How to avoid aging of the placenta. Premature aging of the placenta: causes, treatment, consequences

Premature aging of the placenta - this term is used by Russian doctors to frighten many expectant mothers. Why is this diagnosis so dangerous, on what basis is it made, and how is the pathology treated?

The placenta, and in the people - "child's place", is an organ that is formed in a pregnant woman and functions until the birth of a child. It is thanks to the placenta that the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the child is possible. And the development of the baby depends on the state of the placenta. If he does not have enough food, there is a high probability of a delay in his development, and in severe cases, even death.

How and why the placenta ages

During pregnancy, the placenta changes and slowly develops its resource. Doctors know 4 degrees of maturity of the placenta: 0,1,2,3. 0 - the placenta is in perfect order. Grade 3 usually occurs for a period of 38 weeks or more. These degrees are determined by the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics. The structure of the placenta, its structure and thickness are taken into account. Premature maturation of the placenta is set at the slightest deviation from the norm.

Why is the “child's place” for some women quickly “aging”? Usually a whole range of problems are to blame for this. This is the uncontrolled intake of various medicines (including dietary supplements, vitamins), viral diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, etc.), smoking, alcohol and drugs, etc. But more often the causes of premature aging of the placenta remain unclear ...

What is the danger of pathology and what are its consequences

Perhaps you need to start with how this diagnosis is correctly made. Many doctors write it without reason. And the maturation of the "child's place" is considered accelerated if the degree of maturity for a period of up to 32 weeks exceeds the second, or the doctor puts the third degree for a period of less than 36 weeks. And then, this "diagnosis" is not a diagnosis at all, but a point to which the doctor should pay attention, and, most likely, conduct an additional examination. And this is an ultrasound scan with a study of fetal blood flow and cardiotocography (CTG). That is, premature aging of the placenta at 32, 33, 34 weeks is not a sentence at all, and often not even a reason for worry. As for the incorrect diagnoses, our Russian doctors are very fond of talking about this pathology, exposing the first one for a period of up to 30 weeks instead of the zero degree of maturation. It is not right. What consequences of premature aging of the placenta are still possible? It all depends on how bad the condition of the placenta was and to what specific disorders in the development of the child it led. Most often, this is the birth of children with low birth weight.

How to treat?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to return the original state of the "child's seat". Many mothers, after reading about the dangers of premature aging of the placenta, ask their doctor to prescribe medications that will help the child get the nutrients and oxygen he lacks. But you need to try to do something only if there are signs of fetal suffering. And they are detected by Doppler ultrasound and CTG, ultrasound also helps in diagnosis, because it can be used to measure all parts of the child's body and say with a very high degree of probability whether he has a developmental delay. If so, and it is more than 2 weeks, the woman will be admitted to the hospital for treatment. In severe situations, a caesarean section may be offered before the onset

Premature aging of the placenta occurs for many reasons and can begin in any woman who is expecting a baby. This condition requires correction, but with a responsible attitude, it allows you to normally inform and give birth to a child. A pregnant woman must follow all the prescriptions of doctors and take care of her health.

Placenta functions

The placenta is an independent organ of the female body, unique in that it appears only during pregnancy. It has the shape of a disc and carries out intermediary functions between the body of the mother and the child. This organ works in two directions - it delivers oxygen, vitamins, trace elements and nutrients to the fetus, and at the same time removes its waste products.

The placenta completes formation in the first 12 weeks after the zygote is attached to the walls of the uterus. Up to 8 months, the placenta continues to grow simultaneously with the growth of the fetus. The organ serves as a connection between the fertilized cell and the mother's body, is a barrier against infections and harmful substances and protects the fetus from mechanical damage. The early development of the placenta ahead of normal indicators leads to the fact that the child does not receive the protection and nutrition he needs.

Causes of premature maturation of the placenta

One of the pathologies of pregnancy is considered to be premature (early) maturation of placental tissue, which threatens to undermaturity before the normal term. It can be caused by one or more factors that complicate the gestation process. It can be:

  • bad ecology;
  • complications and the threat of miscarriage due to abortion, endometritis, adenomyosis, fibroids;
  • diseases of a pregnant woman (somatic or endocrine);
  • functional disorders (cyst, adnexitis, other ovarian diseases);
  • infectious diseases, both genital and respiratory, rotavirus.

There is a high probability of early aging of the placenta in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertensive patients, with impaired renal function, hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Chronic gestosis increases the load on the uteroplacental complex and makes the child's place work with greater activity. In the first trimester, the body compensates for this load, and then the blood supply to the fetus deteriorates, and accelerated growth begins, and then premature maturation of the placenta.

The problem of premature development of the placental organ is characteristic of cases of isoserological incompatibility between mother and baby. When hemolytic disease occurs with different Rh factors in the blood, the fetus needs a more intense blood supply, the load on the organ increases, and the aging of the placenta is accelerated. Premature placental maturation poses a serious risk of termination of pregnancy.

The placenta matures early in women who smoke, as well as those who are overweight or underweight. Pathologies are also susceptible to those who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, exercise little, consume alcohol, drugs, as well as pregnant women who limit their diet, for example, who do not eat meat. The risk increases under hazardous working conditions: heavy physical exertion, strong vibration, chemicals, radiation. Early maturation of the placenta in the first and second trimesters can be compensated for.

Degrees and signs of premature aging of the placenta

The placenta normally develops on a schedule in accordance with the week of pregnancy:

  • formation and growth - in 1-2 trimesters;
  • active growth - for a period of 30-35 weeks;
  • maturity - at 35-39 weeks;
  • aging - until the moment of childbirth.

Doctors examine the state of the organ for a period of 5-6 months, and 21 weeks is considered the so-called equator. At this point, the placenta reaches a thickness of 23-30 mm, it is well developed and fixed on the wall of the uterus. If the maturity of the placenta occurs prematurely, this is considered a normal variant. Premature maturation sometimes begins as early as 27-29 weeks, but it does not require intervention - medical supervision is enough.

Further growth occurs with a regularity of 1-1.5 cm in 7 days. The thickness of the walls of the placenta reaches 36.5-46 mm at 8-9 months. If growth occurs faster, then the risk of aging of the placenta increases ahead of normal terms. This means that the woman's body and the child's place work with increased stress.

There are 3 degrees of pathology. The first degree means that the organ begins to age even in the phase of active growth. The second degree is found in the maturity phase of the placenta, during which gas exchange decreases, and the child may experience oxygen starvation. The third degree occurs when the aging organ begins to prepare for the birth process. Sometimes doctors have to resort to caesarean section to keep the baby alive.

In terms of well-being and external signs, a woman does not notice the development of pathology. It is possible to diagnose the accelerated maturation of the organ with the help of ultrasound, therefore it is so important not to miss the dates of the control examination.

Abdominal movements of the fetus can indicate the presence of abnormalities. If the child is too active or moves unusually little, then such changes indicate oxygen starvation. This is how the II and III stages of premature maturation of the placenta manifest themselves.

There are also cases of delayed development of the placental organ. Why this happens, doctors determine with the help of a comprehensive examination, but the reasons are identical - infections, chronic diseases, disturbances in the work of the hormonal and endocrine systems of the body. If the gestation period is long, then hospitalization is indicated with an immature placenta.

How dangerous is this phenomenon?

The first degree of premature aging of the placenta does not require urgent intervention, because does not threaten the life of a woman and the safety of pregnancy. It can become a reason for the development of hypotrophy - a slight growth retardation. The onset of the second degree is dangerous, when the old child's place is diagnosed for up to 32 weeks, or the third - earlier than 37. If the pathology progresses, then a weak degree threatens to turn into a more severe one, so it is important to see a doctor on time and follow his instructions.

The main danger is associated with pathology oxygen starvation of the fetus. With hypoxia, developmental delay, a decrease in the rate of development of the child are possible. The stronger the signs that the placenta has matured ahead of time, the higher the danger, because the blood supply to the child's place deteriorates, and such disorders can develop that lead to premature birth and, in rare cases, to the death of the fetus.

It is difficult to predict what the consequences are if the placenta matures prematurely. The process can be slowed down, but if you do not pay attention to this, the child will suffer. In severe cases, placental abruption begins, amniotic fluid departs, urgent medical attention is required. Early maturation in this case does not mean that the child will develop faster and better than normal. Indications for urgent medical attention are the cessation of the child's movements or his active movements.

Diagnostic measures

The maturation of the placenta is almost imperceptible to the expectant mother. It is also not determined by a blood test or external examination. Ultrasound helps to identify pathology. Instrumental methods can detect thickening of the walls of the organ, which is why routine screening is so important.

If suspicions arise, the doctor may prescribe an additional Doppler study. This technique allows you to check the state of placental blood flow, to assess whether the growing child is supplied with oxygen and nutrients enough. Doppler imaging helps control the stages of pregnancy.

By the state of the baby itself in the womb, it is also possible to judge the normal course of the pregnancy process. For this, cardiotocography is used - a method for monitoring the vital activity of the fetus. Doctors listen to his heartbeat, count movements, detect hypoxia and assess its degree. To clarify the diagnosis, a biochemical blood test of the expectant mother may be prescribed.

Treatment of early aging of the placenta

If a woman is diagnosed with early maturation of the placenta, doctors prescribe supportive therapy. Treatment consists in overcoming placental insufficiency and eliminating the problems that caused the pathology. It is necessary to eliminate harmful factors, quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke, treat infections, and fight late toxicosis.

If the cause of early aging is a woman's chronic disease, then it is necessary to adjust the intake of medicines or choose other drugs, strictly follow the diet. At the same time, funds are prescribed to improve placental blood flow. At this time, it is better to go to the hospital and be under constant medical supervision. Shows the intake of vitamins and drugs that reduce the tone of the uterus.

Features of pregnancy and childbirth management

With the right and careful attitude to your own health, the detection of an aging child's place will not be an obstacle to the successful prolongation of pregnancy. It is important to follow the doctor's prescriptions, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well and get good rest. The doctor, with the help of a blood test, will determine what the body is lacking, prescribe the intake of vitamins, drug therapy.

Premature aging of the placenta is a threatening condition. Any pregnant woman can face him. Why the "child's place" begins to lose its functions ahead of time and what to do with these, we will tell in this article.

How does a "child's place" mature?

A "baby's place", or placenta, is a temporary organ that is necessary for a woman and a child only during pregnancy. It has a spongy structure, one side tightly adheres to the wall of the uterus, from where it draws reserves of maternal blood, and the other through the umbilical cord connects to the fetus. The placenta performs protective functions, preventing the mixing of the mother's and baby's blood. She also acts as an intermediary in gas exchange and nutrition: through the placenta through a vein in the structure of the umbilical cord, the baby receives fresh blood with oxygen and vitamins, and through two arteries inside the umbilical cord, the child's waste products are returned to the placenta: urea, carbon dioxide, creatinine. The placenta produces hormones important for pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding.

A week after ovulation, the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity and its main task is to implant. This helps the chorionic membrane, which "grows" into the maternal endometrium. At the site of attachment, a chorion is formed, which is gradually transformed into the placenta. The formation of the "child's place" is completed by the 14-16th week of pregnancy. The young placenta takes its final shape by 20 weeks. Until the middle of pregnancy, the "baby seat" grows and expands. After that, it only slightly increases in thickness.

Indicate the first day of your last period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

The closer to childbirth, the less functional the placenta: it develops its resources, begins to age. First, its membranes become wavy, then disseminations of calcium salts appear in the placenta, then these inclusions become more extensive - the placenta becomes denser from spongy, begins to become thinner. All these processes fit into four degrees of maturity.

If the degrees replace each other in a timely manner, this does not pose any danger. If the placenta "fades away" too quickly, they speak of its premature aging.

Norms and deviations

A young and full of strength, the placenta is at zero maturity. This means that the resources of the "child's place" are not exhausted - the baby gets everything he needs for his development. Normally, zero maturity is recorded before 30 weeks of gestation.

The first degree of maturity of the placenta speaks of the changes that have begun: the proliferation of the network of vessels and tissues has stopped, the membrane becomes wavy. But the "child's place" performs its functions regularly - the baby is comfortable, and everything is enough. The first degree normally corresponds to a period of 30-34 weeks of pregnancy.

The second degree of maturity describes active regressive processes in the "child's place": a fragmentary thinning of the placenta may appear, its structure becomes denser, and calcium salt deposits appear. If the 2nd degree is set in the appropriate time frame, you do not have to worry - the placenta copes with its tasks without prejudice to the baby. The second degree will not be considered pathological if the gestational age is already 35–38 weeks.

Third degree - mature or old placenta. The structure, which previously resembled a rather flat cake, becomes lobular: lobes are determined, the membrane is uneven, salt deposits are clearly distinguishable. Usually grade 3 is recorded immediately before childbirth: in the last couple of weeks, and sometimes just a few days before childbirth.

If the doctor establishes an intermediate degree, for example, 0-1 or 1-2, it means that the ultrasound showed signs of a transition from one stage of development of the "child's place" to another, but the transition itself is not yet complete. With transitional degrees, most of all incomprehensible moments and misunderstandings usually arise. To make it easier to understand what is normal and what is not, you should know that 0-1 degree at 27-28 weeks of pregnancy is not a pathology, but a variant of the norm.

After 30 weeks, the doctor can diagnose both the first and the transitional (0-1) degree. But 1-2 degree at 32 weeks is an obvious pathology, since it is still about a month before the transition to the second degree. The onset of 3 degrees of maturity before 38 weeks is also an alarming and dangerous situation in which, most likely, a decision will be made about early delivery.

The greater the time gap between the norm and the real state of the placenta, the more dangerous the consequences can be.

Why is it dangerous?

Since the placenta is naturally entrusted with important functions of protection, nutrition, oxygen supply, as well as hormonal support for the pregnant woman's body, any changes in the structure of the placenta ahead of time can lead to serious complications. When aging is on time, it is physiological: the loss of some functions of the placenta, their decrease is compensated by the organisms of the mother and the fetus. This does not harm the child, since normally the extinction of the function proceeds rather smoothly.

If early maturation is observed, then the baby does not receive enough oxygen, the placenta copes worse with the removal of his waste products, he lacks nutrients. In addition, the placenta does not cope well with protective functions. The most common consequence of premature maturation for a child is hypoxia.

Against the background of oxygen deficiency, the baby's brain and nervous system suffer. Prolonged hypoxia can lead to the death of the child in utero. Often, it is intrauterine hypoxia that causes fetal developmental delays, gross violations of the central nervous system.

Children who suffered from hypoxia in the womb are more painful, they may have various neurological abnormalities, as well as dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, such children learn worse, disability is not excluded.

Lack of nutrients leads to a delay in the intrauterine development of the baby. She is diagnosed during pregnancy. The height, weight, length of the fetal limbs lag behind the normal values ​​typical for a particular gestational age. Often, the delay in physical development is accompanied by cerebral and metabolic disorders, which after birth is determined in the form of delays in mental and mental development. Against the background of starvation, various defects of the internal organs and the skeletal system of the baby can develop.

The slowed-down withdrawal of the waste products of the fetus by the early matured placenta creates a threat of intoxication, the death of the child. And a decrease in the barrier functions of the "child's place" can lead to infection of the crumbs with dangerous viruses that can easily penetrate through the bloodstream to the baby. Intrauterine infection is a condition that is regarded as a threat to a child's life.

What is the reason?

The placenta ripens early for a variety of reasons. Most often, doctors are faced with such a phenomenon as premature aging of the placenta in women who, while carrying a baby, continue to smoke or cannot deny themselves the pleasure of taking alcoholic beverages. For women who amuse themselves with the hope that "light" cigarettes are not dangerous, and red wine is useful, such a pathology after 30 weeks of pregnancy occurs quite often.

However, the absence of bad habits during and before pregnancy does not guarantee that problems with the placenta will not arise. The maturation of the "child's place" ahead of time may be a consequence of a past viral infectious disease, for example, SARS or influenza in the early stages, as well as infections that are sexually transmitted.

Pregnant women with Rh negative blood, provided that they are carrying a baby with a positive Rh factor, may develop a Rh conflict, in which the placenta begins to suffer almost at the stage of formation. Its early maturation is often a consequence of those immune processes that take place during a conflict in the body of a future mother.

If a woman had diabetes before pregnancy or acquired gestational diabetes while carrying a baby, the chances of the placenta aging quickly is much higher.

With such ailments, placental hyperplasia (an increase in its thickness) is usually observed, which almost always leads to an early loss of its functions. Early aging of the "child's place" also occurs in women who have had several abortions: the thinned endometrium in this case cannot ensure the normal development of the placenta. In this case, it is initially thinner and ages much faster.

Chronic diseases of the expectant mother, especially if they relate to the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels, as well as blood clotting disorders, increase the likelihood of premature maturation of the "child's place".

Many medications can negatively affect the rate of maturation of the placenta, which is why expectant mothers are strongly advised not to take any medications unless approved by her attending physician. Also, the contact of the expectant mother with toxic substances, varnishes and paints, solvents, bleaches and other chemicals affects the placental tissues and blood vessels. Working in hazardous and hazardous industries increases the likelihood of negative changes in the rate of maturation of the placenta.

Premature aging of the placenta is more often observed in women who live in large cities with unfavorable environmental conditions than in women who live in a village or small town where there are no large city-forming industrial enterprises. And also pathology, according to the observations of doctors, is inherited - from mother to daughter.

Gestosis (late toxicosis) quite often leads to the aging of the "child's place" earlier than the established terms. Dangerous from the point of view of the likelihood of developing a pathological condition and changes in blood pressure in the expectant mother, hypertension. If a pregnant woman at any stage of pregnancy has had even minor placental abruptions or has a “child's seat” presentation, the risk of early maturation is several times higher than in women who do not have such problems during pregnancy.

When carrying twins or triplets, the risk of early maturation is higher than with a singleton pregnancy. And in women with hormonal problems, placental abnormalities are almost always found to one degree or another, including an old placenta at an inappropriate gestational age.

Symptoms and signs, diagnosis

There is no way to feel the degree of maturity of the placenta, as well as to determine its thickness and other parameters. Accelerated maturation of the "child's place" proceeds completely without symptoms. That is why it is important to regularly visit a doctor, undergo all the examinations due to the date, take tests and do an ultrasound scan. The sooner the anomaly is detected, the more favorable the doctors' predictions for the forthcoming treatment will be.

Signs of premature aging of the placenta at a later date, when the consequences of fetoplacental insufficiency are already manifested, are mainly felt as a change in the baby's motor activity. The initial stage of hypoxia is indicated by increased activity: the baby's movements become sharp, and can cause severe pain to the pregnant woman. So the baby is trying to massage the placenta with the arms and legs, trying to get more oxygen.

Prolonged hypoxia is manifested by the opposite signs - the baby almost stops moving. It enters a mode of saving oxygen and nutrients, trying to use as little energy as possible. The complete cessation of movements may be a sign of the death of the baby.

Only a doctor can establish the fact of hypoxia, delayed intrauterine development of the fetus, its intoxication and other unsuccessful conditions. That is why it is so important not to miss visits to the antenatal clinic.

When the baby's behavior changes, the woman is prescribed a study of the placenta and the characteristics of the uteroplacental blood flow for ultrasound, ultrasound, and CTG. Cardiotocography, which can be performed from 28-29 weeks of pregnancy, can give a fairly accurate answer to the question of whether the baby has changes in condition.

The degree of maturity of the placenta is established by ultrasound, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. At earlier stages, neither the thickness of the "child's place", nor its characteristics of maturity have a diagnostic value.


Despite the fact that the consequences can be quite serious, a woman should not panic: premature aging of the placenta is always more favorable than her pathological immaturity. With early detection of pathology, doctors can help the baby and his mother. Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital setting.

The choice of tactics of action depends on the period. If the premature maturation of the placenta is detected at 31-35 weeks of pregnancy, then the doctors are trying to do everything possible to preserve it and prolong it, because the baby at this time is not yet ready to be born. The woman in the hospital is monitored, they provide the necessary therapy, they do CTG every day to find out if the condition and well-being of the baby has changed. An ultrasound scan is done every few days to monitor the processes occurring in the placental structures.

If the gestational age is more than 36 weeks, then, with a high degree of probability, doctors will decide on an early delivery: stimulation of labor or a cesarean section. Although, if the degree of deviation from the norm is small, they can put on preservation and try for at least two more weeks to support the baby inside the mother's womb with medication so that he has time to gain weight.

The standard treatment regimen contains antispasmodic drugs (Papavern, No-shpa) to reduce the contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus. To improve blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system, Curantil and Actovegin are used both in tablets and in the form of intravenous drip. Vitamin preparations are used to compensate for the baby's nutritional deficiency. If you suspect fetal hypoxia, a woman is recommended oxygen cocktails.

If infectious diseases become the cause of the premature maturation of the "child's place", in parallel with the standard regimen, the woman is prescribed appropriate treatment with antiviral or antibacterial drugs. With late toxicosis, diuretics are prescribed to reduce swelling, and drugs to lower blood pressure if the expectant mother has hypertension.

If systematic observations of the baby indicate the slightest negative changes in his condition, preserving therapy is canceled and an emergency delivery is performed. This is necessary in order to save the child's life.

It is necessary to give up smoking, alcohol, uncontrolled intake of medications in advance - antibiotics, anticonvulsants, hormones, including contraceptives, are especially dangerous.

If a woman is being treated with such means or is protected with oral hormonal contraceptives, before conceiving a baby, you should consult a doctor and take the necessary tests to avoid problems in the future.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, it is important to monitor your diet, avoid contact with toxic substances, radioactive radiation, and do not work the night shift, since lack of sleep leads to hormonal disturbances. If bloody discharge appears at any time, you need to consult a doctor to exclude placental abruption, and get the necessary treatment if it occurs.

A woman should breathe fresh air, walk, if the weather permits, sleep with an open window. The more oxygen she receives herself, the more she can give it to her baby through placental blood flow. You should also avoid viral infections, carrying out correct and timely prevention of influenza and ARVI, especially during periods of mass morbidity.

Sometimes placental maturity occurs earlier than the corresponding perinatal period. This phenomenon is called premature aging of the placenta. Pathology negatively affects the development of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Why is the placenta aging? What factors provoke this process? How to diagnose and correctly treat pathology?

What is premature maturation of the placenta

What is premature aging of the placenta? This question is asked by almost every woman who is waiting for the birth of a baby.

In gynecology, this definition hides a condition in which the growth of the placenta slows down or completely stops. Consequently, its functional activity occurs.

This condition is extremely dangerous, because the following functions of the placenta are blocked:

  • ensuring gas exchange for the child;
  • removal of waste products of the child;
  • transport of essential nutrients;
  • protection of the fetus;
  • synthesis of some hormones that are necessary for the proper development of the child.

Premature aging of the placenta requires treatment and constant monitoring by doctors.

Why the placenta is aging too early

The reasons that provoke the aging of the placenta during pregnancy:

  • late - pathology that occurs in the second half of the perinatal period;
  • toxic poisoning of the mother's body;
  • negative Rh factor in a woman, presence with a fetus;
  • surgical intervention that was carried out on the uterus - the presence of scars;
  • abuse of nicotine and alcoholic beverages;
  • pathology of the excretory system and kidneys;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels in a woman;
  • liver disease;
  • several fetuses in the uterus;
  • past abortions;
  • and wrong work;
  • the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the uterus.

A woman's history of one or more factors from the above list puts a woman at risk for the likelihood of early aging of the placenta.


As a rule, this pathology does not have pronounced symptoms. It is possible to diagnose premature aging of the placenta only with help.

During this procedure, the following signs of pathology are noted:

  • decrease in the thickness of the walls of the placenta;
  • the appearance of calcifications;
  • fetal pathology.

In the first half of pregnancy, the placenta has a thick wall that is densely penetrated with blood vessels.

With an increase in gestational age, this indicator decreases, and the placenta becomes thinner.

Against the background of a decrease in thickness, blotches of special calcium salts appear, which interfere with normal blood flow. Consequently, the baby is not getting enough oxygen and nutrients.

As a rule, with premature aging of the placenta, the fetus. Its size does not correspond to the perinatal period. There is insufficient motor activity of the fetus and a slow heartbeat.

Placenta maturity

In the process of maturation of the placenta, 4 degrees are distinguished. Each of them corresponds to a certain period and has characteristic symptoms.

Degree of maturity Corresponding gestational age Characteristic
0 2 - 30 weeks A gradual increase in the placenta due to the growth of the chorion. In ultrasound examination it is characterized as a homogeneous structure.
1 30-34 week The collagen content increases in the stroma. There is a slight compaction of the tissues of the placenta. During ultrasound examination, small inclusions are noted.
2 35-39 week The placenta becomes dense. It is permeated with a large number of inclusions that are clearly visible on ultrasound.
3 From week 37 In the structure of the placenta, distinct lobules appear. The thickness and volume of the shell is significantly reduced.

Early aging of the placenta is worth talking about when the 1st degree of maturity is diagnosed before the 27th week of pregnancy.

Than threatens

Rapid aging of the placenta negatively affects the intrauterine development of the child. Pathologies that may arise against the background of premature aging:

  • intrauterine growth retardation of the child;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • child.

There are no negative consequences for the woman's body with this pathology. It does not affect the general well-being and does not cause discomfort.

If premature aging of the placenta was detected at 32 weeks, the consequences will not be so severe. As a rule, a woman is not even prescribed special treatment.


The assumption that the placenta is aging prematurely can be made by a specialist with a planned ultrasound examination.

Detection of morphological changes in the structure of a child's place is the reason for an additional comprehensive examination.

The pregnant woman receives referrals for the following procedures:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (in particular the uterus and placenta);
  • uteroplacental blood flow.

Ultrasound examination allows you to determine such signs as:

  • structural changes in the placenta;
  • thickening of tissues;
  • the appearance of salt inclusions;
  • change in shell thickness;
  • the formation of lobules.

Doppler is aimed at examining the vessels of the placenta. With this procedure, the rate of placental blood flow and the quality of the blood supply to the fetus can be determined.

Treatment methods

Treatment of premature aging of the placenta is aimed at slowing down the rate of development of pathology. Therapy includes:

  • following a balanced diet;
  • reducing anxiety and stress, maintaining psycho-emotional calm;
  • walks in the open air;
  • taking medications to improve placental blood flow.

It is impossible to restore the placental structure. Therefore, all actions are aimed at maintaining the condition of the mother and child.

Treatment includes closer monitoring of the intrauterine state of the fetus.

With a sharp deterioration in performance, a woman is carried out. In this case, it is possible to leave the child in a special box and save his life.

Forecast and prevention

The earlier the problem is diagnosed, the more favorable the prognosis for the course of pregnancy.

If earlier aging of the placenta corresponds to 3 degrees of maturity before 37 weeks of the perinatal period, an emergency caesarean section is recommended.

Prevention recommendations:

  • pregnancy must be planned;
  • at the planning stage, future parents are advised to take tests and treat existing diseases;
  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle (walks, exercise);
  • attending routine consultations with a doctor;
  • timely passage of all recommended tests and examinations;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women;
  • good nutrition.

Any pregnancy is accompanied by aging of the placenta. If this process proceeds on time, it is not dangerous.

If the process proceeds faster than the corresponding gestational age, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Correct therapy allows you to minimize the risk of developing pathologies in a child.

Informative video: premature aging of the placenta

Premature aging of the placenta is the appearance of changes in it that occur in it and
normal, but at a later date. To understand what aging of the placenta is, you need to understand what its maturation is. The placenta is an organ that exists only during the period of intrauterine development of the child and
connects the baby with his mother. An exchange of nutrients, oxygen takes place in the placenta, it
removes all unnecessary and harmful substances for the child, protects him from infections, poisons and toxins.
As pregnancy progresses, the placenta first grows actively and then stops
grow, and changes begin to occur in it, which the doctor sees on ultrasound and judges by them
about the maturity of the placenta. Maturation of the placenta is an inevitable and natural process, this is not a pathology, but the norm, and only when the aging of the placenta during pregnancy occurs, ahead of normal
terms, we have to talk about pathology. Early aging of the placenta leads to the fact that the baby does not
can get what he needs in sufficient quantity, and this leads not only to a delay
development, but also to hypoxia, which can cause the death of a child in childbirth or even before
them. Aging of the placenta in pregnant women, detected too early, is an indication for
more careful observation, additional examinations, and may require treatment. Signs of premature aging of the placenta Signs of aging of the placenta are determined by the doctor during an ultrasound examination and
histological examination of the placenta after childbirth. I must say that ultrasound is enough
subjective research method, and one doctor on one machine can put you on aging
placenta grade 2, and the other to see the aging of the placenta grade 2-3. Ultrasound data only
mean the need for additional research, CTG of the fetus, if the changes are not
meet the deadline. With ultrasound, the tissues of the placenta become denser by the end of pregnancy, new vessels are no longer
appear, the border between the placenta and the wall of the uterus is more and more clearly traced, in the placenta
even calcium is deposited, which is visible on ultrasound as small white inclusions. At first
the placenta becomes wider and thicker as it develops, and by the last weeks of pregnancy
the thickness of the placenta decreases slightly. What does aging placenta mean? Aging of the placenta means only a decrease in its functionality. Let's say
the placenta with a zero degree of maturity can grow, but with the second degree it no longer grows
will, and therefore not be able to supply the baby with more blood and more oxygen, if it is
would need. Stages of aging of the placenta The degree of aging of the placenta is divided by weeks of pregnancy normally as follows: - Up to 30 weeks of gestation, the degree of maturity is zero. Grade 1 aging of the placenta, identified before
30 weeks of pregnancy does not mean complete disaster, but it is the reason that you will be
patronize more. - From 31 to 34 weeks of gestation, degree of maturity 1. Most often, aging of the placenta is detected on
32 weeks, when conducting a routine screening ultrasound. As a rule, this is the third ultrasound scan for
pregnancy, and if they tell you that you have 1-2, or even 2 degrees of maturity, do not worry too much
worth it, it is quite common. Premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks by ultrasound
most often diagnosed in pregnant women who have had ARVI, and of course, it
it is natural if you allow yourself to smoke. As an additional examination clarifying the state of the fetus, you will most likely be prescribed cardiotocography, this is a method that
records the change in the baby's heartbeat in response to uterine contractions, and helps to identify
hypoxia in its early stages. - From 35 weeks to 39 weeks of gestation, degree of maturity 2. Premature aging
placenta grade 3 after 37 weeks means, if the child is suffering, the soonest
delivery, pregnancy is already full-term. - From 37 weeks of gestation onwards, a degree of maturity 3 is possible, it does not happen in all women.
Aging of the placenta of the 3rd degree does not mean that it will not necessarily cope with the functions, give birth
healthy children even with such changes. Early aging of the placenta is the appearance of changes in it earlier than these terms. Late aging
the placenta also happens and is not the norm. Most often, these children are found to have developmental defects. Aging of the placenta, causes The causes of aging of the placenta are its hard work. For example, if the expectant mother smokes -
the placenta has to work very hard to protect the baby as much as possible, the same
takes place in gas-polluted cities. If the mother does not eat properly, the placenta is intense
works, not letting harmful substances to the child. If mom gets sick, the placenta protects
child from infections. All these efforts force the placenta to develop faster, respectively.
she also gets old earlier. The causes of early, premature aging of the placenta may be associated with complications
pregnancy itself, for example, if you have toxicosis, and with the presence of chronic diseases,
heart, lungs, kidneys, with arterial hypertension.
If the placenta is aging due to an infectious disease, it is quite possible
such combinations as polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios and aging of the placenta. Aging of the placenta, consequences What is the danger of aging of the placenta? The consequences of premature aging of the placenta are the possible retention of intrauterine
development of the fetus due to the fact that he will not have enough nutrients. But especially
danger of premature aging of the placenta, which can lead to intrauterine hypoxia
fetus, this is a lack of oxygen in the child, that is, the baby in the uterus simply suffocates. It threatens
even asphyxiation, death from suffocation, if measures are not taken in a timely manner. But worth
understand that, nevertheless, the rapid aging of the placenta does not necessarily mean that it will not be functionally consistent, it can cope with
their work. Treatment for early aging of the placenta How to treat premature aging of the placenta? There is no one for all the same treatment regimen, the placenta cannot be cured, it can only be
support. Treatment for premature aging of the placenta is reduced to the appointment of rest,
vitamins, elimination of the causes that led to aging, drugs such as
chime, actovegin. The task is to facilitate the work of the placenta and improve blood circulation in it.