How chemical peels are done. Preparation for chemical peeling of the facial skin. Effective peeling with calcium chloride

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


Peeling is the basis of modern skin care. Thanks to the chemical peeling procedure, your skin will gain radiance, firmness and a healthy complexion. It is clear that not everyone has the opportunity to undergo this procedure in the salon, but it doesn’t matter. Home peeling can be an excellent alternative to professional chemical facial peeling. True, the effect on the skin of a home procedure will be weaker, but if you carry it out regularly, then peeling will provide you with a brilliant result.

Features of home chemical peeling

Chemical peeling at home should be carried out with the help of special cosmetic masks and formulations containing solutions of various fruit acids: citric, lactic, malic, and enzymes that dissolve dead skin cells. Although solutions for home peeling are rather weak, and only affect the surface cells of the skin, which is quite safe and painless, nevertheless, before deciding to carry out a chemical peel at home, think carefully about everything, carefully study the instructions attached to the drug you have chosen and if you have the opportunity, consult in advance with a specialist cosmetologist ... Let's immediately figure out what indications can be for chemical peeling at home:

  • Acne and pimple marks.
  • Hormonal changes in the body;
  • Teenage problems associated with oily skin.

Precautions and rules for peeling at home

  • before the chemical peeling procedure, be sure to do allergic reaction test ;
  • direct sunlight and chemical peeling are mutually exclusive concepts, it is advisable to carry out the procedure only in the autumn-winter period ;
  • the drug of your choice must be applied thin layer to avoid burns;
  • before starting the procedure, cleanse your face with lotion;
  • be extremely neat with the area around the eyes - she is very sensitive and gentle;
  • if during the procedure you feel a strong burning or tingling sensation, the composition must be washed off immediately with warm water;
  • do a chemical peel you need no more than once every 10 days ;
  • if you have sensitive skin, then you need to give up deep chemical peels;
  • after the procedure, it is better not to use cosmetics and not to touch your face with your hands during the day.

Contraindications for chemical peels at home

  • during exacerbation of acne (with the exception of salicylic);
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the selected drug;
  • during the period of herpes in the active phase;
  • in the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • with increased skin sensitivity;
  • in the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • If you suffer from cardiovascular and mental diseases, then chemical peeling is undesirable;
  • Chemical peels are contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Tools for conducting chemical peels at home

  • A clean towel or soft, absorbent cloth
  • Cream or mask with acids;
  • Special cleansing milk or gel;
  • Liquid for normalizing the pH balance of the skin.
  • Moisturizing cream.

And now it's time to get acquainted directly with the process of conducting
chemical peeling at home.

Instructions for performing a chemical peel at home

  • Any cosmetic product for peeling must be accompanied by instruction... Read it carefully and thoughtfully before starting the procedure.
  • Now cleanse the skin of the face using gel or milk.
  • The skin is cleansed and we can apply a few drops of peeling on dry, clean skin, excluding sensitive areas around the eyes. The peeling time is usually no more than 5 minutes - it all depends on the percentage of acids in the preparation and your skin type. Do not worry if during the procedure you feel a slight tingling sensation, but if it turns into a strong burning sensation with redness, then quickly rinse the applied composition with warm water and make a cool compress from the infusion of the sequence for your face.
  • If everything went well, then after the time specified in the drug's instructions thoroughly rinse the peeling off your face with warm water or use a specially formulated liquid that normalizes the natural pH balance.
  • Everything. Can now be applied to skin moisturizing cream.

Chemical peeling results

  • After the chemical peeling procedure, the skin of the face becomes healthy, radiant and firm... Regular exfoliation cleanses the skin of dead cells, enhances the production of elastin and collagen, and accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Small marks and spots from acne become invisible... To obtain such an excellent result, the peeling preparation must contain bleaching agents: vitamin C, phytic or azelaic acid.
  • The skin becomes more elastic and takes on a youthful appearance... Cell respiration is restored, which leads to a decrease in the number of wrinkles.
  • Chemical peels are amazing a way to deal with unsightly stains and clogged pores.
  • Chemical peeling helps maintain the results of more professional procedures... Of course, home peeling is much weaker than peels carried out by a specialist cosmetologist, but it perfectly retains the effect of a professional peeling.

Effective recipes for chemical peels at home

Chemical peels are fairly easy to do with 5% calcium chloride solution which you can find at any pharmacy.
There are two ways to carry out this peeling.

Method number 1

  • For the first time, use a 5% calcium chloride solution and be sure to check your skin's reaction to this drug first. To do this, apply the solution to the sensitive skin of the inner bend of the elbow and keep it for 4-5 minutes. If you only feel a slight tingling sensation - this is the norm, but if it burns a lot and redness forms on the skin, then this method of peeling is not suitable for you.
  • If you are convinced that everything is in order, then with peace of mind proceed to peeling. Pour the calcium chloride solution from the ampoule into a small glass bottle - it will be more convenient for you to wet the sponge. And now apply a solution of calcium chloride to the dry skin of the face cleansed with milk or lotion. Let the first coat dry and apply the next. Thus, you can apply from 4 to 8 layers, but for the first time, four will be enough.
  • When the last layer is dry, lather your fingertips with baby soap and gently roll the mask off your face. Together with the mask, the spent keratinized layer of the skin will also leave. Wash off the remnants of the mask and soap from the face with warm water, then rinse it with cool water. Gently pat dry your face with a tissue and apply moisturizer.
  • If the first procedure went well, and the skin successfully coped with acid aggression, then in the next procedure you can increase the concentration of the solution to 10%. But more - in no case, it is dangerous. You should not experiment on yourself, beloved.

Method number 2

Saturate a cotton pad with 5% or 10% calcium chloride solution and apply it to your face. After that, lather the sponge wet from the solution with baby soap and work the entire face with neat and soft circular movements along the massage lines. You will notice how the pellets of the stratum corneum will roll off during this. Rinse off the remaining soap with warm water and apply a moisturizer. Although it is a gentle enough exfoliation, do it more than once every ten days it is impossible especially if you have thin and dry skin.

Classic chemical peeling at home

  • Prepare a mixture in a small vessel: 30 ml of camphor alcohol, 10 ml of 10% ammonia solution, 30 ml of glycerin, 10 g of boric acid, 2 tablets of 1.5 g of hydroperite or 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Rub some good baby or toilet soap on a fine grater. By adding a little grated soap to your dish and stirring, bring this mixture to a creamy state. You should have a light, slightly frothy cream that you can store in the refrigerator for up to three months. Separately prepare a 10% calcium chloride solution - one ampoule per 10 ml.
  • Apply the resulting cream to your face and when it dries, rinse it off with a prepared solution of calcium chloride.
  • Immediately after that, thoroughly and thoroughly rinse your face with lukewarm water, gently blot and dry the skin with a soft cloth.
  • When carrying out this peeling do not touch areas of the skin with slight inflammation and small pustules.

Home peeling with body water and hydrogen peroxide

Attention! Although the method of peeling from a bodyagi with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution has been carefully verified and fully corresponds to the technique and method of its use at the Institute of Cosmetology, before using these masks on your own, consult a cosmetologist without fail.
This peeling is undesirable for overly sensitive or very thin and dry skin of the face, for various skin diseases and severe inflammation.

    • Cleanse your face with milk or lotion. If you are the owner of oily skin, then steam your face a little over a steam bath for two to three minutes, and if not, warm your face with a terry towel dipped in sufficiently hot water. Then gently blot and dry your face with a soft tissue. Tuck your hair under a scarf and wear something comfortable and loose.
    • To protect the eyebrows, eyelids, lips and sensitive areas around the eyes from discoloration and intense peeling, lubricate them with petroleum jelly. Put on thin rubber gloves on your hands.
    • Grind 40 g of dry bodya into a powder. Pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder into a small container, and, stirring constantly, gradually add 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to the powder until your mixture begins to foam strongly and comes into a creamy state.
    • Immediately apply the resulting mixture to the face with a cotton sponge and with fingertips protected with rubber gloves, gently rub the mixture into the skin with gentle and light circular movements along the massage lines.
    • Keep the mask on your face until it dries (about 15-20 minutes), and then rinse with warm water. Blot and dry your face with a soft, then powder the already dry skin with talcum powder.
    • Body peeling procedure should be carried out daily until the skin begins to peel off a little. As a rule, 2-3 masks are enough for this, sometimes 4-5 masks - the fatter your skin, the more procedures you will need. On the second and subsequent days, the skin does not need to be steamed or warmed up before the procedure, but simply wipe it with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol (otherwise, salicylic acid) to clean it.
    • During the days during which the peeling procedure will take place, any washing and applying creams and masks are prohibited. Protect your face from direct sunlight by any available means and dust it often. And in the post-peeling period, suitable sunscreens will be very useful. The conclusion is clear: this peeling is best done in the autumn-winter period.
    • After the procedure is completely completed, to soften and soothe the skin of the face, lubricate it for 2 days only (!) With boric petroleum jelly, and on the third day proceed to a short, gentle and very light massage of the face, for which use a massage cream, mixing it in half with boric Vaseline or olive oil slightly warmed in a water bath, also mixed in half with boric vaseline. After such a gentle massage, immediately apply on the skin a softening and soothing mask, selected for your skin type, for example: yolk-honey-oil, yolk-oil, yolk-honey, honey-milk, cucumber-lanolin, honey with the addition of birch juice, extracts of chamomile, parsley or calendula.

As you probably already noticed, the compositions of peels, which you can make yourself at home, are mere pennies in price, but the result is even, radiant skin. Remember, the most important thing is carry out procedures according to the rules, observe all precautions and make sure that you have there are no contraindications to the selected peeling.
Below is a useful video in which you can get acquainted with the rationale for peeling at home.

Video: home chemical peeling

You don't have to go to a beauty salon to cleanse your skin. After all, peeling for the face at home with the help of "improvised" means is no worse than a salon one, and at a price it will cost, if not free, then much cheaper than a similar procedure from a specialist cosmetologist.

Home peeling scrubs

Mostly they use mechanical peeling on their own, but this is quite enough to put the face in order, restore its healthy color, freshness, get rid of small wrinkles and black dots.

To cleanse your face, you will need so-called scrubs - cosmetics containing natural or artificial microparticles of abrasives. These can be crushed grape seeds, apricot seeds, seaweed, crushed nuts, tiny synthetic balls, and much more. Their task is to remove the upper stratum corneum and cleanse its surface from dirt, so that nothing interferes with skin renewal.

So, for home exfoliation, you need to purchase an exfoliator from the store or make your own. When using store scrubs, it is advisable to buy cleaners from the same line as other cosmetics, as well as select them for your skin type and age. For example, mature skin needs more abrasives than young skin. For dry skin, it is undesirable to use scrubs with a high content of seeds and nutshells - they can injure such skin. For her, it is better to take creamy cleansers that contain artificial microparticles with a smooth and even surface.

How to do home peeling

The regularity of the peeling also depends on the skin type. So, with thin dry skin, it should be done no more than 2 times a month, and if the skin is oily, cleaning can be done at least every week.

It is important not to forget that home cleaning of the face with the help of peeling should be done only when the skin is healthy. Failure to do so can lead to infection or severe irritation, which will further worsen the condition. If your skin has any rashes or acne, it is better to use softer foams, creams or gels instead of scrubs.

When carrying out cleansing procedures at home, you need to be very careful so that the particles of the scrub do not damage the skin or get into the eyes.

  • Cleansing the skin is best done after steaming the skin, when the pores are open and the effect is deeper.
  • On clean, steamed and moisturized skin, apply the cleanser with gentle massaging movements. At the same time, exclude the area around the eyes.
  • Leave the scrub for a few minutes, then rinse with water.
  • After cleansing, apply a moisturizing mask or cream to your face.

How to peel your face at home: recipes for scrubs and masks

Self-peeling of the face can be done without resorting to purchased cosmetic scrubs. Homemade cleansers made from common products work just as well on the skin and sometimes even outperform store-bought ones. "Folk" recipes will compete well with branded scrubs and help save money on their purchase.

Home peels for normal to combination skin

From the coffee grounds

This is perhaps the simplest and most popular skin cleanser. Apply the coffee grounds left after brewing coffee to clean and moisturized skin, leave to dry for a few minutes. Then massage your face a little with gentle circular motions and gently rinse with warm water. At the end, the face should be rinsed with cold water.

Orange scrub

Mix the juice of one orange (can be replaced with lemon) with one tablespoon of finely ground salt and one tablespoon of milk. Mix all components thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. This mass must be gently rubbed into the skin. When it dries a little (after about 7 minutes), rinse with warm water.

Peeling with salt

Mix one teaspoon of the finest salt (or finely ground sugar) with one tablespoon of cream or sour cream. Instead of dairy products, you can use olive oil. Cleanse the skin with this scrub and rinse off after 5 minutes. This salt scrub is also suitable for dry skin.

Strawberry scrub

This peel requires fresh strawberries, so it can only be done in summer. Grind strawberries with sour cream in equal proportions, add 1 tbsp to the mass. spoon of pink clay. Apply the scrub mask to clean skin, hold for 7 minutes. Wash off the product with warm water.

For dry skin

Nourishing exfoliating scrub mask

For dry skin, a fruit peel is a good choice. Making it at home is a snap: mix half a tablespoon of fresh applesauce with banana pulp, honey and one teaspoon of oatmeal. Add low-fat cream. Rub in the scrub for a few minutes, let it dry a little, and then remove the gruel with a cotton pad or a piece of cotton wool dipped in boiled water.

Grape peeling

Grind dried grape seeds, knead fresh grapes and mix in equal proportions. Add to the grape mass 1 teaspoon of natural honey, a little banana pulp, 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, kefir, yogurt or cream. Apply the mixture to the skin, hold for 10 minutes and rinse.

Rice and coffee peeling

Suitable for normal skin as well. Grind rice and coffee beans separately to flour. Combine one teaspoon of ground rice with the same amount of coffee, dilute with a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream or milk. Apply the scrub to the face, rinse off after 5-7 minutes.

Moisturizing cleansing scrub

Take one teaspoon of sunflower, olive or any other vegetable oil ground into flour. Add one tablespoon of good cottage cheese. Apply the mass to moisturized skin, massage for a while and leave on the face. In 10 minutes. wash your face thoroughly with warm water.

For oily skin

Soda peeling to remove shine and cleanse oily skin

Lather your face with regular laundry soap. After that, gently rub a small amount of baking soda (about a pinch) into the soapy skin. Do this for a maximum of 2-3 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

From almonds

Grind the almonds in a blender or coffee grinder. Mix one teaspoon of the resulting almond flour with white clay, oatmeal and pureed fresh cucumber. Dilute the mass a little with boiled water until thick sour cream and distribute on the face. Massage for two minutes and leave for another seven minutes. Rinse off the almond mask with cool water.

Berry peeling

Grind strawberries, raspberries or strawberries. Connect 1 tbsp. spoon berry mass with 1 teaspoon of cosmetic clay, mix. Massage the slurry onto the face, rubbing gently into the skin. Rinse off with warm water after 10 minutes.

For deep cleansing of oily skin

Important! This method cannot be used on dry and normal skin. It is only suitable for oily skin. Lather your face with baby soap before cleaning. Apply a small amount of granulated sugar to soapy skin with gentle circular movements. Hold the scrub for 15 minutes and rinse.

Chemical peels

With calcium chloride

In addition to mechanical cleansing of the skin, you can independently do a chemical facial procedure at home. A video instruction will help you to correctly peel with calcium chloride. It is suitable for all skin types and should preferably be used at bedtime to cleanse and restore tired skin. As a result, pores are narrowed, complexion is improved and inflammation is relieved. Required ingredients: cotton pad, soap and calcium chloride.

Camphor glycerin soap peeling

This will require:

  • Good toilet soap
  • 10% calcium chloride solution
  • Ammonium alcohol 10% - 2 tsp
  • Camphor alcohol - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Boric acid - 2 tsp
  • Hydroperite - 2 tab. 1.5 g each (you can replace 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide).

Mix all ingredients except the soap in a bowl. Grate a small amount of toilet soap on a fine grater. Then gradually adding the grated soap to the container with the mixture, bring the mass to a creamy state. As a result, it should look like a white frothy cream. This cream keeps well in the refrigerator (up to 3 months).

Prepare calcium chloride immediately before carrying out the cleansing procedure. Take a ready-made scrub cream and apply to the skin, let it dry and then rinse with calcium chloride. Immediately after that, rinse your face with warm water (preferably at room temperature), blot with a soft cloth and lightly powder.

The task of any peeling is deep cleansing of the skin, and not only cosmetologists can cope with this. Self-peeling at home is a simple, quick and quite effective procedure, which also does not require special financial costs. So, if desired, any woman, regardless of family income, can afford to look "one hundred percent."

Peeling is a procedure aimed at cleansing the skin by exfoliating dead skin cells. Carried out in accordance with all the rules, the manipulation allows you to get rid of small wrinkles, fresh acne and marks from them, improve the color and texture of the skin of the face, narrow pores, and also get rid of a lot of common problems.

Basic rules for conducting

There are two types of peeling at home - mechanical or chemical. And each of them will imply only superficial, minimal damage.

Features of mechanical impact

Mechanical peeling at home is carried out using scrubs and gommages. Scrubs contain small abrasive particles that literally clean off dead cells, cleanse the pores from sebaceous secretions and dirt plugs.

For dry skin, gommage is more suitable - a product that is applied for a few minutes and then rolled with your fingertips.

Chemical peeling

In this case, special acid-containing agents are used for cleansing. Acids, penetrating into the skin layers, cause death and exfoliation of cells, which stimulates cell regeneration, restoration of turgor, elasticity of the skin.

Depending on the depth and degree of damage, three types of peeling are distinguished:

Surface- with a penetration depth of up to 0.06 mm. In this case, only the stratum corneum is damaged. In home surface peels, natural fruit acids or pharmacy products with a low concentration of acids are used. The most common among them:

  • TCA 10%;
  • salicylic 15%;
  • glycolic 10-25%;
  • azelaic;
  • almond;
  • peeling Jessner;
  • all kinds of homemade folk exfoliators.

Read more about superficial chemical peeling.

Median, with a depth of damage up to 0.45 mm. This destroys the stratum corneum up to the granular. As a result, you can get rid of fine wrinkles, traces of acne or pigmentation, and improve tissue regeneration. For this procedure, more concentrated peeling agents are used:

  • TCA up to 50%;
  • salicylic acid 30%;
  • retinoic 5% - the so-called yellow peeling.

Deep peeling implies the penetration of the active substance by 0.6 mm, affecting the entire epidermal layer. As a result, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, a lasting lifting effect is provided. It is carried out using phenol.

In the cosmetology office, this procedure is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist, the choice of a product is carried out taking into account many different factors: the age of the skin, its structure, type, thickness. It is impossible to calculate all this on your own, therefore, face peeling at home using acids should be carried out in a gentle mode, that is, with a minimum concentration of the active substance.

Preparing for the procedure

For superficial peeling, special preparation is not required. It is enough just to do make-up remover and remove sebum and dirt with an ordinary lotion or tonic, apply a peeling agent and rinse off after a while.

After the middle peeling, slight hyperemia is observed, the next day, slight peeling begins, which disappears in 3-5 days. After the procedure, the skin must be treated with special healing ointments, fatty creams and sunscreens. Plan a mid and deep peeling, preferably for autumn or winter, when the sun rarely appears. A specialist is required to perform the manipulation - if performed independently, you risk getting a chemical burn.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Alignment of the stratum corneum, for which micro-peelings are carried out in a course of several procedures, creams with glycolic or fruit acids are used.
  2. Prevention of hyperpigmentation, for which the skin is whitened and sunscreens with SPF 15 are used.
  3. Prevention of recurrence of viral skin diseases, such as herpes, especially if the procedure is performed on an area prone to rashes. To do this, it is advisable to undergo antiviral therapy before the procedure.

Which peeling to choose and how often to use it?

In order to peel your face at home and not harm yourself, decide which method of cleansing you prefer: chemical or mechanical, use a homemade or commercial product and how often to carry out the procedure.

A scrub or gommage for problematic young skin can be used almost daily, avoiding inflamed areas. With dry skin at the age of 20-30, it is recommended to give preference to gommages, and the procedure should be done once a week. For mature oily and normal skin, scrubs and gommages can be used constantly and often, with dry and thin skin it is better not to use them at all.

Pharmacy peels are more aggressive, so you shouldn't start using them too early:

  • , weak salicylic and glycolic can be used for problem skin even at a young age. can be used from the age of 25 as a prophylaxis against aging.
  • For oily and problem skin, it is indicated after 25-30.
  • After 35 years, it is advisable to start using, and for thick and porous skin - TCA peeling 25% or more. This procedure is performed only by a beautician.
  • Oily skin, thick and dull, with enlarged pores, can undergo daily mechanical exfoliation, periodically - chemical exfoliation with mild aggressive agents. It is important not to forget about hydration.
  • For dry skin, mild peeling can be carried out weekly in a course of up to 6 procedures. For such skin, acids are also excellent, which maintain optimal hydration. After the procedures, it is advisable to use creams with polyunsaturated acids.
  • With the normal type, you can use any mild cleaning agents or use special age-related products. The optimal frequency is 2 times a week.
  • Before using any peeling, be it pharmacy or homemade, it is imperative to test the elbow bend for susceptibility to the components of the composition.

Home peeling machines

For effective facial cleansing, as an alternative to salon procedures, devices for home use are used. Among the available cosmetic devices in this segment are:

  • Ultrasonic peeling massager
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Ultrasonic apparatus
  • Multifunctional device with iontophoresis function for disinfection (deep cleansing of the face) and apparatus
  • Various brushings, etc.


Contraindications for superficial and midline peels will be somewhat different. At home, micro-peeling should not be carried out if the skin has inflammations and rashes. It is necessary to avoid areas affected by acne, herpes and other viral rashes - this can lead to their spread.

Medium peeling can be equated with a medical procedure. Its conduct is contraindicated if there are the following problems:

  • active viral skin lesions (warts, herpes), purulent rashes, trauma, exacerbation of acne;
  • allergic skin diseases, dermatitis, eczema even in remission;
  • if you are taking aromatic retinoids internally or externally;
  • if less than a week has passed after epilation, and less than six months after dermabrasion;
  • if there are any contraindications to surgical manipulations - this point must be clarified in preparation for a specific procedure.

Homemade facial peeling recipes

Today, the choice of funds is great. You can buy ready-made mask formulations at the pharmacy or scrubs and gommages at a cosmetic store. You can also use folk recipes. The latter are no less effective, they are much cheaper, they help not only to cleanse, but also to restore the skin after the procedures.

With a bold type

  • Saline

1 tsp. mix salt and soda with 1 tbsp. l. cream. Soak up to 20 minutes, remove with cool water. The composition may burn. For the first time, if this happens, immediately wash everything off with soap and moisturize the skin well.

  • Salicylic

Crush 3 adult aspirin tablets, add a little water and add honey. Soak on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Skin condition before the start of the course of application of the peeling mask with aspirin

  • Body peeling

Pour 2 tbsp with hydrogen peroxide 3%. l. bodyworms. The consistency should resemble sour cream. Keep up to 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Classical

Mix 15 ml of ammonia and camphor alcohol, boric acid and glycerin, add a crushed hydroperite tablet. Add the grated soap until the consistency is creamy. Apply to face and soak until mixture is dry. Wash off with a cloth soaked in 10% calcium chloride and water.

  • Almond

Mix equal amounts of diluted white clay, blended almonds and flaxseeds. Massage your face with gruel and wash yourself.

Peeling with calcium chloride

Dry type

  • Glycolic

For a third of an hour, apply a 1: 1 mixture of sugar and homemade yogurt to your face. Rinse off with water.

  • Fruit

Chop 1 medium apple and 2-3 strawberries in a blender. Massage your face with gruel for 5 minutes, wash yourself with cold water.

  • Citric

Effective for aging skin. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice with purified water. Apply to the skin with a cotton swab in several steps.

  • Almond

Mix equally chopped oatmeal and almonds, add a little olive oil. Apply for 10-20 minutes, remove with warm water.

Preventive peeling for normal skin

  • Oat

Put a little water in a handful of ground oatmeal, let stand for a minute. Massage your face with this gruel and rinse.

  • Lactic

For 20 minutes, apply kefir, sour cream or sour on the skin. Wash with warm water.

  • Tropical

Grind 100 g of papaya and pineapple into gruel, add a little honey. Apply thickly for 3-5 minutes, remove with cool water.

  • Garden

Mix and crush red currants and grapes in a 2: 1 ratio. Lubricate the face with juice in several steps. Exposure time up to 10 min.

For combination skin

The combined type needs special, comprehensive care. For areas with enlarged pores, products for oily skin are used, cheeks, temples and neck are treated with products for dry. There is another option - to apply prophylactic peels for the normal type.

The deep peeling procedure thoroughly cleanses the skin, eliminating many imperfections at the dermis level, giving a stimulus to rejuvenation. It will be more effective in the salon, but there is an opportunity to perform it at home. There are recipes that can significantly improve the condition of the skin, providing the most gentle effect.

Read in this article

Features of deep peeling at home

Performing the deep peeling procedure yourself, it is important to take into account several points:

  • with excessive sebum secretion, it can be done twice in 7 days, with dryness - no more than one in one and a half to two weeks;
  • the duration of the course depends on the condition of the skin, it should be no more than 10 procedures, if we are talking about homemade, not ready-made formulations (in this case, 5 sessions will be enough);
  • first you need to perform a peeling tolerance test, that is, apply a small amount of it to the area near the ear, stand for a couple of minutes, rinse and observe the reaction for a day;
  • using ready-made preparations, you need to take those in which the concentration of active substances is lower than in products for professional use (maximum 50%, but you should start with 30% formulations);
  • before applying the peeling, the face must be washed well and degreased with alcohol;
  • during the procedure, the skin may tingle slightly, but if there is pain, severe burning, the product must be removed immediately;
  • wash off the composition with water, if it is made with your own hands, or with a neutralizer, if taken from a store;
  • at the end of the manipulation, a moisturizing mask must be applied to the skin, and then an anti-inflammatory cream;
  • after peeling, it is undesirable to expose your face to the sun, therefore, it is worth performing the course in autumn or winter, and in summer not to go outside without protective equipment.

Types of effects on the skin of the face

Deep peeling performed at home can be:

  • Mechanical... Compositions with abrasive components are used. They scrape off dead particles and impurities, cause micro-trauma to the skin, stimulating regenerative processes. Mechanical peeling is done with scrubs (better for oily skin) or gommages (preferably for dry skin).
  • Chemical... It is performed using acids that dissolve everything that prevents the skin from breathing and developing. These peels include different active substances. Therefore, you can choose a product for dry, oily or mixed types.

Preparing for the procedure

Before manipulation, you must:

  • protect yourself from ultraviolet rays to avoid hyperpigmentation after it;
  • take antiviral drugs and vitamins for some time;
  • cleanse the skin with a soft scrub per day.

The best peels and features of their use

Among the ready-made products, the most effective are:

  • , (low concentration), glycolic. They are suitable at a fairly young age with increased sebum secretion.
  • Peels with AHA acids. They should also be used from the age of 25 to prevent age-related changes.
  • ... Helps dry skin become hydrated and firm.
  • Peeling TCA. Suitable for problem skin, if its owner is over 25 - 30 years old.

Ready-made preparations for home use are produced by the brands Dermagenetic, Jan Marini, Cosmedix, BeautyMed, Agera RX, LA Peel.

Dermagenetic home peels

DIY recipes

The deep peeling composition can be mixed with your own hands:

The peeling is kept until dry, removed with calcium chloride and water, dipping a napkin in them.

  • From 2 tbsp. l. and 3%. The mixture should be as thick as sour cream, it is kept for 20 minutes.
  • From calcium chloride. The drug is taken for the first time 5%, then you can use 10%. It is applied in 4 layers with a sponge. Each next portion is applied after the previous one has dried. If the skin reacts well, the number of layers can be increased to 8. The resulting mask is rolled up with fingertips, then the face is washed with water.

To learn how to prepare a mixture for deep facial peeling at home, see this video:

Deep peeling machines

You can clean the skin not only with abrasive or chemical compounds, but also with the help of household appliances:

  • "Gezatone Ionic Ultrasonic m 360", operating on the basis of ultrasound;
  • Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner, vacuum cleaning;
  • Gezatone KUS 2000, also ultrasonic;

Homemade deep-penetrating peeling is contraindicated for:

  • exacerbation of acne, the presence of purulent acne;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • allergies, dermatitis;
  • the need to take retinoids;
  • recently performed dermabrasion or hair removal, other aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • feeling unwell, fever.

Possible complications

Even after using self-prepared peels, problems cannot be ruled out. Most often, they make themselves felt after an incorrect procedure with ready-made preparations or as a result of improper skin care after it. Deep home peels can cause:

  • persistent erythema;
  • burns, blisters;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • increased manifestations of acne;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • the appearance of age spots.

It is better to consult a doctor with them, as self-medication can worsen the situation.

With the correct homemade deep peeling protocol and high-quality skin care, problems usually do not arise after it. But defects are eliminated, creams and masks are better absorbed. The procedure will help not only save money, but also cleanse the pores, maintain a sufficient level of moisture in the skin, ensure its healthy development and blooming appearance.

Useful video

For information on how to peel at home, see this video:

It is not always possible to visit a beauty salon. It is quite possible to make a deep facial peeling at home. A large number of home exfoliators are currently being produced. Procedures that were previously done only in salons can now be done independently.

Carrying out the procedure

What can you do yourself

You can exfoliate the skin with the help of trichloroacetic acid. It does not penetrate as deeply into the layers of the epidermis as phenol does, and does not significantly reduce deep wrinkles. But it is not so dangerous to use.

You need to purchase a ready-made or prepare a solution of trichloroacetic acid yourself. Products are commercially available containing 5% to 40% trichloroacetic acid. Doing peeling at home with a product with a concentration higher than 20% is not recommended due to the risk of burns. For the first time, it is advisable to purchase a more gentle composition of 5% - 8%. You can reuse a more concentrated product.

1 - 2 weeks before peeling, you need to carry out a pre-peeling preparation with weak acids. You can not replace the chemical procedure with scrubs. You can do an enzyme exfoliation instead of acid exfoliation. Do not sunbathe during the pre-peeling period. It is recommended to apply alpha hydroxide lotion (5%) to the exfoliating areas daily before going to bed.

For video peeling with weak acids:

A sensitivity test is done before use. The finished solution is applied to the inside of the hand with a cotton swab. After 3 - 4 minutes, the product is washed off with cold water. If a reaction (rash, itching, redness) does not appear in this area during the day, you can start the procedure.

Trichloroacetic acid procedure

It is necessary to wash your face with a cleanser and gently blot the skin with a napkin. The cleaned skin must be disinfected and degreased. It is better to use witch hazel tincture for this. It does not dry out the skin.

The hair is hidden under a hat, the head is tilted 45 degrees. There should be a neutralizer at hand. A baking soda solution can be used as a neutralizer. It is made with 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 cup of water. Sensitive areas in the corners of the eyes and under the nose are protected with petroleum jelly.

With a cotton swab or sponge, apply a solution of trichloroacetic acid to the face, starting from the forehead. Then the cheeks, nose and chin are covered. It is important to spread the composition in a small, even layer. A large amount of the product can cause severe burns.

The peeling solution is kept on the skin until frost appears (about 3-4 minutes). Frost in cosmetology is called coagulation necrosis of the skin of various depths (scab). Outwardly, it looks like a whitish coating of the treated area and resembles frost. Mild burning may be felt during skin exposure to acid.

With lard, you can do it.

For video peeling with trichloroacetic acid:

After the appearance of frost, the composition is neutralized with a solution of baking soda or a special agent. Then rinse your face with cold water, gently blot it with a napkin and apply a triple antibiotic cream (Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment).

Post-peel activities

The skin will be covered with frost for about half an hour after the procedure. In the next few days, a crust will appear on the face. All these days it is recommended to apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent inflammation and infection. The crusts should fall off on their own. You cannot rip them off prematurely.

The result of peeling with trichloroacetic acid

Immediately after the procedure, it is worth making a compress with the infusion of the sequence. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 15 - 20 minutes. Gauze folded in several layers is dipped into the cooled and strained liquid and applied to the damaged skin. After 10 minutes, the compress is removed.

It is advisable not to go outside for several days and to minimize contact with others. You should not apply cosmetics, wash your face with soap, shave and pluck hair on injured skin areas. When going outside, you need to use a face cream with UV protection (at least 30 SPF).

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid is not carried out for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people with oncological, endocrine and dermatological diseases.

You can also do a homemade face peel with lemon, recipe.

Peeling with glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (fruit). It easily penetrates into the upper layers of the epidermis and does not cause serious damage to the skin. This type of peeling is more gentle, but less deep.

10-15 days before exfoliation, it is recommended to apply a product containing a small percentage of glycolic acid to the facial code. This can be Sesderma Serum (6%) or Reviva Labs Cream (5%).

During the pre-peeling period, it is necessary to avoid the sun's rays. On the eve of the procedure, an agent sensitivity test should be performed.

How to do ? For the first peel, it is better to use a product with a glycolic acid concentration of 10% - 15%. It is applied to the inner surface of the hand and washed off after 3 minutes. The result is assessed in a day.

Before exfoliation, the face is cleansed with liquid ichthyol soap. A lotion with a glycolic acid concentration of 5% is applied to the skin dried with a napkin. It will remove residual dirt and grease. It is washed off with cold water and the surface is dried.

After that, the main composition is applied, starting from the forehead and ending with the chin. The eyelids are treated last. The composition is left to act for 10 minutes and neutralized with cold water. If the procedure has caused skin irritation, burning or redness, it is better to use a special composition to neutralize. Even if discomfort appeared in one place, it is necessary to neutralize the agent on the entire treated surface.

On the video procedure with glycolic acid:

Lactolan peeling - face cream will help to soothe the skin afterwards. It is carefully hammered into the surface with the pads of the fingers. Pieces of gauze folded in several layers, soaked in warm water, are placed on the cream. After 10 - 15 minutes, the face is rinsed with warm water and a moisturizer is applied.

After the procedure, there is slight redness and flaking of the skin. The skin will recover in 1 to 3 days. After peeling, you should avoid sun rays and use creams with ultraviolet filters.

The procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, in addition, for people with dermatological and oncological diseases.

Other types at home

You can exfoliate your face with fruit acids contained in foods. Fruit peel recipes are simple and affordable. Pineapple can be used to improve complexion. 200 g of fruit pulp chopped in a blender is mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey.

In order for the mixture to acquire the necessary consistency of thick sour cream, a little flour is added to it. Better to use oatmeal. It can be obtained by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. The mask is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off.

You can add banana and kiwi to the fruit peel. They are crushed with a blender and mixed in equal proportions. To 100 g of the mixture add 200 g of pineapple puree. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes and washed off. This exfoliation does not significantly rejuvenate the skin, but it can safely improve its appearance.

It is also quite effective and popular, which is so easy to try at home.