Chemical peeling for the skin around the eyes. Why wrinkles are formed around the eyes. The most gentle methods

Can peeling be done in the eyelid area? How to improve the eye contour with mesotherapy? Why does a cold cause bruising under the eyes?

Kira Vasilievna Moskaleva, a dermatocosmetologist at the St. Petersburg beauty salon "Anri", answers questions from readers.

“Recently I was on vacation in Cyprus. It was very hot there, I sunbathed a lot. And only on my return did I notice how badly my skin around my eyes deteriorated. She was covered with fine wrinkles. Tell me how to get rid of them? "
Olga Vorobyova, St. Petersburg

- Sometimes sunscreens fail to cope with the abundance of the sun. It ages the skin, dehydrates it and causes wrinkles. First of all, the skin around the eyes suffers. It is believed that conventional anti-age programs cannot be carried out on it. In fact, this is not entirely true. Even procedures such as chemical peels are well tolerated by the skin of the eyelids. It removes wrinkles most effectively and quickly.
Several peels are suitable for the eye contour. The first one is based on glycolic acid. Previously, it was used at a low concentration for these areas. But now there are drugs that contain a high concentration of acid and at the same time do not damage the delicate skin of the eyelids.
For example, Guam Glycolic Eye Peel contains 70% acid. This is a very high figure. Nevertheless, the skin of the eyelids is not injured in any way. Events develop according to the usual scenario: redness, peeling, healing. All these stages take about a week. After that, you cannot sunbathe, therefore, no one does glycolic peeling in the summer.
In the warm season, only the so-called yellow peeling can be carried out. It is great for eyelid skin. If necessary, only it is processed, the rest of the face is not affected.
The "yellow peeling" has other advantages as well. One of them is a short rehabilitation period. It is only two days long, which is why the yellow peel is even called a weekend peel. That is, the client comes on Thursday for the procedure, exfoliation takes place on Saturday and Sunday, and on Monday you can go to work already rejuvenated. No wrinkles will remain, the skin will be absolutely smooth.

“To remove crow's feet and bags under the eyes, the cosmetologist offered me mesotherapy. Is it really being held for centuries? How can you prick them with a needle? "
Alexandra Lisyanskaya, Moscow region

- There is so-called mesotherapy for the eyelids. She perfectly copes with most problems - bruises, swelling, decreased skin tone of the eyelids. But the bags under the eyes cannot be removed with the help of mesotherapy. They can only be reduced, and even then only for a short time.
But mesotherapy helps against wrinkles perfectly. Here, special solutions are used that are intended for the skin of the eyelids. For example, substances are used that reduce the conduction of a nerve impulse. Then the eye muscles contract less, therefore, mimic wrinkles gradually disappear. Mesotherapy with argireline has such an effect.
In addition, mesobotox is used - injections of botulinum toxin taken at a minimum concentration. It also smoothes the skin around the eyes. The same can be said about mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. It nourishes the skin with moisture, eliminates expression lines, bruises and swelling.
There is also such a procedure as mesopilling. This is an injection of glycolic acid into the superficial layers of the skin. The result is visible after the first session. The skin brightens, becomes smoother and more elastic. The look, as beauticians say, opens, and this makes the woman look 5-10 years younger.
A few words about safety. Mesotherapy for the eyelids should only be performed by a very experienced specialist. Here you can use both manual injection of the drug and an injection device. The procedure is almost painless. Only a tingling or tingling sensation can bother you. To avoid this, you can ask your beautician to apply an anesthetic to your skin.
At least five treatments are usually recommended. They can be held at any time of the year. But in the summer, you need to take certain precautions. It is not recommended to be in the sun or sunbathe for three days after the procedure. The fact is that profuse sweating helps to remove the drug from the skin. Therefore, in no case should you overheat. It is even better not to go in for sports, and there is nothing to say about baths and saunas - they are prohibited. Otherwise, the efforts of the beautician will give very few results.

“Recently I have become like a spectacle snake - the skin around my eyes has darkened so much. I attribute this to constant lack of sleep and the fact that I spend a lot of time at the computer. Can you provide advice on grooming? Are there any whitening treatments? "
Margarita Esina, 34 years old, Moscow

- Lack of sleep and constant eye strain can actually trigger hyperpigmentation. But if she appeared suddenly, then this is a reason to think. The fact is that the dark coloration of the eyelid skin is an indicator of endocrinological problems. It is possible that the adrenal glands or the thyroid gland are disrupted. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of these organs and go to an endocrinologist. If he excludes his pathology, then you can contact a beautician.
There are many bleaching procedures now. First of all, they include the already mentioned "eyelid mesotherapy". The preparations intended for her have a whitening effect to one degree or another. It is most pronounced in those products that contain vitamins K and C. If they are in the cocktail, it means that the skin around the eyes will definitely brighten. This will happen after 2-3 procedures. As a rule, there are at least five of them. The result lasts from 4 to 5 months, and after six months the course of mesotherapy can be repeated.
An even more intense procedure is photorejuvenation. It consists in irradiating the skin with a powerful beam of visible light. The skin looks great after that. But there is one "but". The procedure is performed on the entire face, excluding the upper eyelid. Therefore, it is most effective for lower eyelid pigmentation.
The same can be said for skin darkening caused by the constant wearing of heavy glasses. With such a defect, photorejuvenation is simply irreplaceable.
After several procedures, the darkening zone is reduced several times, and a thin strip remains on the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid. The rest of the skin around the eyes becomes light and firm. In addition, mimic wrinkles disappear.
This result persists for quite a long time - at least six months. In addition, special masks must be made.
Professional masks based on lyophilized collagen with the addition of vitamin K or aloe extract have proven themselves especially well. These are the so-called collagen glasses. They have a fabric base impregnated with active substances. The mask is applied to the eyes for 10-15 minutes, and this should not be done so often - only once or twice a week. Such uncomplicated care prolongs the results of photorejuvenation up to several years.

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The skin, performing the function of a protective barrier that protects the human body from the harmful effects of the environment, is one of the most sensitive organs. The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive. Fatigue, unfavorable external factors, stress and time leave their mark in the form of dark circles, puffiness and fine wrinkles. Sun protection, constant hydration, and treatments such as exfoliating the skin around the eyes can help prevent the early signs of aging and keep the area plump and taut for as long as possible.

A comprehensive care of the skin under and around the eyes, based on the recommendations of cosmetologists, will prevent the appearance of problems associated with the condition of this area of ​​the face. Simple, but regular and careful actions will help you achieve significant success in this business.

The skin around the eyes is considered the thinnest and most sensitive. It is she who is more susceptible to the action of aggressive factors.
  1. Redefine your makeup. Expired or low-quality decorative cosmetics for the eyes can cause eye disease and contribute to premature aging.
  2. Remember, washing your face alone is not enough to remove makeup from your eyelashes or eyelids. It is necessary to use special products for the complete and easy removal of cosmetics from the eyes.
  3. Never leave makeup on your eyes overnight.
  4. Apply twice a day on the skin around the eyes, means intended for her care.
  5. Intensive eye care also includes performing light massage... Tapping the eyelids and under the eyes with the fingertips improves blood circulation.
  6. AND use no more than once a week masks(better home-made from natural ingredients). The delicate skin under the eyes needs nourishment and hydration.
  7. Exfoliate no more than once a year. The skin around the eyes also needs a deep but gentle cleansing.
  8. Wear sunglasses in sunny weather. Protect sensitive eyelid skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Types of peels around the eyes

Special care is required for the area around the eyes. Therefore, along with simple means intended for this purpose - creams, masks, serums, etc., cosmodermatologists advise to carry out exfoliating procedures. Peeling of the skin under the eyes is based, as a rule, on the use of gentle chemical components that have an obvious effect without harming the internal tissues.

Superficial peeling promotes better absorption of nutrients by cells that are part of various creams and gels. Cosmetics used for the skin of the eyelids must contain the following ingredients: vitamins A, E, B3 and C, hyaluronic acid, azulene, coenzymes, green tea extract, aloe, cucumber, wheat proteins. These components initiate the processes of epidermis regeneration in the eye area.

Glycolic peeling helps to eliminate fine wrinkles on the skin. This long-established method initially involved the use of solutions with low percentages of various acids. Therefore, the result of the procedures was not very effective. However, there are many cosmetics with high concentration of glycolic acid on the market today, which are completely safe even for the extremely sensitive skin around the eyes.

Glycolic peeling is often used as a preparation of the skin for surgery or plastic surgery.

Yellow peeling can be carried out regardless of the season. The procedure is widely used not only to renew the skin of the face, but also the area around the eyes. Its main advantage is a rather short rehabilitation period. This method of cleansing and rejuvenation works instantly, and it takes only two days to completely restore the skin. It is no coincidence that the procedure is also known under such a name as “weekend peeling”.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Before proceeding directly to the peeling of the skin around the eyes, it is necessary to clean it with special cosmetics to remove excess sebum and normalize the pH level. Then the peeling preparation is applied to the skin around the eyes for 5-10 minutes. When applying the product, a certain order of actions should be followed:

  • Cover the upper eyelid area with the composition with light massaging movements. In this case, the eyes must be closed.
  • Lightly massaging the skin, gently approach the inner edge of the eye.
  • Continuing to massage the skin, move to the area under the eyes. You should act carefully so as not to touch the lacrimal gland.

The procedure is completed by applying a special mask or cream to the treated surface. This is necessary to reduce irritation that may occur after exposure to drugs, as well as to enhance the overall effect.

The result of the peeling procedure for the skin in the eye area

Age-related changes in skin appearance are not easily preventable. The area around the eyes is especially vulnerable. But a properly selected peeling agent and a properly performed procedure can achieve a number of beneficial effects.

Age-related changes primarily affect the area around the eyes. It is difficult to resist such changes.
  1. Keratin production processes are normalized.
  2. The layer of dead cells disappears, which allows the skin to be saturated with oxygen.
  3. The skin around the eyes is constantly hydrated.
  4. Fine wrinkles are eliminated, and skin elasticity is significantly increased.
  5. The vascular network disappears, blood flow is normalized.
  6. The processes of skin aging are slowed down, pigmentation disappears.
  7. Puffiness and bags under the eyes disappear.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in the area around the eyes, the layer of skin is very thin, and is penetrated by a huge number of capillaries. Therefore, in some cases, many methods of cleaning or rejuvenation, including peeling of the skin around the eyes, are prohibited, since they can cause serious and irreversible consequences!


The story of one of our readers Tatyana Makeeva:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ... Read the article >>

Face care

Unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, any disturbances in the body and an excess of ultraviolet radiation primarily affect the thin and sensitive skin around the eyes.

It is here that the first wrinkles appear, edema and redness form, indicating the existence of certain problems. Creams, masks and serums are designed to eliminate such phenomena, but even so delicate skin needs preliminary cleaning, without which the effect of cosmetic preparations will be lubricated, which will make their use almost useless.

Specialized peeling of the skin around the eyes will help prepare the epidermis for subsequent procedures and will bring many benefits in itself. It is important to understand that tissues penetrated with a dense capillary network should receive the most gentle care. Otherwise, the risk of developing permanent pathological consequences is high.

Purpose and results of peeling around the eyes

On the thin skin of the upper and lower eyelids, age-related manifestations appear earlier and more pronounced than in other areas of the face. Resisting these symptoms is difficult, but possible.

Correctly selected regular peeling of the skin around the eyes can achieve the following results:

  1. Keratinization processes are normalized. The tissues are not covered with an impenetrable film of horny cells, which does not allow cells to breathe fully and receive the necessary nutrients and anti-aging components.
  2. The occurrence of whiteheads, which can occur in owners of skin of any type, is not allowed.
  3. The epidermis becomes more hydrated.
  4. Small wrinkles are eliminated, the skin is smoothed, becomes more elastic and dense.
  5. The visible vascular network is eliminated by normalizing blood flow and eliminating infiltrates. Redness of unclear etiology disappears. As a result of improved lymph flow, the process of elimination of toxins is accelerated.
  6. The rate of pigment formation is controlled, the appearance of age and physiological age spots is prevented.
  7. Puffiness and bags under the eyes are neutralized. To obtain a similar effect, it is recommended to combine peels with special massage techniques, using anti-edema creams and serums.

No matter what the manufacturers of miraculous foundations for cleansing and beauty salons claim, peeling of the skin around the eyes is not able to relieve the following conditions:

  • severe sagging of the skin of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • noticeable displacement of the subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • pathological tissue thinning.

The initial manifestations of such problems can be dealt with using an integrated approach that includes gymnastics, massage, microcurrent therapy, peptide creams and tightening serums. In especially advanced cases, plastic surgery is the only solution.

In addition to the traditional classifications of cosmetic procedures, there is a specific type of separation of manipulations for the care of the delicate skin of the eyelids.

According to the frequency of procedures, peeling of the skin around the eyes can be:

  1. Daily. Usually these are formulations with a minimum concentration of fruit acids (up to 5%). A similar product can be purchased at a beauty salon specializing in fruit peels, or you can create it yourself from industrial reagents or natural products. As a last resort, it is recommended to purchase a night cream or eyelid gel with similar ingredients. Then it will soften the dead cells during the night, and in the morning they will be easily removed.
  2. Weekly. These are ready-made compositions based on fruit acids of 7-8% concentration. They can also be purchased at a beauty salon or specialty shop. It is possible to apply such a peeling of the skin around the eyes only in the absence of an increased sensitivity of the epidermis to the components of the composition.
  3. Quarterly. These procedures involve the use of acids, enzymes or peptides (as well as mixtures of all of the listed ingredients). In this case, the acids that act as a catalyst and solvent in the compositions have the maximum concentration allowed for the delicate skin of the eyelids. Manipulations are carried out only in beauty salons and clinics by experienced specialists. Sessions are not recommended to be carried out more than once a month. The optimal frequency is procedure per quarter. Brushing causes noticeable peeling and requires compliance with certain conditions during the recovery period.

Gentle enzymatic and peptide peels without the addition of acids and other solvents can be carried out according to indications. They are suitable even for sensitive and reactive skin.

The use of the following methods of intervention is strictly contraindicated:

  • scrubbing. Mechanical action on delicate skin can lead to tissue stretching and worsening of wrinkles. Abrasive particles, no matter how small they are, will scratch the epidermis, provoking the appearance of foci of inflammation.
  • cleaning with gommage. The technique of manipulation involves intensive rubbing of the skin, which provokes the appearance of stretch marks and new wrinkles even faster than using scrubs.
  • peels based on highly concentrated acidic formulations. Such products can cause chemical burns, after which the delicate skin will no longer recover.

Features of carrying out manipulations based on ready-made professional peelings

The use of ready-made peels at home requires adherence to a number of rules. Neglecting simple recommendations can aggravate the condition of the epidermis and cause new problems.

It is important to understand that peeling of the skin around the eyes gives a positive result not by directly affecting the problem areas, but by improving the condition of the tissues adjacent to them. This must be taken into account in the process of applying the composition to the face:

  1. The mixture is not applied directly to the mobile upper and lower eyelids.
  2. When processing the upper fixed eyelid, do not allow the product to come into contact with the area close to the inner part of the eye.
  3. In the lower part of the eye, the active ingredients are applied to the skin above the bone, while it is impossible to come close to the lower edge of the eye and to the lacrimal gland.

Immediately after manipulation, a regenerating mask or a very light cream should be applied to the skin. The components of the formulations are easily absorbed into fabrics, showing maximum effectiveness. When using peels during the daytime, it is necessary to protect the skin with products with a high content of light filters.

Even if pronounced problems do not appear on the skin of the eyelids, preventive measures must be taken. This will allow to postpone old age for several years by constantly stimulating natural processes and giving the tissues maximum elasticity.

Glycolic peeling of the skin around the eyes

The most popular dry cleaning aimed at improving the condition of the skin around the eyes is carried out using glycolic acid. It simulates tissue rejuvenation by renewing epidermal cells.

This technique yields the following results:

  1. Normalization of the water balance leads to the restoration of the shape of cells, filling the intercellular space, smoothing wrinkles. The maximum result can be achieved by combining glycolic cleansing with toning creams and masks.
  2. As a result of removing keratinized scales from delicate tissues, cleansing and opening pores, normal access to cells of oxygen, nutrients, vitamins is restored.
  3. Pigment spots are eliminated, the skin color under the eyes is evened out.
  4. With an integrated approach, based on the accompaniment of massage and serum cleansing, you can cope with puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Glycolic peeling of the skin around the eyes is often a way to prepare the epidermis for contouring or surgery. A similar technique has been used for a very long time, but until recently, weakly concentrated preparations were used as a reagent. Today, cosmetic formulations with glycolic acid of a fairly high concentration have appeared. Despite this, the manipulation is absolutely safe even for cleaning the most sensitive skin.

The manipulation causes temporary redness and flaking of the epidermis, which disappears after a few days or even weeks. This must be taken into account when choosing such a cleaning.

There are contraindications to the session:

  1. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Herpes and cutaneous viral diseases in the acute stage.
  3. Increased body temperature.
  4. Lachrymation and pustules in the eye area.
  5. Violation of the integrity of the skin.

Peptides or enzymes are often added to compositions for such peelings, which allows you to saturate the tissues with everything you need. The combination preparations are especially useful for sensitive and problem skin.

Retinoic (yellow) peeling of the skin around the eyes

Yellow peeling is a unique procedure that stands out from its counterparts. It can be performed at any time of the year without the risk of complications and the appearance of pronounced age spots. Retinoic cleansing is rarely done locally; usually, this procedure affects all areas of the face.

Another positive property of manipulation is a record-breaking short recovery time. Painless cleaning does not lead to a violation of the integrity of the skin, therefore, after a couple of days, a positive lasting result is obvious. The epidermis is smoothed, stretched, its elasticity is restored, including around the eyes.

Features of the procedure:

  • before applying the active composition, it is necessary to cleanse the epidermis with the help of the mildest cleansing cosmetic preparations.
  • it is necessary to remove not only dirt, but also grease. For this purpose, degreasing lotions are used.
  • then the active substance is applied to the skin around the eyes. It is necessary to act in a strictly established manner: first, the composition is applied to the fixed upper eyelid (the eye in the closed state) and distributed to the side to the inner edge; then the remnants of the substance are carried along the lower part of the eye socket.

After a few minutes, the mass is removed, and a special mask or cream is applied to the skin, designed to enhance the effect of beneficial components and relieve possible minor irritation. If a classic yellow peeling is carried out, which lasts up to several hours, the mass from the area around the eyes is removed in any case in a very short time after application.

Paraffin therapy for the skin around the eyes

A paraffin peeling mask can be performed at home on your own, but this procedure is very popular in beauty salons.

Safety rules:

  1. The temperature of the paraffin should not burn the skin.
  2. You must not go outside for at least an hour after the procedure.
  3. To obtain the maximum result, it is necessary to carry out a course of 10-15 procedures. The recommended frequency is 2-3 sessions per week. It is not recommended to increase the indicators, you can only aggravate the situation.
  4. Manipulation is not carried out in case of allergic reactions, dermatitis, hypertension, spider veins on the face, bronchial asthma.

Paraffin peeling of the skin around the eyes includes the following steps:

  • It is necessary to purchase the most purified medical paraffin in the pharmacy.
  • A small amount of paraffin is melted in a water bath or over steam. The mass must be constantly stirred, this will allow obtaining the most homogeneous structure.
  • The temperature of the component for treating the skin around the eyes should not exceed 45 ° C.
  • Paraffin is applied only under the eyes in a very thin layer using a cotton pad or stick. While on the face the mass is applied in several layers, in the area under the eyes it is necessary to limit itself to only one layer.
  • For a greater effect, it is necessary to keep the warmth of the paraffin. For this purpose, you can use cling film, cotton pad or towel.
  • Do not get up or walk with the mixture applied to the skin! This will only pull back the delicate tissue and lead to the formation of wrinkles and stretch marks.
  • After a quarter of an hour, the frozen paraffin is carefully removed, the face is washed with warm water, a nourishing cream or cosmetic oil is applied to the area around the eyes.

As a result of manipulation, the epidermis around the eyes is cleansed and moisturized, smoothed, tightened, and gets rid of edema and swelling. The procedure will have an even more pronounced and lasting effect when added to the composition of vitamin A or E, essential oils.

Microcurrent therapy as a remedy for bags under the eyes

A unique method of getting rid of puffiness, bruising, bags and pronounced vascular network under the eyes. The therapeutic effect in this case is achieved as a result of exposure to the tissue with an electric current of low strength and low frequency. This peeling of the skin around the eyes is not accompanied by a visible contraction of muscle fibers, the effect occurs at the cellular level. In this case, the positive effect extends to the skin, muscles, blood network and lymphatic vessels. Microcurrents normalize blood circulation, lymph outflow, activate the processes of cell metabolism, accelerate regeneration and relieve inflammatory processes.

Sessions cannot be conducted in the presence of the following conditions:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • proximity of metal prostheses;
  • acute inflammatory, viral or infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • intolerance to electric current.

The presence of moles in the working area is not a contraindication, but the effect of current on these formations should be avoided.

Radio wave rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes

Exposure to radio wave radiation avoids surgical correction of the skin in the area around the eyes. The procedure provides an effect not only on the epidermis, but also on the dermis and even the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

A comfortable, gentle and painless technique provides a cumulative effect that lasts a long time after the end of the cosmetology course. The exfoliation process uses radio waves to generate heat and stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin. This leads to the filling of tissues with the required volume, smoothing of wrinkles and a noticeable improvement in the structure of tissues.

Radio wave peeling of the skin around the eyes is indicated at any age; it is possible to carry it out even in summer with pronounced sunburn. There are no contraindications to the sessions. It is possible to eliminate the "rays" around the eyes, eliminate bags under the eyes and reduce the severity of sagging eyelids in a month's course, and positive changes will be obvious after the first procedure.

The positive effects of electrical stimulation

In case of impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow, leading to the formation of bruises and swelling under the eyes, electrostimulation is indicated. Under the influence of electrical impulses, an effect is created similar to the action of the membranes of neuromuscular cells on surface tissues. The electrodes are treated with a conductive gel and placed on the specific points to be stimulated. The current strength, amplitude, frequency and other necessary parameters are set according to individual indicators.

Peeling of the skin around the eyes based on electrical stimulation provides the following results:

  1. Skin tone is restored.
  2. Blood circulation and lymph drainage are activated.
  3. There is a normalization of metabolism, the functioning of nerve cells.
  4. The face loses weight, getting rid of excess body fat.

This type of stimulation is strictly prohibited in cases of epilepsy, neuroses, pregnancy, recent surgery, the presence of a pacemaker or intrauterine device.

Caring for the skin around the eyes at home

All of these activities will give a pronounced positive result, but it must be supported at home. The best option can be regular peeling masks based on natural products:

  • formulations of herbs (parsley, dill, spinach) have a pronounced tonic effect;
  • products based on avocado and cucumber nourish and moisturize the skin, normalize metabolic processes, eliminate traces of fatigue and give the look a radiance;
  • starch, honey and bread peeling masks have an outstanding lifting effect comparable to salon procedures;
  • fruit and milk masks soothe irritated skin and provide it with a normal natural color without traces of gray or cyanosis.

The eyes are one of the main and most receptive sense organs, which are a conduit between us and the outside world, but at the same time any fatigue or adverse conditions (such as lack of sleep, fresh air, frequent stress, etc.) affect their health. and appearance, dark circles and swelling, redness and fine wrinkles appear. That is why the problem of caring for the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes is so urgent, one of the solutions to which is the so-called peeling of the eyelids and peeling under the eyes.

It should be understood that these areas of the body contain a very thin layer of skin, penetrated by a fairly dense capillary network and most of the usual methods of cleaning or facial care are not applicable here and can cause irreparable consequences!

What kind of peeling is used for the skin around the eyes?

Peeling of the area around the eyes is nothing more than a kind of one of the chemical procedures based on glycolic or retinoic acid (yellow peeling), which is recommended in some cases to stimulate the renewal and rejuvenation of the epidermis of the eyelids and under the eyes.

Following the reviews of cosmetologists, this technique helps:

  • Increase the level of moisture in the inner layers of the dermis and eliminate small wrinkles - “crow's feet”, especially if you combine procedures with the application of toning masks and creams. Thus, chemical peeling removes dead cells of the epidermis, opening and cleansing the pores for the penetration of beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in subsequent cosmetic products.
  • Eliminate age spots. However, one should be careful to avoid re-pigmentation, it is recommended to protect the face from the sun, and it is imperative to use creams with sunscreen additives daily.
  • In combination with the use of compresses, massages and special serums, it is able to cope with puffiness and dark spots in the area around the eyes.

However, there are also those cases in which chemical peeling under the eyes is powerless and ineffective, regardless of the number of applications, namely, special cases of sagging eyelids (both upper and lower), subtlety of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the area under the eyes or its displacement. These problems can be eliminated only with the use of surgical intervention, the basis for which, again, is often glycolic peeling.

Complete list of indications:

  • dark circles under the eyes due to pigmentation;
  • age-related skin changes (fine wrinkles);
  • "Blue" under the eyes;
  • bags under the eyes, puffiness of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • preparation for surgery or contour plastics.

How does it work?

The area around the eyes is a zone with especially sensitive skin, which is easily amenable to aging processes and therefore requires specific care. Peeling procedures under the eyes are carried out on the basis of gentle chemicals that can have a visible effect without harming the internal tissues.

There are several types of peels for this area of ​​the face:

  • Superficial peels help cells to better absorb the beneficial substances contained in various creams and gels. For the skin of the eyelids, it is recommended to use cosmetics that contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, E, B3 and C, coenzymes, aloe, green tea, wheat proteins, azulene, horsetail, and cucumber extract. These components are very good at promoting the regeneration of the skin around the eyes.
  • Glycolic peeling helps to eliminate fine wrinkles. This method has been approved for a very long time, however, in the beginning, solutions with a low percentage of acid were used, which were less effective, and only nowadays cosmetics with a high glycol concentrate have appeared, which at the same time remain safe for the most sensitive skin. Glycolic peeling causes temporary redness and flaking, which disappears after a few weeks, after which the skin takes on its primary appearance. According to the reviews of professionals, it is recommended to carry out the procedure of chemical glycolic peeling only in the winter season (like all other serious procedures). However, there are also “summer” alternatives.
  • Yellow peeling can be safely done at any time of the year, with its help you can renew not only the area around the eyes, but the entire face. The main advantage of this cosmetic procedure is the very short recovery time. This method works instantly, and the person "comes to his senses" in two days. Therefore, it is also called “weekend peeling”. After this procedure, the skin surface is smoothed, it becomes taut and elastic.
  • Gentle enzyme-based chemical peels for sensitive skin can be used on the skin around the eyes or on the entire face.

How is the procedure carried out?

Before starting the peeling procedure, the area around the eyes should be cleaned with special cosmetics in order to remove excess sebum and normalize the acidity level of the skin.

Then, for a very short time (a few minutes), you should apply the peeling agent to the areas around the eyes. The order of application is as follows: first, with light semicircular movements, the composition is applied to the upper eyelid, always closed, while approaching the inner edge of the eye. Then, from the outer edge of the eye, in the same semicircular movements, we move to the lower part of the eye socket. In this case, you must not approach or touch the lacrimal gland. At the end of the procedure, a special mask or cream is applied to the treated area in order to reduce irritation after using the drugs and enhance the overall effect.


  • period of pregnancy
  • breast-feeding
  • exacerbation of herpes
  • elevated temperature
  • open wounds or external skin lesions

And so now you know that eyelid peeling is the same cosmetological procedure as any other of the home care series. It can significantly improve the appearance of your eyes without resorting to more radical methods such as injections or contouring. See the world with healthy eyes and you will definitely be in the spotlight!

  • Peeling varieties
  • Advice and reviews of cosmetologists
  • Is it possible to peel around the eyes at home?
  • Post-peel care
  • Review of eye care products

Peeling features for the skin around the eyes

Peeling the skin of the eyelids is a rather rare procedure, and it is not advised to perform it at home. To understand why, it is worth remembering the distinctive features of the area around the eyes: it is very thin, practically devoid of a hydrolipid layer. Traumatizing her is as easy as shelling pears. Therefore, you will not find any means for “home peeling of eyelid skin”.

The thin skin of the eyelids ages faster © Getty Images

Operating principle

Peeling is a targeted, controlled damage to the skin using chemical or mechanical agents that urges it to urgently produce new cells and fibers, including collagen and elastin, which are responsible for firmness and youthfulness.

When to apply

Peeling of the eyelids is used in case of obvious age-related changes in the skin, which, however, may appear prematurely. These include:

What should be the result

Peeling in general is a very effective procedure if it is carried out according to all the rules. The skin becomes denser, smoother, more radiant, age spots disappear, circles under the eyes become paler. The problem is that the skin of the eyelids must be handled with extreme care. Only a doctor can prescribe this or that type of peeling, as well as create a safe and at the same time effective acid cocktail.

Peeling varieties

As you know, there are three types of peeling. They differ in the depth of the "chemical burn". The deeper the damage, the longer the rehabilitation, but the result is more noticeable.

When working with the skin of the eyelids, special care must be taken - not only because of the natural characteristics of this zone, but also because of the proximity to the mucous membrane of the eye.

Usually, a course of surface peeling is prescribed, giving preference to the mildest acids: almond and lactic. In some cases, more aggressive acids are used: glycolic, retinoic (the so-called and trichloroacetic.

Mild acids are used to renew eyelid skin © Getty Images

Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy: “During peeling, they try not to enter the movable eyelid: the layer of skin covering the eyeball is very thin. In addition, the risk of bringing the composition onto the mucous membrane is too great.

Mechanical peeling is not used for eyelids, even in the form of a soft gommage. Chemicals or a laser are used. Laser peeling (especially fractional) is considered the most gentle. "

Post-peel care

During the procedure, the corners of the eyes and the ciliary area are protected with petroleum jelly or any other oily agent. After the peeling, moisturizing and regenerating formulas are applied, as well as, without fail, a product with an SPF factor.

Chemical peeling of the face involves the application of various acid-based formulations to the skin. Their action is aimed at active exfoliation of skin cells of various depths. As a result, there is an intensive cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs and other contaminants. Also, the procedure launches recovery processes, which leads to the disappearance of many cosmetic defects.

  1. First of all, chemical facial peels are prescribed to combat the signs of skin aging. But it also helps to eliminate a number of cosmetic defects and is recommended as a prophylaxis.
  2. Peeling the skin around the eyes should be done with extreme caution.
  3. Chemical peeling has permanent and temporary contraindications.
  4. The types of peels are distinguished depending on the drug used and its concentration. At home, you can only do superficial peeling.
  5. The procedure is divided into three stages. In order for the chemical peeling to be successful, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation and subsequent restoration of the skin.

Purpose of the procedure and its effect

The main goal of chemical peeling is to rejuvenate the skin, that is, eliminate wrinkles, increase elasticity and improve complexion. But the following effects can also be expected from a properly performed procedure:

  • elimination of age spots of various origins;
  • gradual disappearance of scars, scars and post-acne marks;
  • regulation of sebum production, as a result of which excessive oily skin will disappear;
  • prevention of premature skin aging.

The classic peeling technology does not involve the application of an acidic composition to the skin around the eyes, as it is distinguished by increased subtlety and sensitivity. But modern cosmetology has adapted the procedure and now it can be done on this site.

Such peeling will help solve the following problems:

  • bags under the eyes, swelling;
  • wrinkles;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • pigmentation;
  • hernia of the eyelid;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Since the skin around the eyes is one of the most vulnerable areas of the face, it is categorically not recommended to peel this area on your own.

Various types of acids and their combinations are used for chemical peels. The most popular formulations are based on trichloroacetic, glycolic, salicylic, pyruvic and retinoic acids.

Getting on the skin, these acids injure it, provoking a superficial burn. However, this damage causes positive processes: active regeneration starts and old cells are replaced with new ones, while many skin defects disappear. The depth of action and the effectiveness of the peeling depends on what types and concentrations of acids were used.


In what cases is it contraindicated to do any type of chemical peel?

  1. Allergy to acidic drugs.
  2. Fresh tan.
  3. Taking medications that can increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun (tetracycline antibiotics, antipsychotics, oral contraceptives, sulfonamides, retinoids and drugs based on furocoumarin). It is necessary to refuse their use one month before the procedure.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  6. Diseases of the skin of an infectious and viral nature.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Coronary artery disease and hypertension.
  9. Oncological diseases.

Varieties of chemical peels

All peelings can be divided into the following types, depending on the intensity of the effect of the formulations used:

  1. Superficial chemical peeling effective for the correction of minor skin defects. For example, mimic wrinkles, recently appeared and shallow age spots. It can also be used as a preventive measure against their occurrence. With prolonged use, procedures with almond, pyruvic, retinoic and glycolic acids help get rid of stretch marks. To make the result of peeling more obvious, cosmetologists often combine it with periodic massage or ultrasonic cleaning sessions.
  2. performed using trichloroacetic acid or combined formulations (the so-called Jessner peels). In this case, the impact occurs on the epidermal layer of the skin, which allows you to successfully fight scars and deep wrinkles. Despite the fact that the procedure is quite intense, it can be done even at a young age. In particular, it is often used to eliminate post-acne marks. This type of chemical peeling is the most popular. It is often used as a preparation before laser and photorejuvenation, as well as in combination with massage, microdermabrasion and mesotherapy.
  3. Deep chemical peeling is a radical measure for a complete transformation of the skin. By affecting the entire epidermis, it provides a pronounced and lasting result that can be appreciated after complete healing of the skin. Among all types of chemical peels, the most powerful is the phenolic one.

The chemical peeling procedure should be carried out by a professional in a beauty parlor. At home, only periodic superficial peels are allowed, preparations for which are available commercially. If you decide to conduct the full course of procedures yourself, carefully read all the information provided and be sure to watch the training video.

How is chemical face peeling carried out? The procedure includes three stages: preparation, actual peeling and skin restoration. The first and last stages are carried out independently.


2 weeks before the start of the peeling course, it is necessary to prepare the skin. This is necessary so that she adequately responds to stress and recovers quickly. Preparation is about making changes to your daily care. It must include any acidic preparations with a low concentration (2-5%). A washbasin, tonic or cream will do. Use the product once a day before bedtime. If the area around the eyes is affected during the exfoliation, be sure to treat it.

If the procedure is carried out during a period of significant solar activity (for the Russian Federation it is April-October), it is necessary to start using sunscreens already at the stage of preparation. You can use sunscreen or special powder containing UV filters.

Description of the procedure

The session begins with the removal of decorative cosmetics from the face and eyes. Then deep cleansing and degreasing of the skin is carried out. At the same time, products with a neutral pH are used, since a shift in the balance of the skin significantly reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. For this reason, alkaline soaps cannot be used.

Selected chemicals are evenly distributed over the skin with a cotton swab or brush. The exposure time of the composition on the face depends on factors such as the degree of skin sensitivity and the number of the procedure. It varies from 2-3 minutes with the first glycolic peeling procedure to 6-8 hours with the repeated application of the retinoic composition. For hypersensitive facial skin, modern preparations containing blockers are used. They reduce the pain of the procedure and minimize the appearance of inflammation.

The area around the eyes is often cleared of peeling earlier than the rest of the face. The preparation is removed with the help of a special post-peeling agent and water. If the skin is irritated or painful to the touch, a soothing mask is applied. If necessary, the skin around the eyes is also subject to additional care. If there is no visible damage, the procedure ends with a nourishing cream.

On the day of the peeling, it is advisable to refrain from applying makeup. If you plan to stay outside for a long time after the procedure, it is permissible to use mineral powder with sunscreen filters.

The duration of the course of chemical peels is individual and is selected based on the characteristics of the skin. Often 2-5 visits are recommended, with breaks of 10-14 days. As a maintenance therapy, it is enough to do peeling only once every few months.

Further skin care

Almost any chemical peel provokes flaking and inflammation of the skin. Edema is also a normal reaction. If there is a tendency to severe and prolonged swelling, experts advise peeling with fruit acids without affecting the delicate skin around the eyes. On average, complete recovery after superficial peelings occurs in 2-5 days, after medium peels - in 10-14 days, and after deep peels it takes from a month to six months.

In the first week after the exfoliation, it is necessary to abandon aggressive cleansers, giving preference to cosmetics designed for sensitive skin. In addition, it is advisable to do a soothing or intensive moisturizing mask for the face and eye area once every 2-3 days.

One of the methods aimed at rejuvenating the periorbital area is peeling. This intervention is more effective when performed by a beautician, because the specialist uses special chemical compositions. At home, such care is also possible. Although not as effective after a single use, it can be used regularly and achieve professional results.

Action taken

Gentle cleansing of the thin and sensitive skin around the eyes helps:

  • remove the top layer of dead cells, which improves the flow of nutrients into the tissues from creams and other external agents;
  • improve color, reduce the severity of pigmentation and "";
  • smooth the surface of the dermis and reduce the depth of fine wrinkles;
  • activate the outflow of lymph from the eyelids, which leads to a decrease in their swelling;
  • prepare the epidermis for other cosmetic manipulations.


For the skin around the eyes, chemical peels are the most common. For this, agents are used, including enzymes and acids, which dissolve the keratin of dead cells. Depending on the content of active components, the frequency of the procedure is different:

  • Preparations sold in cosmetic stores, salons, pharmacies, intended for independent use, contain up to 5% of active ingredients. They can be used daily or applied at night, for example. Home remedies are also included in this group.
  • With sufficiently dense skin, after a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, you can purchase a preparation containing up to 8% of active substances in a specialized store or salon. It can be used to peel at home once a week.
  • The salons offer professional treatment with concentrated formulations, as well as some hardware peeling techniques. They are performed only by a specialist and require a certain recovery period. Such procedures can be carried out once every 3 months.

Acid peeling

TCA peeling


With the correct choice of agent and the concentration of the active agent, such a procedure is safe.

It should not be done only with very thin, atrophied skin or inflammatory diseases in the periorbital region.

Like other cosmetic procedures, you do not need to peel during a cold or exacerbation of chronic pathology.

Can I peel the eye area during pregnancy?

The care measure does not harm the developing fetus. However, its results are unpredictable for the mother, since the skin changes during this time under the influence of hormones. Therefore, exposure to acids or enzymes can lead to irritation, redness, swelling of the eyelids, pigmentation, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms.

Laser peeling

Possible side effects

As with any peel, the treatment of the periorbital zone can lead to the development of adverse effects. When using professional products by a cosmetologist, the likelihood of their development is minimal. Redness, swelling, peeling are natural signs of the process of dying off damaged cells.

Complications include:

  • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, expressed in severe edema, itching, skin rashes;
  • - skin inflammation of non-allergic origin, caused by too much irritation.

To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, a tolerance test is performed before the test, during which a small amount of the drug is applied to the inner side of the forearm. In addition, it is advisable to use sunscreens and creams with panthenol within a week after the procedure carried out with a concentrated preparation in a cosmetology clinic or office.

Varieties of peeling preparations

Glycolic acid

The manipulation is carried out 1-2 times a year, preferably in autumn and winter. The recovery period lasts up to 10 days, during which time redness, swelling, and slight peeling are possible. All this time, it is necessary to use healing agents with panthenol and a cream with a UV filter.

The most gentle methods

The degree of damage depends not only on the concentration of the active ingredient, but also on its structure.

The periorbital area is performed using mandelic acid. Its molecules are larger than that of glycolic, so they do not penetrate deep into the epidermis, providing the most gentle, superficial effect.

Based on the lytic action of lactic acid, specially formulated for sensitive skin. It brightens the surface well, eliminates pigmentation and the network of dilated vessels, moisturizes, smoothes fine wrinkles.