How to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Surgical treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy. What is hemorrhoids

During the second half of pregnancy and childbirth, the risk of external (external) hemorrhoids increases significantly.

During this period, the uterus occupies most of the abdominal cavity and squeezes the intestines, disrupting blood circulation in it. This leads to constriction of blood vessels and stagnation of blood, which provokes hemorrhoids.

The risk of developing external hemorrhoids during childbirth, which takes a long time, is quite high. About half of women after childbirth suffer from this disease, which requires immediate treatment.

How to treat? Methods and methods

Treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after childbirth should be carried out only after visiting a proctologist and making the correct diagnosis.

It is forbidden to independently purchase any medications during this period - after all, each organism is individual and what helped friends may be completely contraindicated for other women.

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be treated with:

Remedies for external hemorrhoids during pregnancy are selected depending on the stage of the disease and the risk of complications.

In case of severe bleeding, minimally invasive methods of treatment can be used, which it is better to refuse until the moment of delivery.

Baths and lotions are easy to perform at home using herbal decoctions. It is very important to eat right during this period and avoid constipation.

You can cure external hemorrhoids in pregnant women with the help of medications - tablets, ointments and suppositories. All of them are selected strictly individually, depending on the duration of pregnancy.

Some drugs are completely harmless and can be used for any period of time.

How to treat?

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy require timely and correct treatment. All drugs must be prescribed by the attending specialist and must be used according to the instructions.

It is impossible to self-medicate during this period - there is a high risk to the life and health of the baby.

List of popular and effective means and drugs for the treatment of external hemorrhoids in pregnant women:

NameDescriptionprice, rub.
Fleming's ointmentHomeopathic medicine with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, drying and healing properties. Helps get rid of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Apply with a cotton swab to the problem area several times a day.330-390
Bezornil creamThe drug perfectly relieves itching, swelling, irritation and promotes rapid wound healing. Helps with hemorrhoids, anal fissures and eczema. Treatment of external hemorrhoids in pregnant women involves applying the ointment twice to the nodes - in the morning and in the evening after hygiene procedures.450-500
PosterisanDuring pregnancy, it is used in the morning and in the evening, as well as after each bowel movement. Promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues, relieves inflammation and irritation.500-560
Sea buckthorn ointmentTreatment of external hemorrhoids in pregnant women most often includes sea buckthorn preparations. Only hemorrhoids of the initial stages can be cured with their help. They perfectly soothe irritations, heal and soften.200-450
ReliefA good drug that can be applied to problem areas during pregnancy, as recommended by a doctor.440-480
HepatrombinApplied according to the testimony of a specialist with thrombosed external hemorrhoids. Promotes wound healing, reduces knots and disinfects perfectly.220-250
NatalsidIt has practically no contraindications and has a natural composition. It perfectly helps with external hemorrhoids and relieves the unpleasant symptoms of this disease in a short period.370-410
LevomekolApproved for use during pregnancy. Helps with external hemorrhoids complicated by anal fissures. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant properties.130-140

To make the treatment more successful, the therapy regimen may include drugs that have a venotonic effect.

These include:

In folk medicine, during pregnancy, with external hemorrhoids, lotions based on potato juice are used. They are applied several times a day. Beet juice has the same properties.

But nevertheless, it is better to abandon traditional methods of treatment and use the funds prescribed by a specialist - this will help prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

External hemorrhoids are a common occurrence when carrying a baby. According to statistics, the disease is familiar to more than 60% of expectant mothers. It is necessary to treat external hemorrhoids during pregnancy. A pathological phenomenon not only causes discomfort, but also, under certain circumstances, threatens with serious complications - up to tissue necrosis. Effective methods of eliminating the problem can only be selected by a doctor. The task of the expectant mother is not to ignore the primary symptoms and not to postpone the visit to the doctor. This will help eliminate the likelihood of developing complications that are dangerous to the patient's health and can harm the baby.

Do not self-medicate as it can cause unwanted complications

Hemorrhoids are a common proctological disease. It is characterized by impaired blood flow. As a result, there is an expansion of the veins of the anus, "protrusion" of hemorrhoids.

There are two forms of the disease - internal and external (external, anal) hemorrhoids. The external form of the disease is characterized by inflammation of the external nodules. Their "protrusion" is visible with the naked eye: cavernous formations appear under the skin, localized around the sphincter. Often the pathology is confused with the loss of internal nodules. It is easy to distinguish the forms of the disease: when the internal nodes fall out, they acquire a characteristic mucous membrane.

The external variant of the pathology is often found in pregnant women. The disease gives a woman a lot of inconvenience. If treatment is not carried out on time, pathology can lead to irreversible consequences. Lack of adequate therapy leads to a weakening of the muscles of the anorectal zone. A significant "protrusion" of the nodules, their sagging causes discomfort, interferes with the pregnant woman to lead a normal life. Complications of the disease are dangerous for the patient. In advanced cases, inflammation can have a negative effect on the unborn baby.

Causes of the disease

With pregnancy, the female body changes. This restructuring is due to the need to perform new functions. Changes often lead to the development of hemorrhoidal disease.

The pathological process occurs if blood circulation in the veins is impaired. This can happen with venous insufficiency (congenital, acquired). Violations of blood outflow often appear against the background of fetal growth, therefore hemorrhoids are usually diagnosed towards the end of the gestation period. The enlarged fetus presses on the blood vessels of the pelvis. This leads to the expansion of the corpora cavernosa, blood stasis. The muscles cannot cope with the load, which is manifested by the growth of nodules.

Heredity may be to blame for the occurrence of pathology. The presence of a predisposition is an optional condition for the development of the disease.

The pathological process is triggered by provoking factors. External hemorrhoids during pregnancy are usually caused by:

  • Problems with bowel movements. Constipation is familiar to almost all women in an "interesting position." They are due to hormonal changes. Such changes are natural. This is protection against self-abortion. The "pregnancy hormone" progesterone lowers the tone of the uterus, but along with it, the tone of the intestines decreases. Difficulty leaving fecal masses leads to squeezing of the veins.
  • Decreased activity. In the first - second trimester, physical activity predominantly remains at the "pre-pregnant" level. With the growth of the fetus, it becomes more difficult for a woman to move, she rests more. This leads to a slowdown in blood flow in the anorectal area. As a result, nodules appear.
  • Improper nutrition. Expectant mothers should give up salty food, smoked meats, spicy dishes. But usually in an "interesting position" pulls for salty. It is important to remember: an improper diet leads to venous congestion, blood stagnation, which increases the risk of developing hemorrhoidal disease.

The likelihood of developing hemorrhoids increases if a woman is overweight. The disease can manifest itself against the background of infections, inflammation in the liver, intestinal diseases, tumors. If you ignore the problem, then unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided: external hemorrhoids after childbirth are always aggravated, attempts lead to rupture of nodules.

Disease manifestations

If you feel unwell, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Hemorrhoidal disease can be recognized at an early stage. You need to listen to the body, and pay attention to even mild symptoms. The first manifestation that should alert you is discomfort in the anorectal zone. Pain can appear spontaneously or during bowel movements. Unpleasant sensations that arise spontaneously force the expectant mother not to change her position for a long time: any actions (walking, changing position, sneezing) provoke an increase in pain. The discomfort in each case is different: it can be a slight inconvenience, or it can be sharp excruciating pains. The expectant mother can grope for spherical formations near the anal valve. They are small at first, but increase if external hemorrhoids are not treated during pregnancy.

In addition to pain, there are other symptoms that should not be ignored. The following manifestations speak about the disease:

  • burning and itching in the anorectal area;
  • the appearance of anal fissures;
  • weeping fabrics.

Symptoms depend on the stage of the disease. At first, the soreness is barely noticeable, the nodule is dense and edematous, but it can be examined with hands. When the disease enters the second stage, the symptoms increase. The development of the disease is evidenced by:

  • redness of the skin around the node;
  • significant swelling;
  • severe pain when trying to feel the knot.

The third stage of the disease is characterized by an expansion of the inflammatory process: new areas are covered, inflammation affects the subcutaneous tissue. Around the nodes, the skin becomes crimson, over time acquires cyanosis. The inflammatory process can provoke an increase in temperature.

External hemorrhoids are less likely to bleed than the internal form of the disease. However, the presence of spotting is not excluded. They remain on linen or on napkins after hygiene procedures, and are not found in feces, as in the rectal form of the disease.

Potential risks

If, after the detection of external hemorrhoids, therapy is not carried out, the inflammatory process will become more extensive. This is fraught with the appearance of fistulas, the appearance of a pararectal abscess, and can lead to tissue necrosis. Such complications require urgent action. Attaching an infection is dangerous: intrauterine infection can occur. The toxins enter the bloodstream first, and through the placenta - to the baby.

With bleeding cones, the expectant mother may develop anemia. Lack of iron during gestation requires immediate correction. It provokes oxygen starvation, which negatively affects the development of the baby.

You need to get rid of the disease before the baby is born. It is easiest to "remove" a pathological phenomenon in the early stages of gestation, as the fetus grows, the inflammation progresses. Labor activity provokes an exacerbation of the disease: the passage of the baby through the birth canal leads to rupture of the nodes, which is accompanied by bleeding. In the absence of adequate timely therapy, there is always an exacerbation of external hemorrhoids after childbirth, and the treatment of a complicated disease will be long and serious. Considering all the risks, at the first appearance of anxiety symptoms, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment methods

There are two ways to fix the problem - medication or promptly. Only specialists can determine the method of dealing with pathology. The decision regarding the treatment of the patient in the position is made jointly by the proctologist and the gynecologist. They take into account the duration of pregnancy, the presence / absence of complications, the condition of the fetus and other factors. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate any disease, including hemorrhoids, when carrying a baby. In order not to harm the baby, you need to know a lot of nuances. The expectant mother should understand that the only correct decision in this situation is to contact qualified specialists.

Drug therapy

It is possible to get rid of the manifestations of hemorrhoidal disease and not harm the baby with the help of conservative treatment methods. Drug therapy is only safe when prescribed by a doctor. The doctor determines how to treat the external form of hemorrhoids on an individual basis. Medicines are prescribed by the doctor taking into account the condition of the mother and fetus. He objectively assesses the risks of drug therapy and prescribes drugs that will not harm. Most often, the doctor prescribes external forms of pharmacological agents - gel, ointment, cream. The most popular "harmless" drugs that are used to rid the expectant mother of anal nodes include:

  • Heparin ointment. The drug promotes the resorption of blood clots. The action of the ointment is aimed at preventing the formation of new nodules. The funds have an analgesic effect, effectively relieves itching. The ointment cannot be used at the beginning of the term - only from the second trimester.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. The remedy is in the home medicine cabinet for many. It captivates with the naturalness of its active substances. The ointment can relieve inflammation. It can help fight infection of the nodules. The action of the agent is aimed at tissue regeneration.
  • Relief ointment. The tool effectively heals wounds, has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effects. The active components of the ointment contribute to vasoconstriction, reduce pain.
  • Hepatrombin G. The drug contains hormones, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use it until the 13th week. The tool stops the inflammatory process, excludes the possibility of thrombosis.
  • Posterized. The tool helps relieve pain, relieves burning, itching. The drug stops the inflammatory process, strengthens local immunity, which makes it possible to accelerate tissue regeneration and exclude relapse.
  • Fleming's ointment. The drug based on medicinal plants relieves puffiness, stops the inflammatory process. The product dries out wet skin, improves blood flow. It is used to relieve pain.

How to treat the external form of hemorrhoidal disease, so as not to harm the child, can only be determined by a doctor. Many of the popular ointments cannot be used at the beginning of pregnancy, sometimes the use of venotonic drugs (for example, Troxevasin) is additionally required. The use of laxatives, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs requires approval from the attending physician. Medicines may contain substances that, if released into the bloodstream, can harm the baby.


After the examination, the doctor will select the appropriate therapy.

When it is not possible to cure external hemorrhoids with the help of conservative methods and there is a threat of complications before delivery, the doctor may insist on surgical intervention. Surgical treatment for expectant mothers is rarely prescribed. This is associated with the risks of harming the child.

When treating the external form of hemorrhoids, they turn to minimally invasive methods. They are carried out without the use of general anesthesia, therefore, they are permissible during the gestation period. These methods include:

  • Coagulation (infrared / laser). The procedure is carried out using radiation. It helps to increase the coagulation of proteins that are in blood vessels. After that, the external nodes do not receive recharge and die off.
  • Cryodestruction. The procedure consists in exposing the affected areas to extremely low temperatures. Frozen nodes die off and fall off after a while.

Minimally invasive techniques may not be used in all cases. Surgical intervention is contraindicated in the presence of rectal fissures, thrombosis, pararectal abscess.

Traditional treatment

Can external hemorrhoids be cured by alternative medicine technicians? Some folk methods are really able to alleviate the manifestations of the disease. At the same time, they are absolutely safe. However, others, on the contrary, can harm the fetus. The possibility of using traditional medicine should be discussed with your doctor. Often the doctor himself prescribes the use of medicinal herbs in addition to drug therapy. Ointments are made from herbs, they are used for baths and compresses. It is strictly forbidden for expectant mothers to uncontrollably take herbal decoctions inside: active herbal ingredients can lead to serious complications, up to and including termination of pregnancy.

What herbs can help with external nodules? Plants known for their anti-inflammatory, healing, analgesic, antiseptic effects will help get rid of the problem. You can make lotions from:

  • highlander;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • sage.

Homemade ointments are usually made from aloe, birch tar, honey, olive oil. Naturally, any prescription should be discussed with a doctor. There are traditional medicine methods that are contraindicated during pregnancy, while others cannot be used for exacerbations and thrombosis.

The effectiveness of alternative treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease. It is rarely possible to cure hemorrhoids exclusively with folk recipes. Alternative medicine methods are usually backed up with pharmacological drugs. Treatment, regardless of the method chosen, should always take place under medical supervision. Independent use of herbs and the use of pharmacy ointments can lead to irreversible consequences.

Preventive measures

The expectant mother can prevent the appearance and stop the development of external hemorrhoids if she follows the preventive rules. To avoid getting acquainted with an unpleasant problem, you need:

  • Adjust the diet. You should refuse salty and spicy foods, exclude smoked meats, fatty and pickled foods.
  • Establish a bowel movement. Fiber-rich foods will help improve intestinal motility. If bowel movements are rare, then you should consult a doctor with the problem. He will find safe laxative tablets.
  • Increase activity. Walking and performing special exercises exclude the occurrence of stagnation of blood flow in the veins of the pelvis.

Hemorrhoids are a delicate disease. Often pregnant women start it, I hesitate to see a doctor. This leads to complications. The appearance of alarming symptoms is a reason to immediately consult a specialist. The sooner a problem is identified, the faster and easier it can be resolved. Hemorrhoids are always complicated during the birth process. If possible, the pathology should be corrected before delivery. Ideally, you need to carry out preventive measures and consult a doctor in order to prevent the onset of the disease.

Hemorrhoids are the most common and unpleasant disease of the rectum, causing a lot of inconvenience. According to gender and age, the disease has no priorities. Typical for pregnant women, and after childbirth worries every eighth mom. Why does this trouble arise during pregnancy, and how to deal with the disease for women in position?


Pregnancy is a natural process that in itself is not a disease provocateur. However, certain changes in the female body at this time can contribute to the appearance of the problem.

The causes of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

There are predisposing and exciting causes that cause pathology of rectal veins in expectant mothers. The former include the hereditary factor and age. For example, if a future mother's family suffers from hemorrhoids, then she also has a risk of progression of this disease.... Until the age of 30, the likelihood of an ailment appears in 1/5 of mothers, and over 30 - in half.

There are more provoking reasons for the development of the disease, they are the fundamental factors. There are 4 main reasons for the appearance of external hemorrhoids in pregnant women:

  1. The growing uterus presses on the veins. As a result, the circulation and outflow of blood is disturbed, the vessels are stretched, and stagnation occurs. The more the uterus increases in size, the more intensively these processes take place. Therefore, hemorrhoids mainly occur at 14-38 weeks of gestation.
  2. Violation in the process of defecation. It is caused by constant pressure of the uterus and a disorder of the blood supply to the intestine. The contraction of the uterus and intestine is controlled by the pelvic junction. During pregnancy, the tone of the uterus falls (the body's defense mechanism against premature birth). In turn, the activity of the intestines also decreases, which gives rise to constipation. The feces stagnate and "injure" the intestines, causing the formation of hemorrhoids.
  3. Reduced activity. At 1-13 weeks of gestation, hemorrhoids rarely appear, since the woman is still active. But in the 2-3 trimester, she moves little and pays more attention to rest, as a result of which the blood flow decreases. As a result - stagnation in the veins, which gives rise to external hemorrhoids.
  4. Features of nutrition. Usually, the taste inclinations of pregnant women are variable. Expectant mothers want salty, smoked, or spicy food. And such products provoke the development of the disease, and entail blood flow to the vessels, including the pelvic area.

What is hemorrhoids - illustration

Features of the external form of the disease

External hemorrhoids are distinguished by the location of nodes outside the rectum. They are located near the anal entrance. Lumps with hemorrhoids appear as a result of protrusion of venous vessels and come in different sizes... Unlike the neglected form, at this stage, the nodes do not fall out.

The nodes form in the subcutaneous cavernous plexuses of the vessels around the sphincter. During the period of remission, they do not show themselves in any way and do not bother at all. However, if an exacerbation of the disease has occurred, then the symptoms are extremely painful.

Another distinctive feature of the outward appearance of the disease is the insignificance or complete absence of blood loss and bright soreness of the nodes. In this case, the outer node is covered with skin, while the hidden one is covered with mucus.

All signs manifested at the initial stage of the disease do not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. And many experts recommend only to prevent the development of complications, while prescribing supportive treatment. The first step is to adjust the bowel movement.... This procedure should be carried out systematically: every day at the same time. This is achieved with the help of certain diets and training. The diet includes more fruits and vegetables, limiting the amount of meat and carbohydrates.

The figure shows an external hemorrhoidal node

Why you need to fight the disease

In proctology for hemorrhoids, external bumps are distinguished, which form subcutaneously from the lower venous plexus, and internal nodes in the rectum, which form from the upper plexus.

Treatment of the disease is usually in three directions:

  1. Conservative.
  2. Minimally invasive.
  3. Surgical.

For women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, surgery is not performed, it is left for a period after permission.

At the initial stage, the following symptoms of the disease may appear:

If they are not treated in time, then the disease manifests itself in more serious symptoms:

  • thrombosis appears;
  • pain symptoms become intolerable not only when moving, but also when sneezing or coughing;
  • near the anus, the skin turns red and swells;
  • the temperature rises.

Over time, swelling and signs of inflammation in hemorrhoids spread over the entire surface of the perineum and buttocks, there is a loss of nodes during bowel movements. If the treatment of the disease is not started in the acute stage, then tissue necrosis and purulent inflammation may occur.

Diagnostics and therapy

It often happens in practice that treatment for one disease can provoke the development of another. In order not to jeopardize either your health or the health of the baby, at the first symptoms of the disease, be sure to go to the proctologist. By the way, an experienced doctor will be able to cure this unpleasant disease without much difficulty. The most important thing is not to let the disease take its course (so that the node does not fall out).

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids and its treatment

To establish a diagnosis, you will be asked to undergo a visual examination and pass certain tests. Only then can the treatment of inflamed nodes be prescribed.

  1. "Hepatrombin B". Perfectly relieves puffiness and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Allowed for use at 31-38 weeks.
  2. "Relief". Acts softly and delicately (and it is precisely such treatment that is needed in an interesting position). With regular use, it will help get rid of the disease for a long time.
  3. Natasild. An effective gentle remedy that allows you to treat the disease in the 3rd trimester.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil. Pregnant women are advised to keep it in the medicine cabinet, as it contains a storehouse of useful elements. Treatment of external nodes should last at least 7 days.


Although this disease is quite common and is observed in almost half of pregnant women, it is still possible to avoid its occurrence. The main thing- exclude exciting factors.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

So, if you do not want to treat hemorrhoids for a long time, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not restrict your physical activity, even if you are in the 3rd trimester. Carrying a baby is not a disease, and you do not need bed rest. Walking, light exercise, and daily exercise in the morning will keep your blood from stagnating. Move more often and you will not need treatment after childbirth.
  2. In case of constipation (and in pregnant women they are more common), they need to be treated. Do not sit on the toilet for a long time and strain too much when emptying. Include fiber-rich foods in your diet. It absorbs water in the intestines and builds up stool, reducing the risk of constipation. Be sure to drink water (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). A sufficient amount of fiber is found in bran, herbs, fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, buckwheat, dried fruits. It is undesirable to use semolina and rice, alcoholic beverages, spicy and spicy dishes. Try to consume fermented milk products daily. Meals should be varied and light.
  3. Remember hygiene. It is best to give up paper for hemorrhoids, and after emptying, rinse the anal passage with cool water (it perfectly exercises the vessels). Avoid hot tubs and replace them with daily showers. Do not visit saunas and baths, otherwise it will take a long time to treat the disease.

Remember: the external node with hemorrhoids does not go away on its own, so the most important thing is to consult a doctor in time, who will prescribe the correct treatment for you.

A future mother suffering from hemorrhoids is worried about whether the treatment of external nodes is dangerous for her baby? Experts say that when the disease is neglected, anemia may appear (due to blood loss), which leads to fetal hypoxia, disrupting its growth and formation. Therefore, it is necessary to treat inflamed nodes only under the supervision of a specialist.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine", I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Faculty of Military Education, Faculty of General Medicine (2011) Internship in ...

In 60% of women, it is diagnosed that it causes discomfort and is dangerous for the development of complications if treatment is not started in a timely manner. At first, the ailment practically does not give itself out, but as it progresses, its symptoms become more pronounced. Why does this pathology develop, and how to deal with it?

What is external hemorrhoids during pregnancy

To figure it out, you need to find out what it is, and what factors contribute to its appearance. Proctologists divide varicose enlargement of hemorrhoids with the formation of nodes into internal (rectal), external (external) and combined.
With external hemorrhoids, the nodes are not formed inside the rectal canal, but outside, directly under the skin of the anus. It is important not to confuse this pathological process with the prolapse of internal nodes outward, which occurs in the last stages of internal hemorrhoids. During remission, external hemorrhoids during pregnancy do not bother the patient. As soon as the period of exacerbation begins, an inflammatory process occurs in the veins, accompanied by painful sensations.
In the absence of proper treatment, the muscles of the anorectal canal weaken, the nodules increase, sag, making it difficult for the expectant mother to lead a normal life. In this case, labor only worsens the condition.

Causes of external hemorrhoids in pregnant women

When carrying a child, the female body is exposed to serious stress. Although this process is completely natural, it can lead to the development of varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins. The main cause of the pathological process during pregnancy is a violation of blood circulation in the organs located in the pelvic region due to acquired or congenital venous insufficiency.

Violation of venous outflow provokes blood stagnation. The venous plexuses begin to expand, and since their walls and muscle fibers are not designed for such loads, the cavernous formations increase more and more under the skin of the anus and are easily palpated on palpation.
External hemorrhoids are not observed in all pregnant women. Even if there is a predisposition to an illness, it may not develop if provoking factors do not affect the body.

The main factors provocateurs include:

  1. The pressure of the growing uterus on the organs located in the pelvic region. The fruit, gradually developing, is gaining mass. The uterus enlarges, presses on the vessels, disrupting blood circulation in the cavernous formations, as a result of which the external and internal nodes swell and become larger. The larger the fetus, the more stagnant appears. This is why doctors are more likely to diagnose hemorrhoids during late pregnancy rather than early pregnancy.
  2. Constipation. After fertilization has taken place, the hormonal background of the woman changes to lower the tone of the uterus. But the tone also decreases in the intestines, which makes it difficult for the process of emptying the intestines from feces. Hard feces can constrict veins and injure the skin.
  3. Physical inactivity. At the initial stages of gestation, expectant mothers lead an active lifestyle, therefore, they rarely encounter a hemorrhoidal ailment. Later, when the abdomen increases, they move less, rest more often, as a result of which blood circulation in the rectal region is disturbed, and pathological nodes are formed.
  4. Wrong diet. The taste preferences of many women change dramatically during pregnancy. Harmful foods promote blood flow to the intestines, causing congestion and the formation of nodules.

In addition, external and internal hemorrhoids during pregnancy arise from:

  • infectious processes;
  • being overweight;
  • severe stress;
  • smoking;
  • tumor pathologies.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

If a woman has developed external hemorrhoids during pregnancy, how to treat the pathology, the specialist will say. At first, the ailment manifests itself as unpleasant sensations in the anal canal, which periodically bother the patient. Pain syndrome can occur suddenly, for example, with a prolonged stay in one position. It can intensify when coughing, sneezing, sitting.

In addition, the following are noted:

  • anal itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • the appearance of anal fissures.

Bleeding of external nodes is extremely rare. Similar manifestations often occur with the rectal form of the disease. Blood can be found not in feces, but on underwear, towels, toilet paper.
The expectant mother herself can feel hemorrhoids nodules in the anal area that resemble bumps. They usually hurt when touched. When the nodules become large, a foreign object is felt in the anal valve area. With the development of the inflammatory process, the pain syndrome increases markedly.

Possible complications

If there is external hemorrhoids during pregnancy, treatment should be mandatory. Otherwise, the expectant mother may face complications of the disease. The most common consequences of hemorrhoids are inflammation of the nodes and thrombosis.
As a result of impaired blood circulation in the problem area, the blood thickens, clots are formed that close the vascular lumen of small capillaries. As a result, there is a thrombosis or blockage of the veins of the cavernous formations. The process is accompanied by a pain syndrome that does not depend on bowel movements. The node swells, changes color, becomes cyanotic, black. Inflammation develops, affecting the entire perianal region.

The inflammatory process with external hemorrhoids occurs in three stages:

  1. Stage. Pain sensations intensify, itching and burning sensation periodically bother the victim. The unpleasant symptoms usually appear after a bowel movement or after eating spicy food. The knot becomes denser, swells.
  2. Stage. The symptoms of a proctological disease are increasing. The skin around the problem site turns red, the swelling increases. On palpation, the node is very painful.
  3. Stage. The inflammatory process deepens into the subcutaneous fat tissue and adjacent areas. The skin turns purple, becomes cyanotic. On examination, necrotic areas can be found.

An undocumented inflammatory process leads to a pararectal abscess and the appearance of fistulas. In such situations, emergency medical care is needed, since a purulent infection can penetrate the placental barrier and harm the child.


It is not difficult to identify external hemorrhoids in pregnant women. After a visual examination, a digital examination is performed, and to clarify the diagnosis, the patient is sent for sigmoidoscopy. An apparatus is inserted into the rectum to assess the condition of the intestinal tissues.

Important! Timely identification of the pathological process allows you to prescribe competent treatment, which will prevent the further development of the disease.

Treatment activities

Treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy is carried out with approved drugs that cannot negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. It is impossible to self-medicate in such cases, since only a specialist will be able to prescribe an adequate and safe therapy for the expectant mother, taking into account the contraindications, the characteristics of the body, the degree of the pathological process.

Basically, the treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy is carried out with such drugs:

  1. Fleming's ointment. This product contains natural ingredients with complex action. The medicine eliminates inflammation and swelling, tones the walls of venous vessels, heals wounds and cracks, and reduces the severity of pain.
  2. Bezornil ointment. It is an effective decongestant, analgesic, antiseptic, hemostatic, astringent based on natural ingredients. During pregnancy, it is allowed to be used at any time. The only contraindication is intolerance to active substances.
  3. The ointment is posterized. This medication contains inactivated microbial cells that stimulate local immunity. Shown is a remedy for anal fissures, itching, burning.
  4. Heparin ointment. The active ingredient in this drug is heparin. It dissolves blood clots and prevents thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Benzocaine - an additional ingredient relieves pain.
  5. Hepatrombin G. Combined preparation containing the anticoagulant heparin and prednisolone. The medicinal product is available in suppositories and ointments. Not recommended in the early stages of pregnancy. When applied externally, it has an antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-exudative, antipruritic effect.
  6. Troxevasin is a venotonic and angioprotective agent. increases the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents their fragility and damage, prevents the development of thrombosis, eliminates itching and burning in the anorectal region.
  7. Vishnevsky's ointment can reduce the severity of symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease, relieve inflammation, and promote rapid healing of damaged tissues.
  8. Ointment Relief. Relieves inflammation, heals wounds and cracks, prevents further infection, stops bleeding of nodes.
  9. Cream-wax Zdorov is a natural preparation that strengthens vascular walls, stabilizes blood circulation in damaged tissues, accelerates blood flow in hemorrhoids and regenerates mucous membranes.
  10. Spray Gemoderm. Antihemorrhoid drug based on natural ingredients. It relieves pain, itching and burning, relieves inflammation, has antiseptic qualities, stops bleeding, and has powerful venotonic properties.
  11. External hemorrhoids during pregnancy involve treatment with venotonic drugs, for example, Troxevasin and Detralex. They fight venous insufficiency, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Surgical intervention

If internal or external hemorrhoids do not respond to drug treatment during pregnancy, and the threat of complications before childbirth increases, the doctor may prescribe surgery. Such situations are extremely rare, because even a minimally invasive intervention that does not require the introduction of general anesthesia is undesirable when carrying a child. The external form of hemorrhoids can be treated with the following methods:

  1. Cryodestruction. It is a painless procedure that leaves no scars or scars. The affected areas are exposed to ultra-low temperatures, due to which the diseased tissues freeze and then fall off.
  2. Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a sclerosing substance is injected into the damaged vessels. Thanks to this, the nodes die off independently.
    Infrared and laser coagulation. Here, with the help of heat radiation in the blood vessels, proteins are curtailed. As a result, the nodes do not receive the necessary substances and die off.

If a pregnant woman has developed a pararectal abscess, thrombosis of veins in the anal canal, rectal fissures have developed, then minimally invasive intervention is not used.

Traditional methods of treating external hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Many expectant mothers are interested in how to treat external hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home. Some traditional medicine recipes help relieve symptoms, but only when taken together with medications.

The main and effective methods of therapy are:

  • sitz baths;
  • compresses;
  • lotions.

For their implementation, infusions of medicinal herbs, essential oil, vegetables and other natural ingredients are used. For example, sea buckthorn oil is especially popular. It is applied to gauze tissue and applied to the problem area.

Among the medicinal plants that help cure hemorrhoids in the early and late stages of pregnancy, they note:

  • highlander pochuyny, effectively relieves the inflammatory process;
  • sage, which quickly suppresses the inflammatory process and destroys pathogenic microbes;
  • pharmacy chamomile flowers, acting as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-irritation agent;
  • oak bark, perfectly drying weeping knots and wounds;
  • calendula, which has powerful antiseptic properties;
  • wormwood, relieving pain;
  • yarrow, which quickly heals damaged tissues, has hemostatic properties;
  • onion peel, effectively stopping bleeding of damaged nodes.

To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to take a large spoonful of the herb and fill it with a glass of cold water. Bring to a boil and hold on a slow flame for 15 minutes. After straining, use for lotions, compresses, sitz baths. It should be noted that sitz baths should be warm, as cold or hot temperatures can negatively affect pregnancy, cause inflammation, and lead to premature birth.

But before starting home treatment, a pregnant woman needs to:

  • consult a doctor about the appropriateness of using traditional methods. In some cases, some recipes are contraindicated for expectant mothers, for example, with an exacerbation of an ailment or with vein thrombosis;
  • combine traditional medicine with medicinal, observing all dosages and proportions. It is also necessary to observe the timing of the duration of the therapeutic course in order to avoid overdose;
  • decoctions and infusions of herbs when carrying a child is not recommended to be taken orally, since some of them can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus and cause premature birth.

Important! During pregnancy, traditional medicine should be selected especially carefully. Each prescription should be discussed with a doctor, otherwise serious consequences can be caused.


To hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the early and late stages did not bother the woman, you should adhere to the recommendations of experts:

  • do not use toilet paper and replace it with soft napkins or washing the anorectal area with cool water. You can also use a herbal decoction to avoid inflammation;
  • do not get carried away with smoked, salted, pickled, fried foods, sweets, fast foods. As soon as a woman registers for pregnancy in the clinic at the place of residence, the obstetrician-gynecologist must tell what the expectant mother can eat, and what to beware of. The diet recommended by him will not only help to give birth to a healthy strong baby, but will also avoid stagnation that leads to the development of hemorrhoids;
  • avoid physical inactivity. If a woman's well-being allows, then it is necessary to stay more in the fresh air, do yoga, swimming. You can do Kegel gymnastics;
  • avoid constipation. If this problem exists, your doctor will prescribe laxatives.
    Untreated hemorrhoids during pregnancy can worsen after childbirth and strong attempts, leading to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, stretching of cavernous formations and blood vessels. Therefore, the process of therapy and adherence to all recommendations should be taken as responsibly as possible.

Diet for external hemorrhoids

One of the most effective ways treatment of external hemorrhoids is a diet food. If you do not change your lifestyle and revise your daily diet, then not a single even the most powerful drug against hemorrhoids will help you get rid of the proctological problem for a long time.

  • dark and gray cereals;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • cucumbers;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • dried fruits;
  • bran;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • greens;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • cherries;
  • dairy products.

You can avoid constipation by drinking a large spoonful of vegetable oil daily. It will improve intestinal motility and facilitate bowel movements. To maintain a healthy intestinal microflora, it is advisable to drink a glass of kefir per day.

Be sure to observe the drinking regime. An adult should drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If a pregnant woman develops pathologies, then the last point should be discussed with the doctor, since drinking plenty of fluids provokes the development of puffiness.

Exclude from the diet:

  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee drinks;
  • legumes;
  • white cabbage;
  • canned food;
  • marinades;
  • fresh wheat bread;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.


Many women gain excess weight during pregnancy, which impedes physical activity, causes drowsiness, worsens mood, and contributes to the development of hemorrhoids. To strengthen the abdominal muscles, improve well-being, and prevent stagnant processes, simple exercises will help:

  • lie on your back and raise your legs one by one. Then hold both legs in the air and spread them to the sides;
  • perform the "Scissors" exercise, alternately crossing the raised, straightened legs 10-15 times;
  • perform the exercise "Cat". Standing on all fours, bend and arch your back 10-15 times;
    sitting on a chair, keeping your back straight, strain the muscles of the anal canal for 5-10 seconds. Such exercises can be performed while standing.

The main thing is that gymnastics does not hurt. Overstraining is unacceptable here.
How to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the early and late stages, the doctor explains after the diagnosis. During this period, many pharmaceuticals and folk methods are contraindicated, therefore, self-medication is extremely dangerous for the unborn baby.

Many pregnant women suffer from such an unpleasant disease as external hemorrhoids. Therefore, the issue of treating external hemorrhoids during pregnancy is very relevant. This can be done with the help of candles and ointments, according to folk recipes and operational methods.


Causes of the disease

The growing fetus puts pressure on other organs and is one of the main reasons. In addition, insufficient blood circulation in the pelvic region and constipation contribute to the development of the disease.

The most susceptible to the disease are people leading an inactive lifestyle. Also, the disease often manifests itself and is aggravated during the carrying of a child.

In most cases, external hemorrhoids are diagnosed during the first or second pregnancy. And every woman asks the question how dangerous it is for the health of the baby.

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy almost do not manifest themselves in any way, but in the third trimester, women notice discomfort and. If, at the same time, the expectant mother suffers from frequent constipation, there may be a deterioration in general health, burning and itching, a feeling of a foreign body in the rectum. Unpleasant feelings are especially pronounced after long walking or strenuous physical activity.

In the third trimester, women report discomfort and pain in the anus.

The next stage of development is during bowel movement, and this process is accompanied by severe pain. If the knot has come out, the treatment process is facilitated. Some women associate their painful condition with an interesting situation and do not attach much importance to symptoms. But bloody footprints on toilet paper should be a reason to see a doctor.

The likelihood of external hemorrhoids increases as pregnancy progresses. From the thirty-first week, the fetus intensively adds weight, as a result of which the pressure on the lower pelvis increases and the pain intensifies. It is important to start treatment before childbirth, since there is a risk of blood loss during pushing, and stop it no later than thirty-eighth week.

If there is any suspicion of hemorrhoids, a pregnant woman should see a doctor. To make a diagnosis, a visual examination is carried out, as well as additional examinations and tests. Only after a thorough study of the disease can the treatment of the disease begin.

If you suspect hemorrhoids, a pregnant woman should see a doctor.

When detecting external hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you must follow a few simple rules. They are effective in the early stages of the disease and help to quickly cope with it:

  1. It is important to saturate the body with enough water. This is necessary for the formation of soft feces. They will not severely injure the damaged rectum. In addition, it is important to eat soup or borscht - for normal digestion.
  2. - foods should be balanced so that nutrients are supplied to the body in sufficient quantities. The diet should include food that has mild laxative and diuretic effects.
  3. To minimize the risk of blood stagnation and improve blood circulation, try to move as much as possible. The best option is walking in the fresh air.
  4. Maintaining hygiene. After each act of defecation, the pregnant woman should be washed off with running water. It is advisable to use a gel for intimate hygiene, created on the basis of natural ingredients. Such procedures not only protect against infections, but also strengthen the walls of the rectum, prevent cracks and bleeding.
  5. It is useful to do warm baths once a week with the addition of medicinal herbs. It is best to use medicinal chamomile. If the disease is accompanied by pain and itching, add a little manganese to the water.

Compliance with the above rules will allow you to quickly cure the disease. In addition, they will be a good prevention for healthy women.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy is carried out with drugs, traditional medicine recipes and with the help of radical measures.

There are many remedies and treatments for hemorrhoids in pregnant women.


Treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, especially after the thirty-first week, should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

He will diagnose, determine the severity of the disease and select a treatment regimen.

The most common medicine is Relief ointment, the main ingredient of which is shark liver. It quickly heals cracks and resolves hemorrhoids. The ointment is applied to the inside and outside of the rectum in the morning and evening. Also available in the form of candles, which have the same properties.

ointment "Relief"

Not a bad remedy - Hepatrombin G - suppositories or ointment. They are used in a similar way. Often, doctors prescribe Posterisan ointment to pregnant women. It contains special bacteria that are killed by phenol. Once in the body, they significantly increase immunity. In addition, the ointment can easily deal with the main symptoms of external hemorrhoids.

If, in addition to inflammation and itching, bleeding is observed, the drug Bezornil will help. It contains only natural ingredients, so it does not affect the development of the fetus. The medicine is quickly absorbed by the rectum and kills the disease-causing bacteria. A fairly common remedy is Fleming's ointment. Thanks to her, pain and itching in the anus are reduced, and the discomfort disappears.

Ointment "Bezornil"

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers effective methods of dealing with the disease. They are a good alternative to a medical preparation and allow you to cure hemorrhoids without harm to the patient, which is especially important during pregnancy. Possible options:

  1. A decoction of viburnum or rowan juice - they are consumed internally, provided that there is no allergy.
  2. Carrot decoction - strengthens weak vascular walls.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - has a wound healing effect.
  4. A mixture of honey and vegetable oil - the components should be melted, stirred, applied to a tampon and applied to the nodes overnight.
  5. Raw potatoes - a candle is cut out of it and inserted into the anus. The remedy effectively relieves pain.
  6. Warm baths with a decoction of calendula or onion peels - eliminate the symptoms of the disease.
  7. A decoction of lungwort herb - the plant should be crushed, filled with hot water, insisted, filtered and taken orally on a spoon three times a day.

Raw potatoes

Radical treatments

In some cases, treatment of external hemorrhoids in pregnant women may require serious measures. As a rule, this applies to those who suffered from the disease even before conceiving a child and did not treat him in any way. Pregnancy aggravates unpleasant symptoms and aggravates the course of the disease.

Surgical intervention is performed when hemorrhoids fall out, blood clots appear next to them. This is especially dangerous just before childbirth, as there is a high risk of rectal rupture. In order to avoid serious complications, it is advisable to apply radical measures to combat hemorrhoids.

Sometimes doctors resort to minimally invasive methods:

  1. Laser coagulation - the node dies off as a result of exposure to too high or low temperature.
  2. Alloying - the hemorrhoid is pinched by a special mechanism for its subsequent withering away.
  3. - introduction of a special preparation into the nodes to remove them.

Laser coagulation

If none of the methods are suitable, the doctor will prescribe an operation. But during pregnancy, this is done only in cases of urgent need.


So that you never have the question of how to treat external hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you should be engaged in the prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The main cause of the disease is frequent. Therefore, pay special attention to nutrition. Foods should be selected so that stools are regular and soft. Be sure to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and wheat bran. Fermented milk products give a good effect, especially together with dried apricots and prunes. Flour dishes should be excluded. Additionally, you can perform a set of gymnastic exercises recommended by your doctor. Do not forget about the drinking regime - you should drink one and a half liters of clean water per day. Whenever possible, lie on your back and place your feet above head level.

Walking for at least thirty minutes is helpful. For sedentary work, try to take breaks every forty-five minutes. For the duration of pregnancy, give up toilet paper, it is better to wash.

You can cure hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman. For this, it is important not to bring the disease to the last stage, but to consult a doctor in time.