Philippov day November 27 at dhow. Children's and parental holiday “Philip's Day. Protective doll Filippovka

Lowland Natalya
Children's and parental holiday "Philip's Day"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kindergarten"Cheburashka" p. Alyabyevsky

Child-parent holiday

« Philip's Day»

(for children and parents in a preparatory group for school)


teacher - speech therapist Nizina N.M.

educator: Ovsyannikova Z.A.

Target: increasing parental competence in teaching preschoolers through familiarization with the national calendar.


to expand the knowledge and understanding of parents and children about folk calendar holidays;

to form interest in parents and children in joint activities, teamwork;

activate and expand the vocabulary of children by themes: "Autumn", "Wintering Birds", "Folk omens and sayings";

to acquaint empirically with the formation of frost at home.

Correctional - developing:

develop coherent speech;

develop fine motor skills;

develop phonemic hearing

develop a cognitive interest in experimentation;


to form communicative qualities, the ability to work and play in a team;

educate speech activity;

stimulate the desires of parents to introduce children to other folk calendar holidays.

Preliminary work: making "Rime" at home, making a doll-amulet

Equipment: multimedia presentation to accompany holiday; object pictures of birds, hoops, handouts for making a doll, a hat for a brownie, a scroll with ditties

Holiday progress:

I. Organizational moment

Children and parents in the hall (children are standing at the screen, parents and guests are sitting)

Ved. kind day, happy hour!

We are glad to see you with us!

Log. I'm in a hurry to say to you: "Hello!",

To wish you good health.

Veda I hasten to say to you: "Goodness!",

To wish you new happiness.

Log. I'm in a hurry to say to you: “Joy!

Good luck, success and luck! "

Together: To wish everyone in the hall

Great mood.

Speech therapist: Kind day, dear parents and children. Today we will visit an unusual holiday, which, you will soon find out.

Shows slides with calendar sheets with famous dates: September 1st, December 31st, March 8th, February 23rd?

Speech therapist: What is this holidays, guys? Name them

II. Introductory part

Take a close look at the slide, name the pictures, highlight the first sound in the name of each picture and write a word

After completing this task, you will find out to whom our today's holiday.

Children: Philip.

Speech therapist: What is Philip?

Children: Name.

Speech therapist: Whose name is that?

Children: Male or boy's name.

Speech therapist: Right. But this is also a very rare name, in our time there are very few children with such a name.

Speech therapist: November 27 according to the national calendar - Philip's Day... Many signs and sayings are associated with this day, with some of them we will get acquainted today on our holiday.

Every year, in Russia on November 27, a national holiday -« Filippov Day» .

This day fell out at the beginning of the Nativity Fast. In that day it was customary to get the first pickles from cellars and pits, as well as from pools in the river where they were stored.

Starting from that day, women's gatherings were organized in houses at which it was customary to fiddle with wool and spin yarn. There was a sign of good luck, if the yarn twists easily, then life in winter will be easy.

And what else was it customary to do in this day, adults and children will learn on our today holiday

Main part:

Speech therapist: - To get acquainted with the first sign, you need to guess riddles:

While the children are guessing riddles, the parents are given leaflets with the 1st sign written. They need to cross out the repeating letters for the omen to be correct.

This predator is chatty, thieving, fussy, chirping, white-sided, and her name is (magpie) (a child's story about a magpie)

Chick - chirp! Jump to the grains! Peck, don't be shy! Who is this … (Sparrow) (Sasha K.'s story about a sparrow) slide

This bird is familiar to everyone - it walks importantly near the house, Kar - Kar - Kar will suddenly scream and calmly fly away. A very cunning person, and her name is (Crow) slide

I am so groovy, glorious and mischievous, I walk on the asphalt, I do not serve you people. I walk with a proud gait, put on a black raincoat, quickly jump merrily, Kar, Kar, Kar, I always shout. (Crow) (a child's story about a crow)

Ved. Now we offer both parents and children to play a game "Find a bird house" you have pictures of different birds under your chairs, you must determine which bird you have and put a red hoop in your house for sedentary birds, a blue hoop for wintering, and a yellow hoop for migratory birds (children and parents take their picture and put it in the appropriate hoop) name migratory birds, wintering birds. (after playing the Vedas, he approaches the hoop with resident birds)

Speech therapist: We heard stories about birds and identified their houses. And a crow, a sparrow, a magpie - what kind of birds are these?

Children: Resident birds.

Speech therapist: What bird was the last riddle about?

Children: About the raven.

Speech therapist: Well done! Now a word to parents to get acquainted with the first sign in Philip's Day.

Parents read the resulting will accept: Crows croak - for a thaw.

Veda: Guys! How many knows what a thaw is when it happens? (slide

Do you know that in late autumn, after a thaw, we can see frost in nature. Now let's listen to Natalya Mikhailovna - our parent, she will tell you what she knows about frost (parent's story)

Ved. But frost can be seen not only in nature (see the slide, but also to get it at home Natalya Mikhailovna will now tell and show how they made frost at home with Kostya and what they did. (showing the result)

Speech therapist:

To get frost at home, necessary:

Prepare a strong saline solution, pour it to the middle of the jar; Fix the thread on the pencil, and tie a paper clip to the end of the thread;

1. Immerse a thread with a paper clip in a saline solution, put a pencil across the edges of the jar;

2. Place the jar in a dark place.

After the work done, the speech therapist shows the Frost prepared in advance.

Speech therapist: - Here is the 2nd sign in Philip's Day- There is abundant frost on the branches - for good bread next year.

Speech therapist: And now attention to the screen - who is it? (see slide)

Children: Brownie!

Speech therapist: Right! What do you know about the brownie?

On Philippov day don't forget about the brownie. He is treated with all kinds of snacks, and the brownie is called for dinner. According to legend, if he is satisfied with the evening meal, he will bring in a lot of snow and cover the crops in order to protect them from frost.

Today a brownie came to visit us and will tell you about himself

(Parent in brownie clothes tells:)

Brownie - the Slavic peoples have a home spirit, and the owner is the patron saint of the house, ensuring the normal life of the family, the health of people and animals, and fertility.

The brownie, if he loves the owner or mistress, does not harm them, but only jokes sometimes, even provides services. According to the general belief, he lives in the winters near the stove or on the stove.

If the brownie fell in love with the family, then he warns of misfortune, guards the house and yard. When moving from one house to another, they consider it a must on the last night, before leaving the old house, to ask the brownie to a new place with bread and salt. They say that the brownie does not like the lazy. If the brownie does not love the owner, then he begins to mischief.

I propose to play the Russian folk game

The game "Brownie"

Children walking in circles and singing the song:

Kuzya, Kuzya the brownie we want to play with you,

You are on the spot, turn left, bend right

Sit down and get up, and give us an assignment

Don't lie on the stove, show us what to do

(Everyone stops and repeats the movements of the brownie)

Brownie When I went to visit you, I prepared a bundle for you, but where I lost it on the way, I will go, look and return. (leaves)

Ved. The tradition of the Russian people was the manufacture of rag dolls. And to Filippov on the day, women made a traditional doll - a talisman. And who knows what a talisman is?

A charm is an omulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers.

There were many such dolls - amulets. Slide (ten-handed doll - helped the girls in the household; Doll - grain - symbolized prosperity in the house; doll - swaddle -

Parent tells: There was also a doll - a bell - a doll of good news. The ringing of the bell protected people from terrible diseases. The bell rang under the arc at all festive triplets... The bell has a round shape, and from above it resembles the sun. The doll has three skirts, and happiness in humans consists of three parts. If the body is good - the soul is happy, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy.

This doll is cheerful, perky, brings joy and fun to the house, a guardian of a good mood.

Giving a bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him

I propose to make a bell doll for my house.

Look what is on my tray. These are colorful patches)

Tell me, what are they made of? (from fabric)

What beautiful dolls you have!

Ved. Now the word to the parents, what is the 3rd sign that exists in Philip's Day?

One of the parents reads .:

This day favorable for sewing new clothes. On old clothes, it is appropriate to make embroidery with red silk.

Final part!.

Brownie: I found my bundle, let's see what's in it (rolled note)

In that day it is customary to treat the brownie.)

Speech therapist: Guys, come on, and we will follow this sign and also give the housekeeper gifts - this day the dumplings are coming. All winter, dumplings were made in bags and stored right in the cold. But they did not eat, because they strictly observed the fast. But in Filippov day they overeat

And let's now, as a gift to the brownie, perform ditties about dumplings.

(give ditties to parents)

1. As dumplings time

On Filippovka came.

Everyone ate dumplings

They did not regret their mouths.

2. Sits Vanechka dear

Under a green pine tree.

The horn is playing with a pipe,

Convene on dumplings.

3. Eh, my dumplings,

My dumplings.

Boiled, boiled,

Were frozen, all frozen

Now warm, hot!

Ved. V Philippov day it was customary to have fun, sing and dance, and we invite you to a Russian dance.

Russian dance of parents and children.

Veda: Guys, we hope you and your parents learned a lot of new and interesting things today. And you will continue to be interested in folk holidays, which few people know about.

What signs do you remember on phillip day?

Speech therapist. Ended up holiday,

The meeting ended

The hour of parting has come.

We are all a little tired

But we were kept warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Thank you all for the joy and communication! Until next time!


Bird stories

1. Sparrow is a small lively bird. The back of the sparrow is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. A sparrow is an agile bird, without fear it jumps near the feet of a person, pecks from a dog's bowl, picks up crumbs, seeds, grains. Everywhere he adapts well to the habits of the person. The sparrows are singing "chik-chirik

2. A magpie is slightly larger than a jackdaw. People call it white-sided. Bright black and white coloration and long, green tint tail make this bird easy to recognize. In addition, she usually chirps loudly. In autumn, magpies gather in small flocks, fly through gardens and parks, treat themselves to rowan, hawthorn and sea buckthorn berries. She does not fly away from us in winter, but moves closer to people.

3. The crow is a large bird. Her body is covered with feathers. The head, beak, neck, wings, tail and legs of a crow are black, and the back, sides and chest are gray. On the ground, the bird jumps on two legs or flies from place to place in search of food. The crow screams very loud: "Kar!" They live in flocks, so it is easier for them to feed. Crows eat whatever they find. They even find food in landfills. Crows can live in the forest and in the city, but closer to winter they settle next to people, closer to food. After all, they do not fly away to warm regions for the winter.

Appendix # 1

Appendix # 2

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On the date of November 27, which is popularly called Filippov's Day, there is a spell on the Nativity Fast. Traditions are dedicated to this day, the observance of which promises happiness and prosperity. On November 27, folk omens tell about the upcoming weather and the future harvest.

Customs and traditions of the Philip day

On the night of November 27, the owner must treat the spirit that protects pets. They took food for the brownie from the table and carried it out of the hut, while reading the conspiracy: "Father Brownie, try my treat, and for this give me a blessing - to live in goodness and wealth." Returning to the house, one should bow in all corners and drink a glass. At the same time, the remnants of the dinner were kept - in the morning on the way to the church, food was given to those in need.

On the day of St. Philip, women harvest a tow - hemp or linen. Hence the popular name - Kudelitsa. The material, which had to be carefully cleaned from the fire, was intended for spinning.

On November 27, weddings were no longer celebrated. Unmarried girls attended church, where they read a prayer in which they asked the Lord to meet the betrothed. And in the evenings they gathered in one of the houses and wondered. Anyone who wanted to see the groom in a dream would secretly take a piece of beef from the table and put it under the pillow.

In conjunction - the last day before the Nativity Fast - according to custom, a sumptuous table is always set. As a rule, the older generation rested on November 27, while the young did household chores. Sons, daughters and grandchildren prepared food and welcomed guests.

Homemade sausages and pork dumplings are considered traditional dishes for Filippov's day.

Dumplings are intended not only for treats, but also for a kind of fortune-telling - the prediction depended on the filling found:

  • caught a peppery dumpling - to trouble;
  • sweet - for a love adventure;
  • salty - to tears;
  • mint - promised tranquility;
  • with dill - jealousy;
  • with parsley - empty chores.

Signs on Philippov day

  1. If the day of November 27 turned out to be clear, signs say that you can not count on a good harvest.
  2. It is snowing - heavy rain is expected in May.
  3. You can hear how - omens promise a thaw.
  4. Trees are shrouded in frost - next year will be fruitful.
  5. According to the signs, if sparrows are chirping, the weather will soon change.
  6. It is raining - signs promise a rich harvest of wheat.
  7. According to popular beliefs, if the reservoirs on Kudelitsa are covered with frost, expect an abundance of fish.
  8. A cat is washing too long in a house where an unmarried girl or an unmarried man lives - a wedding will take place. For other signs about cats, see the article -.

Protective doll Filippovka

Filippovka was a kind of amulet for a woman and promised happiness. These dolls were made independently on Kudelitsa - only in this way could Filippovka fulfill its direct purpose. She had six hands, with which she turned hard work into pleasure, and at the same time protected the fingers of needlewomen from injury. The hostesses believed that with the help of Filippovka they would cope with business faster and easier, and their house would be filled with joy, happiness and comfort.

If a girl got married recently, then her mother made a doll for her. Together with this amulet, she passed on to her daughter the ability to manage business, so that she had time to take care of her husband.

For Filippovka to help, they did not make faces to her. The doll had flaxen hair, which symbolized pure thoughts. It was believed that they are able to protect the hostess from the tricks of envious people. The head was decorated with a flower wreath so that the woman bloomed and did not worry about anything.

They dressed Filippovka in a red sundress, on the chest of which there should be a pocket. A coin was placed in it, which became a guarantee of thrift and prosperity in the house.

Filippovka was put on the stove. The children were not given it. This doll was revered and cherished: they took care, combed her hair and spoke kindly so that she would bring exclusively good to the house.

Interpretation of dreams on November 27

The dream on Kudelitsa speaks of immoderation. Pay attention to situations in which you allow yourself too much. At the same time, such dreams report the presence or absence of changes in the spiritual plane.

It's time to analyze the behavior and events taking place in your life. And if you listen to your intuition, it will help you find a solution to a particular situation.

Dreams associated with the road are a good omen, while dreams that are hard will indicate health problems. If you dreamed that you were crying, this speaks of the cleansing of the soul.

November 27 is the last day before the Nativity Fast and the day of the real deafness. Today is the beginning of the so-called wolf month, when predators gather in flocks and therefore become more daring. The wolf can attack a lonely passer-by or wander into the yard and hide there, waiting for the owner.

And people also say that on November 27, the evil spirits walk around the world for the last time and on the same night they hide underground, where they will stay until the beginning of Christmas time.

Philippov Day (Kudelitsa) November 27, 2017: what kind of holiday is it, how is it celebrated, traditions, signs, history... Every year on November 27, the folk holiday of Philip Day is celebrated. Otherwise it is also called Kudelitsa. This name comes from the word tow - bunches of flax, prepared for spinning. Since it was spinning that was the main occupation of women on Philippov's day in the old days. This day also has other names - Filippovka, Filippov's spell.

Orthodox on this day remember the holy Apostle Philip. The story goes that Philip was one of those whom the Lord himself asked to follow him. Philip visited many countries. But he became famous for the fact that he was able to convert an entire country to the Christian faith - Ethiopia. Philip was tortured in an attempt to force him to renounce his faith. But nothing could break him. He was ultimately crucified head down on the cross.

By tradition, Philip's Day on November 27 has always been very widely celebrated. The harvest was harvested, everything was ready for winter, people's bins were full of grain, wheat, potatoes and other vegetables. By that time, some of the cattle were slaughtered for meat. A rich table with a large number of meat dishes was prepared on Filippov's day. After all, this day is the last before the beginning of the Nativity Fast. You cannot eat meat from the next day during the entire fast, which lasts 40 days.

On Philip Day, November 27, the people have a tradition of coaxing the brownie. Before dinner, the owners go out into the yard and invite him into the house. And the food left over from the evening meal is left on the table so that the brownie can eat. There is a sign that being satisfied with the treat, he will help protect crops from frost.

Philip's Day November 27, 2017 is the last day of the wedding season of the current year. After all, getting married and getting married during Lent is not recommended. The people say that the "wolf month", "wolf weddings" begins with Philip.

Young girls love to read Philip on November 27th. To do this, they secretly take a piece of beef from the festive table and hide it under the pillow. Before going to bed, they say the words of the conspiracy in the hope of seeing their betrothed in a dream.

There are a lot of people will take on Philip Day on November 27, 2017.
If there is strong frost on this day in the morning, then oats will be born next year.
If it rains, there will be a good harvest of wheat.
If it snows on Philip on November 27, and the sky is overcast, May will be stormy.
And if Filippov's day turned out to be warm, there is no frost in the morning, then a lean year is coming.
If the crows are croaking harder than usual, expect a thaw.

Many are interested in what can be done on Philip's Day and what kind of holiday it is, what is its meaning and omens on this day? The people used to call this day "dumplings". On the incantation before the "cold" fast, parents with married daughters invited them and their families to visit them, came to the godfather's dumplings, dropped in on guests and neighbors. And from the next day until Christmas Eve, it was fasting time.

What to do on Philip's day: Before fasting a spell

November 27 - Memorial Day of the Apostle Philip. He was one of the 12 disciples of the Savior. After the Ascension of the Lord, the Apostle Philip preached the word of God in Judea, Greece, Syria, Asia Minor. In the city of Hierapolis of Phrygia, he put to shame the priests of a pagan temple dedicated to snakes, and for this was crucified on the cross, accepting death like his Divine teacher.

According to legend, after the apostle was crucified on the cross, the rest of the apostles imposed a 6-week fast on themselves, praying for his soul. This is how the Filippovsky fast arose, which, in view of the fact that it ends on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, is also called the Rozhdestvensky one. In Russia, this post was called "cold", because it fell out during the frosty season.

Saint Philip's Day is a day of incantation (preparation for fasting), that is, an Orthodox Russian on this day for the last time before fasting allows himself to eat light food. On this occasion, a rich table is set.

But the peasants not only took a fancy to Philip, but also took care of the brownie grandfather and his family. In the evening of Filippov's day, the owners took out some food into the courtyard with the words: "The king of the brownie, the queen of the brownie, with little children, you are welcome to talk with us." Having uttered this saying, people returned to the hut to have supper, having previously bowed to the very earth to all four cardinal points. Bowing, they were not baptized. Part of the rest of the supper was covered with a tablecloth and left on the table again for the brownie with the housewife and their children, and part was given to the beggars.

From the day of Philip, the autumn wedding weeks came to an end, after which the weddings began to play only after the Christmastide period. At the same time, the people said about Filippov's day: "Philip did not stick to everyone," meaning unmarried and unmarried guys and girls who have not yet been able to find a mate for themselves.

Signs on Philippov day

For Filippov's Day, women made for themselves a traditional amulet doll - "Filippovka". Another name for this doll is "many-handed": after all, it had as many as six hands (three on the right, three on the left).

This doll was designed to ensure success in traditional women's work, it was believed that it magically helps to manage the housework, to look after the children, and to help in handicraft. From Filippov's day they began to thresh. The work required great care:

♦ “They do not thresh through the sheaf”;

♦ “Dangling your sleeves, you cannot thrash the sheaf”;

♦ “What you grind, you put it in the barn”.

They judged the days close and distant by weather signs.

♦ If it is cloudy on Philip and the trees are covered with hoarfrost, then next year they expected a good harvest of grain.

♦ Philip's clear day did not bode well for the peasant, they expected a bad harvest.

♦ Snow on this day promised stormy May.

♦ The croaking of crows foreshadowed a thaw.

From the day of Philip, the "wolf month" begins, when gray predators gather in flocks and this makes them bold: they approach almost close to the villages and attack people who, unfortunately, find themselves on the road alone. By this time, the real deafness is already in the yard. Filippov is the last day, when evil spirits openly walk around the world. According to old beliefs, with the beginning of Lent, all of it hides under the ground and will be there until the beginning of Christmas time.

On November 27, everyone remembers the Apostle Philip, a disciple of Jesus. When the Lord ascended to heaven, Philip continued his work - he preached the word of God in Greece, Syria and Asia Minor. When he disgraced the pagan priests, he was crucified on the cross, like his teacher. After this sad event, the other apostles prayed for his soul for six weeks, while fasting. Therefore, it is customary to consider Philip's day - the last before the Nativity Fast, which lasts until January 6. It is also called Filippov post, or Cold.

Customs and traditions of Philip's day

- This day is the last day when you can eat fatty foods, therefore, an extremely rich table is set this year, when dumplings with pork are served, to which married daughters with their families are invited, as well as godfathers and neighbors, who also carry various meat treats - sausages and balyks. They even predicted the future on dumplings, adding different fillings to them:

- pepper - wait for trouble;

- sugar - for love or a romantic date;

- salt - to tears;

- mint - to calmness;

- dill - jealousy;

- parsley - to empty hassle.

- On the night of November 26-27, it is customary to treat brownies, taking food from the table into the yard, with the words: "Father Brownie, try my treat, and for this give me a blessing - to live in goodness and wealth"... Then they returned to the house and drank a glass, bowing to all corners of their dwelling, but they did not baptize themselves, after all, the Brownie was not from God. In the morning they went to church to give the rest of the food to the poor.

- Since after Filippov's day it was no longer possible to get married, the girls necessarily went to church on November 27 and asked to find their soul mate next year.

- If several families lived in the house, and often that was the case, since the young usually stayed with their parents, then the older generation rested on that day, left home, and the younger one prepared food and waited for their mothers and fathers with a rich table, grandparents.

Protective doll "Filippovka"

Previously, it was believed that a woman who has her own doll would be happy, therefore, on Filippov's day, it was customary to gather a female collective in one of the huts and make dolls, which were called "Filippovki". The doll was a talisman for needlewomen. She had six arms. She protected women's hands from injury and fatigue, and also made work a pleasure.

Since she has many hands, she will help to cope with household chores quickly and joyfully - cleanliness, comfort and peace will reign in the hut. It was usually made by the mother for her daughter, who recently got married, so that she was smartly managed in the house and had time to pay attention to her husband.

It was imperative that the doll was sewn a sundress with a pocket on the chest, where they put a coin so that the hostess was thrifty, and grain, so that the barns were full, a wreath of flowers was put on her head so that the woman bloomed and was calm and proud of the results of her labor.

“Filippovka” had linen hair, since her thoughts are pure, and she will never do any harm, rather, on the contrary, she will protect the house from all evil spirits and her mistress from envy. They did not paint her faces, since her task is to help, and not to be a simple observer.

The doll occupied an honorable place in the house - it lay on the stove and helped the woman. It should not have been given to children to play with, otherwise it could lose its strength. She needed to be cared for and cherished - combed and talked so that she would pay with good.

Signs on Philippov day

- A good harvest will be if there is frost on the trees that day.

- A clear day - a bad harvest.

- It's snowing - May will be rainy.

- The crows croak - there will be a thaw.

- It's raining - spring crops will be good.

- A cat bathes in a house where there is an unmarried or unmarried - for the imminent wedding.

- Sparrows chirp - to a change in the weather.

- Frost covered reservoirs - to the abundance of fish.