Ginipral injections. Ginipral during pregnancy. Reasons for his appointment. Application instruction of Ginipral and the established dosage

“My husband grinds his teeth when he sleeps,” my friend once complained. A misfortune recently happened in their family, after which the rattle of the spouse intensified. To all persuasions to go to the doctor, he declares that he is absolutely healthy. Anton looks really good, he is 26 years old, athletic, energetic.

Grinding teeth in a dream - a bad habit or evidence? What is dangerous bruxism in adults, its causes, how to help yourself. Let's figure it out.

Bruxism (other names - odonterism, Carolini phenomenon)

- involuntary strong clenching of the teeth, clattering, clicking, tapping them. Increases with stress, hard work, etc. It appears periodically during the day or at night.

Sound so unpleasant that sometimes it causes conflicts in the family, irritation of others.

Night attacks are more common, because in wakefulness a person is able to control himself. The duration of attacks is from 10-15 seconds to minutes, the intervals are individual.

50% of children under 7 are prone to bruxism, which in most cases disappears with age and does not pose a particular danger. But you need to pay attention and find out the prerequisites in order to exclude serious health consequences.

Among adults, 15% are bruxers(grinding teeth people), many do not even know about it.

Bruxers chew the inner surfaces of their cheeks, bite their nails, pencils or other objects (my son prefers TV remote controls).

Apparently, therefore, the phenomenon is sometimes perceived as a bad habit, which can be eliminated by willpower.

However, the fact that clenching of the jaws and creaking occurs suggests that Will power can't always solve a problem..

Odonterism is not a disease, but serves as a symptom of a disorder in the body and is on a par with intractable snoring, nightmares, and somnambulism that cannot be controlled by self-control.

Causes of bruxism

The Carolini phenomenon is triggered by many factors, the most common being the psycho-emotional state.

The opinion of psychologists:

long defensive reactions(fear, anger, grief, melancholy, resentment) provoke mental illnesses: stress, neurosis, depression, etc.

Negative ones are the result of subconscious complexes: “I am not worthy”, “I am not beautiful”, “I am a loser”, “I am fat”, “I have not achieved anything”.

When we experience overstrain, the facial and temporomandibular muscles are compressed, the teeth are strongly clenched. If during the day we can control ourselves, then in a dream we grind our teeth, showing that we are uncomfortable in the world, that not everything is in order.

Under stress grinding occurs from time to time, signaling that negative reactions to the outside world are becoming dangerous to health.

With neurosis(as a result of prolonged stress) - the grinding becomes frequent and painful. It's time to take immediate action.

"Sickness of businessmen"- this is how the manifestations of odonterism are called in successful people with a stable psyche: psycho-emotional overload does not bypass anyone.

Somnologists are sure:

bruxism accompanies such sleep disorders as a change in its depth, sleepwalking, nightmares, etc.
Sleep disorders and nervous disorders are interdependent. Nervous tension makes a person go to bed with clenched jaws, which means that while he sleeps, the teeth will have to “work” on self-destruction.

Neurologists believe:

squeaking teeth - can serve as a signal of a serious malfunction in the nervous system (for example, epilepsy, manifested in a dream in a small form and a predisposition to it). In addition, the jaw muscles can tense up due to damage to the trigeminal nerve (the so-called fifth nerve), its motor neurons.

Dental grounds:

1. Pathology of bite.
2. Improperly selected dentures or braces.
3. Poor quality filling, etc.

Osteopathic background:

1. Bruxer was born through complicated childbirth.
2. Birth trauma.
3. Cervical osteochondrosis.

Folk Theory:

1. Tumors, brain injuries.
2. Heredity (especially in boys).
3. Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins.
4. Addiction to alcohol, smoking, caffeine.
6. The use of antidepressants, sleeping pills.

Why is bruxism dangerous?

Night attacks are fraught with abrasion of enamel, loosening, fractures and loss of teeth, headaches, problems with the jaw joints (they begin to click).

The quality of life decreases: the bruxer experiences psychological discomfort and alienation in society.


As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for bruxism, which makes it difficult to diagnose. A reasonable question arises, to whom to turn for help. Experts advise to go immediately to a neurologist, because the most common culprit is a mental disorder.

If you know that you are susceptible to this disease, but going to the doctor is postponed, try to reduce the dangerous consequences. The following measures will help you and will not give side effects:

1. Relaxation, a good mood are necessary before going to bed.
2. Wholesome nutrition, see.
3. Give your jaws a load before bed to make them tired: chew on hard fruits, vegetables (apples, carrots), do special exercises.
4. Soothing teas (read the contraindications).
5. The rhythm of work and rest (everything must be harmonious).
6. Moderate physical activity (jogging, gym).
7. Hiking (at least 1 hour a day) in the fresh air reduces the level of stress hormones, increases the production of happiness hormones.
8. Vacation lasting 21 days.
9. If vacation is not possible, try to find daily!

Why do adults grit their teeth? Teeth grinding (bruxism) is a rather unpleasant syndrome. According to statistics, about 15% of the world's population suffers from this phenomenon. Bruxism is most commonly seen during sleep. Teeth grinding during sleep can last up to several minutes. Moreover, the sleeping person himself does not even know about such a feature of his body.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is spasm of chewing muscles followed by uncontrolled movement of closed jaws. In this case, the teeth tightly adhere to each other, friction is created and, accordingly, gnashing. This phenomenon may be accompanied by the following disorders: nocturnal respiratory arrest (apnea), drop in blood pressure, slowing of the pulse. Bruxism is mostly nocturnal, but some people experience it during the day as well. During wakefulness, a person does not grind his teeth, but strongly clench his jaws. Usually, few people pay attention to this phenomenon, but in vain. The phenomenon itself, of course, is harmless, but over time it can lead to tooth decay.

bruxism symptoms

The patient is able to notice daytime bruxism himself, but relatives usually tell him about nighttime bruxism, who hear these sounds at night that interfere with sleep.

Manifestations of bruxism:

  • Grinding or grinding of teeth.
  • Morning pain in temporomandibular joints and muscles of face.
  • Chronic inflammation of the joints, leading to limited mobility of the lower jaw.
  • Due to the gradual erasure of tooth enamel, sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold increases.
  • Loosening, fractures and chipped teeth.
  • As a result of tooth abrasion and deformation, an anomaly of bite is formed.
  • Sleep disturbance leading to headaches, drowsiness and chronic fatigue syndrome.

What else is bad about bruxism?

Causes of grinding teeth in a dream

dental problems

  • Anomalies and pathologies of the jaw and dentition:
  • Inflammation in the area of ​​dental implants.
  • Poorly fitted removable dentures.
  • Malocclusion.

Nervous disorders. Action of neurotoxins

The presence of chronic neurosis, exhaustion of the nervous system against the background of fairly long physical or mental stress can also cause bruxism. One of the most important functions of sleep is processing and getting rid of unnecessary information from the nervous system. A person in a dream also experiences various daily problems, cannot relax normally and begins to grind his teeth.

Nocturnal bruxism occurs during REM sleep phases and episodes of restless sleep: active movement of the eyeballs, involuntary muscle twitches.

Bruxism is often associated with sleep talking, snoring, sleepwalking, and sometimes enuresis.

People who grind their teeth in their sleep often gnaw on various objects (toothpicks, matches, pens, pencils or nails) at times of tension.

Action household poisons that poison the human nervous system:

  • Alcohol.
  • Nicotine.
  • Nitro paints.

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joints

They usually lead to disruption functions of the mandibular joints. This disorder manifests itself as a click when opening the mouth, for example, when biting off large pieces or yawning. Chronic inflammation of the joints is the cause of increased nerve pulsations that stimulate involuntary spasm of the masticatory muscles. As a result of muscle contraction, the lower jaw begins to move and, accordingly, there is a grinding of teeth. A vicious circle is formed here: inflammation provokes muscle spasm, which itself supports this inflammation, provoking a violation of the normal ratio of articular surfaces.

Theory about the influence of helminths

There is an opinion that the cause of grinding teeth during sleep is helminthic infestations. However, there is no connection between the manifestations of bruxism and the presence of helminths in the body. Any person can grind their teeth, even one who has never had worms. But still, there is a more or less scientific explanation for the fact that people who have worms can grind their teeth in their sleep:

  • Firstly, the presence of helminthic invasions can lead to neuroticism of the patient.
  • Secondly, a clear deficiency of vitamin B12. In the presence of intestinal helminths in the body, the synthesis of vitamin B12 is reduced. Neuromuscular transmission worsens, which can lead to disruption of the temporomandibular joints and chewing muscles.
  • Thirdly, the same deficiency of vitamin B12. The amount of oxygen entering the brain decreases, which can lead to changes in the depth of sleep and the appearance of involuntary muscle contractions.

bruxism treatment

Before proceeding with the treatment of bruxism, it is necessary to find out the probable causes of its occurrence. Based on this, a dentist or other specialist will prescribe treatment. So, if this phenomenon is based on stress, then a person needs to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. In this case, he will have to get acquainted with special techniques that will help get rid of stress. You can use other ways to get rid of stress: airing the room, walking in the fresh air, relaxing baths with various soothing aromatic oils, a balanced diet.

The main methods of treatment:

Treatment with folk methods

You can relax your jaw muscles with self-massage And special compresses. Also, before going to bed, you can work your muscles, nibble on some hard fruit or vegetable: celery stalks, an apple, carrots. It helps to rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile. Chamomile relieves tension and inflammation. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes or sedatives.

Bruxism refers to a phenomenon from a wide variety of medical fields. Therefore, when prolonged episodes of teeth grinding occur, it is imperative to be examined by at least two specialists: a dentist and a neuropathologist.

The article is devoted to the description of the problem of teeth grinding in children and adults. Causes of buxism and methods of its treatment are named.

Teeth grinding is a problem for people of all ages. Many of them simply do not pay attention to this habit. In medicine, this habit is called buxism.

Teeth grinding occurs due to the tension of the masticatory muscles, as a result - a lot of dental problems. Buxism occurs in an unconscious state when a person is sleeping or is carried away by some process. Sometimes, gnashing of teeth can be accompanied by neuroses. There are reasons why people develop buxism, as well as ways in which you can get rid of it.

How to recognize the manifestation of buxism?

The habit of grinding teeth is noticeable from the outside. However, it is extremely difficult to identify it in oneself. If suspicions crept in, you can analyze the following symptoms:

  • Those suffering from buxism actively develop dental problems: tooth enamel is erased, bite changes, teeth become loose
  • Teeth grinding affects the quality of sleep. The body cannot fully relax, and a person feels tired in the morning
  • Neck and head pain may occur
  • Feeling ringing in the ears

If all or some of the symptoms are found, you should observe the reaction of your jaw to nervous situations. A good way to spot buxism is to ask strangers to watch you for a few days.

Grinding of teeth is not considered a disease. Experts attribute it to one of the variants of sleep disturbance, along with sleepwalking and snoring.

Treatment of grinding, grinding teeth bruxism

If we take into account that buxism is one of the variants of mental disorders, then the first stage of treatment should be the elimination of stressful situations from life. To do this, you need to contact a psychologist, control your aggression, lead a more active lifestyle.

Also, you need to visit the dentist's office and voice your problem. There, special plates, caps will be made, which protect the teeth from abrasion during sleep.

There are also several effective folk methods for getting rid of buxism.

  • Medicinal herbs against gnashing of teeth. Herbs such as valerian and lavender have a calming effect. For children and adults, an evening massage with essential lavender oil and tea with valerian decoctions will be effective.
  • Herbal teas have a relaxing effect. Those suffering from buxism are advised to drink a cup of warm herbal tea before bed. It may include chamomile, mint, lemon balm, lemon juice and honey.
  • A drink made from milk and turmeric. It is necessary to heat a glass of milk to a hot state, dissolve a teaspoon of ground turmeric in it. Drink the mixture 30 minutes before bedtime
  • The use of calcium and magnesium will support tooth enamel in case of buxism
  • Practicing deep breathing can help relieve nervous tension before bed.
  • A healthy lifestyle, enough time for sleep, physical activity help to improve the state of the nervous system
  • Warm compress against teeth grinding. The fabric should be soaked in warm water, wring out. Then apply to the muscles of the neck and jaw, where tension is felt. The heat will help relax the muscles and prevent pain.

Teeth grinding: tips and reviews

There are many testimonials on the net from patients who were able to overcome the habit of grinding their teeth.

  • “For me, an important moment in getting rid of this bad habit was its awareness. My husband, a few months ago, said that at night I grind my teeth. I didn't pay attention to it. Due to dental problems, I had to admit to myself that buxism is a real problem. I began to control myself during the day, and before going to bed I drank soothing tea and tried not to think about daytime problems. Svetlana, 38 years old
  • “I suffer from buksism periodically. When there is stress at work, I can wake up several times at night from my own grinding of teeth. As soon as I start to notice the problem, everything goes away. Until the next stress." Nikolai, 45 years old
  • “The dentist told me that I was grinding my teeth. Advised to make caps. For a long time they prevented me from sleeping, but then I got used to it. Didn't go to other doctors. I try to be less nervous and fall asleep in a calm state. Apparently, I grind my teeth only at night, during the day I didn’t notice this behind me. Alla, 27 years old

Dr. Komarovsky about buxism in children

Of the reasons that provoke buxism, Komarovsky notes the most likely:

  • Adenoid enlargement
  • Heredity
  • teething
  • Lack of B vitamins

Komarovsky advises treating buxism, starting with the stabilization of the child's nervous state. Massages, herbal teas, warm baths should be used before bed. It is necessary to reinforce the child's body with vitamins and minerals, especially in the winter and spring seasons.

The main problem with Buxism is that little attention is paid to it. If a problem is found, there is no need to postpone its solution. Attention should be paid to disorders in the body that could cause the occurrence of gnashing of teeth.

Video: “Buxism. What to do if you grind your teeth at night?

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

A person may not guess what interferes with his sound sleep until he learns from loved ones that gnashing of teeth is heard at night. This is a fairly common problem, affecting 15-20% of the population, but most people are not even aware of it or pay attention to it until they face the consequences. Why does a person clench his teeth strongly in a dream and is it necessary to do something about it?

What is bruxism

Clenching your teeth while you sleep is called bruxism. The attack, during which the jaws are tightly compressed, friction occurs and gnashing is heard, lasts from several seconds to 10 minutes and periodically repeats throughout the night. Usually the phenomenon is accompanied by a change in blood pressure, respiratory failure, increased heart rate.

Bruxism is observed in 50% of children, as they grow older, in most cases, grinding of teeth at night stops. But it is better to immediately find out the reasons in order to avoid health problems in the future. In adults, the phenomenon is less common, and it is not considered an independent disease, but this is a clear signal that not everything is in order with the body.

There are two types of bruxism:

  1. Day. It is not so common, it is easier to recognize. Periodically during the day in tense moments, a spasm of the jaw occurs, which takes an unusual, abnormal position. In most cases, self-control will help to cope with daytime bruxism.
  2. Night. Much more dangerous, because during deep sleep a person does not control his actions.

At the time of the attack, pressure is exerted on the jaw, 10 times the load during chewing.

Reason #1: Stress

Scientists from the University of Düsseldorf conducted a study in which 48 subjects participated and proved that stress is the main cause of bruxism. In a dream, the body rests, cleanses itself and gets rid of unnecessary information, and clenching its jaws, a person continues to experience daytime troubles at night. Constant nervous tension is a sure way to develop this disorder.


  • Representatives of such professions are most susceptible to stress: a surgeon, a photojournalist, a passenger plane pilot, a realtor, a manager.
  • Dark chocolate, laughter and… good deeds help reduce the amount of stress hormones. The famous scientist Allan Luks claims that after sincere selfless help to strangers, a person experiences happiness and satisfaction. Endorphins are produced in the body, it relaxes and gets rid of stress. This is also confirmed by a 30-year study, which showed that women who took care of other people, and not just their family, were 2 times less likely to get sick and enjoy life more.

Bad habits

The occurrence of bruxism can be triggered by lifestyle. The negative impact is:

  • nicotine addiction;
  • alcohol consumption in large quantities;
  • excess daily caffeine;
  • taking antidepressants.

congenital anomalies

The reason may also be hidden in defects of the facial skeleton, for example, in the wrong structure of the joints that connect the temporal bone and the lower jaw.


Disorders in the work of the nervous system provoke various disorders associated with sleep, which are often accompanied by grinding of teeth - apnea, somnambulism, nightmares, enuresis. Also trismus and bruxism are signs of damage to the trigeminal nerve, causing the tone of the masticatory muscles.

Dental causes

Various problems in the oral cavity can also lead to the development of bruxism:

  • malocclusion;
  • loss of some teeth;
  • braces;
  • dentures, veneers;
  • poorly placed fillings.

The helminth theory


Gritting of teeth at night is the first and surest sign of bruxism. But to learn about it without outside help is almost impossible. In order to independently identify the disease, you should pay attention to the condition of the enamel, to the presence of an increased reaction to sweet, hot or cold. Perhaps there are new holes, chips, or dentures are damaged for no apparent reason. All this is indirect evidence of the development of a movement disorder.

There are a number of additional signs that may indicate the manifestation of nocturnal bruxism:

  • throbbing pain in temples in the morning;
  • dizziness and ringing in the ears;
  • jaw muscle soreness;
  • constant feeling of tiredness, drowsiness;
  • discomfort in the sinuses;
  • restless sleep and frequent awakenings.

What is bruxism? This term refers to the phenomenon in which an adult grinds his teeth in a dream or in the daytime, which is much less common. The condition is also called odontism and is characterized by a sudden tension of the dentoalveolar apparatus, due to which the masticatory muscles undergo spasm. At this moment, the jaws close at the level of automatism, begin to move uncontrollably, causing friction of tightly interlocked teeth and a characteristic creak.

In order to understand how to stop grinding your teeth, you should find out why the teeth grind and what circumstances can provoke an unconscious closure of the jaws. And most importantly, to know why you need to get rid of the problem and how to cure bruxism.

According to neurologists, the nightly grinding of teeth in a dream can be the first "bell" signaling problems of the nervous system.

As for the unconscious closing of the jaws during the day, according to medical observations, this is more often characteristic of people who are too temperamental, it is during moments of strong emotional outbursts that they experience muscle spasm and automatic friction with their teeth.

A set of common factors that are often the causes of bruxism:

  • sometimes gnashing of teeth at night occurs due to the bad habit of biting a pen or other objects. According to experts, the origins of such a habit are also interconnected with disorders of the nervous system;
  • abnormal development of bite;
  • incorrect prosthetics or installation of orthodontic structures, poor-quality filling;
  • being in constant nervous situations, susceptibility to nervous overstrain, a state of chronic fatigue, prolonged depression;
  • excessive use of substances that excite the nervous system - drinks containing caffeine, various stimulants, addiction to alcohol, cigarettes;
  • abnormal development of the temporomandibular joint, dentoalveolar pathology;
  • prerequisites for epilepsy;
  • the presence of a withdrawal syndrome at the stage of weaning from nicotine or alcohol addiction;
  • often adults grind their teeth at night against the background of superficial light sleep, frequent awakenings, sleepwalking, apnea, nightmares;
  • hereditary predisposition, especially this cause of bruxism concerns men.

All actions occur unconsciously, while an adult may not be aware of the presence of an unpleasant syndrome for a long time, until family members tell him about it. It is noted that bruxism affects approximately 10% of adults and 20% of children.

Oksana Shiyka


Special attention deserves the sensational reason for grinding teeth in a dream - worms. From a scientific point of view, this "popular" judgment is not supported by anything and there is no medical justification for it. Therefore, absolutely all people can make characteristic sounds, both with and without helminths.

If we briefly consider the effect of worms on the human body, then the following negative processes are distinguished:

  • it is noted that people with worms are more nervous, impulsive, respectively prone to nervous disorders;
  • intestinal helminths interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins and provoke their deficiency, especially B vitamins. And this element is responsible for neuromuscular transmission;
  • with a lack of vitamin B12, oxygen supply to the brain decreases, which negatively affects the quality of sleep. A person suffers from insomnia, often wakes up, he is tormented by nightmares.

If we consider the issue from this angle, then the occurrence of bruxism and the presence of helminthic invasions can hypothetically be interconnected and indicate the presence of the problem under consideration. This is described in the video below, watch from 3:28.

So, we figured out why they grind their teeth. Now let's understand what it can lead to if a person in a dream creaks at the top of his lungs.

bruxism symptoms

You can guess about the presence of bruxism if there is a characteristic clicking, clattering, tapping or grinding of teeth in a dream. The duration of such sounds is individual, so the time range of spasm can be calculated in seconds or minutes.

The main symptom is complemented by concomitant symptoms, which are the natural consequences that bruxism leads to in adults:

  • changes in breathing, pressure, pulse;
  • depending on the frequency of seizures, a person gradually becomes hypersensitive, microcracks and chips appear on the enamel.
  • malocclusion;
  • tooth enamel is erased, and its thinning leads to a painful reaction to stimuli;
  • the appearance of a headache and discomfort in the area of ​​​​the facial muscles, the peak of severity occurs in the morning;
  • bruxism interferes with proper rest and disrupts sleep, because in fact a person is in tension. Such circumstances lead to drowsiness during the day, lack of vigor: this is why a person intuitively tries to intensify activity with the help of stimulants (drinks a lot of coffee, tea), which irritates the nervous system even more;
  • temporomandibular joints or paranasal sinuses may ache;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • complaints of ear pain;
  • the combination of such side effects becomes the basis for the development of depression, stress.

This is what the teeth of someone who suffers from bruxism and grinds their teeth at night can look like.

This, at first glance, an innocent phenomenon, can significantly spoil the quality of life and the condition of the teeth of an adult. The problem needs to be dealt with, because if there is a need for prosthetics, veneers or implantation, bruxism will become a serious obstacle along the way, since it is a contraindication to many dental procedures aimed at aesthetic and functional correction of the dentition.

In addition to the fact that bruxism negatively affects the facial muscles, teeth, bone and joint apparatus, grinding teeth in a dream causes a lot of trouble for relatives and friends of a person. After all, if a husband or wife has the habit of grinding their teeth uncontrollably in a dream, then what kind of good rest for the second spouse can we talk about in this case. As a result, the nervous system of both suffers, and for some couples, relationships even deteriorate.

Treatment Methods

Given the extremely negative impact on the dentition, it is reasonable to start the treatment of bruxism with measures aimed at preserving the teeth. You should contact your dentist, who will determine the extent of the problem and help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

For these purposes, the specialist will recommend wearing a special tire, silicone cap, trainer, made individually in a laboratory. These devices are designed specifically for bruxism and will not help straighten the teeth, so the functional device of similar designs should not be confused.

Mouthguard for bruxism.

Next, you need to see a neurologist to assess the state of the nervous system. This is one of the main reasons why you grind your teeth in your sleep. Moreover, bruxism provokes the development of a host of other pathological processes in the body in adults. Therefore, strengthening the nerves will benefit in any case, especially for quick-tempered emotional people.

Therapy can be started with the simplest herbal-based sedatives - these are valerian, motherwort, mint. The plants can be brewed as a tea or taken as alcohol-based drops. If the situation has become neglected, then the specialist will select stronger medications, sometimes you have to resort to hypnosis, sessions with a psychotherapist, Botox injections to paralyze the muscle fibers of the oral cavity.

In the presence of dentoalveolar pathologies, an abnormal bite structure, you should consult with an orthodontist, and if necessary, with an orthopedist or implantologist. Sometimes, in order to stop grinding your teeth in a dream, it is enough to install a bracket system for a short time.

A good therapeutic effect on teeth grinding is provided by cold or hot compresses, special exercises, and massage. These measures help to relax, relieve tension from the muscles of the face, neck-collar zone. If the patient is serious about the treatment of bruxism, then for a while you will have to exclude drinks that excite the nervous system (alcohol, coffee, energy drinks).

Oksana Shiyka


It is worth warning people who wish to hide the adverse effects of bruxism through aesthetic restoration, bypassing the treatment of the underlying cause. It is advisable to start such procedures only with the final cure of bruxism.

The video below clearly and fully explains why teeth grind in a dream, and what can be done about it:


As such, there are no folk recipes to get rid of bruxism and cure teeth grinding in a dream, but every person who has this habit can follow a list of simple but effective recommendations. The main task is to control nerve impulses, change your angle of perception to ongoing life situations, prevent stress, learn to relax.

Tips on how to beat bruxism in adults:

  • the air in the rest room should be fresh, so you need to ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • in the evening, for relaxation, it is good to take a bath with sea salt, essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs. It has long been known that water is able to take away negativity and purify the human energy field. Only during the procedure, you do not need to re-live the day in your thoughts - all worries are left behind the threshold of the house, and now it is better to read light literature or listen to your favorite music;
  • exclude the usual drinks and drink herbal preparations for sedative purposes, rosehip broth with honey;
  • before going to bed, it is useful to load the jaws a little with hard fruits;
  • engage in feasible physical activity - simple exercises, swimming pool, dancing, yoga, jogging, gym;
  • a walk in the fresh air should fit into even the busiest schedule of a busy person;
  • learn to see more joyful moments in life and not focus on troubles.

Now you know why you grind your teeth at night, how to treat bruxism and how to get rid of unpleasant teeth sounds in your sleep. The essence of all recommendations is to minimize emotional overstrain and put in order the regime of work and rest.