effort;
  • looking for my place in life;
  • a solution that "is not in the textbook";
  • I want not like everyone else;
  • learn the laws of space and become free;
  • search for a "platform" for imagination and creativity;
  • questions of purpose;
  • find new friends and like-minded people;
  • the ability to choose what to believe in;
  • collect your "formula for success";
  • believe in a fairy tale and calm down;
  • write off the reasons for their troubles on others;
  • Who am I? Why am I? Where am I?
  • get things done in business;
  • make a career and get ahead of competitors;
  • energy practices as a method to change oneself;
  • heal health;
  • find a companion / life partner;
  • learn about God;
  • find out the truth;
  • look behind the screen

and much more…

There is a huge difference between those who go into esotericism to solve problems, those who are looking for themselves, and those who are looking for resources to achieve their goals.

Often, the road to finding oneself and resources for change goes through different esoteric and religious directions.

In a broad sense, we are always looking for new Knowledge, looking for strength and means to close the "old problems", to solve the issues of the current days and to achieve dreams in the future.

Secrets of esotericism on the site

There are people who are ardent skeptics. Or those who believe in God. There is a person who does not care, he does not argue, does not prove. He has no time - he works, he improves himself. What is esotericism? Religion? Faith in God? In people? Into the supermind? Or maybe into yourself? Many do not think about such things, and after thinking, they do not find answers to their questions.

Esotericism is secret knowledge that is not available to people ignorant of magic, mysticism, occultism. At least they were like that before. Knowledge and skills that everyone could not possess. Only a select few.

After reading various tapes on the Internet, you can get only scattered data and a poor idea of ​​what esotericism is. Only by deciding to change yourself and your life for the better, by gathering your strength and going through a course of video seminars built by specialists so that everything falls into place, you can achieve success.

The concept of esotericism and why you shouldn't be afraid of it

Esotericism is a huge section of human life that helps to find oneself through knowledge of the world. Its study is not given to everyone. After all, this is not just religion or science. This is the very thread that connects all the nuances and aspects of the ordinary world and the area of ​​unknown magic that surrounds us.

The very first such secret society was the Pythagorean school. She was divided into ordinary and esoteric. Its secret part took a lifelong vow not to disclose what was taught to members of the community. And what kind of knowledge they received there, mankind still does not know. Now esotericism is not hidden from everyone. There is available information presented in video seminars or master classes. Why are people afraid or unwilling to touch the unknown and explore the unexplored areas of their own lives?

Consider the main criteria for human reluctance:

  1. Many do not want to learn a new religion. In fact, esotericism is not only a religion, although it is closely related to it. It helps to reveal yourself and your own hidden inner potential. Yes, there is religion here - faith in yourself and the world around you.
  2. Disbelief in the ability to change your life. Thought is always material. And desires are always fulfilled. Everything is possible - you just have to believe and go through this difficult path to knowledge.
  3. Reluctance to gain new knowledge, as there is already success in his personal life. Esotericism makes it possible to get success not only in one area of ​​human activity. It allows you to balance all the criteria that are extremely important. To achieve the desired and the most intimate comprehensively.
  4. Fearful attitude towards the concept of magic. It is worth noting that the unknown is not only magical. It's just unfamiliar. After passing the seminar, it becomes clear that magic is often considered something that seems incredible, impossible.
  5. Lack of free time. To complete the training, of course, it takes time and a lot. But later, the hours spent are repaid a hundredfold. Life is balanced, everything falls into place and everything happens in its own moment.

An already established branch, science, like psychology, has long considered esoteric opinion. Resorts to her methods. Favors the practice of secret knowledge.

What does esoteric knowledge give?

Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only a select few? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, the feeling of the shaky stability of his life. Each person is a blacksmith of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best.

What is esotericism - answers to the site

To transform yourself. From the inside. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us. Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help to feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently, not like before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to succeed in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. It is generally limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person come to esotericism?

Different roads can lead to this or that knowledge. Events, people, coincidence? In any case, esotericism appears in a person's life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:

  1. Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it gets boring, the world loses its attractiveness, others do not bring its former joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see new things and believe in miracles.
  2. Search for a method of treatment. When conventional medicine is powerless. When the pills didn't work. And it's not only about the usual illnesses, but also about constant depression, about the illness of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in despair. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.

Esotericism and magic are ancient sciences. This is knowledge accumulated over many years and centuries. This is great wisdom that anyone who really wants it can comprehend. And help yourself to overcome difficulties. Free yourself from heaviness and become free. Achieve results and be happy.

It is easier to say what esotericism is as follows. This is an attempt to explain the complex structure of the visible and invisible world and the processes that take place in these worlds and affect a person, his actions and even fate. Almost everyone has heard of the extraordinary experience of a mutated consciousness. On this principle, most of the modern commercial practices of achieving financial success, the practice of fulfilling a person's desires or the formation of events are built.

Esoteric practices are aimed at achieving a sustainable expansion of human consciousness, which would allow for a more perfect worldview. In a narrower, applied sense, all esoteric teachings are aimed at studying the inner world of a person, his hidden capabilities and developing specific techniques for self-realization and spiritual development. Esoteric currents exist in all world religions, although there are many independent esoteric systems.

There are theoretical worldview systems that consider only the spiritual development of the individual through the accumulation of special knowledge and meditative practices. There are trends aimed at achieving the final result with the help of ceremonies, rituals and other things. These include occultism, which involves the use of magic, appeal to the unrecognized forces of spirits, natural forces and the inhabitants of parallel worlds. Representatives of religious systems have an interesting attitude to the question of what esotericism is. For example, it is believed that any esoteric practices are prohibited by Christianity, and turning to such knowledge or practices is regarded as a grave sin, for which severe punishments are provided.

But this attitude of the church does not stop those who see esotericism as a means to solve their life problems. This state of affairs, in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the official church imposes a strict ban without explaining the real possibilities of esoteric practices. At the same time, there is a huge number of specific rituals related to the so-called church magic, which are available for acquaintance and are widely used. It is useful for a modern person to know the answer to the question: "Esotericism - what is it?", Since this is an opportunity to learn more about your inner structure, nature and the world around you. Knowing about the esoteric methods of cognition, a person will not be afraid to make mistakes, and problems will not seem to him an insurmountable obstacle on the way to happiness.

Esoterics studies the hidden universal laws of the universe, applicable to any sphere of existence... They are called hidden for one reason: their knowledge does not lie on the surface, and their knowledge is impossible through standard research methods using logic and bodily channels of perception. Esotericism is the knowledge of the world beyond touch, smell, hearing ... To see the hidden, it is necessary to use the appropriate methods - intuition and subtle vision.

Most noticeable is the coarse and obvious. And behind the gross and more pronounced in form, the subtle fades into the background of human perception. As a result, most adults do not pay attention to information coming through subtle channels, because everything that does not receive development degrades over time.

As a child, we are more open to subtle information. But as we get older, social patterns make us more like others. And we already know exactly what is right and what is wrong; what can be and what cannot exist. The brain does not like to revise its picture of the world. Once he has accepted a model for himself, he will resist revising it, so as not to do the repetitive work. But taking something for the ultimate truth, are we not closing our way to further knowledge? It was not for nothing that Descartes spoke about the main method of knowledge - doubt. Doubt is the eternal companion of the seeker when extreme conviction is the cessation of existence and evolution.

The path of the esoteric is the path of the evolution of one's own soul. The laws set forth in a metaphorical form by the greatest spiritual Teachers are the Knowledge given to help humanity on this Path. These Laws are simple and complex at the same time. They are manifested both in simple and small, as well as in complex and large. In itself, this is already a description of one of the laws of the world - the Law of Analogy, which was formulated by the ancient Initiated Thoth Hermes Trismegistus:

“What is above is similar to what is below. What is below is similar to what is above. Similar but not equal. "

For example, the solar system is similar in structure to the structure of an atom. In the center is the Sun, the nucleus of an atom, relatively motionless and heavy. Around - the planets - electrons, mobile and light. Of course, when I talk about similarity, I am not talking about absolute identity. The difference in the course of time in planetary systems and in microparticles is incredibly large. And therefore, space at different levels will manifest itself a little differently.

From left to right: an image of an atom, solar system, galaxy.

All the microparticles that make up our planet Earth, at the microcosm level, would fit into a tennis ball. People from their own level see dense matter, while from another level matter is emptiness by more than 99%. At the same time, despite such differences, all are interconnected. And every event that happened on one of the levels is reflected on all the others.

From the point of view of esotericism, atoms, like planets, represent the physical layer of reality - the world of dense matter, the knowledge of which lies in the field of tasks of official science. The essence of esotericism is in the study of subtle patterns existing in the form of energy and manifested in the metaphysical principles of the Universe. This energy is invisible, like a magnetic field, the existence of which we can infer only on the basis of observing its impact on the environment. Although the magnetic field is, again, a phenomenon derived from the world of forms.

Each person, like the planet, has a magnetic field and the physical body that gave birth to it. But a person is not only a body, right? At a minimum, everyone experiences emotions and produces mental images. And here is the space in which the emotional energy is moving is called. The space of thoughts, in turn, is called the mental world. And the human soul is manifested in all the worlds.

Esoterics and the Phenomenon of Consciousness

Each world corresponds to a body: astral - a sensual body; to the mental, intellect. Esotericism in this context is looking for general patterns, a subtle essence that unites different layers of this multidimensional reality. Indeed, in addition to the body, emotions and thoughts, there is something else that unites this into a single system. And this is exactly what is called Consciousness.

From the point of view of esotericism, everything possesses consciousness, even stones and minerals. Therefore, to point out the difference, I write the word "Consciousness" (in the sense of self-identification) with a capital letter. Consciousness, also compared with the soul, is outside the body, emotions and logic. Moreover, it is in no way amenable to cognition from the corresponding levels. And therefore, trying to find the answer to the question “Who am I?”, You will never be able to state at least something other than awareness of your own awareness.

Thus, we come to one of the main questions of esotericism "Who am I?" The search for an answer to this question is the eternal search for Truth. One can approach the Truth closer or move away, but in its Absolute it will never be achieved. This does not mean that it is completely unattainable. They say that in order to comprehend it, you need to become it. And even, finally, having comprehended it, it is revealed that the cognized Truth is not final, and further the path of knowledge continues. And this is another universal law - the Law of Vibration:

Nothing is at rest. Everything moves, everything vibrates.

A simple esoteric truth: where there is movement, there is development. And development is life. Death is only an illusion, the path of the soul is eternal and endless.

Esoteric can be called anyone who is able to somehow see the action of these and others, similar to them, hidden.